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In seven higher plant species of different taxa, structural features of underground organs have been considered, and the levels of intraspecific variation in some characters of these organs have been determined. Different pathways of the structural adaptation of these species to the environment are demonstrated on the morphological and anatomical levels.Translated from Ekologiya, No. 2, 2005, pp. 97–105.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Tarshis.  相似文献   

The transformation of microenvironmental conditions in habitats of small mammals and related changes in their spatial structure, manifested in changing levels of interspecific contacts, have been studied in microhabitats of plots affected by anemogenic (windfall) and pyrogenic influence in a protected area of the Middle Urals. The association of the dominant species (the bank vole) and other species of the community (grey red-backed vole, northern red-backed vole, and common shrew) increases in environments disturbed by disastrous natural factors. Association of species is less pronounced in the pyrogenic area, compared to the anemogenic area. The type of association between species differs between stages of progressive succession depending on conditions in particular microhabitats and specific features of functional organization in populations of small mammal species.  相似文献   

The distribution of ant species was studied across different types of semi-natural grasslands in a mosaic landscape in which data on land use history and conservation values were available. The twenty-nine grasslands selected were non-fertilised and had an uninterrupted history of management, but they differed from each other in soil texture and grazing practices and were therefore sub-divided into six different types. Species abundance of mound-building ants were investigated in these grasslands in 2003. Additionally, ants were sampled using the pitfall trapping method in 13 semi-natural grasslands (in 2003 and 2005). Ant species richness and nest frequency of individual ant species differed between the different types of grassland and was associated with soil texture and grazing practices. The results also showed that even small grasslands have a very high ant species richness. This study showed that for the conservation of ants, habitat diversity and heterogeneity rather than habitat size are of great importance. I conclude that different types of semi-natural grassland contribute to heterogeneity in the farmland landscape and, thus, support higher ant diversity at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

We investigated the ecophysiology (physiological ecology) of plant succession within a coastal wetland community. The photosynthetic characteristics of six plants were studied; Scirpus mariqueter and Carex scabrifolia in early successional communities, Phragmites communis and Tamarix chinensis in mid successional communities, and Salix matsudana and Imperata cylindrica in later successional communities. Environmental factors were concurrently determined for each community. Relationships between photosynthetic and environmental factors were analyzed by path analysis, and the dependence of photosynthesis on particular environmental factors was shown to vary between plants in the differing successional communities. Ability to cope with irradiation appears to be one of the most important factors influencing plant succession. The increasing stratification of plant communities following colonization of new coastal land necessitates differing physiological strategies and photosynthetic dynamics in the later colonizing plants.  相似文献   

The distribution of morphological, substrate, and latitudinal geographic groups of lichen species has been analyzed in various habitat types on the northwestern coast of the Sea of Japan. The results show that the influence of the sea manifests itself in the presence of halophytes, xerophytic life forms, and species of the suboceanic latitudinal geographic group; soil-plant conditions account for the development of the substrate group of epiphytic lichens, mesophytic life forms, and species of the nemoral latitudinal geographic group.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to cause shifts in species distributions worldwide, threatening their viability due to range reductions and altering their representation in protected areas. Biodiversity hotspots might be particularly vulnerable to climate change because they hold large numbers of species with small ranges which could contract even further as species track their optimal habitat. In this study, we assessed the extent to which climate change could cause distribution shifts in threatened and range-restricted birds in Colombia, a megadiverse region that includes the Tropical Andes and Tumbes-Choco-Magdalena hotspots. To evaluate how climate change might influence species in this region, we developed species distribution models using MAXENT. Species are projected to lose on average between 33 and 43 % of their total range under future climate, and up to 18 species may lose their climatically suitable range completely. Species whose suitable climate is projected to disappear occur in mountainous regions, particularly isolated ranges such as the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Depending on the representation target considered, between 46 and 96 % of the species evaluated may be adequately represented in protected areas. In the future, the fraction of species potentially adequately represented is projected to decline to 30–95 %. Additional protected areas may help to retain representativeness of protected areas, but monitoring of species projected to have the largest potential declines in range size will be necessary to assess the need of implementing active management strategies to counteract the effects of climate change.  相似文献   

