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Runoff from impervious land cover has a major impact on headwater tidal creek ecosystems resulting from ever increasing development along the coastline. Tidal creek habitats can serve as "early warning systems" for anthropogenic stressors due to their proximity to the uplands. In this study, the macrobenthic community was sampled along the longitudinal gradient of tidal creeks (i.e., first order, second order, and third order) in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia which varied in their levels of watershed development (salt marsh, forested, suburban, and urban). This study was designed to assess the condition of macrobenthic communities in tidal creek ecosystems under varying levels of anthropogenic stressors and test whether the conclusions of a previous study in South Carolina (Holland et al., J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 298:151-178, 2004) could be generalized to the southeastern USA. Metrics of community-level and species-specific response within tidal creeks draining watersheds of varying degrees of impervious cover suggest the macrobenthic community may be a useful indicator of development in tidal creeks ecosystems. The differences observed when data from all three states were pooled was consistent with previous findings in South Carolina tidal creeks which illustrates that macrobenthic communities in tidal creeks may react to watershed development in similar patterns along the southeastern coast of the USA.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate benthic communities are one of the key biological components considered for the assessment of benthic integrity in the context of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). However, under moderate contamination scenarios, the assessment of macrobenthic alterations at community level alone could be insufficient to discriminate the environmental quality of coastal and transitional waters. Keeping this in view, sediment quality of moderately contaminated sites in a coastal lagoon (óbidos lagoon, Portugal) was assessed by the combination of sediment metal levels, Carcinus maenas biomarkers (accumulated metals and oxidative stress responses) and macrobenthic communities. Two sites were selected in confined inner branches (BS and BB) and a third one in the middle lagoon (ML). The site BB presented slightly higher levels of metals in sediment but biological variables calculated for macrobenthic data were not significantly different between sites. The biotic index M-AMBI that is being applied to assess environmental quality of transitional waters in the scope of the WFD pointed either to high (site ML) or good quality status (BS and BB) in the selected sites. However, crabs from BB site presented significantly higher levels of Ni in hepatopancreas than those from ML and macrobenthic community structure was significantly different between BB and ML. Additionally, spatial differences were obtained for oxidative stress parameters suggesting that BB site presented stressors for crabs (higher GST and lower GSHt at BB site). Factor analysis (PCA) integrating sediment contamination, biomarkers in crabs and macrobenthic data also distinguished BB site as the most environmentally disturbed. On the other hand, at ML site, some macrobenthic variables (equitability and polychaetes’ diversity) were found to be enhanced by current environmental conditions, suggesting the existence of a better sediment quality. Current results pointed to the usefulness of integrating macrobenthic community alterations with responses at organism level (bioaccumulation and biochemical endpoints) in order to increase the accuracy of environmental quality assessment in lagoon systems. Moreover, the application of different statistical methods was also found to be recommendable.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the sediment quality in the mesotidal Douro River estuarine environment, in order to identify areas where sediment contamination could cause ecosystem degradation. Samples were obtained in five locations and sediment characterised for grain size, total organic matter, total-recoverable metals (Al, Fe, Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd, Zn and Mn), as well as acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM). In situ effects were evaluated by examining the macrobenthic community structure. An elutriate sediment toxicity test (ESTT) was used to estimate the amount of metals and nutrients that could be exchanged with the water column through resuspension, and its positive or negative effects on the growth of the micro-alga Emiliania huxleyi in a 10 day test. Anthropogenic metal contamination was identified at the north bank of the Douro estuary, with deleterious effects on the macrobenthic community, namely decrease in number of species and diversity. This contamination could possibly also be toxic for water column organisms, in case of resuspension, as shown by the ESTT. Sediments from the salt marsh at the south bank showed an impoverished macrobenthic community and elutriate toxicity, which appeared to be due to anaerobic conditions. This study clearly shows the usefulness of the ESST approach to assess the biological effect of resuspension of estuarine sediments.  相似文献   

