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Summary In a population of the splendid fairy-wren Malurus splendens, we describe 202 intrusions by solitary adult males in full breeding plumage into the territories of conspecifics. Intrusions were not secretive and although silent they involved conspicuous flight above the vegetation and several characteristic display elements, including petal-carrying. Fifteen intrusions were observed in the 2 months before eggs were laid, but the rest occurred during the period of nest-building and egg-laying when the breeding female was presumed to be fertile, and were by males from adjacent territories. A high level of extra-pair fertilization has previously been determined in this species and we interpret many of these intrusions as attempts by males to obtain extra-pair copulations (EPC); we call this activity philandering. The costs and benefits of EPC for males and females are discussed and the promiscuous mating strategy of M. splendens is contrasted with the persistent social pairing in stable groups of this long-lived cooperatively breeding species.Offprint requests to: I. Rowley  相似文献   

Summary We investigated factors affecting annual mating success (MS) and reproductive success (RS) of spotted sandpipers (Actitis macularia) from 13 years of a 17-year study at Little Pelican Island, Leech Lake, Minnesota. Analyses were restricted to ages 1–3. Mean annual female MS varied from 1.3 to 2.7 mates, and the MS pattern was indistinguishable from random. However, female MS increased with age and was affected by arrival date, territory size, and beach size. Female RS also increased with age, and number of mates and year effects were the most significant explanatory variables in each age. Older female RS was increased by priority on a territory and presence of a previous mate. Territory size and beach size varied with population density and did not predictably affect RS. The strong year affect on RS was associated with annual variation in sex ratio and predation. Males produce only one successful clutch per year, so MS greater than one is a result of nest loss and does not increase RS. Neither male MS nor RS changed with age. Male reproductive failure rate varied by year. Given that a male produced young, the degree of RS was affected by year, arrival date, priority on a territory, territory size, and beach size. In years with early-season predation, late arrivals had higher RS; territory and beach size effects varied by year. Neither the presence, nor degree, of female care was associated with male RS. Male RS was more subject to annual environmental variability than was female RS, probably because of relatively low annual potential RS among males.Offprint requests to: L.W. Oring at the current address  相似文献   

Male reproductive success (RS) in polygamous species with minimal social systems is often determined by the number of mates. However, because male RS is translated through females, the number of offspring sired can also be influenced by female qualities. Empirically sufficient data to document how tradeoffs between mate number and quality influence male RS are seldom available for long-lived, iteroparous species. We combined long-term life history data (1983–2006) on the E. S. George Reserve (ESGR, MI, USA) with parentage data from 155 clutches of 59 female painted turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata) of varying reproductive frequencies (2003–2006) to determine the relative contribution of female numbers and qualities on male RS. One previously documented trait of female painted turtles that can have substantial influences on male RS is repeat paternity through the use of stored sperm to fertilize over 95 % of within-year clutches. In addition, our study found that second-clutch producing female painted turtles on the ESGR have higher among-year reproductive frequencies than do first-clutch only females. Multiple paternity was detected in 14.1 % of clutches (min-max?=?6.1–30.0 % annually), and the number of mates of both sexes was low annually (males 1.0; females 1.2) and over 4 years (males 1.1; females 1.7). Among successful males, RS varied substantially (1–32 offspring) and was strongly influenced by the combination of female reproductive frequency and repeat paternity (>38 % among years), but not mate number. Low mate number for both sexes was unexpected in a species without complex mating behaviors or parental care.  相似文献   

Summary Polyterritorial polygyny in passerine birds, i.e., when already-paired males attract females in secondary territories, has been explained by male deception. Secondary females are assumed to make a poor choice, because they lack information about males' pairing status. To date, the deception hypothesis has focused mainly on the hole-nesting pied flycatcher. In this study of polyterritorial wood warblers, an open-nesting species, secondary females did not differ in number of fledged young compared with females of monogamous males, and they fledged even more young than primary females. Nest predation influenced the allocation of paternal care. Almost half of the secondary females had exclusive male assistance because nests of primary females were preyed upon.  相似文献   

Summary In a population of American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla), we determined whether a relationship exists between seasonal reproductive success (RS) and a variety of male and female morphological and behavioral characters including plumage and male song. Adult males differ dramatically in plumage from yearling males and also exhibit variable amounts of black on their breast (bib size). Adult males were more successful than yearlings in terms of the number of eggs laid by their females. Among adult males, those with smaller bibs (less black) had females that laid more eggs, and produced more hatchlings and more fledglings. We found no evidence to indicate that this result was a consequence of territory quality. We examined a number of features of song but none alone was a predictor of RS; however, one song feature (rare repeat song) correlated with bib size. When bib size and rare repeat song were analyzed simultaneously, both were found to relate to RS. No female features were predictors of RS, but females arriving earlier at the breeding site mated with males with smaller bibs. The evidence is consistent with the view that plumage of redstarts may be used as a basis for female choice. Offprint requests to: R.E. Lemon  相似文献   

