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布莱尔:狂爱足球的健将英国首相布莱尔一直是一名活跃的"体育健将".中学时代,他是非常出色的校橄榄球队队员,还当过校板球队队长,以后又对篮球和网球颇感兴趣.做首相后,虽然工作繁忙,但布莱尔仍然定期游泳、打网球、上健身房.很多时候,布莱尔一家还要同保镖们拉开架势,来一场别开生面的"家庭足球大赛".如此注重锻炼,难怪布莱尔自豪地表示,他现在的身材跟大学刚毕业时一样标准.  相似文献   

针对证件防伪、票据防伪及单据防伪等专业防伪领域现有防伪技术存在的问题,北京超能重离子科技有限责任提出"离子微孔膜技术应用证件防伪领域"的研制计划,并由北京超能重离子科技有限责任公司投入巨额开发经费,在辽宁大学和哈尔滨理工大学等单位科研人员的大力协助下研制成功.这项技术已先后在90多个国家和地区申报注册了发明专利,不仅得到了国内公安系统领导的高度重视,还得到了美国白宫安全防伪专家的高度评价.  相似文献   

<正>淘米水的药用价值淘米水含有一定的蛋白质、维生素和微量元素,特别是头一两次淘米水含有钾,淘米水会呈现pH值为5.5左右的弱酸性,加入食盐碘盐入药后,具有清火、凉血、解毒的功效。研究发现,洗米水里含有蛋白质、淀粉、矿物质等养分,可以用来洗脸、润肤,煮后饮用对保护胃壁黏膜、消除积食和改善消化不良有帮助。中医也尝试以洗米水炒炙中药,作为调养脾胃的药方。另外,头一两道淘米水会呈现pH值为5.5左右的  相似文献   

<正>"您好,请摇下车窗,出示驾驶证和行驶证,配合检查。"近日,在104国道琼堂路段,宁德市蕉城区交管大队民警对过往的车辆进行细致的检查。据了解,蕉城区为了确保道路交通安全,积极组织相关部门开展道路交通安全综合整治行动,严厉打击影响市民出行安全的重点违法行为,为广大市民提供畅通有序的出行环境。道路交通安全综合专项整治工作,只是蕉城区实施"十大民生领域安全生产专项整治行动"(以下简称"十  相似文献   

<正>近年来,高空作业因安全绳断裂发生的事故不断:2014年,成都发生5起高空作业坠楼的案件;2015年7月8日,三门峡一名工人在20楼左右的酒店大楼外墙处高空作业时,系在身上的安全绳突然断裂,导致工人从高空坠下不幸身亡;同年7月24日下午,大风突袭西安,两名正在一座大楼外立面施工的工人被突如其来的大风刮起,随后两人又被安全绳拉回撞在大楼外立面,几番撞击后,两人当场死亡……高空作业坠楼殒命所引发  相似文献   

[本刊讯]2005年5月7日下午17时6分,永春县消防大队119指挥中心接到省道306线发生一起严重交通事故的报警电话,该大队立即启动交通事故应急救援方案,迅速调集一部抢险救援车、一部水罐车、一部指挥车和12名官兵赶赴现场进行抢险救援,成功解救了五名受困群众,由于抢险及时高效,措施得力,受到了驻地党委、政府的表彰,并被授予"抢险救援突击队"荣誉称号,同时还被泉州市消防支队树为榜样,号召全市消防部队向该大队学习.2005年永春消防大队共出警77次,扑灭各类火灾47起,抢险救援30多起,圆满完成灭火和各项抢险救援任务.  相似文献   

[本刊讯]2月7日14时50分,厦门长天塑化有限公司东区一空置两年多的丙烯腈(V5006)贮罐发生爆炸,并导致相邻3.5米的(V5005)丁酯储罐外表冷却层燃烧,事故虽未造成人员伤亡和环境污染,但造成了极大的社会影响.事故发生后,市、区安监、消防,海沧公安、环保等单位领导及工作人员迅速赶到事故现场,对事故进行调查处理.经初步分析:事故原因是由于公司没有严格动火制度,员工切割丙烯腈回流管时产生火花引起丙烯腈回流管着火,火源经管道引至储罐,导致丙烯腈储罐爆炸.  相似文献   

李兵 《安全与健康》2006,(11):22-22
现年28岁的四川省泸县太伏镇双石村农民向春曾在广东、贵州等地打工,有了部分积蓄,回到老家后发现从事驾驶工作赚钱容易,于是在驾校学习驾驶,取得驾驶资格后购买了一辆中型货车从事营运,汽车挂靠在泸县七星庵汽车队.  相似文献   

