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The behavior of the steady intrusive gravity current of thickness h and density ρ c which propagates with speed U at the neutral buoyancy level of a long horizontal channel of height H into a stratified ambient fluid whose density increases linearly from ρ o to ρ b is investigated. The intrusive and the ambient fluids are assumed to be asymmetric with respect to the neutral-buoyancy level. The Boussinesq, high-Reynolds number two-dimensional configuration is considered. Long’s model combined with the flow-force balance over the width of the channel and the pressure balances over a density current are used to obtain the desired results. It is shown that the intrusion velocity decreases with decreasing the asymmetry of the system and approaches its minimum for the symmetric configuration (however, the difference of speed between asymmetric and symmetric configurations shows no significant differences). 相似文献
We consider high-Reynolds-number Boussinesq gravity currents and intrusions systems in which both the ambient and the propagating
“current” are linearly stratified. The main focus is on a current of fixed volume released from a rectangular lock; the height
ratio of the fluids H, and the stratification parameter of the ambient S, are quite general. We develop a one-layer shallow-water (SW) model which is an extension of previously used and tested formulations
for currents and intrusions of constant density. The internal stratification enters as a new dimensionless parameter, s ? [0,1]{\sigma \in [0,1]} . Analytical results are obtained for the initial “slumping” stage during which the speed of propagation is constant, and
finite-difference solutions are presented for the more general time-dependent motion. Overall, this is a versatile and robust
self-contained prediction tool, which reduces smoothly to the classical case when σ = 0. We show that, in general, the speed of propagation decreases when the internal stratification becomes more pronounced
( σ increases). An interesting non-expected behavior was detected: when the stratification of the ambient is weak and moderate
then the height of the current decreases with σ, but the opposite occurs when the stratification of the ambient is strong ( S ≈ 1, including the case of an intrusion). Moreover, when the stratification of the ambient is strong a current with internal
stratification may “run out” of driving power. We also consider the Benjamin-type steady state current with internal linear
stratification in a non-stratified ambient, and show that an analytical solution exists, and that the maximal thickness decreases
to below half-channel depth when σ increases. 相似文献
We consider the axisymmetric flow (in a full cylinder or a wedge) of high-Reynolds-number Boussinesq gravity currents and intrusions systems in which both the ambient and the propagating “current” are linearly stratified. The main focus is on a current of fixed volume released from a cylinder lock; the height ratio of the fluids H, and the stratification parameter of the ambient S, are quite general. We develop a one-layer shallow-water model. The internal stratification enters as a new dimensionless parameter, ${\sigma \in [0, 1]}$ . In general, the time-dependent motion is obtained by standard finite-difference solutions; a self-similar analytical solution exists for S?= 0. We show that, in general, the speed of propagation decreases when the internal stratification becomes more pronounced ( σ increases). We also developed a box-model approximation, and show that the resulting radius of propagation is in good agreement with the more rigorous shallow-water prediction. 相似文献
Driven by a growing importance to engineered structures, investigating the flow characteristics of turbidity currents interacting with a basal obstruction has become popular over the last three decades. However, research has focused on confined studies or numerical simulations, whereas in situ turbidity currents are typically unconfined. The present study investigates experimentally the velocity and turbulence structure of an unconfined turbidity current, in the immediate regions surrounding a rectangular obstacle. Initial density of the current, and substrate condition is varied. Through a novel technique of installing ultrasonic probes within the obstacle, the presence of a velocity recirculation region immediately upstream and downstream of the obstacle is revealed and confirmed with high-resolution imagery. This was found to be comparable to previous confined studies, suggesting that stream-wise velocity profile structure is somewhat independent of confinement. The obstacle was found to reduce velocity and turbulence intensity maxima downstream of the obstacle when compared with unobstructed tests. 相似文献
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - We address the capability of large eddy simulation (LES) to predict the physics of density currents interacting with bluff obstacles. Most density currents of... 相似文献
