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Marine Synechococcus spp. are sufficiently abundant to make a significant contribution to primary productivity in the ocean. They are characterized by containing high cellular levels of phycoerythrin which is highly fluorescent in vivo. We sought (Jan.–Apr., 1984) to determine the adaptive photosynthetic features of two clonal types of Synechococcus spp., and to provide a reliable physiological basis for interpreting remote sensing data in terms of the biomass and productivity of this group in natural assemblages. It was found that the two major clonal types optimize growth and photosynthesis at low photon flux densities by increasing the numbers of photosynthetic units per cell and by decreasing photosynthetic unit size. The cells of clone WH 7803 exhibited dramatic photoinhibition of photosynthesis and reduction in growth rate at high photon flux densities, accompanied by a large and significant increase in phycoerythrin fluorescence. Maximal photosynthesis of cells grown under 10–50 E m-2 s-1 was reduced by 20 to 30% when the cells were exposed to photon flux densities greater than 150 E m-2 s-1. However, steady-state levels of photosynthesis maintained for brief periods under these conditions were higher than those of cells grown continuously at high photon flux densities. No photoinhibition occurred in clone WH 8018 and rates of photosynthesis were greater than in WH 7803. Yields of in-vivo phycoerythrin fluorescence under all growth photon flux densities were lower in clone WH 8018 compared to clone WH 7803. Since significant inverse correlations were obtained between phycoerythrin fluorescence and Pmax and for both clones grown in laboratory culture, it may be possible to provide a reliable means of assessing the physiological state, photosynthetic capacity and growth rate of Synechococcus spp. in natural assemblages by remote sensing of phycoerythrin fluorescence. Poor correlations between phycoerythrin fluorescene and pigment content indicate that phycoerythrin fluorescence may not accurately estimate Synechococcus spp. biomass based on pigment content alone.  相似文献   

Inorganic phosphate (Pi) uptake by the marine cyanophyte Synechococcus sp. NIBB 1071 was studied using cells grown in an artificial seawater medium. The phosphate uptake was markedly enhanced in cells grown in the medium of low phosphate concentrations (phosphate-limited cells) than in cells grown in the phosphate-rich medium (phosphate-replete cells). The diagnosis of kinetics of instantaneous phosphate-uptake showed that V max of the former was more than two orders of magnitude greater than that of the latter, and the k m of the former was about 1/20 of that of the latter. The enhancement of the phosphate uptake was completed after a 40-h incubation of phosphate-replete cells in the phosphate-free medium. The activation was suppressed by chloramphenicol, an inhibitor of protein synthesis. The uptake developed in phosphate-limited cells was energy dependent and susceptive to osmotic shock, which suggests the involvement of a periplasmic phosphate-binding protein, analogous to that found in heterotrophic gram-negative eubacterial cells. The relationship between phosphate quota and growth rate, together with the kinetical data for phosphate uptake, predicted that ambient phosphate as low as 0.5 nM could support cell growth at a rate of one division per day. Results indicate that cells can grow rapidly even at phosphate concentrations as low as nanomolar levels. A possible regulatory mechanism of phosphate uptake in marine Synechococcus spp. is discussed in relation to a wide distribution of this picophytoplankton in the ocean environment. Received: 19 March 1997 / Accepted: 2 April 1997  相似文献   