(本刊讯)南平市强化公众聚集场所安全检查,今年以来南平市开展宾馆酒店、商场、市场等公众聚集场所安全检查,市政府办下发了<关于立即开展消防安全大检查切实加强消防安全工作的紧急通知>,南平市组织4个小组对市区的公众聚集场所展开拉网式检查,强制拆除了南平市天荟自动KTV,佳家乐快餐厅等公众场所疏散通道的铁栏栅;加大重大火灾隐患整治督查力度,延平希望高级中学挂牌督办的火灾隐患已基本整改到位,顺昌华昌商场重大火灾隐患正在进行整改工程招标工作,预计今年6月底完成整改,光泽镇岭商业城重大火灾隐患也已确定了整改方案;新闻曝光久拖不改的火灾隐患单位,建阳市大潭影院、建阳西街农贸市场、浦城三中综合楼、蒲城雷民电子城、政和"都市歌城"等场所相继被电视、报刊等媒体曝光,促进了火灾隐患的整改.  相似文献   

不久前,一位省委书记到一个县检查水利建设.工地上红旗招展,热气腾腾,在一段二百多米长的水渠上,就集中了二三百名干部和群众在那里大干.这位书记回到县城后,下午让随行人员再到工地去看看.只见修渠大军已不见踪影,四周冷冷清清,只有两个留守工人,那条渠基本上仍是老样子.问他们修渠队伍哪里去了?回答是:听说省里领导要来检查,就《集中力量打歼灭战》,现在都回去了.两天后,省委书记又悄悄看了那条水渠,仍不见修渠大军的踪影.  相似文献   

房平 《安全》2000,21(1):28-29
近年来,农村封建迷信活动在一些地区有所抬头.由迷信活动引发的用电事故屡有发生.不仅扰乱用电秩序,影响电网安全,还带来不应有的经济损失,已成为农村安全用电中一个不容忽视的问题.笔者通过案例分析和农村社会调查,摄取以下几组"镜头”:  相似文献   

Accidental release of pressurized high flash point heat transfer fluids can result in fire and explosion hazard scenarios in the process industry. An experimental investigation on ignition of aerosols of a heat transfer fluid is carried out, and characterization of aerosol and its ignition process by non-intrusive laser diffraction technique is reported. Propagation speed of the aerosol combustion flame front as analyzed from the laser diffraction measurement agrees with high-speed visual camera observation. Flammability of the aerosol, which is based on the chances of the global flame appearance in the aerosol, is mainly controlled by aerosol droplet size and the droplet volume concentration.  相似文献   

This article is a brief review of the mechanism of action of fibrous filters and of the performance of respirators; it neglects many of the complications discussed in longer and more detailed articles. An expression is given for the pressure drop across a filter in terms of fibre diameter and filtration velocity. The particle capture mechanisms of interception and diffusional deposition are introduced and the way in which filtration efficiency varies with particle size is discussed. Filters with fibres of small diameter are shown to be the most efficient, but their use can cause problems. Electrically charged materials are widely used in respirators because of their high efficiency and low pressure drop. Types of material, their means of charging, and their method of action are described. An account is given of respirator leakage, the protection factor, and of the way that these may vary in a period of use. The leakage of air and particles through face seal leaks and leaky valves is discussed. The frequent discrepancy in the protection given by respirators in the workplace, on the one hand, and that suggested by laboratory measurements, on the other, is reviewed, and the article ends with an account of the combined effect of aerosol penetration through a filter and through a leak.  相似文献   

Under the new threat situation it is necessary to impede and if necessary detect ingress by unauthorised persons into the relevant establishment. It may be necessary to take additional measures to protect installations or parts thereof that are especially hazardous or at risk from terrorist attacks from interference by unauthorised persons.

It is the duty of the state to take precautionary and preventive measures to impede or prevent external terrorist attacks or entry by force into establishments. The necessary resources for this purpose must be made available even in times of limited budgets.

Since total protection can never be guaranteed, external emergency measures have a particularly important role to play. The competent authorities in this sector must receive the necessary information from the operators and must take the measures within their sphere of responsibility without delay.

Much of the information necessary for assessment of the risk situation by the operators and the authorities is already available under the provisions on the safety report and the external alarm and emergency plans according to European Seveso II Directive (96/82/EC).

It is recommended that a restriction of disclosure of information on the grounds of public safety should only be permitted for establishments/installations which are to be regarded as security-relevant on the basis of the hazard and the risk analysis.