Particle-driven gravity currents frequently occur in nature, for instance as turbidity currents in reservoirs. They are produced by the buoyant forces between fluids of different density and can introduce sediments and pollutants into water bodies. In this study, the propagation dynamics of gravity currents is investigated using the FLOW-3D computational fluid dynamics code. The performance of the numerical model using two different turbulence closure schemes namely the renormalization group (RNG) ${k-\epsilon}$ scheme in a Reynold-averaged Navier-Stokes framework (RANS) and the large-eddy simulation (LES) technique using the Smagorinsky scheme, were compared with laboratory experiments. The numerical simulations focus on two different types of density flows from laboratory experiments namely: Intrusive Gravity Currents (IGC) and Particle-Driven Gravity Currents (PDGC). The simulated evolution profiles and propagation speeds are compared with laboratory experiments and analytical solutions. The numerical model shows good quantitative agreement for predicting the temporal and spatial evolution of intrusive gravity currents. In particular, the simulated propagation speeds are in excellent agreement with experimental results. The simulation results do not show any considerable discrepancies between RNG ${k-\epsilon}$ and LES closure schemes. The FLOW-3D model coupled with a particle dynamics algorithm successfully captured the decreasing propagation speeds of PDGC due to settling of sediment particles. The simulation results show that the ratio of transported to initial concentration C o / C i by the gravity current varies as a function of the particle diameter d s . We classify the transport pattern by PDGC into three regimes: (1) a suspended regime ( d s is less than about 16 μm) where the effect of particle deposition rate on the propagation dynamics of gravity currents is negligible i.e. such flows behave like homogeneous fluids (IGC); (2) a mixed regime (16 μm < d s <40 μm) where deposition rates significantly change the flow dynamics; and (3) a deposition regime ( d s ?> 40 μm) where the PDGC rapidly loses its forward momentum due to fast deposition. The present work highlights the potential of the RANS simulation technique using the RNG ${k-\epsilon}$ turbulence closure scheme for field scale investigation of particle-driven gravity currents. 相似文献
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Gravity currents propagating on an inclined bottom into stratified environment can be frequently encountered in nature or engineering fields. However, theoretical... 相似文献
Direct Numerical Simulations are employed to investigate the mixing dynamics of turbidity currents interacting with seamounts of various heights. The mixing properties are found to be governed by the competing effects of turbulence amplification and enhanced dissipation due to the three-dimensional topography. In addition, particle settling is seen to play an important role as well, as it affects the local density stratification, and hence the stability, of the current. The interplay of these different mechanisms results in the non-monotonic dependence of the mixing behavior on the height of the seamount. Regions of dilute lock fluid concentration generally mix more intensely as a result of the seafloor topography, while concentrated lock fluid remains relatively unaffected. For long times, the strongest mixing occurs for intermediate bump heights. Particle settling is seen to cause turbidity currents to mix more intensely with the ambient than gravity currents. 相似文献
The paper reports results of large eddy simulations of lock exchange compositional gravity currents with a low volume of release advancing in a horizontal, long channel. The channel contains an array of spanwise-oriented square cylinders. The cylinders are uniformly distributed within the whole channel. The flow past the individual cylinders is resolved by the numerical simulation. The paper discusses how the structure and evolution of the current change with the main geometrical parameters of the flow (e.g., solid volume fraction, ratio between the initial height of the region containing lock fluid and the channel depth, ratio between the initial length and height of the region containing lock fluid) and the Reynolds number. Though in all cases with a sufficiently large solid volume fraction the current transitions to a drag-dominated regime, the value of the power law coefficient, α, describing the front position’s variation with time ( x f ~ t α , where t is the time measured from the removal of the lock gate) is different between full depth cases and partial depth cases. The paper also discusses how large eddy simulation (LES) results compare with findings based on shallow-water equations. In particular, LES results show that the values of α are not always equal to values predicted by shallow water theory for the limiting cases where the current height is comparable, or much smaller, than the channel depth. 相似文献
We present a brief review of the recent investigations on gravity currents in horizontal channels with non-rectangular cross-section area (such as triangle, \(\bigvee \)-valley, circle/semi-circle, trapezoid) which occur in nature (e.g., rivers) and constructed environment (tunnels, reservoirs, canals). To be specific, we discuss the propagation of a gravity current (GC) in a horizontal channel along the horizontal coordinate x, with gravity g acting in the \(-z\) direction, and y the horizontal–lateral coordinate. The bottom and top of the channel are at \(z=0,H\). The “standard” problem is concerned with 2D flow in a channel with rectangular (or laterally unbounded) cross-section area (CSA). Recent investigations have successfully extended the standard knowledge to the channels of CSA given by the quite general \(-f_1(z)\le y \le f_2(z)\) for \(0 \le z \le H\). This includes the practical \(\bigvee \)-valley, triangle, circle/semi-circle and trapezoid; these geometries may be in “up” or “down” setting