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The 26 December 2004-Tsunami has deposited sediments in the Pichavaram mangrove ecosystem, east coast of India. Ten surface and three core sediment samples were collected within thirty days of the event. High concentrations of Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Ni were observed in the tsunamigenic sediments. With respect to Fe, Zn, and Mn, there was little variation as compared to pre-tsunami values. The geo-accumulation index was calculated in order to assess the contamination of heavy metals in the sediments. The sediments were extremely contaminated with respect to Cd and they showed moderate to strong contamination with respect to Cr, Pb and Ni. The study highlighted the future risk of enhanced metal pollution in near future in this mangrove ecosystem.  相似文献   

A study was carried out at Kalpakkam coast to find out the distribution of various fractions of phosphorus (P) in the marine sediment during pre-northeast monsoon period. Samples were collected from ten locations covering ~80 km2 of the inner-shelf region. Sedimentary parameters such as sand, silt, clay, and organic carbon percentage were analyzed in order to find out their relation with various P fractions. The sediment was found to be predominantly sandy in nature with low silt and clay content. Among all the fractions (loosely bound (LoP), calcium bound (CaP), iron bound (FeP), aluminum bound (AlP), and organic (OP)), CaP fraction constituted the largest portion (68.7 %) followed by organic fraction (16.3 %). The bioavailable P fractions ranged from 5 to 44 % of the total P (TP) content. Relatively high LoP content was observed at the offshore locations with comparatively high mud percentage as compared with the near-shore locations. As FeP and AlP concentrations were directly proportional to the amount of fine-grain sediment, the low levels of these fractions found in this coastal area were therefore attributed to the sandy nature of the sediments. The order of abundance of the major forms of P in the surface sediments of Kalpakkam coast was as follows: CaP?>?OP?>?LoP?>?AlP?>?FeP.  相似文献   

Mercury, a global pollutant, is popping up in places where it was never expected before and it burdens in sediments and other non-biological materials. It is estimated to have increased up to five times the pre-human level due to anthropogenic activities. Vembanad backwaters, one of the largest Ramsar site in India, which have extraordinary importance for its hydrological function, are now considered as one of the mercury hot spots in India. In this study, surface sediment samples of Vembanad Lake and nearshore areas have been seasonally analysed for total mercury and methyl mercury concentrations while the core sediment samples were analysed for total mercury. The results showed that the northern part of the lake was more contaminated with mercury than the southern part. The mercury concentration was relatively high in the subsurface sediment samples, indicating the possibility of historic industrial mercury deposition. A decreasing trend in the mercury level towards the surface in the core sediment was also observed. The geochemical parameters were also analysed to understand the sediment mercury chemistry. Anoxic conditions, pH and organic carbon, sulphur and Fe determined the presence of various species of mercury in the sediments of Vembanad Lake. The prevailing physical and geochemical conditions in Vembanad Lake have indicated the chances of chemical transformation of mercury and the potential hazard if the deposited mercury fractions are remobilised.  相似文献   

The present study about the gammarid amphipods of Vellar and Uppanar estuaries was performed during two seasons (pre-monsoon and post-monsoon, 2005–2006), respectively, in nine habitats: five in the Vellar estuary and four in the Uppanar estuary. Amphipod samples were collected from sediments, oyster beds, seaweeds, sea grass, and mangroves. A total of 29 species of gammarid amphipods were collected in each area. The surface water temperature ranged from 16°C to 26°C, the salinity from 20 to 32 psu, and the pH between 7.5 and 8.3. Dissolved oxygen ranged from 5.3 to 7.8 ml/l. The maximum abundance of amphipods was observed during the pre-monsoon (July to September) in Vellar mangrove, and it was minimum during the pre-monsoon in Uppanar sea grass. It was found that several physicochemical factors, such as salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and the substrate have a marked effect on the distribution and the relative abundance of amphipods. The ranges of species diversity, richness, dominance, and evenness in the Vellar and Uppanar estuaries were 1.58–4.15, 1.82–5.29, 0–0.11, and 0.96–1, respectively. Using multivariate analyses, in each estuary, it was possible to identify different communities of amphipod species according to their habitats.  相似文献   

