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Instantaneous relative growth rates, (d-1), were measured for juveniles of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera transplanted to study sites in Southern California kelp forests between 1978 and 1982. Growth rates ranged from negative values (indicating loss of tissue) to 0.03 (doubling of total frond length every 19 d). Multiple regression analysis of growth versus irradiation, temperature, nitrogen concentration and amount of fouling revealed that all these factors had significant effects, together accounting for about 50% of the total variance. Elevated irradiation and nitrogen levels had strongly stimulatory effects (tissue nitrogen may have been more critical than ambient nitrogen for growth), while high temperature and fouling had strongly inhibitory effects. Irradiation was the most important factor influencing growth in 6 of the 8 transplant experiments. During these 6 experiments, the compensating irradiation level (below which there was no growth) was between 0.4 and 0.7 E m-2 d-1, and saturating irradiation was between 2 and 3 E m-2 d-1. During two of the experiments, growth was apparently limited by extremely high temperatures or low nitrogen levels. Quantum irradiation levels in the kelp forest were generally between the compensation and saturation levels. However, irradiation levels occasionally dropped below the compensation point for several months. Irradiation was occasionally low enough to limit the distribution of juvenile kelp by inhibiting growth, especially in the deeper portions of the kelp forest and under dense canopies formed by adult plants.  相似文献   

I. Germann 《Marine Biology》1988,99(3):445-455
Growth and compounds of carbon and nitrogen of the northeast Pacific kelpPleurophycus gardneri (Laminariales, Laminariaceae) were assessed before, during and after the 1983-El Niño Souther Oscillation event. This 2-yr study provides evidence that reduced ambient levels of nitrate and phosphate from March until August/September, 1983, in combination with elevated seawater temperature, caused a significant impairment of growth. Blade surface area, blade length, total fresh weight, and dry weight on an areal basis were significantly reduced in 1983 compared to 1982 (P<0.01). They were also significantly smaller in 1984 than in 1983 (P<0.05). The C:N values obtained both in May and July 1983 were considerably higher than in 1982, while those in May 1984 were strikingly smaller than in both 1982 and 1983. Mannitol content of the mibrid in May 1983, exhibited the highest levels recorded during the 2-yr study period, with ca. 19% dry weight and significantly exceeded mannitol content measured in May 1982 (average: 13%) and in May 1984 (average: 8%). The concentration factor for internal vs external nitrate in the midrib was 700 x ambient in May 1982 and 1984 compared with 20 x in May 1983. Ninhydrin positive substances (NPS) averaged 117 mol g dry wt-1 in May 1984 compared with ca. 50 mol in May 1982 and 1983. The pigment ratios chlorophyllc: chlorophylla and fucoxanthin: chlorophylla in May 1983 were similar to those obtained in 1982, but were significantly different in May 1984. It is suggested that the interactive effects of temperature stress and nutrient limitation in 1983 caused a disruptive influence on C- and N-metabolism ofPleurophycus gardneri, which still affected growth performance in 1984.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of hydroids (sessile fauna) and polychaetes (vagile) on the brown alga Cystoseira amentacea (Fucales: Phaeophyceae) have been studied in the mid-littoral zone of the Apulian coast (Italy). Samplings were carried out in February and July 1997, at 1.5 m depth, at three sites (Gargano, Costa Merlata and Otranto), about 200 km apart from each other. Three replicates per site were collected for polychaetes, and another three, for hydroids. Samples yielded 142,426 polyps belonging to 20 hydroid species and 3,088 polychaete specimens belonging to 58 species. Seasonal variations in abundance and number of species were evident in hydroids. The only species probably exclusive of Cystoseira (the hydroid Clytia viridicans) was present only in the summer. Polychaetes showed marked seasonal differences only at the Gargano site. Multivariate techniques were used to compare, in both periods, assemblages within and among sites. Analysis of similarity testing revealed that, for both polychaetes and hydroids, assemblage structures significantly differed among sites and between seasons. Thus, the null hypothesis that the distribution in time and space of the epifauna on the same algal species is homogeneous over a wide geographical scale has been rejected, in spite of the homogeneity of the substrate. In both groups, quantitative differences of a few species seemed to be more important than qualitative ones in determining the spatial separation of sites, the species pool remaining rather consistent. A small-scale variability among replicates was also detected, especially at Gargano, for hydroids. Since the epifauna can allow better comparisons among sites than the actual distribution of the algal species, both sessile and vagile epiphytes of Cystoseira can be considered valid tools for evaluating environmental changes on coastal hard-bottom communities.  相似文献   

