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Biochemical genetic variation provided evidence for the mode of reproduction of brooded young in the sea anemone Epiactis prolifera Verrill, 1869. Individuals of E. prolifera are female when small but hermaphroditic when large (i.e., gynodioecious); juveniles are brooded externally on the column. Brooding individuals collected from 6 intertidal sites (5 in central California and 1 in Washington State, USA) in the spring and summer of 1980 were assayed for gene-enzyme variation by starch-gel electrophoresis. Three of 12 enzyme loci were polymorphic; phosphoglucose isomerase appeared to be encoded by two, closely linked loci. Genotypic frequencies deviated markedly from expected random mating proportions. Only three heterozygotes were found; two were heterozygous at all three polymorphic loci, and the other was polymorphic at the two PGI loci. All 158 juveniles from 25 brooding individuals were assayed (2–19 juveniles per parent). Juveniles on homozygous adults were always identical to their parent. However, brooded young of heterozygous individuals were not identical to their parent. but showed 1:2:1 phenotypic segregation ratios consistent with reproduction by self-fertilization. This genetic evidence together with findings of marked heterozygote deficiencies and genetic identity of homozygous adults and their brooded young supports the conclusion that E. prolifera usually reproduces by self-fertilization, and cross-fertilization is rate.  相似文献   

 New information on the brooding reproduction of Amphiura carchara, and previous studies of several deep-sea congeners, contradict the prevailing notion that direct development is exceptional among deep-sea echinoderms. Over 500 specimens of A. carchara from 2,850 to 4,100-m depths off the coast of California, USA, were studied. The species was found to be gonochoric, although most brooding species of ophiuroids are hermaphroditic. Females each brooded up to 72 embryos at a time, with up to 10 in a single bursa. The embryos of individual adults were often at different stages of development, but those brooded in a single bursa tended to be at the same stage. Thus, the species has characteristics that breach the distinctions between sequential and simultaneous brooding exhibited by shallow-water ophiuroids. The embryos developed from yolky eggs that are large for an ophiuroid, with the mean largest oocytes 0.45 mm, and ranging to 1.28 mm in diameter. Almost all late-stage embryos were positioned with their mouth and arms pressed against the wall of the bursa, possibly to facilitate the uptake of nutrients from the parent. Thus, A. carchara may be matrotrophic. The largest embryos examined had a rudimentary disk skeleton, and arms with four joints and a terminal plate. Emerging juveniles probably differ in disk diameter. The species appears to brood year round, although differences in gonad size, the incidence of brooding, and the relative numbers of early developmental stages in summer and winter samples indicated that there are seasonal trends in reproduction. Received: 14 February 2000 / Accepted: 3 July 2000  相似文献   

Brooding, embryonic and larval development, and the influence of environmental and biological factors in tidepool habitats were studied in the sea star, Anasterias minuta, at various sites along ~220 km of the Patagonian coast. This species has a benthic, lecithotrophic development that includes eight distinct developmental stages. A larval organ, the connection cord, is developed from a small preoral lobe at early stages of development and becomes larger and thinner at advanced stages. Fecundity and average egg size increased with female body size. The regression of log egg number to log sea-star size and weight at different sites had a slope significantly less than 3.0, resulting in negative allometry and indicating that brood capacity was limited in large females. Development was generally synchronous among sites, but varied within each brood at advanced stages, with more developed brooded larvae located at the periphery of the brood mass. Brooding was synchronous among various populations at different years and spatial scales, and extended over a period of 8 months. The highest proportion of brooding females occurred during May and June (austral winter). Juveniles were released mainly during September. The likelihood of finding brooding sea stars decreased with increasing sea water temperature, tidal height, and wave exposure, and increased with increasing body size. Both body size of brooding females and brooding rate were higher in the infralittoral fringe than at midlittoral levels. A revision of the current model of brooding behavior and development among forcipulate sea stars is given.  相似文献   