Free-living marine nematode diversity was analyzed between Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata mangrove covers of the Vellar Estuary (southeast coast of India). A total of 4,976 specimens of free-living marine nematodes were collected in 56 species. Comparatively, a higher species richness was obtained for A. marina (52 species) than for R. mucronata (44 species), whereas 40 species commonly existed in both mangrove covers. A higher density of nematodes was found in sediments of sandy nature, whereas there was lower total organic carbon compared to silt/clay composition; epigrowth feeders were dominant over the other feeding groups based on organic enrichment in surface sediments. Principal component analysis clearly explained the relationship between the environmental parameters of various months. Higher R values of analysis of similarities revealed significant differences in nematode assemblages between months, and it was quite evident by non-metric multidimensional scaling. Diversity indices showed higher values in the dry months. RELATE analysis explained serial changes in nematode species composition between months, and a relationship between biotic and abiotic variables was clarified using the BIO-ENV procedure. Viscosia spp., Metachromadora spp., Theristus spp., and Sphaerolaimus spp. were candidate species of A. marina leaf interaction by observation.  相似文献   

The heavy metal concentrations in water and sediment samples were investigated in the tropical Muthupet mangrove ecosystem, southeast coast of India. The results demonstrated that, ranges of metals in water comprise of Cd—0.05 to 3.72; Cu—0.5 to 4.43; Pb—6.31 to 17.87; Zn—0.0 to12.91 ppm and sediment comprises of Cd—0.06 to 0.57; Cu—4.46 to 20.59; Pb—2.90 to 21.35; Zn—4.41 to 39.18 ppm. In all the three sites, heavy metals in sediment exhibited significant higher concentrations compared to water, except Cd. The spatial distribution of metals in water and sediment samples followed a similar pattern except Cd with the preponderance of Zn (75% of total metals) followed by Cu and Pb. Muller’s Geoaccumulation indexes (Igeo) showed Cd is a potent pollutant in the ecosystem and moderately contaminated the study area. The aquaculture and agricultural culture practices follow improper disposal of municipal wastages, and idol immersion activities are the potent metallic sources for heavy metal pollution were identified by performing principle component analysis. In order to protect the ecosystem from further contamination, regular monitoring is needed to in order to control the anthropogenic discharges.
Graphical abstract

We present the first insight to the oceanography of the southeastern Adriatic Sea, where coastal water influenced by Albanian rivers comes into contact with the inflowing oligotrophic Eastern Adriatic Current (Ionian Surface Water and Levantine Intermediate Water). A distinct plankton distribution was observed on each side of the shelf break hydrographic boundary in May 2009, during gradual warming of the surface waters. The prochlorophytes accumulated along the nutricline above the shelf and continental slope. The phosphorus limited inshore waters were dominated by a small diatom Chaetoceros circinalis, dinoflagellates, cryptophytes, autotrophic picoplankton, and heterotrophic nanoplankton. The offshore surface layer was characterized by bigger nanoplankton (coccolithophorids, green flagellates). Low nutrient concentrations influence relatively low productivity not only above the Albanian shelf but also further to the north along the Montenegrine and Croatian coastal Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Climate change impact on the environment makes the coastal areas vulnerable and demands the evaluation of such susceptibility. Historical changes in the shoreline positions and inundation based on projected sea-level scenarios of 0.5 and 1 m were assessed for Nagapattinam District, a low-lying coastal area in the southeast coast of India, using high-resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data; multi-dated Landsat satellite images of 1978, 1991, 2003, and 2015; and census data of 2011. Image processing, geographical information system, and digital shoreline analysis system methods were used in the study. The shoreline variation indicated that erosion rate varied at different time scales. The end point rate indicated the highest mean erosion of ??3.12 m/year, occurred in 73% of coast between 1978 and 1991. Weighted linear regression analysis revealed that the coast length of 83% was under erosion at a mean rate of ??2.11 m/year from 1978 to 2015. Sea level rise (SLR) impact indicated that the coastal area of about 14,122 ha from 225 villages and 31,318 ha from 272 villages would be permanently inundated for the SLR of 0.5 and 1 m, respectively, which includes agriculture, mangroves, wetlands, aquaculture, and forest lands. The loss of coastal wetlands and its associated productivity will severely threaten more than half the coastal population. Adaptation measures in people participatory mode, integrated into coastal zone management with a focus on sub-regional coastal activities, are needed to respond to the consequences of climate change.  相似文献   