In this work are presented results of the complex study of two significant solid environmental samples: gravitation dust sediments (industrial pollutants, potential source of risk elements input to soils) and soils (component of the environment, potential source of risk elements input to food web). The first phase of this study was focused on the study of the significant chemical properties (phase composition, content of organic and inorganic carbon) of the dust and soil samples. In the second phase, the fractionation analysis was used on the evaluation of the mobility of chosen risk elements (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in the studied samples. The single-step extractions were applied in the order of the isolation of the element forms (fractions), with different mobilities during defined ecological conditions by utilization of the following reagents: 1 mol dm − 3 NH4NO3 for isolation of the “mobile” fraction, 0.05 mol dm − 3 ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and 0.43 mol dm − 3 CH3COOH for isolation of the “mobilizable” fraction, and 2 mol dm − 3 HNO3 for isolation of all releasable forms. On the basis of the results obtained in this study, it is possible to state that different origins and positions of solid environmental samples in the environment reflect in different chemical properties of their matrix. The different properties of the sample matrix result in different mobilities of risk elements in these kinds of samples. The fractionation analysis with single-step extraction for isolation element fractions is the method most suitable for easy checking of environmental pollution and for evaluation of risk elements cycle in the environment.  相似文献   

Eels are exposed to pollutants due to their unusual life cycle and are vulnerable to contamination associated with sediment due to their diet, feeding habits and territoriality. Since the 1980s, a decline in American and European eel populations has been recorded. The causes of this decline still are unknown but pollution from domestic and industrial effluents is known to be involved. Since little data is available on PCB contamination in eels from Italian waters, PCBs were measured in muscle of Anguilla anguilla captured in 2001 in two brackish ecosystems of the Mediterranean: the lagoons of Orbetello and Santa Giusta (Italy). PCBs were higher in samples from Orbetello lagoon than in those detected from Santa Giusta lagoon (P < 0.05). Congener and isomer analyses indicated Aroclor 1260 as a likely source of PCBs in the Orbetello and Santa Giusta samples. Only the toxic equivalents (TEQs) of mono-ortho PCBs were calculated.  相似文献   

This study aims to demonstrate the influence of animals' origin on their sensitivity toward heavy metals. For this purpose, we compared LC(50) of cadmium in two populations of Gambusia affinis captured in two geographically isolated environments in the east of Tunisia; Oued El Gsil in the city of Monastir (S2) and Oued Chenini in the region of Gabes (S1). Although physicochemical parameters of the water (pH, dissolved oxygen and salinity) are similar in the two studied sites, cadmium concentrations in water, sediments and fish tissues from S1 are significantly higher (P < 0.01) than those from S2, 48-h and 96-h LC(50) of the (S1) population are significantly higher than those from S2. In the same way, the offspring of the polluted site (S1) population exhibit 48-h and 96-h LC(50) values much higher than those of the reference site (S2) population. These results show that the population of the Gabes region is more resistant to cadmium than that of the Monastir region and that this resistance could have a genetic basis. These results indicate the influence of the origin of animals that has to be taken into account not only in laboratory toxicity tests, but also in field ecotoxicological studies.  相似文献   

不同粒径沉积物中多环芳烃和有机氯农药分布特征   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用湿分法将采自珠江广州河段沉积物样品分成5个粒径的组分(>500μm、500μm>>220μm、220μm>>63μm、63μm>>22μm和<22μm),样品分成2份。第一份测定其中的多环芳烃(PAHs)和有机氯农药(OCPs)进行定量分析,第二份样品的每个粒级进行重液分离,收集轻组分(有机质)和重组分(主要为无机矿物及无定型有机质)。在显微镜下对沉积物中不同粒径轻重组分的吸附剂进行鉴定,分析有机质类型和质量百分比,并测定各组分总有机碳(TOC)和碳黑的含量。结果表明,有机质类型是影响多环芳烃(PAHs)和有机氯农药(OCPs)在不同粒径组分中的分布特征和富集能力的主要因素。  相似文献   

This study evaluates and contrasts the management practice and the performance that characterise Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) in Italy and in the UK. The methodology relies on the investigation of six carefully selected case studies, critically reviewed by referring to EIA and project design information, as well as collecting the opinion of key project participants. The study focuses on the construction industry and on specific key sectors like infrastructure for transport and renewable energy and commercial and tourism development. A main term of reference for the analyses has been established by critically reviewing international literature so as to outline common good practice, requirements for the enhancement of sustainability principles and typically incurred drawbacks. The proposed approach enhances transfer of knowledge and of experiences between the analyzed contexts and allows the provision of guidelines for practitioners. Distinctive differences between the UK and the Italian EIA systems have been detected for pivotal phases and elements of EIA, like screening, scoping, analysis of alternatives and of potential impacts, definition of mitigation strategies, review, decision making, public participation and follow up.  相似文献   

