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Rapid urbanization and increasing land use changes due to population and economic growth in selected landscapes is being witnessed of late in India and other developing countries. The cities are expanding in all directions resulting in large-scale urban sprawl and changes in urban land use. The spatial pattern of such changes is clearly noticed on the urban fringes or city peripheral rural areas than in the city center. In fact, this is reflected in changing urban land use patterns. There is an urgent need to accurately describe land use changes for planning and sustainable management. In the recent times, remote sensing is gaining importance as vital tool in the analysis and integration of spatial data. This study intends to estimate land use pattern in a planned and unplanned urban setup and also to analyze the impact of change in land use pattern in the Varanasi urban environment. The results indicate that the planned urban setup had a higher tree cover to that of unplanned area in the Varanasi City, although a considerable disparity existed within the planned urban setups. The results emphasize the need to critically review concepts of urban planning and give more consideration to the preservation and management of urban tree cover/greenspace.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemical parameters for groundwater samples of the Varanasi area, a fast-urbanizing region in India, were studied to evaluate the major ion chemistry, weathering and solute acquisition processes controlling water composition, and suitability of water quality for domestic and irrigation uses. Sixty-eight groundwater samples were collected randomly from dug wells and hand pumps in the urban Varanasi area and analyzed for various chemical parameters. Geologically, the study area comprises Quaternary alluvium made up of an alternating succession of clay, silty clay, and sand deposits. The Total dissolved solids classification reveals that except two locations, the groundwater samples are desirable for drinking, and all are useful for irrigation purposes. The cationic and anionic concentrations indicated that the majority of the groundwater samples belong to the order of Na > Ca > Mg > K and HCO3 > Cl > SO4 types, respectively. Geochemical classification of groundwater based on the Chadha rectangular diagram shows that the majority (81%) of groundwater samples belong to the calcium?Cbicarbonate type. The HCO3/ (HCO3 + SO4) ratio (0.87) indicates mostly carbonic acid weathering process due to presence of kankar carbonate mixed with clay/fine sand. The high nitrate concentration (>45?mg/l) of about 18% of the groundwater samples may be due to the local domestic sewage, leakage of septic tanks, and improper management of sanitary landfills. In general, the calculated values of sodium adsorption ratio, percent sodium, residual sodium carbonate, and permeability index indicate good to permissible use of water for irrigation, and only a few locations demand remedial measures for better crop yields.  相似文献   

Diffusive samplers were used to measure the vertical concentrations of benzene, toluene, n-hexane, cyclohexane, ethylbenzene and o-, m- and p-xylenes on both sides of two NS-oriented street canyons in Murcia (Spain) during a 5-day period. Non-dimensional relationships of concentration and height were calculated in order to study the behaviour of their concentration vertical profiles. The results show that the vertical profiles of benzene, toluene, n-hexane and cyclohexane concentrations were similar in both streets and on both sides of each street. Some differences were found in vertical profiles between streets and sides for ethylbenzene and xylenes, probably due to their higher affinity for adsorption into building materials. The similarities found for the first set of VOCs suggest that the dynamics of the dispersion was the same for both streets and was mainly influenced by microscale thermal effects. Finally, the concentration measurements of benzene, toluene, n-hexane, cyclohexane, and ethylbenzene were adjusted to expressions in the form c?=?c 0(h/h 0) A , and a regression coefficient R 2?=?0.962 (p?=?0.0000) was obtained. The decreasing concentration of these compounds with height should be taken into account when assessing population exposure to these pollutants.  相似文献   

Michigan water quality standards for public bathing beaches require local health departments to collect and analyze a minimum of three water samples for Escherichia coli during each sampling event. The geometric mean number of E. coli colonies is then compared to the 300 colonies per 100 ml standard to determine compliance. This article compares the results of the currently mandated procedure to a composite sampling method, whereby the three samples are mixed in equal volumes and analyzed once. This effectively replaces the geometric mean of the individual sample results with an arithmetic mean. Although arithmetic means are more affected by outliers, this sensitivity to high concentrations is more health conservative than the geometric mean. During the 2007 sampling season, nine bathing beaches were monitored once each week. Three individual point samples and a composite sample were analyzed for each sampling event. No statistically significant differences in bacteria concentrations were found between composite sample analysis and the arithmetic mean of individual point sample analyses. No violations were detected in the 2007 sampling season, so using historical data, a retrospective analysis was performed on samples gathered at nine bathing beaches in Kalamazoo County, Michigan during the years 2001–2007. The arithmetic mean of the three samples taken at each site served as a surrogate composite sample. The benefits of compositing the three samples were investigated assuming a 2/3 reduction in analytical costs. In the traditional sampling method, three individual samples were obtained and analyzed once in every 3-week period during the summer season, whereas compositing was simulated by taking the arithmetic mean of each week’s results. The results of this retrospective cost analysis indicates that ten to 14 violations would have been missed using the less frequent traditional sampling and analysis methodology. Composite sampling is a cost-saving alternative to traditional sampling techniques that can be more protective of public health, particularly when the savings are applied to increased numbers of samples in time or space.  相似文献   

