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以澳门松山公园为取样点,研究了受褐根病感染的不同受害等级树木根部土壤的理化性质,探讨了褐根病菌感染和土壤理化性质之间的相互关系.结果表明:褐根病菌和土壤理化性质之间的相互作用可能为褐根病菌的感染和生长创造了有利的条件.一方面,树木根部土壤中磷元素和速效钾的缺乏降低了树木的防御抵抗能力,为褐根病菌的感染创造了有利条件;另一方面,树木受到褐根病菌感染的初期.由于担子或担孢子萌发和菌丝体的快速生长大量消耗土壤中的水分和营养元素,使土壤营养元素更加匮乏,从而使树木自身防御能力进一步下降;此外土壤pH的降低为病菌的生长创造了更为优越的条件.树木死亡后由于褐根病菌生长的减缓,土壤理化性质有复原的趋势.  相似文献   

马尾松不同林型对土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以安徽省枞阳县大山村3种马尾松不同林型(马尾松纯林、马尾松-麻栎混交林、马尾松-枫香混交林)0~60 cm土层为研究对象,探讨3种马尾松林型的土壤理化性质变化规律,旨在为该区马尾松人工林的可持续发展和生产提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)0~60 cm土层,3种马尾松林型土壤容重随深度的增加而逐渐增加,混交林土壤容重显著低于纯林;土壤含水量随土层的加深而逐渐减小,其大小为:马尾松-枫香混交林>马尾松-麻栎混交林>马尾松纯林,马尾松-枫香混交林在土壤容重降低,土壤孔隙度增加及土壤含水量方面优于马尾松-麻栎混交林;(2)土壤pH值介于4.5~5.0之间,3种林型pH值随土层深度的增加而增大,但差异均不显著,其中马尾松-枫香混交林土壤pH值较高;(3)3种林型土壤有机质、全N、有效P和速效K均随土层深度的增加而减少,呈现明显的“表聚”现象,其质量分数表现为:马尾松-枫香混交林>马尾松-麻栎混交林>马尾松纯林;(4)土壤容重与土壤水分质量分数、有机质、全N、有效P和速效K等养分质量分数均呈负相关,土壤有机质与全N、有效P和速效K呈极显著的正相关,这说明土壤有机质在改善土壤理化性质和促进养分循环方面起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

污泥填埋稳定化过程中的物理、化学性状变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
污泥在生物反应器填埋场内主要是一个厌氧降解的过程,不断发生着各种物理、化学变化.随着填埋时间的增加,污泥的容重、密度、孔隙度和粒度都有不同程度的增加.填埋220 d后污泥的孔隙度与土壤的孔隙度相当,当矿化污泥园林绿化或农用时,适宜的孔隙度有利于土壤的保水性和通气透水性,有利于植物根系的发育.污泥平均颗粒粒径和中值颗粒粒径分别从初始的37 μm和13μm增加到填埋400 d时的143μm和70 μm.研究表明:污泥颗粒粒径的增大有利于水分的快速排出以及填埋场的加速沉降.污泥的挥发性有机物(VM)和总有机碳(TOC)含量分别从填埋初期的44.7%和23.5%降到700 d时的24.2%和13.5%.在填埋过程中,脱氢酶活性从6.72 mg TF/g.6 h增加到13.9 mg TF/g.6 h.大麦和白菜种子发芽率和发芽指数分别从填埋初期的13.8%和18.7%曾加到填埋500 d时的71.6%和76.5%.大麦和白菜种子都在填埋500 d时发芽指数超过60%,污泥可以直接用于园林绿化.随填埋时间的增加,污泥的稳定化程度不断提高,植物毒性逐渐降低.  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过实验分析对比有无麋鹿活动情况下,几个典型的麋鹿栖息地的含水量、有机质、pH、电导率、烘干全盐量、水解氮、有效磷、速效钾,探讨麋鹿日常生活对土壤理化性质的影响.结果发现,在有限的圈养和半散放状态下,麋鹿活动常可降低土壤含水量,提高有机质含量;提高p H值含量,利于缓解酸性土壤酸化程度,但可加剧已碱化土壤的盐碱化程度;提高电导率、烘干全盐含量和土壤盐渍化程度;麋鹿活动还使水解性氮、有效磷和速效钾含量升高,使土壤中的植物可利用的营养元素含量增加.在自然资源丰富、容纳能力强的野放和半野放环境状态下,麋鹿集群活动反而会降低土壤有机质含量,另外,低密度的野生种群活动较高密度种群可有效减缓土壤盐渍化进程.  相似文献   

