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Asbjørn Aaheim Hans A. Kristin Seip Hans M. 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》1999,4(1):61-81
Few studies on measures for mitigation of damage caused by man-made emissions to the environment have tried to consider all major effects. We illustrate the importance of an integrated approach by estimating costs and benefits of a proposed energy saving program for Hungary, originally designed to reduce CO2 emissions. The dominant benefit of implementing the program is likely to be reduced health damage from local pollutants. Also reduced costs of material damage and to a lesser extent vegetation damage contribute to make the net benefit considerable. Compared to the reduction in these local and regional effects, the benefits from reducing greenhouse gases are likely to be minor. Since local effects in general occur much earlier after measures have been implemented than effects of increased emissions of greenhouse gases, inclusion of local effects makes evaluation of climate policy less dependent on the choice of discount rate. In our opinion, similar results are likely for many measures originally designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases particularly in some areas in developing countries with high local pollution levels. Main uncertainties in the analysis, e.g. in the relationships between damage and pollution level, are discussed. 相似文献
Climate Change Projections for the United States Midwest 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wuebbles Donald J. Hayhoe Katharine 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2004,9(4):335-363
Environmental and societal factors such asair quality, water quality andavailability, land use changes andexpanding urbanization are alreadyaffecting human health and welfare,agriculture, and natural ecosystems in theMidwestern United States. Over thiscentury, these existing stresses willlikely be exacerbated by climate changesresulting from human activities. It isessential that policy decisions aimed atpreserving the well-being of a region beinformed by a good understanding of theregion's climate, how climate might change,and the uncertainties inherent in futureprojections. Recent updates in climatemodeling expertise and an expanded view ofpossible non-intervention emissionscenarios have narrowed the range of changethat can be expected over the Midwestthroughout the next century in some ways,while broadening it in others. In contrastto previous studies, which generallyconsider a mid-range scenario for futureemissions, this study presents the range ofchange that would result from low to highscenarios for climate change. In this waywe account for uncertainties inanthropogenic forcing on climate change inthe region and quantify the potentialeffects of human actions on future climate.This analysis also combines the latestclimate model projections with historicalrecords of observed climate over the pastcentury, effectively placing potentialchanges in extreme event frequencies suchas heavy rainfall events and temperaturethreshold exceedances within the context ofobserved variability over the past century.The purpose of this study is to provide anupdated picture of the potential impacts ofclimate change on the Midwest to inform theimpact assessment and policy developmentcommunity. From the magnitude of thechanges projected by this study, it isclear that these must be included in futurepolicy decisions in order to ensure thesuccessful adaptation and survival ofexisting human and natural systems in theMidwest. 相似文献
Sergey Venevsky 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2006,11(1):241-268
The conceptual scheme of integrated assessment of vulnerability to climate change in Siberian forests is elaborated and applied
to the extensive area in Siberia covered by Larch forests. Forest stakeholders on the provincial level are identified to be
the most relevant for an integrated impact assessment. Organisation of the assessment study as a combination of
'top-down' and 'bottom-up' approaches is suggested. Major biophysical vulnerability indexes and regional syndromes are identified
as the growing stock and current increment averaged by administrative unit. Models and data suitability and quality for an
analysis of biophysical vulnerability in conditions of climate change are studied for Siberian forests and future development
trends are identified. An application of the elaborated conceptual scheme, which employs two models of different type and
forest inventory data, is presented for the Larch area. 相似文献
Forest Fires and Climate Change in the 21ST Century 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
M. D. Flannigan B. D. Amiro K. A. Logan B. J. Stocks B. M. Wotton 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2006,11(4):847-859
Fire is the major stand-renewing disturbance in the circumboreal forest. Weather and climate are the most important factors
influencing fire activity and these factors are changing due to human-caused climate change. This paper discusses and synthesises
the current state of fire and climate change research and the potential direction for future studies on fire and climate change.
