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In 1997, Judge, Locke, and Durham published the core self‐evaluations (CSE) theory proposing that a multidimensional CSE construct, composed of emotional stability, self‐esteem, locus of control, and generalized self‐efficacy, accounts for individual differences in job satisfaction as well as in other organizational behavior outcomes. In this article, I argue that, despite ample evidence in support of the predictive validity of the CSE construct, the adequacy of including emotional stability, self‐esteem, locus of control, and generalized self‐efficacy as indicators of the CSE construct may be questionable, and I review evidence that points to limited convergent and discriminant validity of the CSE construct. I conclude the article with a few recommendations for advancing CSE theory and research. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a Journal of Organizational Behavior point/counterpoint exchange (this issue) that focuses on the appropriate level of aggregation primarily in the assessment of personality in general and core self‐evaluations (CSE) in particular. Gilad Chen reviews arguments for and against the higher‐order construct of CSE, offering a number of recommendations for strengthening it. Timothy Judge and John Kammeyer‐Mueller offer a defense of CSE, and then extend the discussion to the measurement of other constructs beyond the personality domain. Together these two papers provide important insights about the appropriate level of aggregation of individual measures, and situations in which higher‐order versus lower‐order measures might be preferred. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To test whether general self‐efficacy and self‐esteem relate differently to motivational and affective constructs, we collected data from samples in academic and work settings. Results suggest that general self‐efficacy is more highly related to motivational variables than is self‐esteem, whereas self‐esteem is more highly related to affective variables than is general self‐efficacy, as hypothesized. Furthermore, results support the notion that motivational and affective states differentially mediate the relationships of general self‐efficacy and self‐esteem with task performance. These results confirm the theoretical distinction between general self‐efficacy and self‐esteem and suggest that failure to distinguish between them might exact a price in terms of precision, validity, and understanding of determinants of performance. Implications for research and practice in organizations are discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the face of heightened competitive pressures, elevated quality expectations, and calls for worker empowerment, more and more organizations have turned to self‐directed work teams (SDWTs). A review of the literature devoted to SDWTs suggests that managers often struggle with the transition to SDWTs because of the required shift in control to SDWT members. To promote the development of work teams, managers must modify their use of influence tactics in direct response to the control shift. In this study, we explore changes in managers' usage of influence tactics during the transition to SDWTs within a large aluminum manufacturing plant. Analyses of longitudinal data show that despite the new team environment, managers' use of influence tactics was focused at the individual level. We also found that transition time accounts for variance in managers' choices of influence tactics. Finally, an exploratory analysis suggests that high as opposed to low self‐monitoring managers may be more prone to increase their usage of soft influence tactics and decrease their usage of hard influence tactics over the course of the transition; the influence behavior of low self‐monitoring managers remained unchanged. Implications for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of proactive personality in the receipt of informal mentoring received (i.e., psychosocial and career‐related mentoring) among a sample of 174 early career employees in China. The regression results indicated that networking behavior mediated the relationship between proactive personality and career‐related mentoring, whereas voice behavior mediated the relationship between proactive personality and psychosocial mentoring. Furthermore, core self‐evaluations moderated the aforementioned two indirect relationships such that they were stronger at higher levels of core self‐evaluations. Our analyses also showed that the moderating effects occurred at the first stage of the indirect relationships. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Self‐awareness represents an important aspect of leadership. However, past research on leader self‐awareness has focused on one component of self‐awareness, self versus others' ratings, leaving the second component, the ability to anticipate the views of others, largely neglected. We examined this second component of self‐awareness by focusing on women leaders who have been found to under‐predict how others rate them. In two studies, we measured how women leaders anticipate the views of their bosses in regard to their leadership. In Study 1, 194 leaders rated their leadership, were rated by their bosses, and then predicted how their bosses rated their leadership. While we found that women under‐predict their boss ratings compared with men, we did not find that boss gender or feedback played a role in this under‐prediction. In Study 2, 76 female leaders identified (via open‐ended questions) possible reasons and consequences of under‐prediction for women in organizations. Results from Study 2 reveal the following: (1) the reasons for women's under‐prediction include a lack of self‐confidence, differences in feedback needs, learned gender roles, and self‐sexism; and (2) the perceived consequences of under‐prediction are negative for both women and the organization. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We developed and tested a theory of the relationship between merit pay raises and organization‐based self‐esteem (OBSE) in a longitudinal study of hospital employees. We predicted that the positive relationship between merit pay raise size and OBSE would be stronger when pay‐for‐performance (PFP) perceptions were high and predicted further that this interaction would be stronger among older employees. As predicted, merit pay raises were not related to OBSE levels for younger employees, but, among older employees, larger merit raises increased OBSE when PFP perceptions were high and decreased OBSE when PFP perceptions were low. Implications of the study for merit pay theory and practice are addressed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the calling literature by using self‐determination theory—a theory that makes distinctions between different types of motivation—in order to gain a better understanding of how enacting a calling may relate both positively and negatively to well‐being. We use a daily diary method novel to the calling field and a sample with a distinctive calling, Church of England clergy. We expect daily calling enactment to relate positively to daily well‐being via more autonomous forms of motivation (intrinsic and identified motivation) and negatively via less autonomous forms (introjected motivation). Furthermore, we consider how the relationship between calling enactment and motivation may be moderated by perceived competence. The hypotheses were tested using multi‐level structural equation modeling. There was strong support for calling enactment relating positively to well‐being, and this relationship was fully mediated by intrinsic and identified motivation; the hypothesized negative pathway, from calling enactment, to introjected motivation, to well‐being, was not supported. However, perceived competence was found to moderate some of the relationships between calling and the motivation types, where calling enactment is linked to lower introjected motivation at high levels of competence. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Granting that organizational behavior may be a field with a weak paradigm, this can be viewed as an advantage rather than as a nemesis that makes success in an academic career nearly impossible for neophytes to the field. The weak paradigm allows many niches to emerge. A niche is an identifiable, circumscribed area of scholarly inquiry that can provide a good match with the individual's qualifications, interests, and career aspirations. Within these niches individual scholars can thrive. There a newcomer can find colleagues with similar interests, form partnerships, exchange information, and, in general, derive support for a career. Characteristics of niches are described and examples are provided. How niches evolve and the notion of creating one's own niche are discussed. The implications of the niche composition of organizational behavior for developing a successful academic career, and advice how to go about doing it, are provided. Tyros will fare much better if they adopt a niche strategy rather than seeing themselves as sitting ducks in a shooting gallery due to the role of chance factors in career advancement. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines whether and how self‐monitoring moderates the relationships between two personality traits (agreeableness and conscientiousness) and counterproductive work behavior directed toward the organization (CWB‐O) and toward other employees (CWB‐I). High self‐monitors strive to attain personal goals related to status and prestige enhancement by adjusting their behavior to what the situation requires or allows for. We propose that the status enhancement motive can take on two different yet related forms—impression management (interpersonal potency) and opportunism (win‐at‐all‐costs)—depending on relevant situational cues. We hypothesize that in public, interpersonal settings where their behavior is visible to others, high self‐monitors' desire to enhance their status by looking good to others suppresses the natural expression of low agreeableness via increased engagement in CWB‐I. Conversely, we hypothesize that in private, non‐interpersonal settings where their behavior is rarely visible to others, high self‐monitors' desire to enhance their status by doing whatever it takes to get what they want intensifies the natural expression of low conscientiousness via increased engagement in CWB‐O. On the basis of two independent samples of participants, results of moderated multiple regression analyses provided support for the hypotheses. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analyzing additional data from a longitudinal field experiment, the present research investigate whether pre‐training perceived social self‐efficacy (PSSE) may moderate cross‐cultural training effectiveness. On the basis of the interactionist perspective, we hypothesized that sojourners with high pre‐training PSSE would benefit more from a cross‐cultural coping orientation program, called “Realistic Orientation Program for Entry Stress” (ROPES), than sojourners with low pre‐training PSSE. As a result, the treatment effects (the ROPES program over the control program—a traditional cross‐cultural orientation program) would be more positive for high‐PSSE sojourners than for low‐PSSE sojourners. Seventy‐two incoming graduate students from East Asia entering a large US public university were randomly assigned to either a ROPES program or a control program, and were assessed pre‐entry and multiple times post‐entry. The results strongly supported our predictions, as the hypothesized PSSE × Treatment interactions were observed on a comprehensive set of training outcomes based on multisource data. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The individual‐level personality‐based theory of self‐management failure posits that personality predisposes individuals to self‐defeating behavior that, in turn, leads to self‐management failure (Renn, Allen, Fedor, & Davis, 2005). To provide a partial test of the theory, a model is hypothesized that operationalized personality with neuroticism and conscientiousness of the Big Five personality dimensions; self‐defeating behavior with inability to delay gratification, procrastination, and emotional self‐absorption; and self‐management with personal goal setting, monitoring, and operating. The model was tested using data collected from 286 working employees and structural equations analysis. Results supported nine of 11 theory‐derived hypotheses. As hypothesized, high neuroticism was associated with improper personal goal setting, monitoring, and operating; and emotional self‐absorption and procrastination accounted for the relationship between high neuroticism and ineffective self‐management. In addition, low conscientiousness was associated with inferior self‐management practices, and inability to delay gratification and procrastination partially explained the relationship between low conscientiousness and poor self‐management. The findings provide new insight into how high neuroticism and low conscientiousness may contribute to self‐management failure. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We discuss how confirmatory factor analysis results should be used to examine potential higher‐order constructs and advocate that researchers present five types of evidence, which are as follows: (1) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among manifest variables; (2) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among manifest variables better than more parsimonious alternative models—and no less well than less parsimonious alternative models; (3) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among lower‐order factors; (4) the ability of the higher‐order factor to explain variation in lower‐order factors; and (5) the ability of the higher‐order factor to explain variation in manifest variables. We illustrate how this type of evidence could be presented with a worked example and contrast our recommendations with the manner in which higher‐order confirmatory factor analysis has been used in the organizational sciences over the past 25 years to support claims regarding higher‐order constructs such as core self‐evaluations and transformational leadership. Our review shows that a substantial proportion of the 44 examined articles failed to present enough evidence to allow readers to understand the size and importance of higher‐order factors. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Given the common use of self‐ratings and other‐ratings (e.g., supervisor or coworker) of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), the purpose of this meta‐analysis was to evaluate the extent to which these rating sources provide comparable information. The current study's results provided three important lines of evidence supporting the use and construct‐related validity of self‐rated OCB. The meta‐analysis of mean differences demonstrated that the mean difference in OCB ratings is actually quite small between self‐ and other‐raters. Importantly, the difference between self‐ and other‐raters was influenced by neither the response scale (i.e., agreement vs. frequency) nor the use of antithetical/reverse‐worded items on OCB scales. The meta‐analysis of correlations showed that self‐ and other‐ratings are moderately correlated but that self–other convergence is higher when antithetical items are not used and when agreement response scales are used. In addition, self‐ratings and supervisor‐ratings showed significantly more convergence than self‐ratings and coworker‐ratings. Finally, an evaluation of self‐rated and other‐rated OCB nomological networks showed that although self‐rated and other‐rated OCBs have similar patterns of relationships with common correlates, other‐rated OCB generally contributed negligible incremental variance to correlates and only contributed appreciable incremental variance to other‐rated behavioral variables (e.g., task performance and counterproductive work behavior). Implications and future research directions are discussed, particularly regarding the need to establish a nomological network for other‐rated OCB. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study employed a weekly diary method among a sample of 74 Midwestern college student workers in order to examine the within‐person relationships between work–school conflict, sleep quality, and fatigue over five weeks. Further, recovery self‐efficacy was proposed as a cross‐level moderator of the relation between sleep quality and fatigue. Results from multilevel analyses demonstrated that weekly work–school conflict was negatively related to weekly sleep quality and positively related to end‐of‐week fatigue, with sleep quality partially mediating the relation between work–school conflict and fatigue. These findings enhance understanding of the process by which work–school conflict contributes to college student workers' strain on a weekly basis. Additionally, student workers with low recovery self‐efficacy demonstrated a negative relation between sleep quality and fatigue; however, this relation did not exist for student workers with high recovery self‐efficacy. This finding suggests recovery self‐efficacy as an important resource that may reduce the association between poor sleep quality (as a result of work–school conflict) and fatigue. The current findings provide important theoretical and practical implications for researchers, organizations, and college institutions as a whole. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study expands the negotiation literature by examining how negotiator behavior is predicted by various emotions felt by the negotiators and their counterparts and by counterpart negotiation behavior. Using hierarchical linear modeling, we also compare individual‐ and dyad‐level processes that lead to negotiator behavior and outcomes. The results from a dyadic negotiation simulation showed that both the valence and agency of negotiator and counterpart emotions need to be considered to understand the roles of emotion in negotiator behavior. Negotiators tend to reciprocate counterparts' integrating, compromising, and dominating behaviors, but they also offer complementary (or matching) responses to the counterparts' dominating and yielding behaviors. Integrating behavior was more dependent on dyad‐level interpersonal dynamics than were the other behaviors. The comparison of negotiator‐level and dyad‐level results suggests that negotiation needs to be understood in the context of collective exchanges as well as individual‐level cognitive processes. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research on the relationship between perceived organizational support (POS) and affective organizational commitment (AC) has primarily adopted a social exchange perspective. In this study we considered complementary socio‐emotional explanations of the POS–AC relationship. We focused on the mediating role of organization‐based self‐esteem (OBSE) and tested competing models of the POS–OBSE‐AC relationship separately on data from two Korean banks that experienced different levels of downsizing following the 1997 Korean financial crisis. We further extended the analysis by examining the extent to which the relationship between POS and OBSE and AC, respectively, was affected by employees' perceived sense of job insecurity in the two banks. The results showed that OBSE was a significant mediator of the POS–AC relationship in both organizations. POS, however, also retained a strong independent direct effect on commitment. Moreover, as expected, perceived job insecurity tended to attenuate the POS–OBSE relationship, but augmented the direct relationship between perceived organizational support and affective commitment. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of employee learning for organizational effectiveness, scholars have yet to identify the factors that influence employees' perception of individual learning. This paper identified employees' self‐efficacy as a potential antecedent to their perception of individual learning in the context of teamwork. We also hypothesized that team‐learning behavior had a moderating effect on the relationship between employees' self‐efficacy and their perception of individual learning. We conducted a study of 236 teams working in a retail firm, comprising 236 team supervisors and 1397 employees, and analyzed the data using hierarchical linear modeling. This study revealed that employees' individual‐level self‐efficacy was positively associated with their perception of individual learning in teams. Additionally, team‐learning behaviors moderated the positive relationship between employees' self‐efficacy and the perception of individual learning. This study has theoretical and practical implications for a more nuanced understanding of the perception of individual learning in the context of teamwork. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study explores how autonomy at the individual and the group levels directly affect group cohesiveness, and how they indirectly influence group effectiveness. Hypotheses suggesting that individual and group autonomy will be oppositely related to cohesiveness are supported in data collected from a large sample of work groups in two separate organizations. Also supported are hypotheses suggesting a group cohesiveness/group performance orientation interaction as a mediator of the relationships between autonomy at both levels and group effectiveness. The findings highlight the importance of considering autonomy at both individual and group levels simultaneously when designing work groups that incorporate autonomy. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Given that self‐efficacy has been shown to be positively related to training outcomes, a better understanding of factors that affect self‐efficacy in complex training contexts is needed. This study examined the development of self‐efficacy in a flight‐training programme. Results indicate that training performance and self‐esteem predicted self‐efficacy for post‐training flight performance. Furthermore, prior flight experience moderated the relationships between training performance and self‐efficacy, and between self‐esteem and self‐efficacy. Implications regarding the development of self‐efficacy and the design of training programmes are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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