The outline of the systematic approach of a security analysis like it is proposed in Germany is described separately.  相似文献   

An investigation of ignition of dust clouds by the use of electric spark discharges triggered by the explosive dust cloud itself has been conducted. This method of triggering capacitive sparks probably represents a realistic mechanism for initiating accidental dust explosions in industrial practice. Unlike the conventional method for determining the minimum ignition energy (MIE) in the laboratory, the delay between dust dispersion and spark discharge is not a degree of freedom. In stead, the transient dust cloud itself is used to initiate spark breakdown between electrodes set at a high voltage lower than breakdown in pure air. In the present study, different kinds of dusts were tested as ‘spark triggers’, and they exhibited quite different abilities to trigger breakdown. Large particles were found to initiate breakdown at lower voltages than smaller ones. In general, conductive particles were not found to initiate breakdown at lower voltages than dielectric ones when using the same dust concentration.Minimum ignition energies (MIE) of three dusts (Lycopodium clavatum, sulphur and maize starch) were determined using the authors' method of study. The MIEs were somewhat higher than those obtained using conventional methods, but relatively close to the values obtained through conventional methods.  相似文献   

选用单壁碳纳米管、多壁碳纳米管两种吸附剂,对广州市3种地表水体(城市径流、农田径流、森林径流)中不同分区溶解性有机物(DOM)进行吸附研究,并以腐殖酸溶液作为标准对照组。以UV254、荧光激发-发射矩阵光谱、溶解性有机碳质量浓度作为吸附效果的评价指标。结果表明,在UV254上,单壁碳纳米管比多壁碳纳米管平均多吸附11%的DOM。3种地表水样中均无Ⅰ区荧光峰,而有明显的Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ区荧光峰。水样中II区、III区、IV区、Ⅴ区荧光峰的位置分别为Ex230/Em345、Ex245/Em445、Ex275/Em320、Ex335/Em380,误差在40 nm内。多壁碳纳米管吸附溶解性有机物的动力学模式符合准二级动力学方程,决定系数高达0.994 7。Langmuir方程相对于Freundlich方程更适合描述MWNT-1030对DOM的吸附过程。  相似文献   

随着自动化从更传统的应用如家庭剧场向更复杂的应用如联网HVAC的发展,其价格逐步增加,而且幅度很大.虽然客户接受某种程度的家庭基本自动化,但顶点对于绝大多数业主来说仍然是高不可攀的.但是在一个不断变化的市场内,家庭自动化有多普及呢?  相似文献   

1引用法律法规 《中华人民共和国劳动法》 《中华人民共和国安全生产法》 《中华人民共和国矿山安全法》 《危险化学品安全管理条例》 其它适用于安全评价的法律法规 《中华人民共和国安全生产法》第十二条 依法设立的为安全生产提供技术服务的中介机构,依照法律、行政法规和执业准则,接受生产经营单位的委托为其安全生产工作提供技术服务。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The ability for suicides of drivers to be disguised as traffic accidents raises the possibility that suicidal behaviors of this nature are far more prevalent than previously thought, potentially impacting health, road safety, and insurance companies. METHOD: Persons residing at the Gold Coast, Australia, identified as having a history of suicidal ideation and behaviors (n = 1,196), were sent a mail-out survey after their consent was obtained in initial telephone contact (CATI random digit-dialing). Among those responding, 412 had made suicide plans or arrangements and 228 suicide attempts. RESULTS: Of those who reported planning a suicide, 14.8% (19.1% of male planners and 11.8% of female planners) had conceived to have a motor vehicle "accident" (n = 61). Of all attempters, 8.3% (13.3% of male attempters) had previously attempted via motor vehicle collision (n = 19). All attempters reported having emotional or mental problems at the time of the event. Suicide planners were significantly more likely to be in full-time employment and have a partner and children compared with other planners. CONCLUSION: The study gives a rare insight into driver suicide plans and attempts, via a large-scale community survey, to provide the best opportunity of collecting unbiased data on the driver suicide behavior. Results suggest the use of this method, particularly in attempts made by males, may be underreported leading to inaccuracy of statistics. The motives behind choosing this method are somewhat different to those behind other methods, including financial benefits and eliminating stigma in the aftermath of a suicide.  相似文献   

The mitigation of the consequences of storage-tank fire is a great safety concern in petro-chemical and gas industries. A technique to protect the integrity of neighbouring structures is the water spray curtain. It can be operating downward in front of or oriented to the surface to be shielded. Simple modelling, laboratory experiments and field tests for these two types of thermal shielding are presented.

Attenuation factor of 50–75% can be expected with the vertical curtain while 90% can be reached with the impinging curtain if spray overlapping is achieved.  相似文献   

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