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针对当前我国高危行业应急平台建设中存在事故应急救援决策支撑弱、应急救援服务能力差的缺陷,以“江苏省高危行业事故应急科技服务平台”项目为背景,提出高危行业事故应急科技服务平台的总体建设架构;并以此为基础提出建立应急信息共享,预案可视化与推演,事故后果分析模拟,应急救援决策支持,应急咨询、培训、评估,事故现场快速监测六大子平台。以期利用VR、GIS、人工智能等先进技术,从功能、系统、体系三个层面完善高危行业事故应急科技服务平台建设内容,从而为政府门提供应急决策支持、为企业和社会公众提供应急科技服务。  相似文献   

A database study of chemical process accident cases was carried out. The objective of the study is was to identify the reasons for equipment based accidents. The most frequent accident causing equipment were piping (25%), reactors and storage tanks (both 14%) and process vessels (10% of equipment accidents). The six most accident-prone equipment is process related involve nearly 80% of accidents.78% of equipment accident contributors are technically oriented including design and human/technical interface faults. Purely human and organizational reasons are the most common accident contributors for storage tanks (33%), piping (18%) and heat transfer equipment (16% of causes). For other equipment the technical accident causes are most common.The accident contributors were divided to main and sub-contributors. On average process equipment failures have 2.2 contributors. The contributors, which frequent and act often as main contributors, should be focused. These risky contributors were identified for several equipment types. Also a deeper analysis of the accident causes and their interconnections was made. Based on the analysis a checklist of main risk factors was created for hazard identification on different types of equipment.  相似文献   

In two role‐playing scenarios, we investigate how White male and female evaluators perceive an Asian American versus White job candidate on the dimensions of competence and social skills and how these perceptions affect evaluators' decisions in hiring and promotion. Specifically, Study 1 examines how the perceptions of competence and social skills affect Asian (versus White) college graduates' chance of obtaining a non‐technical (versus technical) position, and Study 2 tests how these perceptions affect Asians' probability of promotion relative to Whites'. Our findings suggest that female evaluators were less likely to select Asian than White candidates into positions involving social skills and were less likely to promote Asian than White candidates into these types of positions. Furthermore, female evaluators' perception that Asians were less socially skilled than Whites mediated both of these decisions. This paper contributes to the understanding of workplace discrimination of Asian Americans. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Creativity is an increasingly important domain of performance largely based on knowledge held and exchanged among employees. Despite the necessity of knowledge exchange, individual employees tend to experience mixed motivation caused by the inherent social dilemma of knowledge sharing. To pragmatically explain how individuals deal with this motivational dilemma, we propose an expanded framework of knowledge management behavior (KMB) that includes knowledge sharing, hiding, and manipulation. Individual choices among these KMBs may be driven by dispositional goal orientations. We also propose that the effects of KMB on creativity of employees vary depending on their social status in a work group. Our analyses based on 214 employees from 37 teams reveal that (i) learning goal orientation increases knowledge sharing and decreases knowledge manipulation; (ii) avoiding goal orientation increases knowledge sharing and manipulation; and (iii) proving goal orientation increases knowledge hiding and manipulation. Knowledge hiding is negatively related to employee creativity, particularly for employees with high social status. Knowledge manipulation is positively related to creativity, particularly for those with high social status. This study develops and validates a theoretical framework explaining the formative process and distinct outcomes of the multifaceted and strategic approaches to KMB at the individual level. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Head neck and back injury represents 32% of injuries in the NSW coal mining industry. There is considerable hearsay evidence that rough rides in vehicles are a significant cause of such injuries but no objective studies have been carried out.Analysis of workers compensation data showed that overexertion and slips and falls were the most significant causes of head neck and back injuries but approximately 11% of all head neck and back injuries were reported to be due to vehicle jarring. Two types of underground vehicles accounted for 53% of all injuries. These were Shuttlecars and Underground Transporters.There was no evidence from the compensation data that whole body vibration was a significant factor in head neck and back injuries.  相似文献   

