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Phosphorus leaching in manure-amended Atlantic Coastal Plain soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Targeting the sources of phosphorus (P) and transport pathways of drainage from agricultural land will assist in the reduction of P loading to surface waters. Our research investigated the vertical movement of P from dairy manure and broiler litter through four Atlantic Coastal Plain soils. A randomized split-plot design with two main-plot tillage treatments (no tillage [NT] and chisel tillage [CH]) and five manure P rate split-plot treatments was used at each location. The split-plot P rates were 0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1). Four consecutive years of manure application began at all sites 5 yr before sampling. Soils were sampled to a depth of 150 cm from each split plot in seven depth increments and analyzed for soil test phosphorus (STP), water-extractable soil phosphorus (WSP), and degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS). The DPS of the 0- to 15-cm depths confirmed that at the 100 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1) application rate, all sites exceeded the threshold for P saturation (30%). At depths greater than 30 cm, DPS was typically below the 30% saturation threshold. The DPS change points ranged from 25 to 34% for the 0- to 90-cm depths. Our research concluded that the risk of P leaching through the matrix of the Atlantic Coastal Plain soils studied was not high; however, P leaching via macropore bypass may contribute to P loss from these soils.  相似文献   

The risk of P losses from agricultural land to surface and ground water generally increases as the degree of soil P saturation increases. A single-point soil P sorption index (PSI) was validated with adsorption isotherm data for determination of the P sorption status of Alberta soils. Soil P thresholds (change points) were then examined for two agricultural soils after eight annual applications of different rates of cattle manure and for three agricultural soils after one application of different rates of cattle manure. Linear relationships were found between soil-test P (STP) levels up to 1000 mg kg(-1) and desorbed P in the five Alberta soils. Weak linear relationships were also found between STP and runoff dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in three of these soils. Change points for the degree of P saturation (DPS) were detected in four of the five soils at 3 to 44% for water-extractable P (WEP) and at 11 to 51% for CaCl(2)-extractable P (CaCl(2)-P). Change points were not found for DPS or runoff DRP. Overall DPS thresholds for the five soils combined were 27% for WEP and 44% for CaCl(2)-P at a critical desorbable-P value of 1 mg L(-1). The corresponding STP levels (44 mg kg(-1) for WEP and 71 mg kg(-1) for CaCl(2)-P) are similar to agronomic thresholds for crops grown on Alberta soils. Soluble P losses in overland flow and leaching may be greater in soils with DPS values that exceed these thresholds than in soils with lower DPS values.  相似文献   

Fecal contamination of water resources is evaluated by the enumeration of the fecal coliforms and Enterococci. However, the enumeration of these indicators does not allow us to differentiate between the sources of fecal contamination. Therefore, it is important to use alternative indicators of fecal contamination to identify livestock contamination in surface waters. The concentration of fecal indicators (, enteroccoci, and F-specific bacteriophages), microbiological markers (Rum-2-bac, Pig-2-bac, and ), and chemical fingerprints (sterols and stanols and other chemical compounds analyzed by 3D-fluorescence excitation-matrix spectroscopy) were determined in runoff waters generated by an artificial rainfall simulator. Three replicate plot experiments were conducted with swine slurry and cattle manure at agronomic nitrogen application rates. Low amounts of bacterial indicators (1.9-4.7%) are released in runoff water from swine-slurry-amended soils, whereas greater amounts (1.1-28.3%) of these indicators are released in runoff water from cattle-manure-amended soils. Microbial and chemical markers from animal manure were transferred to runoff water, allowing discrimination between swine and cattle fecal contamination in the environment via runoff after manure spreading. Host-specific bacterial and chemical markers were quantified for the first time in runoff waters samples after the experimental spreading of swine slurry or cattle manure.  相似文献   

