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Male spottail darters (Etheostoma squamiceps) defend nest sites in which females deposit eggs over the course of several weeks. In laboratory experiments, I tested three predictions of the hypothesis that the presence of eggs increases the value of a nest site to male spottail darters: (1) males should preferentially defend nests with eggs over empty nests, and males that sired the eggs should (2) spend more time defending them and (3) consume less of their broods than should alloparent males. Parent males were tested using eggs they were guarding in the field; alloparents included males that were not defending eggs immediately prior to the experiment (inexperienced), and males that were defending eggs in the field when captured but were given eggs sired by a different male (experienced). In choice experiments in which males were offered nest sites differing only in the presence of eggs, males preferred to defend nest sites with eggs regardless of parental status. Parent males spent significantly more time defending eggs and consumed less of their broods than did inexperienced alloparent males. Experienced alloparent males were similar to parent males in brood defense but had levels of filial cannibalism similar to inexperienced males, suggesting that prior experience may influence brood defense but not egg consumption.  相似文献   

Summary Acanthemblemaria crockeri exhibits a resource defense polygyny mating system with male parental care. Females preferred to mate with the larger of two males in laboratory experiments, and male size was positively correlated with the number of eggs defended by males at two sites in the Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico. Females appeared to avoid mating with males defending heavily-fouled shelters. The role of other factors including the intensity of male courtship coloration and displays in determining male reproductive success was studied in Bahia San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico by providing glass vials as shelters. This provided a non-destructive technique for counting of eggs defended by males and allowed repeated assessment of the reproductive success of individual males. Males varied greatly in their duration of residency of shelters and in their color score and intensity of courtship displays. The number of eggs received by males was positively correlated with their duration of residency in shelters, and females appeared to avoid mating with new residents. Mated males deserted shelters less frequently and were more likely to receive future matings than were unmated males. The mean color score of males was unrelated to their reproductive success, while the intensity of male courtship displays was negatively correlated with the number of eggs received. This may have resulted because female mate choice is based on multiple criteria, including some that more accurately reflect the quality of parental care afforded by males.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between the parental effort of a male and female should promote stable biparental care. Risk-taking (as assessed by injuries) against infanticidal intruders by Nicrophorus pustulatus females was expected to be low when females had a low probability of successful defense of the young. I tested the hypothesis that when the presence of a male partner increased the probability of successful defense from low to moderate that female risk-taking would increase. Single females and pairs with first instar larvae were confronted by potentially infanticidal male and female conspecific intruders. Male intruders routinely took over nests from unpaired females (30 of 36 trials). Unpaired females and male intruders were injured infrequently, indicating less intense fights despite the high probability of infanticide. A resident female defending against a male intruder was injured more often when paired than unpaired, suggesting greater risk-taking. A male parent that delays desertion, therefore, receives fitness benefits not only from his own defense of the young, but from greater female defense against male intruders as well. It is hypothesized that the threat of infanticidal takeovers by males promotes extended biparental care in burying beetles. When the intruder was female, on the other hand, a female parent on her own had a moderate probability of successfully defending the brood (22 of 36 trials). The presence of a male partner against female intruders almost guaranteed successful defense (35 of 36 trials) and female intruders did not appear to contest pairs vigorously. Against female intruders the presence of a male partner did not significantly change injury rates of the defending female.  相似文献   

