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高盐工业废水人工湿地处理中植物的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过人工湿地中试实验,考察了芦苇、睡莲、水葱、狭叶香蒲和宽叶香蒲水生植物单元对经生化处理的石油和精细化工工业区的工业废水中盐含量较高、氮磷营养盐含量较低和化学需氧量(COD)含量较高的废水中污染物的去除情况,研究了在植物不同生长阶段系统中COD的去除同盐度之间的关系,探讨了盐度差异对植物生长状况的影响,为确定人工湿地适合的进水盐度,达到有效去除高含盐量工业废水中有机污染物提供依据。结果表明,芦苇、睡莲和狭叶香蒲3种植物单元内高含盐量工业废水中污染物的净化效果较水葱和宽叶香蒲单元的净化效果好:前3种植物单元内COD、生化需氧量(BOD)和总磷(TP)的去除率大约在38%、55%和62%左右,而水葱和宽叶香蒲2种植物单元内COD、BOD和TP的去除率大约在30%、36%和52%左右;系统中各个单元内总氮(TN)去除率都在85%以上。在植物的不同生长阶段,人工湿地系统中氯离子浓度与COD浓度之间的相关性存在差异:植物生长初期,系统中氯离子浓度与系统中COD浓度之间无显著相关性,而在植物生长旺期和末期,两者则成正相关关系。因此,需根据植物的生长阶段调整人工湿地的进水盐度。  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) was investigated in six macrophytes representing different life forms. Salvinia natans and Lemna minor were chosen as surface-floating plants, Glyceria maxima and Mentha aquatica as emergent species and Myriophyllum spicatum and Hippuris vulgaris as submerged aquatic plants. After uptake of a [U-phenyl-14C]-DCP solution followed by a 48 h water chase, whole plants (L. minor, S. natans) or excised shoots were harvested and aqueous extracts were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Metabolites were then isolated, submitted to enzymatic or chemical hydrolyses and characterised by electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometric analyses. Whereas DCP monoglucosides or more complex monoglucoside esters, either malonyl or acetyl, were found in most species, an unusual glucosyl-pentose conjugate was identified as the DCP major metabolite in L. minor and G. maxima. Our results showed for the first time the ability of five macrophytes to uptake and metabolise DCP and the characterisation of their metabolic pathways of DCP biotransformation.  相似文献   


The fate of six human-use drugs was assessed and predicted in mesocosms designed to mimic shallow constructed wetlands during the onset of fall and senescence. Mesocosms were monitored for 28 days after the addition of carbamazepine, clofibric acid, fluoxetine and naproxen (nominal initial concentrations of 5 μg/L each), sulfamethoxazole, and sulfapyridine (nominal initial concentrations of 150 μg/L each), with and without phosphorous (P) addition at 1.6 mg/L. We hypothesized that addition of P would stimulate primary productivity and enhance removal of pharmaceuticals from the water column. Carbamazepine, clofibric acid, fluoxetine, and naproxen had half-lives of 8.7, 11, 1.5, and 2.5, and 8.6, 11.0, 1.4, and 2.5 days in treatments with and without P amendment, respectively. Sulfamethoxazole and sulfapyridine had half-lives of 17 and 4.9 days in mesocosms with P amendment and 17 and 4.7 days without amendment. A concurrent pulse of P with pharmaceuticals did not significantly enhance the removal of these compounds. Predicted half-lives from modeling efforts were consistent with observed values, with photolysis the greatest contributor to chemical attenuation.


