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The trochid snail Monodonta articulata Lamarck was exposed to mercuric sulphate at concentrations of 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 and 1 ppm Hg++. At 24 h, retraction into the shell was observed in 0.8 and 1 ppm Hg++; this retraction increased in these concentrations at 36 h. Retracted snails died if retained in the solutions, but generally recovered within 24 to 48 h if transferred to uncontaminated sea water. Immersionemersion behaviour and interface activity were studied over 24 h by means of an aktograph; snails in normal sea water spent more time below than above the water surface, and exhibited frequent periods of activity. Exposure to mercuric sulphate at concentration of 0.25, 0.5, 0.8 and 1 ppm Hg++ progressively reduced both the length and frequency of activity periods. From 0.5 ppm Hg++ upwards, emersion periods increased, and immersion periods decreased. Oxygen consumption of snails was measured in sea water and in mercuric sulphate at concentrations of 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 and 1 ppm Hg++. Oxygen consumption decreased significantly with each progressive rise in mercury concentration. It is considered that mercury affects M. articulata by interfering with respiration, initially reducing interface activity, then forcing the snail for longer and longer periods out of the water. Retraction occurs when activity is no longer possible. It is concluded that respiratory and behavioural alterations of this nature would afford a good indicator of the presence of sub-lethal concentrations of pollutants.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the heat shock protein Hsp70 is one of the most important physiological mechanisms that intertidal organisms possess to counteract damage to macromolecules caused by stressors associated with the tidal cycle. However, the synthesis and activity of Hsp70 involves an elevated energetic cost. We evaluated the effect of the nutritional status (fed vs. starved for 2 weeks) of juvenile Concholepas concholepas mollusc on their capacity to synthesize Hsp70 during emersion (i.e. low tide) and immersion (i.e. high tide) at high temperatures (24 °C, e.g. summer conditions) and at low temperatures (7 °C, e.g. winter conditions). In addition, we evaluated whether Hsp70 is induced directly upon exposure to stress (emersion) or during recovery (re-immersion). Starvation decreased the content of stored energy substrates of juveniles as well as their ability to synthesize Hsp70 during emersion under thermal stress, especially at high temperatures. Additionally, analysis of environmental factors associated with laboratory simulation of tidal regimes indicated that juveniles in starvation, in contrast to fed juveniles, did not significantly increase their levels of Hsp70 during cold emersion (7 °C) or warm emersion (24 °C) or upon re-immersion. Induction of Hsp70 occurred during exposure to stress (low-tide conditions) and not when juveniles returned to “normal” conditions (high-tide conditions). Thus, the synthesis of Hsp70 for the juveniles of this intertidal snail species was coordinated and adapted to the tidal cycle, and the species responds in a similar way to hot and cold emersion conditions. The observed levels of Hsp70 reflect the ability of the individual to synthesize these proteins, which is dependent on the nutritional status of the individual.  相似文献   

Intertidal rocky shores are characterized by vertical zonation that results from the interplay between environmental conditions, organism physiology, and species interactions. Metabolism of intertidal organisms is highly variable between species and it changes with vertical position along the intertidal gradient. The present study aimed to quantify the carbon metabolism of nine intertidal rocky shore gastropods, in order to clarify their respective roles in carbon production during emersion and immersion. The influences of monthly temperature variation and tidal level were tested for each species. Analyses were performed in the laboratory using the infrared gas analyzer method for measuring aerial respiration rates, and the dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity technique for measuring aquatic respiration rate and calcification. Hourly carbon fluxes were calculated for the mean annual temperature of 13 °C measured in both air and underwater in the study area. Respiration rates were similar for emersion (8–25 μmol COg AFDW?1 h?1) and immersion (10–23 μmol DIC g AFDW?1 h?1). For all species, underwater respiration fluxes were more influenced by monthly temperature variation than by air fluxes, probably as an adaptation to the rapid changes occurring during emersion. Calcification was an important factor influencing annual carbon fluxes for all studied species; every species showed different calcification rates according to its size and position on the intertidal zone. Annual carbon emissions were calculated using the mean immersion/emersion time of each species. Intertidal gastropod carbon emission was primarily influenced by body biomass and their vertical position within the intertidal zone.  相似文献   

