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The crowns of five canopy dominant black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.), five white ash (Fraxinus americana L.), and six red maple (Acer rubrum L.) trees on naturally differing environmental conditions were accessed with scaffold towers within a mixed hardwood forest stand in central Pennsylvania. Ambient ozone concentrations, meteorological parameters, leaf gas exchange and leaf water potential were measured at the sites during the growing seasons of 1998 and 1999. Visible ozone-induced foliar injury was assessed on leaves within the upper and lower crown branches of each tree. Ambient ozone exposures were sufficient to induce typical symptoms on cherry (0-5% total affected leaf area, LAA), whereas foliar injury was not observed on ash or maple. There was a positive correlation between increasing cumulative ozone uptake (U) and increasing percent of LAA for cherry grown under drier site conditions. The lower crown leaves of cherry showed more severe foliar injury than the upper crown leaves. No significant differences in predawn leaf water potential (psi(L)) were detected for all three species indicating no differing soil moisture conditions across the sites. Significant variation in stomatal conductance for water vapor (g(wv)) was found among species, soil moisture, time of day and sample date. When comparing cumulative ozone uptake and decreased photosynthetic activity (P(n)), red maple was the only species to show higher gas exchange under mesic vs. drier soil conditions (P < 0.05). The inconsistent differences in gas exchange response within the same crowns of ash and the uncoupling relationship between g(wv) and P(n) demonstrate the strong influence of heterogeneous environmental conditions within forest canopies.  相似文献   

Leaf ozone symptoms in natural ecosystems are increasingly reported but ozone effects on tree growth and the mediation of site conditions are still little documented. This study tests two hypotheses: (1) leaf injury in black cherry is associated with decline in radial growth, (2) symptoms are more prevalent on mesic sites. On sites supporting black cherry across Massachusetts, tree growth and leaf ozone injury were surveyed in 1996 using a randomized plot network established in the 1960s. Forty-seven percent of 120 trees sampled for ozone symptoms were symptomatic with generally low levels of injury. Over a 31-year period symptomatic trees had 28% lower stem growth rates than asymptomatic trees. Ozone symptom expression was enhanced in well growing stands on moister, cooler and more elevated sites. Ozone appeared to increase environmental stress and had a more pronounced effect on growth in better growing black cherry stands. This complicates management decisions as thinning increases growth and moisture availability.  相似文献   

Local ozone concentration and visible foliar injury were measured over the 1994 growing season on open-grown black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) trees of varying size (age) within forest stands and adjacent openings at a site in north-central Pennsylvania. Relationships were determined between visible ozone injury and ozone exposure, as well as calculated between injury and ozone uptake expressed as the product of stomatal conductance and ozone concentration. In addition, simultaneous measurements of visible symptoms and leaf gas exchange were also conducted to determine the correlation between visible and physiological injury and ozone exposure. By September, the amount of leaf area affected by visible foliar ozone injury was greatest for seedlings (46%), followed by canopy trees (20%) and saplings (15%). A large amount of variability in foliar ozone symptom expression was observed among trees within a size class. Sum40 and Sum60 (ozone concentration > 40 and > 60 nl liter(-1)) cumulative exposure statistics were the most meaningful indices for interpretation of foliar injury response. Seedlings were apparently more sensitive to ozone injury than larger trees because their higher rates of stomatal conductance resulted in higher rates of ozone uptake. Seedlings also had higher rates of early leaf abscission than larger trees with an average of nearly 30% of the leaves on a shoot abscised by 1 September compared to approximately 5% for larger trees. However, per unit ozone uptake into the leaf, larger trees exhibited larger amounts of foliar injury. The amount of visible foliar injury was negatively correlated (r(2) = 0.82) with net photosynthetic rates, but was not related to stomatal conductance. Net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance thus became uncoupled at high levels of visible foliar injury.  相似文献   

