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The effects of exposure of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) to sublethal concentrations of lead on hematological and immunological parameters were investigated. The fish were semistatically exposed to low (L) (0.5 mg L?1), medium (M) (2.5 mg L?1), and high (H) (5 mg L?1) lead concentrations for 14 days. At the end of the trial, red blood cell (RBC) count, hematocrit (Hct) ratio and hemoglobin levels showed significant decreases in M and H groups, while RBC was significantly increased in L group compared to control group. Lysozyme activity showed a decrease in all groups on day 14 compared to control. A decrease in myeloperoxidase activity was seen in M and H groups on day 7, and in all treatment groups on day 14. In conclusion, it was found that exposure of O. mossambicus to lead concentrations affected hematological and immunogical parameters adversely.  相似文献   

Lead has been found to depress the immune system in animal studies at levels far below those responsible for overt toxicity. Literature studies in animal systems most clearly showed an effect of lead on response to a specific immunogenic stimulus. Data are sparse concerning the effects of lead on the immune system in the human population at greatest risk for exposure-children up to six years of age. This portion of the Phase I study reports concentrations of IgG, IgM, IgA, and IgE, as well as antibody titers to the specific antigenic stimuli provided by the vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, and Rubella. The study population consisted of a group of 193 children, ages 9 months to 6 years, who participate in the WIC (Women, Infants and Children) and Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs in the urban area of Springfield-Greene County Missouri. Blood lead levels ranged from 1 to 50 g dL–1. Total Ig levels were determined and the data were analysed. No consistent significant differences were observed among the risk categories in the five age groups examined. A single Ig class in each of three age groups showed apparent significant differences among the various risk categories, but these differences were not correlated with blood lead. An analysis of specific antibody titers to diphtheria, tetanus, and Rubella was performed. Regression analyses of current data in Phase I of this study suggest a detrimental effect of lead on the antibody titres to diphtheria and Rubella.  相似文献   

Studies conducted in animal systems have shown that lead is an immunosuppressive agent at levels far below those causing overt toxicity. Children less than six years of age are the population at highest risk for exposure to environmental lead; however little data were available to assess effects on the developing immune system in this age group. Reported here is the completed Phase I study on 193 children, ages 9 months to 6 years, with blood lead levels from 1 to 50 (g dL–1, recruited from the urban population of Springfield-Greene County, Missouri, through their participation in the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) and Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs. This portion of the study dealt with enumeration of cells involved with the immune response andin vitro mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes. The percent lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes, T cells (total), B cells, CD4+T's and CD8+T's and CD4+/CD8+ ratios were determined and the data were analysed. No consistent significant differences were seen among the various risk categories currently identified by the CDC. Though two age groups showed some possible effect of lead, none of the various cellular parameters within these age groups showed significant correlation with blood lead. The lymphocyte response toin vitro mitogenic stimulus was studied on 42 children (including 17 in risk classifications IIA and higher) using the mitogens phytohemagglutinin (PHA), Concanavalin A (Con A), and Pokeweed mitogen (PWM). No consistent statistically significant differences were seen among the various risk categories; the effects of lead, if present, are most likely subtle and obscured by the interindividual and time-dependent variation inherent in this type of study.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity, including variation in the physical environment, may be key to understanding the evolution and maintenance of alternative mating tactics, but its influence is rarely examined. Males of the threadtail damselfly Protoneura amatoria reversibly use two alternative mating tactics (perching vs. hovering) and have previously been found to modulate their use of these tactics in response to variation in both light conditions and the density of ovipositing females. Here, I show that mating success payoffs of the two tactics are differentially influenced by these factors. The payoff of the perching tactic was greater than that of the hovering tactic under low light conditions and at low densities of ovipositing females. The payoff of the hovering tactic was greater under high light conditions and higher densities of ovipositing females. The differential success of the two mating tactics in response to light conditions is discussed in light of flight dynamics, vision, and predation.  相似文献   