Local adaptation is an important mechanism generating physiological diversity and can be especially pronounced in species with restricted dispersal and gene flow such as direct developing snails of the genus Littorina. We compared physiological responses to salinity and desiccation stress in two co-occurring species of northeastern Pacific Littorina (L. subrotundata and L. sitkana) with salt marsh and open shore ecotypes. The animals from salt marsh populations were significantly more tolerant to low salinities and significantly less resistant to desiccation stress than their open shore counterparts. The lower resistance to desiccation in salt marsh animals was not associated with a higher rate of water loss during air exposure or with lower body water reserves, but instead reflected a lower tolerance to high salinities. These habitat-related physiological differences occurred in parallel in the two studied species of Littorina and persisted after prolonged laboratory acclimation, suggesting that they may reflect selection for markedly different local optima in the salt marsh habitats than in the open shore habitats. We used a neutral polymorphic nuclear DNA marker (intron of aminopeptidase N) to estimate the level of gene flow between the populations from different habitats and found isolation by distance regardless of the habitat from which the snails were collected. Our molecular data suggest that physiological cohesiveness of ecotypes can arise despite different genetic backgrounds, and could potentially be due to parallel evolution of convergent phenotypes in similar habitats.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

In this experimental study, we compared the embryonic respiration rate in air and water of six East African sesarmid species with intertidal, supratidal and arboreal habits, to highlight possible adaptations in embryonic metabolism to their different lifestyles. The embryos of all analysed crabs showed bimodal respiration, but we did not find a trend towards an enhanced embryonic oxygen uptake in air from the intertidal to the arboreal and supratidal species. However, the late-stage embryos of the most land-adapted species, Chiromantes spp., showed an enhanced metabolism when immersed in sea water that we interpreted as an adaptive recovery mechanism to cope with the storage of by-products due to marine-based metabolic pathways during long emersion periods. Thus, we showed that the embryos of land-adapted species, although still strongly water dependent, are well adapted to semi-terrestrial habitats and represent a minor limiting factor for females, which are not restricted in their emersion period by the oxygen requirements of their embryos.  相似文献   

Roe JH  Georges A 《Ecology》2008,89(2):485-494
Aquatic animals inhabiting temporary wetlands must respond to habitat drying either by estivating or moving to other wetlands. Using radiotelemetry and capture mark recapture, we examined factors influencing the decisions made by individuals in a population of freshwater turtles (Chelodina longicollis) in response to wetland drying in southeastern Australia. Turtles exhibited both behaviors, either remaining quiescent in terrestrial habitats for variable lengths of time (terrestrial estivation) or moving to other wetlands. Both the proportion of individuals that estivated terrestrially and the time individuals spent in terrestrial habitats increased with decreasing wetland hydroperiod and increasing distance to the nearest permanent wetland, suggesting behavioral decisions are conditional or state dependent (i.e., plastic) and influenced by local and landscape factors. Variation in the strategy or tactic chosen also increased with increasing isolation from other wetlands, suggesting that individuals differentially weigh the costs and benefits of residing terrestrially vs. those of long-distance movement; movement to other wetlands was the near universal strategy chosen when only a short distance must be traveled to permanent wetlands. The quality of temporary wetlands relative to permanent wetlands at our study site varies considerably and unpredictably with annual rainfall and with it the cost-benefit ratio of each strategy or tactic. Residency in or near temporary wetlands is more successful during wet periods due to production benefits, but movement to permanent wetlands is more successful, or least costly, during dry periods due to survival and body condition benefits. This shifting balance may maintain diversity in response of turtles to the spatial and temporal pattern in wetland quality if their response is in part genetically determined.  相似文献   

A behavioral syndrome is a suite of behaviors correlated across multiple social contexts. In this study, boldness in the face of predation risk was assessed twice in fish across two different sensory modalities in both the field and lab to ascertain the biological relevance and complexity of this attribute. Individual fathead minnows were captured from a natural field population using traps that either contained chemical alarm cues (conspecific skin extract) or control (well water) and their responses to the presence of predator behind a glass partition assessed in the laboratory. Although fewer fish were captured in alarm cue-labeled traps, these bold fish performed longer predator inspections than shy fish captured in control traps. Thus, a shy/bold behavioral syndrome was expressed consistently across field and lab settings in response to both chemical and visual indicators of danger. Shy and bold individuals did not differ in sex, body length, secondary sexual characteristics, or parasite load but were of more robust physical condition.  相似文献   

