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采用美国道化学公司火灾、爆炸危险指数法对某加油站的单个汽油储罐进行了火灾、爆炸危险指数(FEI)评价及安全措施补偿分析.比较了二者的危害等级,结果表明经安全措施补偿,汽油储罐的安全水平得到很大提高.  相似文献   

介绍了运用火灾爆炸危险指数法对液化石油气储罐和加油站内埋地汽油罐进行安全评价的实例,主要是估算其发生爆炸可能影响的范围以及所造成的损失,并提出相应的安全对策。  相似文献   

黄征 《安防科技》2005,(6):34-36,24
火灾、爆炸危险指数评价法是安全评价专业人员和企业安全工程人员在安全评价过程中经常用到的评价方法.但是有些企业安全工程人员在实际应用该方法对自身企业评价时,因为对该评价方法的理解不准确或在系数选择时参杂自身感情因素导致评价结果失真.下面对该评价方法使用中容易出现失误或不准确的几点进行研究与探讨.  相似文献   

道氏火灾爆炸指数法在化工品码头危险性评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了道氏火灾爆炸指数法(第6 版)的评价过程,并应用该方法对某化工品码头储运生产各工艺环节的火灾爆炸危险性进行了评价。  相似文献   

以大庆石化总厂140万吨/年重油催化裂化装置为例,运用美国道化学公司火灾、爆炸危险指数评价法对该装置进行安全性评价,分析装置各单元固有的火灾爆炸危险性。根据火灾爆炸危险指数大小给工艺单元划分危险等级,评价其潜在的火灾爆炸危险,确定安全补偿系数。通过量化其危险性因素,从生产设备、工艺操作、安全管理等方面综合分析该装置的危险性、生产过程存在的火灾爆炸危险性和发生事故的可能性,评价发生事故的严重程度,找出主要危险因素力求从技术、工艺、设备、原材料、安全管理等方面采取措施,以减少火灾爆炸事故的发生或降低事故损失。本文为石化企业采取有针对性的火灾爆炸预防措施,从而降低事故的发生概率,提高装置运行的稳定性和可靠性,减少损失,保证生产安全进行提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

<正>用道化学火灾、爆炸危险指数分析法对油库石脑油储罐进行风险分析,得出对其采取安全措施补偿前后的火灾、爆炸指数(F&EI),以及暴露半径和面积、危害系数、危险等级等指数,为安全监管提供理论依据,找准安全隐患位置和关键点,以便采取有效的安全防护措施。道化学(DOW)火灾、爆炸危险指数分析法是依据以往所发生事故的统计资料、物质的潜在能量和现行安全防灾措施的状况,按逐步推算的方法,对工艺装置及所含物料  相似文献   

道氏火灾爆炸指数评价法及应用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
道氏火灾爆炸指数评价法应用于确定物质、设备及作业场所潜在危险性的原理和步骤,定量计算事故可能导致的危害程度和停产损失。为事故的预测和防范提供了科学依据,为安全生产管理评价工作提供了独特的评价方法  相似文献   

杨莉  许开立  郑欣 《安全》2008,29(6):7-9
建立了火灾、爆炸、泄露场所危险性评价模式。运用DOW法和重大危险源评价法对某液化石油气罐区进行危险性评价。将两种方法评价结果进行比较,进而分析两种方法的特点及适用范围,为火灾、爆炸、泄露场所进行危险性评价提供依据。  相似文献   

悬浮法聚合氯乙烯生产过程的主要风险是氯乙烯的"暴聚"事故和氯乙烯泄漏事故.聚合反应散热不足,温度过高导致"暴聚"事故.易燃易爆有毒的氯乙烯泄漏可能引发氯乙烯蒸汽云爆炸和火球(BLEVE)事故.以某PVC化工厂氯乙烯聚合釜生产为例,定量计算氯乙烯小孔泄漏量、蒸汽云及BLEVE火球的事故伤害与破坏后果.提出避免导致"暴聚"事故3种安全技术措施:良好的聚合釜反应散热降温;足够的搅拌强度和防止"粘釜"等.防止引发氯乙烯泄漏的3种途径为反应釜轴封、超压泄压时跑料和压力容器及管道的防泄漏技术.  相似文献   

Thermal runaway hazard assessment provides the basis for comparing the hazard levels of different chemical processes. To make an overall evaluation, hazard of materials and reactions should be considered. However, most existing methods didn't take the both into account simultaneously, which may lead the assessment to a deviation from the actual hazard. Therefore, an integrated approach called Inherent Thermal-runaway Hazard Index (ITHI) was developed in this paper. Similar to Dow Fire and Explosion Index(F&EI) function, thermal runaway hazard of chemical process in ITHI was the product of material factor (MF) and risk index (RI) of reaction. MF was an indicator of material thermal hazards, which can be determined by initial reaction temperature and maximum power density. RI, which was the product of probability and severity, indicated the risk of thermal runaway during the reaction stage. Time to maximum rate under adiabatic conditions and criticality classes of scenario were used to indicate the runaway probability of the chemical process. Adiabatic temperature rise and heat of the desired reaction and secondary reaction were used to determine the severity of runaway reaction. Finally, predefined hazard classification criteria was used to classify and interpret the results obtained by this method. Moreover, the method was validated by case studies.  相似文献   

在聚乙烯工业生产中,聚合过程本身存在着一些固有危险因素,如反应过程中热量的移出、聚合原料以及聚合助剂的燃爆危险等,一直都是从事安全工作人员关注的重点。很多相关的技术研发公司均采取的不同的手段,加以应对。其中,美国UCC公司的un ipol气相法聚乙烯工艺,针对这些危险因素采取了一定的控制措施,较好的解决了这些问题。例如,为了解决反应聚合反应热量的问题,采用循环气大量循环,在流化床反应器外消除反应热,同时,在循环气内加诱导冷凝剂的方法吸收聚合反应放出的热量。就此,本文从化工过程安全的角度,对un ipol气相法聚乙烯工艺中,聚合过程存在的固有危险因素产生的原因及其可能导致的结果和在工艺中针对这些问题采取的控制措施及其工作原理加以分析。  相似文献   

The numerous formulated products which are introduced to the market consist of chemical ingredients that may cause various safety and health hazards to the consumers. Therefore, it is extremely important to practice a systematic methodology to formulate products with acceptable safety and health performances. This work presents an index-based methodology to assess the safety and health hazards of the ingredients during the early formulation stage of product design. Hence, new inherent safety and health sub-indexes are introduced to improve the current safety and health hazards that are needed in formulated product design. The inherent safety and health sub-indexes are assigned with scores based on the degree of potential hazards. A higher score indicates a higher safety risk or severe health effect, and vice versa. The proposed methodology will greatly assist the users to identify the adverse safety and health effects caused by the ingredients. Hence, it is pivotal to eliminate or reduce the safety and health impacts from product usage. A case study on common ingredients used in the formulation of paint is presented on this study to describe the proposed method.  相似文献   

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