全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)是全氟和聚氟烷基物质(PFASs)人造类别中的一员,是全世界在水体、人类、哺乳动物和鱼类中最常检测到的PFAS之一。斑马鱼(Danio rerio)是一种小型淡水鱼类,被认为是研究化合物毒性的合适的脊椎动物模型。先前的研究表明,雄性和雌性斑马鱼中脂肪酸结合蛋白(fabps)的组织特异性生物蓄积和表达的改变可能是由于PFAS和脂肪酸转运体之间的相互作用。此外,有报道显示人类和动物暴露于PFAS后导致神经系统的影响。因此,本研究旨在探讨PFOS暴露是否影响斑马鱼肝脏、肠道、心脏和卵巢脂肪酸代谢相关基因(fabp1a、fabp2和fabp10a),以及大脑和肌肉中涉及神经系统的基因(ChAT、ngf、bdnf、AChE和hdac6)的表达。结果表明,与脂肪酸代谢和神经功能相关的基因表达随暴露浓度和性别的变化而变化。此外,我们的发现强调了这些基因的表达随暴露时间的不同而不同。我们的研究结果将PFOS作用的知识基础扩展到其他组织,而不是仅限于研究较为透彻的肝脏。这项调查结果为今后研究PFOS作为环境中最丰富的PFAS之一的潜在风险提供了依据。  相似文献   

铅暴露对人体健康风险评价的模型综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张园  耿春女  蔡超 《环境化学》2013,(6):943-951
铅是一种在暴露环境下,可以通过手口途径或者皮肤接触而进入人体,从而对人体许多组织器官都产生毒性作用的重金属,其对儿童的危害尤为突出.我国对暴露在铅环境下人体健康的风险评价研究起步较晚,基于血铅指标的铅污染土壤风险评估方法导则仍在探讨建立中.而国外已经存在一些较为成熟的用于成人及儿童的铅暴露吸收和生物动力学模型,其中被广泛接受和使用的是成人血铅模型(ALM)以及儿童在铅中的综合暴露吸收生物动力学模型(IEUBK).前者描述了关于非居住区土壤中铅暴露物对成人风险的评估,且重点针对污染土壤的铅暴露物所导致的孕妇体内胎儿的血铅浓度进行评估;后者则重点预测6—84个月的儿童在铅的综合暴露下的健康风险.本文旨在通过对这些模型进行对比总结,从而提出可用于我国铅污染风险评估的理论依据及指导方法.  相似文献   

Environmental lead poses a serious threat for public health, particularly, for children. The use of substances with metal-binding properties, such as natural alginates, may be a potentially effective method for elimination of toxic metal ions from human body. In present study, effect of calcium alginate isolated from brown algae on distribution of the lead ions in preschool children was investigated. In the beginning of the study, lead concentration in urine, feces, and hair was determined. Then these children were administered a dietary supplement containing calcium alginate for four weeks. The results showed that all children participated in the study had a high baseline median lead level in urine (1.1 µg/L), feces (4.6 µg/g), and hair (5.0 µg/g). Administration of calcium alginate resulted in twofold increase of the urine lead level within two weeks from the start of the treatment. At the end of alginate administration, significant decrease of lead concentration in hair was registered. These results suggest that calcium alginate can potentially prevent accumulation of the lead ions in the body and may be used as an active agent for elimination of this toxic metal from human body.  相似文献   

