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The delineation of well capture zones is of utmost environmental and engineering relevance as pumping wells are commonly used both for drinking water supply needs, where protection zones have to be defined, and for investigation and remediation of contaminated aquifers. We analyze the probabilistic nature of well capture zones within the well field located at the "Lauswiesen" experimental site. The test site is part of an alluvial heterogeneous aquifer located in the Neckar river valley, close to the city of Tübingen in South-West Germany. We explore the effect of different conceptual models of the structure of aquifer heterogeneities on the delineation of three-dimensional probabilistic well catchment and time-related capture zones, in the presence of migration of conservative solutes. The aquifer is modeled as a three-dimensional, doubly stochastic composite medium, where distributions of geo-materials and hydraulic properties are uncertain. We study the relative importance of uncertain facies geometry and uncertain hydraulic conductivity and porosity on predictions of catchment and solute time of travel to the pumping well by focusing on cases in which (1) the facies distribution is random, but the hydraulic properties of each material are fixed, and (2) both facies geometry and material properties vary stochastically. The problem is tackled within a conditional numerical Monte Carlo framework. Results are provided in terms of probabilistic demarcations of the three-dimensional well catchment and time-related capture zones. Our findings suggest that the uncertainty associated with the prediction of the location of the outer boundary of well catchment at the "Lauswiesen" site is significantly affected by the conceptual model adopted to incorporate the heterogeneous nature of the aquifer domain in a predictive framework. Taking into account randomness of both lithofacies distribution and materials hydraulic conductivity allows recognizing the existence of preferential flow paths that influence the extent of the well catchment and the solute travel time distribution at the site.  相似文献   

We consider the dispersion and elution of colloids and dissolved nonsorbing tracers within saturated heterogeneous porous media. Since flow path geometry in natural systems is often ill-characterized macroscopic (mean) flow rates and dispersion tensors are utilized in order to account for the sub-model scale microscopic fluctuations in media structure (and the consequent hydrodynamic profile). Even for tracer migration and dispersal this issue is far from settled.Here we consider how colloid and tracer migration phenomena can be treated consistently. Theoretical calculations for model flow geometries yield two quantitative predictions for the transport of free (not yet captured) colloids with reference to a non-sorbing dissolved tracer within the same medium: the average migration velocity of the free colloids is higher than that of the tracer; and that the ratio of the equivalent hydrodynamic dispersion rates of colloids and tracer is dependent only upon properties of the colloids and the porous medium, it is independent of pathlengths and fluid flux, once length scales are large enough.The first of these is well known, since even in simple flow paths free colloids must stay more centre stream. The second, if validated suggests how solute and colloid dispersion may be dealt with consistently in macroscopic migration models. This is crucial since dispersion is usually ill-characterized and unaddressed by the experimental literature. In this paper we present evidence based upon an existing Drigg field injection test for the validity of these predictions.We show that starting from experimental data the fitted dispersion rates of both colloids and non-sorbing tracers increase with the measured elution rates (obeying slightly different rules for tracers and colloids); and that the ratio of colloid and nonsorbing tracer elution rates, and the ratio of colloid and nonsorbing tracer dispersion rates may be dependent upon properties of the colloids and the medium (not the flow regime).It is important to realize that even for unretarded species, an earlier peak in the breakthrough curve does not necessarily correspond to a faster mean elution rate, or vice versa. But rather that a colloid may elute faster but disperse less than an equivalent tracer. Hence its peak may be retarded compared to that of the tracer, even assuming no retardation. Hence one must consider a combination of mean elution rate and mean dispersion rate, and not rely on “peak times” to corroborate chromatographic effects. The importance of this lies in the fact that these processes are not independent and yet upscale differently. Thus realistic estimates of effective colloid dispersion rates should be upscaled in a way consistent with that adopted for tracers within the same system.  相似文献   

We analyzed the long-term behavior of breakthrough curves (BTCs) and temporal moments of a solute subjected to Freundlich equilibrium sorption (s = kc(n)). For one-dimensional transport in a homogeneous porous medium, we derived a power-law relation between travel time, tau, and solute displacement, chi, with the exponent being equal to the Freundlich n exponent. The mean solute velocity, derived from the first time moment, was found to change as tau(n-1). For n values larger than 0.66, the second time moment could be related to c chi(2/n), where c is a constant. An approach based on the use of a critical concentration was developed to estimate the presence of the asymptotic regime in the tail of the BTC. This approach was tested successfully using numerical case studies. One-dimensional numerical simulations with varying values of k, n and initial mass were run to verify the closed form analytical expressions for the large time behavior of temporal moments and the tailing part of breakthrough curves. Good agreement between the slope of the tailing part of log-log transformed BTCs and the predicted slope using asymptotic theory was found. Asymptotic theory in general underestimated the magnitude of the concentration in the tail. The quality of the estimated concentrations in the tail improved for small values of the dispersivity. Experimental BTCs of uranin and benazolin were analyzed in combination with sorption/desorption batch experiments using asymptotic theory. A good agreement between the value of n parameter derived from desorption experiment with benazolin and the value of the n parameter derived from the tail of the BTC was found.  相似文献   

