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Summary Juncos' preferences for constant versus variable food rewards were tested in three series of aviary experiments. Deprivation and feeding rates were varied across the three treatments, but the mean of the variable reward equalled the constant reward in every experiment. When the birds gained energy faster than required to meet all 24-h costs, they preferred the constant reward. When the birds' energy intake was less than the minimally required rate, they preferred the variable reward. When energy intake just balanced average daily costs, the birds preferred the constant reward or were indifferent, and their response depended on the particular mean-variance combination presented.  相似文献   

Theory, empirical examples, and recently, proximate mechanisms point to the possibility of adaptive sex ratio adjustment in various organisms. General predictions state that a female should adjust her offspring sex ratio to maximize the benefits or minimize the costs of reproduction given her physical condition or current social and environmental conditions. I tested for an influence of male attractiveness on brood sex ratio in a population of dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis thurberi) by manipulating a male’s white outer tail feathers (“tail white”). Experimentally increasing male tail white did not significantly affect sex ratio, nor was premanipulated male tail white significantly related to brood sex ratio. However, the amount of white on the female’s outer tail feathers, independently of female condition, was positively related to the number of sons in a brood. Determining how a female’s potential genetic contribution to her sons’ attractiveness influences offspring sex ratio should be a priority for future research.  相似文献   

Individuals living in social groups are predicted to live under unequal predation risk due to their spatial location within the group. Previous work has indicated that individuals located at the edge of groups have higher “domains of danger”, thus are more likely to engage in vigilance or antipredator behavior. We studied the determinants of vigilance behavior in two groups of ring-tailed coatis in Iguazu National Park, Argentina. In addition to the expected pattern that coatis were more vigilant at the edge of the group, we found that individuals were particularly vigilant at the front edge of the group. This pattern conforms to predictions of differing predation risk caused by sit-and-wait predators with respect to mobile animal groups. In addition, coatis exhibited less vigilance when the number of neighbors within 5 m and group size increased. Of the three spatial variables tested, within-group spatial position was the most important predictor variable determining vigilance levels. These results confirm that spatial position has major effects on vigilance behavior, and that group directionality is an important factor which should be taken into account when measuring vigilance behavior. Coatis were more vigilant when juveniles less than 6 months old were in the groups. The presence of these young juveniles also affected the relationship between alarm response and vigilance levels. Coatis were more vigilant after strong alarm reactions, but only when young juveniles were not present in the groups. This may indicate that coatis give differential responses to alarm calls depending on the age of the caller. A comparison of antipredator vigilance between coatis and sympatric capuchin monkeys is consistent with the hypothesis that terrestriality leads to higher perceive predation risk for coatis.  相似文献   

A number of socioecological models assume that within-group food competition is either weak or absent among folivorous primates. This assumption is made because their food resources are presumed to be superabundant and evenly dispersed. However, recent evidence increasingly suggests that folivore group size is food-limited, that the primates prefer patchily distributed high-quality foods, and display some of the expected responses to within-group scramble competition. To investigate this apparent contradiction between theoretical models and recent empirical data, we examined the foraging behaviour of red colobus monkeys (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We found that red colobus monkeys foraged in a manner that suggests they deplete patches of preferred foods: intake rate slowed significantly during patch occupancy while movement rate, an index of foraging effort, increased. Furthermore, patch occupancy was related to the size of the feeding group and the size of the patch. These results suggest that within-group scramble competition occurs, may limit folivore group size, and should be considered in models of folivore behavioural ecology.  相似文献   

Sperm competition should select for increased sperm production if the probability of fertilization by a specific male is proportional to the relative number of sperm inseminated. A review of the literature generally supports the predicted positive association between sperm production or allocation and various measures of the presumed intensity of sperm competition. However, it is not clear how increased sperm competition is related to extra-pair paternity, and it remains unknown whether certainty of paternity should be associated with relative testis size. Based on a large sample of bird species with information on extra-pair paternity gathered from the literature, we demonstrate that testis mass is related positively to the level of extra-pair paternity, after controlling for body size and phylogeny. Although large testes may be necessary to avoid sperm depletion in species in which males frequently engage in multi-pair copulations, we argue that selection has favoured increased testis mass in situations of more intense sperm competition in order to retaliate against copulations by rival males. The fact the males are not always successful in retaliating against rival ejaculates further suggests that females may largely control the allocation of paternity in birds and that increased sperm production by males may simply be a male strategy to make the best of a bad situation.  相似文献   

