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石静  陈文育 《四川环境》2021,(1):239-243
现今,我国水环境整体情况仍不容乐观,相较于大气污染而言,水污染形势也更为严峻紧迫。水环境关乎着人们的切身利益,与居民的健康和社会稳定紧密勾连,相关的新闻也深刻地反映着社会大众关注的焦点与痛点。拟从获取的数据入手,对以“长江水污染”为议题的新闻报道进行系统地研究分析,从而探讨当前水环境污染新闻报道的潜在问题,并对此提出一些对策与建议。厘清水环境污染新闻报道的现状,把握水环境污染报道存在的问题,对于新闻报道发挥影响力和推动水污染问题的解决具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Evolving policies to regulate pollution from animal feeding operations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Due to concentrations of animals at large facilities, animal feeding operations (AFOs) have emerged as a major potential source of water pollution. The federal government regulates concentrated animal feeding operations under its point-source pollution permitting regulations. A major determinant of whether an operation must apply for a permit is the number of animals at an individual lot or facility. This paper examines federal mandatory controls and voluntary guidelines that seek to reduce contaminant pollution from AFOs. Land treatment practices are delineated due to their importance in reducing the injurious by-products of agricultural production. An evaluation of proposed revisions to federal regulations on confined animal feeding operations suggests they diverge from their goal of controlling water pollution. Federal regulations focus on the size of operation and amount of manure governed by the permitting process to the exclusion of other criteria related to the impairment of water quality. Given the uncertainties about the amount of pollution from AFOs, lack of enforcement of existing regulations, localization of problems, and possible alternatives for addressing the pollution, more demanding federal regulations may not form an appropriate response.  相似文献   

多中心治理下公众参与大气污染防治路径探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
动员全社会力量保护环境,积极推动公众参与环保工作,是解决环境保护问题的根本途径。运用多中心治理理论分析,发现政府治污理念陈旧、制度不健全、公众责任意识淡漠、环保社会组织弱小等,是我国大气污染治理中公众参与度低的主要原因,因此提出转变观念、完善机制、加强教育、支持和引导环保社会组织,促进公众参与的多元治理模式的形成,真正推动大气环境质量的改善。  相似文献   

随着石油库数量的不断增加和公众环境保护意识的增强,石油库环境污染问题越来越引人关注。正确认识和合理预防、控制油库污染对于实现企业经济、社会以及环境效益的协调发展起着非常重要的作用。文章简要分析了石油库的常规环境污染途径、方式及火灾爆炸事故造成的环境风险,分别从规划、设计和运行三个阶段论述了常规环境污染控制以及事故状态下的风险防控,并提出此项工作应贯穿于规划、设计和运行的全过程中。  相似文献   

