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Limitation of African Wild Dogs by Competition with Larger Carnivores   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
African wild dogs ( Lycaon pictus ) are endangered largely because their population-density is low under all conditions. Interspecific competition with larger carnivores may be a factor limiting wild dog density. The density of wild dogs on a 2600-km2 area of the Selous Game Reserve (Tanzania) was 0.04 adults/km2. Spotted hyaena ( Crocuta crocuta ) density for the same area was estimated by audio playbacks as 0.32 hyaenas/km2. Lion ( Panthera leo ) density, determined from the ratio of hyaenas to lions, was 0.11 lions/km2. Across six ecosystems including Selous, there were strong negative correlations between wild dog and hyaena densities (r = −0.92; p = 0.01) and between wild dog and lion densities (r = −0.91; p = 0.03). Hyaenas out-numbered wild dogs by ratios ranging from 8:1 to 122:1. Ratios of lions to wild dogs ranged from 3:1 to 21:1. The diets of hyaenas and wild dogs overlap extensively; those of wild dogs and lions show less overlap. Where hyaenas are common and visibility is good, interference competition from hyaenas at wild dog kills is common and reduces wild dogs' feeding time. Where hyaena density is lower and visibility is poor, interference competition at wild dog kills is rare. Wild dogs are commonly killed by lions and occasionally by hyaenas. These data suggest that competition with spotted hyaenas may limit or exclude wild dogs when hyaena density is high. Competition with lions appears less intense, but direct predation by lions on wild dogs is important. Competition and predation by larger carnivores may be of broad importance to the conservation of wild dogs and other medium-sized carnivores.  相似文献   

Populations of the African wild dog, Lycaon pictus have declined throughout their range in sub-Saharan Africa during the last 20 years. It has been hypothesized that handling of wild dogs led to local extinction of a study population in the Serengeti-Masai Mara ecosystem. In this paper we compare rates of mortality and disappearance in handled ( n = 305) versus unhandled ( n = 135) dogs to test the hypothesis that handling leads to increased mortality of Lycaon . We examine data from five ecosystems in which Lycaon have been handled. Our data show that there is no effect of handling on the longevity of Lycaon in any ecosystem studied. Given these data, a more parsimonious explanation of the decimation of the Serengeti-Mara Lycaon population would be that disease alone was responsible for the population collapse and that researcher handling of Lycaon was correlated with, but not causal to, this mortality.  相似文献   

Abstract: Limitation of predator populations by prey availability and the effects of predators on prey populations are widely recognized as important ecological processes that affect carnivore conservation. Interspecific competition can also be a strong limiting factor for carnivore populations, and the effects of competition help explain why some carnivore species are prone to extinction. Competition among carnivores is unusual in some ways, so some predictions from traditional models of competition do not hold. For example, an increase in the density of prey can increase the effect of competition among carnivores, rather than weakening it. I used published data from African wild dogs (    Lycaon pictus ) to highlight four complexities that can modify the effects of competition on the population dynamics of carnivores: habitat fragmentation, counterintuitive effects of prey density, predator-prey size ratios, and habitat type.  相似文献   

Abstract: Declines in economic activity and associated changes in human livelihood strategies can increase threats of species overexploitation. This is exemplified by the effects of economic crises, which often drive intensification of subsistence poaching and greater reliance on natural resources. Whereas development theory links natural resource use to social‐economic conditions, few empirical studies of the effect of economic downturns on wild animal species have been conducted. I assessed the relations between African elephant (Loxodonta africana) mortality and human‐caused wounds in Samburu, Kenya and (1) livestock and maize prices (measures of local economic conditions), (2) change in national and regional gross domestic product (GDP) (measures of macroeconomic conditions), and (3) the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) (a correlate of primary productivity). In addition, I analyzed household survey data to determine the attitudes of local people toward protected areas and wild animals in the area. When cattle prices in the pastoralist study region were low, human‐caused wounds to and adult mortality of elephants increased. The NDVI was negatively correlated with juvenile mortality, but not correlated with adult mortality. Changes in Kenyan and East Asian (primary market for ivory) GDP did not explain significant variation in mortality. Increased human wounding of elephants and elephant mortality during periods of low livestock prices (local economic downturns) likely reflect an economically driven increase in ivory poaching. Local but not macroeconomic indices explained significant variation in mortality, likely due to the dominance of the subsistence economy in the study area and its political and economic isolation. My results suggest economic metrics can serve as effective indicators of changes in human use of and resulting effects on natural resources. Such information can help focus management approaches (e.g., antipoaching effort or proffering of alternative occupational opportunities) that address variation in local activities that threaten plant and animal populations.  相似文献   