Drawing on multiple group‐level theories, we explored boundary conditions of the relationship between positive group affective tone (PGAT) and team creativity. We collected data from members and leaders of 68 research and development teams and performed hierarchical linear modeling analyses to test our hypotheses. Consistent with the “group‐centrism” perspective, we found that PGAT was beneficial for team creativity only when team trust was low; when trust was high, PGAT had a negative relationship with team creativity. In accord with the “dual‐tuning” perspective, the positive effect of PGAT on creativity was present only when team trust was low but negative group affective tone was high. We discussed the theoretical and practical implications. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Objective: To review the effectiveness of current countermeasures in alcohol-impaired driving. Method: This article provides an overview of the contributors to the alcohol-impaired driving problem in the United States and reviews the effectiveness of alcohol-impaired driving countermeasures. Results: Many effective countermeasures have been used during the past few decades both to deter drivers from driving when they are over the legal limit for alcohol and to discourage driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenders from reoffending once they have been caught and convicted. In recent years, greater attention has been given to the problem of "hardcore" drinking drivers, a term coined to refer to those who repeatedly drive with high blood alcohol concentrations and are resistant to changing their behavior. Although such individuals are a legitimate target for attention, focusing predominantly on this group will result in missed opportunities to address a large portion of alcohol-impaired driving crashes. This article provides a review of the primary countermeasures that have been used to reduce alcohol-impaired driving and summarizes evidence for their effectiveness. It asks the question of where, in an environment of limited resources, attention should be focused. Conclusions: General deterrent approaches, such as frequent and highly publicized sobriety checkpoints, have the greatest potential to save lives and should be the mainstay of state and local efforts. Specific deterrent approaches, aimed at deterring DWI offenders from reoffending, such as alcohol ignition interlocks, should be applied to all apprehended drivers, whatever their drinking history. Evidence suggests that they could benefit from them. In the future, advanced in-vehicle technologies that would prevent vehicles from being driven when their drivers are over the legal limit may hold the key to drastically reducing the alcohol-impaired driving problem.  相似文献   

We highlight the social aspects of team creativity by proposing that team creativity is influenced by two types of team social capital: bridging and bonding social capital. Going beyond the structural perspective, we posit that team‐level human capital diversity is one of the potential antecedents of social capital for team creativity. We suggest that network structures are formed by teammates' interactions, which are largely the result of differences in their individual characteristics. The results of an empirical study using 36 teams of MBA students showed that the interaction of team‐bridging social capital with team‐bonding social capital was positively and significantly related to team creativity. Knowledge variety and knowledge disparity had a joint effect on team‐bridging social capital, and knowledge separation was negatively related to team‐bonding social capital. Moreover, team social capital mediated the effects of knowledge diversity on team creativity. Our study has several important implications for team creativity, social networks, and diversity research. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用X射线荧光光谱仪、全自动数显量热仪和原子吸收分光光度计等检测手段测定3种不同来源的干化城市污泥及煤粉的成分、热值和重金属毒性,对比分析了污泥用作水泥工业部分替代燃料的可能性,通过热重(TG)试验研究了污泥掺比对混合燃料燃烧效果的影响。结果表明:3种干燥污泥发热量较高,最高可达16.02 MJ/kg,且主要成分与煤粉相似,均为CaO、SO_3、Al_2O_3和SiO_2,比例之和超过65%,可部分替代水泥生产燃料;污泥灼烧后,剩余灰分中重金属质量比满足GB 50295—2008《水泥工厂设计规范》标准限制,不会对水泥熟料产生影响;干燥污泥的加入可促进煤的燃尽,混合燃料TG曲线随污泥比例增加向低温段移动;部分混合燃料固定碳燃烧阶段放热量低于5 000 J/g,污泥掺量以不超过40%为宜。  相似文献   

This exploratory study assesses the effectiveness of the Creative Problem Solving Program (Parnes, Noller and Biondi, 1977) for increasing the ideational fluency, flexibility and originality of trainees in a Master of Business Administration program. Pre- and post-training performances of trainees (N = 32) on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (verbal) are compared with a control group of MBA students (N = 44). Compared to the control group, trainees demonstrate significant gains in originality. While both groups show an improvement in fluency. Trainees with high preferences for achievement and dominance but low preference for deference are less likely than average to self-select for creativity training. Performance in a creativity project is positively related to preference for autonomy and creative ability, and negatively related to preference for achievement. Implications of these findings for the effectiveness of creativity training and the attitudes and performance of high need achievers are discussed. Finally, we discuss issues in the generalization and transfer of training to non-training domains.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: A homogeneous perception of safety is important for the achievement of a strong safety culture; however, employees may differ in their safety perceptions, depending on their position and/or hierarchical level within the organization. Moreover, there is limited information on the antecedents of safety culture. This study examines how safety training, driver scheduling autonomy, opportunity for safety input, and management commitment to safety influence individuals' perceptions of safety culture. METHOD: Data for this study were drawn from 116 trucking firms, stratified by three safety performance levels. The data were collected from drivers (lowest hierarchical level), dispatchers (medium hierarchical level), and safety directors (highest hierarchical level), regarding their perceptions of their respective corporate safety cultures. Perceptions of safety culture were analyzed through a linear regression using dummy variables to differentiate among the three hierarchical groups. The resulting model allowed for examination of the specific antecedents of safety culture for the three employee groups and the extent to which the hierarchical groups were in agreement with each other. RESULTS: Driver fatigue training, driver opportunity for safety input, and top management commitment to safety were perceived to be integral determinants of safety culture in all three groups. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Trucking firms seeking to strengthen employees' perceptions of safety culture might begin by improving these safety management practices while appreciating that they may have a different impact depending on the employee's hierarchical position (e.g., drivers' perceptions of safety culture are more influenced by top management commitment and driver fatigue training). A fourth safety practice examined, driver scheduling autonomy, was not found to be instrumental in shaping safety culture for any of the three hierarchical levels. Consistent with previous research, implementation of stronger safety cultures should result in fewer accidents.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2002,40(1-4):231-269
This paper describes the implementation and use of risk assessment in the offshore industry in relation to safety aspects — safety to people's life and health, as well as environment and property. Although risk assessments may be based on both qualitative and quantitative methods, the main focus here will be on quantitative risk assessments (QRA). The development of offshore QRA has been lead by a mutual influence and interaction between the regulatory authorities for the UK and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea as well as the oil companies operating here. The experience from this area has been the main basis during the writing of this paper.  相似文献   