Due to the favorable weather, abundant water resources and fertile soil, the area has been known as the homeland for crops and fish. However, being one of the most developed regions in China, the environmental quality of the Pearl River delta has deteriorated due to recent socio-economic changes during the past two decades. The drivers are industrialization and economic growth, population growth and agricultural development; and the pressures are water pollution which include nutrients and suspended solids, pesticides, other persistent toxic substances (PAHs and PCBs) and oil. These have imposed various impacts such as eutrophication, formation of red tides and biomagnification of organic contaminants through food chains. In response to these, regulatory measures have been established by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Guangdong Province, joining forces with environmental protection authorities in all urban cities and most counties, in addition to the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, to control pollution in order to prevent further environmental deterioration and economic loss. The present paper is an attempt by following the DPSIR approach promoted by the OECD in the early 1990s and further developed by IGBP LOICZ to review the environmental quality of Pearl River with emphasis on water quality and the impact of rapid socio-economic changes.  相似文献   

The structure of hibernating bat communities has been studied in eight artificial caves of Samarskaya Luka differing in size and layout. Three types of the relative abundance distribution (RAD) of species in these communities have been revealed. Conditions for hibernation are most favorable in large caves with a stable microclimate, where the abundance of bats is high, the Shannon index has the peak values, and variation in the index of species evenness is the lowest. In such caves, RAD fits the broken-stick and log-series models. Variation in diversity indices reaches the highest level in shallow adits with a changeable microclimate, where RAD fits the geometric series model. The abundance, diversity, and structure of communities depend mainly on cave size and the presence of absence of drafts and, to a lesser extent, on ambient temperature, availability of microshelters, and the type of landscape surrounding the cave. Anthropogenic factors have a weak effect only on the abundance of individual species (M. nattereri, M. daubentonii, M. dasycneme, and E. nilssonii) but not on the overall diversity of bat communities.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of natural radioactivity levels in the atmosphere obtained for a 5 years period (1994-1999) at the Bucharest Environmental Radioactivity Surveillance Station (BERSS). The variability of radon and thoron progeny activity concentrations is analysed in relation to the local dynamics of the meteorological parameters (wind speed, air temperature, air pressure, cloud cover, relative humidity). The radon and thoron progeny concentrations display a daily and seasonal variation, with the highest values in the early morning and the lowest values in the afternoon. The outdoor radon progeny concentrations show maximum values in autumn and minimum values in spring-summer. The outdoor thoron progeny concentrations display maximum values in autumn and minimum values in winter. Significant statistical correlations with the meteorological parameters were obtained. The study on the temporal variability of natural atmospheric radioactivity near Bucharest is a starting point for further assessment of the radiological consequences resulting from human activities.  相似文献   

Analysis of the effect of emissions from the Karabash Copper Smelter (Southern Urals) on the small mammal community has shown that its abundance and structure change significantly under technogenic impact. Structural transformations are accompanied by changes in the composition of dominant species. The “dose-effect“ pattern of community response to this impact is nonlinear: for most species of murine rodents and small insectivores, habitat quality becomes satisfactory at a distance of 9–11 km from the emission plume.  相似文献   

The selection of priority APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) can benefit from a spatially explicit approach, since an API might exceed the threshold of environmental concern in one location, while staying below that same threshold in another. However, such a spatially explicit approach is relatively data intensive and subject to parameter uncertainty due to limited data. This raises the question to what extent a spatially explicit approach for the environmental prioritisation of APIs remains worthwhile when accounting for uncertainty in parameter settings. We show here that the inclusion of spatially explicit information enables a more efficient environmental prioritisation of APIs in Europe, compared with a non-spatial EU-wide approach, also under uncertain conditions. In a case study with nine antibiotics, uncertainty distributions of the PAF (Potentially Affected Fraction) of aquatic species were calculated in 100 1 100 km2 environmental grid cells throughout Europe, and used for the selection of priority APIs. Two APIs have median PAF values that exceed a threshold PAF of 1% in at least one environmental grid cell in Europe, i.e., oxytetracycline and erythromycin. At a tenfold lower threshold PAF (i.e., 0.1%), two additional APIs would be selected, i.e., cefuroxime and ciprofloxacin. However, in 94% of the environmental grid cells in Europe, no APIs exceed either of the thresholds. This illustrates the advantage of following a location-specific approach in the prioritisation of APIs. This added value remains when accounting for uncertainty in parameter settings, i.e., if the 95th percentile of the PAF instead of its median value is compared with the threshold. In 96% of the environmental grid cells, the location-specific approach still enables a reduction of the selection of priority APIs of at least 50%, compared with a EU-wide prioritisation.  相似文献   

