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目前为止缺少对鄱阳湖全湖冬候鸟的种群动态和群落方面的研究分析,拟通过对鄱阳湖冬候鸟群落多样性和种群动态的分析,为该地区冬候鸟及其栖息地保护提出建设性建议。2010~2012年冬季,通过采用直接计数法和样线法调查鄱阳湖湿地冬季碟形湖内的越冬鸟类群落结构。总共记录到越冬鸟类88种,另有29种属于文献报道但本次调查中未发现的种类。总共117种鸟类分别属于目、鹈形目、鹳形目、雁形目、鹤形目、鸻行目和佛法僧目。在鄱阳湖,种类和数量分布最多的是冬候鸟,达到78种。小天鹅、鸿雁、豆雁、白额雁、绿翅鸭和斑嘴鸭是鄱阳湖湿地越冬鸟类中的绝对优势种,鸟类个体数量最多的冬季蝶形湖泊主要包括鄱阳湖自然保护区的蚌湖、大湖池、沙湖和大汊湖,都昌县的黄金嘴,南矶山湿地自然保护区的白沙湖,余干县的林充湖和南湖,以及鄱阳县的珠湖。各种越冬鸟类在鄱阳湖湿地的种群数量分布差异主要是与各碟形湖水位的高低和食物的分布密切相关。只有在冬季开始后,使碟形湖洼地的水位逐渐降低,越冬鸟类才能够更有效的利用湖泊中的食物  相似文献   

1996~ 1998年 ,在北纬 30°15′~ 30°30′ ,东经 115°5 5′~ 117°15′之间的中国安徽升金湖 ,我们对来此越冬的白头鹤 (Grusmanacha)进行了越冬期环境容纳量研究 ,结果表明 :白头鹤在升金湖上湖越冬期的主要食物苦草及蚌类的储藏量 ,经初步测算两者共有 5 9.2t ,折算能量分别为 1.5 11×10 8kJ与 1.6 95× 10 8kJ ,折算总能量为 3.170× 10 8kJ按每只白头鹤在升金湖越冬期为 145d ,越冬期日粮为 6 95 g ,折算消耗能量72 2 1.7kJ计算 ,上湖可容纳白头鹤种群数量的理论值是 30 2只。同时 ,环境因子的变化 ,如降水量、湿度及人为活动是影响白头鹤在升金湖越冬种群数量发生变动的主要原因。控制人为活动 ,保护适合的水位是稳定白头鹤越冬种群的主要措施  相似文献   

The results of regression and correlation analyses of long-term data (1971–2005) on the dates of arrival of 16 bird species to the Il’men State Nature Reserve (the Southern Urals) show that they have not changed in most of these birds, unlike in many countries of Europe and North America. This is explained primarily by the absence of any significant trends in the dynamics of spring air temperatures in the study region. Only the herring gull Larus argentatus and the lapwing Vanellus vanellus have shown a significant tendency to arrive earlier, while the garganey Anas querquedula has shown a tendency to arrive on later dates in the past two decades. Nevertheless, interannual fluctuations in the dates of arrival are well manifested in both early arriving species wintering in Europe and late-arriving species wintering in Africa. These fluctuations largely depend on temperature conditions in spring. As a rule, almost all species studied—from waterbirds to passerines—appear in the Il’men Reserve earlier in years with early and warm springs than in cold years. Hence, spring weather is the key factor determining the dates of arrival of migratory birds to the study region.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the patterns of the formation of the aquatic and semiaquatic bird species population under the conditions of the altitudinal zonality of the Putorana Plateau. The population density and abundance of a number of background species was ascertained to decrease from the subalpine belt towards the forest and alpine belt. The bird population density in all the considered aquatic and semiaquatic habitats was revealed to change in a rather narrow range of values: the maximal population density indicator in aquatic and semiaquatic habitats is only 1.9 times higher than the minimal indicator. In the mountainous Subarctic region with a radial macrosymmetry, the spatial dynamics of abundance has a concentrically centrifugal nature in many aquatic and semiaquatic bird species.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the sex and age structure of Siberian roe deer in central Yakutia has been analyzed over the period from 1998 to 2011. In the snowy winter of 2004, mass migration and high mortality of the animals were recorded. The following shift of the adult sex ratio in favor of females and increase in the proportion of calves provided for rapid population recovery. Climate warming, accompanied by increase in the amount of snow, has impaired living conditions for Siberian roe deer. Realization of the species reproductive potential is restrained by natural and anthropogenic elimination factors, and prospects for future population growth are poor.  相似文献   