Lead emitted into the environment, primarily from the combustion of leaded petrol and industrial activities, retains the isotopic signature of the ore(s) from which it is derived. Leaded petrol, atmospheric particulates and street dust sampled in central Edinburgh between February 1989 and December 1991 had mean206Pb/207Pb ratios of 1.082 ± 0.024, 1.092 ± 0.011 and 1.109 ± 0.016 respectively. These isotope ratios were found to be depleted in206Pb compared with a mean of 1.160 ± 0.012 for tap water in contact with lead pipes and %typical ratios of 1.17–1.19 for British lead ore deposits and coal. Paint, with an observed wide range of 20 Pb207 Pb ratios (1.083–1.183), appears to have significantly influenced house dust and some street dust206Pb207 values. Such overlaps and influences may hinder the quantitative apportionment, via isotope data, of source and route in general population surveys of human exposure to lead.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine oxidative alterations leading to cellular dysfunctions in Pb-exposed subjects by evaluating damage to all major classes of biomolecules in the cell, lipid peroxidation, protein and DNA damage and determine relationships between parameters of Pb toxicity and specific biomarkers of oxidative damage.

Analysis was conducted of smelter workers with high blood Pb and urine aminolevulinic acid levels and slightly elevated values of coproporphyrin and erythrocyte protoporphyrin IX. Significant decreases of thiol groups and increases in carbonyl groups as protein degradation end products, and of nitrite were detected. Elevated rates of lipid peroxidation and rises in the activities of the antioxidant enzymes Cu–Zn superoxide dismutase and catalase were also observed. Both enzymes showed positive correlations with the blood lead levels and urine coproporphyrin, while thiol groups correlated negatively with the same indices. The genotoxic potential of lead was manifested through an increased number of DNA-damaged cells. Increased activities of serum lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes indicated cellular damage in the lungs, kidneys, and liver. These lead-induced impairments should be taken into consideration in the assessment of Pb-related health hazards.  相似文献   

This study in selected Pakistani populations was conducted to determine the blood lead levels (BLL) in mothers and their developing fetuses. Associated factors were correlated with the maternal BLL. Blood samples from 113 pregnant women and their umbilical cords were examined for BLL and cord blood lead levels through a graphite furnace-attached atomic absorption spectrophotometer. A structured questionnaire was also used to obtain sociodemographic and obstetric data based on basic demographic data, reproductive history, hemoglobin levels, gestational age, parity, mode of delivery, maternal and baby weight, drinking water, menarche age, blood pressure, lead (Pb)-containing eye liner use, smoking, and nutritional status. In order to assess the strength of the relationship between different parameters, Pearson's coefficient correlation was utilized and their significance was determined by applying the t-test. Data demonstrated that the maternal BLL were always higher than the recommended concentrations of 10 µg/dl and many factors contributed towards such results. Drinking water seemed to affect the Pb concentration as women using spring water had relatively higher BLL. The calcium concentration in pregnant women and their fetuses ranged from 9 to 13 mg/dl. Majority of the pregnant women were undergraduates with 12 years of education (equivalent to high school in the United States). Evidence indicates that the avoidance of Pb intake and its associated factors in the study area will diminish risk to newborns.  相似文献   

Pilot study of sources of lead exposure in Moscow,Russia   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This preliminary investigation of sources of lead exposure in Moscow, Russia, by Russian and US collaborators measured lead in paint, interior dust, and drinking water in seven day-care centres, and in petrol, soil and canned food. Some paint samples exceeded US regulatory standards for lead in paint on surfaces (0.5%). Dust lead loadings were < 1.7 g cm–2 and below the guidance levels of the US EPA. Drinking water lead concentrations were at or below the US drinking water standard of 15 g L–1. Lead concentrations in petrol from Moscow vehicles and petrol stations were consistent with a regulation banning the sale of leaded petrol within the Moscow City limits. Except for baby food, lead levels were higher in the Russian canned foods (range 6 to 1240 g kg–1, dry weight) compared to corresponding US canned foods, with ratios of Russian to US levels of up to 120:1 for evaporated milk. Lead concentrations in soil generally ranged from 500 to 2000 g g–1, levels that would trigger hazard reduction measures according to US EPA guidance. These findings, together with the use of lead in petrol outside Moscow, indicate multiple sources of lead exposure in Russia. Priorities for future research are discussed including the establishment of interlaboratory quality control programmes.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) exposure is of particular concern because of the ongoing exposure of thousands of workers in industrial plants. Monitoring of Pb exposure among the at-risk workers is recommended and amongst various biomarkers, and it is well-established that blood lead (BPb) determination is utilized for biomonitoring. There are some previous reports on the BPb levels among several at-risk occupations in Thailand; however, there has been no comparison among these occupations with respect to metal levels in the blood. The aim of this study was to correlate at-risk occupations with Pb exposure and BPb levels. In order to compare between occupations, it was not possible to obtain a direct correlation as there are several confounding factors, especially for occupational conditions and lab measurement techniques. In this study, the exposure risk ratio from five previously available reports regarding BPb determination in at-risk occupations in Thailand is presented. Of interest, the high risk occupations are those in which individuals directly inhaled Pb in environmental ambient air. The cutoff median of exposure risk ratio was found to be 12.6 and this may be a useful value in determining whether exposed workers are at high risk in future studies.  相似文献   

