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Substantive addition of antibiotic-contaminated manure to agricultural soil may lead to “persistent” residues of antibiotics and may affect soil health. Therefore, this study examines the effects of repeated manure treatments containing sulfadiazine (SDZ) and chlortetracycline (CTC) residues, both individually and combined, on the functional diversity and structure of soil microbial communities in the soils under laboratory conditions. The average well color development (AWCD), Simpson diversity index (1/D, dominant populations), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H′, richness), and McIntosh diversity index (U, evenness) in the antibiotics-treated soils decreased in the first 60-day treatment and then gradually recovered or even exceeded the initial level in the unamended soils with increasing treatment frequency. A total of 11 specific bands in temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) profiles were observed and sequence analyzed for five repeated treatments, and most of them belonged to the phyla Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria. These results indicate that repeated treatments of manure containing SDZ and CTC residues can alter soil microbial community structure, although they have a temporary suppression effect on soil microbial functional diversity.  相似文献   

研究了除草剂丁草胺和重金属镉(Cd)复合污染对两种土壤呼吸强度的影响及其随时间的动态变化.结果表明,单一污染中,丁草胺和Cd对土壤呼吸强度的影响,随土样不同而异,随农药浓度及培养时间的变化而变化;复合污染中,两种土样的复合污染对土壤呼吸强度的影响存在明显的交互作用,与单一污染相比,对土壤呼吸强度的影响依次表现为:丁草胺>Cd与丁草胺复合污染>Cd.建立了丁草胺和Cd在不同浓度配比下对土壤呼吸强度影响的多元回归分析模型.  相似文献   

The impact of pesticides, namely thiobencarb (TBC), molinate (MOL) and chlorpyrifos (CPF), on soil microbial processes was studied in two Australian soils. Substrate induced respiration (SIR), substrate induced nitrification (SIN) and phosphatases and chitinase enzymatic activities were assessed during a 30-day microcosm study. The pesticides were applied to soils at recommended rates either alone, or as binary mixtures with TBC. Soil samples were sampled at 5, 15 and 30 days after pesticide treatments. Substrate induced respiration was only transiently affected by pesticides in both soils. In contrast, the process of indigenous nitrification was affected by the presence of pesticides in both soils, especially when the pesticides were applied as binary mixtures. Substrate induced nitrification increased with pesticides in the Griffith soil (except with MOL+TBC after 5 days) whereas SIN values were non-significantly different to the control on the Coleambally soil. The binary mixtures of pesticides with TBC resulted in a decrease in SIN in both soils, but the effects disappeared within 30 days. The enzymatic activities were not consistently affected by pesticides, and varied with the soil and pesticides studied. This study showed that, when applied at recommended application rates, TBC, MOL, and CPF (individually or as binary mixtures), had little or only transitory effects on the functional endpoints studied. However, further investigations are needed to assess the effect on microbial densities and community structure despite the low disturbance to the functions noted in this work.  相似文献   