Ecological subdivision of marine organisms is often based on two characteristics: presence in a defined environment, and types of locomotion (degree of free active movement) in such an environment. The use of these characteristics results in a simple scheme: (1) Inhabitants of the boundary surface “ocean-atmosphere” (a zone including not only the surface film but also the thin subsurface water layer below it and the air layer just above it, i.e., pleuston and neuston). (2) Inhabitants of the deeper water layers of the ocean i.e., excluding the zone mentioned under (1): (a) passively drifting forms with very limited locomotory capacity, moving practically in the vertical plane only (plankton); (b) actively moving forms which migrate both vertically and horizontally (nekton). (3) Inhabitants of the “bottom”-benthos (level-bottom of oceans and coastal waters, tidal zones up to the upper supralittoral, different types of drifting and floating substrata, e.g. ship bottoms, harbour structures, buoys, driftwood, sargassum, whales, etc.). This simple scheme is essentially based on characteristics of adults. If developmental stages are considered, pelagic larvae of bottom invertebrates, eggs and larvae of fishes and other forms, usually present only temporarily in the plankton, neuston, and pleuston, can be distinguished as “mero-plankton”, “mero-neuston” and “mero-pleuston”, from the permanent “holo”-components of these groups. Division into “mero”-subgroups opposes all these larvae to those of planktonic, neustonic and pleustonic forms developing within the “parental” groups and their environments. However, the last category of larvae in the light of world-wide distribution of the seasonal reproductive pattern of marine invertebrates and some other organisms — especially in temperate and high latitudes — can also be rated to some degree as “mero”-(not “holo”-) components. The present paper proposes to unite all larvae of marine invertebrates (and of other organisms) undergoing pelagic development into one biological group, the “pelagic larvaton”. The main characteristic for all forms of this group is the presence of one and the same life-cycle stage in one and the same environment. All forms of the “pelagic larvaton” are, to various degrees, biologically different from their respective adult forms. Even the pelagic larvae of the holoplanktonic species exhibit some differences. Within the “pelagic larvaton”, 3 subgroups can be distinguished on the basis of their ecological peculiarities;
  1. Larvae undergoing their whole development in an environment different from that inhabited by their parents and belonging to a group different from that of their parental forms; e.g. the pelagic larvae of bottom invertebrates which develop in the plankton, neuston or pleuston.
  2. Larvae undergoing development in the same general pelagic environment, but in “non-parental” ecological groups; e.g. larvae of nektonic species developing in the plankton, neuston or pleuston; larvae of planktonic species in the neuston or pleuston; larvae of neustonic and pleustonic species in the plankton.
  3. Larvae undergoing development in the “parental” groups; e.g. larvae of planktonic species in the plankton, of neustonic species in the neuston, or of pleustonic species in the pleuston.
In contrast to the 5 ecological groups: benthos, plankton, nekton, neuston and pleuston, the “pelagic larvaton” represents rather a biological than an ecological group. The “pelagic larvaton” comprises the 5 ecological groups and maintains the permanent turnover of organic substances between water and bottom. This group short-circuits the interrelations between the 5 ecological groups in all possible combinations. The existence of the “pelagic larvaton” presents another illustration of the unity of the biological nature of the oceans. The present paper also discusses the specific distributional patterns of the pelagic larvae of bottom invertebrates and their biological role in the seas.  相似文献   

A survey of literature is given with respect to two problems: (1) resistance temperature adaptation in protozoans and multicellular animals at early stages of ontogenesis (cellular adaptations), and (2) changes in thermostability of somatic cells related to temperature adaptations of multicellular organisms. The following aspects are considered and discussed in detail: changes in resistance of protozoans to cold and heat, their causes and genetic controls; possible mechanisms of changes in thermostability of gametes, zygotes and multicellular organisms at oligolcellular stages of development; mechanisms of heat injury to cells; types of changes in heat-resistance of somatic cells from multi-cellular animals during individual life and during phylogenesis. The object of the review is to emphasize those aspects of temperature resistance adaptation of animals which have scarcely been investigated.  相似文献   

A method for measuring volatile fatty acids using ion-exclusion chromatography is presented. The system was found to be applicable to samples with high salt concentrations (e.g. seawater and marine pore water) when coupled with a vacuum distillation procedure. The method is straightforward, with no sample preconcentration and no introduction of external contamination. Calibration was found to be linear, with good reproducibility (coefficient of variation normally less than 5%) and the system was sufficiently sensitive to operate at the sub-ppm level (minimum detection limit for acetate and propionate was approximately 0.02 and 0.05 ppm, respectively). This technique was used to investigate the distribution of volatile fatty acids with sediment depth at Station E70 in Loch Eil, Scotland (sample was collected in March, 1983) and the results were in good agreement with recent publications. Although the system, at present, is limited in marine pore water to acetate and propionate, it has certain advantages over alternative systems and these are described.  相似文献   

O. Giere 《Marine Biology》1975,31(2):139-156
Data on abundance, biomass and biovolume demonstrate the significant ecological role of oligochaetes in the littoral marine benthos. Their numerical and productive importance is comparable to that of many other common meio-and macrofauna groups from various littoral areas. Oligochaetes often exhibit nutritional specialization (e.g. bacteria or diatoms attached to detritus or sand grains). Consequently, food supply can control their population structure and distribution. Few oligochaetes are, apparently, consumed by predators. Hence, only a small portion of their biomass is transferred to higher trophic levels, while the main part is decomposed directly. Most oligochaetes seem to represent final links of rather short food chains. Ecologically, marine oligochaetes attain major importance only in littoral areas.This investigation was supported by the Sonderforschungsbereich 94 (Meeresforschung) at the University of Hamburg.  相似文献   

