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The ongoing scientific controversy over a putative "global pollination crisis" underscores the lack of understanding of the response of bees (the most important taxon of pollinators) to ongoing global land-use changes. We studied the effects of distance to forest, tree management, and floral resources on bee communities in pastures (the dominant land-use type) in southern Costa Rica. Over two years, we sampled bees and floral resources in 21 pastures at three distance classes from a large (approximately 230-ha) forest patch and of three common types: open pasture; pasture with remnant trees; and pasture with live fences. We found no consistent differences in bee diversity or abundance with respect to pasture management or floral resources. Bee community composition, however, was strikingly different at forest edges as compared to deforested countryside only a few hundred meters from forest. At forest edges, native social stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini) comprised approximately 50% of the individuals sampled, while the alien honeybee Apis mellifera made up only approximately 5%. Away from forests, meliponines dropped to approximately 20% of sampled bees, whereas Apis increased to approximately 45%. Meliponine bees were also more speciose at forest edge sites than at a distance from forest, their abundance decreased with continuous distance to the nearest forest patch, and their species richness was correlated with the proportion of forest cover surrounding sample sites at scales from 200 to 1200 m. Meliponines and Apis together comprise the eusocial bee fauna of the study area and are unique in quickly recruiting foragers to high-quality resources. The diverse assemblage of native meliponine bees covers a wide range of body sizes and flower foraging behavior not found in Apis, and populations of many bee species (including Apis), are known to fluctuate considerably from year to year. Thus, the forest-related changes in eusocial bee communities we found may have important implications for: (1) sustaining a diverse bee fauna in tropical countryside; (2) ensuring the effective pollination of a diverse native plant community; and (3) the efficiency and stability of agricultural pollination, particularly for short-time-scale, mass-flowering crops such as coffee.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation lowers survival of a tropical forest bird.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Population ecology research has long been focused on linking environmental features with the viability of populations. The majority of this work has largely been carried out in temperate systems and, until recently, has examined the effects of habitat fragmentation on survival. In contrast, we looked at the effect of forest fragmentation on apparent survival of individuals of the White-ruffed Manakin (Corapipo altera) in southern Costa Rica. Survival and recapture rates were estimated using mark-recapture analyses, based on capture histories from 1993 to 2006. We sampled four forest patches ranging in size from 0.9 to 25 ha, and four sites in the larger 227-ha Las Cruces Biological Station Forest Reserve (LCBSFR). We found a significant difference in annual adult apparent survival rates for individuals marked and recaptured in forest fragments vs. individuals marked and recaptured in the larger LCBSFR. Contrary to our expectation, survival and recapture probabilities did not differ between male and female manakins. Also, there was no support for the existence of annual variation in survival within each study site. Our results suggest that forest fragmentation is likely having an effect on population dynamics for the White-ruffed Manakin in this landscape. Therefore, populations that appear to be persisting in fragmented landscapes might still be at risk of local extinction, and conservation action for tropical birds should be aimed at identifying and reducing sources of adult mortality. Future studies in fragmentation effects on reproductive success and survival, across broad geographical scales, will be needed before it is possible to achieve a clear understanding of the effects of habitat fragmentation on populations for both tropical and temperate regions.  相似文献   

Studying the effects of urbanization on the dynamics of communities has become a priority for biodiversity conservation. The consequences of urbanization are mainly an increased fragmentation of the original landscapes associated with a decrease in the amount of favorable habitats and an increased pressure of human activities on the remaining patches suitable for wildlife. Patterns of bird species richness have been studied at different levels of urbanization, but little is known about the temporal dynamics of animal communities in urban landscapes. In particular, urbanization is expected to have stronger negative effects on migratory breeding bird communities than on sedentary ones, which should lead to different patterns of change in composition. Using an estimation method accounting for heterogeneity in species detection probability and data collected between 2001 and 2003 within a suburban area near the city of Paris, France, we tested whether these communities differ in their local extinction and turnover rates. We considered the potential effects of patch size and distance to Paris' center as a measure of the degree of urbanization around the patches. As expected, local rates of extinction and turnover were higher for migratory than for sedentary species, and they were negatively related to patch size for migratory species. Mean species richness of the sedentary species increased during the study period and their local turnover rate was negatively related to the distance to the urban core, showing a trend to colonize the most urban patches. These results highlight the very dynamic nature of the composition of some local bird communities in fragmented habitats and help to identify factors affecting colonization and extinction.  相似文献   

