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Male-biased predation of a cave fish by a giant water bug   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male-biased predation has been described from several epigean species, and in many cases, intrinsic differences between the sexes (such as male ornaments) have been suggested as an explanation. Here we report on male-biased predation of a cave fish (Poecilia mexicana) by an aquatic insect (Belostoma sp.) in a Mexican sulfur cave. P. mexicana use aquatic surface respiration (ASR) to survive in their sulfidic, hypoxic habitat. We found that males typically exhibit more ASR activity than females, which leads to increased exposure to the sit-and-wait predator that catches fish near the water surface. Our finding is novel, because male vulnerability to predation is not directly related to male traits involved in courtship, but rather due to other sexual differences in behavior and ultimately, oxygen demands.  相似文献   

Effect of an unknown plant substance on a shield bug   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Male-produced anti-sex pheromone in a plant bug   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In plant bugs (Miridae), females produce sex pheromones in the metathoracic scent gland, which in most other true bugs (Heteroptera) is responsible for chemical defense. The possibility that the metathoracic gland secretion of male plant bugs plays a role other than defense has been largely overlooked. Here we show that in a pine-inhabiting mirid, Phytocoris difficilis Knight, hexyl butyrate and (E)-2-hexenyl butyrate are abundantly produced only in males; we demonstrate that these metathoracic gland compounds elicit strong antennal responses in conspecific males, and that these butyrates totally interrupt attraction of males to the female-produced sex pheromone. Our results suggest that in at least some plant bugs the male metathoracic scent gland esters have a natural communicative function as anti-sex pheromones, probably to interrupt further mating attempts by other males.  相似文献   

Female selectivity was tested in Tettigonia viridissima during two different phonotaxis situations; compensated walking and tethered flight. For two of the three temporal parameters that are important for call recognition in T. viridissima, selectivity was similar in the two situations. Selectivity for the third parameter (minimum interval duration between the double pulses) was much higher during walking than during flight: walking females responded only to stimuli with intervals of 28 ms or longer, while call models with intervals of 18 ms were attractive during flight. One interneuron (TN-1) is probably involved in filtering the minimum interval duration. As this neuron is also the most likely candidate for transmitting bat calls during flight, it is suggested that the selectivity differences between walking and flying might be due to the need for detecting predator signals during flight, when TN-1 would be occupied listening for bats. With TN-1 unavailable for song processing during flight, temporal selectivity for the minimum interval duration should be reduced, as was found here.  相似文献   

Evolutionary and ecological transitions from carnivorous to omnivorous feeding may be constrained by the ability of the animal to cope with disparate types of foods, even if preadaptations for such behaviour exist. The omnivorous true bug, Dicyphus hesperus (Hemiptera: Miridae) requires both animals (small, soft-bodied insects) and plants in its diet and obtains the majority of its dietary and metabolic water from plant feeding. Serrations on the lateral margins of the mandibular stylets wear with age, and this wear is exacerbated when the insects feed on plants compared to those provided free water and no plants. D. hesperus that feed on plants attack fewer prey but consumed similar amounts of prey tissue compared to individuals that were provided free water. Although others have shown mandible wear for plant-chewing animals we show for the first time that plant feeding can impose similar wear on plant-piercing animals as well.  相似文献   