Guo H  Yao J  Cai M  Qian Y  Guo Y  Richnow HH  Blake RE  Doni S  Ceccanti B 《Chemosphere》2012,87(11):1273-1280
The influence of petroleum contamination on soil microbial activities was investigated in 13 soil samples from sites around an injection water well (Iw-1, 2, 3, 4) (total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH): 7.5-78 mg kg−1), an oil production well (Op-1, 2, 3, 4, 5) (TPH: 149-1110 mg kg−1), and an oil spill accident well (Os-1, 2, 3, 4) (TPH: 4500-34 600 mg kg−1). The growth rate constant (μ) of glucose stimulated organisms, determined by microcalorimetry, was higher in Iw soil samples than in Op and Os samples. Total cultivable bacteria and fungi and urease activity also decreased with increasing concentration of TPH. Total heat produced demonstrated that TPH at concentrations less than about 1 g kg−1 soil stimulated anaerobic respiration. A positive correlation between TPH and soil organic matter (OM) and stimulation of fungi-bacteria-urease at low TPH doses suggested that TPH is bound to soil OM and slowly metabolized in Iw soils during OM consumption. These methods can be used to evaluate the potential of polluted soils to carry out self-bioremediation by metabolizing TPH.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of nonextractable residues (NER) of pesticides in soil is still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of NER ageing and fresh soil addition on the microbial communities responsible for their mineralisation. Soil containing either 15 or 90-day-old NER of 13C-2,4-D (NER15 and NER90, respectively) was incubated for 90 days with or without fresh soil. The addition of fresh soil had no effect on the mineralisation of NER90 or of SOM, but increased the extent and rate of NER15 mineralisation. The analyses of 13C-enriched FAME (fatty acids methyl esters) profiles showed that the fresh soil amendment only influenced the amount and structure of microbial populations responsible for the biodegradation of NER15. By coupling biological and chemical analyses, we gained some insight into the nature and the biodegradability of pesticide NER.  相似文献   

Brahushi F  Dörfler U  Schroll R  Munch JC 《Chemosphere》2004,55(11):1477-1484
The reductive dechlorination and behaviour of 14C-hexachlorobenzene (HCB) was investigated in an arable soil. The activity of the native anaerobic microbial communities could be induced by saturating the soil with water. Under these conditions high rates of dechlorination were observed. After 20 weeks of incubation only 1% of the applied 14C-HCB could be detected in the fraction of extractable residues. Additional organic substances, like wheat straw and lucerne straw, however considerably delayed and reduced the dechlorination process in the soil. The decline of HCB was not only caused by dechlorination but also by the formation of non-extractable residues, whereby their amounts varied with time depending on the experimental conditions. Several dechlorination products were detected, indicating the following main HCB transformation pathway: HCB → PCB → 1,2,3,5-TeCB → 1,3,5-TCB → 1,3-DCB, with 1,3,5-TCB as main intermediate dechlorination product. The other TeCB-, TCB- and DCB-isomers were also detected in low amounts, showing the presence of more than one dechlorination pathway. Since the methane production rates were lowest when the dechlorination rates were highest, it can be assumed that methanogenic bacteria were not involved in the dechlorination process of HCB. The established 14C-mass balances show, that with increasing dechlorination and incubation times, the 14C-recoveries decreased.  相似文献   

Hotspots and coldspots of concentration and biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) marginally overlapped at the 0.5-100 m scale in a creosote contaminated soil in southern Sweden, suggesting that concentration and biodegradation had little spatial co-variation. Biodegradation was substantial and its spatial variability considerable and highly irregular, but it had no spatial autocorrelation. The soil concentration of PAHs explained only 20-30% of the variance of their biodegradation. Soil respiration was spatially autocorrelated. The spatial uncoupling between biodegradation and soil respiration seemed to be governed by the aging of PAHs in the soil, since biodegradation of added 13C phenanthrene covaried with both soil respiration and microbial biomass. The latter two were also correlated with high concentrations of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) that are common in gram-negative bacteria. However, several of the hotspots of biodegradation coincided with hotspots for the distribution of a PLFA indicative of fungal biomass.  相似文献   