Summary In the redlip blenny Ophioblennius atlanticus, commonly found on Caribbean reefs, eggs are laid in a male's nest and are guarded by the male until they hatch as planktonic larvae. Male reproductive success, defined as the number of egg batches hatched per reproductive period, was positively correlated with male size and with the inner surface area of the male's nest. Male blennies often switch nests between reproductive periods. Most nest switching (83%) occurred following periods of low reproductive success. Moreover, a male having low reproductive success was more likely to switch if the inner surface area of his nest was small. Most nest switching (72–80%) was to a nest of larger surface area than the previous nest. In 72% of all switches, males had higher reproductive success in the period following the switch than in the one preceding it. The results suggest that male redlip blennies monitor their current reproductive success and the characteristics of their current nests, switch to better nests if their reproductive success is low, and typically benefit from the decision to do so. These capabilities have seldom been demonstrated in any phylum.  相似文献   

Summary During the pre-laying and laying stages of the breeding cycle, female sand martins are guarded by their mates and chased by other males seeking promiscuous copulations. Because females become exceptionally heavy when they are most likely to be fertile, their increased mass was thought to present cues during flight to males seeking promiscuous copulations. Heavy female sand martins released from the hand were selectively chased in sexual chases (Figs. 1, 2). Breeding females were heaviest during laying and pre-laying (Fig. 3), exceeding any masses normally achieved by breeding males (Fig. 3). A sample of naturally heavy females and birds whose mass had been experimentally increased to that of laying and prelaying females took longer to reach ascending flight, as determined by analysis of video recordings, than a sample of lighter birds (Table 1). It was concluded that this and other flight cues may be detected by males so that they may achieve extra-pair copulations and hence increase their reproductive success.  相似文献   

By removing males and controlling the rate of water flow past oviposition patches in an experimental area, we showed that female Calopteryx splendens xanthostoma preferred to oviposit in fast flowing water rather than slow flowing water. A series of manipulations revealed the fitness benefits to females for this preference: eggs placed in fast-flowing water developed significantly faster and showed significantly lower mortality than eggs placed in slow-flowing water. A major factor determining this difference was the deposition and growth of encrusting algae which prevented the successful hatching of eggs in slow-flowing water.  相似文献   

Evaluating the contribution of individual and environmental determinants of reproductive success is essential to improve our understanding of sexual selection. In socially monogamous bird species with high rates of extrapair paternity, traits or environmental contexts affecting the number of within-pair young (WPY) produced by males can differ from those affecting the number of extrapair young fathered (EPY). Here, we use a 4-year dataset collected in contrasted environments to assess the factors affecting male reproductive success in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), a species showing high levels of extrapair paternity. Our analyses revealed that the number of WPY was higher under better environmental conditions, while the number of EPY was mainly related to male characteristics. Males nesting in more intensive agricultural areas had fewer WPY produced and a lower reproductive success. Also, males breeding earlier in the season had more WPY. The presence of parasites reduced males’ reproductive success, mainly by reducing the number of EPY. The influence of male phenotype varied according to population density: Tarsus length variation had a greater effect on reproductive success at low population density than at high density, while wing length was also positively related to the number of EPY, more so at high than at low density. Altogether, our results suggest a complex interplay between individual and environmental determinants of reproductive success and imply that sexual selection dynamics varies depending on environmental contexts.  相似文献   

Summary Lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of male (N=103) and female (N= 66) spotted sandpipers (Actitis macularia) was studied for 13 years of a 17-year study at Little Pelican Island, Leech Lake, Minnesota. There was no sex difference in longevity, but females had significantly more mates, eggs, chicks, fledged young, and young returning in subsequent years than did males. Variance in LRS was partitioned into five life-history components: longevity (L), mates per year (M), eggs per mate (E), proportion eggs hatched (H), and proportion of chicks fledged (F). For both sexes, F accounted for the greatest proportion of variance in LRS (males, 43%; females, 47%), followed by L (males, 26%; females, 43%) and H (males, 21%; females, 28%). Positive covariance between H and F was consistent with predator-caused clutch and brood loss. Contrary to our expectations, males had a higher coefficient of variation in reproductive success than did females. This was because males were relatively more likely than females to produce no young.Offprint requests to: L.W. Oring at the current address  相似文献   