In the future, under a warmer climate, we expect more severe fire weather, more area burned, more ignitions and a longer fire
season. Although there will be large spatial and temporal variation in the fire activity response to climate change. This
field of research allows us to better understand the interactions and feedbacks between fire, climate, vegetation and humans
and to identify vulnerable regions. Lastly, projections of fire activity for this century can be used to explore options for
mitigation and adaptation. 相似文献
基于气候指标评估气候变化对海南旅游的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
基于1965-2012 年海南5 市(县)气象站的逐日观测数据,构建一个新旅游气候指标,用以定量评估海南各地区的旅游气候资源,并考察其对气候变化的响应特征。结果表明:①近48 a 来各市县理想旅游条件频率以波动下降趋势为主;全年三亚限制旅游的主导因子是风,其余地区是体感温度;除了五指山理想条件频率呈单峰型季节分布外,其余地区为双峰型。②冬季到初春气候变暖对三亚影响不大,但将明显改善其他地区旅游气候条件;除五指山外,气候变暖将使其他地区夏季、初秋旅游条件处于劣势。全年来看气候变暖对海口、三亚与昌江的旅游舒适度弊大于利。③三亚、琼海及昌江夏季、初秋若湿度加大,将有利于提高旅游舒适度,这与降水频次有关;冬季湿度加大也助于改善五指山的旅游条件。④所构建的定量指标可较好表征海南各地旅游气候资源状况,并可评估其对气候变化的响应特征。统计分析表明旅游气候条件与气候变化、地理环境密切相关。 相似文献
气候变化既是环境问题,也是发展问题,事关人类的生存与发展。中国政府高度重视全球气候变化问题,积极探索有中国特色的绿色低碳发展之路。这不仅是中国作为发展中大国肩负的国际责任.也是加快实现国内发展方式转型的内在要求。近三十年来,中国在保护环境和应对气候变化方面付出了巨大努力,总结出一系列行之有效的经验和做法。为了更好地开展有利于应对气候变化的环境保护工作,近日,环境保护部环境发展中心成立了一个跨部门的应对气候变化工作机构,即“环境发展中心环境与气候变化中心”。日前,编辑部就业界人士和社会大众所关心的一些气候变化相关问题专程采访了环境保护部环境发展中心唐丁丁主任。 相似文献
空气污染对气候变化影响与反馈的研究评述 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
气候变化和空气污染都是人类面临的重要环境问题,其影响与反馈已成为空气污染和气候变化领域的研究热点. 总结了空气污染与气候变化相互作用机理,系统梳理了国内外有关空气污染对气候变化影响及反馈的研究成果,并且重点评述了黑碳和硫酸盐气溶胶辐射强迫及其气候效应、气候变化对近地面臭氧和颗粒物影响等领域的研究进展. 分析指出,现阶段尚没有一个能够综合考虑气象条件、排放源、下垫面等诸多因子对空气污染的影响机理过程模型,无法定量描述大气组分在不同气象条件作用下的演变过程等. 提出未来研究中应深化对机理机制的认识,减少模式的不确定性,加强在排放清单的编制、立体观测网的构建、互馈机理的试验、模式的集成耦合等方面的研究. 相似文献
Comparing Forecasts of the Global Impacts of Climate Change 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Mendelsohn Robert Williams Larry 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2004,9(4):315-333
This paper utilizes the predictions ofseveral Atmosphere-Ocean GeneralCirculation Models and the Global ImpactModel to create forecasts of the globalmarket impacts from climate change. Theforecasts of market impacts in 2100 varyconsiderably depending on climate scenariosand climate impact sensitivity. The modelsdo concur that tropical nations will behurt, temperate nations will be barelyaffected, and high latitude nations willbenefit. Although the