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A pilot-scale trial of four months was conducted to investigate the responses of heavy metal and nutrient to composting animal manure spiked with mushroom residues with and without earthworms. Results showed that earthworm activities accelerated organic matter mineralization (e.g. reduction in C/N ratio, increase in total concentrations of N, P, K) and humification (e.g. increase in humic acid concentration, humification ratio and humification index). Despite composting increased total heavy metal (i.e. As, Pb, Cu, Zn) concentrations irrespective of earthworm, the availability of heavy metals extracted by DTPA significantly (P < 0.05) decreased particularly in treatments with earthworms introduced. The shift from available to unavailable fractions of heavy metals was either due to earthworm bioaccumulation, as indicated by total heavy metal concentrations being higher in earthworm tissues, or due to the formation of stable metal-humus complexes as indicated by the promotion of humification. Our results suggest that vermicomposting process could magnify the nutrient quality but relieve the heavy metals risk of agricultural organic wastes.  相似文献   

Metal containing wastes like MSWI fly ashes and blast furnace sludge form a major environmental problem as they are polluted with heavy metals. The ash has to be landfilled or can be used as a construction material, but a pretreatment is in general necessary. Washing of the ashes with water in order to dissolve soluble salts or extracting the heavy metals with chemicals are possibilities. Blast furnace sludge contains large quantities of iron and carbon and could be recycled in the blast furnace, if the zinc content were not that high. Using a hydrometallurgical process the zinc can be removed from the sludge particles. In order to evaluate such treatment methods knowledge of the leaching behaviour of the studied material is very important. One of the factors influencing the leaching behaviour is the composition and mineralogy of the solids. A sequential extraction procedure, whereby the material is sequentially leached with different leaching solutions, can be used as an aid to characterize the material and to determine which chemical conditions are needed to obtain a sufficient extraction efficiency. To verify the accuracy of the sequential extraction procedure, a method is tested on MSWI fly ash and evaluated by comparing the results with those of leaching experiments whereby the final pH of the leaching solutions is varied over a wide range. Based upon this evaluation some suggestions for the use of the sequential extraction procedure are made and an adapted procedure is suggested, and applied to a blast furnace sludge.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate a variety of maturity indices and heavy metal concentrations in the composting process. A full-scale study was performed on animal manures (dairy:beef:swine = 50%:30%:20%, w/w) mixed with sawdust using a self-screwed turner over a time period of 63 days. Several chemical compost characteristics and germination indices were monitored on samples collected weekly at a prototype composting facility. NH(4)-N concentrations decreased during the composting time, on the contrary NO(3)-N concentrations increased sharply after 30 days. As composting proceeded, the humic acids content increased from 1.45% to 2.70% of the organic carbon content, whereas the fulvic acids content decreased gradually. Temperature in the compost pile and concentration of NH(3) averaged 32.4 degrees C and 12.9 ppm at the initial composting phase and 69.5 degrees C and 47.3 ppm at the active bio-oxidation composting phase, respectively. Seed germination and germination index (GI) increased during the composting process, and the compost samples at the end of composting phase had GI values greater than 120. Among the composting processes, there were significant differences (p<0.05) in concentration of Zn, Cu and Pb in the compost. In conclusion, the suggested maturity parameter values and metal concentrations of composted animal manures can provide better understanding of maturation process of animal manure compost.  相似文献   

