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Summary. Worker policing in honeybees predicts the evolution of a mechanism to discriminate between queenand worker-born eggs. Although it has been postulated that this discrimination is based on an egg recognition pheromone, neither the chemistry nor the glandular source were elucidated. To verify whether egg discrimination might be based on structural differences, we compared the ultrastructure surface of queen-laid diploid and haploid eggs to that of worker-laid eggs using SEM. Only small differences between the different types of eggs were found. Thus, at least based on the fine structure of the egg surface, queen eggs are indistinguishable from worker-laid eggs.To explore the chemosensory hypothesis for egg discrimination, we conducted a detailed comparative chemical analysis of the different egg types. The coating of all egg types was dominated by linear alkanes, but queen eggs, diploid and haploid, differed from those of workers on two accounts: 1. The diversity of compounds found on queenlaid eggs was much greater than found on worker-laid eggs, mainly due to the number of hydrocarbons. 2. Acetates of some fatty alcohols, alkenes and especially monomethylalkanes were characteristic to queen eggs. The origin of the two latter substances and the acetates is still unknown. Whether these compounds constitute the signal that enables police workers to discriminate between queen- and workerborn eggs remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Deep black clayey sediments of the Dead Sea, previously covered with water at times of higher sea level, are being mined for therapeutic purposes and for the preparation of cosmetic products under the name Black Mud. It was claimed that the beneficial properties are due to the presence of bitumen (asphalt) as attested by the colour. Less commonly, the curative properties have been ascribed to humic acids or to organic matter derived from algae in the lake. Asphalt from the Dead Sea has been of major economic importance to the region and was used as a medication for 2000 years until the mid-20th century. Geochemical analysis of the Black Mud showed that it contains relatively little organic matter (ca. 0.6–0.8% organic carbon) and that the organic matter is mostly derived from the land masses surrounding the lake. Asphalt was totally absent and the concentration of humic acids very low. The black colour of the mud is rather due to the poorly crystallised iron sulphides. Based on this, the therapeutic properties of the mud are ascribed to its content of reduced sulphur species, its physical and chemical properties and possibly its brine content, but not to the presence of organic matter.  相似文献   

When a colony becomes queenless and without the possibility of requeening, honeybee workers initiate reproduction and lay male eggs about a week later. Assays in which two bees were confined in a small arena revealed that they establish a reproductive dominance hierarchy, i.e., one worker demonstrates greater ovarian development than her paired bee. Reproductive dominance is independent of relatedness, and can be established between full sisters, cousins, or random nestmates. A social environment, however, is obligatory, as singly housed bees fail to develop ovaries on the same time scale. Allowing varying degrees of social interactions between the paired bees revealed that olfaction of volatile bee compounds, as well as tactile communication, seem to provide the necessary social environment. Ovarian development was accompanied by the production of queen-like Dufours gland secretion in these workers. Especially notable was the increase in the queen-like esters. This increase was tightly linked to ovarian development and not necessarily to the dominance status of the bees in the pair. Thus, the occurrence of queen-like esters can serve as a reliable fertility signal. Advertising ovarian status may recruit helper workers with less developed ovaries (and which are less likely to successfully reproduce before colony breakdown) to assist their nestmates and thereby gain inclusive fitness. Revealing the role of Dufours gland secretion as a fertility signal adds another dimension to our understanding of how queen pheromones operate. The mandibular-gland secretion is a good predictor of dominance hierarchy, being correlated with false-queen characteristics but not fertility, whereas Dufours gland secretion is a good predictor of fertility but not dominance hierarchy.Communicated by R.F.A. Moritz  相似文献   

Degradation of the herbicide imazapyr by Fenton reactions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The degradation of the herbicide imazapyr has been carried out by three advanced oxidation processes involving iron ions as catalysts: Fentons reagent, photo-Fenton and electro-Fenton. We show that all processes are rapid and efficient. The kinetic rate constant was found to be k=5.4×109 M–1 s–1. The mineralization of imazapyr is almost complete using the photo-Fenton and electro-Fenton processes.  相似文献   