The persistence of two insecticidally active compounds from the neem tree, azadirachtin A and B, was determined at two different temperatures (15 and 25°C) in the laboratory after application of the commercial neem insecticide, Margosan‐O, to a sandy loam soil. The influence of microbial activity on degradation was also examined by comparing autoclaved and non‐autoclaved soils also at 15 and 25°C. Temperature influenced degradation rates. The DT 50 (time required for 50% disappearance of the initial concentration) for azadirachtin A was 43.9 and 19.8 d for non‐autoclaved soil kept at 15 and 25°C, respectively. The DT 50 for azadirachtin B was 59.2 and 20.8 d for non‐autoclaved soil kept at 15 and 25°C, respectively. Microbial activity was also responsible for faster degradation because DT 50 ’s for autoclaved soil were much longer than for non‐autoclaved soils. DT 50 s for azadirachtin A in autoclaved soil were 91.2 (15°C) and 31.5 d (25°C). DT50’s for azadirachtin B in autoclaved soil were 115.5 (15°C) and 42.3 d (25°C). Two degradation products of azadirachtin were detected, but were not identified. Higher levels of the two degradation products were detected in non‐autoclaved soil.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the distribution of exogenous HCB and DDT among different soil organic matter fractions were studied under sterile and non-sterile conditions, different soil water contents, and different concentrations of added Cu(2+). The residence time was 311days. Soil organic matter was fractionated into fulvic acid (FA), humic acid (HA), bound-humic acid (BHA), lipid, and insoluble residue (IR) fractions by a methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) method. Results revealed that there is a mass transfer tendency of DDT and HCB from FA, HA and BHA to IR and lipid fractions with increasing residence time. Microbial activity accelerated the mass transfer, while the addition of Cu(2+) slowed it down. The HCB and DDT transfer rate decreased as the soil moisture increased from 1.9% to 60%, but increased when soil moisture increased further to 90%. A two-compartment first order kinetic model was used to describe the mass transfer from FA, HA and BHA.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of different concentrations of nitrate and ammonium in irrigation water on the mobilization of Zn and Cu in repacked soil columns with a metal-polluted topsoil and unpolluted subsoils over two and a half years. Soil solution samples were collected by suction cups installed at vertical distances of a few centimeters and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), Cu, and Zn (total and labile). During high N treatments the pH decreased and the presence of exchangeable cations resulted in Zn mobilization from the surface soil. The nitrogen input stimulated the biological activity, which affected both concentration and characteristics of DOC and consequently Cu speciation. Metal leaching through the boundary between the polluted topsoil and the unpolluted subsoils increased soil-bound and dissolved metals within the uppermost 2 cm in the subsoils. Our study shows that agricultural activities involving nitrogen fertilization can have a strong influence on metal leaching and speciation.  相似文献   


The influence of 11 formulated and technical insecticides at 10 μg/g soil on growth and activities of microorganisms was determined. The populations of bacteria and fungi initially decreased with some pesticide treatments but recovered rapidly to levels similar to or greater than those of controls after three weeks. Both formulated and technical chlordane, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin stimulated fungal growth. No inhibition on nitrification after two wks and sulfur oxidation after three wks was observed in treatments with either grade of insecticide. The effect of different treatments on respiration was equal to or greater than that of control sample. Less effect was observed with technical insecticides than the formulated ones on microbial populations and activities in the soil.  相似文献   

In the present work, the relationships between plant consortia, consisting of 1-4 metallicolous pseudometallophytes with different metal-tolerance strategies (Thlaspi caerulescens: hyperaccumulator; Jasione montana: accumulator; Rumex acetosa: indicator; Festuca rubra: excluder), and their rhizosphere microbial communities were studied in a mine soil polluted with high levels of Cd, Pb and Zn. Physiological response and phytoremediation potential of the studied pseudometallophytes were also investigated. The studied metallicolous populations are tolerant to metal pollution and offer potential for the development of phytoextraction and phytostabilization technologies. T. caerulescens appears very tolerant to metal stress and most suitable for metal phytoextraction; the other three species enhance soil functionality. Soil microbial properties had a stronger effect on plant biomass rather than the other way around (35.2% versus 14.9%). An ecological understanding of how contaminants, ecosystem functions and biological communities interact in the long-term is needed for proper management of these fragile metalliferous ecosystems.  相似文献   

