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The sulphur isotope composition of the epiphytic lichens, Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl and Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf, of the terricolous lichens, Cladina sp. and Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd., and of pine bark, at 31 sites in Finland, appeared to be dependent on lichen and tree species. The negative correlation of sulphur isotope composition with sulphur content was highly significant (P<0.001) in H. physodes and significant (P<0.01) in Pseudevernia furfuracea and Peltigera aphthosa. No correlation between the sulphur isotope composition and sulphur content was found for Cladina sp. and pine bark. The sulphur isotope compositions displayed statistically significant regional variation from south to north. Microenvironmental factors were considered, including phorophyte species and the chemical form of sulphur.  相似文献   

Element content in the bark on Norway spruce (Picea abies) was measured in a montane forest heavily affected by forest dieback and compared to that in a nearby intact stand. Bark contained less S, K, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, and H+ and more N, Ca, Mg, and Zn in the dieback-affected stand than in the intact one. Diversity of epiphytic lichen vegetation was higher in the dieback-affected stand than in the intact one. Cover of the foliose lichen Hypogymnia physodes was negatively correlated with Mn and Cu content of bark. Cover of the extremely acidophytic species Lecanora conizaeoides decreased with increasing Mg and increased with increasing Cu content of bark. The measurements support the hypothesis that chemical site factors are decisive for the high lichen diversity in dieback-affected montane spruce forests.  相似文献   

The effective quantum yield of photochemical energy conversion in photosystem II (Phi2) was shown to be reduced in the terricolous lichens Cetraria aculeata and Cetraria islandica by short-term exposure to aqueous SO2 at pH values occurring in the precipitation of areas with high SO2 pollution. Significant reduction of Phi2 was found at pH相似文献   

The results of a biomonitoring survey carried out in the town of Siena (central Italy) using the biodiversity of epiphytic lichens as indicator of air pollution are reported. The general picture was rather good, with more than 60% of the study area being in the categories "semi-natural" or "natural" according to a calibrated scale of environmental naturality/alteration. Compared with the situation of 1995, ameliorating conditions were found as a result of an improvement in air quality over time.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out in the urban environment of the Grenoble area using two epiphytic lichens: the nitrophytic Physcia adscendens and the acidiphytic Hypogymnia physodes. Two complementary studies characterized this experiment. Firstly, a sampling of the two lichens in 48 sites randomly located throughout the Grenoble area indicated that roads (size and proximity to sampling sites) influenced the nitrogen concentrations of P. adscendens, but not those of H. physodes. Secondly, to study more accurately the influence of roads, a traffic index was calculated and applied along two transects located perpendicularly to urban motorways. Significant positive correlations were found between this traffic index and the total nitrogen concentration of P. adscendens.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of angular exposure and distance from vehicular traffic on the diversity of epiphytic lichens and the bioaccumulation of traffic-related elements in a town of central Italy. An Index of Lichen Diversity (ILD) was calculated on the street-facing and the opposite side of road-lining trees and in a urban park 250 m away, and the content of selected trace elements (Al, Ba, Ce, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, and Zn) was determined in samples of the lichen Punctelia borreri (Sm.) Krog growing on tree bark, both on the exposed and opposite sides. ILD increases with distance from traffic emissions. However, at the site with vehicle traffic, non-nitrophilous lichens decreased while nitrophilous ones increased. The concentration of the traffic-related elements Ba, Cr, Cu, Mn, Sb, and Zn accumulated in thalli of P. borreri was higher on roadside trees than in trees from the urban park. ILD was not affected by the angular exposure to the road and the bioaccumulation of traffic-related elements was similar in lichens from the side of the bole exposed to traffic emissions and particulate resuspension and from the opposite side. The angular exposure in respect to the traffic source does not influence trace element accumulation. These results are important when using lichens for biomonitoring purposes, both for planning future studies and for the reliability of the interpretation of past surveys that do not report information about the angular exposure of the collected lichen material.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of snow and terricolous lichens was determined along transects through the Subarctic towns of Vorkuta (130 km west-east), Inta (240 km south-north) and Usinsk (140 km, southwest-northeast) in the Usa river basin, northeast European Russia. Evidence of pollution gradients was found on two spatial scales. First, on the Inta transect, northward decreases in concentrations of N in the lichen Cladonia stellaris (from 0.57 mmol N g(-1) at 90 km south to 0.43 mmol N g(-1) at 130 km north of Inta) and winter deposition of non-sea salt sulphate (from 29.3 to 12.8 mol ha(-1) at 90 km south and 110 km north of Inta, respectively) were attributed to long range transport of N and S from lower latitudes. Second, increased ionic content (SO42-, Ca2+, K+) and pH of snow, and modified N concentration and the concentration ratios K+:Mg2+ and K+: (Mg2++Ca2+) in lichens (Cladonia arbuscula and Flavocetraria cucullata) within ca. 25-40 km of Vorkuta and Inta were largely attributed to local deposition of alkaline coal ash. Total sulphate concentrations in snow varied from ca. 5 micromol l(-1) at remote sites to ca. 19 micromol l(-1) near Vorkuta. Nitrate concentration in snow (typically ca. 9 micromol l(-1)) did not vary with proximity to perceived pollution sources.  相似文献   