Agricultural crops can be either a source or a sink of ammonia (NH3). Most NH3 exchange models developed so far do not account for the plants nitrogen (N) metabolism and use prescribed compensation points. We present here a leaf-scale simplified NH3 stomatal compensation point model related to the plants N and carbon (C) metabolisms, for C3 plants. Five compartments are considered: xylem, cytoplasm, apoplasm, vacuole and sub-stomatal cavity. The main processes accounted for are the transport of ammonium (NH4+), NH3 and nitrate (NO3) between the different compartments, NH4+ production through photorespiration and NO3 reduction, NH4+ assimilation, chemical and thermodynamic equilibriums in all the compartments, and stomatal transfer of NH3.The simulated compensation point is sensitive to paramaters related to the apoplastic compartment: pH, volume and active transport rate. Determining factors are leaf temperature, stomatal conductance and NH4+ flux to the leaf. Atmospheric NH3 concentration seem to have very little effect on the compensation point in conditions of high N fertilization. Comparison of model outputs to experimental results show that the model underestimates the NH3 compensation point for high N fertilization and that a better parametrisation of sensitive parameters especially active trasport rate of NH4+ may be required.  相似文献   

Elysia tuca Marcus were collected from the Florida Keys (USA) during 1978–1979, with the aim of clarifying the physiological significance of their kleptoplastids by studying variations in the chlorophyll content of the slugs. The chlorophyll levels in the field populations varied seasonally, with peak levels in autumn. Peak reproductive activity coincided with maximum chlorophyll levels, carbon fixation, and rate of macromolecular conversion of kleptoplastid (= symbiotic chloroplast) photosynthates. Changes in chlorophyll level are probably controlled by rate of feeding, which is in turn governed by such factors as algal density and climatic factors (light and temperature). Chlorophyll level and individual weight varied with location, with significant differences between sites in the Upper Keys and the Lower Keys. Environmental factors control benefits of kleptoplastid retention, and suggest that photosynthate yield is an important subsidy of reproductive output.  相似文献   

J. Mauchline 《Marine Biology》1994,120(4):561-570
Studies of the biology of oceanic copepods are few relative to those of coastal species. Females of the genus Euchaeta have spermatophores attached to the genital somite by the male and carry their broods of eggs attached to this somite, so defining the breeding season. Populations of E. norvegica in the fjordic environment of Loch Etive (collected between 1971 and 1974 and from 1978 to 1979), Scotland and in the marginal oceanic region of the Rockall Trough, northeastern Atlantic Ocean (collected between 1973 and 1976) and of a further eight species of Euchaeta in the Trough are examined. Seasonal changes in the incidence of egg masses and spermatophores attached to the females, sex ratio and population numbers are determined. Sampling errors in the estimation of these parameters are larger in the oceanic Rockall Trough. The Loch Etive populations of E. norvegica produce two generations per year with a proportion, variable between years, of the population producing a third generation. This species produces a single annual generation in the Rockall Trough as do E. acuta and E. pseudotonsa. Two generations per year are probably passed through by E. gracilis in the Trough while the large bathypelagic E. sarsi may produce a single generation in the autumn of every second year. The other bathypelagic species, E. barbata, E. scotti, E. abbreviata and E. longissima, breed continuously throughout the year and no estimate of their generation times is possible. Consequently, this approach to population analysis is useful where breeding is seasonal, but resolving generation time in bathypelagic crustaceans remains a problem.  相似文献   