The immobilization of Pb in contaminated soils as pyromorphite [Pb(5)(PO(4))(3)Cl, OH, F] through the addition of various phosphate amendments has gained much attention in the remediation community. However, it is difficult to fully determine the speciation and amount of soil Pb converted to pyromorphite by previously employed methods, such as selective sequential extraction procedures and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, which often lead to erroneous results in these non-equilibrated and heterogeneous systems. Statistical analysis by linear combination fitting (LCF) applied to X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopic data of Pb-contaminated soil samples relative to known Pb reference material provides direct, in situ evidence of dominate Pb species in the amended soils without chemical or physical disruption to the Pb species as well as a weighted quantification output. The LCF-XAFS approach illustrated that pyromorphite concentration ranged from 0% (control soil) to 45% (1% phosphoric acid amendment, residence time of 32 mo) relative to the total Pb concentration. The Pb speciation in the nonamended control soil included Pb-sulfur species (galena + angelsite = 53%), adsorbed Pb (inner-sphere + outer-sphere + organic-bound = 45%), and Pb-carbonate phases (cerussite + hydrocerussite = 2%). The addition of P promoted pyromorphite formation and the rate of formation increased with increasing P concentration (up to 45%). The supplemental addition of an iron amendment as an iron-rich byproduct with triple superphosphate (TSP) enhanced pyromorphite formation relative to independent TSP amendment of like concentrations (41 versus 29%). However, the amendment of biosolids and biosolids plus TSP observed little pyromorphite formation (1-16% of total Pb), but a significant increase of sorbed Pb was determined by LCF-XAFS.  相似文献   

Increasing emphasis on phosphorus (P)-based nutrient management underscores the need to understand P behavior in soils amended with biosolids and manures. Laboratory and greenhouse column studies characterized P forms and leachability of eight biosolids products, chicken manure (CM), and commercial fertilizer (triple superphosphate, TSP). Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) was grown for 4 mo on two acid, P-deficient Florida sands, representing both moderate (Candler series: hyperthermic, uncoated Typic Quartzipsamments) and very low (Immokalee series: sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Arenic Alaquods) P-sorbing capacities. Amendments were applied at 56 and 224 kg P(T) ha(-1), simulating P-based and N-based nutrient loadings, respectively. Column leachate P was dominantly inorganic and lower for biosolids P sources than TSP. For Candler soil, only TSP at the high P rate exhibited P leaching statistically greater (alpha = 0.05) than control (soil-only) columns. For the high P rate and low P-sorbing Immokalee soil, TSP and CM leached 21 and 3.0% of applied P, respectively. Leachate P for six biosolids was <1.0% of applied P and not statistically different from controls. Largo biosolids, generated from a biological P removal process, exhibited significantly greater leachate P in both cake and pelletized forms (11 and 2.5% of applied P, respectively) than other biosolids. Biosolids P leaching was correlated to the phosphorus saturation index (PSI = [Pox]/[Al(ox) + Fe(ox)]) based on oxalate extraction of the pre-applied biosolids. For hiosolids with PSI < or = approximately 1.1, no appreciable leaching occurred. Only Largo cake (PSI = 1.4) and pellets (PSI = 1.3) exhibited P leaching losses statistically greater than controls. The biosolids PSI appears useful for identifying biosolids with potential to enrich drainage P when applied to low P-sorbing soils.  相似文献   

Methods for speciation of metals in soils: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In the past decades, environmental scientists have become increasingly involved in developing novel approaches for applying emerging spectroscopic techniques to complex environmental matrices. The objective of this review is to convey the most common chemical species of phosphorus reported for soils, sediments, model systems, and waste materials based on analyses by four spectroscopic techniques: X-ray absorption near-edge structure, nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Unique information is provided by each technique at a level of specificity that depends in part on matrix complexity. The X-ray absorption near-edge structure and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques reveal inorganic and organic P species in intact environmental matrices or in chemical extracts, whereas the Fourier transform infrared and Raman techniques can provide more specific bonding information about mineral or adsorbed P species in model analogs of matrix components. The most common P species in soils and sediments as indicated by spectroscopy are hydroxyapatite and octacalcium phosphate minerals, phosphate adsorbed on Fe- and Al-oxides, pyrophosphates and polyphosphates, phosphate mono- and di-esters, and phosphonates. Continued advancements in spectroscopic methods should improve speciation-based models of P mobilization and transformations in the environment.  相似文献   