造纸污泥工厂化堆肥过程中理化性质的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工厂化强制通风静态垛好氧堆肥试验结果表明,造纸污泥与木屑按10∶1比例混合后,2~3 d即可达到60℃,高温期维持时间超过10 d,完全符合我国标准CJJ/T52-93规定,达到无害化要求;堆肥过程中堆体上层温度大于下层;高温堆肥后物料含水率降低20.2%,脱水效果明显;造纸污泥堆肥过程中物料的挥发性固体持续降低;堆体耗氧速率在升温阶段后期上升到最大值,此后持续降低,到堆肥后期趋于稳定。  相似文献   

充分利用华北地区冬季空闲耕地及光热资源,以冬闲耕地为对照,研究二月兰(Orychophragmus violaceus)、毛苕(Vicia uillosa Roth.)、黑麦草(Secale cereale L.)、草木樨(Melilotus officinalis)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago satiua L.)5种不同冬闲覆盖作物地上部、地下部以及总碳、氮的蓄积量及其对土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明:5种覆盖作物总干物质质量在4.6-8.82 t.hm-2之间,是冬闲田干物质质量的1.6-3.1倍。5种覆盖作物全碳蓄积量在1.80-3.14 t.hm-2之间,是冬闲田碳蓄积量的1.9-3.3倍。与对照相比,各覆盖处理均明显提高氮素蓄积,尤以苜蓿最佳,达到了202.8 kg.hm-2,差异显著。试验选择5种肥覆盖均可提高土壤有机质质量分数(0.90-2.86 g.kg);黑麦草覆盖可明显降低土壤容重(0.08 g.cm3);毛苕和苜蓿栽培均可显著降低土壤pH,但同时土壤盐分有所增加;二月兰和黑麦草栽培在提高土壤水分含量方面表现最好。  相似文献   

塔里木荒漠河岸林植物群落演替下的土壤理化性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩路  王海珍  彭杰  陈家利  庞明 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2808-2814
选择塔里木荒漠河岸林内典型、有代表性的不同演替阶段的群落,对其土壤理化性质进行研究。结果表明:土壤理化性质在演替方向和土壤剖面上表现出较强的规律性。演替后、中期表层土壤(0~20 cm)粘粒质量分数比初期分别减少了1.28%、64.29%、土壤砂粒质量分数分别增加了3.08%、17.23%,土壤明显变粗沙化。群落演替能明显增大土壤容重与非毛管孔隙度,降低土壤总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、孔隙比、土壤水分质量分数、最大持水量、毛管持水量和最小持水量。演替后、中期表层土壤非毛管孔隙度比初期分别增大了33.78%、36.087%,土壤水分质量分数分别降低了85.57%、97.77%,演替后期最大持水量、毛管持水量分别比初期降低了40.28%、9.27%,导致土壤固相率减小,气相率增大,土壤持水供水能力与抗风蚀性能减弱。土壤有机质、全氮与碱解氮、全磷与速效磷、全钾与速效钾、盐分质量分数随群落演替呈降低趋势。演替后期表层土壤有机质、碱解氮、全磷与速效钾质量分数分别比初期降低了38.68%、60.71%、23.58%、66.93%,其土壤理化性质退化最显著。地下水位下降是引起荒漠河岸林植物群落逆向演替的驱动力。当前随人类干扰强度增强(水土资源开发),塔里木荒漠河岸林土壤结构与土壤生态功能随之受到破坏与衰退,而保持合理的生态水位则是维持荒漠河岸林生态系统稳定的有效途径。  相似文献   

广西喀斯特和红壤地区桉树人工林土壤理化性质对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
喀斯特地区种植桉林是恢复和改善岩溶地区生态环境及推进脱贫致富的重要措施,但其生态环境影响也是广泛关注的科学问题。选择广西桂林、扶绥两处地点,对比分析了红壤和喀斯特土壤种植桉树对土壤结构和土壤养分的影响,结果表明:(1)喀斯特地区桉林土壤容重略大于红壤、毛管孔隙度不发达,非毛管孔隙度较发达,总孔隙度小于红壤;(2)喀斯特地区桉林土壤非毛管含水量显著低于红壤,但饱和含水量基本相当;(3)喀斯特桉林土壤的全量养分多高于红壤,而一些速效养分低于红壤,尤其是钾的含量显著偏低;(4)喀斯特桉林土壤的pH值和有机质含量高于红壤。研究表明喀斯特地区种植桉树人工林并未引起土壤结构的破坏和土壤养分含量的显著降低,相反在某些方面喀斯特地区种植桉树相对于红壤还有其优势。最后,结合研究结论,该文还就喀斯特地区和红壤地区桉树人工林管理提出了一些针对性建议。  相似文献   