The costs of male parental care and its evolution in a neotropical frog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Parental care is practiced exclusively by males of the Puerto Rican frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui. Males brood clutches of direct-developing eggs in non-aquatic nest sites and defend eggs against cannibalistic nest intruders. Here, I report on energetic and mating costs incurred by males that provide parental care, and suggest how these proximate costs affect male fitness and the evolution of male parental care in this species. Energetic costs are small for brooding males in comparison to non-brooding, calling males. Brooding males had a higher frequency of empty stomachs and lost small, but significant, fractions of their initial body mass during parental care. Abdominal fat bodies of brooding males during the middle third of parental care were significantly smaller than those of calling males; those of males brooding eggs in earlier or later stages were not different. The mating cost of parental care is greater. Most brooding males cease calling during parental care. However, gravid females are available (i.e., known to mate) on most nights during the principal breeding season; hence non-calling males miss potential opportunities to mate. A mating cost was estimated by calculating nightly mating probabilities for calling males in a plot where nightly calling male densities and daily oviposition schedules were known. On average, a male exhibiting normal calling behavior would be expected to obtain a new mate once every 35.7 days. Hence a brooding male that ceased calling for a 20-day parental care period would miss, on average, 0.56 additional mates. Males that were more successful than average in attracting mates could miss up to 1.63 matings. A marginal value model (Fig. 1) is used to analyze the net effect on male fitness of parental care benefits and costs in E. coqui (Fig. 3). The model indicates that males garner the highest reproductive success by providing care from oviposition through hatching. There is no stage during the pre-hatching period at which a desertion strategy would yield higher reproductive success. In fact, the model suggests that males should provide full parental care even in the face of much higher mating costs than currently obtain in the system.  相似文献   

In western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana), most pairs remain together for life and share equally in post-hatching parental care. We removed resident males of socially monogamous pairs during laying and after clutch completion to examine chick-feeding rules used by replacement males and current and future fitness consequences of paternal care. Replacement males were not infanticidal and 7 (47%) fed nestlings. Feeding replacement males and the females they joined fed at rates similar to controls. Females without a feeding replacement male compensated by feeding more themselves so that overall feeding rates were not compromised, but they reduced their brooding time. Unlike assisted females, unassisted females exhibited reduced nesting success and their 14-day-old chicks weighed less than controls. Field metabolic rates of unassisted females were 17% higher than those of control females, but the difference was not statistically significant. Older females were better able to raise young without the male's help than were yearling females. Female condition was not affected by male provisioning and unassisted females were as likely to survive to the next breeding season as assisted females. We found no future benefits of provisioning by replacement males; those that fed were no more likely to breed with the female on her subsequent attempt than were males that did not feed, and subsequent clutch sizes were not reduced for females rearing young without the male's help. These experiments suggest that male parental care increases nesting success in western bluebirds and that replacement males use an all-or-none rule to determine whether or not to feed chicks: if they are present during the fertile period they feed at typical rates; if they are not, they usually do not feed at all. Because chick-feeding by males is tied to opportunity for paternity, influences success in the current nest, and does not affect the male's future breeding success, it appears to be parental rather than mating effort. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 23 July 1998  相似文献   

Embryo success was studied in the paternally brooding pipefish Syngnathus typhle. During brooding, which lasts about a month, males provide embryos in their brood pouch with nutrients and oxygen via a placenta-like structure. Egg size depends on female size. In aquaria, males were mated with differently sized females to give the following treatments: M, mixed-egg-size broods of approximately half large and half small eggs; L, single-egg-size broods of large eggs; S, single-egg-size broods of small eggs; and F, field mated males. All males were kept in aquaria for a full brooding period. For each egg-size category, the number of newborn was compared with the number of eggs the male initially fertilized in his brood pouch. Within mixed-egg-size broods, a higher proportion of large eggs survived and large eggs resulted in heavier newborn than small eggs. Indeed, small eggs from a mixed-egg-size brood had significantly lower relative success (proportion of embryos surviving to birth) than those from a brood entirely composed of small eggs. The implication is that embryos compete for resources within the brood pouch, and that competitive success depends on egg size. Given that females produce eggs corresponding in size to their body size, and that females are known to compete indirectly for access to mates (i.e., the sex-roles are reversed), this intrabrood competition could be seen as an extension of female-female competition, but alternative explanations are discussed. Received: 28 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 28 October 1995  相似文献   