Modifying poultry diets by reducing mineral P supplementation and/or adding phytase may change the chemical composition of P in manures and affect the mobility of P in manure-amended soils. We studied the speciation of P in manures produced by broiler chickens and turkeys from either normal diets, or diets with reduced amounts of non-phytate phosphorus (NPP) and/or phytase, using a combination of chemical fractionation and synchrotron X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. All broiler litters were rich in dicalcium phosphate (65-76%), followed by aqueous phosphate (13-18%), and phytic acid (7-20%); however, no hydroxylapatite was observed. Similarly, normal turkey manure had 77% of P as dicalcium phosphate and had no hydroxylapatite, while turkey manure from diets that had reduced NPP and phytase contained equal proportions of dicalcium phosphate (33-45%) and hydroxylapatite (35-39%). This is attributed to the higher total Ca to P ratio (>2) in modified turkey manures that resulted in transformation of more soluble (dicalcium phosphate) to less soluble P compounds (hydroxylapatite). Chemical fractionation showed that H2O-extractable P was the predominant form in broiler litter (56-77%), whereas aqueous phosphate determined with XANES was <18% indicating that H2O probably dissolved mineral forms of P (e.g., dicalcium phosphate). Results show that HCl extraction primarily removed phytic acid from broiler litters and normal turkey manure, while it removed a mixture of hydroxylapatite and phytic acid from modified turkey manures. The combination of chemical fractionation and XANES provided information about the nature of P in these manures, which may help to devise best management practices for manure use.  相似文献   

Chemical treatment of animal manure with Al, Fe, and Ca salts appears capable of concentrating P in a smaller volume, thereby providing increased manure management options. However, little information is available on the fate of nutrients in soils receiving chemically treated manure. An incubation study (1 d to 2 yr) was conducted with three soils (Soils I, II, and III with 12, 66, and 94 mg kg(-1) Bray-1 P, respectively) and four manure treatments (one untreated and three chemical including Al-, Fe-, and Ca-treated) at two rates (12.5 and 25 mg P kg(-1)), and a control (no manure). Subsamples were analyzed for Bray-1 P and water-extractable phosphorus (WEP) after eight incubation time periods. Phosphorus distribution among different fractions (soluble and loosely bound; Al-, Fe-, and Ca-bound; organic P; and residual) was also determined after 1 d and 1 yr. Water-extractable P increased when soils received untreated or Ca-treated manure in proportion to P application rate. Water-extractable P, however, decreased (compared with control) for Soils II and III or slightly increased for Soil I with addition of Al- or Fe-treated manure. Water-extractable P decreased sharply between 1 d and 1 to 2 wk and then remained relatively constant or increased slightly up to 2 yr depending on treatment and soil type. Bray-1 P increased for all treatment types and soils in the following order: Ca-treated > Al-treated >/= untreated > Fe-treated > control. Within each treatment, Bray-1 P decreased between 1 d and 1 to 2 wk and then gradually increased for up to 3 mo (Soils II and III) or 6 mo (Soil I). Application of Al- or Fe-treated manure decreased P solubility with the effect being more pronounced in soils with high background P. Since the application of Ca-treated manure increased both WEP and Bray-1 P, it should be recommended for soils where the objective is to increase P availability. Several years of P input through fertilizer and manure contributed mainly to aluminum-bound phosphorus (Al-P) and to a lesser degree to other fractions. Only soluble and loosely bound P (all soils) and Al-P (Soil I) exhibited treatment-type effects after receiving chemically treated manure. The study results will help bridge the gap between our knowledge of chemical treatment systems for animal manure and the ultimate fate of P when the treated manure is land-applied.  相似文献   