Many methods that study the diversity within hierarchically structured populations have been developed in genetics. Among them, the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) (Excoffier et al., 1992) has the advantage of including evolutionary distances between individuals. AMOVA is a special case of a far more general statistical scheme produced by Rao (1982a; 1986) and called the apportionment of quadratic entropy (APQE). It links diversity and dissimilarity and allows the decomposition of diversity according to a given hierarchy. We apply this framework to ecological data showing that APQE may be very useful for studying diversity at various spatial scales. Moreover, the quadratic entropy has a critical advantage over usual diversity indices because it takes into account differences between species. Finally, the differences that can be incorporated in APQE may be either taxonomic or functional (biological traits), which may be of critical interest for ecologists.  相似文献   

Wildlife management is limited by uncontrolled and often unrecognized environmental variation, by limited capabilities to observe and control animal populations, and by a lack of understanding about the biological processes driving population dynamics. In this paper I describe a comprehensive framework for management that includes multiple models and likelihood values to account for structural uncertainty, along with stochastic factors to account for environmental variation, random sampling, and partial controllability. Adaptive optimization is developed in terms of the optimal control of incompletely understood populations, with the expected value of perfect information measuring the potential for improving control through learning. The framework for optimal adaptive control is generalized by including partial observability and non-adaptive, sample-based updating of model likelihoods. Passive adaptive management is derived as a special case of constrained adaptive optimization, representing a potentially efficient suboptimal alternative that nonetheless accounts for structural uncertainty.  相似文献   

Good genes are genetic elements that contribute to lifetime reproductive success, regardless of an individuals additional genotype. Their existence is debated, and most work has targeted their viability benefits to the offspring of choosy females. In the present study, we analyze a case of potential good genes effects in adult male sand lizards (Lacerta agilis). We show that males with a particular RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) MHC genotype (O-males), as opposed to those that lack this genetic element (NO-males), have less ectoparasites under increasing physiological stress (indexed by baseline corticosterone level), and are not constrained by parasites at production of status coloration. Furthermore, O-males are more successful at mate acquisition and guard their partners longer. Ultimately, they have a higher genetic reproductive success as assigned by microsatellites.Communicated by W. Cooper  相似文献   

North Derbyshire is designated a Radon Affected Area by the National Radiological Protection Board of Great Britain since more than 1% of the housing stock is estimated to have radon levels in excess of the 200 Bq m-3 Action Level. Enhanced radon emissions associated with geological faults make knowledge of their position important in relation to any potential residential or industrial development. A general survey of radionuclides present in the soils of north Derbyshire and their relationship to the underlying geology highlighted the difficulty of identifying the position of geological faults in the field. Using gamma-ray spectroscopy of soil samples the activity of three 238U decay series radionuclides (226Ra, 214Pb and 214Bi), which were taken as evidence of the presence of 222Rn which occurs in the same decay series, was measured to indicate the position of a fault by enhanced activity. The results also provided some evidence of the source of radon emitted at the fault. A comparison of this methodology with the more conventional soil gas analysis method is made.  相似文献   

When petroleum hydrocarbons contaminate soil, the carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the soil is altered. The added carbon stimulates microbial numbers but causes an imbalance in the C:N ratio which may result in immobilization of soil nitrogen by the microbial biomass, leaving none available for plant growth. As members of Leguminosae fix atmospheric nitrogen to produce their own nitrogen for growth, they may prove more successful at growing on petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sites. During a wider study on phytoremediation of diesel fuel contaminated soil, particular attention was given to the performance of legumes versus other plant species. During harvesting of pot experiments containing leguminous plants, a recurring difference in the number and formation of root nodules present on control and contaminated Common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) plants was observed. The total number of nodules per plant was significantly reduced in contaminated plants compared to control plants but nodules on contaminated plants were more developed than corresponding nodules on control plants. Plant performance of Common vetch and Westerwold's ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) was compared to illustrate any difference between the ability of legumes and grasses to grow on diesel fuel contaminated soil. Common vetch was less affected by diesel fuel and performed better in low levels of diesel fuel contaminated soil than Westerwolds ryegrass. The total amount of diesel fuel remaining after 4 months in Common vetch planted soil was slightly less than in Westerwolds ryegrass planted soil.  相似文献   