In humans, the metabolism of environmental phenols may include the formation of conjugated species (e.g., glucuronides and sulfates), but the free species—not the conjugated forms—are considered biologically active. Therefore, information on the concentration of these free species in blood or urine could be helpful for risk assessment. Because conjugates could hydrolyze to their corresponding free forms during collection, handling, and storage of biological specimens, information on the temporal stability of the conjugates is of interest. Previously, we reported the temporal stability of urinary conjugates of several environmental phenols, but data on the stability of phenols' conjugated species in serum, albeit critical if concentrations of free and conjugated species are compared, are largely unknown. In the present study, we investigate the stability of the conjugates of four phenols—bisphenol A, benzophenone-3, triclosan, and 2,5-dichlorophenol—and two parabens—methyl paraben and propyl paraben—in 16 human serum samples for 30 days at above-freezing temperature storage conditions (4 °C, room temperature, and 37 °C). These conditions reflect the worst-case scenarios that could occur during the short-term storage of biological samples before their long-term storage at controlled subfreezing temperatures. We found that the percentage of the conjugated species of the four detected compounds (2,5-dichlorophenol, triclosan, and methyl and propyl parabens) in these serum specimens even when stored at 37 °C for at least 30 days did not vary significantly. These preliminary data suggest that the phenols' serum conjugates appear to be more stable than their corresponding urinary conjugates, some of which started to hydrolyze within 24 h under similar storage conditions. The reported stability of these conjugated species in human serum also suggests that the free species are unlikely to have resulted from the hydrolysis of their corresponding conjugates. This information could be important for interpreting the low concentrations of free phenol species detected in serum samples of nonoccupationally exposed populations. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report on the stability of conjugated species in serum, and as such requires replication.  相似文献   

Methane is primarily a biogenic gas, which is implicated in global warming. Although its production in the anoxic conditions is regulated by several edaphic factors, aquatic macrophytes also influence methane emission by providing aerenchyma to act as chimney for CH4 transport from the sediment to troposphere, by releasing root exudates to the sediment to serve as substrate for methanogenic bacteria and by transporting atmospheric O2 to rhizosphere, which stimulates CH4 consumption. Among the edaphic factors, redox potential (Eh) is the most important, which largely determines the action of methanogenic bacteria. Hence, a study was undertaken first to find out the correlation between CH4 emission and edaphic factors in the field conditions and then to understand the relationship between Eh and other edaphic factors. The field studies revealed that natural wetlands were the major source of CH4 emission, and the vegetation plays an important role in CH4 emission from the water bodies. However, it was very difficult to establish a strong relationship between the CH4 emission and the edaphic factors in the field conditions due to other limiting factors and their constant fluctuations. In this connection, the laboratory experiments exhibited that soil temperature, pH, moisture regime and incubation period were negatively correlated with Eh, which determines the initiation of methanogenic process. However, organic carbon and the water regime over the soil surface did not show any impact on Eh in this study.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate how mountain communities perceive and adapt to climatic and environmental change. Primary data were collected at community and household level through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and quantitative questionnaires covering 210 households in six villages of the West Karakoram (Hundur and Darkut in the Yasin Valley; Hussainabad, Altit, Gulmit, and Shiskat in the Hunza valley of Gilgit-Baltistan). The relevance of the area with respect to our scopes is manifold. First, this is one of the most extreme and remote mountainous areas of the world, characterized by complex and fragile institutional and social fabrics. Second, this region is one of the focal points of research for the hydro-meteo-climatological scientific community, because of its relevance in terms of storage and variability of water resources for the whole Indus basin, and for the presence of conflicting signals of climate change with respect to the neighboring regions. Third, the extreme hardships due to a changing environment, as well as to the volatility of the social and economic conditions are putting great stress on the local population. As isolating climate change as a single driver is often not possible, community perceptions of change are analyzed in the livelihood context and confronted with multi-drivers scenarios affecting the lives of mountain people. We compare the collected perceptions with the available hydro-climatological data, trying to answer some key questions such as: how are communities perceiving, coping with, and adapting to climatic and environmental change? Which are the most resorted adaptation strategies? How is their perception of change influencing the decision to undertake certain adaptive measures?  相似文献   

BackgroundFactors underlying a possible excess of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) among military veterans remain unidentified. Limitations of previous studies on this topic include reliance on ALS mortality as a surrogate for ALS incidence, low statistical power, and sparse information on military-related factors.ObjectivesWe evaluated associations between military-related factors and ALS using data from a case-control study of U.S. military veterans.MethodsFrom 2005 to 2010, we identified medical record-confirmed ALS cases via the National Registry of Veterans with ALS and controls via the Veterans Benefits Administration's Beneficiary Identification and Records Locator System database. In total, we enrolled 621 cases and 958 frequency-matched controls in the Genes and Environmental Exposures in Veterans with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis study. We collected information on military service and deployments and 39 related exposures. We used unconditional logistic regression models to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We used inverse probability weighting to adjust for potential bias from confounding, missing covariate data, and selection arising from a case group that disproportionately included long-term survivors and a control group that may or may not differ from U.S. military veterans at large.ResultsThe odds of ALS did not differ for veterans of the Air Force, Army, Marines, and Navy. We found higher odds of ALS for veterans whose longest deployment was World War II or the Korean War and a positive trend with total years of all deployments (OR = 1.27; 95% CI: 1.06, 1.52). ALS was positively associated with exposure to herbicides for military purposes, nasopharyngeal radium, personal pesticides, exhaust from heaters or generators, high-intensity radar waves, contaminated food, explosions within one mile, herbicides in the field, mixing and application of burning agents, burning agents in the field, and Agent Orange in the field, with ORs between 1.50 and 7.75.ConclusionsAlthough our results need confirmation, they are potentially important given the large number of U.S. military veterans, and they provide clues to potential factors underlying the apparent increase of ALS in veteran populations.  相似文献   

