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In a stylized model of international trade, firms in the North indirectly export second-hand products to a representative firm in the South to be reused as intermediate goods, with potential trade gains. The level of reusability of waste products – or green design – is a crucial choice variable in the North. This is because, in the presence of imperfect international monitoring, non-reusable waste can be illegally mixed with reusable waste. I explore the driving forces for illegal waste movement, with a particular focus on local waste regulations such as the EU׳s Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Under mild conditions, it is shown that increasingly stringent regulations in the North can induce Northern firms to reduce product reusability. Consequently, the flow of non-reusable waste to the South increases, magnifying the pollution haven effect.  相似文献   

To better understand the dynamics of Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities in environmental flows, their evolution is investigated using direct numerical simulations (DNS). Two-dimensional DNS is used to examine the large-scale and small-scale structures of the instability at high Reynolds and Prandtl numbers that represent real environmental flows. The semi-analytical model of Corcos and Sherman (J Fluid Mech 73:241–264, 1976) is used to explain the physics of these simulations prior to saturation of the KH billow, and also provide a computationally efficient prediction of the vortex dynamics of the instability. The DNS results show that the large-scale structure of the billow does not depend on the Reynolds number for sufficiently high Reynolds numbers. The billow structure reveals a less straightforward dependence on the Prandtl number. Predictions of the model of Corcos and Sherman (J Fluid Mech 73:241–264, 1976) improve as Reynolds number and Prandtl number increase. The small-scale structure of the vorticity and density fields vary with both Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. Three-dimensional DNS of KH flows and their transition to turbulence are used to study small length scales. Based on the thickness of the braid, a simple method is introduced to estimate the Batchelor scale, which can be used as a guide for the resolution required for the direct numerical simulation of two and three-dimensional Kelvin–Helmholtz flow fields.  相似文献   

The persistence of species in reserves depends in large part on the persistence of functional ecological interactions. Despite their importance, however, ecological interactions have not yet been explicitly incorporated into conservation prioritization methods. We develop here a general method for incorporating consumer–resource interactions into spatial reserve design. This method protects spatial consumer–resource interactions by protecting areas that maintain the connectivity between the distribution of consumers and resources. We illustrate our method with a conservation planning case study of a mammalian predator, American marten (Martes americana), and its two primary prey species, Red-backed vole (Clethrionomys rutilus) and Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). The conservation goal was to identify a reserve for marten that comprised 12% of a forest management unit in the boreal forest in Québec, Canada. We compared reserves developed using analysis variants that utilized different levels of information about predator and prey habitat distributions, species-specific connectivity requirements, and interaction connectivity requirements. The inclusion of consumer–resource interactions in reserve-selection resulted in spatially aggregated reserves that maintained local habitat quality for the species. This spatial aggregation was not induced by applying a qualitative penalty for the boundary length of the reserve, but rather was a direct consequence of modelling the spatial needs of the interacting consumer and resources. Our method for maintaining connectivity between consumers and their resources within reserves can be applied even under the most extreme cases of either complete spatial overlap or complete spatial segregation of consumer–resource distributions. The method has been made available via public software.  相似文献   

This study evaluated variations in heavy metal contamination of stream waters and groundwaters affected by an abandoned lead–zinc mine, where a rockfill dam for water storage will be built 11 km downstream. For these purposes, a total of 10 rounds of stream and groundwater samplings and subsequent chemical analyses were performed during 2002–2003. Results of an exploratory investigation of stream waters in 2000 indicated substantial contamination with heavy metals including zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) and arsenic (As) for at least 6 km downstream from the mine. Stream waters near the mine showed metal contamination as high as arsenic (As) 8,923 μg L−1, copper (Cu) 616 μg L−1, cadmium (Cd) 223 μg L−1 and lead (Pb) 10,590 μg L−1, which greatly exceeded the Korean stream water guidelines. Remediation focused on the mine tailing piles largely improved the stream water qualities. However, there have still been quality problems for the waters containing relatively high concentrations of As (6–174 μg L−1), Cd (1–46 μg L−1) and Pb (2–26 μg L−1). Rainfall infiltration into the mine tailing piles resulted in an increase of heavy metals in the stream waters due to direct discharge of waste effluent, while dilution of the contaminated stream waters improved the water quality due to mixing with metal free rain waters. Levels of As, Cu and chromium (Cr) largely decreased after heavy rain but that of Pb was rather elevated. The stream waters were characterized by high concentrations of calcium (Ca) and sulfate (SO4), which were derived from dissolution and leaching of carbonate and sulfide minerals. It was observed that the proportions of Ca and SO4 increased while those of bicarbonate (HCO3) and sodium and potassium (Na+K) decreased after a light rainfall event. Most interestingly, the reverse was generally detected for the groundwaters. The zinc, being the metal mined, was the most dominant heavy metal in the groundwaters (1758–10,550 μg L−1) near the mine, which far exceeded the Korean standard of 1000 μg L−1 for drinking water. The decreases in the heavy metals contents in the groundwaters associated with reduced rainfall were quite different from the increases observed for the stream waters, which is not clearly understood at this time and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