Summary Female Polyglypta dispar membracids facultatively guard egg masses or oviposit into masses guarded by other females. Defending females repel at least some enemies of both eggs and nymphs. Eggs of guarding females may be partially protected from parasitism by the presence of additional eggs laid by other females. Females sometimes desert egg masses or groups of nymphs, and undefended masses are sometimes adopted by other females. Some individuals remain on or near the plant where they grew up, and littermates sometimes oviposit into the same egg mass. Some copulating pairs are littermates, while others are not. Females with larger numbers of mature and nearly mature eggs in their ovaries are less likely to defend egg masses, and females desert smaller groups of nymphs more often.  相似文献   

Tug-of-war over reproduction in a cooperatively breeding cichlid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In group-living animals, dominants may suppress subordinate reproduction directly and indirectly, thereby skewing reproduction in their favour. In this study, we show experimentally that this ability (‘power’) is influenced by resource distribution and the body size difference between unrelated dominants and subordinates in the cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Reproduction was strongly skewed towards the dominant female, due to these females producing more and larger clutches and those clutches surviving egg eating better than those of subordinate females, but was not so when subordinates defended a patch. If breeding shelters were provided in two patches, subordinate females were more likely to exclusively defend a patch against the dominant female and breed, compared to when the same breeding resource was provided in one patch. Relatively large subordinate females were more likely to defend a patch and reproduce. Females also directly interfered with each other’s reproduction by eating the competitors’ eggs, at which dominants were more successful. Although dominant females benefited from subordinate females due to alloparental care and an increase in egg mass, they also showed costs due to reduced growth in the presence of subordinates. The results support the view that the dominant’s power to control subordinate reproduction determines reproductive partitioning, in agreement with the predictions from tug-of-war models of reproductive skew.  相似文献   

Female cannibalism and male courtship tactics in threespine sticklebacks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Female threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) frequently raid male nests and eat all the eggs therein. We tested the hypothesis of Vickery et al. (1988) that females prefer to raid nests containing large numbers of eggs than ones with smaller numbers of eggs. This hypothesis is based on the finding that females spawning in nests containing many eggs will have reduced hatching success because of egg crowding. By consuming the male's eggs and forcing him to rebuild his nest, raiding females might obtain a new opportunity to spawn under better conditions. Our results were consistent with the first prediction of this hypothesis that females were more likely to spawn in nests containing fewer eggs than in nests with many eggs. However, this may be the result of males becoming less receptive to females as the number of eggs in their nests increases. Prediction 2 was that females should raid those nests containing the most eggs. Contrary to this prediction, males defending only one clutch were as likely to have their nests raided by groups of females as males defending several clutches of eggs. Female cannibalism is therefore unlikely to have evolved as a means of gaining access to a male defending a small number of eggs. We also examined the tactics used by males to counter female raids. Most raids occur when the male is courting, and nests are more vulnerable to shoals of females than to single females. Therefore, we hypothesized that males with eggs preferentially court a single female rather than large groups of females, and that males without eggs court both groups indiscriminately. We also predicted that males restrict the number of females they mate with when risk of having their nest raided is high. Our results indicate that: (1) both males with eggs and those without eggs minimize the risk of female cannibalism by courting solitary females rather than groups of females and (2) males limit the number of females that lay eggs in their nest when several potentially raiding females are present. Offprint requests to: G.J. FitzGerald  相似文献   

Correlates of copulatory success in a fallow deer lek   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary We studied the behavior and copulatory success of fallow deer (Cervus dama) males at a lek. We recorded 471 copulations in 3 years. Most males did not copulate. The top three males accounted for between 60 and 90% of copulations each year. Lek attendance time was the major determinant of male copulatory success, but territory location also affected the number of copulations achieved. Copulatory success was correlated with the number of females in a male's territory and possibly with dominance status, but not with fighting success or fighting rate. All males that defended lek territories were 5 years of age or older. Copulatory success may improve with age. Body condition appears to be an important determinant of male copulatory success, because only males in superior condition could defend a lek territory for up to 2 weeks. Males do not feed while defending lek territories. Foraging ability during the year probably determines condition at the onset of the rut. Females appear to choose mates at least partially on the basis of location, preferring males located near traditional routes. Females may ultimately select mates in the best body condition.  相似文献   