Hays CG 《Ecology》2007,88(1):149-157
Populations of intertidal species span a steep environmental gradient driven by differences in emersion time. In spite of strong differential selection on traits related to this gradient, the small spatial scale over which differences occur may prevent local adaptation, and instead may favor a single intermediate phenotype, or nongenetic mechanisms of differentiation. Here I examine whether a common macroalga, Silvetia compressa, exhibits phenotypic differentiation across the intertidal gradient and evaluate how local adaptation, developmental plasticity, and maternal effects may interact to shape individual phenotypes. Reciprocal transplants of both adults and embryos showed a "home-height advantage" in two of the three populations tested. In laboratory trials, the progeny of upper-limit individuals survived exposure to air significantly better than lower-limit progeny from the same population. I compared the emersion tolerance of full-sib families generated from gametes produced in the field to those produced under common garden conditions. The relative advantage of upper-limit lineages was robust to maternal environment during gametogenesis; this pattern is consistent with genetic differentiation. The possible role of local adaptation has historically been ignored in studies of intertidal zonation. In S. compressa, phenotypic differentiation may have important consequences for vertical range, both within and among sites.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effects of light, site, temperature, time after emersion, and wind speed on foraging attempt rate (FAR) (attempts/unit time) and feeding success (FS) (captures/attempts) in the obligate visual foraging shorebird, Kentish plovers Charadrius alexandrinus, field observations were performed at a sandflat in Tokyo Bay, using a visible-light telescope camcorder during the day and a thermal infrared telescope camcorder at night. The re-analysis capability and frame-step replay of highly magnified video-images can contribute to accurate measurement of feeding behaviour over conventional focal observation techniques. Kentish plovers increased both FAR and FS in areas of high prey (polychaetes and crabs) density, resulting in a synergistic increase in feeding rate (captures/unit time). In areas of high prey abundance, FAR was higher at lower wind speed. FS increased with increasing time after emersion. Increasing temperatures induced a positive effect on FAR but a negative effect on FS. The effect of light on FAR was not observed; however, time-to-defecation occurrence was 2.2-fold shorter at night than during the day, indicating that feeding rate and FS are higher at night. These results are attributable to an increase in availability of cues due to higher nocturnal activity in polychaetes. Since available foraging time (emersion time) at night was 1.7-fold longer than during the day in the present study period, Kentish plovers could capture 3.7-fold (2.2 × 1.7) more prey at night than during the day. Results from this study indicate that nocturnal feeding in overwintering plovers is not a compensation but a major foraging activity to meet their energy requirements. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

We quantitatively studied movement behaviour in the gastropod Littorina littorea in laboratory experiments during periods of their non-mating season (November 1992) and their mating season (April–May 1993). Snails were collected in 1992 and 1993 from one boulder shore on the north west coast of Sweden. In a comparison between the two seasons (one non-mating and one mating) we measured trail complexity of unsexed snails using fractal dimesion, the degree of mucus trail following (coincidence index of marker and tracker trails) and average movement speed of marker and tracker snails. We found no differences in fractal dimension and coincidence index of trails between the two seasons. Tracker snails moved, however, significantly faster than marker snails during both seasons. This could not be explained by trackers, when locomoting, using the mucus trail deposited by the marker to increase their speed, since there was no correlation between coincidence index and tracker speed. During the mating season we also conducted trail complexity, trail following and speed experiments comparing the behaviour of males and females. There was no difference between males and females in the fractal dimension of movement, nor was there any difference between the mean speed of male and female snails, although male marker snails tended to move faster than female marker snails. Males tracking other males, females tracking other females and females tracking males followed trails about equally long distances (i.e., coincidence indices did not differ). In contrast, males following female mucus trails showed a significantly higher degree of trail following than the other sex combinations. This new finding may suggest that females of L. littorea release pheromones in their mucus trails and that males are able to identify them.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effects of light, site, temperature, time after emersion, and wind speed on foraging attempt rate (FAR) (attempts/unit time) and feeding success (FS) (captures/attempts) in the obligate visual foraging shorebird, Kentish plovers Charadrius alexandrinus, field observations were performed at a sandflat in Tokyo Bay, using a visible-light telescope camcorder during the day and a thermal infrared telescope camcorder at night. The re-analysis capability and frame-step replay of highly magnified video-images can contribute to accurate measurement of feeding behaviour over conventional focal observation techniques. Kentish plovers increased both FAR and FS in areas of high prey (polychaetes and crabs) density, resulting in a synergistic increase in feeding rate (captures/unit time). In areas of high prey abundance, FAR was higher at lower wind speed. FS increased with increasing time after emersion. Increasing temperatures induced a positive effect on FAR but a negative effect on FS. The effect of light on FAR was not observed; however, time-to-defecation occurrence was 2.2-fold shorter at night than during the day, indicating that feeding rate and FS are higher at night. These results are attributable to an increase in availability of cues due to higher nocturnal activity in polychaetes. Since available foraging time (emersion time) at night was 1.7-fold longer than during the day in the present study period, Kentish plovers could capture 3.7-fold (2.2 × 1.7) more prey at night than during the day. Results from this study indicate that nocturnal feeding in overwintering plovers is not a compensation but a major foraging activity to meet their energy requirements.  相似文献   