In hydraulic structures, free-surface aeration is commonly observed: i.e., the white waters. The air bubble entrainment may be localised (hydraulic jumps, plunging jets) or continuous along an interface (water jets, chutes). Despite recent advances, there are some basic concerns about the extrapolation of laboratory results to large size prototype structures. Herein the basic air bubble entrainment processes are reviewed and the relevant dynamic similarities are discussed. Traditionally, physical studies are conducted using a Froude similitude which implies drastically smaller laboratory Reynolds numbers than in the corresponding prototype flows. Basic dimensional analyses are developed for both singular and interfacial aeration processes. The results are discussed in the light of systematic investigations and they show that the notion of scale effects is closely linked with the selection of relevant characteristic air–water flow properties. Recent studies of local air–water flow properties highlight that turbulence levels, entrained bubble sizes and interfacial areas are improperly scaled based upon a Froude similitude even in large-size models operating with the so defined Reynolds numbers ρ w × q w/μ w up to 5 E+5. In laboratory models, the dimensionless turbulence levels, air–water interfacial areas and mass transfer rates are drastically underestimated.  相似文献   

This paper reports the application of Box-Behnken experimental design to illustrate the adsorption of direct dyes (Indosol Black NF and Indosol Orange RSN) using polyethyleneimine (PEI)-treated peanut husk biomass. The effect of three independent variables (initial dyes concentration, biosorbent dose and pH) was investigated during the study. Maximum biosorption capacity (141 and 98.2 mg/g) of PEI-pretreated biomass was achieved with 200 mg/L initial dye concentration and 0.05 g/50 mL biomass dose for Indosol Black NF and Indosol Orange RSN, respectively. Acidic pH was found to be favourable for maximum dyes removal. Characterisation of biosorbent was carried out through Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and point of zero charge determination. FT-IR analyses confirmed the involvement of carboxylic and carbonyl groups. The desorption study was also conducted to check out the possibility of regeneration of dyes and adsorbent and it was found that 51.58 and 76.6% of Indosol Black NF and Indosol Orange RSN, respectively, can be desorbed from the loaded biosorbent by using 1 M NaOH solution. The results indicated that PEI-treated peanut husk biomass can be used as an efficient biosorbent for the removal of Indosol Black NF and Indosol Orange RSN dyes from aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

Behavioral type–environment correlations occur when specific behavioral types of individuals are more common in certain environments. Behavioral type–environment correlations can be generated by several different mechanisms that are probably very common such as niche construction and phenotypic plasticity. Moreover, behavioral type–environment correlations have important ecological and evolutionary implications. However, few studies have examined behavioral type–environment correlations in natural populations. In this study, we asked whether some behavioral types of three-spined stickleback were more likely to occur in certain social environments (alone or in a shoal with other stickleback) or in certain microhabitats in a river (in the open or under cover). We found that individuals that were in shoals with other stickleback at the time of collection from the field emerged from a refuge more quickly compared to individuals that were found alone. In addition, fish that were alone in an open microhabitat explored more of a pool compared to fish that were alone in cover, but this difference did not occur among fish that were in shoals at the time of collection. Subsequent analyses of gut contents suggested that differences in microhabitat use were consistent over time. Our study provides some of the first evidence for behavioral type–environment correlations in a natural population of non-human animals.  相似文献   