李旭东  孙宁  陶冶  陈彦彤  叶招莲  盖鑫磊 《环境化学》2021,40(12):3787-3802
类腐殖质(humic-like substance,HULIS)是一类水溶性、相对分子量高的有机混合物,常见于雾滴、云滴、积雪和大气颗粒物(PM)中.本文主要综述了大气PM中HULIS的提取和分析方法、毒理性、吸光特性和光敏性,重点探讨了PM中有机物和过渡金属(尤其是Fe离子)产生活性氧化性物种(reactive ox...  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物孔隙水溶解性有机质组成与光谱特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用紫外-可见光谱和荧光光谱分析乌梁素海沉积物孔隙水中溶解性有机质(DOM)的组成和来源信息,揭示不同来源污染物对孔隙水DOM结构及地球化学行为的影响.研究结果表明,类蛋白物质含量相对较高的区域,其污染相对较重;沉积物孔隙水DOM的生物指数BIX值都大于0.6,预示沉积物孔隙水中DOM微生物来源贡献较大;在类蛋白荧光物质较高的区域,DOM的腐殖化程度相对较低,其结构相对简单,稳定性较弱;腐殖化指数HIX254分析结果也表明,受污程度较高的区域,DOM的腐殖化程度较低;紫外吸收光谱的斜率能够反映沉积物孔隙水中类腐殖酸的变化,而光谱斜率S350—400比S275—295更能够反应沉积物孔隙水中类腐殖酸的变化,随着S350—400升高,DOM中类蛋白物质的含量呈下降趋势,类腐殖酸含量逐渐增加.  相似文献   

Mineral composition, granulometry, cohesion, relative and absolute density, and the pH of samples of the Santa Elena sedimentary rock shoal (37°5602 S; 58°1135 W; Argentina) were determined in order to relate the endolithic fauna with the properties of the substrate. Twenty three samples were collected in December 1987, applying a systematic sampling method to an intertidal area of 5 500 m2. The mineral composition was determined using x-ray diffraction. Cohesion was determined by visual evaluation of the disintegration of the sample following various periods of immersion in water and by recording the resistance to compressive fracture according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard. The ASTM standard was also followed for measurement of absolute and relative densities and porosity. The rock was ground up in distilled water and the pH of the resulting liquid measured over a period of 24 h. The data were analysed using numerical taxonomy, and in a supplementary study a granulometric analysis was attempted using five representative samples. The endolithic species selected were: the sipunculanThemiste petricola; the polychaetesPolydora sp. andPherusa sp., and the bivalvesLithophaga patagonica, Petricola patagonica, Saxicava solida, Barnea lamellosa, andPholadidea darwini. The mineral analysis indicated heterogeneous composition and spatial distribution characteristic of a loess. In terms of cohesion, the substrate displayed varying degrees of disintegration, with resistance ranging from zero to very high (254.6 kg/cm2). The endolithic faunaThemiste petricola, Polydora sp.,Pherusa sp.,Lithophaga patagonica, Petricola patagonica, andSaxicava solida were found in areas of low to very high cohesion, with or without calcite. The Pholadidae were found in areas of zero to low cohesion, with absence or traces of calcite. This study indicates the important role of cohesion in determining the distribution of the endolithic fauna.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Bisphenol A is a well-known endocrine-disrupting compound that is commonly detected in industrial effluents and wastewater treatment plants. It is extensively used...  相似文献   

Lake Ioannina in western Greece is a shallow lake, charged by springs as well as untreated discharges of the nearby urban area. Physicochemical and biological parameters have been evaluated verifying the deterioration of the lake aquatic environment. The water quality and the trophic status of the lake are greatly altered during the last ten years while the total phosphorus critical loading is already at a dangerous state.  相似文献   

Detailed geologic surveys and different microscopic and analytical techniques were conducted near Tierra Blanca de Abajo where lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma (MM) are the primary causes of death. Results show that erionite-K occurs as a diagenetic product in altered Oligocene–Miocene rhyolitic tuffs. The microscopic structure of erionite minerals shows concentrations of individual fibers in the range of 0.14–0.547 μm in diameter and 2.81–50 μm in length, with a few “bundles” about 0.2–2.5 μm wide by 10–50 μm long. Chemical properties of erionite show Si/Al in the range of 3.23–3.58 (at.%) and T Si in the range of 0.76–0.78 (at.%). Potassium is the dominant cation (K > Ca > Mg > Fe). Associated minerals are heulandite, clinoptilolite, quartz, sanidine, anorthite, smectite and opal. This mineral assemblage formed in the lower part of an open catchment, where bicarbonate-rich (T > 30 °C, pH > 8) groundwater discharge conditions prevailed in the past. The physical and chemical characteristics of erionite near San Miguel de Allende are similar to those of erionite from the Cappadocian region of Turkey where erionite is associated with MM. The presence of erionite and the type of respiratory diseases that occur in the village strongly suggest the need for detailed health-based studies in the region. Pliocene–Holocene fine-grain deposits, used in the past for the construction of adobe-houses and exposed in recreational areas, also contain erionite associated with erosion and alluvial transport from the rhyolitic tuffs, potentially affecting more than 13 villages located downstream toward the Allende Dam.  相似文献   