Published ozone exposure-response relationships from experimental studies with young trees performed at different sites across Europe were re-analysed in order to test the performance of ozone exposure indices based on AOTX (Accumulated exposure Over a Threshold of X nmol mol(-1)) and AF(st)Y (Accumulated Stomatal Flux above a threshold of Y nmol m(-2) s(-1)). AF(st)1.6 was superior, as compared to AOT40, for explaining biomass reductions, when ozone sensitive species with differing leaf morphology were included in the analysis, while this was not the case for less sensitive species. A re-analysis of data with young black cherry trees, subject to different irrigation regimes, indicated that leaf visible injuries were more strongly related to the estimated stomatal ozone uptake, as compared to the ozone concentration in the air. Experimental data with different clones of silver birch indicated that leaf thickness was also an important factor influencing the development of ozone induced leaf visible injury.  相似文献   

Sixteen black cherry (Prunus serotina, Ehrh.), 10 white ash (Fraxinus americana, L.) and 10 red maple (Acer rubrum, L.) 1-year old seedlings were planted per plot in 1997 on a former nursery bed within 12 open-top chambers and six open plots. Seedlings were exposed to three different ozone scenarios (ambient air: 100% O3; non-filtered air: 98% ambient O3; charcoal-filtered air: 50% ambient O3) within each of two different water regimes (nine plots irrigated, nine plots non-irrigated) during three growing seasons.During the 1998 and 1999 growing season, leaf gas exchange, plant water relations, and foliar injury were measured. Climatic data,ambient- and chamber-ozone-concentrations were monitored. We found that seedlings grown under irrigated conditions had similar (in 1998) but significantly higher gas exchange rates (in 1999) than seedlings grown within non-irrigated plots among similar ozone exposures. Cherry and ash had similar ozone uptake but cherry developed more ozone-induced injury (< 34% affected leaf area, LAA) than ash (<5% LAA), while maple rarely showed foliar injury, indicating the species differed in ozone sensitivity. Significantly more severe injury on seedlings grown under irrigated conditions than seedlings grown under non-irrigated conditions demonstrated that soil moisture altered seedling responses to ambient ozone exposures.  相似文献   

Patterns of ozone uptake were related to physiological, morphological, and phenological characteristics of different-sized black cherry trees (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) at a site in central Pennsylvania. Calculated ozone uptake differed among open-grown seedlings, forest gap saplings, and canopy trees and between leaves in the upper and lower crown of saplings and canopy trees. On an instantaneous basis, seedling leaves had the greatest ozone uptake rates of all tree size classes due to greater stomatal conductance and higher concentrations of ozone in their local environment. A pattern of higher stomatal conductance of seedlings was consistent with higher incident photosynthetically-active radiation, stomatal density, and predawn xylem water potentials for seedlings relative to larger trees. However, seedlings displayed an indeterminate pattern of shoot growth, with the majority of their leaves produced after shoot growth had ceased for canopy and sapling trees. Full leaf expansion occurred by mid-June for sapling and canopy trees. Because many of their leaves were exposed to ozone for only part of the growing season, seedlings had a lower relative exposure over the course of the growing season, and subsequently lower cumulative uptake, of ozone than canopy trees and a level of uptake similar to upper canopy leaves of saplings. Visible injury symptoms were not always correlated with patterns in ozone uptake. Visible symptoms were more apparent on seedling leaves in concurrence with their high instantaneous uptake rates. However, visible injury was more prevalent on leaves in the lower versus upper crown of canopy trees and saplings, even though lower crown leaves had less ozone uptake. Lower crown leaves may be more sensitive to ozone per unit uptake than upper crown leaves because of their morphology. In addition, the lower net carbon uptake of lower crown leaves may limit repair and anti-oxidant defense processes.  相似文献   

Seedling growth and nutritional status have been shown to be sensitive to ozone, but the influence of multi-season ozone exposure on mature tree growth and nutrition has not been examined. To determine if seedlings and mature trees were similarly affected by ozone exposure, growth and nutrient concentrations in northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) 4-year-old seedlings and 32-year-old mature trees were examined after treatment with subambient, ambient and twice ambient concentrations of ozone for three growing seasons. SUM00 values summed over the three growing seasons were 147, 255 and 507 ppm-h, respectively, for the subambient, ambient and twice ambient exposures. For mature trees, no influence of ozone treatment on lower stem diameter growth, stem growth within the mid-canopy and foliar biomass was observed. Seedling height was increased by ozone, but biomass and diameter were unaffected. A reduction in the specific leaf weight of leaves in response to ozone coincident with the loss of recurrent flushing was observed in seedlings. Ozone exposure reduced foliar nitrogen concentrations and increased woody tissue nutrient concentrations in seedlings and mature trees at the end of the third growing season. These results suggest an influence of ozone on retranslocation processes in seedlings and mature trees.  相似文献   