Hybridization between Wolves and Dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concern has been expressed that European populations of gray wolves ( Canis lupus ) have extensively hybridized with domestic dogs ( C. familiaris ). We reviewed and analyzed surveys of mitochondrial and biparentally inherited genetic markers in dogs and wild populations of wolf-like canids. Although dog-wolf hybrids have been observed in the wild, significant introgression of dog markers into wild wolf populations has not yet occurred. Our investigation suggests that hybridization may not be an important conservation concern even in small, endangered wolf populations near human settlements. The behavioral and physiological differences between domestic dogs and gray wolves may be sufficiently great such that mating is unlikely and hybrid offspring rarely survive to reproduce in the wild.  相似文献   

Infectious Diseases and Extinction Risk in Wild Mammals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract:  Parasite-driven declines in wildlife have become increasingly common and can pose significant risks to natural populations. We used the IUCN Red List of Threatened and Endangered Species and compiled data on hosts threatened by infectious disease and their parasites to better understand the role of infectious disease in contemporary host extinctions. The majority of mammal species considered threatened by parasites were either carnivores or artiodactyls, two clades that include the majority of domesticated animals. Parasites affecting host threat status were predominantly viruses and bacteria that infect a wide range of host species, including domesticated animals. Counter to our predictions, parasites transmitted by close contact were more likely to cause extinction risk than those transmitted by other routes. Mammal species threatened by parasites were not better studied for infectious diseases than other threatened mammals and did not have more parasites or differ in four key traits demonstrated to affect parasite species richness in other comparative studies. Our findings underscore the need for better information concerning the distribution and impacts of infectious diseases in populations of endangered mammals. In addition, our results suggest that evolutionary similarity to domesticated animals may be a key factor associated with parasite-mediated declines; thus, efforts to limit contact between domesticated hosts and wildlife could reduce extinction risk.  相似文献   

天津滨海湿地典型野生盐生植物的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天津滨海湿地具有丰富的野生盐生植物资源,其中为数众多的盐生植物成功适应了本地区生境,深入研究其应用对滨海盐碱地改良与植被恢复具有重要意义。在滨海自然盐生植物资源调查的基础上,对滨海盐生植物多样性组成进行了简要分析;结合典型盐生植被景观的构成及特征,重点探究了典型野生盐生植物在滨海盐碱地改良和植被恢复、园林绿化方面的应用。研究表明:本区15科,35余种的野生盐生植物中,能够重点推荐作为盐碱地改良和绿化的典型野生盐生植物至少有15种。最后提出保留和保护典型盐生植物和植被景观的建议。  相似文献   

野生马齿苋种子发芽试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文对野生马齿苋种子的发芽特性进行了初步研究,结果表明,马齿苋种子发芽受温度、浸种时间、种子贮藏时间等因素影响.温度低于20℃时,不发芽,20℃时开始发芽,发芽适温为25~30℃,温度超过35℃时发芽受到抑制,在25℃下催芽,其发芽时间集中在24~48h内.温水浸种有利于发芽,浸种时间以12~24h为宜.马齿苋种子存在3~4个月的生理休眠期,用清水浸种可打破休眠,野外播种马齿苋时覆盖塑料小拱棚可明显提高发芽率和出苗率.  相似文献   

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