Sustainable urban development focuses on enhancing urban well-being, while also balancing the demands of urban social and economic development, natural resource consumption, and environmental pollution. This work used general data envelopment analysis to assess the urban sustainability efficiency (USE) and sustainability potential (SP) in Lanzhou and Xiamen, two cities that are characteristic of urban areas in western and eastern China. The assessment indicator system included important natural and urban welfare factors as input and output indices, respectively. The results showed that overall urban sustainability efficiency increased in Lanzhou and Xiamen from 1985 to 2010, but that the sustainability of natural resources clearly decreased. The urban sustainability efficiency of Xiamen was higher than that of Lanzhou, and the sustainability potential of Xiamen was lower than that of Lanzhou; this indicates that Xiamen performed better in terms of urban sustainable development. The urban sustainability efficiency in Xiamen has increased with increasing urban population, and the rate and scale of economic development have been higher than in Lanzhou. The assessment and analysis performed in this study show that cities with different natural resources and development characteristics have different forms, patterns, and trajectories of sustainable development.  相似文献   

Krishnagiri reservoir is a hyper-eutrophicated reservoir located in Krishnagiri district which is one of the drought-prone districts in Tamil Nadu, India. The reservoir water is being used for various purposes such as irrigation, drinking, fish rearing, livestock rearing, and recreation. Since there is no an evidence of investigation on bottom sediments in Krishnagiri reservoir, the present study was carried out during southwest monsoon season in 2008. This study examined the physical and chemical characteristics of the bottom sediments such as composition, redox potential, moisture content, organic carbon, organic matter, total phosphorus, and total iron at 15 locations in the reservoir. Phosphorus fractionation study was carried out to find out different fractions such as loosely adsorbed phosphorous, iron and aluminium-bound phosphorus, calcium-bound phosphorous, and organic phosphorous. Results indicated that there was spatial variation in the composition of sediments and low values of redox potential. The significant positive correlation exists between the organic carbon and organic phosphorus concentration. The lacustrine zone of the reservoir showed high accumulation of total phosphorus and total iron when compared to riverine and transition zones. This study concludes an allogenic origin of majority of inorganic phosphorus in the reservoir during the study period and this might have been derived from the catchment during the erosion process. The high concentration of surface sediment phosphorus clearly indicates a greater threat of eutrophication in Krishnagiri reservoir.  相似文献   

After more than a decade from the publication of the European Directive 2001/42/CE (Directive) on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), the design and construction of the interested spatial planning instruments has gone through a variety of changes and integrations in European and in world states. This inhomogeneous panorama can be explained with a pattern of institutional structures that have so far affected the implementation of the Directive. The aim of this paper is to investigate the level of implementation of the Directive in Italy by developing a comparative analysis of the quality of integration of SEA within the design of the spatial coordination plan of a set of Italian provinces. Italian practice is analyzed in the framework of a comparative study of worldwide SEA implementation within spatial and land use planning. The results reveal strengths and weaknesses in SEA implementation at the provincial level and, in particular, the emergence of critical areas of research concerning institutional context, public participation, monitoring, and observatory of the spatial transformations.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted in the fly ash lagoons of Santandih Thermal Power Plant located in West Bengal (India) to find out total, EDTA and DTPA extractable metals in fly ash and their bioaccumulation in root and shoot portion of the naturally growing vegetation. Fly ash sample has alkaline pH and low conductivity. The concentration of total Cu, Zn, Pb and Ni were found higher than weathered fly ash and natural soil, where as Co, Cd and Cr were found traces. Five dominant vegetation namely, Typha latifolia, Fimbristylis dichotoma, Amaranthus defluxes, Saccharum spontaenum and Cynodon dactylon were collected in the winter months (November–December). Bioaccumulation of metals in root and shoot portions were found varied significantly among the species, but all concentration were found within toxic limits. Correlation between total, DTPA and EDTA extractable metals viz. root and shoot metals concentration were studied. Translocation factor (TF) for Cu, Zn and Ni were found less than unity, indicates that these metals are immobilized in the root part of the plants. Metals like Mn have TF greater than unity. The study infers that natural vegetation removed Mn by phytoextraction mechanisms (TF > 1), while other metals like Zn, Cu, Pb and Ni were removed by rhizofiltration mechanisms (TF < 1). The field study revealed that T. latifolia and S. spontaenum plants could be used for bioremediation of fly ash lagoon.  相似文献   