湖北省湿地冬季水鸟多样性研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
报道了2004年1~4月湖北冬季水鸟调查结果,记录水鸟 66 种,种群数量 59 613 只,分属8目15科,其中列入国家重点保护的一级鸟类 4 种,115 只,国家二级 7 种,2 968 只。分析了冬季水鸟群落结构、分布和种群变动,并用生物多样性指数、物种丰富度与生物量3个不同的测度指标对其中12个湖泊的水鸟群落进行了评价,认为沉湖、梁子湖、龙感湖和网湖是较为成熟稳定的群落;并从沉湖东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)、龙感湖白头鹤(Grus monacha)、洪湖鸭科水鸟近40年的种群动态探讨了湿地水鸟现状,认为种群衰退趋势明显、湿地干扰和威胁严重。对此提出了加强湿地保护区的建设,理顺管理体制,合理规划与发展湿地产业和保护湿地资源对策。  相似文献   

The effect of rise in spring air temperature on the breeding phenology and reproductive success of the Song Thrush in the Voronezh Nature Reserve have been studied over the periods of 1987 to 1990 and 2008 to 2012. The results show that relatively high air temperatures provide for earlier arrival of the birds from wintering grounds, earlier and more synchronous breeding of the majority of nesting pairs, and an increase in clutch size and proportion of pairs producing two broods per season. Predation pressure on bird nests decreases under such conditions, which markedly improves reproductive success. Climate warming is conducive to increasing breeding productivity of the Song Thrush population as a whole.  相似文献   

在2007、2009和2011年的冬季,对杭州湾及钱塘江河口段曹娥江口至甬江口之间潮间带及其附近围垦区大水面的水鸟群落进行了调查,共记录7目14科69种,其中冬候鸟45种,占总数的65.2%;国家一二级重点保护鸟类7种;超过其东亚地理种群数1%标准的水鸟有6种。研究显示:杭州湾及钱塘江河口湿地越冬水鸟分布的重点区域有4个,即杭州湾慈溪段(记录的水鸟达65种,占总数的94.2%)、钱塘江上虞段(38种,占总数的55.1%)、杭州湾镇海段(37种,占总数的53.6%)和钱塘江海宁段(28种,占总数的40.6%)。对主要类群在4个重点区域的分布比较表明,除与杭州湾镇海段的鸻鹬类分布物种数、钱塘江上虞段的雁鸭类个体数量之间无显著差异外,杭州湾慈溪段分布的鸻鹬类、雁鸭类和鸥类物种最为丰富,该区域记录的鸻鹬类、雁鸭类个体数量也显著高于其它区域。从水鸟群落组成年际动态看, 2007~2011年,杭州湾及钱塘江河口冬季水鸟群落多样性指数变动不大,但个体数量出现了较大波动,雁鸭类和秧鸡类数量呈现增加趋势,而鸻鹬类和鸥类则出现下降态势,且秧鸡类、鸻鹬类及鸥类的个体数量变动最大。湿地资源尤其是滩涂面积可能是影响杭州湾区域水鸟分布的重要因素。拥有大水面的海涂水库、围垦区自然抛荒而待开发的滩涂能为水鸟提供重要的越冬场所。从整个杭州湾来看,人为活动如近年来高强度的大规模围垦可能是导致该区域越冬水鸟群落组成和种群数量发生剧烈变动的主要原因。在加强自然潮间带资源保护的同时,改进围垦区人工湿地的管理,将有利于提高当地乃至整个区域的水鸟多样性水平  相似文献   