J. D. Dodge 《Marine Biology》1977,40(4):327-336
The south-western quarter of the North Sea (between the Wash and the River Tyne) has been investigated for the presence of dinoflagellates. Extensive net surveys were carried out in March, May and June 1971 and a number of other collections were made in the area. North of Flamborough Head, the spring bloom of diatoms was succeeded by a considerable growth of dinoflagellates, of which Dinophysis norvegica was the most abundant organism. Maximum counts of over 28 million dinoflagellates per m3 were recorded. Distribution charts are given for the most common species. A total of 61 species was found during the course of the survey.  相似文献   

This study evaluated models of species relationships among sinistral whelks in the genus Busycon in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Gene frequencies at eight polymorphic allozyme loci, shell morphology, anatomy, and partial DNA sequences for the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial gene were examined in eight populations, ranging from New Jersey to the Yucatan peninsula, and from the dextrally coiled sister taxon Busycon carica (Gmelin, 1791). Whelks were collected in 1997 and 1998. The maximum COI sequence divergence recorded among 32 sinistral individuals was 1.96%, which together with the absence of any gross or qualitative morphological differences, suggested all eight populations should be considered conspecific. High levels of divergence between the allopatric western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico populations, as revealed by fixed or nearly fixed differences at several allozyme-encoding loci were interpreted as evidence that the east Florida ecotone constitutes a significant barrier to gene flow. Size trimming also revealed several significant quantitative differences in shell and radular morphology between the three pooled Atlantic populations and five pooled Gulf populations. The Yucatan sample was the most distinctive conchologically, with heavy spines and tumid ridges, possibly related to stone crab predation. Based on the evidence all left-handed whelks of North America should be referred to the oldest available nomen, Busycon perversum (Linné, 1758), with three subspecies, B. perversum perversum along the Yucatan peninsula, B. perversum sinistrum (Hollister, 1958) in the northern and eastern Gulf of Mexico, and B. perversum laeostomum (Kent, 1982) in the Atlantic.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

邓雄 《生态环境》2010,19(5):1170-1175
研究了华南地区外来入侵种薇甘菊Mikania micrantha H B Kunth不同光环境下形态和生理可塑性及其适应性响应。通过模拟开阔地段、林缘、大林窗、小林窗、林下等不同生境的的光照环境,并设计一个干扰实验,分析了薇甘菊的生长、碳同化以及生物量分配如何对光环境作出适应性响应。研究了当干扰发生时,薇甘菊如何对光环境的变化做出形态和生理可塑性响应。通过对其各项生物量分配及气体交换等指标的观测,在小林窗光照环境下薇甘菊生长缓慢生物量积累较少,但是如果一旦受到干扰,光照环境得到改善,薇甘菊将在很短的时间内通过适应性形态和生理可塑性响应,迅速体现出较强的入侵性。这也可能是入侵植物薇甘菊"坐待对策(sit and wait strategy)"的生动体现:如果外界环境不利,暂且先保持繁殖体(种子或者根茎),一旦条件成熟(发生干扰条件得到改善或者遗传变异或者生态生理的积累),就会迅速爆发。所以我们一方面,不用担心郁闭的森林会被薇甘菊入侵,但另一方面也要注意干扰会引起光照等环境条件的改变,使得原来潜伏于林下的薇甘菊繁殖体重新变得富有入侵性。  相似文献   

An intensive study of the spatial distribution ofNereis virens (Sars) andNephtys caeca (Fabricius) was conducted during the spring and autumn of 1986 in the lower St. Lawrence estuary. Statistical analysis showed that spatial variations in density, individual body weight and sexual maturity, particularly in the case ofNereis virens, are correlated with the intertidal level, with certain sediment characteristics, and with the thickness of the colonizable sediment layer. The density ofN. virens increases in an offshore-onshore direction, whereas that ofNephtys caeca decreases in the same direction. For both species, mean body weight increases downshore from the upper intertidal level. Other specific relationships exist in relation to sediment characteristics. Sexually matureNereis virens are found only at the lower intertidal level; sexual maturity inNephtys caeca was not studied. There were no changes in spatial distribution patterns between spring and autumn. The spatial distribution ofNereis virens parallels depth contours and may reflect its ability to inhabit environments which become more physically unstable in an offshore-onshore direction. This spatial distribution is consistent with a model whereby larvae are recruited in the upper intertidal zone and juveniles migrate downshore.  相似文献   