Infrared (IR) receptors are so far known only in boid and crotalid snakes and in three genera of pyrophilous beetles that seek out forest fires. Pyrophilous insects can also be found in other orders, however, so it can be hypothesised that IR receptors also occur in some of these species. We investigated the pyrophilous Australian flat bug Aradus albicornis and found a small number of dome-shaped sensilla (diameter 13 microm) on the prothorax, which have previously not been described. Ultrastructural investigations revealed that the sensilla are characterised by a fluid-filled inner compartment enclosed in a round cuticular shell. The cuticular apparatus is innervated by the dendrite of a ciliary mechanoreceptor, which is fluidically coupled to the inner compartment. Electrophysiological recordings demonstrated that the sensilla respond to brief warming by red laser light or to broadband IR radiation. Depending on the radiation intensity (4.4-549 mW/cm(2) tested, threshold measured as 11.3 mW/cm(2)), first spike latencies varied between 3.4 and 7.5 ms. Thus, our findings demonstrate that A. albicornis most probably possesses photomechanic IR sensilla resembling the metathoracic IR sensilla of buprestid beetles of the genus Melanophila. In the Melanophila sensillum, IR radiation causes thermal expansion of a fluid, which rapidly deforms the dendritic membrane of a mechanosensory cell. The existence of photomechanic IR receptors in both beetles and bugs demonstrates a remarkable convergent evolution towards this particular biophysical transduction mechanism and suggests that it provides selective advantages over other possible solutions.  相似文献   

Mechanical defence in seeds to avoid predation by a granivorous ant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Harvester ants have traditionally been considered as seed predators that negatively affect plants. In some cases, however, they can also act as positive seed dispersers. During field observations, we noted that a portion of Psoralea bituminosa seeds that were collected and carried to the nest by the granivorous harvester ant Messor barbarus were discarded intact in refuse piles outside the nest. We analyzed and compared the physical characteristics of size, mass and toughness in P. bituminosa seeds from two different origins: intact seeds found in the ant's refuse piles and seeds collected directly from the plants. Seeds from refuse piles were similar in width but lighter and tougher than seeds from the plant. Our results point to a mechanical defence based on seed toughness to avoid predation by M. barbarus and suggest that an elevated proportion (~69%) of the seeds produced by P. bituminosa could be too tough to be consumed by this ant. These transported but uneaten seeds could benefit by being moved far from the mother plant and this could act as a selective evolutionary pressure towards tough seeds.  相似文献   

Intensive agriculture has led to a decrease in biodiversity in many areas of the world. Poisoning birds directly or eliminating habitats suitable for birds within an agricultural landscape, may remove potential control agents of insect pests. The main objective of this project was to investigate the effects of excluding avian species from portions of cornfields through the use of bird-proof netting. Although pest levels were low and exclusion nets failed to affect corn yield, some differences were seen in insect pest population levels, supporting the view that insectivorous birds play a beneficial role in corn fields. Cutworms (Agrotis spp.) and weevils (Sphenophorus spp.) were found at higher density in plots where birds were excluded, especially those situated near the field edge. Data on aphids (Rhopalosiphum maidis) and European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) were more variable but tended in the same direction. Only the adult Northern corn rootworm (Diabrotica longicornis) population was clearly not reduced by birds but infestation levels were extremely low.  相似文献   

Mammalian herbivores eat plants that may also provide food and shelter for insects. The direct trophic effect of the browsing and grazing of mammalian herbivory on insects, which is probably prevalent in terrestrial ecosystems, has been mostly neglected by ecologists. We examined how the aphid Uroleucon sonchi L. deals with the danger of incidental predation by mammalian herbivores. We found that most (76%) of the aphids in a colony survive the ingestion of the plant by a feeding herbivore. They do so by sensing the combination of heat and humidity in the herbivore’s breath and immediately dropping off the plant in large numbers. Their ability to sense the herbivore’s breath or their tendency to drop off the plant weakens as ambient temperature rises. This could indicate a limitation of the aphids’ sensory system or an adaptation that enables them to avoid the hostile conditions on a hot ground. Once on the ground, U. sonchi is highly mobile and capable of locating a new host plant by advancing in a pattern that differs significantly from random movement. The accurate and efficient defense mechanism of U. sonchi emphasizes the significance of incidental predation as a danger to plant-dwelling invertebrates.  相似文献   

Fortification illusion during an attack of ophthalmic migraine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