Summary Demographic data relating to herd size and stability are given for a population of Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra) under longterm observation. Temporal dispersion patterns of male and female offspring differed and were independent of the mother's status. Dispersion in females appeared to be related to physiological state, and dispersion in both sexes was related to age rather than changes in parental behaviour. Reproductive success of dominant and subordinate mares was equal and independent of age and social and reproductive variables. Fitness of dominant mares, however, was significantly higher than that of subordinates, the latter having a higher foal mortality, part of which could be attributable to dominants' aggression. The fitness of all males born was 1.6:1 compared with all females. Dominant mares produced significantly more daughters than sons. This trend was not found for subordinates. Mother's status was positively correlated with dominant status in her female offspring but not related to the subsequent status of her sons. Daughters had a more than twice as great a chance of breeding than sons. For maximum fitness gains, therefore, dominant mares should produce more daughters, since a high proportion of these would also have high status and fitness. This tendency is reflected in the sex ratio skewed towards females found for dominant mares.  相似文献   

Summary Acanthemblemaria crockeri exhibits a resource defense polygyny mating system with male parental care. Females preferred to mate with the larger of two males in laboratory experiments, and male size was positively correlated with the number of eggs defended by males at two sites in the Gulf of California, Baja California, Mexico. Females appeared to avoid mating with males defending heavily-fouled shelters. The role of other factors including the intensity of male courtship coloration and displays in determining male reproductive success was studied in Bahia San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico by providing glass vials as shelters. This provided a non-destructive technique for counting of eggs defended by males and allowed repeated assessment of the reproductive success of individual males. Males varied greatly in their duration of residency of shelters and in their color score and intensity of courtship displays. The number of eggs received by males was positively correlated with their duration of residency in shelters, and females appeared to avoid mating with new residents. Mated males deserted shelters less frequently and were more likely to receive future matings than were unmated males. The mean color score of males was unrelated to their reproductive success, while the intensity of male courtship displays was negatively correlated with the number of eggs received. This may have resulted because female mate choice is based on multiple criteria, including some that more accurately reflect the quality of parental care afforded by males.  相似文献   

Natural populations of the cosmopolitan polychaete species, Capitella capitata (Species Type I, Grassle and Grassle 1976) contain males, females and hermaphrodites. Hermaphroditic individuals arise through feminization of males when females are rare. The age-specific survivorships and fecundities of females and hermaphrodites were estimated. There were no significant differences between females and hermaphrodites in survivorship, number of offspring per brood, or percentage of aborted eggs per brood. Net reproductive rates were used to estimate fitness, and the relative fitness of a hermaphrodite as a female ranged from 0.09 to 0.31. The fitness differential was due to the difference in the number of broods that females and hermaphrodites produce. The effects of density, sex ratio, age and body size on the timing of the development of hermaphrodites in groups of siblings were also examined. Hermaphrodites appeared when females were rare or when densities were low. Hermaphrodites never developed in cohorts with larger males unless females were rare. These observations suggest that feminization of males occurs when some males are unable to gain access to females because of mate competition. Feminization does not appear to be correlated with a threshold in body size.  相似文献   

Understanding how population density influences mating systems may lead to important insights into the plasticity of breeding behavior, but few natural systems allow for such studies. Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) provide an interesting model system because they breed in colonies of varying densities. Previous studies have largely focused on a high-density site at Bird Island, South Georgia. Here, 13 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to conduct a genetic analysis of a low-density breeding colony of this species at Livingston Island, approximately 1,600 km south of South Georgia. The majority of adults seen ashore (n?=?54) were sampled together with every pup born (n?=?97) over four consecutive years. Paternities were confidently assigned for 34 out of the 97 pups. Two out of 23 sampled males accounted for the paternity of 28 % of all pups sampled during the study and 82 % of the pups with an assigned father. Moreover, a full likelihood pedigree inference method assigned a further eight paternities to a single unsampled male seal that is inferred to have held a territory during the season before the study began. The most successful males in our study easily surpassed the previous record for the total number of pups sired per male seal for the species. Furthermore, we identified two triads of full siblings implying that their parents remated in three consecutive years. These findings suggest that territorial male fur seals may achieve greater success in monopolizing access to breeding females when population density is relatively low.  相似文献   

Wild European rabbits of both sexes have separate linear rank orders, which are established and maintained by intensive fights. This paper presents data from a 14-year study (1987-2000) on the population physiology and behavioural ecology of wild rabbits living in a 22,000 m2 enclosure and focuses on the relationship between social rank and reproduction in females. Group composition, social ranks, fecundity and reproductive success were known for all females (n=197) from the outset of their first reproductive season at an age of about 300 days until their death. The annual reproductive success of females was influenced to a large extent by their social rank. This depended on two effects of about equal strength: a higher fecundity of high-ranking females and a lower mortality of their offspring between birth and adulthood. The lifetime reproductive success of the females varied greatly. Only about 50% of all females had any reproductive success (range: on to nine adult offspring). The social rank achieved by the females during their first reproductive season substantially influenced their lifetime reproductive success: The mean reproductive lifespan and lifetime fitness of high-ranking females (ranks 1 and 2) was about 60% greater than that of lower-ranking females, although many of the latter also gained dominant positions in subsequent years.  相似文献   

