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Microbial degradation of chlorinated dioxins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) were introduced into the biosphere on a large scale as by-products from the manufacture of chlorinated phenols and the incineration of wastes. Due to their high toxicity they have been the subject of great public and scientific scrutiny. The evidence in the literature suggests that PCDD/F compounds are subject to biodegradation in the environment as part of the natural chlorine cycle. Lower chlorinated dioxins can be degraded by aerobic bacteria from the genera of Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas and Burkholderia. Most studies have evaluated the cometabolism of monochlorinated dioxins with unsubstituted dioxin as the primary substrate. The degradation is usually initiated by unique angular dioxygenases that attack the ring adjacent to the ether oxygen. Chlorinated dioxins can also be attacked cometabolically under aerobic conditions by white-rot fungi that utilize extracellular lignin degrading peroxidases. Recently, bacteria that can grow on monochlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins as a sole source of carbon and energy have also been characterized (Pseudomonas veronii). Higher chlorinated dioxins are known to be reductively dechlorinated in anaerobic sediments. Similar to PCB and chlorinated benzenes, halorespiring bacteria from the genus Dehalococcoides are implicated in the dechlorination reactions. Anaerobic sediments have been shown to convert tetrachloro- to octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins to lower chlorinated dioxins including monochlorinated congeners. Taken as a whole, these findings indicate that biodegradation is likely to contribute to the natural attenuation processes affecting PCDD/F compounds.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter and estrogenic potential of landfill leachate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lü F  Zhang H  Chang CH  Lee DJ  He PJ  Shao LM  Su A 《Chemosphere》2008,72(9):1381-1386
The estrogenic potentials of leachate samples collected at Laogang Sanitary Landfill in Shanghai, China were measured together with the associated dissolved organic matter (DOM) in leachate samples. Over 99% of the DOM in fresh leachate was removed upon 3-7 years of landfill, leaving only DOM with strong fluorescent activity. Anoxic or aerobic treatment of landfill leachate can further degrade DOM of MW<300 Da and transform those with fluorescent activity of MW>10(5) Da to those of 2000-10(5) Da. Neither landfilling nor storage in anoxic pond effectively removed estrogenic potential of leachate. Fractionation test revealed that residual organic matters of MW 3000-14000 Da and of <600 Da with high UV254 contributed most of the estrogenic activities in leachate. Aerobic SBR treatment considerably reduced the estrogenic potential of these organic matters in leachate.  相似文献   

In order to contain the movement of organic contaminants in groundwater, a subsurface sorption barrier consisting of sand or clay minerals coated with a cationic surfactant has been proposed. The effectiveness of such a sorption barrier might be affected by the presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the groundwater. To study the impact of DOM on barrier performance, a series of batch experiments were performed by measuring naphthalene and phenanthrene sorption onto sand coated with cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) and bentonite coated with hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMA) in the presence of various concentrations of DOM. The overall soil-water distribution coefficient (K*) of naphthalene and phenanthrene onto CPC-coated sand decreased with increasing DOM concentration, whereas the K* of the compounds onto HDTMA-coated bentonite slightly increased with increasing DOM concentration. To describe the overall distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the systems, a competitive multiphase sorption (CMS) model was developed and compared with an overall mechanistic sorption (OMS) model. The modeling studies showed that while the OMS model did not explain the CPC-coated sand experimental results, a model that included competitive sorption between DOM and PAH did. The experimental results and the modeling study indicated that there was no apparent competition between DOM and PAH in the HDTMA-coated bentonite system, and indicated that in groundwater systems with high DOM, a barrier using HDTMA-coated bentonite might be more effective.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter with multi-peak fluorophores in landfill leachate   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Lu F  Chang CH  Lee DJ  He PJ  Shao LM  Su A 《Chemosphere》2009,74(4):575-582
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) sampled from municipal landfill leachate of different ages with/without anoxic or aerobic treatment, was intensively fractionated via size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and hydrophobic resins, and was studied with fluorescence excitation and emission matrix (EEM). Six fluorophores with multiple EEM peaks (fluorophore A-F) were identified based on the collected EEM spectra and validated by bi-variate analysis, principal component analysis, and parallel factor analysis, as follows (excitation wavelength Ex and emission wavelength Em): (Ex 240, 310, 360 nm, Em 460 nm), (Ex 220, 280 nm, Em 340 nm), (Ex 220, 270 nm, Em 300 nm), (Ex 220, 280 nm, Em 360 nm), (Ex 230, 320 nm, Em 420 nm) and (Ex 220, 310 nm, Em 400 nm). The spectral characteristics of these fluorophores were discussed using fractional EEM and apparent molecular weight (AMW) data obtained via SEC analysis. The triple peak flurophore A was pointed at a hydrophobic acid or hydrophobic neutral compound with a pyrenyl functional group of AMW 2500-3500 Da, which displayed an excitation wavelength at 360 nm and a fluorescence intensity ratio of 6.70(+/-1.79):1.70(+/-0.41):1 (fluorescent intensities of Ex 240:Ex 310:Ex 360 nm at Ex 460 nm). This compound is observed to be refractory in landfilling or in anoxic/aerobic treatments, and is specific to this leachate contamination. This paper revealed that the coupling of SEC and EEM can be useful to track the fluorescent DOM fraction in landfill leachate.  相似文献   