基于2014年京津冀地区电力统计数据,引入多情景分析方法设定了不同的燃煤发电、燃气发电和可再生能源装机比例情景,测算了相应情景下的SO_2、NO_x和CO_2排放量,分析了该地区电力行业装机比例与大气污染物和温室气体减排潜力的关系。结果表明,在发电总装机容量一定的情况下,对燃煤发电和燃气发电来说,随其装机比例增加,SO_2、NO_x和CO_2排放量呈现逐渐增加的趋势。但相对于燃煤发电机组,燃气发电机组在一定程度上减少了SO_2、NO_x和CO_2的排放量,减排效果显著。对可再生能源发电来说,随其装机比例增加,SO_2、NO_x和CO_2的排放量呈现逐渐下降的趋势。  相似文献   

随着我国逐步建立社会主义市场经济体制,平安城市的建设步伐加快。社会安全防范工程建设者对于建设投入与防范效能状况的了解已成为一种必需。在我国高风险和大型安全防范专项工程中,安全防范系统评估有着越来越大的市场需求。人们愈发意识到评估是改进安全风险管理、提高决策水平的重要工具与方法。[编者按]  相似文献   

Employee creativity is critical for an organization's innovativeness and survival in today's competitive business environment. As such, scholars have devoted significant attention to the predictors of employee creativity, seeking to understand how to best increase employees' creative output. However, employee creativity may not always translate into organizational innovation and performance. In fact, employee creativity may result in various outcomes for creative individuals, their coworkers, teams, and organizations. While there have been several integrative reviews on the antecedents of creativity, an in-depth review of the outcomes of creativity is still needed to gain a holistic understanding of the benefits and costs of employee creativity and identify fruitful areas for future research. Thus, we aim to provide a comprehensive multilevel examination of the theories, methods, and creativity-related constructs used to examine the outcomes of creativity. We also provide several theoretical and empirical opportunities for future research. This review may provide managers with knowledge of the pros and cons of employee creativity, enabling them to make informed decisions on how to better manage employee creativity.  相似文献   

Accident investigations indicate that inadequate barrier management has been a main cause of many accidents in the process industry. In 2013, the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority issued a barrier management framework for the offshore oil and gas industry. The framework describes principles related to barrier management and may be a valuable guide for the entire process industry. However, the offshore industry faces several challenges when implementing the framework. This paper discusses these challenges and clarifies the central concepts and steps of barrier management. A key message is the need for clarity and integration in a systematic approach to risk and barrier management.  相似文献   

本文介绍中国台湾的消防及其教育的概况。台湾的消防与警察同属一个部门,消防部门同时承担灭火和救护任务。所有消防队员都要到警察学校接受教育,所有消防官员都必须从中央警察大学毕业。  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine unsafe farming practices, nonergonomically designed equipment, and possible adverse health effects of pesticide exposure. Data were gathered with a structured survey, physical examination and blood extraction. Environmental monitoring was done for vegetables to determine multipesticide residue. Forty-eight percent of respondents reported feeling sick because of work. Vegetable residue was found in 16.67% of the samples. Vegetable profenofos of appoximately1 mg exceeded the necessary average daily intake of a maximum of 0.006 mg. Data also showed nonergonomically designed tools and unsafe work practices that increased pesticide exposure such as re-entering recently sprayed areas, a damaged backpack sprayer, spills during spraying, and no ventilation in greenhouses.  相似文献   

调研了安全产业相关概念,从安全生产角度,提出了狭义的安全产业定义;结合部分领域、部分地区的安全产业市场规模以及安全产业基地建设情况,分析了我国安全产业的总体发展现状;从产业规模、产业结构、产业政策和标准、产业科技基础和成果转化应用等方面,分析了我国安全产业发展面临的主要问题;基于我国安全产业发展现状,结合相关产业发展的经验教训,提出了我国安全产业的市场化、规模化、专业化、标准化、集约化的发展趋势;针对发展存在的主要问题,结合安全产业发展趋势,提出了开展产业基础调研、制定产业发展战略、构建产业支撑体系等加快我国安全产业发展的相关建议.分析提出的问题、趋势和建议,可为加快我国安全产业的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

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