Embryonic shell sculpture of intertidal and laboratory brooded individuals of the direct developer Lasaea subviridis was studied using scanning electron microscopy. Intertidally brooded individuals develop a distinct prodissoconch I (PI) and prodissoconch II (PII) of unusual morphologies. The PI is relatively small (50–100 m in length), oval in outline, lacks a radial sculpture and is restricted to the initial pitted zone of the prejuvenile shell. A larger PII is formed (510–680 m in length) and it is dominated by pronouced commarginal striae but also includes a belt of radial ridges extending from the PI/PII boundary. Laboratory brooded individuals kept constantly submerged do not develop the pronounced commarginal striae characteristic of PII. This implies that PII formation in L. subviridis is not a direct result of the brooding habit, and can be modified by environmental factors, which possibly include low-tide exposure. There is no single feature of external prodissoconch morphology that unambiguously indicates a direct development mode combined with mantle cavity brood protection. General guidelines are presented to help recognize this developmental mode, based on prodissoconch morphology. In comparing prodissoconch morphologies of brooding bivalves, the habitats as well as the phylogenies of species should be considered, especially in comparisons of intertidal and subtidal species.  相似文献   

Overlay maps were used to study locomotion by the externally brooding actinian Epiactis prolifera Verrill, 1869, in the rocky intertidal zone near Bodega Bay, California, USA. A greater proportion of non-brooding individuals moved than did brooding ones. Although brooding anemones that moved traveled twice as rapidly as non-brooders that moved, brooders were generally larger, and the relative rate of travel of the two groups was identical. The net distance traveled by all the anemones was only 36.0% of the gross, and most of the movement appeared to be undirected.This work was done in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, and was supported by a U.S. National Science Foundation Traineeship.  相似文献   

A population of the small clam Kingiella chilenica Soot Ryen 1959 was studied from March 1986 to December 1988 in an intertidal flat at Queule River, in the south of Chile. The life cycle and life history pattern of the bivalve were established contrasting population structure and dynamics to its reproductive habits. Individuals are gonochoristic and semelparous, presenting a typical annual life cycle. The species is a sequential brooder whose embryos undergo direct development. After the brooding season (summer through autumn), the adults disappear gradually (autumn through winter). Recruited juveniles overwinter during a relatively long period, undergoing rapid growth during the spring to attain the adult stage during the summer. The number of brooded embryos increases in proportion to adult length cubed. Life history traits of this bivalve are compared to those reported for other small brooder clams. Some basic tendencies become apparent when traits for semelparous versus iteroparous species are contrasted. As in other semelparous sequential brooders (Transennella tantilla, Gaimardia bahamondei), the relationship between brood size and shell length obseved in K. chilenica does not fit the allometry hypothesis for marine brooding invertebrtes that allometric constraints on the brooding space limit the fecundity of larger individuals. Also contrary to theoretical predictions, small body size does not limit the diversity of a clam's developmental patterns. Possible explanations for this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

At reduced salinities, brooding females of some gastropods and bivalves may isolate their mantle cavities from the environment for several days, maintaining internal osmotic concentration but causing severe declines in dissolved oxygen and pH, and increases in ammonia and other toxic substances in the mantle fluid. This study in November–December examined the immediate consequences of such stresses for brooded embryos of Quempillén estuary gastropod Crepipatella dilatata, in terms of time to juvenile emergence and rates of embryonic growth [measured as shell length (SL)]. Juveniles were also monitored for latent effects on feeding rates, oxygen consumption, and growth for the first 4 weeks after emergence into normal salinity seawater. An acute salinity stress lasting 3 days applied to females that were brooding pre-shelled or intermediate-shelled stages increased embryonic incubation periods, but without affecting SL at emergence. Growth rates were reduced for encapsulated embryos regardless of the stage at which the salinity stress was applied. Latent effects on juvenile development included slower shell growth and reduced rates of oxygen consumption and feeding. These effects were sustained for the first month after release from the female. The results suggest that marked reductions in salinity lasting for several days indirectly but negatively affect the development of brooded embryos of C. dilatata and also affect the juveniles for at least several weeks following their release, even after salinity has returned to normal.  相似文献   