The Lagoon Olho d'Agua in Pernambuco State, Northeast Brazil has received increasing environmental concern due to significant stress from pollution in the catchment. The existing environmental problems are the result of great pressure from a broad range of human activities, especially in the last 10 years. Serious pollution exists mainly from some industrial and urban activities, which increased intensively after the eighties. There is a strong social and economical pressure for housing and construction near the lagoon, due to the available land nearby beaches and estuarine zone, and recently by growing tourism activities. Uncontrolled land use by low-income communities and the pressure for construction by developers have led to landfilling and to deterioration of water quality in the lagoon catchment. Improvement of the environmental conditions in the catchment needs integrated measures. Guidelines and some specific actions involving several institutions have been established and refer to sanitation and urban infrastructure as the main priorities. A main target is the construction of low-cost sewage system with smaller and decentralised treatment plants.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to changes in the vegetation and climatic conditions on the eastern slope of the Northern Urals in the second half of the Holocene as reconstructed on the basis of integrated palynological, botanical, paleocarpological, and radiocarbon analysis of material from a peat bog section in the floodplain of the Loz’va River. The results show that the northern taiga zone of the study region in the period between approximately 5000 and 700 years BP was occupied by forests of southern taiga facies, as the climate was significantly warmer than it is today.  相似文献   

Littoral (lake shore) macroinvertebrate communities were studied in eight natural lakes affected by fallout from the Chernobyl accident. The lakes spanned a range in 137Cs contamination from 100 to 15500 kBq m−2 and estimated external dose rates ranged from 0.13 to 30.7 μGy h−1. General linear models were used to assess whether abundance of individuals, taxon richness, Berger-Parker dominance and Shannon-Wiener diversity varied across the lakes. Step-wise multiple regressions were used to relate variation in total abundance, taxon richness, Berger-Parker dominance, Shannon-Wiener diversity, taxon richness within major groups of macroinvertebrates and abundance of the more common individual taxa to the measured environmental characteristics (conductivity, pH, total hardness and phosphate; lake area, lake maximum depth and total external dose) of the lakes. No evidence was found in this study that the ecological status of lake communities has been influenced by radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl accident. Indeed, the most contaminated lake, Glubokoye, contained the highest richness of aquatic invertebrates. Taxon richness in the eight study lakes varied from 22 (Svyatskoe #7) to 42 (Glubokoye) which spans a range typical for uncontaminated lakes in the region. Since 90Sr is readily-absorbed by Mollusca, estimated dose rates to this group exceeded those for other invertebrate groups in two lakes (Perstok and Glubokoye). However this study found no association between mollusc diversity or abundance of individual snail species and variation between lakes in the external radiation dose. Indeed Glubokoye, the lake most contaminated by 90Sr, had the highest richness of freshwater snails per sample (an average of 8.9 taxa per sample).  相似文献   

As filter-feeding organisms, bivalves present a potential health hazard to consumers due to pathogens which may be present in the marine environment. The effects of temperature and concentration of faecal coliforms (FC) in seawater on the rate of concentration in mussels and oysters were studied in both field and experimental conditions. The rates of FC concentration in bivalves were high at the beginning of the experiments, when the initial concentrations of FC in bivalves were low, and decreased as the concentration in bivalves increased. At low initial concentrations of FC in bivalves, the rate of FC concentration increased with the concentration of FC in seawater and with changes of temperature toward optimum. As the concentration of FC in bivalves increased, the rate of FC concentration decreased more rapidly as the concentration of FC in seawater increased and as the temperature was closer to optimum. Maximum concentrations of FC observed in bivalves (level-off concentrations) were the highest at minimum temperature (at which rates of FC concentration were the lowest), whereas the concentration of FC in seawater had no effect on the level-off concentrations of FC in bivalves.  相似文献   

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