Air quality modelling is primarily the quantative approach. It is more difficult as it demands input data accuracy, uncertainties and the efficient methodologies to judge the extent of models accuracy. As a result, model validation has to be regarded as an integral part of the modelling process. Furthermore, models are often validated on a limited number of testcases therefore, appropriate evaluation procedure must be implemented to ensure these models will be applicable for various conditions. The study presented here was carried out to evaluate theWinOSPM (Preliminary version of windows based Operational Street Pollution Model) for air pollutants viz. CO, NO, NO2, NOx and C6H6 for three street canyons of Nantes (France) and for the three base years 1999, 2000, and 2001. Each street canyon selected for this study has typical and unidentical features. The rue de Strasbourg and Boulevard Victor Hugo have many building exceptions whereas rue Crébillon has not any. Application of the model above to the three street canyons revealed that WinOSPM could be used in the case when measurements are not available. This was justified from the results at rue Crébillon. The special interest was in the benzene modelled values as its content in fuel has been targeted to reduce to 1% for the years 2000 and onwards (from its 5% until the year 1999). The 50 to 70% reduction in the benzene concentrations is found for both the years i.e. in 2000 and 2001. This has further justified that air quality models are useful and interesting tools in optimising emission reduction strategies. Moreover, it is also the new pollutant added to the measurement campaign of Air Pays de la Loire (APL) for the city of Nantes. For benzene weekly averages are estimated from the hourly-modelled values for all the streets and compared with that of measurements. They are found in excellent agreement with each others. For other pollutants annual means and percentiles were compared. The statistical analysis was done to evaluate the models performance using index of agreement and correlation coefficient. The index of agreement (d) and correlation coefficient (r) for all the streets show that estimated concentration levels are in good agreement with that of measurements. From the index of agreements, it can be inferred that model has very less potential for errors. The models sensitivity to building-exceptions was also tested for the rue de Strasbourg. Results did not reflect this feature very well. It is perceived that the influence of this feature might have been suppressed in averaging the annual hourly values. This influence is apparently seen in hourly average time series variations. Finally, WinOSPM model was found a simple but very useful model. It could very well represent the detailed flow and dispersion conditions in urban streets.  相似文献   

Rapid growth in urbanization and industrialization in developing countries may significantly contribute in heavy metal contamination of vegetables through atmospheric depositions. In the present study, an assessment was made to investigate the spatial and seasonal variations in deposition rates of heavy metals and its contribution to contamination of palak (Beta vulgaris). Samples of bulk atmospheric deposits and Beta vulgaris for analysis of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were collected from different sampling locations differing in traffic density and land use patterns. The results showed that the sampling locations situated in industrial or commercial areas with heavy traffic load showed significantly elevated levels of Cu, Zn and Cd deposition rate as compared to those situated in residential areas with low traffic load. The deposition rates of Cu, Zn and Cd were significantly higher in summer and winter as compared to rainy season, however, Pb deposition rate was significantly higher in rainy and summer seasons as compared to winter season. Atmospheric depositions have significantly elevated the levels of heavy metals in B. vulgaris collected during evening as compared to those collected in morning hours. The study further showed that local population has maximum exposure to Cd contamination through consumption of B. vulgaris. The present study clearly points out the urban and industrial activities of a city have potential to elevate the levels of heavy metals in the atmospheric deposits, which may consequently contaminate the food chain and thus posing health risk to the local population.  相似文献   