with respect to gravity, e.g., \(\bigtriangleup \) and \(\bigtriangledown \). The major objective of the extended theory is to predict the height of the interface \(z=h(x,t)\) and the velocity (averaged over the CSA) u( x, t), where t is time; the prediction includes the speed and position of the nose \(u_N(t), x_N(t)\). We show that the motion is governed by a set of simplified equations, called “model,” that provides versatile and insightful solutions and trends. The emphasis in on a high-Reynolds-number current whose motion is dominated by buoyancy–inertia balance; in particular a GC released from a lock, which also contains general effects such as front and internal jumps (shocks), and reflected bore. We discuss two-layer, one-layer, and box models; Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq systems; compositional and particle-driven cases; and the effect of stratification of the ambient fluid. The models are self-contained, and admit realistic initial and boundary conditions. The governing equations are amenable to analytical solutions in some special circumstances. Some salient features of the buoyancy-viscous regime, and the estimate for the length at which transition to this regime takes place, are also presented. Some experimental support to the theory, and open questions for further investigations, are also mentioned. The major conclusions are (1) The CSA geometry has significant influence on the motion of the GC; and (2) The new theory is a useful, very significant, extension of the standard two-dimensional GC problem. The standard current is just a particular case, \(f_{1,2} =\) constants, among many other covered by the new theory. 相似文献
Selective withdrawal is commonly implemented in nonlinearly stratified ambient, which typically has stratified ambient conditions, for purposes of controlling quality. A floating intake is applied as an effective facility of selective withdrawal. However, the outflow dynamics of a floating intake in a nonlinearly stratified ambient have been disregarded, which has a significant effect on the outflow water quality of a reservoir. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of thermal stratification on the flow characteristics using particle image velocimetry at three temperature distributions (no stratification, weak stratification and strong stratification). The flow fields upstream of the floating intake showed that the withdrawal layer was formed inhibited by the thermal stratification. And strong stratification produced the thinner withdrawal layer thickness, leading to a larger nonuniform coefficient of the velocity profile. To quantitatively describe the velocity profiles, formulas of dimensionless velocity profiles were proposed. The flow developments were analysed, and the virtual control points located 0.56d above the floating intake (where d is the straight pipe diameter of the floating intake) were obtained. The positions of virtual control points mainly depended on the withdrawal discharge. The decay rate of the velocity along the horizontal line passing through the virtual control point was inversely proportional to the stratification intensity. 相似文献
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - We consider an inertial (large Reynolds number) gravity current (GC) released from a lock of length $$x_0$$ and height $$h_0$$ into an ambient fluid of height... 相似文献
We consider the propagation of a high-Reynolds-number gravity current in a horizontal channel with general cross-section whose width is \(f(z), 0 \le z\le H\), and the gravity acceleration g acts in \(-z\) direction. (The classical rectangular cross-section is covered by the particular case \(f(z) =\) const.) We assume a two-layer system of homogeneous fluids of constant densities \(\rho _{c}\) (current, of height \(h < H \)) and smaller \(\rho _{a}\) (ambient, filling the remaining part of the channel). We focus attention on the calculation and assessment of the nose Froude-number condition \(Fr = U/(g' h)^{1/2}\); here U is the speed of propagation of the current and \(g' = (\rho _{c}/\rho _{a}-1) g\) is the reduced gravity. We first revisit the steady-state current, and derive compact insightful expressions of Fr and energy dissipation as a function of \(\varphi \) ( \(=\) area fraction occupied by the current in the cross-section). We show that the head loss \(\delta _0\) on the stagnation line is formally a degree of freedom in the determination of \(Fr(\varphi )\), and we clarify the strong connections with the head loss \(\delta \) in the ambient fluid, and with the overall rate of dissipation \(\dot{{\mathcal{D}}}\). We demonstrate that the closure \(\delta _0 = 0\) [suggested by Benjamin (J Fluid Mech 31, 209–248, 1968) for the rectangular cross-section] produces in general the smallest Fr for a given \(\varphi \); the results are valid for a significant range \([0, \varphi _{\max }]\), in which the current is dissipative, except for the point \(\varphi _{\max }\) where \(\delta = \dot{{\mathcal{D}}} = 0\). We show that imposing the closure \(\delta = \dot{{\mathcal{D}}} = 0\), which corresponds to an energy-conserving or non-dissipative current, produces in general unacceptable restrictions of the range of validity, and large values of Fr; in particular, deep currents ( \(\varphi < 0.3\) say) must be excluded because they are inherently dissipative. On the other hand, the compromise closure \(\delta (\varphi ) =\delta _0(\varphi )\) produces the simple \(Fr(\varphi ) = \sqrt{2}(1 - \varphi )\) formula