Energy budgets were calculated for individuals of the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt), collected in 1981 and 1982 from Bodega Harbor, California, USA. Rates of ammonium excretion were measured in high-and low-intertidal, symbiotic and aposymbiotic sea anemones within 24 h of collection. Among symbiotic and aposymbiotic individuals, no differences in excretion rate were found on the basis of intertidal height. However, rates of ammonium excretion in aposymbiotic anemones (2.14 mol NH + 4 g-1 h-1) were significantly higher than in symbiotic ones (0.288 mol NH + 4 g-1 h-1). Rates of excretion were used with estimated rates of oxygen uptake to calculate nitrogen quotients (NQ). NQ and RQ values from the literature were used to calculate an oxyenthalpic equivalent [501 kJ (mol O2)-1 for R+U], and mass proportions of protein (54%), carbohydrate (44%) and lipid (2%) catabolized during routine metabolism in this species 24 h after feeding. Integrated energy budgets of these experimental anemones were calculated from data on ingestion, absorption and growth, and estimates of translocated energy from the symbiotic algae. Contribution of zooxanthellae to animal respiration based on translocation=90% and RQ=0.97 are 41 and 79% in high-and low-intertidal anemones, respectively. Calculated scope for growth is greater than directly measured growth in both high-and low-intertidal individuals. The deficit, estimated as 30% of assimilated energy in high-intertidal anemones, is attributed to unmeasured costs (specific dynamic effect) or production (mucus). Low-intertidal anemones lost mass during the experiment, implying that the magnitude of the deficit was greater in these anemones than in upper intertidal individuals. Anemones from both shore levels lost zooxanthellae during the experiment, which contributed to energy loss since the contribution of the zooxanthellae is greater in low-intertidal anemones. Scope for growth is preserved in high-intertidal anemones (29% of assimilated energy) because metabolic demands are lower due to aerial exposure, and prey capture rate is higher compared to lowshore anemones. Although possibly underestimated, lower scope for growth in low-shore anemones may result from continuous feeding and digestion processes that are less efficient than those of periodically feeding high-intertidal anemones.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the sub-Antarctic spatangoid sea urchin, Abatus cavernosus, was examined during a 2-year period in southern Patagonia, Argentina. The population studied is the northernmost known coastal population in the austral oceans, and is influenced by a greater annual range of seawater temperature than other Abatus species. The sex ratio of the overall A. cavernosus population did not differ significantly from 1:1, but was not homogeneous across size classes. A clearly defined annual reproductive cycle was found. Spawning occurred from May to July and was synchronous between sexes. Females were observed to be brooding within a 9-month period, from May to February. Juveniles were released during the austral summer, from January to February. The length at which 50% of the females were brooding occurred at a test length of 25.9 mm. A. cavernosus had a large egg size (mean diameter = 1.4 mm) and low fecundity (maximum = 57 eggs per female) compared to closely related species. The number of eggs within each brood pouch was highest in larger anterior brood pouch, which is close to two gonopores, as opposed to the other anterior and two smaller posterior pouches. Significant interannual variation was observed in gonad cycles, fecundity, and embryo development such as: brood size decreased during 2001; adjusted gonad dry weight and fecundity were higher during 2003. Hypotheses concerning the gonadal and brooding cycles and fecundity of sub-Antarctic and Antarctic Schizasteridae are discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The sabellid, Terebrasabella heterouncinata, is a small (<5 mm) intratubular brooder that lives in burrows within the hosts shell matrix. It is a semi-continuous breeder and despite producing small numbers of large eggs, infestation by this animal has reached epidemic proportions on local abalone farms. The present study compared the morphometrics and reproductive characteristics of worms from farmed and wild abalone, in the Walker Bay area of the south Western Cape Province of South Africa, to gain insights into why this animal has become so successful under aquaculture conditions. The farms designated farm A and farm B each had one on-farm site, and two wild sites, while farm C had two on-farm sites and two wild sites. The wild sites were natural abalone habitats located within 2.5 km of the farms. Our results conclusively showed that environmental conditions prevalent on the farms enhanced the reproductive success of these worms relative to that observed in its natural environment. At farms B and C, worms occurred in significantly higher densities at the on-farm sites than in the corresponding wild samples, but at farm A, density was equally low at the three sites. At all three farms, a greater proportion of the population was reproductively active in the on-farm samples than in the wild samples. Worms on farmed abalone had a higher instantaneous fecundity, brooded more clutches simultaneously and were larger than their conspecifics from the wild. There was a positive correlation between adult size and brood size and the number of clutches brooded simultaneously. Within the three on-farm sites there was a negative correlation between egg volume and brood size, indicating a trade-off between these traits. However, such a trade-off was not apparent between sites, with brood size being higher at the on-farm sites than at the wild sites, irrespective of egg size. This suggests that the stable nutrient-enriched environment on the farm led to an increase in fecundity without compromising the size (and implicitly the quality) of the eggs. Worm density did not have a significant effect on body size or any other reproductive traits at most sites, and the density of T. heterouncinata was unaffected by the density of other shell-infesting polychaetes. The results suggest that the farm environment has selected for larger, more fecund worms that breed rapidly with high recruitment success as a consequence of abundant nutrients, high host density, habitat stability and a possible lack of predation and interspecific competition.Communicated by J.P. Thorpe, Port Erin  相似文献   