The Norwegian lobsterNephrops norvegicus (L.) collected from Firth of Clyde, Scotland between December 1987 and March 1988, was unable to survive longer than 18 h experimental emersion at 10°C. During this time the partial pressure of oxygen (P O2) in the venous blood decreased rapidly and the lobster supplemented cellular energy requirements by anaerobic metabolism. This was indicated by the rapid accumulation ofL-lactate in the blood. Although the survival rate increased (to ca 36 to 48 h) if lobsters were kept on ice, the accumulation ofL-lactate in the blood was not significantly different from lobsters at 10°C, despite the temperature difference. There was no indication thatN. norvegicus was able to further metabolize circulatingL-lactate during emersion. On emersion there was also a marked hyperglycemia in the blood due to the stress of handling and asphyxiation. There was fairly good agreement between results obtained during laboratory studies and simulated fishing activity in the Firth of Clyde. Both sets of results are discussed in the context of adaptation to air breathing within the Crustacea and an assesment of post-harvest treatment of lobsters.  相似文献   

Some effects of food density on the growth and behaviour of plaice larvae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T. Wyatt 《Marine Biology》1972,14(3):210-216
The effect of food density on the growth, survival, and swimming activity of plaice larvae (Pleuronectes platessa L.) was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions. Suboptimal food concentrations decrease the growth of the height of the body musculature relative to length, and increase the amount of time spent searching for food. Older larvae are able to withstand much longer periods without food than young larvae. On the basis of these experiments, it is suggested that food limitation in a larval plaice population is likely to result in a concave mortality curve.  相似文献   

Desiccation as a factor in the intertidal zonation of barnacles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four species of balanomorph barnacles, Balanus crenatus Brugière, B. balanoides (L.), Elminius modestus Darwin and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli), were studied to assess the susceptibility of intertidal barnacle species to desiccation. Known sized samples of barnacles were exposed to controlled desiccating conditions and subsequent survival and water loss were determined. It is clear that the ability to live high on the shore is dependent on a reduction of the overall permeability to water loss. Because of greater surface area to volume ratios, small stages are particularly prone to desiccation. In normal intertidal emersion periods, small stages of B. crenatus particularly, and also of B. balanoides and E. modestus which are similar in their desiccation resistance, would be susceptible to desiccation at normal temperatures and low humidities. Large barnacles would be more prone to death from high temperatures when the tide is out. The spat of C. stellatus, although surviving much longer than spat of larger dimensions of the other species, must also be prone to prolonged emersion conditions at high shore levels.  相似文献   

Nephropsnorvegicus (L.) were subjected to 8 h of emersion, either between layers of seawater-soaked hessian with periodical (20 min) flushes of seawater (high humidity, HH) or to unprotected emersion (low humidity, LH). Blood ammonia levels rose during emersion in both groups but reached higher levels under LH conditions. Ammonia efflux rates after re-immersion were higher than those of control prawns, and amounts of ammonia excreted at such times were considerably higher than those calculated to have accumulated in the blood during emersion. Possible explanations for such differences are discussed. C aO2 and C vO2 decreased rapidly to ca. 10% normoxia values within 2 h of HH and LH emersion and remained low throughout the remaining emersion time. Emersion-induced tissue hypoxia increased blood concentrations of glucose and lactate. Lactate accumulation was higher during LH emersion, compared with HH emersion. Blood pH dropped ca. 0.40 units but increased again after 2 h of re-immersion. Acidosis was probably related more to respiratory difficulties (CO2 accumulation) than to lactate accumulation, as blood lactate values remained high after 2 h of re-immersion. The ability of N. norvegicus to cope with emersion appears to be little influenced by high humidity conditions. Received: 26 June 1996 / Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   