whose values and dissipation properties are very close, and the range of validity is identical, to these obtained with Benjamin’s closure (moreover, we show that this corresponds to circulation-conservation solutions). The results are illustrated for practical cross-section geometries (rectangle, \(\Delta \) and \(\nabla \) triangle, circle, and the general power-law \(f(z) = b z ^\alpha \) ( \(b>0, \alpha \ge 0, 0< z \le H\)). Next, we investigate the connection of the steady-state results with the time-dependent current, and show that in a lock-released current the rate of dissipation of the system is equal to, or larger than, that obtained for Fr corresponding to the conditions at the nose of the current. The results and insights of this study cover a wide range of cross-section geometry and apply to both Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq systems; they reveal a remarkable robustness of Fr as a function of \(\varphi \). 相似文献
The effect of the upstream conditions on propagation of gravity current over a slope is investigated using three-dimensional numerical simulations. The current produced by constant buoyancy flux, is simulated using a large eddy simulation solver. The dense saline solution used at the inlet is the driving force of the flow. Higher replenishment of the current is possible either by a high inflow discharge or high initial fractional density excess. In the simulations, it is observed that these two parameters affect the flow in different ways. Results show that the front speed of the descending current is proportional to the cube root of buoyancy flux, $(g_o^{\prime } Q)^{1/3}$ , which agrees with the previous experimental and numerical observations. The height of the tail of the current grows linearly in the streamwise direction. Formation of a strong shear layer at the boundary of mixed upper layer and dense lower layer is observed within the body and the tail of the current. Over the tail of the current far enough from the inlet, the vertical velocity and density profiles are compared to the ones from an experimental study. Distance from the bed to the point of maximum velocity increases with an increase in inflow discharge, while it remains practically unchanged with increasing initial fractional excess density in the simulations. Even though the velocity profiles are in good agreement, some discrepancies are observed in fractional excess density profiles among experimental and numerical results. Possible reasons for these discrepancies are discussed. Generally, gravity current type of flows could be expressed in layer-integrated formulation of governing equations. However, layer integration introduces several constants, commonly known as shape factors, to the equations of motion. The values of these shape factors are calculated based on simulation results and compared to the values from experiments and to the favorably used ‘top hat’ assumption. 相似文献
In this paper, the authors review the current state of the science on the dynamics of gravity currents generated by positively and negatively buoyant jet discharges from submerged round outfalls (i.e., a point source) in inland and coastal waters. Specifically, this article focuses on describing gravity currents occurring at both the bottom boundary and the free surface of the receiving fluid. The manmade discharge operations generating both types of gravity currents and their significance to sustainability of the surrounding hydro-environment are first described. The authors then summarize the flow regimes characteristics of these discharges before becoming gravity currents and how those flow regimes influence the dynamics of the gravity currents. The gravity current dynamics in the calm receiving waters are then analyzed. This analysis is followed by an analysis of the influence of the hydrodynamic forces (e.g., currents, turbulence, waves) on the dynamics of gravity currents. Finally, the authors review quantitative modeling approaches for different forms of gravity current, and identify the current knowledge gaps and research needs. 相似文献
To explore the effect of traffic emissions on air quality within street canyon, the wind flow and pollutant dispersion distribution in urban street canyons of different H/W, building gap and wind direction are studied and discussed by 3D computational fluid dynamics simulations. The largest PM2.5 concentrations are 46.4, 37.5, 28.4 µg/m3 when x = ? 88, ? 19.3, ? 19.3 m in 1.5 m above the ground level and the ratio of H/W is 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1, respectively. The flow around the top of the building and clearance flow between the buildings in street canyon influence by different H/W, which affected the diffusion of fine particulate matters. The largest PM2.5 concentrations are 88.1, 31.6 and 33.7 µg/m3 when x = 148.0, ? 92.3 and ? 186.7 m above the ground level of 1.5 m height and the building gap of 0, 20 and 40%, respectively. The air flows are cut by the clearance in the street canyons, and present the segmental characteristics. The largest PM2.5 concentrations are 10.6, 11.2 and 16.0 µg/m3 when x = 165.3 m, x = 58.0 and 1.5 m above the ground level of 1.5 m height and wind direction of the parallel to the street, perpendicular to the street and southwest, respectively. Modelled PM2.5 concentrations are basic agreement with measured PM2.5 concentrations for southwest wind direction. These results can help analyze the difussion of PM2.5 concentration in street canyons and urban planning. 相似文献