This study focuses on the effect of plants on the biogeochemistry of sulfur species and the mobility of heavy metals in wetland sediments. Results showed that, in the presence of plants, sediments had elevated sulfate concentrations in the rhizosphere during the growing season, ranging from 0.2 to 6.20 mmol L(-1), whereas only a small difference in the sulfate profiles between vegetated and non-vegetated sediments was observed during senescence. Based on the sulfate concentration increase, the oxygen release rate from the roots to achieve the corresponding oxidation of sulfide was estimated as 0.85 g m(-2) day(-1). Evapotranspiration-induced advection is a major contributor to the transport of sulfate from the water column into the sediments, and also allows dissolved trace metals (i.e. Cd, Pb, and Zn) to be transported into the sediments and react with the acid volatile sulfide pool, resulting in the immobilization of trace metals in these sediments.  相似文献   

This work examines the variation in removal efficiency of triclosan in wastewater treatment works in the United Kingdom between November 2003 and April 2004. Concentrations of triclosan were measured at set points within three different types of wastewater treatment works: rotating biological contactors, trickling filters, and activated sludge. Overall removal of triclosan through these plants ranged from 58 to 96% (rotating biological contactors), 86 to 97% (trickling filter), and 95 to 98% (activated sludge).  相似文献   

The removal of 12 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in two full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and a tertiary treatment system was studied. The ecological risks of effluents from both secondary and tertiary treatment systems as well as excess sludge were evaluated. Primary treatment and ultraviolet light disinfection showed limited ability to remove most selected PPCPs. The combination of an anaerobic process and triple-oxidation ditches can eliminate DEET better than the anaerobic/anoxic/oxic process. Adsorption to sludge played a key role in the removal of triclocarban. Multistage constructed wetlands as a tertiary treatment efficiently removed caffeine and ibuprofen from wastewater and could decrease the risk of partial selected PPCPs. Selected PPCPs residues in excess sludge generally produced higher risks to the ecological environment than effluents from WWTPs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the fate of estrogenic substances in an urban river receiving discharge from wastewater treatment plants (WTPs) by flux calculation, focusing on the middle reaches of the Tama River in Tokyo, which is one of the most urbanized rivers in Japan. The level of estrogenic activity flux was almost negligibly small at the upstream station. The level was considerably raised after inflows from the WTPs and then the level declined in the lower reaches of the river. When contributions of estrogenic substances to estrogenic activity were estimated, estrone (E1) was the primary contributor to the total estrogenic activity in all the sampling stations, followed by estradiol (E2). The contribution of nonylphenol to estrogenic activity was small. The E1 and E2 accounted for approximately 90% or more of estrogenic activity in the Tama River. As for the total fluxes of the estrogenic substances in the study area in the Tama River, the proportion of flux associated with WTP discharge was approximately 100% of the total fluxes, and the effects of the tributaries flowing into the river were almost negligible. When the reduction ratios of estrogenic activity were calculated by the flux, the ratios were found to increase toward the lower reaches of the river. Similar changes were observed for E1. Meanwhile, the change of reduction ratios for E2 was different from that observed for estrogenic activity.  相似文献   

Clopyralid, picloram, 2,4-D and a mixture of 2,4-D plus picloram, (Tordon 202C) were added to the water of 1 m square enclosures in a prairie wetland in Saskatchewan, Canada to produce concentrations of 0.01 and 0.1 mg active ingredient litre(-1). Effects on the submersed macrophytes, Potamogeton pectinatus and Myriophyllum sibiricum, were monitored by taking repeated measurements of plant weight, flower and tuber production and inspecting for injuries at 30 and 60 days after application. Clopyralid did not inhibit weight gain (growth) in either species, but stimulated growth and flowering by M. sibiricum at 0.01 mg litre(-1) and tuber production by P. pectinatus at both rates. The low rate of 2,4-D stimulated flowering by M. sibiricum and tuber production by P. pectinatus, whereas the high rate inhibited growth of M. sibiricum and injured both species. Picloram did not affect growth of either species, but injured M. sibiricum at both concentrations and inhibited flowering at 0.1 mg litre(-1). Tordon 202C at 0.1 mg litre(-1) caused reduced growth and flowering in M. sibiricum and injured both species; 0.01 mg litre(-1) also injured M. sibiricum. Mortality resulted only from Tordon 202C and 2,4-D. Field data are lacking to assess the extent to which submerged macrophytes in prairie ponds are exposed to harmful concentrations of herbicide from aerial spraying, drift from ground application, runoff or wind erosion of soil.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale treatability study was performed to evaluate the fate of lindane (gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane) in wastewater treatment plants operating in the conventional activated sludge mode. Different types of wastewater (industrial and municipal) spiked with variable lindane concentrations were used at different dosing rates in order to determine distribution and removal under various operational conditions. The major amount (67-91%) of lindane inputs to the treatment process was found to concentrate in primary sludge. A significant linear correlation between the compound's partition coefficient (logKp) and the organic fraction of primary sludge (foc) was found. Sorption on primary sludge solids was concluded to be the major removal mechanism. Only 0.1-2.8% of lindane inputs was concentrated in activated sludge. Lindane losses in primary treatment were low (4-26%). Higher losses (up to 61%) were observed during the biological treatment probably due to biodegradation. These losses were negatively correlated with the inflow rate of lindane into the aeration tank. Activated sludge aged about 23 d presented the maximum loss of lindane. Increased sludge age was associated with increased percentages of lindane in the final effluent.  相似文献   

