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Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an economically attractive strategy for avoiding carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from, e.g., power plants to the atmosphere. The combination of CCS and biomass combustion would result in a reduction of atmospheric CO2, or net negative emissions, as plant growth is a form of sequestration of atmospheric carbon. Carbon capture can be achieved in a variety of ways, one of which is chemical looping. Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) and chemical looping gasification (CLG) are two promising technologies for conversion of biomass to heat and power or syngas/methane with carbon capture. There have been significant advances made with respect to CLC in the last two decades for all types of fuel, with much less research on the gasification technology. CLG offers some interesting opportunities for production of biofuels together with carbon capture and may have several advantages with respect to the bench mark indirect gasification process or dual-bed fluidized bed (DFBG) in this respect. In CLG, an oxygen carrier is used as a bed material instead of sand, which is common in indirect gasification, and this could have several advantages: (i) all generated CO2 is present together with the syngas or methane in the fuel reactor outlet stream, thus in a concentrated stream, viable for separation and capture; (ii) the air reactor (or combustion chamber) should largely be free from trace impurities, thus preventing corrosion and fouling in this reactor; and (iii) the highly oxidizing conditions in the fuel reactor together with solid oxide surfaces should be advantageous with respect to limiting formation of tar species. In this study, two manganese ores and an iron-based waste material, LD slag, were investigated with respect to performance in these chemical-looping technologies. The materials were also impregnated with alkali (K) in order to gauge possible catalytic effects and also to establish a better understanding of the general behavior of oxygen carriers with alkali, an important component in biomass and biomass waste streams and often a precursor for high-temperature corrosion. The viability of the oxygen carriers was investigated using a synthetic biogas in a batch fluidized bed reactor. The conversion of CO, H2, CH4, and C2H4 was investigated in the temperature interval 800–950 °C. The reactivity, or oxygen transfer rate, was highest for the manganese ores, followed by the LD slag. The conversion of C2H4 was generally high but could largely be attributed to thermal decomposition. The K-impregnated samples showed enhanced reactivity during combustion conditions, and the Mangagran-K sample was able to achieve full conversion of benzene. The interaction of the solid material with alkali showed widely different behavior. The two manganese ores retained almost all alkali after redox testing, albeit exhibiting different migration patterns inside the particles. LD slag lost most alkali to the gas phase during testing, although some remained, possibly explaining a small difference in reactivity. In summary, the CLC and CLG processes could clearly be interesting for production of heat, power, or biofuel with negative CO2 emissions. Manganese ores are most promising from this study, as they could absorb alkali, giving a better conversion and perhaps also inhibiting or limiting corrosion mechanisms in a combustor or gasifier.


Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - Bioenergy with carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (BECCS) technologies represent an interesting option to reach negative carbon...  相似文献   

This article provides an introduction to this Special Issue of Journal of Cleaner Production (JCLP), which contains thirteen, carefully selected articles from the 12th Conference, “Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction” – PRES'09. This issue builds upon the multi-year co-operation between the PRES conference planners and the JCLP. The articles cover important subjects of increased efficiency in energy generation and usage and in improvements in industrial process optimisation. The first group of five papers focuses upon recent advances in emissions reduction and the resulting energy penalties. The second group of four papers deals with improving the efficiency and reliability in the utilisation of renewable energy, where hydrogen and biodiesel are the key energy carriers. The final group of three papers focus on process integration challenges of sustainable energy systems and upon the challenges of industrial/societal integration of sustainable energy systems into regional sustainable development planning.  相似文献   


Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is a combustion process with inherent separation of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is achieved by oxidizing the fuel with a solid oxygen carrier rather than with air. As fuel and combustion air are never mixed, no gas separation is necessary and, consequently, there is no direct cost or energy penalty for the separation of gases. The most common form of design of chemical-looping combustion systems uses circulating fluidized beds, which is an established and widely spread technology. Experiments were conducted in two different laboratory-scale CLC reactors with continuous fuel feeding and nominal fuel inputs of 300 Wth and 10 kWth, respectively. As an oxygen carrier material, ground steel converter slag from the Linz–Donawitz process was used. This material is the second largest flow in an integrated steel mill and it is available in huge quantities, for which there is currently limited demand. Steel converter slag consists mainly of oxides of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), silicon (Si), and manganese (Mn). In the 300 W unit, chemical-looping combustion experiments were conducted with model fuels syngas (50 vol% hydrogen (H2) in carbon monoxide (CO)) and methane (CH4) at varied reactor temperature, fuel input, and oxygen-carrier circulation. Further, the ability of the oxygen-carrier material to release oxygen to the gas phase was investigated. In the 10 kW unit, the fuels used for combustion tests were steam-exploded pellets and wood char. The purpose of these experiments was to study more realistic biomass fuels and to assess the lifetime of the slag when employed as oxygen carrier. In addition, chemical-looping gasification was investigated in the 10 kW unit using both steam-exploded pellets and regular wood pellets as fuels. In the 300 W unit, up to 99.9% of syngas conversion was achieved at 280 kg/MWth and 900 °C, while the highest conversion achieved with methane was 60% at 280 kg/MWth and 950 °C. The material’s ability to release oxygen to the gas phase, i.e., CLOU property, was developed during the initial hours with fuel operation and the activated material released 1–2 vol% of O2 into a flow of argon between 850 and 950 °C. The material’s initial low density decreased somewhat during CLC operation. In the 10 kW, CO2 yields of 75–82% were achieved with all three fuels tested in CLC conditions, while carbon leakage was very low in most cases, i.e., below 1%. With wood char as fuel, at a fuel input of 1.8 kWth, a CO2 yield of 92% could be achieved. The carbon fraction of C2-species was usually below 2.5% and no C3-species were detected. During chemical-looping gasification investigation a raw gas was produced that contained mostly H2. The oxygen carrier lifetime was estimated to be about 110–170 h. However, due to its high availability and potentially low cost, this type of slag could be suitable for large-scale operation. The study also includes a discussion on the potential advantages of this technology over other technologies available for Bio-Energy Carbon Capture and Storage, BECCS. Furthermore, the paper calls for the use of adequate policy instruments to foster the development of this kind of technologies, with great potential for cost reduction but presently without commercial application because of lack of incentives.