The project MONARPOP analysed the concentrations of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in two important sink compartments, needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and forest soil from 40 remote Alpine forest sites in Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland.In the present study the load of PCDD/F, PCB, PBDE, PAH, HCB, HCH and DDT in the Alps calculated on the basis of measured data are compared with their estimated emissions in the Alpine region. It comes out that the masses of the studied pollutants stored in the forests are higher than the corresponding emissions in the Alpine area indicating that the Alps are a sink for POPs advected from surrounding areas. It is assumed that local emissions of PCDD/F and PAH deriving from biomass burning are probably underestimated and that the pool of these pollutants in the forests represents the accumulation over some decades.  相似文献   

Soil acidification was assessed in the Eastern Sudetes Mountains (Czech Republic) between 1941 and 2003, i.e. before and after the period of major industrial pollution (1950s-1990s). The twenty sites included in our study were distributed along a gradient of altitude ranging 1000 m. Values of pH have decreased in 80-90% of the pairs of samples after the six decades, on average by 0.7 for pH-H2O and 0.6 for pH-KCl. Organic matter increased in the topsoil, probably reflecting a change in decomposition conditions. The most important finding is that the acidification varies along the joint gradient of altitude/tree layer composition, and displays a changing pattern in three soil horizons (A, B and C). Contrary to expectations, most acidified were soils in beech forests at lower elevations.  相似文献   

We designed a microcosm experiment to assess the influence of inoculation with Eisenia foetida earthworms and the establishment of an Avena sativa cover crop on biological (enzyme activities and labile carbon fractions) soil quality indicators in a soil treated with a composted organic residue, and to determine the contribution of these treatments to carbon dioxide emissions from the soil to the atmosphere of the microcosm. The microcosms were incubated for 53 days under 28 °C/18 °C day/night temperatures. The addition of earthworms and the planting of A. sativa increased dehydrogenase activity of compost amended soil by about 44% after 23 days of incubation. The metabolic potential, calculated as the ratio dehydrogenase activity/water soluble C, was higher in the compost amended soil planted with A. sativa. The highest total amount of CO2–C evolved occurred in the soil treated with composted residue and earthworms (about 40% of the total amount of CO2 evolved came from earthworm activity). The planting of A. sativa increased the decomposition rate constant of organic matter in the amended soil but decreased the potentially mineralizable C pool. In conclusion, the establishment of an A. sativa cover crop and the addition of E. foetida to a degraded agricultural soil treated with composted residue were effective treatments for improving the biological and biochemical quality and the metabolic potential of the soil.  相似文献   

This article presents evidence demonstrating that the historical use of leaded gasoline and lead (Pb) in exterior paints in Australia has contaminated urban soils in the older inner suburbs of large cities such as Sydney and Melbourne. While significant attention has been focused on Pb poisoning in mining and smelting towns in Australia, relatively little research has focused on exposure to Pb originating from inner-city soil dust and its potential for childhood Pb exposures. Due to a lack of systematic blood lead (PbB) screening and geochemical soil Pb mapping in the inner cities of Australia, the risks from environmental Pb exposure remain unconstrained within urban population centres.  相似文献   

The effects of pesticides (a herbicide and a fungicide) on the microbial community structure and their activity were analyzed in soil from four alpine pasture grasslands in Slovakia. Specifically, the effects of the herbicide, Gesagard (prometryn active ingredient), and fungicide, Fundazol 50 WP (benomyl active ingredient), on the microbial respiration activity (CO2 production), the numbers of selective microbial physiological groups (CFU.g?1) and the structure (relative abundance) of soil microbial communities [(phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA)] were analyzed under controlled laboratory conditions. All treatments including the treatments with pesticides increased (statistically significantly) the production of CO2 in all fields during 21 days of incubation and posed a statistically insignificant negative influence on the numbers of the observed physiological groups of microorganisms. The significantly negative influence was evaluated only in the numbers of two physiological groups; spores of bacteria utilizing organic nitrogen and bacteria, and their spores utilizing inorganic nitrogen. A shift in the microbial composition was evident when the PLFA patterns of samples from different sites and treatments were compared by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). According to the second component PCA 2 (15.95 %) the locations were grouped into two clusters. The first one involved the Donovaly and Dubakovo sites and the second one contained the Velka Fatra and Mala Fatra locations. The PLFA composition of the soils showed important changes after the treatment with pesticides according to PCA 1 (66.06 %). Other treatments had not had a significant effect on the soil microbial community with the exception of the population of fungi. The lower relative abundance (significant effect) of Gram-positive bacteria, actinomycetes and general group of bacteria were determined in samples treated by the herbicide Gesagard. The application of fungicide Fundazol decreased (statistically significantly) the relative abundance of actinomycetes and general group of bacteria and paradoxically increased the population of fungi.  相似文献   