Newly molted (0-d-old) cyprids of the barnacleBalanus amphitrite Darwin were prevented from settling for 0 to 14 d at four different temperatures (25, 20, 15 and 5°C treatments). The effect on settlement success of prolonging the cyprid lifetime was evaluated using a nitrilocellulose membrane assay. In addition, protein extract prepared from these cyprids was analyzed using gel electrophoresis to characterize the effect of age on protein content and composition. Settlement success was significantly affected for larvae aged at 25 (P < 0.001), 20 (P < 0.001) and 15°C (P < 0.05), while differences in settlement success between age groups was negligible at 5°C (P = 0.09). Settlement success of cyprids increased with time for up to 3 d (P < 0.001, Phase 1), following which settlement success significantly declined (P < 0.001, Phase 11). Temperature had no significant effect on settlement in Phase I (P = 0.17), but did enhance the decline in settlement success with age during Phase II (P < 0.001). Gel electrophoresis revealed a significant decline in the quantity of the cyprid storage protein CMP (Cyprid Major Protein) with increasing age at 25, 20 and 15°C, but CMP levels remained constant at 5°C. These results suggest that, upon molting to the cyprid stage, larvae may still require a settlement-competence attainment period. This may be achieved by CMP utilization during Phase I, depletion of which during Phase II may be responsible for reduction in settlement success with cyprid age such that remaining CMP stores can no longer support the production of adult structures following settlement.  相似文献   

Calcification in Corallina pilulifera Postels et Ruprecht displayed diurnal variations in aerated (350 ppm CO2) culture media, with faster rates during the light than during the dark period. Addition of CO2 (air+1250 ppm) inhibited calcification. This was attributable to the decreased pH resulting from CO2 addition. Both photosynthesis and calcification were enhanced in seawater, with elevated dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations at a constant pH of 8.2.  相似文献   

I. Novaczek 《Marine Biology》1984,80(3):263-272
Gametophytes of Ecklonia radiata (C.Ag.)J.Ag. grew in culture at 15°C under daily quantum doses ranging from 0.86 to 360 cE m-2. Growth rates increased with quantum doses up to 40 cE m-2 d-1, then reproduction began and the relative growth constant declined while ovum release came earlier with increasing light up to about 100 cE m-2 d-1. Above 100 cE m-2 d-1 there were no consistent trends with increasing light, except that at the higher quantum doses, fertile female plants had fewer and larger cells and therefore fewer potential ova. Reproduction varied with daily quantum dose rather than with daylength. Given the same daily dose, plants grew fastest in low photon flux density, long daylength conditions. Gametophytes grown in the field developed at similar rates to those in culture. Gametophytes survived seven months of darkness at 10°C but died after one week of darkness at 20° to 23°C. Sunlight of 1 000 E m-2 s-1 was fatal to gametophytes and to sporophytes under 2 mm long after 10 to 15 min. Light budgets were prepared for plants growing at 7-and 15-m depths from 1976 to May 1980 in Goat Island Bay, New Zealand (Lat.36° 16S, Long. 174° 48E). Underwater light was measured under various environmental conditions. Relationships between transmission of light through the sea, data from diving visibility records and continuous surface meteorological records were studied. Approximations were made of the average percentage of surface light transmitted to 7 and 15 m over half-monthly periods. By applying these average transmittance values to the records of surface incident light, the average daily quantum doses were calculated. Light on open bottom in Goat Island Bay may sometimes be limiting for gametophyte reproduction in winter at 15-m depth. At depths less than 7 m, summer photon flux densities may reach damaging levels.  相似文献   

Metabolites viz. phenol, hippuric acid and total trichloro compounds of benzene, toluene and trichloroethylene respectively were estimated in the urine samples of male and female rats after exposure for a period of 30 days. The results exhibited higher metabolism in female rats than the male rats. Their metabolism might be regulated by cytochrome P450 isozymes in a gender specific manner. However, sex differences in the activity of glutathione-S-transferases of the liver have also been found to determine their toxicity. Results have been discussed with quantitative profiles of other enzymes established in the liver of male and female rats.  相似文献   