Rather than seeking females directly, males in many animal species locate and defend sites that contain spatially limited resources essential for female survival and reproduction. In these cases, resident males successfully repelling conspecific rivals will mate with sexually receptive females that seek to use the resident’s resources. Theory predicts that if resources are limiting in nature, are costly to procure, and if residency at the resource site increases male reproductive success, each site should be monopolised by a single adult male. Moreover, if females aggregate at these sites, males should be sedentary and monopolise harems. This predicts that males should reside at resource sites longer than females and male tenure should be positively correlated with harem size. I address these hypotheses using a wild population of the Wellington tree weta, Hemideina crassidens, a sexually dimorphic insect in which males use mandibular weapons in fights to control resource sites (galleries in trees) required by females for diurnal refuge. In a longitudinal study using artificial galleries, I show that male tenure in a gallery is positively related to harem size and, contrary to prediction, not gallery size per se. Moreover, contrary to prediction, females are more sedentary than males: males appear to move frequently between galleries to search for novel mates. I show experimentally that galleries represent mating sites to males: males prefer galleries housing adult females whereas females prefer unoccupied galleries. Females likely avoid male-occupied galleries because they incur injuries when interacting with males.  相似文献   

The leaf-curling spider Phonognatha graeffei incorporates a twisted leaf into the central hub of its orb-web that is used as a retreat. This species is unusual among orb-weaving spiders because males cohabit in the leaf retreat with both immature and mature females, mating with the former shortly after the female molts. Cohabitation appears to be a form of mate-guarding because cohabiting males respond agonistically to rival males that venture onto the web, and their behaviour depends upon the reproductive status of the female; males defending immature females are more aggressive than those defending virgin, adult females. Males copulate with previously mated females for significantly longer than with virgin females. Females may cannibalise cohabiting males, which occurs independently of whether the female has been deprived of food. Females that cannibalise a single male do not have a higher fecundity than non-cannibalistic females. Received: 2 February 1996 / Accepted after revision: 27 October 1996  相似文献   

Females of Elasmucha grisea defend their eggs and small nymphs against invertebrate predators. Females sometimes guard their clutches side by side on the same birch leaf. We studied benefits of this joint guarding both in the field and in the laboratory. We found that adjacent females had significantly larger clutches than solitary females. In the laboratory, we studied the effectiveness of joint versus single defence against ant (Formica uralensis) predators. We established female pairs from initially singly guarding females by cutting off pieces of leaves with egg clutches and pasting them beside another female guarding her clutch. In the control group the females with their clutches were similarly cut off but these clutches were placed on another leaf without any female. The birch twigs where females guarded their clutches were placed in cages in close proximity to laboratory ant nests. In the experimental treatment, two females guarded their clutches together and at the same nest there was another birch twig without a female. In the control treatment two twigs with one female on each were placed close to another ant nest. Two females defended their clutches significantly more successfully, losing fewer eggs than did the single females. This primitive form of female sociality in parent bugs resembles colonial nesting in birds, where communal defence is also important. However, to our knowledge this is the first experiment where the benefit of joint guarding has been tested directly by manipulating the size of the breeding group rather than by measuring the risk of predation in groups of different size.  相似文献   

We investigated the consequences of male-male interference competition associated with alternative male mating tactics in a freshwater fish, the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). Male bitterling defend territories around living mussels and attract females to lay their eggs in the gill cavities of mussels. We experimentally manipulated spawning-site abundance and male density at two spatial scales. We showed that the total number of eggs spawned by females was constrained by the number of mussels available for oviposition. The effect was mediated by behavioral interactions among competing males because of variation in the Operational Sex Ratio (OSR) in close proximity to a mussel and not by a direct limitation in mussel capacity to accommodate the eggs. Both total and local male densities affected spawning behavior, and interacted in their effect on female spawning rate. Territorial male aggression caused courtship interruptions that prolonged the time until successful spawning and increased with male density. However, territoriality broke down at the highest male density, with a consequent stabilizing effect on spawning rate.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

