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钱海 《安全》2000,21(6):24-25
爆竹声中悲剧频发 1999年6月30日,河北省黄骅市齐家务乡高庄子村宋殿俊雇人偷运烟花爆竹原料藏匿到一土坯房内,在搬运过程中发生爆炸,造成5名雇工死亡;8月12日广西百色广西建华厂烟花一分厂因工人违章操作引发爆炸事故,造成2人死亡,7人受伤;9月12日,内蒙古自治区赤峰市喀喇沁旗马蹄营子乡山嘴子村村民张柏军雇 佣村民在家中非法生产烟花爆竹时,违反操作规程引发爆炸,造成2人死亡,5人受伤;10月24日,河南省叶县仙台镇辛楼村村民辛国领非法开办的烟花爆竹作坊发生爆炸,造成8人死亡,7人受伤,8间房屋被炸毁,30余间房屋被损坏;10月24日,福建省仙游县象岭村村民傅细华在家中非法生产引火线,引发爆炸,傅等4人死亡。  相似文献   

吴瑞祥 《安全》2004,25(3):45-45,44
安全工作应当如何做,才能达到安全健康的目的,经过多年的实践总结,人们积累了许多经验,从中理出了一整套切实可行的控制事故的方法,那就是安全法规及其规章制度、质量标准.但这些法规、制度在贯彻、落实、执行过程中却十分困难,究其原因,笔者认为是缺乏一个科学地落实安全法规的运行软件的一把尺子,一种衡器,那就是安全工作的量化管理.  相似文献   

The present studies examine the joint influence of interpersonal fairness from peers and authorities on participants' organizational behaviors (citizenship) and attitudes (commitment). In three experimental studies, we find that mistreatment from peers, in the form of interpersonal unfairness, reduces the benefits that authorities gain from treating the same employee with high interpersonal fairness themselves. We also find that the negative effect of mistreatment from authorities can be offset by high interpersonal fairness from peers. These results come about because the interpersonal fairness shown not only by authorities but also by peers influences people's sense of standing as organization members. We discuss theoretical and practical implications, as well as limitations and suggestions, for future research.  相似文献   

Students of chemistry should achieve certain safety competencies. Among other things they should be able to learn from undesirable events that happen during their work. In order to facilitate this we decided to analyze, together with our students, the specific causes of a few undesirable events which have happened in our school laboratories. We applied an approach based on root cause analysis and on the classification of four levels of safety assurance. Our examples showed the effectiveness of this approach, leading us at once not only to the identification of errors committed by students, but to those of teachers as well. This enabled us to compile a set of recommendations for the possible prevention of such incidents. Above all, our analysis strongly reinforced the conviction that this approach – learning from actual incidents – is more than just a cause analysis technique. It is a pattern of behavior, a cultural pattern. A technique may be analyzed and taught, but the most effective way to pass on a behavioral pattern is to set an example. The best way to show students how to learn from their own errors is for teachers to demonstrate how they have learned from their own experiences. Work in chemistry labs provides ample opportunities for this.  相似文献   

高增润 《环境与发展》2020,(2):23-23,25
环境监测技术是通过分析环境中各种相关因素的变化情况来确定环境污染的源头,目前,随着我国工业化的发展,水体污染成了环境治理的头等难题,我们要加强对水污染的环境监测,改善水体质量,为人类提供优质的水资源。  相似文献   

纱布口罩不能防尘更不能防“非典”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉尘,是我国工人的主要职业危害。据有关方面统计,全国每年新增尘肺病2万例左右,死亡约5000人,对尘肺病至今仍无特效疗法,主要靠预防,而采用高效防尘口罩是非常重要的预防措施之一。笔者在研究防尘口罩时,对不同层数的纱布口罩,采用不同的粉尘进行实验,现简介如下:第一次实验是用8层纱布口罩,在粉尘室进行防尘实验。实验方法是将口罩戴在石膏人面部,然后用胶布密封口罩周边,头内装粉尘采样器。在与头部同一水平位置放置粉尘采样器做对照。粉尘室内尘浓度为高、中、低三组,分别是:313~381mg/m3、90~219mg/m3、5~10mg/m3。实验结果三组口罩…  相似文献   