Human and ecological risk assessment requires the sources, distribution, mobility and environmental behaviour of contaminants to be investigated on a site-specific basis. It often deals with data sets which are relatively small and affected by sampling gaps. In the case of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated industrial site, Kriging interpolation of spatial data and principal component analysis (PCA) proved useful for extracting additional value from the data set. Kriging was adopted for assessing the horizontal and vertical distribution and transport of PAHs in soil. PCA was applied to PAH concentration and relative abundance in soil samples and interpreted on the basis of the PAH physico-chemical and bio-degradation properties. It revealed correlation with the products of a neighbouring factory and the weathering of the lighter PAHs. The geo- and multivariate statistical results were coupled with the previous hydrogeological characterisation of the site to develop a site-conceptual model for use in the exposure scenario modelling for risk assessment.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were conducted to estimate concentration of potential contaminants from landfill in the underlying groundwater, leachate, and surface water. Samples collected in the vicinity of the landfill were analyzed for physiochemical parameters, organic contaminants, and toxic heavy metals. Water quality results obtained were compared from published data and reports. The results indicate serious groundwater and surface water contamination in and around the waste disposal site. Analysis of the organic samples revealed that the site contains polychlorinated biphenyls and other organo-chlorine chemicals, principally chloro-benzenes. Although the amount of PCB concentration discovered was not extreme, their presence indicates a potentially serious environmental threat. Elevated concentrations of lead, copper, nickel, manganese, cadmium, and cobalt at the downgradient indicate that the contamination plume migrated further from the site, and the distribution of metals and metals containing wastes in the site is nonhomogeneous. These results clearly indicate that materials are poorly contained and are at risk of entering the environment. Therefore, full characterization of the dump contents and the integrity of the site are necessary to evaluate the scope of the problem and to identify suitable remediation options.  相似文献   

There has been considerable progress in developing treatment systems for point sources of minewater pollution in recent years; however, there remains a knowledge gap in the characterisation and remediation of diffuse minewater sources. Data are presented from the River Gaunless catchment, a historically heavily coal mined catchment in the northeast of England. Instream iron (Fe) loadings were monitored alongside loadings arising from point minewater discharges over a 12-month period to assess the dynamic importance of diffuse sources of minewater pollution. In low flow, diffuse sources account for around 50% of instream loading, a proportion which increases to 98% in high flow conditions. The low flow sources appear to be dominated by direct discharge of contaminated groundwater to surface waters in lower reaches of the catchment. In high flow, resuspended Fe-rich sediments, which are both naturally occurring and derived from historic mining, become the dominant diffuse source of Fe in the water column.  相似文献   

Finite-difference and finite-element methods of approximation have been extended to solve the one-dimensional nonlinear partial differential equations that describe the simultaneous transport of heat, moisture and chemical in the unsaturated zone. Especially for chemical transport, nodal spacing criteria are required to minimize numerical dispersion and oscillatory behavior in the solution vector for chemical concentration. Conservative criteria for nodal spacing for saturated flow can be used to set nodal spacing for unsaturated zone transport. When nodal spacing criteria are satisfied, for the same set of transport and boundary conditions, chemical concentration profiles calculated by the two numerical methods will be almost the same. A situation that is simulated very well with one-dimensional models, is the application of chemicals to land surfaces. To compare and contrast the characteristics of solutions given by the two numerical methods, moisture content, temperature and chemical concentration profiles for a 75-day period after application in the unsaturated zone are calculated for two representative types of organic chemicals. In the first, the chemical is very slowly degraded in the subsurface environment but strongly sorbed to soil surfaces. In the second, the chemical is rapidly degraded but weakly sorbed to soil surfaces. Because of differences in sorption coefficients and mechanisms of degradation, for the same set of hydrodynamic properties of the subsurface, the weakly sorbed chemical is more widely distributed throughout the unsaturated zone, whereas the strongly sorbed chemical stays very close to where it is put initially with little penetration into the subsurface. Satisfying nodal spacing criteria minimizes the impact of the method of approximation on the calculated solutions of the transport equations. For better model predictive performance, however, there are needs for more fundamental information on processes governing transport in the subsurface.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations have been determined for 14 successive days in a remote site of the Mediterranean Sea situated in Corsica, France. Both particulate and gas phases were collected and analyzed. For any receptor site the concentration of adsorbed PAH on particles is determined by three parameters, in order of decreasing importance: the source area, nearby sources and precipitation along the trajectory followed by the particles. For two air masses originating from the same source area, PAH concentrations can be reduced by 60% by particle scavenging during precipitation events. The identification of the source area is in complete agreement with the classification based on the mineral elements. The gas phase concentrations are determined by the source area only; they remain high compared to the concentrations in the industrial zone, thus proving that the gaseous PAH are not strongly degraded by chemical aggressors during transport. Factor analysis clearly shows the different effects involved during transport. The gas/particle ratio is determined essentially by the temperature and molecular weight of the PAH and not by the origin of the emissions. However precipitation influences this ratio to a non-negligible extent through scavenging of the aerosols. For example, the gas/particle ratio, for pyrene, varies from 2 to 4 between two ‘dry’ episodes with a temperature difference of 2.2° C, and from 6 to 13 because of the particle scavenging by rain. These results can be used as a data base and are expected to guide the conception of transport models including the parameters considered in this study.  相似文献   

