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N. D. Christie 《Marine Biology》1975,30(1):89-96
This paper discusses the problems involved in obtaining grab samples for direct comparison of the respective benthic fauna, using information from a survey conducted across the South African Continental Shelf below the Benguela Current. Many factors influence the depth of grab penetration into the sediment and, hence, the grab sample volume. One of the most important of these factors is sediment texture. While this fact has been long recognised, most workers have attached little significance to it. It is shown here that an exponential relationship exists between the grab sample volume and sediment texture, until the minimum percentage of silt plus clay that will give a maximum grab sample volume is reached. This relationship only extends to a certain depth, in this case to 280 m. There are more species per unit number of specimens (“species richness”) in association with sand or muddy-sand than with mud. A linear relationship is given between the grab sample volume and species richness between the depths of 280 and 440 m, inclusive. 相似文献
Adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) has received much attention in recent years since it yields more precise estimates than conventional sampling designs when applied to rare and clustered populations. These results, however, are impacted by the availability of some prior knowledge about the spatial distribution and the absolute abundance of the population under study. This prior information helps the researcher to select a suitable critical value that triggers the adaptive search, the neighborhood definition and the initial sample size. A bad setting of the ACS design would worsen the performance of the adaptive estimators. In particular, one of the greatest weaknesses in ACS is the inability to control the final sampling effort if, for example, the critical value is set too low. To overcome this drawback one can introduce ACS with clusters selected without replacement where one can fix in advance the number of distinct clusters to be selected or ACS with a stopping rule which stops the adaptive sampling when a predetermined sample size limit is reached or when a given stopping rule is verified. However, the stopping rule breaks down the theoretical basis for the unbiasedness of the ACS estimators introducing an unknown amount of bias in the estimates. The current study improves the performance of ACS when applied to patchy and clustered but not rare populations and/or less clustered populations. This is done by combining the stopping rule with ACS without replacement of clusters so as to further limit the sampling effort in form of traveling expenses by avoiding repeat observations and by reducing the final sample size. The performance of the proposed design is investigated using simulated and real data. 相似文献
Hawkins BA Montoya D Rodríguez MA Olalla-Tárraga MA Zavala MA 《Ecology》2007,88(1):255-9; discussion 259-62
Combining geodiversity with climate and topography to account for threatened species richness

Understanding threatened species diversity is important for long‐term conservation planning. Geodiversity—the diversity of Earth surface materials, forms, and processes—may be a useful biodiversity surrogate for conservation and have conservation value itself. Geodiversity and species richness relationships have been demonstrated; establishing whether geodiversity relates to threatened species’ diversity and distribution pattern is a logical next step for conservation. We used 4 geodiversity variables (rock‐type and soil‐type richness, geomorphological diversity, and hydrological feature diversity) and 4 climatic and topographic variables to model threatened species diversity across 31 of Finland's national parks. We also analyzed rarity‐weighted richness (a measure of site complementarity) of threatened vascular plants, fungi, bryophytes, and all species combined. Our 1‐km2 resolution data set included 271 threatened species from 16 major taxa. We modeled threatened species richness (raw and rarity weighted) with boosted regression trees. Climatic variables, especially the annual temperature sum above 5 °C, dominated our models, which is consistent with the critical role of temperature in this boreal environment. Geodiversity added significant explanatory power. High geodiversity values were consistently associated with high threatened species richness across taxa. The combined effect of geodiversity variables was even more pronounced in the rarity‐weighted richness analyses (except for fungi) than in those for species richness. Geodiversity measures correlated most strongly with species richness (raw and rarity weighted) of threatened vascular plants and bryophytes and were weakest for molluscs, lichens, and mammals. Although simple measures of topography improve biodiversity modeling, our results suggest that geodiversity data relating to geology, landforms, and hydrology are also worth including. This reinforces recent arguments that conserving nature's stage is an important principle in conservation. 相似文献
Jeffrey H. Gove Ernst Linder Walter M. Tzilkowski 《Environmental and Ecological Statistics》1996,3(1):65-80
The possibility of a bimodal log-likelihood function arises with certain data when the combined removal and signs-of-activities estimator is used. Bimodal log-likelihoods may, in turn, yield disjoint confidence intervals for certain confidence levels. The hypothesis that bimodality is caused by the violation of the equal catchability assumption of the removal model, leading to the combination of contradictory data/models in the combined estimator is set forth. Simulations exploring the effect of the violation of removal model assumptions on estimation and inference showed that the assumption of unequal capture probability influenced the frequency of bimodal likelihoods; similarly, extreme parameter values for probability of capture influenced the number of excessively large confidence intervals produced. A sex-specific combined estimator is developed as a remedial model tailored to the problem. The simulations suggest that both the signs-of-activities estimator and the sex-specific estimator perform equally well over the range of simulations presented, though the signs-of-activities estimator is easier to implement. 相似文献
