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The strategy for decreasing volatile organic compound emissions in Mexico has been focused much more on tailpipe emissions than on evaporative emissions, so there is very little information on the contribution of evaporative emissions to the total volatile organic compound inventory. We examined the magnitudes of exhaust and evaporative volatile organic compound emissions, and the species emitted, in a representative fleet of light-duty gasoline vehicles in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City. The US “FTP-75” test protocol was used to estimate volatile organic compound emissions associated with diurnal evaporative losses, and when the engine is started and a journey begins. The amount and nature of the volatile organic compounds emitted under these conditions have not previously been accounted in the official inventory of the area. Evaporative emissions from light-duty vehicles in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City were estimated to be 39 % of the total annual amount of hydrocarbons emitted. Vehicles built before 1992 (16 % of the fleet) were found to be responsible for 43 % of the total hydrocarbon emissions from exhausts and 31 % of the evaporative emissions of organic compounds. The relatively high amounts of volatile organic compounds emitted from older vehicles found in this study show that strong emission controls need to be implemented in order to decrease the contribution of evaporative emissions of this fraction of the fleet.  相似文献   

在分析国内外加油站VOCs排放因子的基础上,结合油气回收进程和排放控制现状,初步建立南京市加油站VOCs排放清单。结果表明:全市加油站VOCs排放因子为168 mg/L,年排放VOCs为300 t。S1+S2、S1+S2+OMS和S1+S2+OMS+VRD 3类加油站的VOCs排放因子分别为335 mg/L、198 mg/L和147 mg/L,OMS和VRD对VOCs排放控制效果显著。  相似文献   

对常州市VOCs人为源进行系统划分,运用国内外排放因子研究成果及常州市各排放源调研结果,采用排放因子法建立了2017年常州市分类型、分辖区(市)的人为源VOCs排放清单。结果表明,2017年常州市人为源VOCs排放总量约为9. 662×10~4t,其中化石燃料燃烧源、工业过程源、移动源、非工业溶剂使用源、油品储运源、生物质燃烧源、固废污水处理源和餐饮源排放分别占排放总量的1. 9%,47. 2%,9. 0%,27. 6%,9. 4%,2. 6%,0. 4%和1. 9%。工业过程源中黑色(有色)金属冶炼及压延加工业、非金属矿物制品业、化学原料和化学品制造业、机械装备制造业、交通设备制造业、纺织业是重点行业;武进区、溧阳市、新北区3个工业发达的区域VOCs排放量明显高于常州其他几个辖区,占全市总排放量的71%;各辖区(市)的重点排放源存在差异,其中武进区、溧阳市、新北区以工业过程源为主,金坛区、天宁区、钟楼区以非工业溶剂使用源为主。  相似文献   

福建省重点地区人为源VOCs排放清单   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过收集福建省福州、厦门、莆田、泉州、漳州和龙岩等重点地区人为源活动水平数据,通过排放因子法进行合理估算,计算2016年福建省重点地区人为源的VOCs排放量。结果表明,2016年福建省重点地区人为源VOCs排放量为47 262.8 t。VOCs排放主要由石油炼制、化工、建筑材料制造、塑料制品和食品饮料加工等行业贡献,占总排放量的62.0%。泉州市是VOCs污染排放的主要贡献城市,占全省重点地区VOCs总排放量的48.9%。  相似文献   

拉链排咪、塑料制品和印刷行业VOCs排放特征比对分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用GC-MS法测定拉链排咪、塑料制品、包装印刷行业的生产车间无组织VOCs排放,得到3个工业源VOCs源成分谱。结果表明:不同工业源排放的VOCs组分存在明显差异,拉链排咪以苯系物为主,占比3529%,主要污染物为正己烷、二氯甲烷、甲苯;塑料制品中苯系物占比为4735%,甲苯、乙酸乙酯、正己烷为主要污染物;包装印刷中苯系物质量分数高达6367%,甲苯、1,2,4-三甲苯、丙酮为主要污染物  相似文献   