Food is considered to be the main source of dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) for human intake, but there are relatively few publications reporting the levels of dioxins and furans in food samples.(1–4) Food samples from western to eastern Russia were collected during three recent trips by one of us (AS), and tested for dioxins and dibenzofurans to provide some indication of environmental contamination. The results show that in specific food samples there are more dioxins present than dibenzofurans, but in fish samples the opposite is true. We compare the levels found in Russian food with levels found in samples from other countries, on both wet weight and lipid basis. These Russian samples show ranges similar to but slightly lower than those seen in other industrial countries.  相似文献   

H. Weber  E. Marti 《Chemosphere》1986,15(9-12):1333-1337
The importance of reaction-rate theories is outlined and a short review is given over the main theories of unimolecular reactions. A new approach along the lines of the Slater theory is presented. Results of molecular decomposition rates for a chlorinated dioxine and related compounds are presented.  相似文献   

为研究水生植物分解对水体有机物污染的影响,对不同生物量(0.1、0.5、1.0 g·L−1)下金鱼藻、菹草、浮萍和睡莲凋落物分解过程中溶解性有机物(dissolved organic matter, DOM)的释放特征进行了研究。结果表明,不同生物量下4种水生植物分解过程中上覆水DOM质量浓度变化趋势相似,0~15 d迅速增加,15~60 d缓慢下降直至相对稳定。有机物释放量为浮萍>睡莲>菹草>金鱼藻,DOM芳香化程度为菹草>睡莲>浮萍>金鱼藻。0~15 d,DOM以易降解的类蛋白有机物为主,此时COD释放量显著增加;30~60 d,难降解的类富里酸和类腐殖酸有机物含量逐渐增加,对COD贡献不明显。DOM质量浓度随着生物量的增加而逐渐增加。高生物量(≥0.5 g·L−1)凋落物分解体系易降解的类蛋白物质(0~15 d)与难降解的类富里酸、类腐殖酸有机物(30~60 d)含量显著增加。分析发现植物凋落物生物量、种类以及凋落物分解时期可影响DOM质量浓度和特性,进而可能影响水体有机物的污染状况。因此,为避免大量植物凋落物分解造成的潜在风险,应及时控制水体中植物凋落物量。  相似文献   

Mortality patterns were analyzed for the time period 1940 through 1979 of 2,189 men with potential occupational exposure to chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins. Special attention was directed toward 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) and deaths due to soft-tissue sarcoma, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, Hodgkins disease, liver cancer, stomach cancer, and nasal or nasopharyngeal cancer. With United States white males as the comparison population for this employee cohort, the stadardized mortality ratio for all causes of death was 91 and for total malignant neoplasms, 96. Among the malignancy categories of particular interest, none demonstrated a significant deviation from expected. Nor were any significant trends noted for any specific cause of death category when analyzed by estimated cumulative exposure.  相似文献   

CDFs and CDDs were detected in Niagara Falls air samples with total concentrations ranging from 0.07 to 53 pg/m3. The highest concentrations were found on days when the wind direction was from a nearby point source. Average CDF/CDD background concentrations were calculated.  相似文献   