Monthly variation in photosynthesis, dark respiration, chlorophyll a content and carbon: nitrogen (C:N) ratios in different lamina sections of adult plants of Ascoseira mirabilis Skottsberg from King George Island, Antarctica, was investigated between September 1993 and February 1994. Light saturated net photosynthesis (P max) showed maximum values in September (12 to 25 mol O2 g-1 fr wt h-1), and decreased towards the summer to values ranging between 2.0 and 5.0 mol O2 g-1. In the distal section, however, a second optimum occurred in December (25 mol O2 g-1 fr wt h-1). Dark respiration rates were also highest in October and November and decreased strongly in December to February (6.0 and 1.0 mol O2 g-1 fr wt h-1, respectively). Gross photosynthesis exhibited high values between September and December. Concomitant with the seasonal decrease of photosynthetic efficiency () from mean values of 1.2 mol O2 g-1 fr wt h-1 (mol photons cm-2 s-1)-1 in September to 0.3 mol O2 g-1 fr wt h-1 (mol photons cm-2 s-1)-1 in January, the initial light saturating point (I k) gradually increased from 19 to 60 mol photons m-2 s-1. Likewise C:N ratios were low in spring (12 to 13) and increased in summer (20). In general, the photosynthetic parameters P max, gross photosynthesis, and Chl a concentrations were significantly higher in the distal section of the thallus. In contrast, C:N ratios were lower in the distal section of the lamina. The results show that photosynthesis obviously strongly supports growth of the alga in late winter to spring, as it does in some morphologically related brown algae from temperate and polar regions. The question whether growth is additionally powered  相似文献   

K. Véliz  M. Edding  F. Tala  I. Gómez 《Marine Biology》2006,149(5):1015-1024
The effects of exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR), 280–400 nm, in different life histories and development stages of the kelps, Lessonia nigrescens and L. trabeculata, collected in the south-east Pacific coast (30°S) were evaluated in the laboratory. Germination and viability (motile zoospores, settled spores), diameter of the primary cell of the gametophytes, percentage of female gametophytes, fertility and sporophytes production were measured after exposure to three radiation treatments (PAR; PAR + UVA; PAR + UVA + UVB). The effects of UVR in young sporophytes (diploid stage) were evaluated as changes in maximal quantum yield of chlorophyll fluorescence of photosystem II (PSII) (F v/F m). A significant decrease in all variables was observed for the treatment that included UVB (PAR + UVA + UVB) after 2 and 4 h of exposure, in relation to the control. The motile spores were more sensitive to UVR exposure compared to settled spores and gametophytes, suggesting that along with an increase in ontogenetic development; there is an increase in the tolerance to UVR. In addition, it was observed that early stages of the intertidal L. nigrescens were more tolerant to UVR compared to the subtidal L. trabeculata. These results allow initially to infer that UVR may be regarded as an important environmental factor influencing the upper limit of distribution of these species, mainly through its detrimental effects on the early stages of the life cycle.  相似文献   

为了研究不同的施肥方式对土壤全氮变化及氮储量的影响,1981年在湖北省农业科学院南湖试验站设置了施用有机肥与化肥的长期定位田间试验,2006年水稻收获后田间取样分析每个处理不同土层的全氮含量与氮储量。研究结果表明:与对照相比,单施化肥与单施有机肥0~20cm土层土壤的容重下降,化肥添加有机肥比相应的单施化肥的容重要低一些。除了对照之外,其它处理都是0~20cm土层土壤全氮含量高于其它土层,氮肥配施有机肥处理0~20cm土层土壤全氮含量最高。除了氮磷钾肥配施过量有机肥处理外,化肥配施有机肥处理土壤的全氮含量都高于单施化肥或单施有机肥处理,20~40cm土层土壤全氮含量具有相似的规律。在0~20cm土层,与对照相比,单施氮肥及氮磷肥不能增加土壤全氮储量,但是化肥配施有机肥能够增加土壤全氮的储量。单施氮磷钾肥及单施有机肥也能够增加土壤全氮的储量。在0~20cm土层,氮肥配施有机肥处理的土壤全氮储量最多,达8.82t·hm-2,而氮肥处理的氮储量最低,仅为5.38t·hm-2。在100cm深度,与单施化肥及单施有机肥相比,化肥配施有机肥都增加了土壤全氮的储量。  相似文献   