size of theseeffects varies a great deal across models,the beneficial and harmful effects areoffsetting, so that the net impact on theglobe is relatively small in almost alloutcomes. Looking only at market impacts,the forecasts suggest that while the globalnet benefits of abatement are small, thedistribution of damages suggests a largeequity problem that could be addressedthrough a compensation program. The largeuncertainty surrounding these forecastsfurther suggests that continued monitoringof both the climate and impacts isworthwhile. 相似文献
1961-2006年我国气候变化趋势与突变的区域差异 总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23
基于FAO56 Penman-Monteith校正模型模拟结果,结合线性趋势法、Mann-Kendall非参数检验法和滑动T检验法,分析了我国1961-2006年温度和水分条件的变化趋势与突变特征。研究揭示出近几十年来中国及各地区平均温度呈显著上升趋势,且在20世纪80年代后期发生显著突变,突变在东北部较早,南部地区相对较晚。全国降水量略有减少趋势,没有检测到显著突变,西北干旱区的降水在20世纪80年代中期发生显著突变。全国潜在蒸散呈显著减少趋势,在20世纪80年代初发生显著突变,东部地区突变发生时间早于西部地区。全国干燥度呈显著的减少趋势,在20世纪70年代末发生了显著突变;亚热带、青藏高寒区和西北干旱区的干燥度减少趋势尤为显著,西北干旱区在1986年发生显著突变,湿润程度增加明显。 相似文献
系统响应气候变化脆弱性定量评价国内研究综述 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
定量评价气候变化脆弱性是人类采取适应性措施应对全球气候变化,以减少其不利影响的关键和基础。在对气候变化脆弱性有关概念进行讨论,及对国际、国内系统响应气候变化脆弱性评价研究回顾的基础上,对中国近十几来有关气候变化脆弱性定量评价研究的成果从三个方面进行了较为系统的总结:气候情景的模拟预测、系统变化过程的模拟、脆弱性指标的选取及脆弱性层次的划分。最后,从评价对象、技术手段、指标体系、时间尺度等方面探讨了该领域研究的不足及发展方向。 相似文献
草地土壤有机碳储量巨大,其较小幅度的波动即可能显著反馈于气候变化. 基于1981—2010年内蒙古自治区境内及其周边共计92个气象台站气候要素插值数据,采用空间化的生物地球化学模型——CENTURY 4.5,模拟分析近30年来内蒙古草地表层(0~20 cm)土壤有机碳的空间格局与动态变化特征,并通过构建气候变化情景探讨其对主要气候要素的敏感性. 结果表明:近30年内蒙古草地表层土壤有机碳密度平均值约为1.99 kg/m2(以C计),在空间上呈由东北向西南逐渐减少的分布特征. 近30年来内蒙古草地表层土壤有机碳密度略有增加,年均增幅约0.22%,其中草甸草原的增速〔14.25 g/(m2·a)〕最大,荒漠草原的增速〔1.36 g/(m2·a)〕最小. 草地表层土壤有机碳密度年际变化差异明显,1980s至1990s的增加较为缓慢,1990s至2000s的增幅约为前者的2倍,其中草甸草原和典型草原土壤有机碳增幅较大. 气候敏感性分析结果显示,区域降水量变化可能是近30年内蒙古草地表层土壤有机碳密度变化的主要影响因素,但不同草地类型表层土壤有机碳密度对气候变化的敏感性存在较大差异;典型草原与草甸草原表层土壤有机碳变化主要受控于降水量变化,荒漠草原则主要受控于温度变化. 相似文献
发展节能与新能源汽车是降低交通运输行业碳排放的重要技术路径.为量化预测节能与新能源汽车的全生命周期碳排放,利用全生命周期评价方法,以汽车相关技术路线和政策为参考,选取燃油经济性、整车轻量化水平、电力结构碳排放因子和氢能碳排放因子为关键参数,构建传统燃油汽车(ICEV)、轻度混合动力汽车(MHEV)、重度混合动力汽车(HEV)、纯电动汽车(BEV)和燃料电池汽车(FCV)的数据清单并对其全生命周期碳排放进行量化预测评价,对电力结构碳排放因子和不同制氢方式碳排放因子进行了敏感性分析和讨论.结果发现,2022年ICEV、 MHEV、 HEV、 BEV和FCV的全生命周期碳排放量(以CO2-eq计)分别为208.0、 195.5、 150.0、 113.5和205.0 g·km-1.到2035年,BEV和FCV相比于ICEV具有较为显著的减碳效益,分别降低69.1%和49.3%.电力结构的碳排放因子对BEV的全生命周期碳排放的影响最显著.关于燃料电池汽车的不同制氢方式,短期应以工业副产氢提纯为主供应FCV氢能需求,长期以可再生能源电解水制氢和化石能源... 相似文献