Among the many factors that potentially influence the rate at which nitrogen (N) becomes available to plants in terrestrial ecosystems are the identity and diversity of species composition, frequency of disturbance or stand turnover, and time. Replicated suites of investigator-designed communities afforded an opportunity to examine the effects of those factors on net N mineralization over a 12-year period. The communities consisted of large-stature perennial plants, comprising three tree species (Hyeronima alchorneoides, Cedrela odorata, and Cordia alliodora), a palm (Euterpe oleracea), and a large, perennial herb (Heliconia imbricata). Trees were grown in monoculture and in combination with the other two life-forms; tree monocultures were subjected to rotations of one or four years, or like the three-life-form systems, left uncut. The work was conducted on fertile soil in the humid lowlands of Costa Rica, a site with few abiotic constraints to plant growth. Rates of net N mineralization and nitrification were high, typically in the range of 0.2-0.8 microg x g(1) x d(-1), with net nitrification slightly higher than net mineralization, indicating preferential uptake of ammonium (NH4+) by plants and microbes. Net rates of N mineralization were about 30% lower in stands of one of the three tree species, Hyeronima, than in stands of the other two. Contrary to expectations, short-rotation management (one or four years) resulted in higher net rates of N mineralization than in uncut stands, whether the latter were composed of a single tree species or a combination of life-forms. Neither additional species richness nor replenishment of leached N augmented mineralization rates. The net rate at which N was supplied tended to be lowest in stands where demand for N was highest. Careful choice of species, coupled with low frequency of disturbance, can lead to maintenance of N within biomass and steady rates of within-system circulation, whereas pulses, whether caused by cutting and replanting or by the phenological traits of the species selected or combined, subject N supplies to leaching loss.  相似文献   

Schlesinger MD  Manley PN  Holyoak M 《Ecology》2008,89(8):2302-2314
Urbanization has profound influences on ecological communities, but our understanding of causal mechanisms is limited by a lack of attention to its component stressors. Published research suggests that at landscape scales, habitat loss and fragmentation are the major drivers of community change, whereas at local scales, human activity and vegetation management are the primary stressors. Little research has focused on whether urbanization stressors may supplant natural factors as dominant forces structuring communities. We used model selection to determine the relative importance of urban development, human activity, local and landscape vegetation, topography, and geographical location in explaining land bird species richness, abundance, and dominance. We analyzed the entire community and groups of species based on ecological characteristics, using data collected in remnant forests along a gradient of urban development in the Lake Tahoe basin, California and Nevada, USA. Urbanization stressors were consistently among the principal forces structuring the land bird community. Strikingly, disturbance from human activity was the most important factor for richness in many cases, surpassing even habitat loss from development. Landscape-scale factors were consistently more important than local-scale factors for abundance. In demonstrating considerable changes in land bird community structure, our results suggest that ecosystem function in urban areas may be severely compromised. Such changes compel local- and landscape-scale management, focused research, and long-term monitoring to retain biodiversity in urban areas to the extent possible.  相似文献   

