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We investigated the effect of leaf age on the response of net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gwv), foliar injury, and leaf nitrogen concentration (NL) to tropospheric ozone (O3) on Prunus serotina seedlings grown in open-plots (AA) and open-top chambers, supplied with either carbon-filtered or non-filtered air. We found significant variation in A, gwv, foliar injury, and NL (P < 0.05) among O3 treatments. Seedlings in AA showed the highest A and gwv due to relatively low vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Older leaves showed significantly lower A, gwv, NL, and higher foliar injury (P < 0.001) than younger leaves. Leaf age affected the response of A, gwv, and foliar injury to O3. Both VPD and NL had a strong influence on leaf gas exchange. Foliar O3-induced injury appeared when cumulative O3 uptake reached 8-12 mmol m−2, depending on soil water availability. The mechanistic assessment of O3-induced injury is a valuable approach for a biologically relevant O3 risk assessment for forest trees.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to document the development of ozone-induced foliar injury, on a leaf-by-leaf basis, and to develop ozone exposure relationships for leaf cohorts and individual tall milkweeds (Asclepias exaltata L.) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Plants were classified as either ozone-sensitive or insensitive based on the amount of foliar injury. Sensitive plants developed injury earlier in the season and to a greater extent than insensitive plants. Older leaf cohorts were more likely to belong to high injury classes by the end of each of the two growing seasons. In addition, leaf loss was more likely for older cohorts (2000) and lower leaf positions (2001) than younger cohorts and upper leaves, respectively. Most leaves abscised without prior ozone-like stippling or chlorosis. Failure to take this into account can result in underestimation of the effects of ozone on these plants.  相似文献   

Gas exchange and pigmentation responses of mature ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) branches to ozone and acid rain exposure were investigated using three grafted clones growing in a managed seed orchard. Exposure of one-year-old foliage to twice ambient ozone (2 x AMB) resulted in significant decreases in net photosynthesis (Pn), stomatal conductance (gsw) and pigmentation relative to charcoal-filtered (CF) and ambient (AMB) ozone treatments. Ozone effects on gas exchange and pigmentation were most pronounced during late-season and differed significantly among clones. Environmental parameters (e.g. light, vapor pressure deficit, and temperature) accounted for more variation in Pn than did cumulative ozone exposure. Minimal differences in gsw and Pn among ozone treatments occurred during seasonal periods of high temperature and evaporative demand. Negative effects of 2 x AMB ozone on gsw and pigmentation were greatest for the clones having highest and lowest phenotypic vigor under ambient conditions; the clone of moderate phenotypic vigor under ambient conditions was least sensitive to ozone. Application of simulated acid rain of pH 3.0, pH 5.1 or no rain (NR) had little impact on gas exchange or pigmentation.  相似文献   