Kozlov MV 《Chemosphere》2004,56(4):405-410
Mean age at death during 1981-1999 was recorded in four small industrial towns located in the Kola Peninsula, north-western Russia. Two of these towns (Nikel and Monchegorsk) are heavily contaminated by sulphur dioxide and toxic metals (primarily Ni, Cu, Cd) emitted by large nickel-copper smelters; two other towns (Apatity and Polyarnye Zori) are nearly unpolluted. The results did not support the hypothesis that human life span is significantly shorter in the contaminated communities; moreover, mean age at death was lowest in Polyarnye Zori, the town not polluted by either sulfur dioxide or heavy metals but located close to the nuclear power plant. It seems that the impact of hazards other than pollution (both social and environmental), which are common for the populations of the investigated towns, shorten the life span so much that the contribution of pollutants to the decline in life expectancy cannot be detected. However, the relative importance of the life-shortening diseases associated with pollution may increase with the (expected) improvement of the quality of life.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the elemental characterization of fine and coarse particles collected at a coastal site of southwestern Italy, in a suburban area of the Calabria region. A chemical tracer analysis was carried out to identify the major emission sources influencing on the atmospheric aerosol levels. Size-resolved particulate samples were collected during three 2-week seasonal sampling campaigns: autumn (19 October to 2 November 2003), winter (19 January to 2 February 2004) and spring (26 April to 10 May 2004). Ambient concentrations of selected elements (Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, V, Cu, Cr, Ni, Zn, Pb, and Cd) associated to fine and coarse size fractions were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The enrichment factor method was applied, suggesting a prevailing anthropogenic component for all the detected elements, with Fe, Mg, Mn, and Ca as exceptions. Trajectory sector analysis was used in order to discriminate the influence of different air mass origins and paths. Long-range transport from both the continental Europe and the Saharan region proved to be the main influencing factors. African dust outbreaks, whose occurrence frequency was greater during the autumn and spring seasonal monitoring periods, gave rise to a total of eight exceedances of the European Commission (EC) PM10 daily limit value as well as an increase in values of the crustal-derived elements (Fe, Mg, and Ca). Long-range transport from the heavily industrialized area of Central/Eastern Europe contributed to the high levels of Zn, Cd, and Pb that were recorded during the winter sampling campaign. Seasonal trend and comparison with measurements previously performed across the Mediterranean basin were also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The local scale dispersion tensor, Dd, is a controlling parameter for the dilution of concentrations in a solute plume that is displaced by groundwater flow in a heterogeneous aquifer. In this paper, we estimate the local scale dispersion from time series or breakthrough curves, BTCs, of Br concentrations that were measured at several points in a fluvial aquifer during a natural gradient tracer test at Krauthausen. Locally measured BTCs were characterized by equivalent convection dispersion parameters: equivalent velocity, v(eq)(x) and expected equivalent dispersivity, [lambda(eq)(x)]. A Lagrangian framework was used to approximately predict these equivalent parameters in terms of the spatial covariance of log(e) transformed conductivity and the local scale dispersion coefficient. The approximate Lagrangian theory illustrates that [lambda(eq)(x)] increases with increasing travel distance and is much larger than the local scale dispersivity, lambda(d). A sensitivity analysis indicates that [lambda(eq)(x)] is predominantly determined by the transverse component of the local scale dispersion and by the correlation scale of the hydraulic conductivity in the transverse to flow direction whereas it is relatively insensitive to the longitudinal component of the local scale dispersion. By comparing predicted [lambda(eq)(x)] for a range of Dd values with [lambda(eq)(x)] obtained from locally measured BTCs, the transverse component of Dd, DdT, was estimated. The estimated transverse local scale dispersivity, lambda(dT) = DdT/U1 (U1 = mean advection velocity) is in the order of 10(1)-10(2) mm, which is relatively large but realistic for the fluvial gravel sediments at Krauthausen.  相似文献   