The quality of cultivated consumed vegetables in relation to environmental pollution is a crucial issue for urban and peri-urban areas, which host the majority of people at the global scale. In order to evaluate the fate of metals in urban soil–plant–atmosphere systems and their consequences on human exposure, a field study was conducted at two different sites near a waste incinerator (site A) and a highway (site B). Metal concentrations were measured in the soil, settled atmospheric particulate matter (PM) and vegetables. A risk assessment was performed using both total and bioaccessible metal concentrations in vegetables. Total metal concentrations in PM were (mg kg?1): (site A) 417 Cr, 354 Cu, 931 Zn, 6.3 Cd and 168 Pb; (site B) 145 Cr, 444 Cu, 3289 Zn, 2.9 Cd and 396 Pb. Several total soil Cd and Pb concentrations exceeded China’s Environmental Quality Standards. At both sites, there was significant metal enrichment from the atmosphere to the leafy vegetables (correlation between Pb concentrations in PM and leaves: r = 0.52, p < 0.05) which depended on the plant species. Total Cr, Cd and Pb concentrations in vegetables were therefore above or just under the maximum limit levels for foodstuffs according to Chinese and European Commission regulations. High metal bioaccessibility in the vegetables (60–79 %, with maximum value for Cd) was also observed. The bioaccessible hazard index was only above 1 for site B, due to moderate Pb and Cd pollution from the highway. In contrast, site A was considered as relatively safe for urban agriculture.  相似文献   

Groundwater contaminated with arsenic (As), when extensively used for irrigation, causes potentially long term detrimental effects to the landscape. Such contamination can also directly affect human health when irrigated crops are primarily used for human consumption. Therefore, a large number of humans are potentially at risk worldwide due to daily As exposure. Numerous previous studies have been severely limited by small sample sizes which are not reliably extrapolated to large populations or landscapes. Human As exposure and risk assessment are no longer simple assessments limited to a few food samples from a small area. The focus of more recent studies has been to perform risk assessment at the landscape level involving the use of biomarkers to identify and quantify appropriate health problems and large surveys of human dietary patterns, supported by analytical testing of food, to quantify exposure. This approach generates large amounts of data from a wide variety of sources and geographic information system (GIS) techniques have been used widely to integrate the various spatial, demographic, social, field, and laboratory measured datasets. With the current worldwide shift in emphasis from qualitative to quantitative risk assessment, it is likely that future research efforts will be directed towards the integration of GIS, statistics, chemistry, and other dynamic models within a common platform to quantify human health risk at the landscape level. In this paper we review the present and likely future trends of human As exposure and GIS application in risk assessment at the landscape level.  相似文献   

Research on interactions among wave, current, and vegetation has received increasing attention. An explicit depth-averaged hydrodynamic model coupled with a wave spectral model (CMS-wave) was proposed in this study in order to simulate the wave and wave-induced current in coastal waters. The hydrodynamic model was based on the finite volume method while the intercell flux was computed by employing the Harten–Lax–van Leer approximate Riemann solver to investigate the dry-to-wet interface, and the drag force of vegetation was modeled as the sink terms in the momentum equations. The CMS-wave model was used to investigate the non-breaking and the breaking random waves propagation in vegetation fields. Afterwards, an empirical wave energy dissipation term with plant effect was derived to represent the resistance induced by aquatic vegetation in the wave-action balance equation. The established model was calibrated and validated with both the experimental and field data. The results showed that the wave height decreased significantly along the wave propagation direction in the presence of vegetations. The sensitivity analysis for the plant density, the wave height, and the water depth were performed by comparing the numerical results for the wave height attenuation. In addition, wave and wave-induced current through a finite patch of vegetation in the surf zone were investigated as well. The strong radiation stress gradient could be produced due to the variation of the energy dissipation by vegetation effect in the nearshore zone, which impacted the direction and amplitude of the longshore current. The calculated results showed that the coupling model had good performance in predicting wave propagation and the current over vegetated water regions.  相似文献   