The interaction between nitrate and ammonium uptake was examined as a function of preconditioning growth rate and nitrogen source by adding nitrate, ammonium, or both to nitrogen-sufficient,-deficient, and-starvedSkeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve and nitrogen-deficientChaetoceros debilis Cleve. By simultaneously measuring the internal accumulation of intermediates of nitrogen assimilation and the rates of nitrogen assimilation, the metabolic control of nitrogen uptake could be assessed. After the simultaneous addition of nitrate and ammonium to culture, both nitrate and ammonium uptake rates were decreased in comparison with the rates observed when each was added alone, although nitrate uptake was usually decreased more than ammonium uptake. Since both nitrate and ammonium uptake rates vary with time, preconditioning growth conditions, nitrogen sources present, and species, it was necessary to use several different indices to quantify inhibition. In general, ammonium inhibition of nitrate uptake inS. costatum was greatest in cultures preconditioned to ammonium and those at low growth rates, whereas ammonium uptake was inhibited most in cultures preconditioned to nitrate. In nitrogen-deficientC. debilis, nitrate uptake was more inhibited by ammonium, but uptake returned to normal rates more quickly than inS. costatum, whereas inhibition of ammonium uptake was similar. These results explain why the interaction between nitrate and ammonium uptake in the field can be so variable. Inhibition of uptake is not controlled by internal ammonium or total amino acids, nor is it related to the inability to reduce nitrate. Instead, inhibition must be determined in part by the external concentration of nitrogen compounds and in part by some intermediate(s) of nitrogen assimilation present inside the cell.Bigelow Laboratory Contribution No. 82022  相似文献   

Seasonal differences in the dissolved arsenic concentration and speciation in a contaminated urban waterway in northwest England have been determined using a coupled ion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (IC-ICP-MS) technique. Waters sampled in the vicinity of an industrial works during relatively dry conditions in April 2000 were found to contain total arsenic concentrations (As) of up to 132 g L–1, more than an order magnitude greater than the 4 g L–1 maximum found in December 2000. The difference in As between the April and December sampling periods is speculated to be largely due to the irregular anthropogenic supply of arsenic to the watercourse. For both sampling periods, the dissolved arsenic was exclusively inorganic in nature and had an As(V)/As ratio of between 0.6 and 0.8. Analysis of samples taken downstream of the industrial site, after the confluence with a relatively As-poor stream, revealed that As(III), As(V) and As concentrations were lower than would be expected from conservative mixing. The As(V)/As ratio was also observed to decrease markedly. The loss of arsenic from solution is thought to be due to adsorption on the iron oxyhydroxide-rich sediment observed to coat the riverbed downstream of the confluence. The reduction in the As(V)/As ratio is believed to be due to the more rapid adsorption of As(V) compared to that of As(III). Deviations from conservative behaviour were more marked during the relatively dry April 2000 sampling period and suggest the increased importance of adsorption processes controlling arsenic availability during this time.  相似文献   

A survey of translocation in laminariales (Phaeophyceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey of translocation of photoassimilates in 13 genera of Laminariales is presented. All showed long-distance transport of 14C-labeled products from mature source tissue to meristematic sinks (haptera and intercalary growing regions). In plants with several laminae forming one frond, older laminae may provide assimilates for the growth of younger ones, and in Macrocystis spp., where fronds of different ages and developmental stage arise from a common holdfast, mature fronds initiate and support new fronds. Translocation velocities vary from species to species but are in the range of 55 to 570 mm/h. The results strongly support the hypothesis that Laminariales in general have an effective translocation system, on which their thallus growth depends.  相似文献   

I. Novaczek 《Marine Biology》1984,82(3):241-245
Gametophytes of Ecklonia radiata (C.Ag.)J.Ag. from two New Zealand locations with different field temperature ranges were exposed to temperatures of 5° to 26°C in saturating light. Plants from Goat Island Bay (Lat. 36° 16S, Long. 174°48E) grew in 9.3° to 25°C and reproduced in 9.3° to 24°C. There was no growth at 8°C and plants died at 26°C. Plants from the cooler location, Houghton Bay (Lat. 41°20S, Long. 174°40E), grew from 8° to 24°C and reproduced up to 15°C but not at 21.5°C. The plants did not grow at 6°C and died at 26°C. The timing of the first cell division and subsequent growth rate were retarded close to the upper and lower tolerance limits. Reproduction was a broad optimum of roughly 12° to 20°C. Within this range, fertile female gametophytes grown at lower temperatures had fewer, larger cells and thus fewer potential ova than those grown at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

In cultures of Alaria crassifolia Kjellman, unfertilized eggs developed normally into haploid sporophytes which differentiated into a holdfast, stipe and blade with a midrib. The terminal cells of a male gametophyte grew apogamously into haploid sporophytes with narrow blades which lack the midrib. Further, diploid gametophytes were formed by apospory from vegetative cells of a diploid sporophyte. They were monoecious and their fertilized eggs developed into tetraploid sporophytes. Nuclear phases of the sporophytes and gametophytes concerned were confirmed by cytological observations.This work was supported by Grant No. 38803 from the Ministry of Education of Japan.  相似文献   