Ground-level ozone measurements from a rural site in North-West England are presented. Two distinct types of polluted air mass are identified: one type having passed over the North Sea and Northern England, and the other having travelled from the continent via the South-East and Midlands of England. The former air mass type contains long-range transported ozone originating primarily within continental Europe, whilst the latter type contains both long-range transported ozone and ozone formed from precursors injected during passage of the air mass over middle-distance source areas in England. The monitoring results are compared with the predictions of recent theoretical models of ozone formation in polluted air masses and urban plumes.  相似文献   

Fifty-five seasonal PM2.5 samples were collected March 2003–January 2004 at Changdao, a resort island located at the demarcation line between Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea in Northern China. Changdao is in the transport path of the continental aerosols heading toward the Pacific Ocean in winter and spring due to the East Asia Monsoon. Solvent-extractable organic compounds (SEOC), organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were analyzed for source identification based on molecular markers. This data set provides useful information for the downstream site researchers of the Asian continental outflow. Total carbon (TC, OC+EC) was ∼18 μg m−3 in winter, ∼9 μg m−3 in spring and autumn and a large part of the TC was WSOC (33% in winter, >45% in the other seasons). Winter and spring were the high SEOC seasons with n-fatty acids the highest at ∼290 and ∼170 ng m−3, respectively, followed by n-alkanes at ∼210 and ∼90 ng m−3, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also at high at ∼120 and ∼30 ng m−3. High WSOC/TC, low C18:1/C18 of fatty acids, and low concentrations of labile PAHs such as benzo(a)pyrene, together with back trajectory analysis suggested that the aerosols were aged and transported. PAHs, triterpane and sterane distributions provided evidence that coal burning was the main source of the continental outflow. The detection of levoglucosan and β-sitosterol in nearly all the samples showed the impact of biomass burning.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation of an acidic plume in the aquifer underneath a uranium mill tailings pond in Wyoming, USA was simulated using the multi-component reactive transport code PHREEQC. A one-dimensional model was constructed for the site and the model included advective-dispersive transport, aqueous speciation of 11 components, and precipitation-dissolution of six minerals. Transport simulation was performed for a reclamation scenario in which the source of acidic seepage will be terminated after 5 years and the plume will then be flushed by uncontaminated upgradient groundwater. Simulations show that successive pH buffer reactions with calcite, Al(OH)3(a), and Fe(OH)3(a) create distinct geochemical zones and most reactions occur at the boundaries of geochemical zones. The complex interplay of physical transport processes and chemical reactions produce multiple concentration waves. For SO4(2-) transport, the concentration waves are related to advection-dispersion, and gypsum precipitation and dissolution. Wave speeds from numerical simulations compare well to an analytical solution for wave propagation.  相似文献   

土壤中有机污染物运移模型的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别建立了考虑非平衡吸附和生物降解的单区域溶质运移动力学模型(简称单区域模型)和两区域溶质运移动力学模型(简称两区域模型),基于数值模拟方法,对两种模型进行了定量的对比分析.分析结果表明,参与流动的水分的含量、不可动水区的持留释放能力是影响污染物在土壤-水环境中分配规律以及两种模型模拟结果之间差异的重要因素;较大的可动水区和不可动水区之间的质量转移系数,可以通过增加持留释放能力而增强不可动水区对溶质运移的影响能力,因此在模拟过程中不应单纯依据不可动水的含量大小来确定采用何种模型进行模拟,而应同时考虑可动水区和不可动水区之间的质量转移系数对模拟效果的影响.  相似文献   