龙江河突发环境事件河流镉污染化学形态模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重金属污染突发水环境事件的应急处置和造成的环境损害与污染物的化学形态及其环境行为密切相关.以2012年初发生在我国广西的龙江河镉污染事件为例,采用Minteq软件尝试计算3种情景下河流水环境溶解态Cd的化学形态.结果表明,在天然背景条件下龙江河Cd浓度约为5mg/L时,水环境中Cd以Cd2+为主,并主要受DOC含量的影响.镉污染事件发生后若无应急处置措施,天然水体对Cd的络合缓冲能力极其有限,以Cd2+形式存在的Cd占75%以上,呈现严重的急性生态毒性.投加聚合氯化铝和碱性物质可以有效控制河流溶解态Cd含量,当pH值超过9.0时,以Cd2+存在的Cd迅速降低.Cd2+含量对河流pH值的参数敏感性最高,DOC其次,水温影响最小.事件处置结束后应密切关注絮凝体中Cd的再释放规律以及水体pH值及DOC对Cd形态的影响.  相似文献   

In recent years, three terrestrial bugs, Adomerus triguttulus and Sehirus cinctus (Cydnidae) and the closely related Parastrachia japonensis (Parastrachiidae), have been the focus of several fascinating studies because of the remarkable, extensive parental care they were found to display. This care includes egg and nymph guarding, production of trophic eggs, unfertilized, low cost eggs that are used as food by newly hatched nymphs, and progressive provisioning of the host seed. In this study, we have investigated yet a third related Asian cydnid, Canthophorus niveimarginatus, with regard to the possible occurrence of some or all of these complex traits in order to assess how widespread these maternal investment patterns are in this group of insects and to better understand the implications of their manifestations from an evolutionary context. Manipulative experiments were carried out in the lab to determine whether females provision nests. Observational and egg removal studies were carried out to determine whether trophic eggs are produced, and, if they are, their possible impact on nymphal success. The findings revealed that C. niveimarginatus does, in fact, progressively provision young, and this species also displays all of the other behaviors associated with extended parental care in subsocial insects. Moreover, unlike the other two related species, which place trophic eggs on the surface of the original egg mass, C. niveimarginatus produces both pre- and post-hatch trophic eggs. Nymphs deprived of access to post-hatch trophic eggs had significantly lower body weight and survival rate than those that fed on them. To our knowledge, this is the first time the production of both pre- and post-hatch trophic eggs has been demonstrated in insects outside the Hymenoptera. In this paper, we qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate the provisioning behavior and patterns of trophic egg production in C. niveimarginatus. When and how trophic eggs are produced and delivered to young should have important correlations with the ecological and life history constraints under which a species has evolved. Thus, we also discuss the possible ecological and life history factors that favor the evolution of post-hatch trophic eggs.  相似文献   

利用常规地面气象和探空资料、ERA-interim再分析资料、以及全国PM2.5浓度数据,针对2015年3月7~11日一次冷空气南下的锋面天气过程中,我国华北、华东地区出现的大范围空气污染,开展了高空各层天气形势分析,以及本次过程中污染区域由北至南6个城市(北京、章丘、郑州、南阳、武汉、长沙)边界层气象要素的垂直结构及其时空演变特征的研究.结果表明:在污染前期(3月7~8日)中高纬度500hPa平直的纬向环流和地面均压场,为污染天气的发生和维持以及空气污染物的集聚提供了有利的环流场.污染中期(3月8~10日)冷空气南下,地面冷高压向华东地区移动,重污染区域随冷高压前部的弱低压场或均压场由北向南移动.伴随着天气系统移动,六个地面观测站的边界层特征在时空上表现出相似性,由北向南各站在污染期间先后出现多层逆温,风速较小,逆温层下相对湿度较大.此次多层逆温的形成是由于夜间近地面辐射冷却、冷锋移动过程中产生的锋面逆温以及边界层以上的下沉运动造成的.本研究揭示了在天气系统移动中,位于天气系统相同部位站点的边界层结构具有共同的特征,及其与空气污染的关系.  相似文献   