Ports can generate large quantity of pollutants in the atmosphere due to various activities like loading and unloading,transportation, and construction operations. Determination of the character and quantity of emissions from individual sources is an essential step in any project to control and minimize the emissions.In this study a detailed emission inventory of total suspendedparticulate matter (TSP), particulate matter less than 10 m(PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) for a port and harbour project near Mumbai is compiled. Results show that the total annual average contributions of TSP and PM10 from all the port activitieswere 872 and 221 t yr-1, respectively. Annual average emissions of gaseous pollutants SO2 and NOxwere 56 and 397 t yr-1, respectively, calculatedby using emission factors for different port activities. The maximum TSP emission (419 t yr -1) was from paved roads, while the least (0.4 t yr-1) was from bulk handling activity. The maximum PM10 emission (123 t yr-1) was from unpaved roads and minimum (0.2 t yr-1) from bulk handling operations. Similarly the ratio of TSP and PM10 emission was highest (5.18) from paved roads and least (2.17) from bulk handling operations. Regression relation was derivedfrom existing emission data of TSP and PM10 from variousport activities. Good correlation was observed between TSP andPM10 having regression coefficient >0.8.  相似文献   

Road sides provide suitable conditions for the establishment and growth of non-native species. The phenomenon of non-native species spread through roads has further increased due to rapid anthropogenic developments. Here we intend to investigate the status of native and non-native species and how the species richness and diversity change in a perpendicular road transect across the three different road use types in the central highlands of India. Presence of 55 non-native species was recorded, of the total 71 species along the road sides. Non-native species richness significantly increased with increasing road use type. Although, the species diversity significantly decreased from road verges to the forest interior in all the road use types. Indicating the role of non-native propagule spread through the roads into the interior forest landscapes. The study gives a management implication, to restrict the non-native species spread from the road sides to the forest interior, irrespective of road use types.  相似文献   

Acid deposition has caused detrimental effects on tree growth near industrial areas of the world. Preliminary work has indicated that concentrations of NO(3-), SO(4)(2-), F( - ) and Al in soil solutions were 2 to 33 times higher in industrial areas compared to non-industrial areas in Korea. This study evaluated soil nutrient bioavailability and nutrient contents of red pine (Pinus thunbergii) needles in forest soils of industrial and non-industrial areas of Korea. Results confirm that forest soils of industrial areas have been acidified mainly by deposition of sulfate, resulting in increases of Al, Fe and Mn and decreases of Ca, Mg and K concentrations in soils and soil solutions. In soils of industrial areas, the molar ratios of Ca/Al and Mg/Al in forest soils were <2, which can lead to lower levels and availability of nutrients for tree growth. The Ca/Al molar ratio of Pinus thunbergii needles on non-industrial sites was 15, while that of industrial areas was 10. Magnesium concentrations in needles of Pinus thunbergii were lower in soils of industrial areas and the high levels of acid cations such as Al and Mn in these soils may have antagonized the uptake of base cations like Mg. Continued acidification can further reduce uptake of base cations by trees. Results show that Mg deficiency and high concentrations of Al and Mn in soil solution can be limiting factors for Pinus thunbergii growth in industrial areas of Korea.  相似文献   

The impact of seawater intrusion was investigated using major hydrogeochemical ions to evaluate the origin of salinity in Sadras watershed located between Buckingham Canal and Bay of Bengal in the southeastern coast of India. From empirical data collected twice during pre- and post-monsoon seasons, it was found that groundwater was slightly acidic to mildly alkaline, and more than 44% of groundwater samples had EC > 3,000 ??S/cm in both the seasons. Results of principle component analysis (PCA) showed that Na?+?, Cl???, Mg2?+?, and SO $_{4}^{\,\, 2-}$ concentrations had the highest loading factor and the samples affected by saline/seawater were separated from the cluster. Hydrochemical processes that accompany the saline/seawater were identified using ionic changes. It was observed during sampling periods that the mixing due to saline/seawater intrusion varied from 4.82?C7.86%. Negative values of ionic change (e change) for Na?+? and K?+? decreased with the increasing fraction of seawater. Furthermore, salinity, sodium adsorption ratio, percentage of sodium Na (%), and exchangeable sodium percentage in well samples showed that groundwater was unsuitable for irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