Enrichment of lead in respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) and exposure of human blood to particulate lead in traffic environment were investigated. Samples of RSPM, non-respirable suspended particulate matter (NRSPM) and total suspended particulate matter (TSPM) were collected in 10 sampling sites located on National Highway No. 6, Durg–Bhilai section of Chhattisgarh State of India. Forty blood samples, out of which 20 of highway traffic personnel with chronic exposure and other 20 of general population who were residing more than 10 km away from the National Highway, were collected. Samples of particulate matter were weighed and analysed for particulate lead. Results have shown a higher concentration of average RSPM and TSPM in all the sampling sites compared to the Indian permissible limits. Geometric mean of lead levels was found in the range of 0.880–1.414 µg/m3 (TSPM) in the study sites. Concentrations of lead in RSPM have shown a higher enrichment (range 2.645–3.171) relative to NRSPM. Blood lead levels in traffic personnel and general population were found in the range of 56.70–101.17 µg/dL and 7.92–31.22 µg/dL, respectively.  相似文献   

Bioassays of two sites along the Rio Negro in Uruguay indicate ecotoxicity, which could be attributable to trace concentrations of lead in river sediments. Monthly samples at two sites at Baygorria and Bonete locations were analyzed for both particle size and lead. Lead was determined by atomic spectrometry in river water and sediment and particle size by sieving and sedimentation. Data showed that Baygorria's sediments have greater percentage of clay than Bonete's (20.4 and 5.8%, respectively). Lead was measurable in Baygorria's sediments, meanwhile in Bonete's, it was always below the detection limit. In water samples, lead was below detection limit at both sites. Bioassays using sub-lethal growth and survival test with Hyalella curvispina amphipod, screening with bioluminescent bacteria Photobacterium leiognathi, and acute toxicity bioassay with Pimephales promelas fish indicated toxicity at Baygorria, with much less effect at Bonete. Even though no lethal effects could be demonstrated, higher sub-lethal toxicity was found in samples from Baygorria site, showing a possible concentration of the contaminant in the clay fraction.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent to which people are being exposed to environmental contaminants helps to identify those populations which may be disproportionately exposed to the contaminants of potential public health concern. This study represents the first report of a comparison of heavy metal arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), platinum (Pt), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn) concentrations in the blood of residents of mining and non-mining communities in Ghana. Blood sampling, health records, and interviews were used in this study to establish the links between the levels of contaminants and health effects in humans within a mining and non-mining community in Ghana. Results of this study show that mean concentration of As in blood in Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality/Prestea-Huni Valley District (TNMA/PHVD) (mining communities) and Cape Coast Metropolis (CCMA) (non-mining community) was 18- and 2-fold higher, respectively, than the WHO guideline value of 0.002?mg?L?1. The mean concentrations of As, Cd, Pb, Hg, and Mn were elevated up to 20-fold higher in the blood of resident adults and children in TNMA/PHVD than in CCMA. The risk of acute respiratory infections in the exposed populations of TNMA and PHVD were approximately 41- and 12-fold greater than the unexposed group. The risk of diabetes mellitus in the exposed populations of TNMA and PHVD were also approximately 20- and 4-fold higher than the unexposed group. In TNMA and PHVD, 40 blood donors were suffering from hyperkeratosis or pigmentation unlike their CCMA counterparts. Data suggest a potential association between mining activities and the levels of these heavy metals. However, the proportion of anthropogenic contribution to the levels of these metals in the blood remains uncertain. This uncertainty seems to be the umbrella under which both government and mining companies continue to hide, leading to inaction.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) represent a class of tricylic, almost planar, aromatic ethers with 1 to 8 chlorine atoms. Congeners with substituents in the positions 2, 3, 7, and 8 are of special concern due to their toxicity, stability, and persistence. These compounds have been identified in almost all environmental compartments and humans.