In the Ellen catchment on the Pinjarra Plain, NE of Perth in Western Australia, cadmium from fertilisers is starting to leach from soils. About 70% of surface soils in the Ellen catchment are sandy and often on top of a shallow ephemeral water table. Adsorption of Cd in the sandy soils of the Ellen catchment was studied by batch adsorption and by leaching small columns of soil. Adsorption of Cd increases linearly with increasing soil organic matter content and exponentially with increasing pH. Cadmium is significantly mobilised in the sandy soils by dissolved organic matter.The capacity of most of the sandy soils in the Ellen catchment to adsorb phosphate from fertiliser has been saturated. Resulting concentrations in Ellen Brook average 500 μg L−1 P. Cadmium is adsorbed more strongly in the sandy soils than phosphate and is just starting to leach into Ellen Brook. From a comparison of Cd/P ratios in water, soils and fertiliser, cadmium concentrations in Ellen Brook are estimated to be at 10–30% of their maximum for complete breakthrough from soils. Present concentrations of Cd in Ellen Brook average 0.1 μg L−1 and are estimated to approach the maximum for complete breakthrough in 100 yr. Maximum Cd concentrations in Ellen Brook could range from 0.6 to 2 μg L−1, depending on rates of input with fertiliser and future increases in agricultural land use in the catchment.Breakthrough curves, resulting from leaching Cd through small columns of sandy soil, indicate that adsorption significantly increases the effective hydrodynamic dispersion of Cd. Longitudinal dispersivities, measured at pore-water velocities of 0.7–14 m day−1, were 5 cm for Cd and 0.1–0.2 cm for chloride. The much greater dispersion of Cd in the sandy soils than of chloride is shown not to be caused by non-equilibrium adsorption.  相似文献   

Atmospheric fate and transport of dioxins: local impacts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lohman K  Seigneur C 《Chemosphere》2001,45(2):161-171
We conducted model simulations of the atmospheric fate and transport of PCDD/F to assess the fraction of emitted PCDD/F that would deposit within 100 km from the source. We considered eight major categories of PCDD/F emission sources and six different locations, to cover a wide range of source characteristics, PCDD/F congener profiles and particle size distributions, meteorological conditions and terrain configurations. These results suggest that for sources that have tall stacks and/or high plume rise (e.g., copper smelters, cement kilns, sinter plants), only a small fraction of PCDD/F emissions is deposited locally (typically, less than 10% within 100 km). Other source categories such as municipal solid waste incinerators, medical waste incinerators and diesel trucks lead to a greater fraction of PCDD/F being deposited locally; nevertheless, the majority of their PCDD/F emissions tends to be transported beyond 100 km. Although local impacts may need to be addressed for these latter source categories, it appears that the long-range potential impacts of PCDD/F need to be addressed for all source categories. Sensitivity studies were conducted to investigate the effect of various key model inputs on simulation results. These studies suggest that an advanced atmospheric dispersion model should be used for cases where PCDD/F emissions may present some local concerns because the results are very sensitive to the treatment of dispersion. Also, it is essential to obtain accurate characterizations of the particle size distribution of particulate PCDD/F because the dry deposition flux is very sensitive to the particle size distribution.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the transport of hydrophobic organic contaminants in an aquifer under simplistic riverbank filtration conditions is developed. The model considers a situation where contaminants are present together with dissolved organic matter (DOM) and bacteria. The aquifer is conceptualized as a four-phase system: two mobile colloidal phases, an aqueous phase, and a stationary solid phase. An equilibrium approach is used to describe the interactions of contaminants with DOM, bacteria, and solid matrix. The model is composed of bacterial transport equation and contaminant transport equation. Numerical simulations are performed to examine the contaminant transport behavior in the presence of DOM and bacteria. The simulation results illustrate that contaminant transport is enhanced markedly in the presence of DOM and bacteria, and the impact of DOM on contaminant mobility is greater than that of bacteria under examined conditions. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates that the model is sensitive to changes of three lumped parameters: K+1 (total affinity of stationary solid phase to contaminants), K+2 (total affinity of DOM to contaminants), and K+3 (total affinity of bacteria to contaminants). In a situation where contaminants exist simultaneously with DOM and bacteria, contaminant transport is mainly affected by a ratio of K+1/K+2/K+3, which can vary with changes of equilibrium distribution coefficient of contaminants and/or colloidal concentrations. In riverbank filtration, the influence of DOM and bacteria on the transport behavior of contaminants should be accounted to accurately predict the contaminant mobility.  相似文献   

This is the second of a two-part series describing the sorption kinetics of hydrophobic organic chemicals. Part I “The Use of First-Order Kinetic Multi-Compartment Models” is published in issue 1 of this journal, pp. 21–28. Sorption kinetics of chlorinated benzenes from a natural lake sediment have been investigated in gas-purge desorption experiments. Biphasic desorption curves, with an initial “fast” part and a subsequent “slow” part, were found for all tested chlorobenzenes. From these results first-order sorption uptake and desorption rate constants were calculated with a two-sediment compartment model, which is presented in the first paper. In three sets of experiments the sorption uptake period and sediment/water ratio were varied. Rate constants are not influenced by these experimental conditions, which supports the partitioning concept for the sorption of hydrophobic organic chemicals in sediments.  相似文献   

Elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared coupled to attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) and solid-state cross polarization with magic angle spinning-13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS 13C NMR) spectroscopies were used to compare the chemical features of water-soluble organic compounds (WSOC) from atmospheric aerosols with those of aquatic humic and fulvic acids. The influence of different meteorological conditions on the structural composition of aerosol WSOC was also evaluated. Prior to the structural characterisation, the WSOC samples were separated into hydrophobic acids and hydrophilic acids fractions by using a XAD-8/XAD-4 isolation procedure. Results showed that WSOC hydrophobic acids are mostly aliphatic (40–62% of total NMR peak area), followed by oxygenated alkyls (15–21%) and carboxylic acid (5.4–13.4%) functional groups. Moreover, the aromatic content of aerosol WSOC samples collected between autumn and winter seasons is higher (∼18–19%) than that of samples collected during warmer periods (∼6–10%). The presence of aromatic signals typical of lignin-derived structures in samples collected during low-temperature conditions highlights the major contribution of wood burning processes in domestic fireplaces into the bulk chemical properties of WSOC from aerosols. According to our investigations, aerosol WSOC hydrophobic acids and aquatic fulvic and humic acids hold similar carbon functional groups; however, they differ in terms of the relative carbon distribution. Elemental analysis indicates that H and N contents of WSOC hydrophobic acids samples surpass those of aquatic fulvic and humic acids. In general, the obtained results suggest that WSOC hydrophobic acids have a higher aliphatic character and a lower degree of oxidation than those of standard fulvic and humic acids. The study here reported suggests that aquatic fulvic and humic acids may not be good models for WSOC from airborne particulate matter.  相似文献   

On November 5, 1984, The Dow Chemical Company issued a report entitled: “Point Sources and Environmental Levels of 2378-TCDD on the Midland Plant Site of The Dow Chemical Company and in the City of Midland, Michigan.” This report is based upon the efforts of a 22-person task force who dedicated approx. 21 months of effort to the generation and analysis of over 6000 analytical data points regarding specific CDD/CDF concentrations in the four basic environmental elements of air, earth, fire (incineration), and water. A summarization of this study will be presented which includes methodology, analytical QA-QC criteria, and representative soil analyses, as they pertain to the survey conclusions.  相似文献   

Column experiments were conducted to validate a screening model predicting the influence of pentachlorophenol (PCP) pole-treating oil on the vertical migration of its impurities, chlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs). PCP pole-treating oil (15 mL d−1) and water (20 mL d−1) were added daily to the top of sand and organic soil columns during 35 d. Column soil samples were analyzed to determine concentrations of hydrocarbons and PCDD/Fs at several depths in the columns (0-30 cm) and their evolution in time (7, 14, 21 and 35 d).The model predicted a significant vertical migration of PCDD/Fs due to the presence of oil as a free phase and PCDD/Fs were found in the different column layers at concentrations consistent with model predictions (same order of magnitude). Measured PCDD/Fs concentrations are in total disagreement with literature data and with model prediction in the absence of oil free phase, which implies PCDD/F properties alone cannot be used to predict their fate in the current context: the influence of PCP pole-treating oil must be accounted for to properly explain their migration.  相似文献   

A combination of reverse osmosis (RO) concentration and DAX-8/XAD-4 resin adsorption techniques is used to isolate the various constituents of urban dissolved organic matter (DOM) from inorganic salts. Three fractions: hydrophobic (HPO), transphilic (TPI) and hydrophilic (HPI) accounting respectively for 35%, 20% and 45% of extracted carbon, are isolated from effluents of a major French wastewater treatment plant. This atypical DOC distribution, in comparison with natural water where the HPO fraction dominates, shows the significance of HPI fraction which often gets neglected because of extraction difficulties. A number of analytical techniques (elemental, spectroscopic: UV, FTIR) allow highlighting the weak aromaticity of wastewater effluent DOM (EfOM) due to fewer degradation and condensation processes and the strong presence of proteinaceous structures indicative of intense microbial activity. Copper toxicity in the presence of DOM is estimated using an acute toxicity test on Daphnia Magna (Strauss). Results reveal the similar protective role of each EfOM fraction compared to reference Suwannee river fulvic acid despite lower EfOM aromaticity (i.e. specific UV absorbance). The environmental implications of these results are discussed with respect to the development of site-specific water quality criteria.  相似文献   

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