The ability of herbicides to be adsorbed by the soil and sediment and their tendency to be desorbed are some of the most important factors affecting soil and water contamination. Therefore, a sorption study was conducted to evaluate the adsorption of cyhalofop-butyl, butyl (2R)-2-[4-(4-cyano-2-fluorophenoxy) phenoxy] propanoate, in the sandy clay loam and clayey soils using a batch equilibrium method. The adsorption of cyhalofop-butyl was found positively related with the clay and organic carbon content. Freundlich constants (K f) of cyhalofop-butyl in the clayey and sandy clay loam were found to be 13.39 and 2.21, respectively. Sorption coefficients (K oc) and distribution coefficients (K d) were found to be 265.38 and 2,092.79, and 1.38 and 11.48, for sandy clay loam and clayey soils, respectively. The adsorption isotherm suggested a relatively higher affinity of cyhalofop-butyl to the adsorption sites at low equilibrium concentrations. The low value of the soil organic carbon partition coefficient (K oc) of cyhalofop-butyl in the sandy loam soil suggested its weaker adsorption in soil and thus increased its risk of mobility into water sources; hence, it should be used judiciously to prevent groundwater contamination  相似文献   

Termite mounds are abundant components of Tummalapalle area of uranium mineralization of Cuddapah District of Andhra Pradesh, India. The systematic research has been carried out on the application of termite mound sampling to mineral exploration in this region. The distribution of chemical elements Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Cr, Li, Rb, Sr, Ba, and U were studied both in termite soils and adjacent surface soils. Uranium accumulations were noticed in seven termite mounds ranging from 10 to 36 ppm. A biogeochemical parameter called “Biological Absorption Coefficient” of the termite mounds indicated the termite affected soils contained huge amounts of chemical elements than the adjacent soils.  相似文献   

The use of native plants was examined in three rural communities in the semi-arid of the state of Pernambuco, in northeastern Brazil. The techniques employed in the present study combined a number of different techniques of data-gathering, including semi-structured interviews, guided tour, key-informants, and participating observation, and sampling of the vegetation to evaluate the biodiversity of useful plants. A total of 61 woody species were cataloged, mostly used for construction purposes or fuel. Among the species that stood out for their local importance and multiplicity of uses were: Myracrodruon urundeuva (Engl.) Fr. All., Schinopsis brasiliensis Engl., and Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan. The first two species are included in Brazilian lists of threatened species. Arguments are presented for strategies of management and conservation of plant resources in the semi-arid region that seek alternatives to the use of timber species and the development of alternative non-timber resources.  相似文献   

The Yellow River Delta (YRD) is a typical agricultural and petrochemical industrial area of China. To assess the current status of phthalate esters (PAEs) of soil residues, soil samples (0~20 cm) (n?=?82) were collected in Bincheng District, at the geographic center of the YRD. PAEs were detected in all topsoil samples analyzed, which indicated that PAEs are ubiquitous environmental contaminants. Concentrations of 11 PAEs are in the range of 0.794~19.504 μg g?1, with an average value of 2.975 μg g?1. It was presented that PAEs pollution in this area was weak and monotonously increasing along the rural–urban gradient. Higher concentrations were observed from roadsides (and/or gutters), densely anthropogenic activities areas (such as the urbanization and industrialization), and agriculture influence district, which mainly originated from construction waste, municipal sewage, agricultural waste and pesticide, discarded plastic effusion and atmospheric depositions. Concentrations of PAEs were weakly positivity correlated with soil organic carbon content and pH, which suggested both of them can affect the distribution of PAEs. The concentration of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and di-n-butyl phthalate dominated in the 11 PAEs, with the average values of 0.735 and 1.915 μg g?1, respectively, and accounted for 92.1 % of the whole PAEs’ concentrations. No significant differences of PAE congeneric profiles were observed between our work and others previously reported, which is consistent with the use of similar commercial PAEs around the world.  相似文献   

Urban areas are facing increasing fog frequencies that may result due to increased air pollution emanating from variety of sources. The increased pollution levels may lead to the atmospheric reactions resulting into the formation of secondary pollutants that may also lead to increased aerosol number concentrations (ANC) in the atmosphere. This could cause enhanced water aerosols in the presence of favourable meteorological conditions and high relative humidity. This study deals with the atmospheric pollution and visibility during winter season of megacity Delhi in order to assess the relationship between the two specifically during fog episodes. Thus, this study analyses the levels of air pollutants, aerosol spectrum and meteorological conditions during one week each in the winter season of the years 2004 and 2006 in order to have an improved understanding of their role in fog formation in mega-city Delhi. More than 300 h of measurements which included episodes of dense, thick and moderate fogs of about 25 h, were studied. The measurements cover most of the accumulation mode and greater size spectrum of aerosols. Thus, the analysis is performed for the entire period, specifically, before the fog sets up, during and afterwards. In general, the relatively small variations in number concentration show larger variations in visibility prior and post dense fog formation than during dense fog episodes. Preliminary analysis of monthly averaged RSPM (Respirable Suspended particulate Matter or PM(10)) concentration values for four winter months for a period of 6 years (1996-2001) and visibility did not show a good correlation with total occurrences of fog. However, daily averaged RSPM concentration showed a good correlation with the occurrences of thick fog. Diurnal variation of Sulfur-dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide were found to have inverse relationship with visibility during fog which may be due to formation of secondary pollutants such as sulfate and to a lesser extent nitrates. Amongst, the daily averaged concentrations of all the criteria pollutants, RSPM was found to be best correlated with the fog in comparison to other pollutants.  相似文献   