Dioxins are a potent carcinogen for animals and—at the moment—considered a probable carcinogen for humans. Actual toxicological risk assessment for humans are based on 2,3,7,8‐Cl4DD carcinogenicity studies on rodents. Tumorigenic effects were found for 2 strains of rats and 2 strains of mice. All dioxins and furans elicit common toxic and biological responses, starting with a specific binding to a protein receptor, but existing epidemiologic data do not provide definitive data on human health effects.

Toxicity equivalency factors (TEFs) have been developed by several agencies as a provisional method of risk assessment for complex mixtures of PCDD/PCDF.

Dioxins have never been produced intentionally and have never served any useful purpose. They are formed in trace amounts as by‐products in industrial processes; for instance within the chemical industry, of the pulp and paper industry, metallurgical processes, processes for reactivation of granular carbon, dry cleaning, and the manufacture of flame‐retarded plastics.

The main pathway for dioxins to enter the environment is via combustion processes. Incineration is of special importance since PCDD/PCDF are directly released to the atmosphere from either stationary sources, such as municipal, hazardous and hospital waste incinerators, the combustion of sewage sludge, and scrap metal recycling, or diffuse sources, e.g. automobile exhausts, private home heating with fossil fuels, forest fires, and cigarette smoking. Furthermore, fires with PCB and PVC have additionally contributed to the total dioxin load. The emission gases can undergo long‐range transport, so that dioxins have been found even in remote areas.

Besides the two primary sources (industrial processes and combustion processes) the release of dioxins from contaminated areas and waste dumps via the leachate and the application of sewage sludge for fertilization represents a third source of PCDD/PCDF.

After more than 10 years of dioxin research the most important sources of PCDD/PCDF have been identified and analytical methods have been developed for their quantification in trace levels and in complex matrices.

Various efforts have been undertaken to reduce the emission of dioxins: for example, optimization of combustion processes for municipal waste incineration, use of unleaded gasoline, ban of chemicals, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and pentachlorophenol (PCP). More detail is provided in the pulp and paper section where changes have been initiated to significantly reduce the sources of PCDD/PCDF.

However, relatively little is known about transport and transformation processes, so only rough estimates can be made. Photodegradation has been found to be the primary process for 2,3,7,8‐Cl4DD breakdown. A half‐life of 3–4 days has been estimated for photochemical degradation under oxidative conditions. Field studies on the fate of 2,3,7,8‐Cl4DD in soil gave a half‐life of 9.1 (Seveso) and 12 years (under special conditions: sand, erosion), respectively. Biodegradation seems to be negligible. Transfer factors soil‐plants for PCDD/PCDF have been determined—with a high degree of uncertainty—to be less than 0.1.

Human exposure primarily occurs via ingestion whereas inhalation is a minor pathway. Dermal absorption can be neglected although skin contact to polluted surfaces may occur. Due to the lipophilicity of PCDD/PCDF and their potential for accumulation, foods such as meat and especially dairy products contribute most to the dioxin body burden of humans.