Five Antarctic or south-temperate species of Spirorbiaae are centred in south-west Africa, whilst 6 tropical species extend round the south-east and another 4 are recorded from Mozambique. Of the three new species, Pileolaria (Pileolaria) annectans sp. n. has a rudimentary opercular plate surmounting a sort-walled sac of embryos, which somewhat resembles a thoracic brood pouch. Pileolaria (Pileolaria) dayi sp. n. has a helmet-like brood chamber, but this opens distally, like the brood cups found in the subgenus Duplicaria. Janua Pil-natalensis sp. n. has the dorsal collar folds usually separate, but partially fused in some juveniles.  相似文献   

Summary Great tits (Parus major) tending nestlings reacted defensively to a live predator (Glaucidium perlatum; domestic cat) and the playback of a mixed species mobbing chorus, or to the latter alone. Defensive behaviour, mainly mobbing, reflected the risk taken and is assessed by five measures. Multivariate and contingency analyses revealed that at least 11 of 16 contextual independent variables affected the risk taken. Incremental effects are due to: Age of young, sex of the defending bird, the expected number of neighbouring mobbers, low temperature, wet canopy, the raptor's distance from cover, coniferous forest, advancing season. A decremental effect is exerted by a large brood that is older. Annual differences in defence arise probably from demographic factors such as fecundity, which in turn affect the parent's benefit-cost ratio (number of young of the same sex as the parent/residual reproductive value of the parent).While the effects of annual fecundity, age of young and season were predicted on the basis of this benefit-cost ratio, the failure to verify an incremental effect of brood size runs counter to established theory. We conclude that parents gear their defence efforts to energy investment, past or future, and are mal-adapted to brood size as a promotor of risk taken. The influence of the habitat is poorly understood. At least three factors (age and number of young, parent's sex) act additively on part of the response. Despite the large number of variables examined, about 43% of the total response variance remains unexplained.While four defence measures are determined by at least 10 contextual factors, a fifth measure, the male's minimum distance from the raptor, is determined by one other factor, the appearance of the male. The latter leads us to assume an additional, social rôle of brood defence.Risk-assessment by great tits leading to risk-aversive defence behaviour is governed by evolved restraints rather than by momentary constraints. Examples are provided by the effects of weather and cover.  相似文献   

Cassidulus caribbearum, a representative of the echinoid order Cassiduloida, occurs in localized populations of high densities (up to 100 m-2) among the islands of the Puerto Rico bank in the eastern Caribbean Sea. These small (up to 35 mm) urchins are burrowers, principally in shallow-water areas with coarse sand bottom. Locomotion is achieved by ditaxic waves, passing from the front to the rear of large movable spines on the lateral portions of the ventral surface; this mechanism is unique among echinoids. Digging was most effective in sand grain sizes most closely approximating those of the environment (0 to 1). These urchins are somewhat selective deposit feeders, which ingest substrate particles primarily in the size range 0 to 1. Individuals ingest sand more or less continuously; complete passage of sand through the gut takes an average of 6 h in the laboratory. Aristotle's lantern is present in young juveniles (test length <1.0 mm), but is resorbed before the urchins reach a test length of 5.0 mm. The gut shows similarities in gross morphology to the spatangoid gut. Oxygen consumption is comparable to that of other tropical echinoids of similar wet weight. C. caribbearum broods its large (350 m) yolky eggs among the aboral spines for 10 to 12 days, at which time young urchins crawl off into the sand. Successive, overlapping broods are produced, so that frequently two broods of different developmental stages are present on a single urchin. Single urchins may brood continuously for up to 4 months or more. Throughout the year, at least 50% of all individuals over 18 mm were found brooding, with a maximum of 85% of all individuals brooding in mid-summer. The sex ratio of the population in all areas sampled was greater than 5 females to 1 male. No evidence of protandric hermaphroditism was found. Growth rate, measured from tagged indivuduals and from increase in median size in population samples, was between 0.5 and 1.0 mm month-1. Mortality was due primarily to predation by the gastropod Cassis tuberosa, although occasional, episodic mortality was caused by physical factors such as heavy storm swells.  相似文献   