Heavy metal removal from contaminated sludge for land application: a review   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
In recent years, various methods for heavy metal removal from sewage sludge have been extensively studied in order to minimize the prospective health risks of sludge during land application. In this paper, a comparative review and critical analysis of the application of chemical extraction, bioleaching, electroreclamation, and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), in removing heavy metals from contaminated sludges is presented. Moreover, speciation studies, which can indicate ease of leachability of the different forms of heavy metals in sludge, are also presented. Experimental studies revealed a broad range in metal extraction efficiencies of the different extraction technologies. Acid treatment seemed to effectively remove Cd, attaining as much as 100% removal for some studies, as compared to bioleaching. SFE also gave higher removal efficiency than bioleaching. Cr, Pb and Ni seemed to be also effectively removed by the acid treatment. For the removal of Cu, Mn and Zn, the bioleaching process seemed to be appropriate with maximum removal efficiencies of 91%, 93% and 96% for the three metals, respectively, and as high as 64% minimum removal efficiency for Zn. The SFE process also gave good results for Cu, Mn and Zn removal. Electroreclamation exhibited better removal efficiency for Mn, but is still inferior to acid treatment and bioleaching processes. For chemical extraction, because of the adverse impacts that can result from the use of inorganic acids and complexing agents, interest can be directed more toward utilizing organic acids as extracting agents because of their biodegradability and capability to remove metals at mildly acidic condition, hence requiring less acid. The bioleaching process, although it seems to give a higher yield of metal extraction with lower chemical cost than chemical extraction, may be limited by the inability of the system to cope with the natural environmental conditions, requires strict monitoring of aeration rate and temperature and has applicability to only low sludge solids concentration. A full-scale study would be useful to better assess the efficiency of the process. The electroreclamation technology is limited by its relatively higher energy consumption and limited applicability to sludge. The SFE method, on the other hand, is limited by the complexity of the process and the cost of ligands suitable for effective metal extraction. Both of these technologies are still in their early stage of application and hence there is a need for further basic and applied studies. Finally, the common advantage for almost all treatment technologies studied is that the extraction efficiencies for some metals are high enough to remove metals from sludge to levels suitable for land application.  相似文献   

Most ashes contain a significant amount of heavy metals and when released from disposed or used ash materials, they can form a major environmental concern for underground waters. The use of water extracts to assess the easily mobilisable content of heavy metals may not provide an appropriate measure. This study describes the patterns of heavy metal release from ash materials in context with results from the German standard extraction method DIN-S4 (DIN 38 414 S4). Samples of four different ashes (municipal solid waste incineration ash, wood ash, brown coal ash and hard coal ash) were subjected to a number of serial batch tests with liquid renewal, some of which involved the addition of acid to neutralize carbonates and oxides. Release of heavy metals showed different patterns depending on the element, the type of material, the method of extraction and the type of the extractant used. Only a small fraction of the total heavy metal contents occurred as water soluble salts; of special significance was the amount of Cr released from the wood ash. The reaction time (1, 24 or 72 h between each extraction step with water) had only a small effect on the release of heavy metals. However, the release of most of the heavy metals was governed by the dissolution processes following proton inputs, indicating that pH-dependent tests such as CEN TC 292 or others are required to estimate long-term effects of heavy metal releases from ashes. Based on the chemical characteristics of ash materials in terms of their form and solubility of heavy metals, recommendations were made on the disposal or use of the four ash materials.  相似文献   

Residues reclaimed from a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill were characterized for the concentrations of a number of heavy metals. The residue fractions analyzed included a fine fraction (<0.425 mm), an intermediate fraction (>0.425 and <6.3 mm) and a fraction consisting of paper products that could ultimately degrade to a smaller size. The intermediate fraction appeared to be organic in nature, while the fine fraction was more soil-like. In general, the metal concentrations were greatest in the intermediate fraction and lowest in the fine fraction. The effect of sample age on the elemental content was also investigated. The concentrations of several elements were greater in older samples (sample approximately 8 years in age) when compared to newer samples (sample approximately 3 years in age). Limitations associated with the land application of residual soil (composed of the fine and intermediate fractions) were assessed by comparing measured concentrations to regulatory threshold values. In general, most metal concentrations were below regulatory thresholds for use in unrestricted settings. At the concentrations measured, however, several elements might limit reuse options, depending on which regulatory threshold serves as a benchmark. Elevated concentrations of arsenic presented the greatest limitation with respect to common US thresholds while elevated cadmium concentrations presented the greatest limitation when compared to UK thresholds. The source of the arsenic was determined to be the waste, not the cover soil.  相似文献   