The article presents the distribution and enrichment of acid-leachable heavy metals (ALHMs) Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Mn, and Fe in the intertidal sediments collected from Quanzhou Bay, southeast coast of China. The contents of ALHMs along with sediment texture, total organic carbon, S2???, and CaCO3 in surface sediments were analyzed to identify the input of heavy metals from various sources. The enrichment of ALHMs in the sediments is mainly attributed to the intense industrial activities around Quanzhou Bay and to the serried activities of intertidal breed aquatics along the seacoast. The results also illustrate the association between the ALHMs with the finer fractions, organic matter, and Fe oxyhydroxides in the sediments. The above results were very supported by the multivariate statistical analyses, including correlation, principal component analysis, and hierarchical clustering analysis. Comparative results of ALHMs in the intertidal sediments from Quanzhou Bay with those in other domestic bays and estuaries indicate that the study area has been enriched with heavy metals, especially with Zn, Cu, and Pb, during the past few decades. The results of the present study suggest that the authorities should pay attention to the current status and take some measures to control the heavy metal pollution in the study area.  相似文献   

Coral reef fishes are exploited without the knowledge of their sustainability and their possible effect in altering the community structure of a coral reef ecosystem. Alteration of the community structure could cause a decline in the health of coral reefs and its services. We documented the coral community structure, status of live corals and reef fish assemblages in Palk Bay at the reef fishing hotspots and its nearby reef area with minimum fishing pressure and compared it with a control reef area where reef fishing was banned for more than two decades. The comparison was based on the percent cover of different forms of live corals, their diversity and the density and diversity of reef fishes. The reef fish stock in the reef fishing hotspots and its neighbouring reef was lower by 61 and 38 %, respectively compared to the control reef. The herbivore fish Scarus ghobban and Siganus javus were exploited at a rate of 250 and 105 kg month?1 fishermen?1, respectively, relatively high comparing the small reef area. Live and dead corals colonized by turf algae were predominant in both the reef fishing hotspots and its nearby coral ecosystems. The percent cover of healthy live corals and live corals colonized by turf algae was <10 and >80 %, respectively, in the intensively fished coral ecosystems. The corals were less diverse and the massive Porites and Favia colonies were abundant in the intensive reef fishing sites. Results of this study suggest that the impact of reef fish exploitation was not solely restricted to the intensively fished reefs, but also to the nearby reefs which play a critical role in the resilience of degraded reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples from the Tirumalairajan river estuary were studied for grain size pattern, organic matter, and heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, and Pb) using the sequential and bulk metal extraction methods to evaluate metal behavior. Ten surface sediment samples were collected during the monsoon and summer seasons of the year 2009. The observed orders of concentrations of heavy metals in the sediments were as follows: Fe?>?Mn?>?Zn?>?Pb. The results obtained from sequential extraction showed that, among the metals studied, a larger portion of the metals were associated with the residual phase, although they are available in other fractions. The low concentration of metals available in bioavailable phases indicated that the sediments of Tirumalairajan river estuary were relatively unpolluted. Correlation analysis was also carried out to understand the associations of metals in different phases with sand, silt, clay, and organic matter. To understand the risk of heavy metals to sediment-dwelling organisms, the data were compared with risk assessment code and sediment quality values using the screening quick reference table. The main source of metals to the estuary is from the irrigation field and its associated activities in the study area.  相似文献   

Natural hazards cause great damage to humankind and the surrounding ecosystem. They can cast certain indelible changes on the natural system. One such tsunami event occurred on 26 December 2004 and caused serious damage to the environment, including deterioration of groundwater quality. This study addresses the groundwater quality variation before and after the tsunami from Pumpuhar to Portnova in Tamil Nadu coast using geochemical methods. As a part of a separate Ph.D. study on the salinity of groundwater from Pondicherry to Velankanni, water quality of this region was studied with the collection of samples during November 2004, which indicated that shallow aquifers were not contaminated by sea water in certain locations. These locations were targeted for post-tsunami sample collection during the months of January, March and August 2005 from shallow aquifers. Significant physical mixing (confirmed with mixing models) within the aquifer occurred during January 2005, followed by precipitation of salts in March and complete leaching and dissolution of these salts in the post-monsoon season of August. As a result, maximum impact of tsunami water was observed in August after the onset of monsoon. Tsunami water inundated inland water bodies and topographic lows where it remained stagnant, especially in the near-shore regions. Maximum tsunami inundation occurred along the fluvial distributary channels, and it was accelerated by topography to a certain extent where the southern part of the study area has a gentler bathymetry than the north.  相似文献   