Female choice on the basis of male traits has been described in an array of taxa but has rarely been demonstrated in reptiles. In the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis), and possibly in other non-territorial reptiles, a male's contribution to a female's fitness is restricted to his genes. In order to choose males of high genetic quality, females have to trade the fitness gain against the costs of active choice. In a Swedish population of sand lizards, long-lived males sired offspring with higher embryonic survival compared to offspring sired by short-lived males. In spite of this female sand lizards did not mate selectively with older and/or larger males. There appeared to be mo reliable cues to male longevity; age-specific male body size was highly variable. Furthermore, estimates of male nuptial coloration did not covary with ectoparasite load and, hence, females cannot use male coloration as a cue to heritable resistance to pathogenic parasite effects. When cues to male genetic quality are poor, or inaccurate, and males make no parental investment, we predict that female choice will be rare. Sand lizard females mating with many partners lay clutches with higher hatching success. Thus, females may obtain good genes for their young by multiple mating, thereby avoiding costs associated with mate choice.  相似文献   

Summary. The leaf beetle Ophraella communa infests almost exclusively Ambrosia artemisiifolia in the fields of Japan, even though it normally feeds on several Asteraceous plants. A filter paper bioassay showed that the feeding of O. communa is strongly stimulated by methanolic extracts of A. artemisiifolia. The feeding stimulants for O. communa have been isolated from methanolic extracts of A. artemisiifolia. -Amyrin acetate, -amyrin acetate, 5-caffeoylquinic acid (chlorogenic acid) and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid from A. artemisiifolia have been identified as feeding stimulants for O. communa. Triterpenoid derivatives (-amyrin acetate or -amyrin acetate) and caffeic acid derivatives (3, 5-dicaffoylquinic acid or 5-caffeoylquinic acid) showed feeding stimulant activity when mixed together.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the impact of an oscillating low-speed current on the structure and dynamics of the bottom-boundary layer (BBL) in a small stratified basin. A set of high-resolution current profile measurements in combination with temperature-microstructure measurements were collected during a complete cycle of the internal oscillation (`seiching') in the BBL of Lake Alpnach, Switzerland. It was found that even a relatively long seiching period of 24 hours significantly changed the form of the near-bottom current profiles as well as the dynamics of the turbulent dissipation rate compared to the steady-state law-of-the-wall. A logarithmic fit to the measured current profiles starting at a distance of 0.5 m above the sediment led to inconsistent estimates of both friction velocity and roughness length. Moreover, a phase lag between the current and the turbulent dissipation of 1.5 hours and a persistent maximum in the current profile at a height of 2.5 to 3 m above the sediment were observed. The experimental findings were compared to the results of a k- turbulence model and showed good agreement in general. Specifically, the inconsistent logarithmic fitting results and the observed phase lag were reproduced well by the model.  相似文献   

Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 requires environmental regulators to assess the risk of contaminants leaching from soils into groundwater (DETR, 1999). This newly introduced legislation assumes a link between soil and groundwater chemistry, in which rainwater leaches contaminants from soil into the saturated zone. As the toxicity of both groundwater and overlying soils is dependent upon the chemicals present, their partitioning and their bioavailability, similar patterns of soil, leachates and groundwater toxicity should be observed at contaminated sites. Soil and groundwater samples were collected from different contaminated land sites in an urban area, and used to determine relationships between soil chemistry and toxicity, mobility of contaminants, and groundwater chemistry and toxicity. Soils were leached using water to mimic rainfall, and both the soils and leachates tested using bioassays. Soil bioassays were carried out using Eisenia fetida, whilst groundwater and leachates were tested using the Microtox test system and Daphnia magna 48 h acute tests. Analysis of the bioassay responses demonstrated that a number of the samples were toxic to test organisms, however, there were no significant statistical relationships between soil, groundwater and leachate toxicity. Nor were there significant correlations between soil, leachates and groundwater chemistry.  相似文献   