The seasonal treatment efficiency of a pilot-scale constructed wetland system located outdoors in a semi-arid, temperate climate was evaluated for graywater in a comprehensive, 1-year study. The system consisted of two wetland beds in series--a free water surface bed followed by a subsurface flow bed. Water quality monitoring evaluated organics, solids, nutrients, microbials, and surfactants. The results showed that the wetland substantially reduced graywater constituents during fall, spring, and summer, including biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (92%), total nitrogen (85%), total phosphorus (78%), total suspended solids (TSS) (73%), linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) surfactants (94%), and E. coli (1.7 orders of magnitude). Except for TSS, lower removals of graywater constituents were noted in winter--BOD (78%), total nitrogen (64%), total phosphorus (65%), LAS (87%), and E. coli (1.0 order), indicating that, although wetland treatment slowed during the winter, the system remained active, even when the average water temperature was 5.2 +/- 4.5 degrees C.  相似文献   

Tsui MT  Chu LM 《Chemosphere》2008,71(3):439-446
Mai Po Nature Reserve (Hong Kong) is an internationally important wetland for waterbirds. Roundup, a formulation based on glyphosate, has been used to control the widespread weeds within the reserve for many years but the fate and non-target impact of the herbicide is unknown. To fill this knowledge gap, we applied Roundup by hand-held sprayer to an estuarine and a freshwater pond in the dry season of year 2002. The surface water and sediment were sampled routinely for glyphosate concentrations following one month of application. In situ bioassays using local edible fish species were performed along with the herbicide application. Up to 52% of glyphosate in the surface water was transported to the unapplied regions by wind-driven current in the estuarine pond at 1 DPT (day post treatment). For both ponds, glyphosate concentrations in the water decreased rapidly after 1-3 DPT, but then decreased gradually over time. Both physical adsorption to the bottom sediments and microbial degradation are thought to contribute to these decreases. Interestingly, the persistence of glyphosate in the freshwater pond was longer than in the estuarine system, which is likely due to the considerably higher concentrations of chelating metals (i.e. Cu and Fe) present in the sediment (4.5 and 11-fold higher, respectively) which potentially reduced the bioavailability of glyphosate to the microbial decomposers. Lastly, fishes used in the in situ bioassays (both in applied and unapplied areas) showed similar survival rates, indicating that the use of Roundup at the provided application rate posed no serious hazard.  相似文献   