Analysis of variations in water–soluble organic matter (WSOM) δ13C of leaves and phloem can efficiently describe the δ13C distributions within plants and identify the temporal variation of δ13C. In this study, WSOM δ13C values of both leaves and phloem (twig, stem, and root) of Platycladus orientalis were measured during seven sunny days, including 2–hour interval measurements at three days for diel pattern analysis and 6–hour interval measurements at the remaining four days for day–to–day variation analysis. Analysis of WSOM δ13C in different plant organs showed that 13C was generally depleted from leaves to twigs, then enriched in stems and subsequently depleted in roots. Stems were significantly 13C–enriched compared to twigs (p?<?0.05), while δ13C differences between stems and other organs and among leaves, twigs and roots were not significant (p?>?0.05). No clear diel patterns in δ13C of leaves and phloem were found. Daily average δ13C values indicated that all plant organs had more positive values on sunny days during the dry season than during the wet season. Both photosynthetic and post–photosynthetic fractionation influence variations in WSOM δ13C. These results have implications for research on plant physiology and plant water use.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The causes of Kashin–Beck disease (KBD) in children are multifactorial, and particular consideration has been given to childhood selenium (Se)...  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the protective effects of zinc (Zn) using liver marker enzymes in the serum and liver along with hepatic elemental profile in lead (Pb)-treated protein-deficient (PD) Sprague–Dawley male rats. Zn in the form of zinc sulfate at a dose of 227?mg?L?1 in drinking water was administrated to control, PD as well as Pb-treated PD rats for 8 weeks. Pb treatment was given orally as lead acetate at a dose level of 100?mg?kg?1 body weight to control and PD rats. The effects of different treatments were studied on the activities of enzymes that included alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in serum. The status of different elements (Cl, K, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se, Rb, Pb) in liver was also studied. Rats given PD diet and Pb showed significant inhibition in serum ALP activity associated with significant elevation in both AST and ALT activities. Serum ALP activity showed a significant inhibition week 1 until week 8 in Pb-treated PD rats. In contrast, serum AST activity was elevated both at 3 and 8 weeks while serum ALT activity was elevated at 8 weeks in Pb-treated PD rats. Pb treatment to PD rats elevated hepatic ALP, AST and ALT activities but depressed hepatic AST. Zn supplementation to Pb-treated PD rats restored the altered enzyme activities. The levels of K, Fe, Cu, Zn, Se and Rb were altered in protein deficiency. Furthermore, treatment with Pb to these animals depressed the Cu levels. Zn treatment to Pb-treated PD animals tended to restore the levels of altered elements. Hence, the present study clearly suggests that Zn plays an important role in regulating the liver marker enzymes and essential elements under conditions of Pb toxicity and protein deficiency.  相似文献   

Historically, small invertebrate grazers in marine plant communities have been considered to be a relatively homogeneous group in their impact on ecosystem processes. However, recent studies propose that species composition is an important agent in determining grazer effects. We used four mesocosm experiments to test the biomass-specific and density-dependent effects of common mesograzers in temperate regions (Littorina littorea, Rissoa membranacea, Idotea baltica and Gammarus oceanicus) on epiphyte and eelgrass biomass and productivity. Mesograzer species identity strongly influenced epiphyte accumulation and eelgrass growth, where Rissoa was the most efficient mesograzer (per biomass) and Gammarus had the weakest impact. Density-dependent effects varied considerably among species. Both gastropod species reduced epiphyte accumulation in direct proportion to their density, and Littorina had the strongest negative effect on epiphyte biomass. The impact of Idotea seemed to level off to a threshold value and Gammarus had no density-dependent effect on epiphyte accumulation at all. Rissoa and Idotea increased eelgrass productivity in accordance with their effect on epiphyte accumulation, whereas Littorina showed a less positive effect than could be expected by its strong impact on epiphyte biomass. Gammarus had no significant impact on eelgrass growth. Our results show that the different functional traits of superficially similar mesograzers can have important consequences for ecosystem processes in macrophyte systems.  相似文献   

δ13C was used to identify seasonal variations in the importance of autochthonous and allochthonous sources of productivity for fish communities in intermittently connected estuarine areas of Australia’s dry tropics. A total of 224 fish from 38 species were collected from six intermittently connected estuarine pools, three in central Queensland (two dominated by C3 forest and one by C4 pasture) and three in north Queensland (one dominated by C3 and two by C4 vegetation). Samples were collected before and after the wet season. Fish collected in the two forested areas in central Queensland had the lowest δ13C, suggesting a greater incorporation of C3 terrestrial material. A seasonal variation in δ13C was also detected for these areas, with mean δ13C varying from −20 to −23‰ from the pre- to the post-wet season, indicating a greater incorporation of terrestrial carbon after the wet season. Negative seasonal shifts in fish δ13C were also present at the pasture site, suggesting a greater dependence on carbon of riparian vegetation (C3 Juncus sp.) in the post-wet season. In north Queensland, terrestrial carbon seemed to be incorporated by fish in the two C4 areas, as δ13C of most species shifted towards slightly heavier values in the post-wet season. A two-source, one-isotope mixing model also indicated a greater incorporation of carbon of terrestrial origin in the post-wet season. However, no seasonal differences in δ13C were detected for fish from the forested area of north Queensland. Overall, hydrologic connectivity seemed to be a key factor in regulating the ultimate sources of carbon in these areas. It is therefore important to preserve the surrounding habitats and to maintain the hydrologic regimes as close to natural conditions as possible, for the conservation of the ecological functioning of these areas.  相似文献   