A global evaluation of metabolic theory as an explanation for terrestrial species richness gradients 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Hawkins BA Albuquerque FS Araujo MB Beck J Bini LM Cabrero-Sañudo FJ Castro-Parga I Diniz-Filho JA Ferrer-Castan D Field R Gómez JF Hortal J Kerr JT Kitching IJ León-Cortés JL Lobo JM Montoya D Moreno JC Olalla-Tárraga MA Pausas JG Qian H Rahbek C Rodríguez MA Sanders NJ Williams P 《Ecology》2007,88(8):1877-1888
We compiled 46 broadscale data sets of species richness for a wide range of terrestrial plant, invertebrate, and ectothermic vertebrate groups in all parts of the world to test the ability of metabolic theory to account for observed diversity gradients. The theory makes two related predictions: (1) In-transformed richness is linearly associated with a linear, inverse transformation of annual temperature, and (2) the slope of the relationship is near -0.65. Of the 46 data sets, 14 had no significant relationship; of the remaining 32, nine were linear, meeting prediction 1. Model I (ordinary least squares, OLS) and model II (reduced major axis, RMA) regressions then tested the linear slopes against prediction 2. In the 23 data sets having nonlinear relationships between richness and temperature, split-line regression divided the data into linear components, and regressions were done on each component to test prediction 2 for subsets of the data. Of the 46 data sets analyzed in their entirety using OLS regression, one was consistent with metabolic theory (meeting both predictions), and one was possibly consistent. Using RMA regression, no data sets were consistent. Of 67 analyses of prediction 2 using OLS regression on all linear data sets and subsets, two were consistent with the prediction, and four were possibly consistent. Using RMA regression, one was consistent (albeit weakly), and four were possibly consistent. We also found that the relationship between richness and temperature is both taxonomically and geographically conditional, and there is no evidence for a universal response of diversity to temperature. Meta-analyses confirmed significant heterogeneity in slopes among data sets, and the combined slopes across studies were significantly lower than the range of slopes predicted by metabolic theory based on both OLS and RMA regressions. We conclude that metabolic theory, as currently formulated, is a poor predictor of observed diversity gradients in most terrestrial systems. 相似文献
A comparison of land-sharing and land-sparing strategies for plant richness conservation in agricultural landscapes 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Strategies for conserving plant diversity in agroecosystems generally focus on either expanding land area in non-crop habitat or enhancing diversity within crop fields through changes in within-field management practices. In this study, we compare effects on landscape-scale species richness from such land-sharing or land-sparing strategies. We collected data in arable field, grassland, pasture, and forest habitat types (1.6 ha sampled per habitat type) across a 100-km2 region of farmland in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA. We fitted species-area relationships (SARs) for each habitat type and then combined extrapolations from the curves with estimates of community overlap to estimate richness in a 314.5-ha landscape. We then modified these baseline estimates by adjusting parameters in the SAR models to compare potential effects of land-sharing and land-sparing conservation practices on landscape richness. We found that species richness of the habitat types showed a strong inverse relationship to the relative land area of each type in the region, with 89 species in arable fields (66.5% of total land area), 153 in pastures (6.7%), 196 in forests (5.2%), and 213 in grasslands (2.9%). Relative to the baseline scenario, major changes in the richness of arable fields produced gains in landscape-scale richness comparable to a conversion of 3.1% of arable field area into grassland habitat. Sensitivity analysis of our model indicated that relative gains from land sparing would be greatest in landscapes with a low amount of non-crop habitat in the baseline scenario, but that in more complex landscapes land sharing would provide greater gains. These results indicate that the majority of plant species in agroecosystems are found in small fragments of non-crop habitat and suggest that, especially in landscapes with little non-crop habitat, richness can be more readily conserved through land-sparing approaches. 相似文献
Aquatic habitat features can directly influence the abundance, species richness, and quality of juvenile amphibians recruited into adult populations. We examined the influences of within-wetland slope, vegetation, and stocked mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) on amphibian metamorph production and species richness during the first two years post-construction at 18 experimental wetlands in northeast Missouri (U.S.A.) grasslands. We used an information theoretic approach (AICc) to rank regression models representing total amphibian metamorph production, individual amphibian species metamorph production, and larval amphibian species richness. Total amphibian metamorph production was greatest at shallow-sloped, fish-free wetlands during the first year, but shallow-sloped wetlands with high vegetation cover were best the second year. Species richness was negatively associated with fish and positively associated with vegetation in both survey years. Leopard frog (Rana blairi/sphenocephala complex) metamorph quality, based on average metamorph size, was influenced by slope and the number of cohorts in the wetland. However, the tested variables had little influence on the size of American toads (Bufo americanus) or boreal chorus frogs (Pseudacris maculata). Our results indicate that wetlands designed to act as functional reproductive habitat for amphibians should incorporate shallows, high amounts of planted or naturally established vegetation cover, and should be fish-free. 相似文献