A four-step novel sequential extraction procedure (SEP) was developed to assess Hg fractionation and mobility in three highly contaminated soils from chlor-alkali plants (CAPs). The SEP was validated using a certified reference material (CRM) and pure Hg compounds. Total, volatile, and methyl Hg concentrations were also determined using single extractions. Mercury was separated into four fractions defined as water-soluble (F1), exchangeable (F2) (0.5 M NH4Ac-EDTA and 1 M CaCl2 were tested), organic (F3) (successive extractions with 0.2 M NaOH and CH3COOH 4% [v/v]), and residual (F4) (HNO3 + H2SO4 + HClO4). The soil characterization revealed extremely contaminated (295 +/- 18 to 11 500 +/- 500 mg Hg kg(-1)) coarse-grained sandy soils having an alkaline pH (7.9-9.1), high chloride concentrations (5-35 mg kg(-1)), and very low organic carbon content (0.00-18.2 g kg(-1)). Methyl Hg concentrations were low (0.2-19.3 microg kg(-1)) in all soils. Sequential extractions indicated that the majority of the Hg was associated with the residual fraction (F4). In Soils 1 and 3, however, high percentages (88-98%) of the total Hg were present as volatile Hg. Therefore, in these two soils, a high proportion of volatile Hg was present in the residual fraction. The nonresidual fraction (F1 + F2 + F3) was most abundant in Soil 1 (14-42%), suggesting a higher availability of Hg in this soil. The developed and validated SEP was reproducible and efficient for highly contaminated samples. Recovery ranged between 93 and 98% for the CRM and 70 and 130% for the CAP-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Land application of wastewater presents potential for ground water pollution if not properly managed. In situ breakthrough tests were conducted using potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)-processing wastewater and a Br tracer to characterize P leaching in seasonally frozen sandy outwash soils. In the first test, P and Br breakthrough were measured in a 7-m deep well following wastewater [2.94 mg L(-1) total P (TP); 280 mg L(-1) Br] application at the site that had 13.1 mg water-extractable P (WEP) kg(-1)and 94.4 mg Bray-1 P kg(-1). Bromide was detected in the well after approximately 0.4 pore volumes, but there was no P break-through after 7 pore volumes. In the second breakthrough test, wastewater containing 3.6 mg L(-1) TP and 259 mg L(-1) Br was applied on 1.5-m deep lysimeters at low (0.8 mg WEP kg(-1); 12.1 mg Bray-1 P kg(-1)) and high soil test P sites (104 mg WEP kg(-1); 585 mg Bray-1 P kg(-1)). Leachate TP concentration during the test remained constant (0.04 mg L(-1)) at the low P sites but increased from approximately 3.5 to 5.6 mg L(-1) at the high P sites. These results indicate no P leaching in low P soils, but leaching in high P soils, thus suggesting that most of the P leached at the high P sites was mainly due to desorption and dissolution of weakly adsorbed P from prior P applications. This was consistent with P transport simulations using the convective-dispersive equation. We conclude that P concentration in land-applied wastewater should be regulated based on soil test-P level plus wastewater P loading.  相似文献   

Productivity in P limited peatlands is regulated in part by the turnover of organic phosphates, which is influenced by the chemical nature of the compounds involved. We used solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to quantify organic and inorganic phosphates in benthic floc (a mixture of plant detritus and algae) and underlying soil from sites along P gradients in hard water and soft water areas of the northern Florida Everglades, USA. Phosphorus-enriched sites were dominated by cattail (Typha spp.), while unenriched sites included sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense Crantz) ridges and open-water sloughs. Phosphorus extracted in a solution containing 0.25 M NaOH and 50 mM EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetate) included phosphate, phosphate monoesters, DNA, and pyrophosphate. Signals from phosphate monoesters were consistent with those from alkaline hydrolysis products of RNA and phospholipids formed during extraction and analysis, whereas phytic acid (myo-inositol hexakisphosphate), the most abundant organic phosphate in most soils, was not detected. Phosphorus composition was similar among sites, although neither DNA nor pyrophosphate were detected in extracts of benthic floc from a calcareous slough. DNA was a greater proportion of the P extracted from soil compared to benthic floc, while the opposite was true for pyrophosphate. Research on the cycling of organic phosphates in wetlands focuses conventionally on the turnover of phosphate monoesters, but our results suggest strongly that greater emphasis should be given to understanding the role of phosphate diesters and phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   

