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姚红  游珍  方淑荣  刘峻 《环境保护科学》2012,38(1):50-53,68
我国已形成较完整的环境政策体系,但在地方执行过程中却被"异化"、"弱化"了。探索性提出以模糊数学的方法定量评价地方政府对环境政策的执行力,从政策执行情况和执行效果两个方面构建环境政策执行力评价指标体系,并以南通市为例进行评价,南通市2009年环境政策的执行率数据不太理想,但是评价区域的环境质量、节能减排情况尚好,评价结果基本与客观事实相符。应用模糊数学的方法评价环境政策执行力是可行的,构建的评价指标体系也是合理的。  相似文献   

节能减排目标的完成需要政府实施卓有成效的环境管理,而政府的环境管理水平最终是通过地方政府的执行力来体现.本文具体分析了地方政府执行力的内涵、构成要素及其影响因素,在此基础上提出了增强地方政府执行力的一些具体建议:包括强化环保部门的权威、大力培育地方政府的执行要件、优化地方政府的整合机制,完善地方政府环保绩效评估机制、创设适宜的法制环境和文化环境等.  相似文献   

通过梳理我国1988—2014年主要大气污染治理政策,并对相关政策的特点进行分析,从政策制定的视角分析了我国政府在大气污染治理方面的执行情况与不足,提出未来需要在排放标准制定、经济激励政策工具采用和经济环境政策协同等方面进一步完善的建议。  相似文献   

低碳发展已经成为世界未来经济发展的新规则。就政府的公共政策而言,通过发展规划的明确、法律规章的完善,体制机制的创新和科技创新的推动等方面的政策导向,可以有效推动低碳经济的发展。合理借鉴国际上发达国家发展低碳经济的政策导向经验,结合现在发展低碳经济政策中存在的问题,有利于我国从思路、规划、考核、机制、财税和管理等方面入手,进一步完善低碳经济的政策体系,推动低碳经济的有效发展。  相似文献   

环境政策是用来规范和约束人类行为对自然生态环境的影响,其完善程度对我国生态文明建设有重要作用。环境正义是社会公正的一部分,并逐渐成为影响各国政府环境政策制定的重要因素。现有环境政策研究在税费、污染物交易市场等经济相关领域成果丰富,而在政策执行和涉及到生态文明建设的环境正义方面有待进一步深入。  相似文献   

公共事务的积累只是为制度化解决提供了必要性,当政者维护政权的根本利益需要决定了公共事务处理的优先序列。客观问题的属性和解决的迫切程度只有在政府最高层统治集团认为维系权力存续的手段具备充分的支撑条件时,才会愿意在正式制度上进行调整,为解决问题提供制度供给。新中国成立后很长一段时间内,我国环境问题并不突出,中央政府根据社会主要矛盾需要制定了以发展经济为重心的制度体系。这种制度结构使地方政府和辖区企业形成了利益共容关系。为适应竞争的需要,地方政府庇护辖区企业环境行为,机会主义地执行环境管理制度,使环境问题积累成为影响安全价值的显著因素。在国内外政治压力下,中央政府最终做出了战略调整,地方政府在中央政府制度调控下,自发地合作治理环境问题。  相似文献   

中国正处于城市化的快速发展时期,城市发展需要探索出一条符合生态文明理念的新道路。杭州市确立了环境立市战略,优化生态环境,提升城市功能,推行低碳经济,实践低碳城市发展模式。本文基于杭州低碳城市建设现状、特点,从组织领导、完善政策、建立激励调控机制、完善碳信息、研发低碳技术、培养低碳人才、产业与能源结构调整、环境综合整治、低碳生活等方面有针对性地提出基于低碳理念的城市可持续发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

低碳发展有利于形成促进发展方式转变和经济结构优化的倒逼机制,有助于协同解决资源环境瓶颈制约和雾霾等环境问题。文章总结了我国在低碳发展方面的一系列举措,用数字说明了我国低碳发展取得的显著成就,同时分析了我国低碳发展面临的机遇和挑战,并详细介绍了我国未来低碳发展的战略目标和政策行动。  相似文献   

低碳经济是经济发展中,碳排放量、生态环境代价及社会经济成本最低的经济,是一种能够改善地球生态系统、自我调节能力的可持续性很强的经济。我们只有通过政府的领导,制定相关的政策,辅之相应的政治、经济和法律手段,研发新型的低碳技术和低碳产品,从源头解决高碳污染的问题,促进我国低碳经济的全面发展。  相似文献   