Tarwater CE  Ricklefs RE  Maddox JD  Brawn JD 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1271-1281
The factors that affect survival until reproduction are essential to understanding the organization of life histories within and among species. Theory predicts, for example, that survival until reproduction influences the optimum level of reproductive investment by parents, which might partly explain prolonged parental care in species with high first-year survival. Tests and refinements of life-history theory have been hampered, however, by a lack of field-based estimates of pre-reproductive survival, especially for tropical species, which have been the subject of many comparative analyses. Tropical species are predicted to have higher first-year survival and delayed reproduction compared to Northern Hemisphere species. We estimated survival until reproduction, age at first reproduction, and sources of variation in juvenile survival in a Neotropical passerine, the Western Slaty-Antshrike (Thamnophilus atrinucha), in central Panama. We observed that fledged antshrikes had 76% survival through the dependent period and 48% survival to the age of 1 year; survival rate was lowest during the first week after leaving the nest. Timing of fledging within the breeding season, fledgling mass, and age at dispersal influenced survival, while sex of offspring and year did not. Individuals did not breed until two years of age, and post-fledging pre-reproductive survival was 41% of annual adult survival. High survival until reproduction in antshrikes balanced their low annual productivity, resulting in a stable population. Survival during the post-fledging period of dependence and the first year of independence in the Western Slaty-Antshrike exceeded estimates for Northern Hemisphere species. This difference appears to be associated with the extended post-fledging parental care, delayed dispersal, low costs of dispersal, and the less seasonal environment of antshrikes.  相似文献   

Tropical forest destruction and fragmentation of habitat patches may reduce population persistence at the landscape level. Given the complex nature of simultaneously evaluating the effects of these factors on biotic populations, statistical presence/absence modelling has become an important tool in conservation biology. This study uses logistic regression to evaluate the independent effects of tropical forest cover and fragmentation on bird occurrence in eastern Guatemala. Logistic regression models were constructed for 10 species with varying response to habitat alteration. Predictive variables quantified forest cover, fragmentation and their interaction at three different radii (200, 500 and 1000 m scales) of 112 points where presence of target species was determined. Most species elicited a response to the 1000 m scale, which was greater than most species’ reported territory size. Thus, their presence at the landscape scale is probably regulated by extra-territorial phenomena, such as dispersal. Although proportion of forest cover was the most important predictor of species’ presence, there was strong evidence of area-independent and -dependent fragmentation effects on species presence, results that contrast with other studies from northernmost latitudes. Species’ habitat breadth was positively correlated with AIC model values, indicating a better fit for species more restricted to tropical forest. Species with a narrower habitat breadth also elicited stronger negative responses to forest loss. Habitat breadth is thus a simple measure that can be directly related to species’ vulnerability to landscape modification. Model predictive accuracy was acceptable for 4 of 10 species, which were in turn those with narrower habitat breadths.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity can lead to biotic homogenization (BH) and biotic differentiation (BD). BH is a process of increasing similarity in community composition (including taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic components), whereas BD is a process of decreasing similarity over space and time. Here, we conducted a systematic review of BH and BD in plant communities in tropical and subtropical forests to identify trends and knowledge gaps. Our bibliometric search in the Web of Science returned 1989 papers, of which 151 matched our criteria and were included in the analysis. The Neotropical region had the largest number of articles, and Brazil was the most represented country with 92 studies. Regarding the type of change, homogenization was more frequent than differentiation (noted in 69.6% of publications). The taxonomic diversity component was measured more often than functional and phylogenetic diversity components. Most studies (75.6%) assessed homogenization and differentiation based on a single observation in time; as opposed to few studies that monitored plant community over multiple years. Forest fragmentation was cited as the main determinant of homogenization and differentiation processes (57.2% of articles). Our results highlight the importance of evaluating community composition over time and more than taxonomic components (i.e., functional and phylogenetic) to advance understanding of homogenization and differentiation. Both processes were scale dependent and not mutually exclusive. As such, future research should consider differentiation as a potential transition phase to homogenization and that potential differences in both processes may depend on the spatial and temporal scale adopted. Understanding the complexity and causes of homogenization and differentiation is essential for biodiversity conservation in a world increasingly affected by anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