Long-term application of phosphorus (P) with animal manure in amounts exceeding removal with crops leads to buildup of P in soil and to increasing risk of P loss to surface water and eutrophication. In most manures, the majority of P is held within inorganic forms, but in soil leachates organic P forms often dominate. We investigated the mobility of both inorganic and organic P in profile samples from a noncalcareous sandy soil treated for 11 yr with excessive amounts of pig slurry, poultry manure, or poultry manure mixed with litter. Solution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to characterize NaOH-EDTA-extractable forms of P, corresponding to 64 to 93% of the total P concentration in soil. Orthophosphate and orthophosphate monoesters were the main P forms detected in the NaOH-EDTA extracts. A strong accumulation of orthophosphate monoesters was found in the upper layers of the manure-treated soils. For orthophosphate, however, increased concentrations were found down to the 40- to 50-cm soil layers, indicating a strong downward movement of this P form. This was ascribed to the strong retention of orthophosphate monoesters by the solid phase of the soil, preventing orthophosphate sorption and facilitating downward movement of orthophosphate. Alternatively, mineralization of organic P in the upper layers of the manure-treated soils may have generated orthophosphate, which could have contributed to the downward movement of the latter. Leaching of inorganic P should thus be considered for the assessment and the future management of the long-term risk of P loss from soils receiving large amounts of manure.  相似文献   

The excessive use of antimicrobials in animal rearing and the associated environmental hazards have become a pressing issue. Animal agriculture is often viewed as a significant contributor to environmental degradation due to the residues of antimicrobials. It is a common practice to use livestock waste as a soil enhancer in farming. Despite some research into antimicrobials, there is room for more comprehensive data regarding these pollutants in animal farming environments. A handful of earlier studies have identified antimicrobials in animal waste. This research undertook the task of examining and evaluating soils amended with animal waste (from chickens, cows, and pigs) for the presence of seven specific antimicrobials. The antimicrobials under scrutiny included trimethoprim (TRI), ormethoprim (ORM), ofloxacin (OFL), norfloxacin (NOR), tetracycline (TET), chlortetracycline (CTE), and tylosin (TLS). Soil samples were collected from areas surrounding breeding farms located upstream of the Sai Gon River. These samples were then subjected to laboratory analysis, which involved solid-phase extraction using ultrasonic waves and the application of high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS) to identify the antimicrobials. TRI, which had the highest average concentration (2.603–91.304 μg/kg), and OFL, with the second highest average concentration (1.815–15.832 μg/kg), were detected in all soil samples amended with manure. CTE, with the third highest average concentration, was found in soils amended with cow and pig waste (1.625–15.486 μg/kg). ORM and TE, with lower average concentrations (0.595–1.318 μ and 11.537–13.569 μg/kg, respectively), were only detected in soils amended with chicken waste, while NOR was only found in soils amended with cow waste. These findings indicate that the use of antimicrobials in animal farming can negatively impact the soil ecosystem. Consequently, these results can contribute to the creation of guidelines for monitoring antimicrobial residues in agricultural ecosystems.  相似文献   