Five different fractions of the biodegradable municipal solid waste (BMSW) were evaluated as potential animal feedstuffs. For each source of waste (meat waste (MW), fish waste (FW), fruit and vegetables waste (FVW), restaurant waste (RW), household waste (HW)), samples were obtained from small shops (butchers, fishmongers, fruit and vegetable shops), restaurants and a MSW treatment plant (household waste). The chemical composition, microbiological characterization, dioxins, furans, PCB's and mineral content were determined for every type of waste fraction. The analysed biodegradable waste presented high moisture content (from 60% to 90%). Some fractions were dense in one nutrient: meat waste in ether extract, fish waste in crude protein, fruit and vegetable waste in nitrogen free extract. The other studied fractions (restaurant fraction and household fraction) presented a more balanced composition, but the presence of toxic concentrations of contaminants such as metals was higher than European legislation permitted values in animal feeding. From a microbiological standpoint, a heat treatment at 65 degrees C for 20 min was sufficient to ensure microbiological quality of the samples. This treatment was also advisable to reduce the moisture content: a lower moisture content facilitates the waste handling and processing and, therefore, the inclusion of these waste fractions in commercial animal diets. This paper presents a potential alternative for the recovery of organic matter content in municipal solid waste. The results obtained in this research and the feedstuffs legislation in force related to animal feed, indicated that some of the studied biodegradable waste fractions (meat waste, fruit and vegetable waste and fish waste) could be considered as alternatives to typical raw materials used in animal feeds.  相似文献   

A five-stage sequential extraction procedure was used to determine the distribution of 11 metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, As, Co, V, Ni, Ba), and sulphur (S) in bottom ash and in fly ash from a fluidized bed co-combustion (i.e. wood and peat) boiler of Stora Enso Oyj Oulu Mill at Oulu, Northern Finland, into the following fractions: (1) water-soluble fraction (H2O); (2) exchangeable fraction (CH3COOH); (3) easily reduced fraction (NH2OH-HCl); (4) oxidizable fraction (H2O2 + CH3COONH4); and (5) residual fraction (HF + HNO3 + HCl). Although metals were extractable in all fractions, the highest concentrations of most of the metals occurred in the residual fraction. From the environmental point of view, this fraction is the non-mobile fraction and is potentially the least harmful. The Ca concentrations of 29.3 g kg(-1) (dry weight) in bottom ash and of 68.5 g kg(-1) (dry weight) in fly ash were correspondingly approximately 18 and 43 times higher than the average value of 1.6 g kg(-1) (dry weight) in arable land in Central Finland. The ashes were strongly alkaline pH (approximately 12) and had a liming effects of 9.3% (bottom ash) and 13% (fly ash) expressed as Ca equivalents (dry weight). The elevated Ca concentrations indicate that the ashes are potential agents for soil remediation and for improving soil fertility. The pH and liming effect values indicate that the ashes also have a pH buffering capacity. From the environmental point of view, it is notable that the heavy metal concentrations in both types of ash were lower than the Finnish criteria for ash utilization.  相似文献   

In this experimental study, the biogas digestate from mesophilic batch anaerobic co-digestion of poultry manure and an agricultural residue, sunflower hulls, was characterized, particularly in terms of heavy metal content, in order to evaluate whether the biogas digestate was suitable for land applications. Ni, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr, Cd, and Hg were detected in the biogas digestate in each trial, however, their concentrations were always lower than the limit values stated in Turkish regulations. The main source of heavy metals in the biogas digestate seemed to be the poultry manure, not the agricultural residue. The commercial feedstuffs that are frequently supplemented with various essential elements to promote optimum nutrient supply and optimum growth rates may have contributed to heavy metals presence in the biogas digestate. The results indicated that the biogas digestate from anaerobic co-digestion of manure and agricultural residue could be utilized as fertilizer in agricultural applications.  相似文献   

