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某口腔门诊楼运用了粘滞阻尼器进行该门诊楼消能减震设计,该门诊楼位于云南省的某高烈度地区,在进行数值模拟建立原结构模型并添加粘滞阻尼器建立减震结构模型以及对采用了消能减震器的结构整体进行了分析时运用了PKPM和大型商业有限元分析软件SAP2000.在其分析之中包含了多遇地震与罕遇地震作用下结构的弹性分析与塑性分析.根据预...  相似文献   

通过对山西省某学校宿舍楼进行消能减震设计,介绍了减震设计的思路和原则,对采用粘滞阻尼器的结构进行了非线性时程分析。分析结果表明:在小震作用下,减震结构的基底剪力和层间位移角较非减震结构有明显的减小,且最大位移角小于规范值;在大震作用下,减震结构的塑性铰发展较好,满足规范要求,且阻尼器的滞回曲线饱满,具有良好的耗能能力,可为建筑结构安全提供保障。  相似文献   

以云南省西双版纳地区某医院住院楼采用粘滞阻尼器进行消能减震设计为例,基于PKPM、YJK、SAP2000对该建筑进行计算和剖析,针对粘滞阻尼器在高烈度区复杂结构中的应用进行深入研究.因该建筑从平面图看结构存在凹凸不规则的特性,从0°、33°、90°、-57°共4个角度进行弹塑性时程分析以及附加阻尼比的确定,并阐述了消能...  相似文献   

对两种消能减震部件做了深入的研究,它们是屈曲约束支撑和粘滞阻尼器.首先简单的介绍了这两种部件的特性,其次以某框架结构为例,介绍了屈曲约束支撑与粘滞阻尼器联合在减震结构的应用.屈曲约束支撑能够很大程度的提高结构的延性和消耗能量的能力并且可以为钢筋混凝土框架提供抗侧移刚度.为了进一步降低输入结构的地震活动性,粘滞阻尼器提供...  相似文献   

为了减小天然土壤的堵塞程度,提高污水土地处理系统对污染物质的去除效率,向天然土壤--耕层土中加入粉煤灰、草炭、冲击砂和煤渣配制成人工土,研究不同质量配比下污染物质的去除率和污水的渗透系数.污染物质去除率、渗透系数的正交试验及最优质量配比试验结果表明,各因素的最优质量分数为粉煤灰8%、草炭10%、冲击砂10%、炉渣12%.在此条件下,污水的出水水质为NH+4-N 12.92 mg/L、TP 0.19 mg/L、CODCr 53.90 mg/L,其中NH+4-N和CODCr达到污水综合排放标准(GB 8978-1996)一级标准的限值,TP达到二级标准的限值;污染物质去除率为NH+4-N 42.30%、TP 93.20%、CODCr 70.66%,渗透系数为1.41 mm/min.以人工土为填料的污水土地处理系统的渗透速率、抗堵塞性能及污水处理能力都得到了有效提高.  相似文献   

下穿施工引起既有地铁结构发生沉降变形及内力变化,同时导致地铁变形缝处产生沉降差(错台)及张开,从而影响地铁结构安全及行车安全。针对不同穿越位置,采用打靶法对微分方程进行数值求解,从地铁结构变形程度、内力变化规律、变形缝沉降差(错台)及张开量的变化趋势这四个方面进行了计算、分析。结果显示:中心位置穿越时,地铁结构的最大沉降值低于其它穿越位置,同时变形缝沉降差较小,基本未张开。从结构安全和行车安全两个方面综合判断,中心穿越是最优的穿越位置。  相似文献   

为研究井架在复杂工况下的强度与安全问题,以现场使用的350型修井机井架为研究对象,采用数值模拟对井架进行参数化建模;按照极限作业工况下24种组合载荷对井架进行强度分析,得出操作工况、非预期工况和可预期工况下井架的最大变形和应力云图;提取计算井架构件UC值的相关数据,对井架进行强度、刚度和整体安全性校核。结果表明:井架在常规风力作用下,最大钩载作业工况为其主要受力工况,此时井架最大等效应力小于许用应力,可满足安全需求;在相关工况中,井架的最大等效应力集中出现在上下体连接处、二层台和底部大腿处,计算井架构件各工况下的UC值均小于许用最大UC值,表明井架结构综合强度足够,满足API标准使用要求。  相似文献   

为了更合理地分析事故风险,提出了基于贝叶斯网络的多级多米诺效应计算方法及其计算步骤,并从个人风险和社会风险2个角度,定量分析了生产安全事故的多级多米诺效应。同时以某企业的2个汽油罐区为例,运用上述方法对其生产安全事故的多米诺效应进行定量计算,并将计算结果与未考虑多米诺效应、仅考虑一级多米诺效应时的计算结果进行比较。研究结果表明:基于贝叶斯网络的计算方法,同时考虑了多级多米诺效应和事故的协同效应,可以使计算的个人风险和社会风险更接近于实际。  相似文献   