In India, groundwater assessment units are classified as overexploited areas, critical areas, semi-critical, or safe areas based on the stage of groundwater development and long-term water level trends. Intuitively, in the safe units, wells are expected to function and have good yields. Besides, in the safe units, new wells are expected to be successful. Conversely, the expectation of a successful well or wells with good yields is much lesser in the overexploited units. However, when these expectations are not met in the field, doubts are raised about the quality of assessment and its usefulness, and there is outright distrust on the agencies assessing groundwater resource by the common man as well as on the planners, administrators, and the politicians. Therefore, there is a need to present the results in a way that does not create confusion. One of the methods is to combine the assessment results with aquifer characters using geographic information system (GIS); when this is done, a whole set of newer classes emerge, which can be mapped. These classes are termed as groundwater typologies in this study. Each typology has some characteristics or traits in common, which include basic aquifer character as well as the stage of groundwater development. Thus, a class may be safe, but if the aquifer is poor, then it is separated from a class that is safe and where the aquifer is good and so on. In Andhra Pradesh, which is taken as the case study for this purpose, eight main typologies emerged, and two of these main typologies were further divided into four subtypologies each. This new way of understanding the pattern of groundwater abstraction (using GIS) has a better visual impact. Groundwater typologies are found to be much more rational and useful in developing management strategies, rather than simple listing as overexploited areas, critical areas, semi-critical areas, and safe areas as is commonly done. The typologies so delineated indicate on the map (or table) that balanced usable groundwater is in between 5 and 6 bcm/a as against the estimated balance of 20.5 bcm/a, and it is largely in poor hard rock type of aquifers, which occupy about a third of the area of the state.  相似文献   

The levels of 17 organochlorine pesticides residues (OCPs) in surface water and sediments from Tamiraparani river basin, South India were investigated to evaluate their potential pollution and risk impacts. A total of 96 surface water and sediment samples at 12 sampling stations were collected along the river in four seasons during 2008–2009. The ΣOCP concentrations in surface water and sediments were in the range of 0.1 to 79.9 ng l−1 and 0.12 to 3,938.7 ng g−1 dry weight (dw), respectively. Among the OCPs, the levels of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), aldrin, dieldrin, cis-chlordane, trans-chlordane, and mirex were dominant in the sediments. The dominant OCPs in water samples are heptachlor, o,p′-DDE, dieldrin, o,p′-DDD, and mirex, which show different source of contamination pattern among sampling seasons. The distribution pattern of DDTs, hexachlorocyclohexane, and other OCPs in the present study shows heterogenic nature of nonpoint source of pollution. Notable contamination of water and sediment sample that was observed in upstream (S2) 58 ng l−1 and downstream (S11) 1,693 ng g−1 dw explains agricultural and municipal outfalls, whereas frequent damming effect reduces the concentration level in the midstream. The overall spatial–temporal distribution pattern of ΣOCP residues are illustrated by GIS package.  相似文献   

In this study, a total of 120 fish specimens of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), were caught at four different stations in Shatt Al-Arab (Hareer, Garmat Ali, Al-Maqal and Abual-Khasib). The histological changes in the gills of fish were detected microscopically. Results show that the Shatt Al-Arab is polluted by some different sources of pollutants including power stations, paper industry, oil refineries, petrochemical industry, chemical fertilizer companies and the sewage system and overfishing and the application of pesticides. As a result of these analyses, histopathological changes in the gills of fish specimens, such as hyperplasia, loss of regular shape of secondary lamellae, separation of lamellar epithelium, clavate structure, atrophy of secondary gills lamellae, necrosis, dilation of lamellar capillaries, loss of secondary lamellae, fusion of secondary lamellae, edema, proliferation of cartilage in primary lamellae and curving of primary lamellae, were observed. The histopathological changes in fish gill samples from the Hareer region were much more prevalent than samples caught from other stations.  相似文献   

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