利用常规地面气象和探空资料、ERA-interim再分析资料、以及全国PM2.5浓度数据,针对2015年3月7~11日一次冷空气南下的锋面天气过程中,我国华北、华东地区出现的大范围空气污染,开展了高空各层天气形势分析,以及本次过程中污染区域由北至南6个城市(北京、章丘、郑州、南阳、武汉、长沙)边界层气象要素的垂直结构及其时空演变特征的研究.结果表明:在污染前期(3月7~8日)中高纬度500hPa平直的纬向环流和地面均压场,为污染天气的发生和维持以及空气污染物的集聚提供了有利的环流场.污染中期(3月8~10日)冷空气南下,地面冷高压向华东地区移动,重污染区域随冷高压前部的弱低压场或均压场由北向南移动.伴随着天气系统移动,六个地面观测站的边界层特征在时空上表现出相似性,由北向南各站在污染期间先后出现多层逆温,风速较小,逆温层下相对湿度较大.此次多层逆温的形成是由于夜间近地面辐射冷却、冷锋移动过程中产生的锋面逆温以及边界层以上的下沉运动造成的.本研究揭示了在天气系统移动中,位于天气系统相同部位站点的边界层结构具有共同的特征,及其与空气污染的关系.  相似文献   

Demographic factors such as operational sex ratio (OSR) and local population density (LPD) are temporally and spatially dynamic in the natural environment but the influence of these variables on male mating success and the mechanisms behind it are still poorly understood and highly controversial. Here, we manipulated the OSR and LPD of a seed bug, Nysius huttoni, and carried out a series of mating trials to test how these variables affected male mating success. The two demographic factors had no significant interactions, suggesting that they affect male mating success independently in N. huttoni. In this species male mating success was significantly higher in both male- and female-biased OSR than in even OSR. It is suggested that, in male-biased OSR, the increased intensity of competition and interference does not result in lower male mating success; rather, males may make more effort in courting and females may have more chance to encounter better males, resulting in higher male mating success. In female-biased OSR, females may become less choosy and less likely to reject male mating attempt, leading to the higher male mating success. Lower male mating success in N. huttoni in high LPD may be due to increased interference between males and/or delayed female receptiveness for mating. OSR had a stronger effect on male mating success than LPD in N. huttoni, suggesting that OSR and LPD affect mating success in different ways and intensities.  相似文献   

Dandelion Taraxacum agg. (formerly Taraxacum officinale G.H. Weber ex Wiggers) is a common weed species associated with pastures, grasslands and no-tillage cropping systems throughout its native range in Europe, and more recently introduced into North America, Australasia and elsewhere. Following wind-dispersal from the parent plant, its seeds are subject to predation from a host of invertebrate predators. Similarly, seedling predation may also significantly limit dandelion recruitment. Although such post-dispersal mortality is central to our understanding of dandelion population dynamics and therefore weed control, the precise spatio-temporal role played by different putative seed and seedling predators is poorly understood. Here we studied how seed viability, and seed and seedling predation influenced dandelion recruitment at two contrasting sites in central Europe. The abundance in the field and seed and seedling consumption in the laboratory were determined for the main groups of predators—ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabiade), terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscidea) and molluscs (Gastopoda: Pulmonata). At particular sites, seed viability and seedling predation were negatively correlated while the percentage of seeds that succumbed to seed predation was similar. Combined factors accounted for the death of 98% and 87% of exposed seeds. Ground beetles (particularly Amara spp.) and terrestrial isopods (Armadillidium vulgare) were efficient and dominant seed predators, while slugs (Arion lusitanicus) and isopods were important predators of seedlings. While there was no seasonal trend in the intensity of seed predation it decreased towards autumn in parallel with the feeding activity of the declining population of A. lusitanicus. The mortality factors thus varied in their importance, largely between sites and less with the course of the season. Although seed inviability, seed and seedling predation did not stop the recruitment of dandelion seedlings they are crucial factors limiting dandelion populations. Methods of increasing the efficiency of predation of seed as a means of managing weeds are worthy of further study, particularly in areas where dandelion is an invasive species.  相似文献   

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