This study focuses on magnetic susceptibility processing and analysis towards fast and cost-efficient discrimination and semi-quantification of anthropogenic heavy metal loads in soil. Spatial variability of magnetic susceptibility was investigated on sets of soil cores from both “polluted” and “less polluted” forest soil close to a steel mill near Leoben, Austria. Test sites of ∼10 m2 represent “site scale” dimensions. Statistical analysis of magnetic data provides a boundary depth indicating the transition from the “polluted” to the deeper, “unpolluted” zone in contaminated natural soil. Introduction of a block master curve simplifies the complex variations of individual curves, and represents magnetic susceptibility at “site scale”. For linking the block master curve to heavy metals we only require magnetic susceptibility data from one soil core and heavy metal data from two sub-samples from the same core. Our optimized magnetic susceptibility data processing scheme provides an applicable tool to semi-quantify anthropogenic heavy metal loads in soil.  相似文献   

采煤沉陷区耕地土壤微生物数量及酶活性的空间特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外调查和采样分析,研究了焦作矿区韩王矿沉陷区不同沉陷部位和不同深度耕地的土壤微生物数量及酶活性特征。研究结果表明:与对照区比较,沉陷区耕地土壤微生物数量、酶活性赋存特征及微生物类群组成比例发生了明显变化。沉陷区表层(0~5 cm)、上层(5~10 cm)、中层(10~20 cm)土壤微生物总数、细菌数量均明显减少,而下层(20~40 cm)土壤微生物总数、细菌、真菌、放线菌数量均明显升高。沉陷区表层、上层土壤细菌数量所占微生物总数比例分别降低了20.64%和13.17%,而放线菌数量所占比例分别升高了20.69%和12.66%。沉陷区表层土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、磷酸酶、脱氢酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性分别降低了1.5%、17.5%、22.0%、35.3%、20.4%和5.4%。不同沉陷部位的土壤微生物数量及部分酶活性指标空间异质性显著(p0.05)。沉陷区土壤真菌、放线菌数量、蔗糖酶、磷酸酶、脱氢酶、过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶活性较对照区均具有不同的垂向分布特征。表明采煤引发的地表沉陷使耕地土壤微生物数量及酶活性在水平和垂直方向上均发生了显著变化,而这些变化是导致沉陷区耕地退化、生产力降低的重要原因。  相似文献   

In a Scots pine forest the throughfall deposition and the chemical composition of the soil solution was monitored since 1984. (Inter)national legislation measures led to a reduction of the deposition of nitrogen and sulphur. The deposition of sulphur has decreased by approximately 65%. The total mineral-nitrogen deposition has decreased by ca. 25%, which is mainly due to a reduction in ammonium-N deposition (−40%), since nitrate-N deposition has increased (+50%). The nitrogen concentration in the upper mineral soil solution at 10 cm depth has decreased, leading to an improved nutritional balance, which may result in improved tree vitality. In the drainage water at 90 cm depth the fluxes of NO3 and SO42− have decreased, resulting in a reduced leeching of accompanying base cations, thus preserving nutrients in the ecosystem. It may take still several years, however, before this will meet the prerequisite of a sustainable ecosystem.  相似文献   

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