Acephate was resistent to hydrolysis in distilled, buffered water at pH 4.0 to 6.9, but not at pH 8.2, held for 20 days at 20 or 30 degrees C. The maximum conversion to methamidophos was 4.5% of the added acephate at pH 8.2 and 20 degrees C. The persistence of acephate in two natural waters, held at 9 degrees C for up to 42 and 50 days varied: 80% were recovered from pond water after 42 days, and 45% from creek water after 50 days. Rates of acephate degradation increased greatly when treated water samples were incubated in the presence of sediments, but not if water and sediment were autoclaved prior to treatment and incubation. The greatest conversion to methamidophos, 1.3% of the added acephate, had occurred after 42 days in pond water without sediment. Under the same conditions, carbaryl was less persistent than acephate in the natural waters: 18 to 20% were recovered from pond water after 42 days, and 37 to 40% from creek water after 50 days. The presence of sediment did not affect its degradation significantly. But more than 55% were recovered after 50 days if water and sediment were autoclaved prior to treatment and incubation. Neither acephate, methamidophos, nor carbaryl could be shown to escape from water into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) are contaminants that may be hormonally active at low concentrations and are emerging as a major concern for water quality. Estrogenic EDCs (e-EDCs) are a subclass of EDCs that, when organisms are exposed to them, function as estrogens. Given that there are numerous e-EDCs that can negatively affect humans and wildlife, general screening techniques like biologically based assays (BBAs) may provide major advantages by estimating the total estrogenic effects of many e-EDCs in the environment. These techniques may potentially be adapted for field portable biologically directed sampling and analyses. This article summarizes available BBAs used to measure estrogenic e-EDCs in the environmental samples and also presents results relating to fate and transport of e-EDCs. Estrogenic EDCs appear to be almost ubiquitous in the environment, despite low solubility and high affinity of organic matter. Potential transport mechanisms may include: (1) transport of more soluble precursors, (2) colloid facilitated transport, (3) enhanced solubility through elevated pH, and (4) the formation of micelles by longer-chain ethoxylates. Due to their persistent and ubiquitous nature, source control strategies for e-EDCs may reduce influent concentration to wastewater treatment plants so that the post treatment effluent will decrease concentrations to estrogenically inactive levels. Alternatively if source reduction is not possible, then more testing is needed on tertiary treatment technologies and treatment efficiencies for e-EDCs. There is still a need for research on remediation and restoration approaches for habitats disturbed by elevated e-EDC concentrations.  相似文献   

人工河岸湿地对面源污染的处理效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对城市河道污染治理存在的主要问题,并考虑到华南地区河流水量、水质、水温季节性变化大的特点,构筑了人工河岸湿地试验系统,对该系统约13个月连续性运行进行了观测和研究。结果表明,平均水力负荷为15cm/d工况下,试验系统对高锰酸盐指数、SS、NH3-N、TN和TP的平均去除率分别为50%、60%、50%、35%和45%;系统对高锰酸盐指数、NH3-N和TN的去除效果随季节变化明显,夏季处理效果好于冬季;SS处理效果受季节影响不明显;TP初期处理效果好于末期。该人工河岸湿地既能较好地改善水质,又能改善生态环境、美化城市景观,是一项适合城市河道污染治理的技术。  相似文献   

The effect of a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and each of the treatment units within the stream on the removal of endocrine-disrupting compounds was evaluated by tracking 17-beta-estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), and 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2). The overall performance of the WWTP compared well with other plants, as 90.5% removal of E1+E2 and 74.9% removal of EE2 were observed. A larger fraction of EE2 entered the plant in particulate form than E1 and E2, while a lower fraction of EE2 left the plant in particulate form than soluble form. The activated sludge units reduced the concentration of E1+E2 and EE2 in the liquid phase by 88.2% and 44.6%, respectively. The UV treatment process did not reduce the amount of estrogens. The aqueous phase of the tertiary lagoon solids contained higher levels of estrogens compared with the lagoon influent.  相似文献   