徐梦佳  刘冬 《中国环境管理》2019,11(1):123-127,131
城镇化发展带来的环境污染问题已成为影响我国城镇化发展质量的重要方面。在新型城镇化建设全面推进和高质量发展要求的背景下,如何解决城镇化建设过程中的城市生态环境问题,优化空间布局,促进区域可持续发展,成为亟需解决的重大问题。本文基于全球视角从总结借鉴国际上主要国家城镇化过程、模式以及在此过程中生态环境保护和改善的经验入手,从科学规划、科技发展、法律制度、公众参与等方面总结国外经验,并从构建空间治理体系、治理环境突出问题、发挥政府主导作用、加大公众参与力度等方面探索构建我国新型城镇体系下生态环境管治的策略方案。  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of pollution prevention, treatment and cure with respect to solvent-based processes. It is postulated that, in new processes, considering environmental constraints in the early stages of process design can prevent pollution due to inefficient recovery of solvents or inefficient separation by solvents. Pollution in existing processes can also be prevented through early treatment that includes assessment of causes and effects of future changes in process conditions and/or environmental regulations. Pollution cure is more difficult, since the process is already violating some environmental constraints and any solution also needs to satisfy social and economic constraints. A technique for pollution prevention, treatment and cure that is based on the use of computer-aided tools is presented. Application of the technique is illustrated through a case study that highlights the important steps of the solution approach and serves as a proof of concept.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Since 1989, the government of Pierce County, Washington, has prepared four watershed action plans. The watersheds cover almost 800,000 acres and include about 600,000 residents and diverse land uses, from the city of Tacoma to Mount Rainier National Park. The primary purpose of these plans was to address water quality impacts from nonpoint sources of pollution and to protect beneficial uses of water. Pierce County has experienced problems such as shellfish bed closures and the Federal Clean Water Act Section 303(d) listing of local water bodies as a result of declining water quality. Pierce County achieved improvements by engaging diverse groups of stakeholders in generating solutions to nonpoint sources of water pollution through our watershed planning process. Using participatory methods borrowed from private industry, Pierce County was able to reach consensus, build trust, maximize participation, facilitate learning, encourage creativity, develop partnerships, shorten time frames for the planning processes, and increase the level of commitment participants had to implementing the plans. As a result, the earliest plans have a high rate of voluntary implementation. This indicates that the process and methodology used to develop watershed plans has a significant, if not critical, impact on their success.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One of the principal stumbling blocks to regulatory agencies' adopting pollutant trading schemes is the complex of uncertainties surrounding any change in institutions. This is especially true if nonpoint pollution sources are to be involved along with point sources. Regulators are understandably reluctant to switch from tried-and-true point source permit systems, even if trading schemes can be shown (on paper, at least) to result in lower public expenditures. We propose a set of practical criteria for point-nonpoint pollutant trading systems that promise to increase regulators' confidence that the new system will be equally effective in controlling pollution and at the same time more likely to capture efficiencies in pollution reduction practices.  相似文献   

Urban waste collection system is a pivotal component of all waste management schemes around the world. Therefore, the efficient performance and the success of these schemes in urban pollution control rest on the ability of the collection systems to fully adapt to the prevailing cultural and social contexts within which they operate. Conceptually, institutions being the rules guiding the conduct of public service provision and routine social interactions, waste collection systems embedded in institutions can only realize their potentials if they fully evolve continuously to reflect evolving social and technical matrices underlying the cultures, organizations, institutions and social conditions they are designed to address. This paper is a product of an analysis of waste collection performance in Ghana under two different institutional and/or organizational regimes; from an initial entirely public sector dependence to a current mix of public-private sector participation drawing on actual planning data from 1985 to 2000. The analysis found that the overall performance of waste collection services in Ghana increased under the coupled system, with efficiency (in terms of total waste clearance and coverage of service provision) increasing rapidly with increased private-sector controls and levels of involvement, e.g. for solid waste, collection rate and disposal improved from 51% in 1998 to about 91% in the year 2000. However, such an increase in performance could not be sustained beyond 10 years of public-private partnerships. This analysis argues that the sustainability of improved waste collection efficiency is a function of the franchise and lease arrangements between private sector group on the one hand and public sector group (local authorities) on the other hand. The analysis therefore concludes that if such franchise and lease arrangements are not conceived out of an initial transparent process, such a provision could undermine the overall sustainability of private sector initiatives in collection services delivery in the long term, as in the case of the Accra example.  相似文献   

我国土壤污染风险规制在专家遴选标准、建设用地和农用地污染风险管控要求,以及风险管控措施等方面存在不同程度的行政裁量。社会理性和科学理性的缺失形成了土壤污染风险行政裁量困局。土壤污染信息制度中“适时公开”的规定使得公众缺乏必要污染信息,弱化其参与程度,导致对行政决定合法性的质疑。此外,土壤污染风险管控标准中专家遴选标准和论证规则的欠缺导致土壤污染风险规制科学理性的缺失。为此,需要建构关照事实和规范的协商式行政裁量模式,强调公众的实质性参与以弥合技术理性和公众理性的鸿沟。同时,在程序上确定专家遴选标准和风险管控标准的论证规则以保证土壤污染风险管控的科学性和客观性。在不妨碍行政裁量权灵活性和能动性的前提下,规范行政裁量权的行使,控制行政裁量权的滥用。  相似文献   