The populations of European great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) and North American double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) have increased sharply over the last decades and these piscivorous birds are suspected to deplete valuable fish stocks and
compete with human fisheries. Beyond direct consumption of fish, cormorants are accused of injuring vast numbers of prey without
eating them. Using underwater video systems, one of them mounted onto the back of tame Chinese cormorants, we evaluated the
proportion of successful pursuits of cormorants on live fish. Trials were conducted with 6 great cormorants and 9 double-crested
cormorants and involved a total of 676 prey pursuits. We show that, although they are regarded as highly efficient predators,
cormorants aborted about half of their pursuits. However, detailed analysis of prey-capture behaviour in double-crested cormorants
revealed that only 0.4% of the prey pursued was injured without being ingested. Further studies using miniature video systems
deployed on free-ranging cormorants are required to complement our knowledge of their hunting tactics. 相似文献
Applications of artificial neural networks for patterning and predicting aquatic insect species richness in running waters 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Two artificial neural networks (ANNs), unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms, were applied to suggest practical approaches for the analysis of ecological data. Four major aquatic insect orders (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, and Coleoptera, i.e. EPTC), and four environmental variables (elevation, stream order, distance from the source, and water temperature) were used to implement the models. The data were collected and measured at 155 sampling sites on streams of the Adour–Garonne drainage basin (South-western France). The modelling procedure was carried out following two steps. First, a self-organizing map (SOM), an unsupervised ANN, was applied to classify sampling sites using EPTC richness. Second, a backpropagation algorithm (BP), a supervised ANN, was applied to predict EPTC richness using a set of four environmental variables. The trained SOM classified sampling sites according to a gradient of EPTC richness, and the groups obtained corresponded to geographic regions of the drainage basin and characteristics of their environmental variables. The SOM showed its convenience to analyze relationships among sampling sites, biological attributes, and environmental variables. After accounting for the relationships in data sets, the BP used to predict the EPTC richness with a set of four environmental variables showed a high accuracy (r=0.91 and r=0.61 for training and test data sets respectively). The prediction of EPTC richness is thus a valuable tool to assess disturbances in given areas: by knowing what the EPTC richness should be, we can determine the degree to which disturbances have altered it. The results suggested that methodologies successively using two different neural networks are helpful to understand ecological data through ordination first, and then to predict target variables. 相似文献
Environmental and Ecological Statistics - Species distribution modelling (SDM) is a family of statistical methods where species occurrence/density/richness are combined with environmental... 相似文献
很多人认为,使用无磷洗衣粉便能有效解决令人烦恼的“水华”或“赤潮”问题。然而,无论是西方国家长达20年的实践经验,还是我国目前面临的现状显示,无磷洗衣粉对遏制水体富营养化现象作用并不十分明显!究其原因,面源污染和生活污水中的其它磷来源才是构成水体磷负荷的主要来源。因此,在国内外普遍兴建污水处理厂的前提下,是否有必要以洗涤效果不佳、可能会产生新的环境问题的无磷洗衣粉替代传统洗衣粉目前正遭到国外一些有识之士质疑。文章介绍了国外这方面的情况,并总结性地提出了我国在此方面应注意的问题。 相似文献
Elemental Conservation Units: Communicating Extinction Risk without Dictating Targets for Protection
Abstract: Conservation biologists mostly agree on the need to identify and protect biodiversity below the species level but have not yet resolved the best approach. We addressed 2 issues relevant to this debate. First, we distinguished between the abstract goal of preserving the maximum amount of unique biodiversity and the pragmatic goal of minimizing the loss of ecological goods and services given that further loss of biodiversity seems inevitable. Second, we distinguished between the scientific task of assessing extinction risk and the normative task of choosing targets for protection. We propose that scientific advice on extinction risk be given at the smallest meaningful scale: the elemental conservation unit (ECU). An ECU is a demographically isolated population whose probability of extinction over the time scale of interest (say 100 years) is not substantially affected by natural immigration from other populations. Within this time frame, the loss of an ECU would be irreversible without human intervention. Society's decision to protect an ECU ought to reflect human values that have social, economic, and political dimensions. Scientists can best inform this decision by providing advice about the probability that an ECU will be lost and the ecological and evolutionary consequences of that loss in a form that can be integrated into landscape planning. The ECU approach provides maximum flexibility to decision makers and ensures that the scientific task of assessing extinction risk informs, but remains distinct from, the normative social challenge of setting conservation targets. 相似文献