This study evaluates emission characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) caused by standing loss (L S) and working loss (L W) of three vertical fixed-roof p-xylene (p-X) liquid tanks during 1-year storage and filling operation. The annual net throughput of the tanks reached 70,446 t, resulting in 9,425 kg of p-X vapor emission including 5,046 kg of L S (53.54 %) and 4,379 kg of L W (46.46 %). The estimated L W of AP-42 displayed better agreement with the measured values of a VOC detector than the estimated L S of AP-42. The L S was best correlated with the liquid height of the tanks, while the L W was best correlated with the net throughput of the tanks. As a result, decreasing vapor space volume of the tanks and avoiding high net throughput of the tanks in a high ambient temperature period were considered as effective means to lessen VOC emission from the fixed-roof organic liquid storage tank.  相似文献   

利用物料衡算和源排放测试对江苏省典型汽车涂装企业VOCs排放特征进行研究,并提出最佳治理技术。结果表明,大客车单位涂装面积VOCs排放量达到300 g/m2以上,小轿车为40~60 g/m2。苯系物是VOCs排放的重要组分,最高占比为33.2%~64.6%。乙酸丁酯、异丙醇、丁醇等醇酯类物质近年来广泛用于代替苯系物溶剂,其排放占比为29.6%~61.2%。汽车涂装行业最佳治理技术包括采用3C1B、水性免中涂等先进涂装工艺,用粉末涂料、水性涂料和高固体成分涂料等代替溶剂型涂料,从源头控制排放。采用干式漆雾分离技术、转轮浓缩吸附-蓄热式焚烧技术等先进尾气治理技术,VOCs去除率可达99%以上。  相似文献   

成都餐饮源PM_(2.5)及VOCs排放因子的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对成都8家社会餐饮企业排放的PM2.5和VOCs监测分析,结果表明,餐饮企业排放的PM2.5平均质量浓度为(1.32±0.84)mg/m3,VOCs平均质量浓度为(0.37±0.45)mg/m3,VOCs的主要成分是48%的苯系物,22%的烷烯烃以及20%的酮类。根据餐饮企业的活动水平和实际监测结果,以就餐人数为基准得到的PM2.5和VOCs的排放因子分别为0.80 g/(人·次)和0.11 g/(人·次),以用油量为基准得到的PM2.5和VOCs的排放因子分别为8.5 g/kg和1.4 g/kg。  相似文献   

通过调查与分析苏州市重点监控行业企业VOCs的产生和排放特征,调研典型企业,重点关注其涉及VOCs产生的工艺环节、原辅材料、排放浓度。结果表明:苏州市涉及VOCs排放企业行业众多,尤其以电子信息最多,其次为塑料橡胶制品行业、石油化工行业、纺织印染行业等。重点监控VOCs排放企业使用了大量有机溶剂,生产工艺中涉及VOCs排放的环节多,排放的VOCs种类多、成分复杂,具有行业特征。  相似文献   

The capacity of cities to act on climate change mitigation is essential to fulfil the Paris Agreement target. In order to do so, cities should establish an effective climate policy which requires, as a first step, a complete greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory. The accurate city-scale GHG inventory enables cities to develop, implement and track climate solution measures, mainly those related to transportation. The compilation of a city-scale GHG inventory requires a standardized method and up-to-date activity data. This systematic review critically examines 40 articles over the past 20 years to (1) identify city-scale GHG inventory methods being applied worldwide, (2) evaluate how these methods are evolving, (3) elaborate how emissions from transport sector are being estimated, and (4) determine what data types and sources of transport-related data are being used. The review was limited to articles that addressed the process of compilation of a GHG inventory. The results demonstrate that city-scale GHG inventory methods evolved from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines to a variety of GHG accounting methods that offer levels of complexity to estimate city-scale emissions. Although GHG inventory methods for city-scale have advanced over the years, almost one third of the articles reviewed were focused on the proposal of a GHG inventory framework, adjusting current methods to each city's reality or proposing new ones. The majority of the cities analysed lack local transport-related data to measure GHG emissions based on the bottom-up approach. Yet, more than 40% of the articles managed to deliver the bottom-up inventory using a diversity of data types and sources. This review shows that there is still a path to achieve a globally compatible method. This would require a joint effort between researchers and city authorities to make international protocols more compliant to each city's data availability along with the improvement of cities data collection.  相似文献   