The pleopod ventilatory activity of the tube-dwelling amphipods Corophium volutator (Pallas) and C. arenarium Crawford is intermittent. Unlike the free-living amphipod Marinogammarus obtusatus (Dahl), which increases its rate of pleopod beating, the pleopod beat rate of both Corophium species is unaffected by low oxygen concentrations. However, the nature of the intermittent ventilation rhythm is altered so that, at low oxygen concentrations, the pleopods of Corophium beat almost continuously. It is suggested that the intermittent ventilation of Corophium can be interpreted as an adaptation to a tubicolous existence. The peracaridean Tanais chevreuxi Dollfus has 2 independent ventilatory systems, the maxilliped epipodites and the pleopods. The former, which respond to low oxygen concentrations, are thought to be the principal respiratory organs of T. chevreuxi, while the pleopods, which show no response to low oxygen tensions, are believed to be primarily concerned in filter feeding.  相似文献   

Courtship and mating occur in Squilla holoschista in the following sequences: (1) antennule contact, (2) spreading of raptorial meri by the male, (3) male moving over the female, (4) grasping by the male, (5) erection of intromittent organ and thrusting movements by the male, (6) release of the male by the female. In the laboratory such a mating process is found to occur repeatedly. S. holoschista possesses a well defined male accessory gland with a separate duct leading into an intromittent organ. An acrylamide gel electrophoretic investigation on the blood of mated and unmated females indicates the appearance of new proteins in the blood of the mated female; interestingly the protein pattern of the ovary in the mated and unmated female has also shown augmentation of additional protein fractions after mating, suggesting that there may be a translocation of some of the proteins of the accessory gland secretion into the ovary. Injections of the accessory gland extracts into the unmated female have adduced further evidence. Multiple inseminations observed in the present study may be necessary for concentrating the accessory gland proteins entering the ovary.  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical distributions of adult mesopelagic fishes are described from acoustic and trawl surveys over the full-depth of 500 m at 169 stations on a longitudinal transect crossing the Humboldt Current (03°45′S, 81°76′W and 18°23′S, 71°13′W) at 50–200 nautical miles off Peru during austral spring (October–November) of 2001, 2002 and 2003. A total of 2,952 kg of fishes was collected, which included 13 families, 23 genera and 28 species. The mesopelagic community is dominated by the families Phosichthyidae (Vinciguerria lucetia), Myctophidae (Diogenichthys laternatus and Lampanyctus idostigma) and Bathylagidae (Leuroglossus urotranus), accounting for 60.4, 12.8 and 3.7%, respectively, of the total catch. Based on horizontal distribution patterns these species were categorized into three groups, i.e. northern-central upwelling front group (L. urotranus, Nemichthys fronto and Scopelarchoides nicholsi), Southern upwelling front group (Hygophum reinhardti, Myctophum nitidulum, Paralepis sp and Scopeloberyx sp.) and pan-Humboldt Current group (V. lucetia, D. laternatus, L. (Nannobrachium) idostigma, L. omostigma, M. aurolaternatum, Triphoturus oculeus, Bathylagus (Melanolagus) berycoides, Leuroglossus stilbius, Argyropelecus affinis, Sternoptyx obscura, Melamphaes sp., Stomias sp. and Scopelosaurus sp.). Nighttime vertical distribution was characterized by a single abundance peak in the upper 50 m. Daytime patterns showed three peaks of abundance: an upper peak, in the upper 100 m, a midwater peak between 200 and 400 m, coinciding with an oxygen minimum zone, and a deeper peak between 400 and 500 m. V. lucetia was dominant in the upper and midwater peaks while myctophids, other planctivorous and piscivorous fishes were distributed in the midwater. Acoustic back-scattered energy (S a) was ubiquitous in the region. Maximum S a was mainly located between 11° and 18°S during day and night. V. lucetia is a significant component of the sound-scattering layers in the Humboldt Current Region off Peru.  相似文献   