Species differ widely with regard to parental investment strategies and mechanisms underlying those strategies. The passing of benefits to likely offspring can be instantiated with a number of different computational and behavioral systems. We report results from an agent-based model in which offspring maintain proximity with parents and parents transmit benefits to offspring without the capacity of either parent or offspring to 'recognize' one another. Instead, parents follow a simple rule to emit benefits after reproducing and offspring follow a simple rule of moving in the direction of positive benefit gradients. This model differs from previous models of spatial kin-based altruism in that individuals are modeled as having different behavioral rules at different life stages and benefits are transmitted unidirectionally from parents to offspring. High rates of correctly directed parental investment occur when mobility and sociality are low and parental investment occurs over a short period of time. We suggest that strategies based on recognition and bonding/attachment might serve to increase rates of correctly directed parental investment under parameters that are shown here to otherwise lead to high rates of misdirected and wasted parental investment. 相似文献
C. Patrick Doncaster Andrew J. H. Davey Philip M. Dixon 《Environmental and Ecological Statistics》2014,21(2):239-261
Estimation of design power requires knowledge of treatment effect size and error variance, which are often unavailable for ecological studies. In the absence of prior information on these parameters, investigators can compare an alternative to a reference design for the same treatment(s) in terms of its precision at equal sensitivity. This measure of relative performance calculates the fractional error variance allowed of the alternative for it to just match the power of the reference. Although first suggested as a design tool in the 1950s, it has received little analysis and no uptake by environmental scientists or ecologists. We calibrate relative performance against the better known criterion of relative efficiency, in order to reveal its unique advantage in controlling sensitivity when considering the precision of estimates. The two measures differ strongly for designs with low replication. For any given design, relative performance at least doubles with each doubling of effective sample size. We show that relative performance is robustly approximated by the ratio of reference to alternative $\alpha $ quantiles of the $F$ distribution, multiplied by the ratio of alternative to reference effective sample sizes. The proxy is easy to calculate, and consistent with exact measures. Approximate or exact measurement of relative performance serves a useful purpose in enumerating trade-offs between error variance and error degrees of freedom when considering whether to block random variation or to sample from a more or less restricted domain. 相似文献
Raymond R. Carthy 《Conservation biology》2006,20(1):259-260
Analysis of capture—recapture data often involves maximizing a complex likelihood function with many unknown parameters. Statistical inference based on selection of a proper model depends on successful attainment of this maximum. An EM algorithm is developed for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates of capture and survival probabilities conditional on first capture from standard capture—recapture data. The algorithm does not require the use of numerical derivatives which may improve precision and stability relative to other estimation schemes. The asymptotic covariance matrix of the estimated parameters can be obtained using the supplemented EM algorithm. The EM algorithm is compared to a more traditional Newton-Raphson algorithm with both a simulated and a real dataset. The two algorithms result in the same parameter estimates, but Newton-Raphson variance estimates depend on a numerically estimated Hessian matrix that is sensitive to step size choice. 相似文献
D. J. Zinn 《Marine Biology》1969,2(2):132-134
Directions are given for constructing and using an accurate, compact, portable inclinometer useful to investigators of intertidal thalassopsammon, fresh and brackish water beach mesopsammon, and to geologists measuring beach profiles. This apparatus has shown that the New England beaches on which it has been used have constant and characteristic slopes that are only temporarily affected by meteorological disturbances.Partly supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (GB-4116). Contribution No. 79, Systematics-Ecology Program, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543. 相似文献
Symbiotic bacteria from six Oscarella species (adults and embryos) collected in the Mediterranean Sea (O. lobularis, O. tuberculata, O. imperialis, O. microlobata, O. viridis) and the Sea of Japan (O. malakhovi) were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In most cases, symbionts are rather
numerous. Each sponge species has a definite set of bacterial morphological types. All bacteria are extracellular. Symbionts
occupy the mesohyl of adult sponges or intercellular space in embryos and are often in contact with mesohylar filaments or
cells. Bacteria of some morphotypes have characteristic blebs. Most symbionts are gram-negative, and two types of bacteria
have traits of Archaea and one type of bacteria is similar to Planctomycetes. Data on morphology of bacterial symbionts can
be a good additional character for identification of Oscarella species, which have no skeleton. 相似文献
一种改进的SON-PCR基因扩增方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
单侧寡聚核苷酸嵌套PCR(single oligonucleotide nested PCR,SON-PCR)是一种简便易行的由已知序列克隆其侧翼序列的方法,但该法的第二轮PCR反应引发效率低,而且得到的产物两端含相同的引物序列,不可直接测序.针对该问题,将第二轮PCR改进为两段式扩增,即先以单侧嵌套引物引发5′端做选择性线性扩增,然后再加入第一轮引物特异引发3′端,使特异性和效率都得到很大提高,并可用PCR产物直接测序.分别用已报道的和改进的SON-PCR法克隆Botrytis cinerea羟甲基戊二酰CoA还原酶基因侧翼序列,后者获得期望结果,证明改进的SON-PCR方法行之有效.国内外尚未见同类报道.图4参7 相似文献