To test the hypotheses explaining the sex expression of the immobile snail Quoyula monodonta, which inhabits the surfaces of the branching coral, Pocillopora eydouxi, the size, sex, gonad development, penis length and the composition of neighboring individuals were investigated between November 1994 and August 1995 in southern Taiwan. Although the snails often aggregated and formed patches, more than 50% were solitary. Females were larger than males both within a snail patch and in the whole population, but the overlap in size range was wide. The males were generally accompanied by females, whereas most females were solitary. Females were rarely (6%) found in the same patch with another female, but 35% of the males had male neighbors. Most juveniles found were also solitary. The composition pattern within a patch cannot be explained by random sampling. Gonad development of an individual was dependent on the presence and the sex of its neighbors within the same patch; the penis length of males also depended on the presence of neighbors. These phenomena suggest that an individual is sensitive to its neighbors. No individuals in the process of sex change were ever found from histological studies of the gonads. Neither the hypothesis that the sex of recruits determines their habitats, nor the hypothesis that there is strict protandric sex-change is supported. The results, however, are all clearly compatible with the hypothesis that the snail has labile sex expression. In the presence of existing females in a patch, recruits are more likely to develop into males, whereas recruits starting a new patch grow to a larger size before developing into females directly. The labile sex expression of Q. monodonta is the only such report in neogastropods.  相似文献   

 Physiological responses to desiccation and temperature stress as well as behavioural responses to fast and abrupt environmental changes were investigated in high- and low-shore Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) from several populations from the White and North Seas. Variations in evaporation rates, resistance to air exposure and to acute and chronic temperature stress between animals from different shore levels were similar in White and North Sea periwinkles, consistent with the adaptive nature of these variations. High-shore snails were found to be able to conserve body water reserves better, to resist higher temperatures and to survive longer under conditions of combined temperature and desiccation stress than their low-shore counterparts. In a temperature range of 25 to 35 °C, the rate of evaporative water loss was positively correlated with temperature in low-shore snails while being largely temperature-independent in high-shore snails. Median lethal time during air exposure in L. saxatilis was negatively but not linearly related to the temperature of exposure. In a temperature range of 30 to 38 °C, the resistance to heat exposure in air was only slightly dependent on the temperature, with Q 10 = 1.4 for the median lethal time; the heat resistance dropped drastically at temperatures above 38 °C, with Q 10 = 593.8. This suggests different mechanisms of temperature resistance in different parts of the studied temperature range. In contrast, behavioural response to extreme salinity fluctuations was not uniform in the high- and low-shore periwinkles from the White and North Seas, which may reflect specific environmental conditions at different shore levels in the two areas studied. Observed physiological and behavioural variations are discussed from the viewpoint of different adaptive strategies employed by eulittoral and eulittoral-fringe animals within populations of a single species. Received: 13 December 1999 / Accepted: 11 April 2000  相似文献   