This paper describes a procedure to include into the quantitative risk assessment (and namely in the construction and solution of the Fault Trees) the Safety Management System (SMS) aspects.The parameters used for probabilistic assessment of the Expected Number of Failures (ENF) of a Top Event are parameterised depending on:
  • 1.a weight assigned to each SMS section with reference to the parameter;
  • 2.a judgment about the correct application of the same SMS section.
Each probabilistic parameter (e.g. failure rates, mean time to repair, and so on) is thus modified using a mathematical algorithm, where an overall parameter including all the SMS sections influencing each single parameter is defined.The application of the procedure to a formaldehyde plant allowed the validation of the method and is here entirely reported.  相似文献   

A central argument in the literature on employee voice is that speaking up at work carries image risk. Challenging this assumption, we propose that voice can in fact positively affect how employees are viewed by others, thereby enhancing their social status. Using theory on status attainment and the fundamental social perception dimensions of agency and communion, we suggest that employee voice will result in higher status evaluations by increasing the extent to which an employee is judged as confident/competent (agency) and other‐oriented/helpful (communion). We conducted a survey study and two experiments to test these hypotheses. The results supported our predictions. Employees who voiced were ascribed higher status than those who did not, and this effect was mediated by judgments of agency (in all three studies) and communion (in two studies). These results highlight the implications of voice behavior for status enhancement within organizations.  相似文献   

<正>"一切风险皆可控制,一切事故皆可预防"。在这一核心理念的引领下,中铝集团借鉴国内外先进企业HSE管理经验,结合集团HSE管理理念、思路、最佳管理实践,创新运行了一套独具特色的中铝集团职业健康安全环保精准管理体系规范(缩写为CAHSE)。体系运行两年来,集团安全管理工作发生了巨大的变化,员工的精气神也发生了巨大变化。很多人说:"现在越干越有激情,越干越有味道!"集团10多万干部员工对  相似文献   

Objective: Hazard perception (HP) is typically defined as the ability to read the road and anticipate hazardous situations. Several studies have shown that HP is a driving skill that correlates with traffic crashes. Measuring HP differences between various groups of drivers typically involves a paradigm in which participants observe short videos of real-world traffic scenes taken from a driver’s or a pedestrian’s perspective and press a response button each time they identify a hazard. Young, inexperienced drivers are considered to have poor HP skills compared to experienced drivers, as evident by their slower response times (RTs) to road hazards. Nevertheless, though several studies report RT differences between young, inexperienced and experienced drivers, other studies did not find such differences. We have already suggested that these contradictory findings may be attributed to how cases of no response—that is, a situation where a participant did not respond to a hazard—are being treated. Specifically, we showed that though survival analysis handles cases of no response appropriately, common practices fail to do so. These methods often replace a case of no response with the mean RT of those who responded or any other central tendency parameters. The present work aims to show that treating cases of no response appropriately as well as selecting a distribution that fits the RT data is more than just a technical phase in the analysis.

Method: This work used simulation of predefined distributions and real-world data.

Results: It was demonstrated that selecting the appropriate distribution and treating nonresponse cases appropriately affect the shape and characteristics of the density, survival, and hazard functions.

Conclusions: The suggested process has the ability to provide researchers with additional information regarding the nature of the traffic scenes that enables differentiating between various hazardous situations and between various users with different characteristics such as age or experience.  相似文献   

主要介绍了在国家外排粉尘浓度标准日益严格,普通电除尘器很难达标的背景下,提高电除尘器过滤效率的一种新技术软稳电除尘技术的原理和应用。  相似文献   

We analyzed occupational exposure to potentially infectious body fluids among health care workers (HCWs). Nurses were the most common exposed category of HCWs. In 73.6% cases needle sticks had been the reason of exposure. Recapping a needle was the cause of exposure in 6.9% accidents. Among 189 registered HCWs, 66 (34.9%) performed invasive procedures without any personal protective equipment. Prophylaxis with antiretroviral drugs was necessary in 43 (22.8%) cases. As many as 60.3% of exposure incidents to potentially infectious material result from non-compliance with the relevant recommendations. Continuous education and training is critically needed to prevent occupational exposure to blood-borne infections among health care workers.  相似文献   