低碳经济研究中心(以下简称低碳中心)正式成立于2009年12月,直属于上海市环境科学研究院,在整合上海市环境科学研究院相关技术部门优势力量的基础上专门组建而成,是我国环境保护系统第一个专门从事低碳经济研究的科研机构,并创办了《低碳经济与环境政策》内刊。  相似文献   

以SO2排放控制和排污权交易为例分析中国环境执政能力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从中国SO2污染控制政策的演变,以及近年来政府大力推动的排污权交易这一污染控制经济手段试点入手,全面揭示中国环境管理中存在的问题,并从中国政策过程特点以及环境管理的政府治理结构2个角度阐释问题根源.揭示的主要环境问题包括政策的可操作性、政策间的协调性差,政策相互冲突以及政策本身缺乏科学性的论证等问题.中国自上而下的政策过程以及利用后发优势学习引用其他国家经济的政策演变特点是造成这些问题的政策原因,而中央与地方之间关系、政府部门之间、国家环境保护总局内部机构安排等方面存在的问题则是这些问题的政府治理结构根源.最后,从短期、最大可行性角度出发,以国家环境保护总局的建设为主线提出解决问题的建议,强化国家环境保护总局政策制定、协调监督以及执法监管三方面的职能与能力建设.  相似文献   

Atmospheric environmental policies have changed considerably over the last several decades. Clearly the relative importance of the various issues has changed over half a century, for example from smoke, sulphur dioxide and photochemical smog being the top priorities to greenhouse gases being the major priority.The traditional policy instrument to control emissions to the atmosphere has been command and control regulation. In many countries this was successful in reducing emissions from point sources, the first generation issues, and to a lesser extent, emissions from mobile and area sources, the second generation issues, although challenges remain in many jurisdictions. However once the simpler, easier, cheaper and obvious targets had been at least partially controlled this form of regulation became less effective. It has been complemented by other instruments including economic instruments, self-regulation, voluntarism and information instruments to address more complex issues including climate change, a third generation issue.Policy approaches to atmospheric environmental issues have become more complex. Policies that directly focus on atmospheric issues have been partially replaced by more integrated approaches that consider multimedia (water, land, etc.) and sustainability issues.Pressures from stakeholders for inclusion, greater transparency and better communication have grown and non-government stakeholders have become increasingly important participants in governance.The scale of the issues has evolved from a local to national, regional and global scales. Consequently the approaches to atmospheric environmental policy have also been amended. The international dimensions of atmospheric issues have grown in prominence and challenge governance and politics with pressures for international cooperation and harmonisation of policies. This is reducing the policy flexibility of national governments.Partially in response to these changes, to manage environmental risks and protect their brands, leaders in the corporate sector have generally found it beneficial to increase responsibility and accountability, including establishing corporate environmental policies, environmental management systems, risk management, sustainability reporting and other measures.This analysis clearly identifies that these changes are inter-related. Acting together they have transformed the way that atmospheric issues are governed in the last several decades in developed countries. Together they have led to governments in many developed countries vacating leadership roles and becoming increasingly managers of the policy process. As the leadership role of governments has been partially eroded, governments are more reliant on persuasion and diplomacy in their relations with stakeholders. As a consequence, governance arrangements have become more complex, multilevel and polycentric.  相似文献   

“煤改气”是我国大气污染防治行动计划的政策措施之一,国内外目前对“煤改气”政策实施的环境效果研究较多,但对“煤改气”投资对宏观经济的拉动作用研究较少. 为综合评价“煤改气”政策的整体效果、探讨“煤改气”投资对宏观经济的拉动作用,以北京市为例,构建了北京市可计算一般均衡模型(MRDR-BJ),基于2017年北京市投入产出表,模拟不同情景下“煤改气”投资对宏观经济的拉动效应. 结果表明:随着“煤改气”投资的增加,北京市宏观经济增加值、温室气体排放量、就业量、家庭收入均增加;“煤改气”投资每增加20%,这些宏观指标分别增长0.05%、0.07%、0.07%和0.07%;“煤改气”投资对宏观经济的拉动系数为1.77. 研究显示,“煤改气”投资对宏观经济具有较大的拉动效应,建议全国各地尽快落实“煤改气”规划,以加快大气污染治理、促进生态环境建设,助力我国碳达峰、碳中和中长期目标的实现.   相似文献   