Manure applied to agricultural land at rates that exceed annual crop nutrient requirements can be a source of phosphorus in runoff. Manure incorporation is often recommended to reduce phosphorus losses in runoff. A small plot rainfall simulation study was conducted at three sites in Alberta to evaluate the effects of manure rate and incorporation on phosphorus losses. Treatments consisted of three solid beef cattle manure application rates (50, 100, and 200 kg ha(-1) total phosphorus), an unmanured control, and two incorporation methods (nonincorporated and incorporated with one pass of a double disk). Simulated rain was applied to soils with freshly applied and residual (1 yr after application) manure at 70 mm h(-1) to produce 30 min of runoff. Soil test phosphorus (STP), total phosphorus (TP), and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations in runoff increased with manure rate for fresh and residual manure. Initial abstraction and runoff volumes did not change with manure rate. Initial abstraction, runoff volumes, and phosphorus concentrations did not change with manure incorporation at Lacombe and Wilson, but initial abstraction volumes increased and runoff volumes and phosphorus concentrations decreased with incorporation of fresh manure at Beaverlodge. Phosphorus losses in runoff were directly related to phosphorus additions. Extraction coefficients (slopes of the regression lines) for the linear relationships between residual manure STP and phosphorus in runoff were 0.007 to 0.015 for runoff TP and 0.006 to 0.013 for runoff DRP. While incorporation of manure with a double disk had no significant effect on phosphorus losses in runoff from manure-amended soils 1 yr after application, incorporation of manure is still recommended to control nitrogen losses, improve crop nutrient uptake, and potentially reduce odor concerns.  相似文献   

Phosphorus exchangeability and leaching losses from two grassland soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although phosphate phosphorus (P) is strongly sorbed in many soils, it may be quickly transported through the soil by preferential flow. Under flood irrigation, preferential flow is especially pronounced and associated solute losses may be important. Phosphorus losses induced by flood irrigation were investigated in a lysimeter study. Detailed soil chemical analyses revealed that P was very mobile in the topsoil, but the higher P-fixing capacity of the subsoil appeared to restrict P mobility. Application of a dye tracer enabled preferential flow pathways to be identified. Soil sampling according to dye staining patterns revealed that exchangeable P was significantly greater in preferential flow areas as compared with the unstained soil matrix. This could be partly attributed to the accumulation of organic carbon and P, together with enhanced leaching of Al- and Fe-oxides in the preferential flow areas, which resulted in reduced P sorption. The irrigation water caused a rapid hydrologic response by displacement of resident water from the subsoil. Despite the occurrence of preferential flow, most of the outflowing water was resident soil water and very low in P. In these soils the occurrence of preferential flow per se is not sufficient to cause large P losses even if the topsoil is rich in P. It appears that the P was retained in lower parts of the soil profile characterized by a very high P-fixing capacity. This study demonstrates the risks associated with assessing potential P losses on the basis of P mobility in the topsoil alone.  相似文献   

Wetland soils play a key role in the cycling of nutrients within an ecosystem. Since soils are potentially a source or a sink for inorganic nutrients, it is important to quantify their influence on overlying water quality in order to understand their importance in overall ecosystem nutrient budgets. Laboratory and field studies were performed in the northern Everglades (WCA-2A) to determine the magnitude of phosphorus (P) flux between the soil and the overlying water column, under various redox conditions. The P flux was estimated using three techniques: intact soil cores, in situ benthic chambers, and porewater equilibrators. There was reasonable agreement between the P flux estimated using intact soil cores and benthic chambers; however, P flux estimates using the porewater equilibrators were considerably lower than the other two techniques. Models of solute flux, based solely on soil physico-chemical characteristics, may substantially underestimate soil-water nutrient exchange processes. Phosphorus flux measured with the intact soil cores varied from 6.5 mg m(-2) d(-1) near nutrient inflow areas to undetectable flux 4 km away from the inflow. Oxygen consumption varied from 4 mg m(-2) d(-1) near the inflow to a constant 1 to 2 mg m(-2) d(-1) at a distance of 4 km from the inflow. Rate of consumption of NO3- -N and SO4(2-) showed no significant trend with respect to distance from inflow. Nitrate N and SO4 consumption rates averaged 120 and 130 mg m(-1) d(-1), respectively. Consumption of O2 was correlated with P flux, whereas NO3- -N and SO4(2-) consumption were not.  相似文献   