周小玲  杜敏  吕娟 《四川环境》2013,(6):133-136
随着城镇化的进程不断加快,环境噪声污染问题日益突出,为了创建和谐社会,实现人类社会的可持续发展,还公众一个宁静安逸的生活环境,必须做好噪声的控制和消减工作,本文根据对2012年四川省噪声污染现状及治理方法的调研,分析在噪声防治过程中存在的问题,提出了健全噪声管理机制、声环境功能区划定或调整、严格声环境污染项目审批等与四川省实际情况相适应的的噪声防治对策。  相似文献   

我国有关光污染的立法几乎近于苍白,法院缺乏处理光污染侵害的法律依据,不能充分地维护受侵害人的利益。光污染侵权行为的构成要件有一定的特殊之处,亟需立法规范。防治光污染是一项社会系统工程,需要有关部门科学规划,合理布局环境建设,从源头防治光污染;采取有利于光环境保护的技术手段;加强对光污染的监督管理,有效控制光污染源;加强环境宣传教育,提高公众的环境意识。  相似文献   

第三方治理是促进环境污染治理市场化、专业化、产业化的有效模式,也是我国生态文明制度建设创新的重要内容。我国环境污染第三方治理还处于探索阶段,存在内涵不清晰、理论架构未建立、关键问题待突破、政策路径不明确等问题,系统设计我国环境污染第三方治理改革路线图是当前迫切的现实需求。本文在对第三方治理内涵的解析和界定的基础上,提出基于多中心公共经济论、市场经济利益最大化原理、规模经济及委托-代理理论的理论架构,综合分析第三方治理的理论依据及作用机制。从国家和地方两个层面梳理我国环境污染第三方治理的政策演进情况,并立足于我国环境公用设施建设和企业工业污染治理领域第三方治理的发展现状,剖析成效及问题,提出构建法律法规和标准体系、环境监管体系、经济政策支持体系、市场价格体系和企业诚信评价体系的政策机制改革框架及实施路径。  相似文献   

Policy scholars have indicated that the quality of the solution to a perceived social problem depends on the adequacy of its framing. This paper examines how policy stakeholders and local residents frame the issue of the radioactive waste storage facility in Taiwan, the limits of institutional mechanisms in decision-making processes, and the implications of the deliberative forums undertaken by the national Stop Nukes Now organisation. The controversy illustrates the problems of a knowledge gap and the top-down procedures as well as the challenges that Taiwan faces in becoming a nuclear-free country. This case demonstrates civic society organisations’ efforts to challenge the ‘social–technical divide’ and technical experts’ prior definition of the ‘problems’ and selection of a ‘solution’. Deliberative forums enable the participation of affected communities to shape public discourses, which helps to strengthen public communication, improves citizen consciousness of nuclear waste issues, and attempts to link wider communities and public interests.  相似文献   

污染源大数据是环保大数据的重要组成部分,然而在以环境管理制度为基础的污染源数据管理过程中,一直存在制度衔接不流畅、数据不共享等诸多问题。本文调研考察了现有各项环境管理制度的衔接情况,提出以排污许可制度为核心,通过与其他环境管理制度有效衔接,实现环境管理的各个环节的有效覆盖。通过SWOT分析法对基于"一证式"改革的环境管理制度优化方案的可行性和必要性进行了深入分析,并以排污许可证为核心,设计企业环境管理信息系统框架。试生产与竣工环保验收实效不足,可转为企业自行备案;将环评审批结论纳入排污许可证,可大幅度减轻企业相关环境管理业务人员的负担。环境管理制度的优化必须建立在部门职能转变与整合之上;同时,还必须获得国家层面的立法与行政的支持;社会舆论的关注与支持也将推动环境管理制度优化的进程。以排污许可证管理为核心的信息系统框架可以有效实现污染源排放信息整合共享。  相似文献   