The growing molecular evidence that females of many species mate with several males calls for a critical reassessment of the selective forces which act to shape female mating tactics. In natural populations of the harlequin-beetle-riding pseudoscorpion, Cordylochernes scorpioides, females are polyandrous and typically produce mixed-paternity broods. Laboratory behavioral analyses and breeding experiments indicate that polyandry in this pseudoscorpion is an active strategy which increases female reproductive success. Females restricted to mating with a single male experienced a higher rate of embryo failure and produced significantly fewer offspring than either females mated to more than one male in the laboratory or females naturally inseminated in the field. Forced copulation, insufficient sperm from a single mating, male nutrient donations and variation in inherent male genetic quality cannot explain the greater number of nymphs hatched by polyandrous females in this study. Evidence suggests that, by mating with several males, C. scorpioides females may exploit postcopulatory mechanisms for reducing the risk and/or cost of embryo failure resulting from fertilization by genetically incompatible sperm. Received: 5 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

Male reproductive success in free-ranging feral horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the social organization of feral horses, adult males compete to monopolize groups or bands of females, sometimes called harems. Alternative male strategies are to remain alone or with other bachelors or, less commonly, to accept subordinate status within a harem. The hypothesis that dominant harem stallion status confers a reproductive advantage was tested in free-ranging feral horses. The presence of foals in harems headed by vasectomized (VSX) versus intact stallions was used to assess the ability of these stallions to control reproduction in their harems. Of harems headed by VSX stallions, 17 and 33% contained foals during years 2 and 3 post-treatment, respectively. In contrast, 86 and 80% of harems headed by non-VSX stallions contained foals in those years. Acquisition of pregnant mares appeared more likely than sneak copulations by bachelor stallions to account for foals in harems with a single stallion. However, most foals were born into harems that included a subordinate stallion, an occurrence that was undoubtedly exacerbated by the extended breeding season resulting from the sterility of the harem stallion. Thus, in comparing alternative reproductive tactics, bachelors appeared less successful than subordinate stallions within a harem. However, the highest reproductive success was achieved by the harem stallion, further demonstrating that alternative tactics are not equally profitable. Received: 13 July 1999 / Received in revised form: 24 July 1999 / Accepted: 24 July 1999  相似文献   

Ornamentation predicts reproductive success in female pipefish   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the sex-role reversed pipefish Syngnathus typhle females compete for access to males and males are choosy. Females develop a temporary ornament when competing over mates with other females and when performing nuptial dances with males. This ornament is an amplification of the normal striped pattern in these fishes. We here show experimentally that (1) the contrast of this normal pattern forecasts the extent to which the ornament is shown, (2) contrast and ornamentation honestly signal female quality (egg numbers), (3) contrast and ornamentation accurately predict female mating success, (4) contrast is a phenotypically plastic trait specifically exaggerated under situations of female – female competition, and (5) neither contrast nor ornament are energetically expensive to the females (i.e., they are independent of short-term nutritional status). Hence, as predicted in sex-role reversed species, ornament design is constrained by costs to female fecundity: an energetically demanding ornament would impair on a female's ability to produce eggs. The type of ornament described here is the expected one, costly for reasons other than being energetically expensive to produce. Received: 4 April 1996 / Accepted after revision: 27 October 1996  相似文献   

All other things being equal, the lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of iteroparous and semelparous individuals should scale with the number of breeding seasons. Deviations from this relationship may occur for many reasons, including age- or size-related fecundity or life history trade-offs, which may differ between sexes. We used 19 brood years of DNA parentage analysis in a small (N = 4–143 year−1) wild, unexploited population of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to compare the LRS of individuals that spawned only once [“one time spawners” (OTS), N = 355 male, 371 female] to those spawning twice [“repeat spawners” (RPS), N = 13 male, 49 female]. Female RPS had nearly twice the LRS of female OTS (1.17 offspring per female vs 0.91 offspring per female), whereas male RPS had nearly three times the LRS of male OTS (1.54 offspring per male vs 0.57 offspring per male). Female RPS produced slightly more adult offspring during their second breeding season than their first (0.78 vs 0.82 offspring per female); however, male RPS produced all of their adult offspring in their second breeding season (0 vs 1.54 offspring per male). The additional growth in body size of males between breeding seasons may give them an advantage in their second breeding season, but the lack of offspring produced in their first season suggests a trade-off between survival and future reproduction that was not expressed in females.  相似文献   

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