Ozone stress has become an increasingly significant factor in cases of forest decline reported throughout the world. Current metrics to estimate ozone exposure for forest trees are derived from atmospheric concentrations and assume that the forest is physiologically active at all times of the growing season. This may be inaccurate in regions with a Mediterranean climate, such as California and the Pacific Northwest, where peak physiological activity occurs early in the season to take advantage of high soil moisture and does not correspond to peak ozone concentrations. It may also misrepresent ecosystems experiencing non-average climate conditions such as drought years. We compared direct measurements of ozone flux into a ponderosa pine canopy with a suite of the most common ozone exposure metrics to determine which best correlated with actual ozone uptake by the forest. Of the metrics we assessed, SUM0 (the sum of all daytime ozone concentrations > 0) best corresponded to ozone uptake by ponderosa pine, however the correlation was only strong at times when the stomata were unconstrained by site moisture conditions. In the early growing season (May and June). SUM0 was an adequate metric for forest ozone exposure. Later in the season, when stomatal conductance was limited by drought. SUM0 overestimated ozone uptake. A better metric for seasonally drought-stressed forests would be one that incorporates forest physiological activity, either through mechanistic modeling, by weighting ozone concentrations by stomatal conductance, or by weighting concentrations by site moisture conditions.  相似文献   

Higher ozone concentrations east of southern Lake Michigan compared to west of the lake were used to test hypotheses about injury and growth effects on two plant species. We measured approximately 1000 black cherry trees and over 3000 milkweed stems from 1999 to 2001 for this purpose. Black cherry branch elongation and milkweed growth and pod formation were significantly higher west of Lake Michigan while ozone injury was greater east of Lake Michigan. Using classification and regression tree (CART) analyses we determined that departures from normal precipitation, soil nitrogen and ozone exposure/peak hourly concentrations were the most important variables affecting cherry branch elongation, and milkweed stem height and pod formation. The effects of ozone were not consistently comparable with the effects of soil nutrients, weather, insect or disease injury, and depended on species. Ozone SUM06 exposures greater than 13 ppm-h decreased cherry branch elongation 18%; peak 1-h exposures greater than 93 ppb reduced milkweed stem height 13%; and peak 1-h concentrations greater than 98 ppb reduced pod formation 11% in milkweed.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that stomatal flux of ozone would provide a more reliable basis than ozone exposure indices for the assessment of the risk of ozone damage to vegetation across Europe. However, implementation of this approach requires the development of appropriate models which need to be rigorously tested against actual data collected under field conditions. This paper describes such an assessment of the stomatal component of the model described by Emberson et al. (2000. Modelling stomatal ozone flux across Europe. Environmental Pollution 110). Model predictions are compared with field measurements of both stomatal conductance (g(s)) and calculated ozone flux for shoots of mature Norway spruce (Picea abies) growing in the Tyrol Mountains in Austria. The model has been developed to calculate g(s) as a function of leaf phenology and four environmental variables: photosynthetic flux density (PFD), temperature, vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and soil moisture deficit (SMD). The model was run using climate data measured on site, although the SMD component was omitted since the necessary data were not available. The model parameterisation for Norway spruce had previously been collected from the scientific literature and therefore established independently from the measurement study. Overall, strong associations were found between model predictions and measured values of stomatal conductance to ozone (GO(3)) and calculated stomatal ozone flux (FO(3)). Average diurnal profiles of GO(3) and FO(3) showed good agreement between the field data and modelled values except during the morning period of 1990. The diurnal pattern of ozone flux was determined primarily by PFD and VPD, as there was little diurnal variation in ozone concentration. In general, the model predicted instances of high ozone flux satisfactorily, indicating its potential applicability in identifying areas of high ozone risk for this species.  相似文献   