典型污染时段鹤山大气VOCs的臭氧生成潜势及来源解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年10月对广东鹤山大气中挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)变化特征、臭氧生成潜势和来源进行了研究。结果表明,观测期间测得的VOCs总平均值为26.6×10-9,表现为烷烃>苯系物>烯烃;烯烃日间值变化幅度较大,在清晨达到最大值;苯系物与一次污染物CO的变化趋势十分接近;烷烃的峰值出现时间较苯系物有所提前,且在短时间内迅速升高,表明观测点周边可能存在排放源;大气中各类VOCs的臭氧生成潜势(OFP)贡献表现为苯系物>烯烃>烷烃;从物种来看,乙烯等10种物质对总OFP的贡献占到了80.4%;观测期间测得的OFP贡献较大的VOCs物种主要来源于石化源、油漆溶剂和汽油挥发源。  相似文献   

The paper presents an emission inventory for Cochin, which is a highly industrialized area situated in the southern part of India. A proper emission inventory is very important for planning pollution control programmes, particularly in coastal sites like Cochin, where environmental situations are of growing concern owing to their typical meterorological conditions. In a systematic way the sources are broadly classified as point, line and area sources. The data on emissions from industries, fuel consumption for vehicular and domestic activities along with the respective emission factors are used for estimating the emissions. The study reveals that industrial sources are mainly responsible for emissions of particulate matter, oxides of sulphur and ammonia in the region. Automobiles are the prime sources of hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxide emitting 95%, 77% and 70% respectively of their total emissions, while the contribution from domestic sources is not very significant.  相似文献   

收集150家江苏省典型汽车零部件企业VOCs排放信息,对2家典型企业进行排放测试,分析江苏省该行业原辅料使用情况、产排污环节与核查要点、VOCs的排放特征,并提出最佳治理建议。研究表明,江苏省汽车零部件行业使用的涂料以溶剂型为主(占比约为79%)。废气按排放量大小依次为苯类、醇类、酯类和酮类,使用燃烧法处理后排放物种以烷烃为主,使用活性炭吸附法处理前后物种差异较小。吸附浓缩+燃烧组合处理工艺为目前最佳组合技术,处理效率 95%。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲制鞋行业挥发性有机化合物排放系数研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
采用工艺调查与现场监测相结合的方法,以物料衡算法为依据,通过现场监测结果进行验证,研究了制鞋行业挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)排放系数。结果表明,水性胶粘剂使用企业的VOCs排放系数为(5.25±2.67)g/双,油性胶粘剂使用企业的VOCs排放系数为(30.11±10.60)g/双,根据不同类型胶水在制鞋行业中所占的权重,可得到反映地方特色的制鞋行业VOCs排放系数。  相似文献   

苏州高新区典型行业VOCs排放特征及控制对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过资料收集和现场调研估算苏州高新技术产业园区VOCs排放量,对区内典型行业VOCs污染物特征组分做分析,并简述其区域内典型行业VOCs治理技术的现况,分析了排放现状特征和控制难点。基于对国内外工业VOCs污染控制措施研究,提出对VOCs污染控制的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Most research regarding the relationship between cities and transportation carbon emission is focused on intra-city travel, and it has been found that compact patterns tend to emit less carbon. Yet, little is known about the impact of national-level spatial distribution of cities and inter-city transportation on transportation CO2 emissions. Further, most studies regarding the impact of urbanization on CO2 emission directly examine the relationship between urbanization rate and CO2 emission with little consideration of the national spatial pattern of urbanization. This study hypothesizes that the national-level spatial distribution of cities – in a dispersed or polarized pattern – affects national transport CO2 emissions due to the varying intensity of inter-city transportation. This study uses the Gridded Population of the World v3 and v4 from Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) of NASA to examine the national-level spatial distribution of urban agglomerations. It applies the Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population, Affluence, and Technology (STIRPAT) model. The analysis shows that, among 60–90% of urbanized countries, spatially dispersed urbanized countries (e.g., countries with many medium-sized cities scattered over the territory) show a lower national transportation CO2 emission than spatially polarized urbanized countries (e.g., there are only a few large cities). The urban system elasticity of transportation CO2 emissions is 0.4 or 0.6. That is, if the degree of polarization decreases by 1%, national transportation CO2 emissions decrease by approximately 0.4–0.6%. This effect is similar to the effect of GDP per capita of around 0.5%. Because it is particularly difficult to disperse people and economic activities across a country once spatial polarization is set, this study's findings have the most significant implications for urbanizing countries. If urbanizing countries adopt national urban policy and territorial plans to form dispersed cities, it could reduce transportation carbon emissions and promote sustainable development. For already urbanized countries, national urban policy development is recommended to promote spatially dispersed rather than polarized national urban systems.  相似文献   