基于化石能源消耗的重庆市二氧化碳排放峰值预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先利用重庆市能源平衡表,采用IPCC方法 1对重庆市1997—2012年的碳排放进行核算;其次依据重庆市经济社会发展状况,通过LMDI因素分解法将影响碳排放的因素分解为:人口、人均GDP、产业结构、能源结构、能源强度和碳排放系数;然后利用扩展的重庆市STIRPAT碳排放模型,在9个情景模式下对2013—2050年重庆市碳排放进行预测;最后对比分析了各情景下的峰值大小及出现时间.研究发现:基准模式下的重庆市碳排放在2035年出现32135.38万t的峰值;提高能源利用技术、增加清洁能源使用比例和大力发展第三产业,能在不降低经济发展的情况下有效降低碳排放;消极因素中的第二产业占比下降比碳排放强度下降对碳排放的抑制作用更加明显;积极因素对碳排放峰值的影响比消极因素更有效.  相似文献   

柴油甲醇组合燃烧发动机的甲醛排放特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在一台加装独立的甲醇供给系统的自然吸气柴油机上,采用柴油甲醇组合燃烧模式(DMCC)进行台架试验.利用气相色谱仪分析技术,全面研究并总结了甲醛在不同的发动机工况如转速、负荷、排气温度(改变柴油氧化催化转化器DOC位置)和不同甲醇替代率的情况下的排放规律以及甲醛和未燃碳氢(HC)之间的相互关系.研究结果显示,DMCC模式下的甲醛排放主要受到负荷、甲醇替代率、排气温度3方面的共同影响.在中等负荷排温在240~380℃之间时,DOC促进甲醛的生成;在高负荷排温在400℃以上时,DOC减少甲醛排放.在同样工况下将DOC位置移近排气歧管对减少甲醛排放有显著的作用.在此情况下,当排气温度超过400℃,DOC后的甲醛排放体积分数降低到(10~15)×10-6左右,与燃用纯柴油的甲醛浓度相近.另外,未燃碳氢和甲醛的转化效率的规律有一定的关联.当排温高于320℃以后,尽管HC迅速下降到比原机还低的水平,但甲醛排放浓度却比较高.当排气温度超过380℃并将DOC位置移近排气歧管,此时,HC与甲醛的排放将同步减少直至接近零排放水平.  相似文献   

喷流-移动床RDF热解燃烧时CO和NOX的释放特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
在下部为喷流-移动床热解室、上部为气相燃烧室的两段反应器内,利用实验室中制备的RDF对其在该反应器中进行部分燃烧部分热解然后气相燃烧特性进行了研究.RDF颗粒连续加入到热解室中,实现了在少量空气作用下部分燃烧并在较低温度下部分热解,热解气体与二次空气在上部燃烧室中高温燃烧.本文主要考察了热解室进风量(热解室温度)和二次风量(燃烧室温度)对NOX和CO释放特性的影响.  相似文献   

AO与AAO工艺去除雌激素效能对比及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨不同污水处理工艺对雌激素类有机物的处理效能,本研究设计并同时运行了AO和AAO两种污水处理工艺,在稳定运行条件下,比较了两种工艺对各种常规水质指标和雌激素的去除状况.试验结果表明,AAO系统对污染物去除效能明显优于AO系统.AAO对COD、TN、NH4+-N、TP及TOC的去除效能分别比AO高出7.55%、20....  相似文献   

为了解决环境污染和能源短缺等问题,本研究针对四氢呋喃作为一种含氧替代燃料展开研究.在一台六缸增压柴油机上开展了不同喷油策略下四氢呋喃和柴油混合燃料对柴油机燃烧和排放的影响研究,所用3种燃料分别为:纯柴油、5%四氢呋喃和95%柴油、15%四氢呋喃和85%柴油混合燃料(混合比例均为体积比),以原机国六脉谱图为基准调节主喷时...  相似文献   

流化床内焦炭对N2O和NO生成和分解的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在小型流化床试验上进行了焦炭的燃烧试验,研究焦炭颗粒和氧化钙对N2O和NO的分解反应,焦炭颗粒对N2O还原分解速率比NO快,氧化钙对N2O分解有较强的催化作用,N2O和NO的分解反应过程可用一级Arrhenius公式来描述,研究不同程度脱去挥发份的炭焦颗粒对N2O和NO形成的影响,脱挥发份的程度越高,焦炭氮形成N2O的量越少,表明挥发份氮形成N2O量高于相应焦炭氮燃烧产生的N2O量,焦炭燃烧过程中  相似文献   

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