Habitat shifts play an important role in structuring faunal assemblages; however, research has focused on the influence of random disturbance events and information on how regular seasonal changes to habitat affect marine fauna remains largely unexplored, especially in the tropics. We recorded seasonal changes in the structure of tropical macroalgae fields within the Ningaloo lagoon (Western Australia) and related this to the density, biomass and species richness of fishes that represent key processes: juveniles, predators of juveniles and herbivores. The extent and direction of seasonal changes in macroalgae were inconsistent among sites, creating a highly dynamic habitat matrix across time and space. Species richness and density of fishes were largely maintained where density of holdfasts from canopy-forming macroalgae and/or cover was high across seasons, but shifted markedly in areas of macroalgae habitat loss: suggesting stable habitat structure is critical for the persistence of macroalgae-associated fishes. Our results demonstrate that macroalgae fields that maintain high structural complexity across different seasons are more likely to preserve key ecological processes and therefore warrant greater conservation attention within a spatial management framework.  相似文献   

H. B. Moore 《Marine Biology》1972,17(2):145-148
Productivity figures are available for most of the species comprising a few soft-bottom communities in the Miami area, USA. These are in the form of the ratio of annual somatic production to standing crop, both being measured as drytissue weight. These values have been converted to carbonate productivity ratios, and from these the carbonate production per square metre per year calculated. The values range from less than 1 g to nearly 400 g for sublittoral communities, and about 1 kg for one intertidal area.Contribution No. 1559 from the University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, 10 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149, USA.  相似文献   

Summary Further analysis of radar tracks of migrating birds over the Atlantic Ocean (Larkin et al., 1979) indicates that birds sometimes fly at lower air speeds when winds are in the direction of flight than in crosswinds or head winds. The birds are able to estimate wind direction over open ocean by a mechanism which is presently open to speculation.  相似文献   

The relative importance of biotic, abiotic, and stochastic processes in structuring ecological communities continues to be a central focus in community ecology. In order to assess the role of phylogenetic relatedness on the nature of biodiversity we first quantified the degree of phylogenetic niche conservatism of several plant traits linked to plant form and function. Next we quantified the degree of phylogenetic relatedness across two fundamental scaling dimensions: plant size and neighborhood size. The results show that phylogenetic niche conservatism is likely widespread, indicating that closely related species are more functionally similar than distantly related species. Utilizing this information we show that three of five tropical forest dynamics plots (FDPs) exhibit similar scale-dependent patterns of phylogenetic structuring using only a spatial scaling axis. When spatial- and size-scaling axes were analyzed in concert, phylogenetic overdispersion of co-occurring species was most important at small spatial scales and in four of five FDPs for the largest size class. These results suggest that phylogenetic relatedness is increasingly important: (1) at small spatial scales, where phylogenetic overdispersion is more common, and (2) in large size classes, where phylogenetic overdispersion becomes more common throughout ontogeny. Collectively, our results highlight the critical spatial and size scales at which the degree of phylogenetic relatedness between constituent species influences the structuring of tropical forest diversity.  相似文献   

Aldrich-Wolfe L 《Ecology》2007,88(3):559-566
The extent to which interspecific plants share mycorrhizal fungal communities depends on the specificity of the symbiosis. For tropical forest tree seedlings, colonization by mycorrhizal fungi associated with established vegetation could have important consequences for survival and growth. I used a novel molecular technique to assess the potential for sharing of mycorrhizas in forest and pasture in southern Costa Rica, by identifying arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in roots of the forest canopy tree species Terminalia amazonia, pasture grasses Urochloa ruziziensis and U. decumbens, and seedlings of T. amazonia planted into experimental reforestation plots. I tested the hypotheses that experimental seedlings were colonized either by the AM fungal community of the forest T. amazonia (suggesting host specificity) or of Urochloa (suggesting absence of specificity/importance of local environment). After two years, pasture-grown T. amazonia seedlings were colonized by neither community, but rather by a species of Glomus that was rarely observed on the other plants. These results suggest that conspecific seedlings planted into existing vegetation generate a distinct mycorrhizal community that may influence competitive interactions and the relative costs and benefits of the AM fungal symbiosis at early stages in the life cycle of tropical trees.  相似文献   