中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,正经历着越发严重的农业污染问题;对农业污染防控的制度性约束因素进行深入分析,是实现有效污染防控的前提,具有积极的理论和现实意义。对中国农业污染防控的制度约束分析研究表明:农业污染及其防控涉及的利益主体关系及相关制度设计,对各利益主体形成了污染防控负激励,加重了农业污染;城乡"二元"结构及其衍生的一系列体制问题,导致"三农"在农业环境治理、农村公共物品提供等方面被严重边缘化,进而直接制约了农业污染防控;此外,高度分散的小规模农户经营模式也不利于农业污染防控。最后,针对中国农业污染防控的制度性约束因素,提出了有针对性的农业污染防控政策建议。  相似文献   

夏文汇 《四川环境》1995,14(1):28-31
本文运用生态经济系统思想有计划,有步骤地解决水环境问题,针对当前城市水质污染的状况和趋势,找出城市水污染的主要原因,并对城市水环境污染进行经济分析及采取的经济对策,根据城市污水总量污染趋势预测,提出了防治措施,同时,在解决水环境问题时,重视环境效益,经济效益和社会效益的统一。  相似文献   

The emergence of problems such as nitrate pollution has drawn attention to the need for integrated management of land and water resources. Integrated management approaches require appropriate institutional arrangements. Unfortunately, in many countries, land and water resources are managed on a sectoral basis and institutions were not designed to deal with complex environmental problems. Institutional arrangements for management of nitrate pollution are evaluated on the basis of seven criteria. Results indicate that some progress was made after 1985 regarding inter-agency co-ordination, public participation, the mix of strategies and adaptive capacity. Nevertheless, key substantive issues involving equity, efficiency and effectiveness were not adequately resolved. Policy referral, catchment management planning, bargaining and negotiation are recommended as key processes and mechanisms for improved management of the nitrate problem.  相似文献   

The problem of bacterial pollution in shellfishing areas is not uncommon in the coastal regions of the United States. Bacterial contamination from man's activities can effectively reduce our natural shellfish resource areas by forcing their closure because of high potential risk of diseases being spread by shellfish harvested in these areas. Tillamook Bay, a relatively small, enclosed drainage basin of nonurban character, presents an excellent study area for observing this problem. The high population density of animals, raised on a relatively small floodplain area, represents one of the major sources of pollution in the bay. This paper summarizes the history of the agencies involved with the problem and presents the current approach to alleviate bacterial pollution in the bay without unduly penalizing other industries in the Tillamook basin. The paper also presents some of the legal aspects of reducing water pollution in shellfish harvesting areas and the jurisdiction of federal agencies in these matters. Finally, recommendations are given to reduce bacterial output by the major source categories in the basin, and criteria for bay closure to shellfish harvest are developed to protect the public from bacterially contaminated shellfish.  相似文献   

This article presents a methodological approach for the formulation of control strategies capable of reducing atmospheric pollution at the standards set by European legislation. The approach was implemented in the greater area of Thessaloniki and was part of a project aiming at the compliance with air quality standards in five major cities in Greece. The methodological approach comprises two stages: in the first stage, the availability of several measures contributing to a certain extent to reducing atmospheric pollution indicates a combinatorial problem and favors the use of Integer Programming. More specifically, Multiple Objective Integer Programming is used in order to generate alternative efficient combinations of the available policy measures on the basis of two conflicting objectives: public expenditure minimization and social acceptance maximization. In the second stage, these combinations of control measures (i.e., the control strategies) are then comparatively evaluated with respect to a wider set of criteria, using tools from Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, namely, the well-known PROMETHEE method. The whole procedure is based on the active involvement of local and central authorities in order to incorporate their concerns and preferences, as well as to secure the adoption and implementation of the resulting solution.  相似文献   

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