Open pollinated families of black cherry seedlings were studied to determine genotypic differences in foliar ozone injury and leaf gas exchange in 1994 and growth response following three growing seasons. An O(3)-sensitive half-sibling family (R-12) and an O(3)-tolerant half-sibling family (MO-7) planted in natural soil were studied along with generic nursery stock (NS) seedlings. Ozone exposure treatments were provided through open top chambers and consisted of 50, 75, and 97% of ambient ozone, and open plots from May 9 to August 26, 1994. Ambient ozone concentrations reached an hourly peak of 88 ppb with 7-hour averages ranging from 39 to 46 ppb. Seedlings in the 50 and 75% of ambient chambers were never exposed to greater than 80 ppb O(3). Visible foliar ozone injury (stipple) was significantly higher for R-12 seedlings than MO-7 seedlings and increased with increasing ozone exposures. For the chamber treatments averaged over all families, there was no significant difference in stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rates, but there was a significant decrease in root biomass, and a significant decrease in root/shoot ratio between the 50 and 97% of ambient chambers. Stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rates were significantly different between families with R-12 seedlings generally greater than MO-7 seedlings. The R-12 seedlings had a 7.5 mmol m(-2) increase in ozone uptake compared to MO-7, and at the same cumulative O(3) exposure R-12 exhibited 40.9% stippled leaf area, whereas MO-7 had 9.2% stippled leaf area. Significant differences were observed in stem volume growth and total final biomass between the open-top chambers and open plots. Although R-12 had the most severe foliar ozone injury, this family had significantly greater stem volume growth and total final biomass than MO-7 and NS seedlings. Root:shoot ratio was not significantly different between MO-7 and R-12 seedlings.  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) plants in two different soil moisture regimes were directly quantified and subsequently modeled over an entire growing season. Direct measurements captured the dynamic response of stomatal conductance to changing environmental conditions throughout the day, as well as declining gas exchange and carbon assimilation throughout the growth period beyond an early summer maximum. This phenomenon was observed in plants grown both with and without supplemental soil moisture, the latter of which should theoretically mitigate against harmful physiological effects caused by exposure to ozone. Seasonally declining rates of stomatal conductance were found to be substantial and incorporated into models, making them less susceptible to the overestimations of effective exposure that are an inherent source of error in ozone exposure indices. The species-specific evidence presented here supports the integration of dynamic physiological processes into flux-based modeling approaches for the prediction of ozone injury in vegetation.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope ratios (delta(13)C) and leaf conductance (g(s)) were measured (2002, 2003) in Holcus lanatus L., Plantago lanceolata L. Ranunculus friesianus (Jord.), and Trifolium pratense L. at two levels of ozone (O(3)) with or without irrigation. In non-irrigated control plots, R. friesianus showed the least negative delta(13)C, and the smallest response to the treatments. Irrigation caused more negative delta(13)C, especially in H. lanatus. Irrespective of irrigation, O(3) increased delta(13)C in relationship to a decrease in g(s) in P. lanceolata and T. pratense. The strongest effect of O(3) on delta(13)C occurred in the absence of irrigation, suggesting that under field conditions lack of moisture in the top soil does not always lead to protection from O(3) uptake. It is concluded that in species such as T. pratense plants can maintain stomatal O(3) uptake during dry periods when roots can reach deeper soil layers where water is not limiting.  相似文献   

We characterized leaf gas exchange and antioxidative defence of two-year-old seedlings and 60-year-old trees of Fagus sylvatica exposed to ambient (1 x O3) or two-fold ambient (2 x O3) O3 concentrations (maximum of 150 ppb) in a free-air canopy exposure system throughout the growing season. Decline in photosynthesis from sun-exposed to shaded conditions was more pronounced in adult than juvenile trees. Seedling leaves and leaves in the sun-exposed canopy had higher stomatal conductance and higher internal CO2 concentrations relative to leaves of adult trees and leaves in shaded conditions. There was a weak overall depression of photosynthesis in the 2 x O3 variants across age classes and canopy positions. Pigment and tocopherol concentrations of leaves were significantly affected by canopy position and tree age, whereas differences between 1 x O3 and 2 x O3 regimes were not observed. Glutathione concentrations were significantly increased under 2 x O3 across both age classes and canopy levels. Seedlings differed from adult trees in relevant physiological and biochemical traits in ozone response. The water-soluble antioxidative systems responded most sensitively to 2 x O3 without regard of tree age or canopy position.  相似文献   