The essential oils of the leaves and fruits from bay (Laurus nobilis L.) grown in Antakya, Yayladagi and Samandagi were isolated by solvent extraction and analysed by capillary gas chromatography (GC), gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS). In Antakya, Yayladagi and Samandagi the chemical compositions of the fruits and leaves were similar according to qualitative and quantitative analysis. Although in both fruits and leaves the major component was found to be 1.8-Cineole a concentration of about 50% compared with essential oils. The composition of the essential oil from the leaves has high content of 1.8-Cineole, Sabinene and alpha-Terpinyl acetate, but a low content of a-Pinene, alpha-Phellandrene and trans-/beta-osimen. 1.8-Cineole was found major component of the leaves essential oil collected from Samandagi (59.94%) which is sea coast of region. Interestingly alpha-Pinene, beta-Pinene, alpha-Phellandrene, 1.8-Cineole and trans-beta-osimen were found the major components of fruits of Laurus nobilis L. harvested from Antakya, Yayladagi and Samandagi Trans-beta-osimen was detected as the major component of fruits essential oil collected again from Samandagi (28.35%)  相似文献   

In this study, three thinning treatments were applied on a 0.54 ha young oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) stand (25-30 years old) in Karadag, Artvin in the fall of 1999. The treatments were: (1) no thinning, (2) light thinning, and (3) heavy thinning. Prior to thinning, the stand averaged 15000 trees ha(-1) and 40.0 m2 ha(-1) of basal area, with an average mean diameter of 5 cm. Thinning reduced stand basal areas to about 31.1 and 24.9 m2 ha(-1) for the light and heavy thinning treatments, respectively. After 3-years, diameter increment was the highest in heavily thinned stand and the lowest in unthinned stand. The increment in stand basal area was about 10, 18 and 27% in the unthinned, lightly thinned, and heavily thinned stands, respectively. Fine root biomass significantly decreased with thinning and thinning had no significant effects on soil pH and soil organic matter content.  相似文献   

生物炭对玉米苗期生长、养分吸收及土壤化学性状的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用田间盆栽试验,研究了生物炭(biochar)对玉米(Gramineae)苗期生长(60 d)及土壤化学性质的影响。结果表明,在玉米苗期的前33 d,生物炭(48 t.hm-2)对玉米株高的生长有显著抑制作用,但随着玉米的生长发育,生物炭的抑制作用逐渐消失。收获时(播种后60 d),生物炭对玉米植株干质量,N、P养分的吸收量没有显著影响;生物炭(12、48 t.hm-2)能显著提高土壤全N、有机碳质量分数,但对土壤全P、有效P、pH值没有显著影响。土壤全N、有机碳质量分数与生物炭用量(0、2.4、12、48 t.hm-2)为显著正相关(n=12,p〈0.01)。  相似文献   

In tropical areas, the relations between soil, rivers, and lakes are poorly understood as regard to the physicochemical transformation that occurs when solid materials are transferred among them. In order to ascertain the natural dynamics of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, and Co, as well as the perturbations by human activity, soils and sediments from a tropical catchment were studied. To accomplish the above mentioned objective, the Valencia Lake catchment was subdivided into three systems, i.e. soils, rivers and lakes. Original data and those previously published by Mogolló;n and Bifano (1994), and Mogolló;n et al. (1995, 1996) were used to establish the numerical relation between the average concentration in the three systems. The percentage labile fraction and metal distribution in different particle size fractions were studied in selected samples. A total of 410 samples was analysed.Lithology and topography are the main factors that differentiate the physicochemical characteristics of soils and sediments. Processes coupled with solid material transport from the upland to lowland area cause the increase of the HNO3 (1M) extractable metal concentration, and of the percentage labile fraction, metal redistribution towards fine particle fraction. In spite of the tropical climate, the pedogenesis of exposed sediments and the transport along the river courses, have very low influence. Most of the transformations seem to occur during the soils – river transfer of materials. The carbonate precipitation in the lake causes further increase of metal concentration and the percentage labile fraction. The pollutant input increases metal concentration, the percentage labile fraction and the trend of accumulation toward fine particles.  相似文献   

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