Because of concerns with the growing threat of global climate change from increasing emissions of greenhouse gases, the United States and other countries are implementing, by themselves or in cooperation with one or more other nations, climate change projects. These projects will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or sequester carbon, and will also result in non-GHG benefits (i.e., environmental, economic, and social benefits). Monitoring, evaluating, reporting, and verifying (MERV) guidelines are needed for these projects to accurately determine their net GHG, and other, benefits. Implementation of MERV guidelines is also intended to: (1) increase the reliability of data for estimating GHG benefits; (2) provide real-time data so that mid-course corrections can be made; (3) introduce consistency and transparency across project types and reporters; and (4) enhance the credibility of the projects with stakeholders. In this paper, we review the issues involved in MERV activities. We identify several topics that future protocols and guidelines need to address, such as: (1) establishing a credible baseline; (2) accounting for impacts outside project boundaries through leakage; (3) net GHG reductions and other benefits; (4) precision of measurement; (5) MERV frequency and the persistence (sustainability) of savings, emissions reduction, and carbon sequestration; (6) reporting by multiple project participants; (7) verification of GHG reduction credits; (8) uncertainty and risk; (9) institutional capacity in conducting MERV; and (10) the cost of MERV. 相似文献
Rosenzweig C. Tubiello F. N. 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》1997,1(3):219-232
Current trends in Mediterranean agriculture reveal differences between the Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries as related to population growth, land and water use, and food supply and demand. The changes in temperature and precipitation predicted by general circulation models for the Mediterranean region will affect water availability and resource management, critically shaping the patterns of future crop production. Three companion papers analyze in detail future impacts of predicted climate change on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) production in Spain, Greece, and Egypt, and test farm- level adaptation strategies such as early planting and cultivar change with the aid of dynamic crop models. Strategies to improve the assessment of the potential effects of future climate change on agricultural production are discussed. 相似文献