Air pollution has assumed gigantic proportion killing almost half a million Asians every year. Urban pollution mainly comprises of emissions from buses, trucks, motorcycle other forms of motorized transport and its supporting activities. As Asia's cities continue to expand the number of vehicles have risen resulting in greater pollution. Fugitive emissions from retail distribution center in urban area constitute a major source. Petrol vapours escape during refueling adding pollutants like benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene to ambient air. This paper discusses a study on fugitive emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) at some refueling station in two metropolitan cities of India, i.e., Mumbai and Delhi. Concentration of VOCs in ambient air at petrol retail distribution center is estimated by using TO-17 method. Concentration of benzene in ambient air in Delhi clearly shows the effect of intervention in use of petroleum and diesel fuel and shift to CNG. Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) model is used to estimate source contributions. At Delhi besides diesel combustion engines, refueling emissions are also major sources. At Mumbai evaporative emissions are found to contribute maximum to Total VOC (TVOC) concentration in ambient air.  相似文献   

The particulate emissions from biomass burning are a growing concern due to the recent evidence of their ubiquitous and important contribution to the ambient aerosol load. A possible strategy to apportion the biomass burning share of particulate matter is the use of organic molecular tracers. Anhydrosugars (levoglucosan, mannosan and galactosan), together with two organic acids (dehydroabietic and pimaric acids), were previously reported as organic markers for particulate wood burning emissions. These five compounds were studied in four European cities (Helsinki, Copenhagen, Birmingham and Oporto), at both a Roadside and an Urban Background station, during a summer and a winter campaign in the fine (PM(2.5)) and the coarse (PM(10-2.5)) size-fractions of the ambient aerosol. Levoglucosan concentrations were highest in the city of Oporto. In winter, levoglucosan was more present in the fine fraction but in summer, concentrations were similar in both size fractions. Levoglucosan concentrations in the fine size fraction were higher in winter, but no seasonal differences were observed for the coarse size fraction. The lack of difference between the Roadside and Urban Background levoglucosan concentrations points towards a regional nature of this type of pollution. Wood burning was estimated to contribute to about 3.1% of the winter PM(10) mass in Oporto, and to 3.7% in Copenhagen. Mannosan followed the trends exhibited by levoglucosan. The ratio between the levoglucosan and mannosan concentrations allowed determination of a preference for softwood over hardwood in all four cities. Galactosan, pimaric acid and dehydroabietic acid were found to be minor compounds.  相似文献   

周阳    王艳丽    陈璐    王伟    张丽娜    吉晟 《环境监控与预警》2014,6(6):37-40
以天津市2010年污染源普查数据中SO2、NOx及颗粒物排放数据以及各行业挥发性有机物调查核算数据为主要数据源,制作天津市大气污染物排放清单,用MM5模型模拟2010年天津市地区1、4、7、10月的气象场,通过CMAQ模型,设置不同计算情景,分析天津市ρ(O3)变化与NOx及挥发性有机物的排放量变化关系。结果表明,天津市的O3生成处于VOCs控制区,随着天津市NOx减排力度的不断加大,ρ(O3)可能呈上升趋势,在夏季,需要削减40%以上挥发性有机物,以避免ρ(O3)进一步上升。  相似文献   

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