The incidence and severity of visible foliar ozone injury on black cherry (Prunus serotina) seedlings and saplings and tall milkweed (Asclepias exaltata) plants in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) were determined by surveys along selected trails conducted during late summer 1992. The incidence (% injured plants) of ozone injury on black cherry was 47% and the percent injured leaves/injured plant and average leaf area injured were 43 and 6%, respectively. Maximum severity (avg. leaf area of the most severely injured leaf) was 12%. Black cherry seedlings and saplings exhibiting ozone injury were taller than non-injured plants. When insect feeding was present, it occurred 96% of the time on plants with ozone injury. Significantly more injury (p=0.007) on black cherry (% injured leaves/injured black cherry) occurred in the NW section of GRSM compared with the other Park sections. Regression analyses showed no relationships in ozone injury with respect to aspect, slope or elevation. Tall milkweed was evaluated twice during August for ozone injury. The incidence (% injured plants) of ozone injury was 74 and 79% for the first and second survey, respectively. The percentage of injured leaves per plant from the first to second survey was 63 to 79%, respectively. Tall milkweeds showing ozone injury were taller than the non-injured plants. The percentage of insect-damaged plants was 50% among plants without ozone injury and 60% among ozone-injured plants. Non-injured tall milkweed had fewer flowers and/or pods than the injured plants. Mean leaf area injured increased over time, and mean maximum leaf area injured increased from 8 to 11% during the same period. Regression analyses showed no differences in ozone injury regarding aspect, slope or elevation. Our findings indicate that ozone injury is widespread throughout the Park on sensitive vegetation.  相似文献   

In a nitrogen (N) saturated forest downwind from Los Angeles, California, the cumulative response to long-term background-N and N-amendment on black oak (Quercus kelloggii) was described in a below-average and average precipitation year. Monthly measurements of leaf and branch growth, gas exchange, and canopy health attributes were conducted. The effects of both pollutant exposure and drought stress were complex due to whole tree and leaf level responses, and shade versus full sun leaf responses. N-amended trees had lower late summer carbon (C) gain and greater foliar chlorosis in the drought year. Leaf water use efficiency was lower in N-amended trees in midsummer of the average precipitation year, and there was evidence of poor stomatal control in full sun. In shade, N-amendment enhanced stomatal control. Small differences in instantaneous C uptake in full sun, lower foliar respiration, and greater C gain in low light contributed to the greater aboveground growth observed.  相似文献   

A new biophysical model (FORFLUX) is presented to study the simultaneous exchange of ozone, carbon dioxide, and water vapor between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. The model mechanistically couples all major processes controlling ecosystem flows trace gases and water implementing recent concepts in plant eco-physiology, micrometeorology, and soil hydrology. FORFLUX consists of four interconnected modules-a leaf photosynthesis model, a canopy flux model, a soil heat-, water- and CO2- transport model, and a snow pack model. Photosynthesis, water-vapor flux and ozone uptake at the leaf level are computed by the LEAFC3 sub-model. The canopy module scales leaf responses to a stand level by numerical integration of the LEAFC3model over canopy leaf area index (LAI). The integration takes into account (1) radiative transfer inside the canopy, (2) variation of foliage photosynthetic capacity with canopy depth, (3) wind speed attenuation throughout the canopy, and (4) rainfall interception by foliage elements. The soil module uses principles of the diffusion theory to predict temperature and moisture dynamics within the soil column, evaporation, and CO2 efflux from soil. The effect of soil heterogeneity on field-scale fluxes is simulated employing the Bresler-Dagan stochastic concept. The accumulation and melt of snow on the ground is predicted using an explicit energy balance approach. Ozone deposition is modeled as a sum of three fluxes- ozone uptake via plant stomata, deposition to non-transpiring plant surfaces, and ozone flux into the ground. All biophysical interactions are computed hourly while model projections are made at either hourly or daily time step. FORFLUX represents a comprehensive approach to studying ozone deposition and its link to carbon and water cycles in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Two different indices have been proposed for estimation of the risk caused to forest trees across Europe by ground-level ozone, (i) the concentration based AOT40 index (Accumulated Over a Threshold of 40 ppb) and (ii) the recently developed flux based AFstY index (Accumulated stomatal Flux above a flux threshold Y). This paper compares the AOT40 and AFstY indices for three forest trees species at different locations in Europe. The AFstY index is estimated using the DO(3)SE (Deposition of Ozone and Stomatal Exchange) model parameterized for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), beech (Fagus sylvatica) and holm oak (Quercus ilex). The results show a large difference in the perceived O(3) risk when using AOT40 and AFstY indices both between species and regions. The AOT40 index shows a strong north-south gradient across Europe, whereas there is little difference between regions in the modelled values of AFstY. There are significant differences in modelled AFstY between species, which are predominantly determined by differences in the timing and length of the growing season, the periods during which soil moisture deficit limits stomatal conductance, and adaptation to soil moisture stress. This emphasizes the importance of defining species-specific flux response variables to obtain a more accurate quantification of O(3) risk.  相似文献   