This paper compares the dynamics, i.e. the rates of change in element concentrations of young and older lichen thallus parts, of one foliose and one fruticose lichen, during a transplant experiment to a polluted site. Both lichen parts respond to environmental changes. Here, differential accumulation suggests that differential constitution leads to differential uptake and release, and/or the overall behaviour is partly due to internal translocation and regulation mechanisms within the whole lichen. For thallus parts, internal translocation should be taken into account as one more factor affecting lichen “memory length”. Young parts of the thallus presented higher rates of change, but different lichen parts accumulate different elements to different extents. Therefore tissue selection in monitoring may depend on the element of interest, and cannot be made into a generalized approach in survey set-ups: the choice depends on the element.  相似文献   

We investigated the response of epiphytic lichens to air pollution, against the background of other ecological predictors in a prealpine heterogeneous area, using Non-Parametric Multiplicative Regression (NPMR). The best NPMR model for total lichen diversity according to N environmental predictors at tree level has a cross R(2)=0.709. It includes 10 variables, belonging to three different subsets of factors: two pollution-related factors (distance in meters from the road and from the cement factory); four stand-related (habitat, heat index, LAI and elevation) and four substrate-related factors (inclination, circumference and texture and tree species). Considering separately the effects of each subset on lichen diversity, substrate- and stand-related factors produce good models with similar cross R(2) (0.490 and 0.500, respectively), whereas pollution-related factors produce a model with a lower cross R(2) (0.340). Hence, we provide information to investigate the applicability of lichen biomonitoring to complex heterogeneous areas where standardized protocols are not reliable.  相似文献   

During Fall 1996, epiphytic lichens were collected along altitudinal sections in two areas of France (the Vosges mountains in the North-East, and the Alps, in Haute-Savoie) in order to verify any geographic distribution of atmospheric metals on a small scale. These lichens have various Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb/207Pb=1.126–1.147) which are correlated with the altitude of sampling. Lichens sampled near valleys display isotopic ratios significantly less radiogenic than those sampled at several hundred to thousand meters of altitude. In the Vosges sections, Pb concentrations and isotopic compositions of lichens may be used to define three zones: (1) valley: Pb-rich and non-radiogenic ratios, (2) transition: low-Pb and intermediate isotopic compositions, (3) mountain: heterogeneous Pb concentrations but more radiogenic and homogeneous Pb isotopic composition. Other metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, As), when normalised one to another, are not fractionated between these zones and display homogeneous relative abundance along the altitudinal sections of both sites. Variation of 206Pb/207Pb ratios with altitude is interpreted in terms of mixing of at least two pollution sources: one being the petrol (leaded and/or unleaded) combustion, and the other being of industrial origin. The latter is characterised by a more radiogenic isotopic composition. The Pb isotopic composition of flue gas residues from different municipal solid waste combustors in the Rhine valley and in other areas of France would suggest that these plants might be an important source of industrial Pb in the atmosphere. If the average industrial Pb in France has a 206Pb/207Pb close to 1.15, between 60 and 80% of the total Pb in lichens from the Rhine valley would come from gasoline combustion, whereas 85–90% of the Pb would have an industrial origin in lichens from higher altitude in the Vosges mountains. Although lichens from the Alps were collected at higher altitude, the percentage of industrial Pb for these lichens would be slightly lower (65%). Major winds and convection winds in the different valleys must then play an important role in term of distribution of atmospheric Pb in function of altitude.  相似文献   