Adsorption of hydrophobic contaminants at the particle/water interface is one of the key processes controlling their fate in the aquatic environment. The sorption of the natural female hormones oestrone and 17-oestradiol has been studied under simulated riverine conditions. Both the kinetics and the effects of varying fundamental environmental parameters (e.g. sediment properties) on the thermodynamic equilibrium partition coefficient (K p) have been studied in continuous and batch sorption experiments, respectively. Results showed that the sorption of oestrone and 17-oestradiol by sediment was relatively slow, reaching equilibrium in 50 days. In addition, relatively small adsorption of both oestrone and 17-oestradiol onto the sediment was observed, with K p values between 200 and 250 mL g–1. The comparable K p values of the two compounds reflect their structural similarity. It can be concluded that the two endocrine disruptors, oestrone and 17-oestradiol remain primarily in association with the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

Soil studies, conducted in Maryland, Minnesota and Louisiana, have described the urban pattern of lead contamination. They have shown that the highest amounts of lead cluster within the interior of the largest cities. The results of the New Orleans urban patterns of distribution of soil lead provided the basis for further study. The hypothesis was tested that elementary school properties have the same pattern of soil lead contamination as their neighbouring residential communities. Thirty New Orleans Public Elementary Schools were selected for this study. Surface samples (2.5cm or 1 inch depth) were collected from playgrounds and next to entrances of each school. Results showed that soil lead on school properties follows the same relative contamination patterns (pvalue10–5) as soil lead on residential properties of neighbouring communities. Schools however, have significantly lower lead contamination than the neighbouring residential properties. Innercity school properties present a higher risk of soil lead exposure than mid and outercity schools. Soils next to innercity school entrances showed the highest lead, with 18.5% having concentrations over 400gg–1. Systematic landscaping around the school entrances would significantly reduce the hazard from lead dust contaminated soils.  相似文献   

A review of the chemical ecology of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary. This review summarizes the literature related to the chemical ecology of the Cerambycidae and provides a brief overview of cerambycid biology, ecology, economic significance, and management. Beetles in the family Cerambycidae have assumed increasing prominence as pests of forest and shade trees, shrubs, and raw wood products, and as vectors of tree diseases. Exotic species associated with solid wood packing materials have been notable tree killers in North American urban and peri-urban forests. In forested ecosystems native species respond to disturbances such as fires and windstorms, and initiate the biodeterioration of woody tissue. Eggs are laid by females, on or through the bark surface of stem and branch tissue of moribund, recently killed or decomposing woody plants; larval cerambycids (roundheaded woodborers) typically feed in the phloem and later in the xylem. Females will also, in some cases, select living hosts, e.g. adult conifer and angiosperm trees, for oviposition. Research on the chemical ecology of over 70 species has revealed many examples of attractive kairomones (such as floral volatiles, smoke volatiles, trunk and leaf volatiles, and bark beetle pheromones), repellents and deterrents, oviposition stimulants, short- and long-range sex pheromones, and defensive substances. Emerging generalities are that attractants tend to be monoterpenoids and phenolic esters; oviposition stimulants are monoterpenoids and flavanoids; short-range sex pheromones are female-produced, methyl-branched cuticular hydrocarbons; and long-range sex pheromones are male-produced -hydroxy ketones and (,)-diols ranging in length from 6 to 10 carbons. The latter compounds appear to originate from glands in the male thorax; putative defensive substances originate from metasternal secretory pores or mandibular glands. In one unusual case, a flightless, subterranean female that attacks sugar cane produces a sex pheromone that is derived from the amino acid isoleucine. With significantly more than 35,000 species of Cerambycidae worldwide, these generalities will be subject to change as more species are examined. Addendum The authors would like to point out that the electronic version is more accurate than the printed version.  相似文献   