Intense male–male competition for females may drive the evolution of male morphological dimorphism, which is frequently associated with alternative mating tactics. Using modern techniques for the detection of discontinuous allometries, we describe male dimorphism in the Neotropical harvestman Longiperna concolor, the males of which use their elongated, sexually dimorphic legs IV in fights for the possession of territories where females lay eggs. We also tested three predictions related to the existence of alternative mating tactics: (1) if individuals with relatively longer legs IV (majors) are more likely to monopolize access to reproductive resources, they are expected to remain close to stable groups of females more than individuals with relatively shorter legs IV (minors) do; (2) if minors achieve fertilization by moving between territories, they are expected to be less faithful to specific sites; and (3) majors should be observed in aggressive interactions more often. We individually marked all the individuals from a population of Longiperna during the reproductive season and recorded the location of each sighting for males and females as well as the identity of males involved in fights. Majors were more likely to have harems, and large majors were even more likely to do so. Majors were more philopatric and all males involved in fights belonged to this morph. These results strongly suggest that the mating tactic of the majors is based on resource defense whereas that of the minors probably relies on sneaking into the territories of the majors and furtively copulating with females.  相似文献   

Although polyclads are amongst the most structurally simple of the triploblastic metazoans, they adopt a wide range of reproductive strategies. Parental care behaviour in this group is yet to be quantified for any species. We assessed the significance of brooding behaviour to the reproductive success of two free-living marine flatworms. Echinoplana celerrima and Stylochus pygmaeus were collected from the field and placed in pairs in containers of filtered seawater where they laid batches of eggs. Both parents were then removed from half of the containers and the brooding behaviour and hatching success of eggs were quantified. There were interspecific differences in brooding behaviour. Egg masses were covered by one E. celerrima parent for 12 ± 2% of time, whereas egg masses of S. pygmaeus were covered by one or both parents simultaneously for 85 ± 8% of time. Egg batches were abandoned by both species immediately prior to the onset of hatching (10–12 days). Hatching success was generally high (~90%) and brooding did not enhance the hatching success of eggs. We assessed the significance of parental care to hatching success of E. celerrima egg masses in the presence of three potential egg predators; in the presence of other organisms. E. celerrima devoted less time to brooding; however, hatching success was not affected. The amount of time spent brooding eggs differed greatly between the two polyclad species but was not essential to their reproductive success under benign conditions. Parental care may be of adaptive value under more stressful environmental conditions commonly experienced in estuarine environments such as lowered salinity, increased hypoxia or turbidity. Covering egg batches may play an additional role of advertising sexual status and a willingness to care for eggs.  相似文献   

Common murres (Uria aalge) are highly colonial; pairs often breed at the highest possible densities, in bodily contact with neighbors. At Bluff, a colony in western Alaska, we tested for synchrony in egg laying at various spatial scales and found little evidence for higher synchrony, either within study plots of 15–195 pairs, or within subplots containing several pairs, than among plots in a 5-year study. Egg laying of neighbors generally was more synchronous than expected based on overall frequency distributions in laying dates, however. Breeding success was positively correlated with the number of breeding neighbors and the number of neighbors tending eggs or nestlings at the time of egg laying. Breeding success of pairs with neighbors was positively related to the breeding success of neighbors. Pairs that produced eggs synchronously with at least one neighboring pair had higher success than those that began breeding either before or after their neighbors. Most reproductive failures at Bluff are due to accidental egg loss and predation on eggs by common ravens, Corvus corax, soon after laying. By occupying space where a raven might otherwise land and defending their own eggs, active breeding neighbors locally reduce the probability of egg predation. Active breeding neighbors also are less likely to flush and accidentally dislodge nearby eggs when disturbed than are nonbreeders. Murres breeding synchronously with neighbors have the highest assurance of the presence of active breeding neighbors both at the time of egg laying and throughout their reproductive attempts. Groups of neighboring murres can be considered small “selfish herds,” demonstrating by-product mutualism through their continued presence and defense of their own eggs and nestlings. Despite the advantages of breeding synchronously with neighbors, early breeding may often be favored, however. Received: 22 January 1996/Accepted after revision: 16 June 1996  相似文献   