生态转移支付政策的完善是深化生态补偿制度改革的重要组成部分. 为解决生态转移支付政策尚未充分改善环境质量这一现实问题,基于地方政府环境治理决策机理提出相应假设,选取山西省96个县域的环境和社会经济相关数据,运用倾向得分匹配-双重差分法评估生态转移支付政策的环境效应. 结果表明:生态转移支付政策的实施总体上在1%的显著性水平下改善了国家重点生态功能区所在县域的环境质量,但随着时间的推移,其环境效应逐渐变差. 生态转移支付资金规模的扩大进一步改善了环境质量,每增加1 000元生态转移支付资金,环境质量就得到2.285个百分点的改善,且生态转移支付政策的环境效应呈现出功能区类型、民族聚集程度的差异化特征. 进一步研究发现,贫困程度是导致不同地区生态转移支付政策环境效应存在差异的重要因素. 基于此,建议坚持实施生态转移支付政策,逐步扩大生态转移支付规模,强化生态转移支付资金分配的导向性和差异性,完善生态转移支付政策的市场化,多元化投入机制和完善补偿资金考核机制等,从多角度完善生态转移支付政策.   相似文献   

The principle of extended producer responsibility (EPR) has been a policy paradigm behind the development of waste policies in the European Union including the End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Directive (2000/53/EC). This study compares and explains the environmental effectiveness of the ELV programmes in the United Kingdom and in Sweden between 1990 and 2005, using a framework that integrates the Dutch approach to policy network analysis (PNA) with a theory-based evaluation (TBE). It finds that: (1) the perception of the producers towards EPR can be influenced largely by their social interaction with other actors, (2) the announcement of policies, and (3) the cohesion of policy instruments are key factors affecting the effectiveness of the programmes. As the latter two depend on the determination and comprehension of national governments, the transposition of the EU EPR Directives might not automatically lead to effective implementation and intended outcomes unless the Member States adhere to the principle and the development of its intervention theory.  相似文献   

Urban areas account for the majority of global greenhouse gas emissions, and increasingly, it is city governments that are adopting and implementing climate mitigation policies. Many municipal governments have joined two different global city networks that aim to promote climate policy development at the urban scale, and there is qualitative evidence that such networks play an important role in motivating cities to adopt climate policies and helping them to implement them. Our study objective is to test this proposition quantitatively, making use of a global database on cities’ environmental policy adoption, and also taking into account a large number of other factors that could play a role in climate policy adoption. Controlling for these other factors, we find that network membership does make a significant difference in the number of different measures that city governments adopt. We also find that there are significant differences between the two different networks, suggesting that the nature of the services that such networks offer their members can play an important role. Our findings lead to the provision of a set of global mitigation strategies: First of all, joining the city networks can lead to a generation of global strategies which can result into climate mitigation benefits. However, cities are required to select the network which provides proper tailor made policies. Second, in the absence of concrete international commitments at the local level, city networks lay the ground for global governance and enable cities to adopt policies independently and proactively. Third, consideration of co-benefits of climate policies can optimize the development of global strategies.  相似文献   

Environmental policies based on the extended producer responsibility (EPR) concept have been adopted in various countries, and the EU, as a strategy to promote product redesign and to reduce the amount and toxicity of solid waste. This paper describes the development and implementation of an EPR-inspired policy in Brazil to deal with tyre waste, and analyses its constraints. It is argued that the experience was an attempt to use an institutional solution to overcome structural problems. The findings provide a basis for recommending that governments pay attention to the potential constraints upon the effective implementation of foreign policy solutions before these are imported.  相似文献   

In Japan, Environment and Pollution Control Agreements (EPCAs) have been an important local environmental policy tool. This paper aims to define the current functions of EPCAs in Japan based on the author's empirical research. The most important characteristic of EPCAs is that they can set up particular environmental policies according to the locality. The eight functions of EPCAs are: (1) to regulate some activity while national regulations are in preparation, (2) to set standards to protect the area's environment, (3) to regulate major ‘point source polluters’, (4) to regulate substances and issues about which it is difficult to make rules, (5) to regulate activities over which the local governments do not have authority, (6) to reinforce administrative guidance, (7) conflict resolution, and (8) to follow up the Environmental Impact Assessment.The paper contains many case studies to prove the different functions of EPCAs. The paper also examines the environmental effectiveness of the EPCAs.  相似文献   

Climate change effects are becoming evident worldwide, with serious regional and local impacts. The European Union (EU) has launched and developed initiatives and policies that scratch the surface of water resources impacts. This article presents an introduction of the existing environmental policy and more concisely in the areas of climate change and the interactions with water resources. It also addresses main management tools, and plans linked to policies, recent updates on the Science–Policy Interface, highlighting major results from research and development projects. Establishing appropriate policies to tackle climate change impacts on water is essential given the cross-sectorial and flowing nature and the importance of water in all environmental, social and economic sectors. There are still some pending reviews and updates in the current EU policy and its implementation, as well as at the national level in Spain. This article identifies existing gaps, and provides recommendations on how and where reforms could take place and be applied by decision makers in the water policy sector.  相似文献   

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