To mitigate the massive volume expansion of Si-based anode during the charge/discharge cycles, we synthesized a superstructure of Si@Co–NC composite via the carbonization of zeolite imidazolate frameworks incorporated with Si nanoparticles. The Si@Co–NC is comprised of Si-nanoparticle core and N-doped/Co-incorporated carbon shell, and there is void space between the core and the shell. When using as anode material for LIBs, Si@Co–NC displayed a super performance with a charge/discharge capacity of 191.6/191.4 mA h g-1 and a coulombic efficiency of 100.1% at 1000 mA g-1 after 3000 cycles, and the capacity loss rate is 0.022% per cycle only. The excellent electrochemical property of Si@Co–NC is because its electronic conductivity is enhanced by doping the carbon shell with N atoms and by incorporating with Co particles, and the pathway of lithium ions transmission is shortened by the hollow structure and abundant mesopores in the carbon shell. Also, the volume expansion of Si nanoparticles is well accommodated in the void space and suppressed by the carbon host matrix. This work shows that, through designing a superstructure for the anode materials, we can synergistically reduce the work function and introduce the confinement effect, thus significantly enhancing the anode materials' electrochemical performance in LIBs.  相似文献   

In many ants, young queens disperse by flying away from their natal nest and found new colonies alone (independent colony founding, ICF). Alternatively, in some species, ICF was replaced by colony fission, in which young queens accompanied by workers found a new colony at walking distance from the mother nest. We compared the queen morphology of Cataglyphis floricola, which disperses by fission, with that of its most likely living ancestor, Cataglyphis emmae, which disperses by ICF. As in other species, the transition from ICF to fission is associated with queen miniaturization. Interestingly, C. floricola presents two types of small queens: brachypters (with short non-functional wings) and ergatoids (worker-like apterous queens). Ergatoids are, on average, 2.8 mg lighter and have half the number of ovarioles than brachypters, which limits the advantage for a colony to produce ergatoids instead of brachypters. Furthermore, more ergatoids are produced than brachypters, but their individual survival rate is lower. During colony fission, 96% of the cocoons containing brachypters but only 31% of those containing ergatoids are transferred to the daughter nests where, after emergence, they compete for becoming the next queen. The remaining queen cocoons, which stay in the mother queen's nest, are eliminated by workers upon emergence, probably to maintain monogyny. This waste of energy suggests that producing ergatoids instead of brachypters is unlikely to increase colony efficiency. We argue that the evolution of ergatoids could derive from a selfish larval strategy, developing into worker-like queens in spite of the colony interest.  相似文献   

Badges of status, usually color patches, are hypothesized to serve as important signals within natural populations by communicating an individual’s fighting ability or aggressiveness before an interaction ever takes place. These signals, which may evolve via sexual and/or social selection, mediate intra-specific competition by influencing the outcome or escalation of contests between individuals. The last 10 years saw the rise of interest in the role of ultraviolet (UV)-based coloration in intra-sexual communication. However, the rare experimental studies that tested this hypothesis found opposite results, which may originate from the different methodological procedures used to assess the badge of status theory. We present here the results of an experiment testing whether male blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) respond differently to unfamiliar conspecifics presenting contrasted UV crest coloration. In an aviary, we simultaneously presented two caged blue tits with enhanced (UV+) or reduced (UV−) crest coloration to a focal bird. We found that focal males acted more aggressively towards the UV− males than UV+ males. In addition, focal males fed more often close to males that were similar in brightness or duller than themselves. We conclude that, in blue tits, UV blue crest coloration affects both social and aggressive responses towards unfamiliar individuals, and thus it has some properties of a badge of status.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The CO2-rich spring water (CSW) occurring naturally in three provinces, Kangwon (KW), Chungbuk (CB), and Gyeongbuk (GB) of South Korea was classified based...  相似文献   

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