When eggs hatch asynchronously, offspring arising from last-hatched eggs often exhibit a competitive disadvantage compared with their older, larger nestmates. Strong sibling competition might result in a pattern of resource allocation favoring larger nestlings, but active food allocation towards smaller offspring may compensate for the negative effects of asynchronous hatching. We examined patterns of resource allocation by green-rumped parrotlet parents to small and large broods under control and food-supplemented conditions. There was no difference between parents and among brood sizes in visit rate or number of feeds delivered, although females spent marginally more time in the nest than males. Both male and female parents preferentially fed offspring that had a higher begging effort than the remainder of the brood. Mean begging levels did not differ between small and large broods, but smaller offspring begged more than their older nestmates in large broods. Male parents fed small offspring less often in both brood sizes. Female parents fed offspring evenly in small broods, while in large broods they fed smaller offspring more frequently, with the exception of the very last hatched individual. These data suggest male parrotlets exhibit a feeding preference for larger offspring—possibly arising from the outcome of sibling competition—but that females practice active food allocation, particularly in larger brood sizes. These differential patterns of resource allocation between the sexes are consistent with other studies of parrots and may reflect some level of female compensation for the limitations imposed on smaller offspring by hatching asynchrony.  相似文献   

In order to remain stable, dispersed social groups have to solve two fundamental problems: the coordination of movement and cohesiveness within a group and the spacing between the groups. Here, we investigate mechanisms involved in intra-group coordination and inter-group spacing using the golden brown mouse lemur, Microcebus ravelobensis, as a model for a nocturnal, solitary foraging mammal with a dispersed social system. By means of radiotelemetry and bioacoustics we studied the olfactory and vocal behaviour during nocturnal dispersal and reunion of five sleeping groups.All groups used 3–17 sleeping sites exclusively, suggesting a sleeping site-related territoriality and competition for them. The occurrence of olfactory and vocal behaviour showed an asymmetrical temporal distribution. Whereas marking behaviour was observed exclusively during dispersal, a particular call type, the trill, was used by all groups during reunions. Interestingly, these trills carried group-specific signatures.Our findings provide the first empirical evidence for nocturnal primates in a natural environment that olfactory signals represent an important mechanism to regulate the distribution of different groups in space, whereas acoustic signals control intra-group cohesion and coordination.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses have found that relative testis size is a strong predictor of the prevalence of sperm competition for many taxa, including mammals, yet underlying this pattern is the assumption that intraspecific variation in testis size is related to individual fitness. Because intraspecific variation in ejaculate investment underlies interspecific patterns, it is critical to understand the causes and consequences of intraspecific variation in ejaculate investment. We examined relationships between ejaculate investment (testis size and sperm length) and reproductive success, body size and condition in the yellow-pine chipmunk (Tamias amoenus), a small ground squirrel in which sperm competition occurs. We examined genetic estimates of male reproductive success from a wild population of yellow-pine chipmunks and determined that males with large testes had higher annual reproductive success than males with small testes. This result provides empirical support for the numerous comparative studies that indicate testis size is associated with the intensity of sperm competition. In addition, males in good condition had relatively larger testes than males in poor condition, but there was no evidence of sperm length being dependent on condition. Finally, contrary to many predictions, males that invested more in sperm production (relatively heavy testes) produced shorter sperm, not longer sperm, than males that invested less.Communicated by P.M. Kappeler  相似文献   

Maternal effects, such as investment in eggs, have profound effects on offspring fitness. Mothers are expected to skew their investment depending on the laying order and sex when unequal sibling competition occurs within a brood because of sex-specific vulnerability and age hierarchy caused by asynchronous hatching. The Bengalese finch hatches asynchronously and shows a moderate reversed sexual size dimorphism. However, contrary to commonly accepted assumptions of size-dependent vulnerability, the smaller sex (male) is more vulnerable to developmental stress caused by sibling competition. We investigated whether maternal investment would be biased by the position in laying order and the sex of eggs, and also explored the possible differences in growth patterns depending on sex, laying order, and age hierarchy by observing chicks fostered to experimentally manipulated broods where brood composition was controlled and age hierarchy was more enhanced than in natural breeding conditions. We found that overall patterns of maternal investment favored the disadvantageous sectors of sibling competition, i.e., eggs of later laying order and sons over those of early laying order and daughters. We also examined the effect of laying order on adult body size and sex differences in growth patterns. When reared in the subordinate age hierarchy, females could compensate for the deficit of decreased growth rate by taking longer to mature, whereas males could not. We suggest that this sex-specific growth pattern could be the cause of sex differences in vulnerability to early developmental stress.  相似文献   

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