In this study, sophisticated sensitivity analyses of a detailed ozone dry deposition model were performed for five soil types (sand, sandy loam, loam, clay loam, clay) and four land use categories (agricultural land, grass, coniferous and deciduous forests). Deposition velocity and ozone flux depend on the weather situation, physiological state of the plants and numerous surface-, vegetation-, and soil-dependent parameters. The input data and the parameters of deposition-related calculations all have higher or lower spatial and temporal variability. We have investigated the effect of the variability of the meteorological data (cloudiness, relative humidity and air temperature), plant-dependent (leaf area index and maximum stomatal conductance) and soil-dependent (soil moisture) parameters on ozone deposition velocity. To evaluate this effect, two global methods, the Morris method and the Monte Carlo analysis with Latin hypercube sampling were applied. Additionally, local sensitivity analyses were performed to estimate the contribution of non-stomatal resistances to deposition velocity. Using the Monte Carlo simulations, the ensemble effect of several nonlinear processes can be recognised and described. Based on the results of the Morris method, the individual effects on deposition velocity are found to be significant in the case of soil moisture and maximum stomatal conductance. Temperature and leaf area index are also important factors; the former is primarily in the case of agricultural land, while the latter is for grass and coniferous forest. The results of local sensitivity analyses reveal the importance of non-stomatal resistances.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that stomatal ozone uptake provides a more reliable indicator for the assessment of risk of ozone damage to forest trees than ozone exposure. Thus, environmental factors influencing stomatal opening strongly affect the sensitivity of forest trees towards high ozone concentrations. In this study the hydrological model WAWAHAMO is used to simulate stomatal opening dependent on air temperature, solar radiation, vapor pressure deficit and soil water potential. Then, a statistical analysis was carried out to investigate relations between crown defoliation and ozone concentrations dependent on stomatal opening. The results support the hypothesis that tropospheric ozone contributes to the observed crown defoliation. However, environmental factors strongly affect tree response to high ozone concentrations.  相似文献   

A review of ozone-induced effects on the forests of central Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first report on oxidant-induced plant damage in the Valley of Mexico was presented over 30 years ago. Ozone is known to occur in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area and elsewhere as the cause of chlorotic mottling on pine needles that are 2 years old or older as observed in 1976 on Pinus hartwegii and Pinus leiophylla. Visible evidences for the negative effects of ozone on the vegetation of central Mexico include foliar injury expressed as chlorotic mottling and premature defoliation on pines, a general decline of sacred fir, visible symptoms on native forest broadleaved species (e.g. Mexican black cherry). Recent investigations have also indicated that indirect effects are occurring such as limited root colonization by symbiotic fungi on ozone-damaged P. hartwegii trees and a negative influence of the pollutant on the natural regeneration of this species. The negative ozone-induced effects on the vegetation will most likely continue to increase.  相似文献   