Since the first Seveso Directive was issued 25 years ago, each Member State of the European Union developed own regulations to enforce its application. The lack of a common approach generated differences between Member States, or even between regions within a Member State, which in practical terms caused that establishments falling under the field of application of the Seveso Directive face a different level of requirements. This situation causes significantly different impact on social, technical and financial aspects.Factors like industrial background, accidental history, actual land use, social attitude towards risk, economical and political structures play an important role in how the decisions about hazardous activities are perceived and handled.Answering the question: “Is there a right methodology for the assessment of the risk of major accidents?” may be sterile or impossible. Many tools are appropriate and the main concern is to use them properly. Technically, the causes and consequences of, e.g., a fire in a port in Spain on the Mediterranean Sea or in the port of Basel (Switzerland) in the Rhine River could be assessed using the same methods and criteria, but this is not usually the case.This paper shows, with practical examples, the differences existing while applying different regulations in the field of prevention of major accidents and the potential effects that these differences may generate regarding the definition and management of emergency plans outside establishments.If the existing unequal situation is not faced, the comparative disagreements between Member States will prevail. Therefore, the application of the Seveso Directive will generate a different impact on the society, operators and regulators, and may become a factor which may cause a risk transfer between Member States. Efforts should be addressed to harmonize criteria in this subject.  相似文献   

基于现有的埋地管道缺陷自漏磁场计算方法把缺陷处的磁荷假设为均匀分布,对于计算结果与实际检测存在较大误差的问题,通过采用ANSYS软件对管道缺陷进行有限元分析,根据材料力磁关系和磁荷理论,提出1种考虑磁荷实际分布的缺陷自漏磁场计算方法,并将该计算方法应用在某埋地管道磁记忆检测中。研究结果表明:该方法计算结果与实际值之间的峰值相对误差为6.9%,相对于现有方法16.4%的相对误差,准确度更高。研究结果有助于在管道磁记忆检测中,提高管道缺陷量化的准确性,对埋地管道缺陷非开挖识别与剩余寿命评价有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了减小深井热害对井下工作人员及有序生产的危害,需要明确深井各热源放热量对深井的热害影响程度。借鉴经济学理论,提出深井采矿的热贡献率概念。结合文献调查与工程实践数据,通过入风流温湿度的季节性变化,确定不同温湿度入风流所引起深井空气自压缩传热、围岩传热、矿石冷却放热、矿石氧化放热、充填体放热、机电设备放热、人员放热热源贡献率的变化,以及入风井、平巷、工作面中的区段热贡献率及区段热贡献密度的变化。得出了不同季节的热源放热曲线以及热源贡献率、区段热贡献率、区段热贡献密度排序以指导热害治理。  相似文献   

Thoracic deformation under an applied load is an established indicator of injury risk, but the force required to achieve an injurious level of deformation currently is not understood adequately. This article evaluates how two potentially important factors, loading condition and muscle tensing, affect the structural response of the dynamically loaded thorax. Structural models of two human cadaver thoraxes and two porcine thoraxes were used to quantify the effects. The human cadavers, which represent anthropometric extremes, were subjected to anterior loading from (1) a 5.1-cm-wide belt oriented diagonally (i.e., seatbelt-like loading), (2) a 15.2-cm-diameter rigid hub, and (3) a 20.3-cm-wide belt oriented laterally (i.e., a distributed load). A structural model having the mathematical formulation of a quasilinear viscoelastic material model was used to model the elastic and viscous response, with ramp-hold tests used to determine the model coefficients. The effect of thoracic musculature was assessed using similar ramp-hold tests on the porcine subjects, each with and without forced muscle contraction. Even maximally contracted thoracic musculature is shown to have a minimal effect on the response, with similar elastic and viscous characteristics exhibited by each subject regardless of muscle tone. The elastic response is shown to be approximately a factor of three stiffer for diagonal belt loading and for this distributed loading condition than for the hub loading, indicating that the response is influenced most by the particular anatomical structures that are engaged and, secondarily, by the area of load application. Specifically, shoulder involvement is shown to have a strong influence. The force relaxation is found to be pronounced, but insensitive to the loading condition, with long-time force relaxation coefficients (G( infinity )) in the range of 0.1 to 0.3. The findings of this study provide restraint-specific guidelines for the force-deflection characteristics of both physical and computational thoracic models.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了框架桥的应用情况,指出框架桥结构是铁路提速后,大规模使用的一种下穿结构形式。进而介绍了由于设计、施工等几种常见的可能引起框架桥产生裂缝的原因,并以京九线某里程段的二孔框架桥出现裂缝情况为例分析了其出现裂缝的原因及裂缝的危害性。  相似文献   

页岩气集输管道运行压力和出砂量在生产过程中衰减显著,这导致管道失效概率不断变化,针对这一问题,采用贝叶斯网络方法,建立了页岩气集输管道失效概率动态计算模型。首先,分析页岩气气质特征、管道运行工况及失效原因,利用逻辑门的连接关系,建立了页岩气集输管道失效故障树;其次,基于贝叶斯网络与失效故障树的结构映射关系,将失效故障树转化成贝叶斯网络结构;然后,通过贝叶斯网络的参数学习,实现模型求解;最后,进行了实例应用。研究结果表明:该模型不仅可有效计算页岩气集输管道的失效概率,还能确定影响管道失效的关键风险因素,并且可通过调整节点的状态及概率分布,实现页岩气集输管道失效概率的更新。  相似文献   

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