The degree to which turnover in biological communities is structured by deterministic or stochastic factors and the identities of influential deterministic factors are fundamental, yet unresolved, questions in ecology. Answers to these questions are particularly important for projecting the fate of forests with diverse disturbance histories worldwide. To uncover the processes governing turnover we use species-level molecular phylogenies and functional trait data sets for two long-term tropical forest plots with contrasting disturbance histories: one forest is older-growth, and one was recently disturbed. Having both phylogenetic and functional information further allows us to parse out the deterministic influences of different ecological filters. With the use of null models we find that compositional turnover was random with respect to phylogeny on average, but highly nonrandom with respect to measured functional traits. Furthermore, as predicted by a deterministic assembly process, the older-growth and disturbed forests were characterized by less than and greater than expected functional turnover, respectively. These results suggest that the abiotic environment, which changes due to succession in the disturbed forest, strongly governs the temporal dynamics of disturbed and undisturbed tropical forests. Predicting future changes in the composition of disturbed and undisturbed forests may therefore be tractable when using a functional-trait-based approach.  相似文献   

Spatially organized distribution patterns of species and communities are shaped by both autogenic processes (neutral mechanism theory) and exogenous processes (niche theory). In the latter, environmental variables that are themselves spatially organized induce spatial structure in the response variables. The relative importance of these processes has not yet been investigated in urban habitats. We compared the variance explained by purely spatial, spatially structured environmental, and purely environmental components for the community composition of spiders (Araneae), bees (Apidae), and birds (Aves) at 96 locations in three Swiss cities. Environmental variables (topography, climate, land cover, urban green management) were measured on four different radii around sampling points (< 10 m, 50 m, 250 m, 1000 m), while Moran's eigenvector maps (MEMs) acted as spatial variables. All three taxonomic groups showed weak spatial structure. Spider communities reacted to very fine-scaled environmental changes of lawn and meadow management and climate. Bird community composition was determined by woody plants as well as solar radiation at all radii, the scale of the influence varying among species. Bee communities were weakly explained by isolated variables only. Our results suggest that the anthropogenic structuring of urban areas has disrupted the spatial organization of environmental variables and inhibited the development of biotic spatial processes. The near absence of spatial structure may therefore be a feature typical of urban species assemblages, resulting in urban community composition mainly influenced by local environmental variables. Urban environments represent a close-knit mosaic of habitats that are regularly disturbed. Species communities in urban areas are far from equilibrium. Our analysis also suggests that urban communities need to be considered as being in constant change to adapt to disturbances and changes imposed by human activities.  相似文献   