升金湖湿地是安徽省内的唯一以越冬鹤类为保护对象的国家级自然保护区。研究湿地景观格局变化对越冬鹤类地理分布的影响在恢复湿地生态系统、保护鹤类种群等方面具有重要参考价值。该文对升金湖湿地的白头鹤、白鹤、灰鹤及白枕鹤越冬鹤类的地理分布特征进行了分析,结合升金湖湿地1986~2017年间的8期遥感影像分析景观格局变化特征,并探讨了景观格局变化对越冬鹤类地理分布特征的影响。结果表明:1986~2017年间,升金湖湿地景观格局变化显著,斑块数量增加,景观破碎化严重。泥滩地、草滩地、建设用地、水田面积总体呈增加态势,旱地、林地、芦苇滩地及水域面积总体呈减少态势;4种鹤类数量总体呈减少趋势。鹤类主要地理分布区域为水域、水田、芦苇滩地、泥滩地及草滩地;升金湖湿地景观破碎化不断加剧,鹤类地理分布区域面积整体上在逐渐减少,适宜鹤类生境面积减少,直接导致近30年来鹤类数量逐渐减少。  相似文献   

On the basis of studies on the ecology of boreal bat species in the Southern Urals (1997–2004), the first classification of their summer habitats has been made. It has been shown that spatial segregation of sex groups into areas of two types, designated wintering and breeding zones, takes place in populations in the period of offspring rearing. In females, seasonal migrations are guided by imprinting on sites providing sufficient food for offspring rearing and on wintering sites. In males, imprinting on wintering sites alone is observed.  相似文献   

To reveal the effect of forest fires on the avifauna of the Northern Amur Region, bird assemblages of primary dark conifer-deciduous forests, wild rosemary larch forests, and secondary larch-birch forests have been studied in the Komsomol’skii and Norskii nature reserves. It has been shown that the replacement of primary dark conifer-deciduous forests by secondary forests is accompanied by a significant decrease in bird population density, with some species being lost and the composition of the dominant species group being changed. On the other hand, fires lead to increasing patchiness of the environment, which can sometimes provide for an increase in biological diversity.  相似文献   

评估与确定生物多样性分布格局与热点区是建立保护区、制定生物保护决策的基础。洞庭湖地区位处长江中游,是我国重要的淡水湖泊湿地生态系统,为中国乃至亚洲较大的鸟类越冬地之一。以洞庭湖地区14种Ⅰ、Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类为指示物种,基于1990~2013年间的多期遥感影像,运用物种生境分布MAXENT模型,选取地形、水系、植被、气候及人类干扰等共35个影响因子,对其进行生境适宜性评价及生物多样性热点区的筛选与制图,并对热点区时空动态特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)鸟类生物多样性热点区的分布范围呈现出组团状特征,1990~2013年来,热点区面积呈下降趋势;(2)鸟类栖息生境景观格局总体上趋于破碎,生境形状向简单且扁平化形态转变,生境格局呈复杂化;(3)经济与社会发展因素对研究区的鸟类生物多样性热点区变化影响显著,而自然因素产生的影响不明显。研究结果在制定区域生物多样性保护规划方案中可体现较好应用价值。  相似文献   

The dispersal, population dynamics, and ecological features of the European roe deer at the northern limit of species distribution and also their visits, wintering, and breeding outside the range boundary are discussed. A significant increase in the abundance of roe deer in the northern part of the range and their largescale expansion beyond the historical distribution limit have taken place during the past decade. However, their spread in Karelia and Arkhangelsk oblast is strictly limited, depending primarily on snow depth and duration. Hunting the roe deer as a game species in the region is possible only in the south of Pskov oblast, where habitat conditions are most favorable for it.  相似文献   

升金湖自然湿地越冬鹤类生境适宜性变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
升金湖湿地位于安徽省长江中下游区域,是鹤类重要的越冬地之一,湿地景观的变化影响越冬鹤类的生境质量。研究湿地内越冬鹤类生境变化地对湿地生态恢复有着重要的研究意义。以升金湖国家级自然保护区为研究对象,利用ERDAS软件将1986年到2015年间8个年份冬季的TM影像数据将景观类型分为8种类型,用FRAGSTATS软件计算出各个年份的景观指标。选取干扰程度、食物丰富度、植被覆盖和水文条件4种因子作为影响越冬鹤类生境的主要因子。建立越冬鹤类生境适宜性评价模型,用ArcGIS生成鹤类生境适宜性评价图。用皮尔逊相关分析研究鹤类数量与生境适宜性的相关性。结果表明:升金湖保护区的景观格局变化明显,湿地斑块数量增加,景观的破碎度程度增加,景观斑块差异在逐渐变小,多样性指数和均匀度指数逐渐变大。越冬鹤类生境适宜性综合指数从0.845下降到0.465,总体的生境明显恶化。越冬鹤类的生境适宜性面积从1986年的 13 577.11 hm2 下降到2015年的 7 424.42 hm2,进而导致越冬鹤类数量在1986年到2015年总体呈下降趋势。鹤类数量与生境适宜性呈正相关。 关键词: 生境影响因子;生境适宜性评价模;越冬鹤类;景观格局  相似文献   