In this study, an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) was operated with leachate from Brady Road Municipal Landfill in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Leachate was collected twice from the same cell at the landfill, during the first and 70th day of the study, and then fed into the ASBR. The ASBR was seeded at the start-up with biosolids from the anaerobic digester from Winnipeg’s North End Water Pollution Control Center (NEWPCC). Due to the higher COD and VFA removal rates measured with the second batch of leachate, an increase of approximately 0.3 pH units was observed during each cycle (from pH 7.2 to 7.5). In addition, CO2 was produced between cycles at constant temperature where a fraction of the CO2 became dissolved, shifting the CO2/bicarbonate/carbonate equilibrium. Concurrent with the increase in pH and carbonate, an accumulation of fixed suspend solids (FSS) was observed within the ASBR, indicating a buildup of inorganic material over time. From it, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were measured within the reactor on day 140, indicating that most of the dissolved Ca2+ was removed within cycles. There is precedence from past researches of clogging in leachate-collection systems (Rowe et al., 2004) that changes in pH and carbonate content combined with high concentrations of metals such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ result in carbonate mineral precipitants. A parallel study investigated this observation, indicating that leachate with high concentration of Ca2+ under CO2 saturation conditions can precipitate out CaCO3 at the pH values obtained between digestion cycles. These studies presented show that methanogenesis of leachate impacts the removal of organic (COD, VFA) as well as inorganic (FSS, Ca2+) clog constituents from the leachate, that otherwise will accumulate inside of the recirculation pipe in bioreactor landfills. In addition, a robust methanogenesis of leachate was achieved, averaging rates of 0.35 L CH4 produced/g COD removed which is similar to the theoretical removal of 0.4 L CH4/g COD. Therefore, using methanogenesis of leachate prior to recirculation in bioreactor landfills will help to (1) control clog formation within leachate pipes and (2) produce an important additional source of energy on-site.  相似文献   

Chemical stabilization of heavy metals in medical waste fly ash has been carried out using the following compounds: a chelating agent (Ashnite S803), a commercial acidic phosphoric acid solution (Ashnite R303) as well as basic one (Ashnite R201). In order to predict the leachability of heavy metals, Japanese Leaching Test (JLT-13) procedure was applied to the stabilized fly ash products. An ecotoxicity assessment of the stabilized fly ash products leachate and the unstabilized fly ash leachate was conducted using a battery of bioassays based on lettuce root elongation inhibition, Daphnia magna mortality and Vibrio fischeri photoinhibition. The results showed that the three stabilizing agents were able to significantly decrease (ANOVA, P < 0.05) the concentration of heavy metals in the leachates. Although the leachate from both stabilized and unstabilized fly ash were very toxic to lettuce and daphnids, the incorporation of these stabilizing agents diminished significantly (ANOVA, P < 0.05) the toxicity of the leachates towards the three tested organisms. Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the strength of the relationship between chemical elements concentration in the leachate and bioassays results. Most of the heavy metals in the leachate were significantly correlated (ANOVA, P < 0.05) with the toxicity values of the bioassays. However, the correlation was not found between the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the toxicity effect of the leachate to the tested organisms.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - While society struggles to meet increasing food demand and mitigate food security challenges, approximately one-third of the food produced globally...  相似文献   