To determine seasonal variability in mineralization dynamics of mussel biodeposits, we applied a multiple-element approach measuring mineralization rates of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and silicate (Si) during three periods (March, August and November). The results of this study showed that mineralization rates vary between seasons and between elements and that mineralization dynamics were influenced by both temperature and biodeposit nutrient composition. Mineralization rates were 3.2 ± 0.4 mmol C, 0.17 ± 0.04 mmol N, 0.06 ± 0.02 mmol P and 3.91 ± 3.75 mmol Si per gram biodeposit (DW) per day, which represented 24 % of the particulate organic C and 17 % of the particulate organic N in mussel biodeposits. Seasonal variability was largest for Si mineralization with 60–80-fold higher rates measured in March compared to August and November. This difference is most likely related to the difference in biodeposit nutrient composition. It was furthermore shown that the labile fraction of biodeposits became mineralized after, respectively, 18, 9 and 13 days during the experimental periods in March, August and November. This indicates that temperature enhances biodeposit decomposition with approximately 2–3 times faster turnover at a 10 °C temperature interval (Q 10 ).  相似文献   

Many reproductive traits, including ejaculate characteristics, usually show remarkable seasonal variation, but the potential for such dynamics in sperm morphology has been overlooked. Several studies have revealed high within-male repeatability in sperm morphology, but samples have typically been collected within a few hours or days, and the consistency of sperm morphology over longer periods remains unexplored. Here, we tested whether ejaculate traits, including sperm morphology, sperm number, and sperm velocity, exhibit seasonal phenotypic plasticity in a long-lived seasonal breeder, the red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus). We found absolute and/or relative flagellum length and sperm velocity to increase across the season, whereas sperm numbers within ejaculates declined. Sperm morphological traits were further positively associated with harem size or the total number of offspring that fledged in each male’s territory, suggesting that sperm morphology is likely to be linked to male reproductive quality. The underlying mechanisms of these patterns of seasonal variation remain unresolved, but we discuss our results in the context of dynamics of reproductive hormones, testicular structures and function, and reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

The annual cycles of growth and of internal storage of nitrogen and carbon in Laminaria longicruris were compared at three sites in Nova Scotia, Canada. One site had abundant nitrogen all year round, on account of local upwelling, one had abundant nitrogen for only four months and the last was intermediate in this respect. Where nitrogen was abundant year round, growth followed the seasonal pattern of light, and there was little storage of either carbon or inorganic nitrogen. Where nitrogen was only abundant in the sea in winter, growth accelerated at this time and continued throught early summer while internal reserves of nitrogen were utilized. Carbon was stored in summer and used for growth in the fall. At the intermediate site, larger reserves of nitrogen were built up in winter and a high growth rate was maintained through most of the summer. Smaller carbon reserves were accumulated and growth was minimal in winter. Experiments in which plants were transplanted between sites were not conclusive, but suggested that plants at different sites may have genetic differences.  相似文献   

Nitrate and ammonium uptake rates were measured for three year-classes of the perennial macrophyte Laminaria groenlandica Rosenvinge, collected from nitrogen-depleted waters in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, Canada, in summer 1981. A time course of uptake rate revealed that ammonium uptake was high during the first hour and then decreased for all three year-classes; the opposite pattern was exhibited for the time course of nitrate uptake rate. Nitrate uptake rate increased linearly with nitrate concentration up to the highest level tested (60 M). The nitrate uptake rate of first-year plants was three times higher than second- and third-year plants; ammonium uptake rates showed similar patterns to those for nitrate. The interaction between nitrate and ammonium was examined for first-year plants. Nitrate and ammonium were taken up simultaneously and uptake rates were identical and equal to uptake rates when only nitrate or ammonium was present in the medium. Therefore, first-year plants are able to take up twice as much inorganic nitrogen per unit time when both nitrate and ammonium are present. First-year plants showed significant diel periodicity in ammonium uptake rates, whereas second- and third-year plants showed no periodicity in nitrate or ammonium uptake rates.  相似文献   

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