The results of two field studies and an open-top chamber fumigation experiment showed that the response of mature Scots pine to SO(2) and NO(2) differed from that of mature Norway spruce. Moreover, the response of pine seedlings to SO(2) and NO(2) differed from that of mature trees. The greater increase in the needle total S concentrations of pine suggested more abundant stomatal uptake of SO(2) compared to spruce. Both pine seedlings and mature trees also seemed to absorb more N from atmospheric deposition. Mature pine was able to assimilate SO(4)(2-) derived from SO(2) into organic S more effectively than mature spruce at the high S and N deposition sites, whereas both pine and spruce seedlings accumulated SO(4)-S under NO(2)+SO(2) exposure. Spruce, in turn, accumulated SO(4)-S even when well supplied with N. Net assimilation of SO(4)(2-) in conifer seedlings was enhanced markedly by elevated temperature. To protect the northern coniferous forests against the harmful effects of S and N deposition, it is recommended that the critical level for SO(2) as a growing season mean be set at 5-10 microg m(-3) and NO(2) at 10-15 microg m(-3), depending on the 'effective temperature sum' and/or whether SO(2) and NO(2) occur alone or in combination.  相似文献   

The factors that need to be considered when comparing rainfall data with emission data are summarized, and it is indicated that trend analysis cannot be done properly without the use of a transport model. An optimization procedure is then used to fit the Fisher statistical model to European sulphate in rain data. This indicates moderately efficient to efficient wet removal of sulphate on average across Europe which is consistent with limited aqueous oxidation close to major source areas and a more linear behaviour at greater distances. At such distances, particularly in remote high rainfall areas, the results demonstrate the importance of ‘background’ sulphate. The results are all consistent with the latest U.K. rainfall data.  相似文献   

Major and trace element concentrations were determined in two lichen species (Parmelia conspersa and Xanthoria calcicola) from the island of Vulcano and all around Mt. Etna. In both areas, the average concentrations of Al, Ca, Mg, Fe, Na, K, P and Ti are substantially greater than those of other elements. Several elements (Br, Pb, Sb, Au, Zn, Cu) resulted enriched with respect to the local substrates. The Br and Pb enrichment factors turned out to be the highest among those calculated in both areas. Data indicate that mixing between volcanic and automotive-produced particles clearly explains the range of Pb/Br shown by lichen samples. Sb is also enriched, revealing a geogenic origin at Vulcano and a prevailing anthropic origin at Mt. Etna. Distribution maps of the enrichment factors show a generalized enrichment of Au and Zn near Mt. Etna, whereas Cu appears to be enriched prevalently in the NE-SE area. The highest levels of Au and Cu at Vulcano occur E-SE from the craters, following the prevailing wind direction.  相似文献   

Single Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees, aged 30 years, were grown in open-top chambers and exposed to two atmospheric concentrations of ozone (O3; ambient and elevation) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as single variables or in combination for 3 years (1994-1996). Needle growth, respiration and nitrogen content were measured simultaneously over the period of needle expansion. Compared to ambient treatment (33 nmol mol(-1) O3 and 350 micromol mol(-1) CO2) doubled ambient O3 (69 nmol mol(-1)) significantly reduced the specific growth rates (SGRs) of the needles in the early stage of needle expansion and needle nitrogen concentration (N1) in the late stage, but increased apparent respiration rates (ARRs) in the late stage. Doubled ambient CO2 (about 650 micromol mol(-1)) significantly increased maximum SGR but reduced ARR and N1 in the late stage of needle expansion. The changes in ARR induced by the different treatments may be associated with treatment-induced changes in needle growth, metabolic activities and turnover of nitrogenous compounds. When ARR was partitioned into its two functional components, growth and maintenance respiration, the results showed that neither doubled ambient O3 nor doubled ambient CO2 influenced the growth respiration coefficients (Rg). However, doubled ambient O3 significantly increased the maintenance respiration coefficients (Rm) regardless of the needle development stage, while doubled ambient CO2 significantly reduced Rm only in the late stage of needle expansion. The increase in Rm under doubled ambient O3 conditions appeared to be related to an increase in metabolic activities, whereas the decrease in Rm under doubled ambient CO2 conditions may be attributed to the reduced N1 and turnover rate of nitrogenous compounds per unit. The combination of elevated O3 and CO2 had very similar effects on growth, respiration and N1 to doubled ambient O3 alone, but the interactive mechanism of the two gases is still not clear.  相似文献   

