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Soil organic matter (SOM) is generally believed not to influence the sorption of glyphosate in soil. To get a closer look on the dynamics between glyphosate and SOM, we used three approaches: I. Sorption studies with seven purified soil humic fractions showed that these could sorb glyphosate and that the aromatic content, possibly phenolic groups, seems to aid the sorption. II. Sorption studies with six whole soils and with SOM removed showed that several soil parameters including SOM are responsible for the strong sorption of glyphosate in soils. III. After an 80 day fate experiment, ∼40% of the added glyphosate was associated with the humic and fulvic acid fractions in the sandy soils, while this was the case for only ∼10% of the added glyphosate in the clayey soils. Glyphosate sorbed to humic substances in the natural soils seemed to be easier desorbed than glyphosate sorbed to amorphous Fe/Al-oxides.  相似文献   

Good quality data apt for an assessment of temporal trends of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDDs/Fs) in soils are difficult to obtain since there is a general lack of information on their residues in soils. Variability of soil profiles, non-homogeneity of samples, and often also inconsistency of applied sampling procedures further complicate this problem. To assess spatial and temporal trends of contamination, three soil sampling campaigns have been performed over the period of 12 years at the mountain forest sites in the Czech Republic. Relation between the air, needle and soil contaminations was addressed in addition to time-related variability of soil. It has been confirmed that soil is a good matrix for evaluation of spatial distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) but difficult for establishment of temporal trends. A slow rate of the soil-forming processes and their site-specificity was generally the major source of uncertainties.  相似文献   

以我国南方某活性炭-超滤深度处理工艺水厂为研究对象,对工艺过程中三氯乙醛生成潜能(CHFP)及相关有机物指标进行为期1年每月1次的监测,以明晰活性炭-超滤深度处理工艺对CHFP及有机物的去除能力。结果表明:原水CHFP均呈现一定的季节性变化趋势,高温季节(5—9月)相对较高,范围为15.50~64.00 μg·L-1,活性炭-超滤深度处理工艺对CHFP 、TOC、CODMn和UV254去除率范围分别为37.42%~69.12%、25.25%~66.71%、27.33%~61.25%和21.80%~72.46%,平均去除率分别为54.51%、39.21%、45.04%和42.91%;混凝沉淀单元在CHFP和有机物指标去除中均起主要作用,炭滤单元对TOC有较好的去除作用,超滤单元对CHFP和CODMn有较好的去除作用。建议水厂设计与运行中将臭氧与活性炭滤池联合使用,以协同去除CHFP和有机物,进一步提高供水水质。  相似文献   

In the last years, the spatial range (SR) or characteristic travel distance (CTD) of organic chemicals has found increasing scientific interest as an indicator of the long-range transport (LRT) potential and, in combination with persistence, as a kind of 'hazard' indicator on the exposure level. This development coincides with European debates about more effective and more preventive approaches to the chemicals assessment, and about an international, legally-binding instrument for the phase out of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Persistence and LRT potential are important issues in these debates. Here, the development of the concept of assessing the spatial scale from early ideas in the 1970s and 1980s to recent studies in the field of multimedia fate and transport modeling is summarized. Different approaches to the modeling of environmental transport (advective and dispersive) and different methods for quantifying the SR or CTD are compared. Relationships between SR or CTD and different persistence measures are analyzed. Comparison of these relationships shows that conclusions for chemical assessment should be based on an evaluation of different persistence and spatial scale measures. The use of SR or CTD and persistence as hazard indicators in the chemicals assessment is illustrated.  相似文献   

Goals, Scope and Background Among other substances, sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are parameters which are routinely measured to describe basic air quality. Organic extracts of airborne particulate matter contain mutagenic chemical compounds of different origins. The aim of the study was to find correlations between routine monitoring data and mutagenic activity of organic extracts of simultaneously drawn samples.Methods Specimens were collected over a period of two years at 8 sampling sites in south-west Germany. Simultaneously, concentrations of NO, NO2, and SO2 were measured on-line within the framework of the official air monitoring network of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Dust samples were collected for biotesting using high volume air samplers equipped with glass fibre filters. After sampling was completed, filters were extracted and samples were prepared for biological testing. Mutagenic activity was tested by means of the plate incorporation assay (Ames test) using S. typhimurium TA98 and TA100 tester strains. During the first year of the study, all tests have been performed with and without metabolic activation. Additionally, a series of tests has been performed in parallel with TA98 and TA98NR.Results and Discussion Comparison of Ames test data obtained with and without metabolic activation indicates no statistically significant difference between both methods. Therefore, during the second year of the study, all tests have been performed without metabolic activation. Average yearly activities at the sampling sites were between 1 und 27 Revertants per m3 (Rev/m3). High activities were preferably found at congested sites (Karlsruhe, up to 95 Rev/m3). However, peak values of over 100 Rev/m3 were found in other places where pollution by traffic is significantly lower. The reason for these high level values is not evident. Tests performed using TA98NR tester strain indicate a significant share (average 31%) of compounds requiring activation by nitroreductase for mutagenic activity. Average mutagenic activity can be correlated to routine monitoring parameters. Comparison of averaged data for particular sampling sites indicates significant correlation between nitric oxide and mutagenic activity in TA98 (r2=0.90), while correlation between nitrogen dioxide (0.84) or sulphur dioxide (0.52) and mutagenic activity is weaker. For TA100, correlations are generally weaker than for TA98. Comparison of data for mutagenic activity and routine monitoring data of distant sites being sampled simultaneously shows parallel behaviour.Conclusions Results from this study show that mutagenic activity can be compared to seasonal and local variations of gaseous indicator air pollutants. Tester strain TA98 generally shows the best correlations. Although pollution by particle-bound mutagenic substances is significantly higher during the cold season than during summer on average, mutagenic activity of airborne dust is not a continuous effect. During winter, peak levels as well as low pollution periods can occur. Even during winter time mutagenic activity can reach very low levels typical for summertime. Comparison of results for distant sampling sites where samples have been collected simultaneously indicate that “classical” indicators of air pollution and bacterial mutagenicity of organic extracts from airborne particulate matter are influenced by connected effects. Seasonal trend of mutagenic activity, in particular, is similar to the concentrations of nitrogen oxide. NO is a strong indicator for vehicle exhaust gases. It is concluded that the average mutagenic activity at particular sites can be estimated using NO concentrations as an indicator.  相似文献   

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