Model continuous activated sludge (CAS) plants (Husmann units) were used to study the fate of two commercial, alcohol ethoxylate (AE) surfactants during aerobic sewage treatment. The surfactants were produced by the ethoxylation of an essentially linear C(12-15) alcohol (NEODOL 25) with an average of 7 (C(12-15)EO7) or 3 (C(12-15)EO3) moles of ethylene oxide (EO). Recent analytical developments made it possible to measure levels of AE that included the free alcohol and EO1 oligomers across the CAS system, from the influent feed, on the activated sludge, through to the effluent. Measured concentrations of AE (as C(12-15)EO(0-20)) in the synthetic sewage feeds to the test CAS plants lay in the range 11-13 mg/l. During stable operation at 20 degrees C, an average of 5 microg/l AE were present in the C(12-15)EO7 CAS plant effluent, giving a removal (bioelimination) of >99.9%. When levels of AE on the sludge, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs--an expected biodegradation intermediate) in the effluent and on the sludge were also taken into account, biodegradation was considered to be responsible for >98.7% of the observed removal. During operation at a winter temperature (10 degrees C), an average of 26 microg/l AE were present in the C(12-15)EO7 CAS plant effluent, giving a removal of 99.8%. Biodegradation was estimated to be responsible for >97.2% of the observed removal. During operation at 20 degrees C, an average of 7 microg/l AE were present in the C(12-15)EO3 CAS plant effluent, giving a removal of >99.9%. No analysis for PEG was performed in this case but the low level of AE on the sludge (0.2 mg/g dry solids) suggested that biodegradation was responsible for most of the observed removal. Neither surfactant had any adverse effect on the sewage treatment efficiencies of the CAS plants in terms of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal, nitrification or biomass levels.  相似文献   

In the pioneer days, the main driving forces for research of organics in drinking water treatment (DWT) were human health risks and optimisation of technology. The focus was on natural organic matter (NOM) structure, disinfection by-products (DBPs) formation, NOM removal by means of coagulation, adsorption, and oxidation, and development of the most efficient water treatment trains. Surprisingly, after decades of research, rapid development of analytical techniques and progress in risk assessment, the same driving forces are still in the limelight — although the topics have changed slightly. The attention switched from trihalomethanes to a new generation of DBPs. The definition of hydrophilic/hydrophobic NOM depends on the technique used for characterisation. It has become evident that numerous organic compounds can threaten water supply sources. Some of them had been ignored or overlooked in the past, but have recently been detected by advanced analytical tools even in drinking water. Prioritisation becomes priority per se. As far as processes are concerned, mainstream research has been following three lines: fouling mechanisms, application of hybrid processes and interactions between synthetic organic chemicals, other water constituents and materials used in DWT. Significant development has been made in membrane technology. This paper presents a broad overview of the recent organics research. Although the state-of-the-art technologies seem to have an answer to each and every question raised, it is still necessary to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis mainly due to the unique nature of NOM and different xenobiotics that may appear in various types of waters. In the end, human health risk, which derives from the presence/absence of organics, is only the tip of the iceberg — underneath lies a whole new universe — the socio-economic aspect of water treatment and quality that deserves much more attention.  相似文献   

人工湿地系统在我国污水处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了人工湿地系统在我国污水处理中的应用现状 ,认为设计方案、基质、水生植物的选用以及微生物降解等方面 ,是决定人工湿地系统净化效果的主要因素 ,最后指出了目前该法在全国各地推广的难度、存在的问题及解决这些问题的途径。  相似文献   

To assess the occurrence and fate of nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and its precursors in wastewater treatment plants, samples from wastewater treatment plants and industrial sources were analyzed for NDMA, total NDMA precursors, and dimethylamine (DMA). The median concentration of NDMA in untreated wastewater was approximately 80 ng/L, with maximum concentrations up to 790 ng/L presumably occuring because of sources unrelated to domestic wastewater. Concentrations of DMA in untreated wastewater ranged from approximately 50 to 120 microg/L and accounted for a majority of the NDMA precursors. The removal of NDMA during secondary biological treatment exhibited considerable variability, with overall removal ranging from 0 to 75%. In contrast, removal of NDMA precursors and DMA generally exceeded 70%. The median concentration of NDMA in secondary effluent before disinfection was 46 ng/L. Although DMA was removed during secondary treatment, other NDMA precursors in wastewater effluent will result in formation of additional NDMA upon disinfection with chloramines.  相似文献   

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