The relative influence of genetic and phenotypic quality on pairing status and mating patterns in socially monogamous species remains poorly documented. We studied social status and pairing patterns in relation to genetic similarity and multilocus heterozygosity (MLH) estimates from 11 microsatellite markers, and both tarsus length and wing chord (as a measure of competitive ability in territorial defence) in a socially monogamous tropical bird species where individuals defend territories year-round, alone or in pairs, the Zenaida dove, Zenaida aurita. Tarsus length and wing chord did not differ between unpaired territorial birds and paired ones in either sex, whereas paired females, but not paired males, tended to be more heterozygous than unpaired ones. Among 84 pairs, we found no evidence for assortative mating for tarsus length, wing chord, MLH or genetic similarity. However, within pairs, male wing chord was positively related to female MLH and female tarsus length was positively related to male MLH, with no evidence for local effects, suggesting assortative mating by individual quality. Although the observed pattern of mating in Zenaida doves may be the product of mutual mate choice, further assessment of this hypothesis requires direct investigation of both mating preference in each sex and lifetime reproductive success in relation to body size and MLH.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic sampling of a transect of six stations on the North coast of Central Java in October 1985 revealed three distinct communities which can be regarded as paraliels of those from north temperate waters: (i) An Amphioplus (Lymanella) laevis/Lovenia sp. community parallel with the Amphiura chiajei/Brissopsis lyrifera community. (ii) A Tellinides timorensis community parallel with Tellina spp. communities. (iii) A Laciolina philippinarum community parallel with Macoma spp. communities. A strict comparison of the structure of the first two of these communities with their counterparts in England shows that within-habitat diversity is similar in both regions. Diversity at two shallower subtidal stations is higher than at two deeper stations: this is attributed to the effects of natural, low-level, physical disturbance which maintains the communities in a sub-climax stage. Total abundance and biomass of the macrobenthic fauna was lower at the Javanese stations than in their temperate counterparts.  相似文献   

A survey was made of coastal waters around the colonies of Arctic sea birds, which showed that such zones are highly productive. The mean biomass (standing stock) of crustacean plankton for the whole water column varied from 470 to 670 mg/m3 in separate transects, its maxium value reaching 1950 mg/m3. A list of species is given. Dominance hierarchy among the species is clearly expressed. The stable discrete structure of the community is assured by the spatial disjunction of dominant-form populations and the existence of the latter as relatively isolated aggregations. The conclusions arrived at are based on the materials of net hauls and analyses of the food of planktophageous birds (Plotus alle, family Alcidae). Favourable hydrological factors in conjunction with the fertilization of water with bird guano assure the stability of this neritic community with its multiplicity of interrelationships between producers and consumers of the first and second trophic levels, existing under the rigorous conditions of an ice-covered region.  相似文献   

Modeling biodiversity dynamics in countryside landscapes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pereira HM  Daily GC 《Ecology》2006,87(8):1877-1885
The future of biodiversity hinges to a great extent on the conservation value of countryside, the growing fraction of Earth's surface heavily influenced by human activities. How many species, and which species, can persist in such landscapes (and analogous seascapes) are open questions. Here we explore two complementary theoretical frameworks to address these questions: species-area relationships and demographic models. We use the terrestrial mammal fauna of Central America to illustrate the application of both frameworks. We begin by proposing a multi-habitat species-area relationship, the countryside species-area relationship, to forecast species extinction rates. To apply it, we classify the mammal fauna by affinity to native and human-dominated habitats. We show how considering the conservation value of countryside habitats changes estimates derived from the classic species-area approach We also examine how the z value of the species-area relationship affects extinction estimates. Next, we present a framework for assessing the relative vulnerability of species to extinction in the countryside, based on the Skellam model of population dynamics. This model predicts the minimum area of contiguous native habitat required for persistence of a species, which we use as an indicator of vulnerability to habitat change. To apply the model, we use our habitat affinity classification of mammals and we estimate life-history parameters by species and habitat type. The resulting ranking of vulnerabilities is significantly correlated with the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List assessment.  相似文献   

Water quality characteristics, benthic macro-invertebrates and microbial communities of three first order streams in South West Nigeria were investigated to assess the effects of refined petroleum five months after spillage. All physical and chemical conditions except temperature and pH were significantly different (P<0.01) at the upstream control stations and impacted stations reflecting the perturbational stress. The benthic macro-invertebrate fauna were dominated by arthropods, but the faunal spectrum was dissimilar at all the stations studied. Sampling stations at the epicentre of the spill showed considerable reduction in faunal compositions and relative abundance. Generally, the microbial density and diversity were highest in both soil and water samples from impacted sites than in control sites. There was a significantly higher proportion (P < 0.05) of hydrocarbon utilizers in soil than in water samples in all stations except in samples from stations (P<0.05).  相似文献   

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