Open pollinated families of black cherry seedlings were studied to determine genotypic differences in foliar ozone injury and leaf gas exchange in 1994 and growth response following three growing seasons. An O(3)-sensitive half-sibling family (R-12) and an O(3)-tolerant half-sibling family (MO-7) planted in natural soil were studied along with generic nursery stock (NS) seedlings. Ozone exposure treatments were provided through open top chambers and consisted of 50, 75, and 97% of ambient ozone, and open plots from May 9 to August 26, 1994. Ambient ozone concentrations reached an hourly peak of 88 ppb with 7-hour averages ranging from 39 to 46 ppb. Seedlings in the 50 and 75% of ambient chambers were never exposed to greater than 80 ppb O(3). Visible foliar ozone injury (stipple) was significantly higher for R-12 seedlings than MO-7 seedlings and increased with increasing ozone exposures. For the chamber treatments averaged over all families, there was no significant difference in stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rates, but there was a significant decrease in root biomass, and a significant decrease in root/shoot ratio between the 50 and 97% of ambient chambers. Stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rates were significantly different between families with R-12 seedlings generally greater than MO-7 seedlings. The R-12 seedlings had a 7.5 mmol m(-2) increase in ozone uptake compared to MO-7, and at the same cumulative O(3) exposure R-12 exhibited 40.9% stippled leaf area, whereas MO-7 had 9.2% stippled leaf area. Significant differences were observed in stem volume growth and total final biomass between the open-top chambers and open plots. Although R-12 had the most severe foliar ozone injury, this family had significantly greater stem volume growth and total final biomass than MO-7 and NS seedlings. Root:shoot ratio was not significantly different between MO-7 and R-12 seedlings.  相似文献   

Five clones of 3-year old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst), planted in a soil from the Bavarian Forest (pH 4.4) or a soil from the Calcareous Bavarian Alps (pH 6.9), were exposed for two successive vegetation periods, in closed environmental chambers, to a pollution treatment consisting of acidic mist (pH 3.0) plus ozone levels of 100 microg m(-3) with episodes of 130-360 microg m(-3); control trees were exposed to mist of pH 5.6 and ozone levels of 50 microg m(-3). Climatic and pollution protocols followed the diurnal and seasonal pattern characteristic for the Inner Bavarian Forest in Southern Germany, an area affected by the new-type forest decline. Biometric parameters were strongly related to clone and soil. Pollution treatment had a limited effect on only a few growth parameters. The stem diameter growth increment of two clones was reduced by pollution treatment in both soils, a third clone was affected in the acidic soil only. Two other clones were not affected at all. Stem volume increment of three clones, calculated as D(2)H, was reduced by pollution treatment in the neutral soil, a fourth clone was affected in the acidic soil only. Bud break was either delayed (two clones) or accelerated (two other clones) by treatment. Depending on soil and clone, needle yellowing was observed in previous years' needles in both treatment and control trees exposed to increased light intensities. The 'spotted' yellowing was not identical to symptoms found in forest decline areas and was most likely a consequence of nutrient deficiencies during the vegetation period preceding the experiment. The results of this experiment are discussed with regard to field observations and forest productivity. The complex pattern of growth responses resulting from interactions between air pollution, soil and genetic factors is considered to reflect different susceptibilities of trees to air pollutants.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope ratios (delta(13)C) and leaf conductance (g(s)) were measured (2002, 2003) in Holcus lanatus L., Plantago lanceolata L. Ranunculus friesianus (Jord.), and Trifolium pratense L. at two levels of ozone (O(3)) with or without irrigation. In non-irrigated control plots, R. friesianus showed the least negative delta(13)C, and the smallest response to the treatments. Irrigation caused more negative delta(13)C, especially in H. lanatus. Irrespective of irrigation, O(3) increased delta(13)C in relationship to a decrease in g(s) in P. lanceolata and T. pratense. The strongest effect of O(3) on delta(13)C occurred in the absence of irrigation, suggesting that under field conditions lack of moisture in the top soil does not always lead to protection from O(3) uptake. It is concluded that in species such as T. pratense plants can maintain stomatal O(3) uptake during dry periods when roots can reach deeper soil layers where water is not limiting.  相似文献   

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