Seasonal observations on water-quality parameters and chlorophyll-a in the coastal waters off Kalpakkam, southeast coast of India, was carried out covering an area of about 30 km(2) to find out the variations in physicochemical properties during a monsoonal cycle of the year. Most of the parameters exhibited a significant spatial and seasonal variation. It revealed that the coastal water was significantly influenced by freshwater input from the nearby backwaters during North-east monsoon and post-monsoon periods. A marginal increase in pH from coast towards offshore was noticed during the observation. Relatively low salinity values were observed during pre and post monsoon when compared to summer. Bottom water was found to be highly turbid during summer and pre-monsoon conditions when compared to surface. This could be attributed to the strong northerly wind and northward current prior to the onset of southwest monsoon. N, P and Si based nutrients are relatively high in their concentration in the bottom water. Nitrate was significantly high during post-monsoon and contributed greatly towards total nitrogen as evident from the statistical correlation. Ammonia concentration was relatively high in the bottom samples during all the seasons except on a few occasions during post-monsoon. In general, phosphate and total phosphorous values remained low and particularly so in the surface water. Higher silicate concentration was observed in the bottom water, and there was a reducing trend towards offshore. High chlorophyll-a values were observed during summer and surface water was found to have higher pigment concentrations as compared to the bottom. Results show that phosphate acts as the limiting factor for phytoplankton production particularly during post-monsoon period whereas; none of the nutrients were found to be limiting the phytoplankton growth during other seasons.  相似文献   

Estuarine sediments are major reservoirs for the metals. Distribution and mobility of metals within estuaries depends strongly on their specific chemical form. In the present study, surface sediments from Zuari estuary, Goa were analysed by a sequential procedure for Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr and Co to determine their distribution in five geochemical phases (Exchangeable, carbonate, Fe-Mn oxide (reducible) organic bound (oxidisable) and residual). The total metal content, sand, silt, clay and organic carbon were also determined of the surface sediments. The total metal contents were found to be greater than the background concentrations of average shale values as well as to that of earlier studies indicating enrichment probably due to the anthropogenic origin of metals. The results obtained from sequential procedure showed that among the studied elements, Mn and Co are potentially available in the bioavailable fractions (exchangeable, carbonate and Fe-Mn oxide bound fractions) indicating their importance in toxicity whereas rest of the metals viz. Fe, Cu, Zn and to some extent Cr are largely available in residual phase although they are available in other fractions. The main source of metals to the estuary is mining and its associated activities in the study area. Chemical speciation by sequential extraction procedure has helped in assessing the mobility, bioavailability, diagenesis and toxicity of metals and hence giving a better insight into the ultimate fate of pollutants, which are introduced into the estuarine environment. To understand the risk of the metals to the sediment dwelling organisms the data were compared with the Sediment Quality Values (SQV) using SQUIRT. Also, correlation and Factor analysis were carried out to understand the associations of metals in the different fractions with sand, silt, clay, organic carbon and with other metals.  相似文献   