The influence of predation risk and food deprivation on the behavior and activity of juvenile American lobsters, Homarus americanus Milne Edwards, was examined in single and paired individuals in laboratory experiments performed during 1988 and in the winter of 1991/92. In the presence of a predator (the tautog Tautoga onitis Linnaeus) restrained behind a barrier, single lobsters significantly reduced the time spent feeding at night, consumed fewer mussels, and quickly brought them back to shelter. Single lobsters did not forage during the day in any treatment. If deprived of food for 60 h, they consumed more mussels and spent more time walking than recently fed (12-h food-deprived) lobsters. Paired lobsters did forage during the day in the presence of a predator. The smaller lobsters (subdominant) in the pairs foraged for a longer time in the presence than in the absence of a predator and significantly longer than single individuals. Shelter occupancy was significantly shorter in single, recently fed lobsters in the presence of a predator compared to time spent sheltering in its absence. Among food-deprived lobsters, paired individuals spent a significantly shorter time within the shelter than single lobsters in the absence of a predator. Larger (dominant) lobsters, however, spent more time than subdominant lobsters within the shelter during all periods of the day. Without a predator, paired lobsters spent significantly more time than single ones in shelter-related activities. Under predation risk, subdominant lobsters concentrated shelter-building time during the day and built a higher percent of alternative shelters than either single or dominant lobsters. In the absence of a predator, paired lobsters walked in the open area for a significantly longer time than single ones in the absence of a predator. This apparently was associated with fighting between dominant and subdominant lobsters and the attempts of the larger lobster to drive the smaller one from its shelter. During the day, lobsters fought for a significantly longer time in the presence than in the absence of a predator. When the tautog was not constrained, mortality rate was similar in both single and paired lobsters. Mortality rate among subdominant lobsters, however, was seven times higher than among dominant lobsters. We suggest that the risk of predation interferes with the ability of single juvenile lobsters to acquire and consume food. They appear to trade off energetic consideration against risk of predation when foraging away from the shelter. The introduction of a conspecific competitor to the system may further increase risk (of the subdominant) to the predator. Intraspecific interactions tend to increase the risk of predation to smaller lobsters but increase the survival rate among larger lobsters. Received: 6 February 1995 / Accepted: 2 September 1997  相似文献   

Summary In most vertebrates, males and females are believed to differ in terms of their investment in offspring. Dominance theory suggests that one way individuals of the sex with lower parental investment can increase reproductive success would be to dominate others of the same sex. The dominant competitors are thought to achieve preferred access to mates, and thus, have greater reproductive success than subordinates.Reproduction in parthenogenetic Cnemidophorus uniparens normally proceeds without males, but individuals exhibit mounting behaviors in captivity that are typical of closely related Cnemidophorus species that reproduce sexually. Thus, these animals provide an unusual opportunity to study the effects of behavior on reproduction apart from copulation and fertilization. In this study relationships between dominance and reproduction were investigated in the unisexual lizard species, C. uniparens. Dominance hierarchies were rapidly established and maintained in the laboratory by agonistic encounters among individuals. The number of times an individual charged its cagemates was positively correlated with the number of clutches and eggs laid. Also, dominant animals who charged their cagemates were likely to win agonistic encounters; recipients of charges usually fled. Hierarchies based on different behaviors were not all related to reproduction. Charges as a predictor of dominance was unrelated to body length, percent increase in body length and time spent in the basking site. However, individuals with a high percent increase in body length spent more time basking. This is likely a result of the increased energy demands of growth in addition to reproduction. Physiological stress as measured by plasma corticosterone titers was unrelated to dominance. We suggest that dominance is an important factor affecting reproduction in C. uniparens.  相似文献   

Feeding observations revealed that Acanthina spirata (Blainville, 1832) uses the shell spine in a ramming and prying motion, resulting in the fracturing and/or forcing open of opercular plates in the barnacles Balanus glandula (Darwin, 1854) and Chthamalus fissus (Darwin, 1854). Attacking barnacles by using the shell spine may represent a second widespread feeding mechanism (in addition to drilling) in muricacean gastropods. Specialization of the shell spine for attacking barnacles is advantageous over drilling within the context of an optimal foraging theory. Rockey intertidal field and laboratory experiments at Palos Verdes and Los Angeles, California, respectively, in 1981–1982 revealed, that snails with a shell spine have lower handling times and feed at a greater rate than spineless snails which drill their prey. Spine penetration of prey as opposed to drilling takes considerably less time than a tidal cycle. This is expected to increase the success rate for completion of feeding, since during tidal flux snails risk being dislodged. Plasticity in attack mechanisms allows A. spirata with broken spines to penetrate prey by drilling while undergoing spine repair. Differences exist in spine-feeding by A. spirata on B. glandula and C. fissus. The attack process takes more than twice as long when snails attack B. glandula versus C. fissus. However, there is no difference in the mean number of spine thrusts required to penetrate the opercular plates of the two species. When feeding on the larger barnacle B. glandula, A. spirata ingests significantly greater dry weight per unit handling time than with C. fissus.  相似文献   

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