Effects of dispersal and mating systems on the genetic structure of populations were evaluated by comparing five sea anemones: four Epiactis species that brood their offspring to the juvenile stage and one Anthopleura species that broadcasts gametes and has pelagic, planktotrophic larvae. The anemones were sampled at sites ranging from British Columbia to southern California between 1988 and 1992 and were analyzed by enzyme electrophoresis and by multilocus DNA-fingerprinting. Results were only partially consistent with expectations. While all four brooding species had lower observed heterozygosities than the broadcasting species, not all brooding species had greater population subdivision than the broadcasting species. The self-fertile E. prolifera had the expected evidence of intense local inbreeding ( f = 0.955); unexpectedly, the cross-fertile E. lisbethae and E. ritteri also had similar departures from random mating ( f = 0.957 and 0.831, respectively) probably due to biparental inbreeding among near neighbors in small, highly subdivided populations. Received: 24 May 1996 / Accepted: 12 July 1996  相似文献   

To determine how the animal and algal components of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella respond to changes in food availability and culture irradiance, sea anemones from a single clone were maintained at four irradiance levels (320, 185, 115, and 45 E m-2 s-1) and either starved or fed for 5 wk. Changes in protein biomass of sea anemones maintained under these conditions were not related to the productivity of zooxanthellae, since the protein biomass of fed A. pulchella decreased with increase in irradiance and there was no difference in protein biomass among starved sea anemones at the four irradiance levels. Except for the starved high-light sea anemones, the density of symbiotic zooxanthellae was independent of culture irradiance within both starved and fed. A. pulchella. Starved sea anemones contained over twice the density of zooxanthellae as fed sea anemones. Within both starved and fed individuals, chlorophyll per zooxanthella increased with decreasing culture irradiance while algal size remained constant (in fed sea anemones) at about 8.80 m diameter. Chlorophyll a: c 2 ratios of zooxanthellae increased with decreasing culture irradiance in zooxanthellae from starved sea anemones but remained constant in zooxanthellae from fed sea anemones. As estimated from mitotic index data, the in situ growth rates of zooxanthellae averaged 0.007 d-1 and did not vary with irradiance or feeding regime. Photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) responses of fed A. pulchella indicated an increase in photosynthetic efficiency with decreasing culture irradiance. But there was no consistent pattern in photosynthetic capacity with culture irradiance. Respiration rates of fed sea anemones also did not vary in relation to culture irradiance. The parameter I k , defined as the irradiance at which light-saturated rates of photosynthesis are first attained, was the only parameter from the P-I curves which increased linearly with increasing culture irradiance. The daily ratio of net photosynthesis to respiration for A. pulchella ranged from 1.6 to 2.8 for sea anemones maintained at the three higher irradiances, but was negative for those maintained at 45 E m-2 s-1. Since the final protein biomass was greatest for sea anemones maintained at the lowest irradiance, these results indicate that sea anemone growth cannot be directly related to productivity of zooxanthellae in this symbiotic association.  相似文献   