气候变暖会提高土壤温度从而导致土壤碳释放,但也可以通过提高初级生产力增加土壤有机碳.农田土壤被认为具有巨大的固碳潜力,然而大区域尺度上气候变暖如何影响农田土壤有机碳变化尚缺少直接观测.水稻土是我国重要的耕作土壤之一,基于1980~1985年全国第二次土壤普查获得的2 217个样点数据和2017~2019年2 382个实地采样数据,分析了四川盆地水稻土表层土壤有机碳含量的变化特征,并探究了水稻土有机碳含量变化与气温、降雨量、农田利用方式、施肥强度和粮食产量的关系.结果表明,近40年间四川盆地水稻土表层有机碳含量从13.33 g·kg-1上升到15.96 g·kg-1,增长了2.63 g·kg-1,呈“碳汇”效应;不同地貌区和不同二级流域水稻土有机碳含量变化幅度不同.水稻土有机碳含量增加量与年均气温呈正相关关系,与年均降雨量呈负相关关系,与年均施肥量及其增长速率、年均粮食产量及增长率则均呈先增加后降低的抛物线关系.不同农田利用方式下水稻土有机碳含量增加量与年均气温增长率关系不同,年均气温增长率的增加仅在水旱轮作下对有机碳增长... 相似文献
全球气候变化是人类面临的最为严峻的挑战之一,如何有效地提高公众环境意识,发挥公众在应对气候变化中的积极作用,是目前面临的重要课题。本文在研究环境意识、环境宣传教育的国内外理论基础上,结合成功的公众气候变化宣传教育典型案例,探讨提高公众意识,切实参与应对气候变化的机制和途径。 相似文献
气候变化对我国干旱区分布及其范围的潜在影响 总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6
为确定气候变化对土地荒漠化影响,以干燥度指数及A1,A2,B1和B2气候变化情景分析了气候变化对我国干旱区分布范围的影响. 模拟结果表明:气候变化将导致我国极端干旱区和湿润区分布范围缩小,干旱区、半干旱区和半湿润区分布范围扩大. 极端干旱区分布范围缩小并被干旱区所代替,半干旱区向半湿润区东、南部方向扩展,湿润区东北部和西部被半干旱和半湿润区所代替. 极端干旱区和湿润区分布范围变化与全国年均气温增量呈负相关性,干旱区、半干旱区和半湿润区分布范围变化与全国年均气温增量呈正相关性. 多元回归分析表明,干旱区和极端干旱区分布范围随全国年降水量增加而减少;半湿润区和湿润区分布范围随全国年降水量增加而增加;除A1情景外,其他气候情景下半干旱区分布范围均随全国年降水量增加而减少;湿润区分布范围随全国年均气温增加而减少,其他气候区范围随全国年均气温升高而增加. 随着气候变化,我国荒漠化范围将增加,干旱胁迫总体上减弱. 相似文献
西南高山地区生态系统类型丰富、地形复杂, 是响应全球气候变化的重点区域,对全球气候变化具有重要的指示作用。研究应用生态系统模型CEVSA(Carbon Exchange betweenVegetation, Soil, and the Atmosphere)估算了1954-2010 年西南高山地区土壤有机碳(Soil Organic Carbon, SOC)的时空变化,分析了其对气候变化的响应。结果表明:①西南高山地区1954-2010 年平均土壤有机碳密度为14.16 kg C·m-2,在空间分布上,SOC密度自东南向西北递增,与温度显著负相关(r=-0.447,P<0.01),而与降水量相关性不显著;②西南高山地区1954-2010 年SOC 总量变动范围为6.95~7.64 Pg C,增加趋势显著(P<0.05),平均每年增加0.013 Pg C,土壤有机碳密度平均增加26.94 g C·m-2;③常绿针叶林、常绿阔叶林和草地SOC密度增加趋势均显著,除常绿阔叶林SOC密度与温度相关性不显著外,其他两种植被类型SOC都与年平均温度显著正相关(草地:r=0.527, P<0.01; 常绿针叶林:r=0.501, P<0.01),且3 种植被类型SOC与年降水量均相关性不显著;④由于作为土壤有机碳输入的凋落物产生量对温度不如异养呼吸敏感,所以未来升温条件下,土壤有机碳储量的增速减缓或者呈下降趋势。 相似文献
洪泽湖区域气候变化与水位的灰色关联度分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用泗洪洪泽湖湿地自然保护区1979-2009年逐年逐月平均气温、降水量、蒸发量、湿度和日照一系列气象资料,分析了该地区年和四季的气候特征以及气候变化趋势,并用近年泗洪洪泽湖区域水位的动态数据与气象数据相对变化进行比较处理后,基于MATLAB软件灰色关联度计算的实现,进行水位因子与气象因子的灰色关联度分析,从而得到他们之间的关联度。研究表明:近31年来泗洪洪泽湖湿地自然保护区表现出气温升高、降水量增多、蒸发量减少的暖湿趋势。近年泗洪洪泽湖区域水位的年变化与湿度、降水呈正相关关系,与气温、蒸发量、日照呈负相关关系;水位高低与气候要素中的气温、湿度相关性较大,高达0.997 8、0.946 6;与降水量也有一定的相关性,与蒸发量和日照的相关性较小。 相似文献