During the summer of 2001, 2-year-old Fraxinus excelsior and Fagus sylvatica plants were subjected to ozone-rich environmental conditions at the Regional Forest Nursery at Curno (Northern Italy). Atmospheric ozone concentrations and stomatal conductance were measured, in order to calculate the foliar fluxes by means of a one-dimensional model. The foliar structure of both species was examined (thickness of the lamina and of the individual tissues, leaf mass per area, leaf density) and chlorophyll a fluorescence was determined as a response parameter. Stomatal conductance was always greater in Fraxinus excelsior, as was ozone uptake, although the highest absorption peaks did not match the peaks of ozone concentration in the atmosphere. The foliar structure can help explain this phenomenon: Fraxinus excelsior has a thicker mesophyll than Fagus sylvatica (indicating a greater photosynthesis potential) and a reduced foliar density. This last parameter, related to the apoplastic fraction, suggests a greater ability to disseminate the gases within the leaf as well as a greater potential detoxifying capacity. As foliar symptoms spread, the parameters relating to chlorophyll a fluorescence also change. PI (Performance Index, Strasser, A., Srivastava, A., Tsimilli-Michael, M., 2000. The fluorescence transient as a tool to characterize and screen photosynthetic samples. In: Yunus, M., Pathre, U., Mohanty, P., (Eds.) Probing Photosynthesis: Mechanisms, Regulation and Adaptation. Taylor & Francis, London, UK, pp. 445-483.) has proved to be a more suitable index than Fv/Fm (Quantum Yield Efficiency) to record the onset of stress conditions.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of tropospheric O3 on rice cultivated in Bangladesh, four Bangladeshi cultivars (BR11, BR14, BR28 and BR29) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were exposed daily to charcoal-filtered air or O3 at 60 and 100 nl l−1 (10:00-17:00) from 1 July to 28 November 2008. The whole-plant dry mass and grain yield per plant of the four cultivars were significantly reduced by the exposure to O3. The exposure to O3 significantly reduced net photosynthetic rate of the 12th and flag leaves of the four cultivars. The sensitivity to O3 of growth, yield and leaf gas exchange rates was not significantly different among the four cultivars. The present study suggests that the sensitivity to O3 of yield of the four Bangladeshi rice cultivars is greater than that of American rice cultivars and is similar to that of Japanese rice cultivars and that O3 may detrimentally affect rice production in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

To clarify the effects of O3 on crop plants cultivated in Bangladesh, two Bangladeshi wheat cultivars (Sufi and Bijoy) were grown in plastic boxes filled with Andisol and exposed daily to charcoal-filtered air or O3 at 60 and 100 nl l−1 (10:00-17:00) from 13 March to 4 June 2008. The whole-plant dry mass and grain yield per plant of the two cultivars at the final harvest were significantly reduced by the exposure to O3. Although there was no significant effect of O3 on stomatal diffusive conductance to H2O of flag leaf, net photosynthetic rate of the leaf was significantly reduced by the exposure to O3. The sensitivity of growth, yield, yield components and leaf gas exchange rates to O3 was not significantly different between the two cultivars. The results obtained in the present study suggest that ambient levels of O3 may detrimentally affect wheat production in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Leaf ozone symptoms in natural ecosystems are increasingly reported but ozone effects on tree growth and the mediation of site conditions are still little documented. This study tests two hypotheses: (1) leaf injury in black cherry is associated with decline in radial growth, (2) symptoms are more prevalent on mesic sites. On sites supporting black cherry across Massachusetts, tree growth and leaf ozone injury were surveyed in 1996 using a randomized plot network established in the 1960s. Forty-seven percent of 120 trees sampled for ozone symptoms were symptomatic with generally low levels of injury. Over a 31-year period symptomatic trees had 28% lower stem growth rates than asymptomatic trees. Ozone symptom expression was enhanced in well growing stands on moister, cooler and more elevated sites. Ozone appeared to increase environmental stress and had a more pronounced effect on growth in better growing black cherry stands. This complicates management decisions as thinning increases growth and moisture availability.  相似文献   