Sulfamethazine uptake by plants from manure-amended soil   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Animal manure is applied to agricultural land as a means to provide crop nutrients. However, animal manure often contains antibiotics as a result of extensive therapeutic and subtherapeutic use in livestock production. The objective of this study was to evaluate plant uptake of a sulfonamide-class antibiotic, sulfamethazine, in corn (Zea mays L.), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown in a manure-amended soil. The treatments were 0, 50, and 100 microg sulfamethazine mL(-1) manure applied at a rate of 56 000 L ha(-1). Results from the 45-d greenhouse experiment showed that sulfamethazine was taken up by all three crops, with concentrations in plant tissue ranging from 0.1 to 1.2 mg kg(-1) dry weight. Sulfamethazine concentrations in plant tissue increased with corresponding increase of sulfamethazine in manure. Highest plant tissue concentrations were found in corn and lettuce, followed by potato. Total accumulation of sulfamethazine in plant tissue after 45 d of growth was less than 0.1% of the amount applied to soil in manure. These results raise potential human health concerns of consuming low levels of antibiotics from produce grown on manure-amended soils.  相似文献   

A 3-yr field study quantified leaching and runoff losses of antibiotics from land application of liquid hog (chlortetracycline and tylosin) and solid beef (chlortetracycline, monensin, and tylosin) manures under chisel plowing and no-tillage systems. The study was conducted in southwestern Wisconsin, a karst area with steep, shallow, macroporous soils. Relative mass losses of chlortetracycline, monensin, and tylosin were <5% of the total amount applied with manure. Chlortetracycline was only detected in runoff, whereas monensin and tylosin were detected in leachate and runoff. Highest concentrations of monensin and tylosin in the leachate were 40.9 and 1.2 microg L(-1), respectively. Highest chlortetracycline, monensin, and tylosin concentrations in runoff were 0.5, 57.5, and 6.0 microg L(-1), respectively. For all three antibiotics, >90% of detections and 99% of losses occurred during the non-growing season due to fall manure application and slow degradation of antibiotics at cold temperatures. During years of high snowmelt, runoff accounted for nearly 100% of antibiotic losses, whereas during years of minimal snowmelt, runoff accounted for approximately 40% of antibiotic losses. Antibiotic losses were generally higher from the no-tillage compared with chisel plow treatment due to greater water percolation as a result of macroporosity and greater runoff due to lack of surface roughness in the no-tillage plots during the non-growing season. The results from this study suggest that small quantities of dissolved antibiotics could potentially reach surface and ground waters in the Upper Midwestern USA from manure-amended shallow macroporous soils underlain with fractured bedrock.  相似文献   

The phosphorus (P) in agro-industrial by-products--a potential source of freshwater eutrophication but also a valuable fertilizer--needs to be speciated to evaluate its fate in the environment. We investigated to what extent X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the P K- and L2.3-edges reflected differences in sequentially extracted filter cakes from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) (FIC) and niger seed (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.; NIC) processing industry in Ethiopia. The P fractionation removed more labile (54%) and H2SO4-P (28%) from FIC than from NIC (18% labile, 12% H2SO4-P). For the FIC residues after each extraction step, linear combination (LC) fitting of P K-edge spectra provided evidence for the enrichment of Ca-P after the NaOH-extraction and its almost complete removal after the H2SO4-treatment. The LC-fitting was unsuccessful for the NIC samples, likely because of the predominance of organic P compounds. The different proportions of Ca-P compounds between FIC (large) and NIC (small) were more distinctive in L2-than in the K-edge XANES spectra. In conclusion, the added value of complementary P K- and L2.3-edge XANES was clearly demonstrated, and the P fractionation and speciation results together justify using FIC and NIC as soil amendments in the tropics.  相似文献   

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