Nesting bird communities of individual habitat types in the Arkaim reserve are formed every year under the influence of nonrandom factors. Their qualitative and quantitative composition may gradually shift in a certain direction, but more often it remains relatively stable over several years and then makes an abrupt transition into a different state. The strongest effect on the dynamics of these communities has been exerted by progressive succession following the assignment of special protection status to the Arkaim area. The effects of fires and other elemental factors are also significant.  相似文献   

为了解围垦后不同土地利用方式对水鸟的影响,于2011年11月~2012年5月对上海市崇明东滩湿地公园、北八滧鱼塘、98大堤内抛荒鱼塘、以及捕鱼港互花米草控制示范区的芦苇塘4类人工湿地开展水鸟调查,在冬季共统计到水鸟20 050只,隶属于5目9科34种,春季共统计到水鸟5 080只,隶属于6目7科47种。方差分析表明,冬、春季4类人工湿地水鸟种类、密度、多样性均有显著差异。运用相关分析对水鸟种类、密度、物种多样性、均匀性指数等群落特征及调查样方内明水面面积、平均水位、人为干扰、裸露浅滩面积、植被面积等环境因子进行水鸟生境因子选择分析,结果表明,冬季水鸟种类、多样性与明水面面积呈极显著正相关,水鸟种类与植被面积呈极显著负相关;春季种类、密度、多样性都与裸露浅滩面积呈极显著正相关。崇明东滩人工湿地在水鸟保育中起到了重要的作用,根据不同水鸟对生境因子的要求,冬季应保持较大的明水面面积和一定的水深,为雁鸭类建立合适的栖息地。春季应保持一定的裸露浅滩面积,为鸻鹬类提供良好的避难所。因此,水位调控成为崇明东滩人工湿地自然保育的重要手段  相似文献   

The results of long-term bird censuses in the Ilmen State Reserve are presented. Analysis of dynamic processes in the forest ornithocomplexes has shown that factors influencing changes in the abundance of birds in multispecies communities have unequal effects on different species. It has been found that the abundance dynamics of some species is correlated with spring meteorological parameters and the timing of phenological phases.  相似文献   

A simulation model, based on original and published data, has been developed to determine the period and amplitude of natural population cycles of wild reindeer on the Taimyr Peninsula and reveal the role of hunting in these cycles. The results of simulations show that hunting in the late 20th century has smoothed out the cycles. Considering natural factors of population regulation, uncontrolled elimination of part of the population by hunting should maintain the average long-term abundance at a level lower than potentially possible under natural dynamics, leading to negative ecological and economic consequences.  相似文献   

Complete seasonal replacement of European robin populations takes place in the Crimea: local birds of the subspecies E. r. valens depart from the peninsula to be replaced by birds of the nominative subspecies E. r. rubecula, which arrive for wintering. The overall population dynamics of the European robin in the Highland Crimea are determined by seasonal changes in the abundance of local birds, fluctuations in the abundance of birds from northern populations, or variation in the ratio between these groups of birds during their staying together in the Crimea during the periods of seasonal migrations.  相似文献   

The current dynamics of ecosystems of the forest-steppe system is most adequately described via determining the probable trajectories of changes in its elements in a simple Markov chain. The obtained data have made it possible to determine the direction of succession and draw its scheme. Theoretically possible series of community development are presented. The succession of community restoration from the spread of shrubs over steppificated fallow lands to the formation of low forests of European bird cherry has been analyzed. The restoration cycle of ecosystem dynamics is described by eight age stages.  相似文献   

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