We measured the soil and leaf CO2 exchange in Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia seasonally throughout the year in a representative site of the Mediterranean region, a natural holm oak forest growing in the Prades Mountains in southeastern Catalonia. In the wet seasons (spring and autumn), we experimentally decreased soil moisture by 30%, by excluding rainfall and water runoff in 12 plots, 1×10 m, and left 12 further plots as controls. Our aim was to predict the response of these gas exchanges to the drought forecasted for the next decades for this region by GCM and ecophysiological models.Annual average soil CO2 exchange rate was 2.27±0.27 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1. Annual average leaf CO2 exchange rates were 8±1 and 5±1 μmol m−2 s−1 in Q. ilex and P. latifolia, respectively. Soil respiration rates in control treatments followed a seasonal pattern similar to photosynthetic activity. They reached maximum values in spring and autumn (2.5–3.8 μmol m−2 s−1 soil CO2 emission rates and 7–15 μmol m−2 s−1 net photosynthetic rates) and minimum values (almost 0 for both variables) in summer, showing that soil moisture was the most important factor driving the soil microbial activity and the photosynthetic activity of plants. In autumn, drought treatment strongly decreased net photosynthesis rates and stomatal conductance of Q. ilex by 44% and 53%, respectively. Soil respiration was also reduced by 43% under drought treatment in the wet seasons. In summer there were larger soil CO2 emissions in drought plots than in control plots, probably driven by autotrophic (roots) metabolism. The results indicate that leaf and soil CO2 exchange may be strongly reduced (by ca. 44%) by the predicted decreases of soil water availability in the next decades. Long-term studies are needed to confirm these predictions or to find out possible acclimation of those processes.  相似文献   

Because the current critical level of ozone (O(3)) for forest trees is based only on one species, the responses of five deciduous tree species were differentiated in a climate chamber experiment. The number of symptomatic leaves per tree was significantly increased, and stomatal conductance was decreased under 50% ambient+30 nl l(-1) O(3) as compared to 'normal' senescence at 50% ambient [O(3)]. Species with a high stomatal conductance did not show earlier or more leaf injury symptoms. The additional 30 nl l(-1) O(3) induced specific pectinaceous cell wall protrusions, phenolic cell wall incrustations, tonoplast vesicles, and inhomogeneous, condensed/precipitated phenolic material in the vacuoles. Due to added O(3), cell senescence was accelerated with increased electron-density of the cytoplasm, and initial chloroplast degeneration. The slow degeneration process started in mesophyll cells, and expanded into epidermal and finally guard cells. Because of the large variance in biomass between individuals and species, the current critical level is supported by the assessment of visible leaf symptoms rather than growth reduction.  相似文献   

Monoterpene compositions in the atmosphre in a pine forest, the foliar emission gas and the leaf oil of pine needles were compared. The emission rate of each monoterpene from pine needles was proportional to the product of the amount in the leaf oil and the approximate vapor pressure. The composition of monoterpenes in the atmosphere is rather well explained by considering foliar emission rates with the supposition that the terpenes emitted into the atmosphere react with ozone and photochemically with nitrogen oxides.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Drought stress is one of the major environmental factors responsible for reduction in crop productivity. In the present study, responses of two maize...  相似文献   

An Open-Top Chambers experiment on Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur seedlings was conducted in order to compare the performance of an exposure-based (AOT40) and a flux-based approaches in predicting the appearance of ozone visible injuries on leaves. Three different ozone treatments (charcoal-filtered; non-filtered; and open plots) and two soil moisture treatments (watered and non-watered plots) were performed. A Jarvisian stomatal conductance model was drawn up and parameterised for both species and typical South Alpine environmental conditions, thus allowing the calculation of ozone stomatal fluxes for every treatment. A critical ozone flux level for the onset of leaf visible injury in beech was clearly identified between 32.6 and 33.6 mmolO3 m(-2). In contrast, it was not possible to identify an exposure critical level using the AOT40 index. Water stress delayed the onset of the leaf visible injuries, but the flux-based approach was able to take it into account accurately.  相似文献   

Boojar MM  Goodarzi F 《Chemosphere》2007,67(11):2138-2147
This study was undertaken to identify the strategies and the status of antioxidant enzyme activities involved in three plant species tolerance against Cu-toxicity in copper mine. The following methods were used for evaluations in three wild type species; Datura stramonium, Malva sylvestris and Chenopodium ambrosioides. The level of chlorophyll and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and catalase (CAT) by spectrometry, malondialdehyde (MDA) and dityrosine by HPLC and the levels of Cu in tissues and soils by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS).