Studies of the growth and water relations of the grass Phleum pratense L. (Timothy) were made after simultaneous exposure to SO(2) and NO(2) at concentrations ranging from 80 + 57.4 microg m(-3) to 240 + 172.2 microg m(-3) (SO(2) + NO(2)). Decreased partitioning to the roots was evident during exposure to the pollutants, but when the plants were returned to clean air restrictions in root growth did not persist. Shoot to root partitioning was, however, complicated by the additional factor of changes in the nutritional status of the soil after additional columns of fresh soil were attached to the original tubes. The rate of use of soil water was nevertheless substantially increased by the pollution treatment and after a period of 23 days in which water was withheld, a clear pollution x water stress interaction was seen. The ability of polluted leaves to conserve water under severe water stress was tested by excising the leaves and measuring their water loss over time. The results from this second experiment showed that conservation of water by the leaves was appreciably affected after exposure to 80 + 57.4 microg m(-3) or 133.3 + 95.6 microg m(-3) SO(2) + NO(2). It seems likely that damage to the cells in the epidermal layer, leading to malfunctioning of stomata, is mainly responsible for the reduced ability to conserve water under conditions of extreme stress.  相似文献   

Lichens are an excellent model to study the bioaccumulation of heavy metals but limited information is available on the molecular mechanisms occurring during bioaccumulation. We investigated the changes of the lichen proteome during exposure to constant concentrations of mercury. We found that most of changes involves proteins of the photosynthetic pathway, such as the chloroplastic photosystem I reaction center subunit II, the oxygen-evolving protein and the chloroplastic ATP synthase β-subunit. This suggests that photosynthesis is a target of the toxic effects of mercury. These findings are also supported by changes in the content of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a and b, and β-carotene). Alterations to the photosynthetic machinery also reflect on the structure of thylakoid membranes of algal cells. Response of lichens to mercury also involves stress-related proteins (such as Hsp70) but not cytoskeletal proteins. Results suggest that lichens adapt to mercury exposure by changing the metabolic production of energy.  相似文献   

Mediterranean coastal ecosystems are known to be highly subject to natural and anthropic environmental stress. In this study, we examine the effects of anthracene as a common pollutant on the total microbial communities from a Pinus halepensis litter of a typical Mediterranean coastal site (Les Calanques, Marseille). The main objective was to identify the microbial factors leading the resilience of this ecosystem. Two questions were addressed: (i) how lignin-degrading enzymes (Laccase, Lignin-peroxidase and Mn-peroxidase) are affected by the presence of this molecule, (ii) whether the indigenous consortia are involved in its degradation in mesocosms under favorable incubation conditions (25 °C, 60% WHC) and after different time intervals (1 and 3 month(s)). We found a strong increase in laccase production in the presence of anthracene after 3 months, together with anthracene degradation (28% ± 5). Moreover 9,10-anthraquinone is detected as the product of anthracene oxidation after 3 months. However neither lignin-peroxidase activity nor Mn-peroxidase activity is detected. Laccase proteins directly extracted from litter were sequenced via Nano-LC-MS/MS and reveal twelve different peptide sequences induced by the presence of anthracene in the mesocoms. Our study confirms the major detoxification role of this enzymatic system and highlights the high degradation potential of fungal species inhabiting P. halepensis litter, a factor in the resilience of Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

Measurements of particle number concentration and size distributions in a Copenhagen street canyon in January–March 1999, and one year later in 2000, have revealed that the number of particles in the ultrafine size range below 100 nm decreased significantly in the period between the two campaigns. The decrease was especially large in the size range below 30 nm. By two common factors, we found high co-variance between ultrafine particles, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide. The co-variation can be used to assess the contributions and size distributions of particles from the two main sources, petrol traffic and diesel traffic. Here, we show that the drop in particle concentrations can be consistently explained by a 56% fall in the average particle emission from the diesel vehicles in the street. In the same period, we found no change in the particle emission from petrol cars. The change is probably due to the reduction of the sulphur content in diesel fuel from approximately 0.05% to less than 0.005%, implemented in all parts of Denmark in July 1999.  相似文献   

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