The Bay of Gokova in Southeastern Aegean Sea (Turkey) is important by the potential of agricultural, municipal, and tourism activities. In addition, there is no industrial plant within the area in the Aegean Sea. Kad?n Creek (Azmak) and Ak?ap?nar Creek (Azmak) flowing into the inner Gokova Bay are one of the important factors in determining the character of the inner Gokova Bay. In this study, nine stations were selected in the inner Gokova Bay, Kad?n Creek, and Akcap?nar Creek. The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn were measured in suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediments. The samples of sediments and SPM were collected in between February 2008 and September 2008. The aim of the study is searching the change of concentrations of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn in suspended particulate matter and sediments in the inner Gokova bay, Kad?n Creek, and Ak?ap?nar Creek. It has been identified that the metal concentrations in the creeks are higher than the metal concentrations in the marine environment. It has also been observed that the concentrations of Pb, Cd, and Cu in summer season have been higher than in the winter season, but the concentrations of Fe and Zn have not shown a significant difference between in summer and winter seasons. The obtained results show that the some heavy metals are caused by the agricultural, municipal, and tourism activities operating in the coastal areas and terrestrial environment, and they are transported from the creeks to the Gokova Bay by suspended particulate matter.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence on bacterial community and biochemical variables through mechanical disturbance of sediment-akin to small-scale mining in Kalbadevi beach, Ratnagiri, a placer-rich beach ecosystem which is a potential mining site. Changes were investigated by comparing three periods, namely phase I before disturbance, phase II just after disturbance, and phase III 24 h after disturbance as the bacterial generation time is ≤7 h. Cores from dune, berm, high-, mid-, and low-tide were examined for changes in distribution of total bacterial abundance, total direct viability (counts under aerobic and anaerobic conditions), culturability and biochemical parameters up to 40 cm depth. Results showed that bacterial abundance decreased by an order from 106 cells g − 1 sediment, while, viability reduced marginally. Culturability on different-strength nutrient broth increased by 155% during phase II. Changes in sedimentary proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids were marked at berm and dune and masked at other levels by tidal influence. Sedimentary ATP reduced drastically. During phase III, Pearson’s correlation between these variables evolved from non-significant to significant level. Thus, simulated disturbance had a mixed effect on bacterial and biochemical variables of the sediments. It had a negative impact on bacterial abundance, viability and ATP but positive impact on culturability. Viability, culturability, and ATP could act as important indicators reflecting the disturbance in the system at short time intervals. Culturability, which improved by an order, could perhaps be a fraction that contributes to restoration of the system at bacterial level. This baseline information about the potential mining site could help in developing rational approach towards sustainable harnessing of resources with minimum damage to the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the distribution of sediment and sediment-bound nutrients in two important coastal lagoons of southern Kerala such as the Ashtamudi Estuarine Lagoon in the Kollam district and the Kadinamkulam Lagoon in the Thiruvananthapuram district. Among the two lagoons, the former is coast perpendicular, and the latter is coast parallel. An analysis of the textural characteristics reveals that, in both lagoons, the estuarine mouth and areas close to it are dominated by sand and sand-rich sediment species, indicating a high-energy depositional regime prevailing the region. On the other hand, the silt and clay dominant arms are almost sheltered and enjoy a low-energy depositional environment. The nutrient and organic carbon contents in the sheltered areas are significantly higher than the most dynamic high-energy estuarine mouth regions. This peculiar behaviour of these coastal water bodies has to be given adequate importance while laying down strategies for the conservation and management of these fragile aquatic systems in the south-western coast of India in particular and tropical coasts of the world in general.  相似文献   

Trace metal dynamics in fishes from the southwest coast of India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentration of Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the muscle tissue of marine fishes like Lates calcarifer, Nemipterus japonicus, Caranx melampygus, Rastrelliger kanagurta, and Cyanoglossus macrostomus was estimated from samples collected in the continental shelf waters off Kochi and Mangalore on southwest coast of India. Species-specific and spatially heterogeneous patterns of tissue metals loads were apparent within the pelagic and demersal fish species for the two regions. The concentration ranges of Fe (541.60 to 649.60 ppm), Ni (12.12 to 13.92 ppm), and Cu (3.09 to 3.62 ppm) were higher in the demersal species C. melampygus, whereas Co (9.10 to 11.80 ppm) and Zn (79.30 to 84.30 ppm) were higher in the pelagic species L. calcarifer and Cd (4.35 to 6.38 ppm) were higher in the demersal species N. japonicus, possibly due to enhanced bioavailability of these metals from ecological processes associated with upwelling during the summer monsoon. The fish species showed a great capacity to accumulate metals, with highest bioaccumulation for the essential element iron and lowest bioaccumulation for the non-essential element lead. Among the demersal species, C. melampygus and N. japonicus had high concentration factors for the metals Fe (280,268 to 322,808), Ni (88,252 to 96,891), Cu (2,351 to 2,600), and Cd (29,637 to 32,404). In contrast, the pelagic species L. calcarifer and R. kanagurta had high concentration factors for the metals Zn (40,812 to 46,892), Co (280,285 to 423,037), and Pb (854 to 1,404).  相似文献   

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