Both national agencies and international organizations have recognized the significance of this problem and as a result have initiated regulations, recommendations and research programmes (1) to understand where and how PCDD/PCDF are formed, (2) to reduce their impact on the environment and to humans, and (3) to start remedial action on contaminated areas.  相似文献   

Garden soil and housedust samples, from households in a Derbyshire village closely associated with historic lead mining, have highly elevated lead levels. Handwipe samples from children also have relatively high lead concentrations suggesting that elevated levels of lead are transferred to the child by the soil-dust-hand-mouth pathway. However, this is not reflected in their blood lead concentrations which are within normal UK ranges and less than predicted by some lead exposure models. SEM analysis of soil grains has revealed that many are composed of pyromorphite [Pb5(PO4)3Cl], a stable soil-lead mineral. This mineral is formed from the weathering of galena [PbS] but it is not clear to what extent weathering has occurred in the soil. Pyromorphite has an extremely low solubility which may contribute to a low human bioavailability of lead in these soils, resulting in the lower than expected blood lead concentrations.  相似文献   

Pollution of aquatic environments by trace metals is a worldwide environmental problem. Metal pollutants are increasingly being released into the environment as a result of industrialization. In this study, the bioaccumulation of cadmium and lead in young juvenile milkfish liver (Chanos chanos) was investigated after exposure to three sublethal concentration of each pollutants (1/20, 1/10, and 1/5 LC50 of 96-h LC50) for acute time 12, 24, and 96 h and subchronically for 7, 14, and 21 days. Cadmium and lead accumulation in liver increased with the exposure period and concentrations of pollutant. Compared to controls, the uptake of cadmium is much higher than that of lead. Accumulation factors showed an increase with exposure time and for lead an inverse relationship between accumulation factor and exposure concentration. The elimination of the two pollutants during the 30 days depuration was investigated after 30 days depuration time. During this phase, cadmium and lead concentrations decreased.  相似文献   

The bioavailability of lead in soil is of considerable importance to human and animal health. Although selective extraction has been explored as a more appropriate technique than total heavy metal analysis in environmental pollution assessments, such studies remain scarce globally and are almost non-existent in developing countries. Results for a large-scale study of extractable lead levels in undisturbed soil samples in South Africa identify several geographic areas of concern. Lead levels are considerably elevated relative to background levels in the Johannesburg urban and industrial area. Areas of active lead mining also exhibit higher surface soil values. Interestingly, areas of active and intensive coal mining activity display relatively low soil Pb values, possibly attributable to the relatively low heavy metal content of South African coal. In all instances, distribution of cadmium, a carcinogenic element, correlates with that of lead. The results demonstrate the usefulness of the quick and easy Mehlich-3 single extractant technique, an established technique in micronutrient studies, to simultaneously provide valuable environmental data for toxic metals such as Pb and Cd.  相似文献   

A simple procedure using both cation and anion exchange chromatography has been applied in the study of lead and strontium isotope composition in rain and stream water samples from remote catchments in Scotland. Whereas the soil released strontium to stream waters, lead was removed from rain water and the concentrations in stream waters were very low. Highly precise analysis by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry proved necessary in the determination of strontium isotope composition. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio in rain water was close to that of marine strontium but the ratios in stream waters were constant and highly characteristic for the stream. In the case of the stream at the Sourhope site, the ratio (0.70798 ± 0.00005) was less than that in rain water and probably resulted from the weathering of one specific mineral. The results suggested that the 87Sr/86Sr ratios could be used as a stable isotope tracer of waters and to provide information on the weathering processes. Two major anthropogenic components of lead were identified in water samples. One had its origin in petrol additives whereas the other was probably of industrial origin. The low 206Pb/207Pb ratios observed in stream waters confirmed the lead as being of anthropogenic origin and the data suggested that there was a movement, albeit very small, of lead from the soil to waters.  相似文献   

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