Plant volatiles affect oviposition by codling moths   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary. Oviposition in wild codling moth females, collected as overwintering larvae from apple, pear and walnut, was stimulated by volatiles from fruit-bearing green branches of these respective hostplants. Analysis of headspace collections showed that eight compounds present in apple, pear and walnut elicited a reliable antennal response in codling moth females: (E)--ocimene, 4,8-dimethyl-1,(E)3,7-nonatriene, (Z)3-hexenyl acetate, nonanal, -caryophyllene, germacrene D, (E,E)--farnesene, and methyl salicylate. Any one of these compounds is found in many other non-host plants, and host recognition in codling moth is thus likely encoded by a blend of volatiles. A large variation in the blend proportion of these compounds released from apple, pear and walnut suggests a considerable plasticity in the female response to host plant odours. Wild females, collected as overwintering larvae in the field, laid significantly fewer eggs in the absence of host plant volatiles. The offspring of these females, however, reared on a semi-artificial diet in the laboratory, laid as many eggs with or without plant volatile stimulus. Tests with individual females showed that this rapid change in oviposition behaviour may be explained by selection for females which oviposit in the absence of odour stimuli, rather than by preimaginal conditioning of insects when rearing them on semi-artificial diet. Oviposition bioassays using laboratory-reared females are therefore not suitable to identify the volatile compounds which stimulate egglaying in wild females.  相似文献   

A multi-purpose model for small-scale atmospheric flows over heterogeneous landscapes is being developed. The aim of this research is to build a tool able to predict the dynamical (wind, turbulence) and diffusive (gases, particles) fields over landscapes characterised by heterogeneous plant cover. In its present stage of development the model is based on the numerical integration of neutral atmospheric flow equations, using an energy-dissipation closure scheme and over a domain that may include vegetation layers. Three validation cases of the model are presented: (i) response of the airflow to a change in surface roughness; (ii) airflow within and above a horizontally homogeneous plant canopy; (iii) airflow over two complex forest-to-clearing and clearing-to-forest transitions. All simulations provide results in good agreement with the experimental data, except for turbulent kinetic energy just after a clearing-to-forest transition. This result is not surprising for a statistical k– model in a flow region characterised by strong distorsion and intermittent turbulence. However the overall good performance of the model is promising for environmental research at fine scales over heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

Summary The leaf gland volatile oils of ten sweet gale plants from a Scottish population were extracted in early summer. The results differed notably from reports of other populations in respect of the sesquiterpenes, -elemenone and germacrone, which were major components of the volatile oil. Three dihydrochalcones were also detected in the volatile oil. Variation within the population existed, particularly with respect to the relative importance of germacrone. Five plants were resampled in late summer and exhibited a marked reduction in -elemenone, a lesser reduction in germacrone and changes in the proportions of some monoterpenes.  相似文献   

Summary Feeding by the homopteranPsylla pyricola on leaves of pear trees induces the production of volatile compounds, such as (E,E)--farnesene and methyl-salicylate, as well as the production of polyphenols. The inference on induction is based on GC-MS and HPLC chromatograms from the same samples ofPsylla infested leaves, leaves from the same pear tree beforePsylla infestation and uninfested leaves from other pear trees.Psylla infestation greatly enhanced the production of volatiles ((E,E)--farnesene, methyl-salicylate and others) and triggered the production of new polyphenols, characterized by much longer retention times.However, the responses to infestation depend critically on leaf age (defined by leaf distance to apex). With respect to the leaf volatiles it appears that infested, old leaves produce fewer compounds and lower amounts of the volatiles than infested, young leaves. Moreover, there seem to be differences in pattern. Relative to (E,E)--farnesene, methyl-salicylate was found in much lower amounts in heavily infested, old leaves. With respect to polyphenols it was found that infested old leaves collected in August have polyphenols with the same retention times, but more or less equal amounts as uninfested young leaves collected in May. This shows thatPsylla infestation causes the induced response mostly in young leaves.The induced leaf volatiles may act as synomones to heteropteran bugs. As shown elsewhere,Anthocoris nemoralis responds significantly to (E,E)--farnesene and methyl-salicylate when offered in pure form against clean air in a Y-tube olfactometer. The effect of polyphenols on the performance ofP. pyricola is not yet known. Hence, a role in direct defence is still to be investigated.  相似文献   

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