Summary Following bouts of courtship and copulation, female giant waterbugs (Belostoma flumineum Say) deposit eggs on the backs of their mates. Throughout a 6– to 12-day brooding period, males display several behaviors that are vital to egg-nymph survival. Consequently, females depend on male post-copulatory behaviors for successful reproduction and the possibility exists for male backspace availability to limit female reproduction in this species. I studied seasonal trends and factors that affect male backspace availability in populations of B. flumineum in east-central Illinois (USA). Early in the spring/summer, giant waterbug populations are relatively small and a large majority (188/205=91.7%) of the males are egg-laden; males experimentally added to the population during this period quickly became encumbered. In contrast, later in the summer after young-of-the-year emerge as adults, the waterbug population density increases dramatically and fewer (670/1274\2= 52.6%) of the males are encumbered (egg-laden). Of the males that are egg-laden both early and late in the season, significantly more are completely encumbered (i.e., 100% of the dorsum egg covered) early in the spring. The adult sex ratio is generally not biased and the number of eggs/pad that completely covers a male approximates a full ovarian complement. Therefore, these factors probably do not cause male backspace to become limited. The primary factor that appears to limit male backspace availability is the ability of females to synthesize a second partial clutch in a short time, often within 1 to 4 days. Females are capable of ovipositing partial clutches on 12 males within 30 days, whereas male brooding period is temperature dependent and ranges from 6 to 13 days. Newly emerged males are capable of breeding significantly sooner than can newly emerged females, thereby creating ample oviposition substrate for the females in the population after young-of-the-year adults appear. The evolution of sex-role reversal is not well understood; however it should not evolve in waterbugs unless male backspace limits female reproduction. Such a situation appears to exist in B. flumineum early in the season but not later in the summer.  相似文献   

Summary There are large numbers of reproductively mature female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) which do not breed due to limits of suitable nesting cavities. Many of these floaters are one-year-old females that have a distinctive subadult plumage. This study examines the behavioral tactics that these subadult female floaters use to obtain breeding opportunities. Early in the season, subadult floaters tended to intrude briefly (Fig. 4) on many nest sites in succession (Figs. 2, 3), although they rarely gained close access to nest sites (Fig. 5). Subadults responded very quickly to vacant nest sites, where the resident female had been experimentally removed, by entering the nest cavity and defending it from conspecifics. We argue that the early season exploratory behavior increases a subadult's chances of discovering a vacant nest site, rather than increasing its success in evicting resident females or laying eggs in other females' nests. During the nestling period, subadult females intruded on fewer nest sites for longer periods, and often gained close access to the nest site. Late in the season, subadult floaters may be gathering information on the quality of nest sites for the next breeding season, rather than searching for current breeding opportunities. The reproductive tactics of subadult female tree swallows are consistent with the breeding threshold model for the evolution of delayed plumage maturation in passerines.  相似文献   

Previous researchers have hypothesized that site-faithful animals may benefit from the presence of familiar neighbors. This study compares the relative costs of territorial defense against new and former neighbors by male willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus). Territorial defense against new neighbors appeared to require a greater expenditure of both time and effort than did defense against former neighbors. Territorial males that had several new neighbors spent a higher proportion of time fighting than did males with fewer new neighbors, and males with both new and former neighbors spent a greater amount of time fighting with their new neighbors, on average, than with their former neighbors. In addition, fights with new neighbors occurred relatively more frequently and were longer than fights with former neighbors. Finally, fights involving new neighbors tended to escalate to higher levels than fights between former neighbors. Reduced defensive costs for site-faithful, territorial males may provide one explanation for the tendency of males to be more site-faithful than females in many species.  相似文献   

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