The derivation of a highly simplified parameterization of NOx chemistry for use with the AES Lagrangian trajectory model is described. Two versions, both employing essentially independent first-order kinetics are discussed:
  • 1.(1) a one step mechanism: NO2→ inorganic nitrate and
  • 2.(2) a somewhat more involved reaction scheme including PAN chemistry.
Evaluation of model performance is attempted with data from the Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (APN). It is shown that both model versions are able to reproduce trends of annual and monthly average atmospheric nitrate concentrations, although the models tend to suggest transport over larger distances than is apparent from the field data. The inclusion of PAN chemistry appears to improve the model performance. However, the model predicts a winter maximum and a summer minimum for the annual profile of PAN, and this is in direct contradiction with field measurements of PAN elsewhere. Initial results from a PAN measurement program conducted at three sites in Ontario are also reported and compared with the second model version. Observations for summer 1982 are predicted quite well, but data collected during March 1983 are substantially overpredicted. It is indicated that during periods of rain, PAN constitutes the major oxidized NOx component. The suggestion is made that this observation is due to a much more efficient precipitation scavenging of nitrate species than of PAN.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the importance of seven types of parameters to virus transport: hydraulic conductivity, porosity, dispersivity, sorption rate and distribution coefficient (representing physical-chemical filtration), and in-solution and adsorbed inactivation (representing virus inactivation). The first three parameters relate to subsurface transport in general while the last four, the sorption rate, distribution coefficient, and in-solution and adsorbed inactivation rates, represent the interaction of viruses with the porous medium and their ability to persist. The importance of four types of observations to estimate the virus-transport parameters are evaluated: hydraulic heads, flow, temporal moments of conservative-transport concentrations, and virus concentrations. The evaluations are conducted using one- and two-dimensional homogeneous simulations, designed from published field experiments, and recently developed sensitivity-analysis methods. Sensitivity to the transport-simulation time-step size is used to evaluate the importance of numerical solution difficulties. Results suggest that hydraulic conductivity, porosity, and sorption are most important to virus-transport predictions. Most observation types provide substantial information about hydraulic conductivity and porosity; only virus-concentration observations provide information about sorption and inactivation. The observations are not sufficient to estimate these important parameters uniquely. Even with all observation types, there is extreme parameter correlation between porosity and hydraulic conductivity and between the sorption rate and in-solution inactivation. Parameter estimation was accomplished by fixing values of porosity and in-solution inactivation.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to investigate the impact of deforestation on ozone dynamics and deposition in the Brazilian Amazon basin. This goal is accomplished through i) analyses of ozone levels and deposition rates at a deforested site during the rainy season; and ii) comparisons of these data with similar information derived at a forest. At the pasture site maximum ozone mixing ratios reach 20 parts per billion on a volume basis (ppbv) but about 6 ppbv prevail over the forest. Maximum ozone deposition velocities for pastures can reach 0.7 cm s-1, which is about threefold lower than values derived for forests. Combining ozone abundance and deposition velocities, pasture maximum ozone fluxes reach approximately 0.2 microgram (ozone) m-2 s-1. This flux represents approximately 70% of the deposition rates measured over the forest. Hence, this study suggests that conversion of rainforests to pastures could lead to a net reduction (30%) in the ozone sink in the Amazon.  相似文献   

Analysis of time series and trends of nitrous oxide (N2O) and halocompounds weekly monitored at the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa are discussed. Atmospheric N2O levels showed a linear upward growth rate of 0.78 ppb yr?1 and mixing ratios comparable with Northern Hemisphere global stations. CFC-11 and CFC-12 time series displayed a decline consistent with their phase-out. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) replacing compounds and SF6 exhibited an increasing temporal behaviour. The most rapid growth rate was recorded for HFC-134a with a value of 9.6% yr?1. The industrial solvents CCl4 and CH3CCl3, banned by the Montreal Protocol, showed opposite trends. While CH3CCl3 reported an expected decay of ?1.8 ppt yr?1, an increasing rate of 5.7 ppt yr?1 was recorded for CCl4 and it is probably related to its relatively long lifetime and persisting emissions. Chlorinated halomethanes showed seasonality with a maximum in early April and a minimum at the end of September. Halon-1301 and Halon-1211 displayed a decreasing trend consistent with industry emission estimates.An interspecies correlation analysis gave positive high correlations between HCFC-22 and HFC-134a (+0.84) highlighting the common extensive employment as refrigerants. Sharing sources inferred the high coupling between CH3Cl and CH3Br (+0.73) and between CHCl3 and CH2Cl2 (+0.77). A singular strong relationship (+0.55) between HFC-134a and CH3I suggested the influence of an unknown anthropogenic source of CH3I.Constraining of source and sink distribution was carried out by transport studies. Results were compared with the European Environment Agency (EEA) emission database. In contrast with the emission database results, our back trajectory analysis highlighted the release of large amounts of HFC-134a and SF6 from Eastern Europe. Observations also showed that African SF6 emissions may be considerable. Leakages from SF6 insulated electrical equipments located in the industrialized Northern African areas justify our observations.  相似文献   

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