A pilot-scale pyrolysis process was carried out for the treatment of a mixture of two types of waste, sewage sludge and cattle manure, comparing the results with others obtained under laboratory conditions (semi-pilot scale). The aim of this study was to obtain the energetic valorization of the products. Owing to the specific characteristics of the plant, two products were obtained from the process: gas and carbonized solid. As no liquid fraction was obtained, the gas fraction is a greater percentage made up of both condensable and non-condensable compounds, which were obtained separately at the laboratory scale. The pilot plant was designed so that the gases produced by thermolysis were burnt continuously in a combustion chamber, while the carbonized fraction was fed in batches for co-combustion. To determine composition and combustion ability, the gas and solid products from the pilot process were characterized by chromatographic analysis of the gaseous fraction and chemical analysis and programmed-temperature combustion of the carbonized solid. The composition of the combustion gases, rich in light hydrocarbons, and the carbon present in the carbonized fraction enable the energetic valorization of these products. The combustion gases were subjected to a cleaning process and their composition analysed twice: before and after the gas cleaning treatment. The study led to a positive assessment of the possible use of the process products as fuel, provided that the combustion gases are treated. As most of the sulphur and chlorine from the original waste are mainly concentrated in the solid fraction, the use of char as a fuel will depend on the effectiveness of clean-up techniques for combustion gases. During gas cleansing, neutralizing with sodium bicarbonate proved effective, especially for the acidic compounds HCl, HF and SO(2).  相似文献   

Endosulfan is an economically important insecticide and widespread environmental pollutant, originating from a wide range of agricultural activities. The major implication from the feasibility study described was that endosulfan I can be remediated by natural attenuation processes in cotton-farming soil, in which concentrations were relatively low, as well as heavily contaminated soil, from an agricultural chemical waste (evaporation) pit. Endosulfan I, the major isomer of endosulfan, was present in agricultural soils with low (2.2 mg/kg) and high (417 mg/kg) concentrations of technical-grade endosulfan. The half-lives of the major isomer of endosulfan were 94 and greater than 350 days in the low-level (cotton farming soil) and high-level (contaminated soil), respectively. Even under conditions of minimal intervention, as in the current study, endosulfan concentrations in contaminated soils can be substantially reduced. The nonbiological process of soil binding was predominantly responsible for the natural attenuation of endosulfan I in both soils. Low levels of mineralization of the chlorinated ring 14C-labelled carbons were also reported, but mineralization did not play an important role in natural attenuation of endosulfan I in either soil studied.  相似文献   

Several animal (lamb, poultry and swine) fatty wastes were pyrolyzed under nitrogen, in a laboratory scale fixed-bed reactor and the main products (liquid bio-oil, solid bio-char and syngas) were obtained. The purpose of this study is to produce and characterize bio-oil and bio-char obtained from pyrolysis of animal fatty wastes. The maximum production of bio-oil was achieved at a pyrolysis temperature of 500 °C and a heating rate of 5 °C/min. The chemical (GC–MS analyses) and spectroscopic analyses (FTIR analyses) of bio-oil showed that it is a complex mixture consisting of different classes of organic compounds, i.e., hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes, cyclic compounds…etc.), carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones, esters,…etc. According to fuel properties, produced bio-oils showed good properties, suitable for its use as an engine fuel or as a potential source for synthetic fuels and chemical feedstock. Obtained bio-chars had low carbon content and high ash content which make them unattractive for as renewable source energy.  相似文献   

Van Soest fractionation is widely employed to characterize exogenous organic matter. The soluble fraction of Van Soest fractionation (SOL, extracted using hot water and then neutral detergent) often increases in line with compost maturity, although it is generally considered as labile. We have developed an alternative extraction method that comprises four successive steps (extraction using hot water, sodium tetraborate, dichloromethane/methanol and chelating resin) in order to clarify the chemical nature of the SOL fraction and explain its biodegradability. This method was tested on municipal solid waste compost sampled during the thermophilic phase (MSWi) and after 8 months of composting (MSWm). Both methods extracted similar proportions of organic matter. The composition of the residues was similar in MSWm although differences were noted for the extraction of polysaccharides and lipids in the case of MSWi. The hot water extractable fraction decreased during composting. Its high biodegradability in MSWi was linked to the high polysaccharide content revealed by pyrolysis–GC/MS and FTIR spectroscopy. The increase in the sodium tetraborate extractable fraction mainly explained the increase in the SOL fraction during composting. This was made up of N-containing compounds, polysaccharides and lipids in the immature compost, and a majority of N-containing compounds in the mature compost. During composting, the stabilization of organic matter in the SOL fraction extractable by sodium tetraborate and EDTA might principally involve N-containing structures through the formation of complexes of organic matter with metal ions, especially Ca2+, which may be broken down during extraction of the Van Soest soluble fraction. These mechanisms still need to be investigated.  相似文献   