The present study is a comprehensive comparison of the biochemical composition (protein, lipid, glycogen and cholesterol contents, and amino acid and fatty acid profiles) of 14 species of cephalopods with different life strategies (benthic, nektobenthic, benthopelagic and pelagic) in distinct habitats (neritic, demersal, oceanic and deep sea), with special emphasis placed on a male Architeuthis sp. The giant squid showed a significantly lower protein and total amino acid content in the gonad and digestive gland. The major essential amino acids were leucine, lysine and arginine. The major non-essential amino acids were glutamic acid, aspartic acid and proline. The benthopelagic cirrate octopus Opisthoteuthis sp. showed a lower content of these nitrogen compounds in the muscle. In respect to lipid and fatty acid contents, the giant squid showed the highest values in the gonad and digestive gland and the lowest in the muscle. Most of saturated fatty acid content was presented as 16:0; monounsaturated fatty acid content, as 18:1 and 20:1; and polyunsaturated fatty acid content, as 20:4n-6, 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3. The highest cholesterol content in the gonad was detected in Opisthoteuthis sp. and Architeuthis sp.; in the digestive gland. in Todarodes sagittatus; and in the muscle, in Sepia elegans. The highest glycogen value in the gonad was detected in Octopus vulgaris; in the digestive gland and muscle, the highest values were attained in Opisthoteuthis sp. The relationships between life strategies and biochemical composition were investigated and principal component analysis (PCA) was performed. The different cephalopod life strategies could be well separated on the basis of the first two principal components. The nektobenthic and pelagic strategies were clearly separated from the benthic, suggesting that these groups of species are characterized by lower lipid content and higher protein content in the gonad. A rather similar life-strategy distinction was obtained for the digestive gland. The benthopelagic strategy was also well separated from benthic and pelagic strategies and from Architeuthis sp. In the muscle, the results indicated lower nitrogen and carbon compound contents in Architeuthis sp. and Opisthoteuthis sp. The environmental conditions that possibly explain the Architeuthis sp. stranding, the relationships between biochemical compositions and the life strategies of the different cephalopod species studied are discussed.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

The physiological condition, determined as the ammonia excretion rate (V NH 4 + ), total lipid level and lipid class composition, of two deposit-feeding benthic amphipods, Monoporeia (=Pontoporeia) affinis and Pontoporeia femorata, was studied from 12 opensea stations in the northern Baltic Sea between 24 May and 11 June 1993. The M. affinis populations can be geographically grouped according to their physiological condition: (1) eastern Gulf of Finland, with moderate lipid level (mean 24.4% of dry wt) and high V NH 4 + (45.2 mol NH 4 + g-1 dry wt d-1); (2) Bothnian Sea, wigh high lipid level (34.5%) and low V NH 4 + (24.6 mol NH 4 + g-1 dry wt d-1); and (3) Bothnian Bay, with low lipid level (15.2%) and high V NH 4 + (44.3 mol NH 4 + dry wt d-1). A similar pattern could be observed also in the level of triacylglycerols and the neutral-to-polar lipid ratio. P. femorata, the dominating species in the western Gulf of Finland, showed variable station-specific excretion rates (22.3 to 43.0 mol NH 4 + g-1 dry wt d-1) and lipid levels (23.4 to 30.4%). The spatial variability in the weight-specific V NH 4 + of M. affinis could not be explained by the differences in the size of individuals, lipid level or lipid class composition; this emphasizes the significance of the effects of spatially differing nutritional conditions, which manifest themselves as different modes of metabolic energy production and different intensities of energy storage. In addition, the potential contribution of the amphipod populations to benthic nitrogen mineralization was estimated; in May to June, the NH 4 + release of different populations ranged from 12 to 237 mol NH 4 + m-2d-1. In general, populations with high abundance and/or biomass release the greatest amounts of NH 4 + , but the values are modified by the physiological condition of the individuals.  相似文献   

Marine copepods commonly exhibit vertical movements in the water column over the diel cycle, termed diel vertical migration (DVM), with the most common pattern being an ascent in the water column to minimum depth around sunset and descent to maximum depth around sunrise. The present study characterized the DVM pattern of the pontellid copepod Calanopia americana Dahl in the Newport River estuary (North Carolina, USA, in July 2003). The estuary is shallow and well-mixed, and the study site (34°43N; 76°40W), 1.5 km inside the estuary entrance, is unusual in lying within a gyre where tidal currents are always in the seaward direction. Changes in C. americana vertical abundance were related to spectrally relevant changes in light throughout the diel cycle. Simultaneous measurements of light and zooplankton abundance near the surface (0.5 m depth) and near the bottom (0.5 m above bottom) were made over one 4-h period and two 3-day periods during different phases of the tide. These observations suggest that C. americana undertook twilight DVM in the Newport River estuary; an ascent to the surface occurred at sunset, followed by a descent to near the bottom around midnight, with a second ascent to the surface and then descent to near bottom at sunrise. DVM in C. americana was independent of the tidal cycle, with the initial ascent in the water column at sunset possibly associated with relative rates of irradiance change. Copepod vertical movements were consistent with a night-active endogenous rhythm, and appeared independent of the abundance of predatory chaetognaths, Sagitta spp. In DVM studies with migrators like C. americana that are broadly sensitive to visible wavelengths of light, measuring photosynthetically active radiation may be a reasonable alternative to measuring light in a spectrally relevant photometric unit.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-005-1569-x.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

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