Ambient sediments were collected from a reference site in the North Edisto River, SC and transferred to a laboratory facility to investigate effects of chemical contaminants on estuarine infaunal communities under controlled mesocosm conditions. Sediment contaminant slurries were prepared using dried sediments collected from the reference site and spiked with a metal (copper), a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (pyrene), and a pesticide (4,4-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) to yield nominal mean effects range–median (ERM) quotients of <0.01 (no addition), 0.1, and 1.0 and applied to control, low dose (TRT A), and high dose (TRT B) treatment groups, respectively. Sediment samples for contaminant and benthic analyses were collected at the start of the experiment, 1 month after dosing, and 3 months after dosing. Near-nominal mean ERM quotients of 0.001, 0.075, and 0.818 were measured initially after dosing and remained fairly constant throughout the experiment. Measures of benthic condition, diversity, and richness were significantly reduced in both treatment groups relative to the control 1 month after dosing and persisted in TRT B at 3 months. The results demonstrate that benthic community effects can be observed at mean ERM quotients that are about an order of magnitude lower than levels that have been shown to be associated with significant toxicity in acute laboratory bioassays with single species (e.g., amphipods) in other studies.  相似文献   

The fractionation of phosphorus (P) in shallow Lake Maryout surficial sediments was investigated in order to understand its potential availability in relation to the eutrophication status of this lake. The rank order of P fractions was NaOH-P > HCl-P > NH4Cl-P > BD-P. The metal oxide-bound P (NaOH-P) averaged 43% in this hypereutrophic lake and would be potentially available under low oxygen conditions. The highly available, loosely sorbed P (NH4Cl-P) represented 20% of the sedimentary inorganic P on average, while the reductant P (BD-P) averaged 15% and is also considered highly available under low oxygen conditions. The less available calcium-bound P (HCl-P) represented 22% of sedimentary inorganic P. Lake Maryout exhibits high potential for release of P from sediment in forms available to algae, which is undesirable for eutrophication control. The range of potentially available P in tested sediments was 1,541 to 3,990 mg/kg (ppm), a very high quantity capable of supporting algal blooms independent of external loading.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples were collected at 27 stations of Bohai Bay, North China. Sequential extractions were carried out in this study. REE were leached out from four labile fractions: Exchangeable (L1), bound to carbonates (L2), bound to Fe–Mn oxides (L3), bound to organic matter (L4), and the remainder was residual (R5). The total contents of REE fluctuate slightly in Bohai Bay, and are mainly concentrated in the middle region, showing relatively higher levels in the north than that in the south of Bohai Bay. Percentages of L1, L2, L3, L4, and R5 for REE suggest that the residual fraction accounts for the major component of REE, whereas Fe–Mn oxides also play important roles in combining labile REE. As the REE complex is not stabilized, the competition of complex could induce dissociation of the complex and redistribution of the REE in various environments. According to REE patterns and Y/Ho ratios of samples, REE are not anthropogenic or oceanic sources but riverine input, whereas suitable environment varieties can slightly affect the patterns and fractionations of REE. As powerful tracers for the variable of environment, higher anomaly of Eu and Ce in southern regions indicates a greater reduction in the condition of surface sediment in the south than that in the north of Bohai Bay.  相似文献   

Soft-bottom macrobenthic diversity and community structure were assessed at Mumbai and Jawaharlal Nehru ports during three different periods between 2001 and 2002 (November 2001 post-monsoon 1, April/May 2002 pre-monsoon, and October 2002 post-monsoon 2). A total of 43 macrobenthic invertebrate species belonging to five phyla were recorded. Macrofaunal abundance (PM1 186, PreM 106, and PM2 31 ind m?2) and species diversity index (PM1 0.87, PreM 0.73, and PM2 0.30) were very low in all the seasons. Polychaetes were the most dominant macrobenthic group (72.09%) followed by decapoda, amphipoda, and bivalves (4.56%). Canonical correspondence analysis showed that sediment texture, temperature, and suspended particulate matter were the most important environmental variables influencing polychaete species composition. Significant seasonal variations were observed, influenced by dissimilar monsoonal patterns. Macrobenthic population density during November 2001 was higher than that of October 2002 post-monsoon season. Pre-monsoon season recorded more carnivorous polychaete species than post-monsoon seasons. The present study showed lower values of polychaete diversity index in all the seasons compared to earlier studies. Out of 31 polychaete species, 19 have been reported for the first time from this area. Polychaete species and Glycera longipinnis, Paraprionospio pinnata, and Cossura coasta recorded from 1985 to 1986 were also observed in the present study. Species like Sigambra constricta, Perinereis cavifrons, Prionospio polybranchiata, and Parheteromastus tenuis were not recorded in the present study, although they were observed during earlier studies in this area.  相似文献   

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