Heavy metal-bearing waste usually needs solidification/stabilization (s/s) prior to landfill to lower the leaching rate. Cement is the most adaptable binder currently available for the immobilisation of heavy metals. The selection of cements and operating parameters depends upon an understanding of chemistry of the system. This paper discusses interactions of heavy metals and cement phases in the solidification/stabilisation process. It provides a clarification of heavy metal effects on cement hydration. According to the decomposition rate of minerals, heavy metals accelerate the hydration of tricalcium silicate (C3S) and Portland cement, although they retard the precipitation of portlandite due to the reduction of pH resulted from hydrolyses of heavy metal ions. The chemical mechanism relevant to the accelerating effect of heavy metals is considered to be H+ attacks on cement phases and the precipitation of calcium heavy metal double hydroxides, which consumes calcium ions and then promotes the decomposition of C3S. In this work, molecular models of calcium silicate hydrate gel are presented based on the examination of 29Si solid-state magic angle spinning/nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS/NMR). This paper also reviews immobilisation mechanisms of heavy metals in hydrated cement matrices, focusing on the sorption, precipitation and chemical incorporation of cement hydration products. It is concluded that further research on the phase development during cement hydration in the presence of heavy metals and thermodynamic modelling is needed to improve effectiveness of cement-based s/s and extend this waste management technique.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the efficacy of a post-fire land management practice, including plant cultivation (Lolium perenne) combined with poultry manure addition, for restoring the protective vegetation cover in soils degraded by high intensity wildfires. The greenhouse experiment was performed with three burnt pine forest soils with added poultry manure at two doses of application and comparing the data with those obtained using NPK fertilizer. A significant effect of the amendment, soil properties and the interaction between amendment and soil properties on vegetation cover (phytomass production, nutrient content) was detected, but often the amendment treatment explained most of the variance. Changes induced by the organic amendment were more marked than those induced by inorganic fertilization. The increase of phytomass and nutrient uptake with poultry manure addition indicated the beneficial effects of this soil management practice. These findings can serve to develop field experiments and burnt soils reclamation technology.  相似文献   

Four user surveys were performed at recycle centres (RCs) in the Municipalities of Aarhus and Copenhagen, Denmark, to get general information on compost use and to examine the substitution of peat, fertiliser and manure by compost in hobby gardening. The average driving distance between the users’ households and the RCs was found to be 4.3 km and the average amount of compost picked up was estimated at 800 kg per compost user per year. The application layer of the compost varied (between 1 and 50 cm) depending on the type of use. The estimated substitution (given as a fraction of the compost users that substitute peat, fertiliser and manure with compost) was 22% for peat, 12% for fertiliser and 7% for manure (41% in total) from the survey in Aarhus (n = 74). The estimate from the survey in Copenhagen (n = 1832) was 19% for peat, 24% for fertiliser and 15% for manure (58% in total). This is the first time, to the authors’ knowledge, that the substitution of peat, fertiliser and manure with compost has been assessed for application in hobby gardening. Six case studies were performed as home visits in addition to the Aarhus surveys. From the user surveys and the case studies it was obvious that the total substitution of peat, fertiliser and manure was not 100%, as is often assumed when assigning environmental credits to compost. It was more likely around 50% and thus there is great potential for improvement. It was indicated that compost was used for a lot of purposes in hobby gardening. Apart from substitution of peat, fertiliser and manure, compost was used to improve soil quality and as a filling material (as a substitute for soil). Benefits from these types of application are, however, difficult to assess and thereby quantify.  相似文献   

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