Analysis showed that total and available copper were at toxic levels for plants growing on contaminated soil (zone 1). However, there were not any visual and conspicuous symptoms of Cu toxicity in plant species. Among three species, excess copper was transferred only into the D. stramonium and C. ambrosioides tissues. The C. ambrosioides accumulated Cu in roots and then in leaves, in which the leaves chloroplasts stored Cu around two times of vacuoles. In D. stramonium most of Cu was accumulated in leaves in which the storage rate in vacuoles and chloroplasts were 42% and 8%, respectively. In zone 1, the chlorophyll levels increased significantly in leaves of C. ambrosioides with respect to the same plant growing on uncontaminated soil (zone 2). There was insignificant decrease in chlorophyll content of D. stramonium leaves, collected from zone 1 with respect to zone 2. The D. stramonium and C. ambrosioides in zone 1, both revealed significant increase in their tissues antioxidant enzyme activities in comparison with the same samples of zone 2. There was significant elevation in oxidative damage biomarkers; MDA and dityrosine, when the aerial parts of D. stramonium in zone 1 were compared with the same parts of zone 2.

We concluded that there were different tolerance strategies in studied plant species that protected them against copper toxicity. In M. sylvestris, exclusion of Cu from the roots or its stabilization in the soil restricted Cu toxicity effects. On the other hand D. stramonium and C. ambrosioides, elevated their antioxidative enzyme activities in response to cu-toxicity. In addition, the species D. stramonium accumulated excess of Cu in leaves vacuoles.  相似文献   

Bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines 'S156' (O3-sensitive)/'R123' (O3-tolerant) and cultivars 'BBL 290' (O3-sensitive)/'BBL 274' (O3-tolerant) were used to study the effects of O3 on stomatal conductance (gs), density, and aperture size on leaf and pod surfaces with the objective of establishing links between the degree of plant sensitivity to O3 and plasticity of stomatal properties in response to O3. Studies in open-top chambers (OTCs) and in continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) established a clear relationship between plant developmental stages, degrees of O3 sensitivity and gs: while 'S156' had higher gs rates than 'R123' earlier in development, similar differences between 'BBL 290' and 'BBL 274' were observed at later stages. Gs rates on the abaxial leaf surfaces of 'S156' and 'BBL 290', accompanied by low leaf temperatures, were significantly higher than their O3-tolerant counterparts. Exposure to O3 in CSTRs had greater and more consistent impacts on both stomatal densities and aperture sizes of O3-sensitive cultivars. Stomatal densities were highest on the abaxial leaf surfaces of 'S156' and 'BBL 290' at higher O3 concentrations (60 ppb), but the largest aperture sizes were recorded on the adaxial leaf surfaces at moderate O3 concentrations (30 ppb). Exposure to O3 eliminated aperture size differences on the adaxial leaf surfaces between sensitive and tolerant cultivars. Regardless of sensitivity to O3 and treatment regimes, the smallest aperture sizes and highest stomatal densities were found on the abaxial leaf surface. Our studies showed that O3 has the potential to affect stomatal plasticity and confirmed the presence of different control mechanisms for stomatal development on each leaf surface. This appeared to be more evident in O3-sensitive cultivars.  相似文献   

The differences in growth, leaf senescence, visible ozone injuries and stomatal density between one coastal site (natural ozone) and two inland sites (natural and elevated ozone) in Finland were determined for saplings of Betula pendula clones grown under open-field conditions during two growing seasons. Responses in growth, leaf senescence, visible injuries, and stomatal density were determined in relation to cumulative ozone exposure accumulated over the thresholds of 30, 40 and 50 ppb (10(9)) during the exposure period. In addition, the effects of the different ozone exposures on ultrastructure of chloroplasts were studied. Increasing ozone exposure resulted in reduced shoot dry weight, stimulated (first year) or reduced (second year) height growth, accelerated autumn yellowing of leaves, increased stomatal density, visible symptoms and chloroplast injuries, and increased number and size of plastoglobuli. Newly expanded mature leaves in midsummer were more sensitive to ozone episodes than younger developing leaves in the early growing season. In most parameters, the best correlation was achieved with the exposure index AOT30. Ozone risk for birch is highest in the southern coastal area of Finland, where background ozone concentrations are higher than in inland sites.  相似文献   

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