W. E. Zamer 《Marine Biology》1986,92(3):299-314
High-intertidal (H) individuals of the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt) are exposed aerially up to 18 h each day, unlike low-intertidal (L) individuals which may be continuously immersed over many days. Thus, H anemones experience shorter feeding periods compared to L anemones. From 1980 to 1982, H and L anemones were observed and collected at the mouth of Bodega Harbor in North Central California (USA) to determine whether any physiological adaptations mitigate the energetic effects of reduced feeding time in H anemones. Weight of prey in coelenterons of H anemones was three times more than that of L anemones following a single immersion period. This difference is not due to slower digestion rates in H anemones. Prey residence time in coelenterons (4h) was equivalent in both groups. Different prey weights imply that ingestion rates were greater in H individuals. However, all anemones had similar weight-specific feeding-surface areas. Different prey-capture rates result from increased receptivity to prey in H anemones, rather than from increases in feeding surface. Absorption efficiency was inversely related to ration size in anemones from both shore positions. H individuals absorbed food more efficiently than L individuals fed equivalent rations. Ration, not exposure conditions, affected absorption efficiency. Daily growth rates were 1.5 to 1.8% and 1.2 to 1.4% of dry body weight in H and L anemones fed large rations (4.0 to 5.6% of dry body weight), respectively. H anemones fed smaller daily rations, approximating amounts of zooplankton captured naturally (1% of anemone dry weight), had higher growth rates and growth efficiencies than L anemones, which lost mass. Higher growth rates in H anemones, which are supported by higher prey-capture rates, result in attainment of minimum body size for reproduction in a relatively short period of time despite reduction in time available for feeding, thus improving relative fitness of these anemones in the upper intertidal zone.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the large brooding seastar Leptasterias polaris Müller and Troschel was examined over an 18-month period in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Québec, Canada. There is a distinct annual cycle with spawning over several months in the autumn. The female has an unusual cycle in that the ovary only slightly decreases in size during spawning, and the size structure of the oocyte population is remarkably stable throughout the year. The major annual change observed in the oocyte population is the development of a small number of 600-to 800- oocytes prior to spawning and their loss during spawning. This stability, combined with the lack of evidence of phagocytosis, suggests that oocyte development takes place over many years. By contrast, the developmental cycle of the testis is similar to that of most echinoderms. The large reservoir of oocytes probably guarantees a steady annual recruitment, and brooding during the winter probably minimizes metabolic costs for the female and ensures the release of the juveniles when conditions are favourable in the spring and summer.  相似文献   

Exposure of the temperate sea anemone Anemonia viridis Forskål to increased seawater temperature (from 16 to 26°C) reduced the lysosomal latency of coelenterate tissues. Lysosomes in the mesenterial filaments of anemones were destabilised by increased temperature, with greater destabilisation in heat-shocked symbiotic anemones than in heat-shocked aposymbiotic anemones in the early stages of the experiment. Lysosomal enzyme activity in zooxanthellae from heat-shocked symbiotic anemones was associated with the algal membranes and the cytoplasm of degenerate algal cells. While the relationship between host coelenterate and symbiotic alga may confer many benefits under normal conditions, comparison of the responses of symbiotic and aposymbiotic anemones to heat shock suggests that there may be disadvantages for symbiotic anemones under stress.  相似文献   

Intraspecific brood adoption in convict cichlids : a mutual benefit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Convict cichlids (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum) are biparental, substrate brooding cichlid fish which have extended care of their eggs, larvae (wrigglers) and free-swimming young (fry). Field observations indicate that intraspecific brood adoption of fry occurs frequently under natural conditions. Of 232 broods 29% contained foreign fry and of 232 broods 15% were identified as fry donors. Foreign fry were usually of similar size to or smaller than the host brood fry. Experimental fry transfers showed that parents accept foreign fry smaller than their own but immediately reject or eat foreign fry larger than their own. A predation experiment showed that within a mixed brood, smaller fry are eaten more often than larger fry. Thus, accepting foreign fry may benefit parents through the dilution effect and through a differential predation effect. In comparison with intact families, broods from which the male parent was removed were less likely to reach independence, had fewer fry surviving to independence, and had a greater probability of having some fry transferred to neighbouring broods. We propose that intraspecific brood adoption in convict cichlids is mutually beneficial to the adult donors and recipients. Correspondence to: B.D. Wisenden  相似文献   

D. Ó Foighil 《Marine Biology》1989,103(3):349-358
Members of the intertidal, near-cosmopolitan mollusc genus Lasaea brood their young either to a planktotrophic veliger or crawl-away juvenile stage of development. Developmental mode can be reliably inferred from brood masses and from prodissoconch structure. I have conducted a global developmental survey of this genus based mainly on examination of hundreds of museum lots. With one exception, Lasaea species with a planktotrophic larval development were restricted to the western Pacific. Congeners that lack planktotrophic larvae were found on all continents apart from Antarctica, and also on a large number of oceanic islands. These results indicate that (1) Lasaea species releasing crawl-away juveniles have a markedly greater collective geographic range than congeners with planktotrophic larvae; (2) pelagic larvae are not necessary for long-distance dispersal in this genus; (3) rafting has played a key role in the evolutionary success of the genus Lasaea; (4) cross-fertilizing Lasaea species with feeding larvae are less successful in utilizing chance rafting events to colonize new areas than are congeners lacking these traits.  相似文献   

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