Objective: The objective of this article is to describe the characteristics of fatal crashes with bicyclists on Swedish roads in rural and urban areas and to investigate the potential of bicycle helmets and different vehicle and road infrastructure interventions to prevent them. The study has a comprehensive approach to provide road authorities and vehicle manufacturers with recommendations for future priorities.

Methods: The Swedish Transport Administration’s (STA) in-depth database of fatal crashes was used for case-by-case analysis of fatal cycling accidents (2006–2016) on rural (n?=?82) and urban (n?=?102) roads. The database consists of information from the police, medical journals, autopsy reports, accident analyses performed by STA, and witness statements. The potential of helmet use and various vehicle and road infrastructure safety interventions was determined retrospectively for each case by analyzing the chain of events leading to the fatality. The potential of vehicle safety countermeasures was analyzed based on prognoses on their implementation rates in the Swedish vehicle fleet.

Results: The most common accident scenario on rural roads was that the bicyclist was struck while cycling along the side of the road. On urban roads, the majority of accidents occurred in intersections. Most accidents involved a passenger car, but heavy trucks were also common, especially in urban areas. Most accidents occurred in daylight conditions (73%). Almost half (46%) of nonhelmeted bicyclists would have survived with a helmet. It was assessed that nearly 60% of the fatal accidents could be addressed by advanced vehicle safety technologies, especially autonomous emergency braking with the ability to detect bicyclists. With regard to interventions in the road infrastructure, separated paths for bicyclists and bicycle crossings with speed calming measures were found to have the greatest safety potential. Results indicated that 91% of fatally injured bicyclists could potentially be saved with known techniques. However, it will take a long time for such technologies to be widespread.

Conclusions: The majority of fatally injured bicyclists studied could potentially be saved with known techniques. A speedy implementation of important vehicle safety systems is recommended. A fast introduction of effective interventions in the road infrastructure is also necessary, preferably with a plan for prioritization.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to identify components of accidents that cause the most disability and to discover the principal sources of injuries treated in the fracture clinics. Patients attending fracture clinics of the Royal Liverpool University Hospital were interviewed using a portable computer-based questionnaire, the Merseyside Accident Information Model (MAIM). Patients were followed up by telephone interview or letter to enquire about disability continuing after discharge. Disability was measured by the pre-accident to post-discharge changes in scores for 11 normal functions. Of the 1326 patients interviewed, 900 (68%) were successfully followed up and 37% reported disability after discharge. First events ‘tripping’, ‘slipping’ and ‘other underfoot events’ accounted for 433 patients (194 reporting disability), and ‘collapsed/fainted — no other event' for 66 patients (27 reporting disability). Activities at the time of accident most frequently associated with disability involved moving about on foot. Among first event objects, ground surfaces and underfoot hazards were reported in 35%. Sources of injuries included underfoot accidents (48%), sport (13%), and transport accidents (12%.). Underfoot accidents contributed to 58% of patients reporting disability, sport 6% and transport accidents 11%. Underfoot accidents together with ‘collapsed/fainted — no other event’ accounted for 79% of female patients reporting disability and 50% of men. Such data could be used for cost-effective targeting of preventative measures, and to study the effectiveness of accident prevention initiatives.  相似文献   

ProblemThis study describes adult opinions about child supervision during various activities.MethodsData come from a survey of U.S. adults. Respondents were asked the minimum age a child could safely: stay home alone; bathe alone; or ride a bike alone. Respondents with children were asked if their child had ever been allowed to: play outside alone; play in a room at home for more than 10 minutes alone; bathe with another child; or bathe alone.ResultsThe mean age that adults believed a child could be home alone was 13.0 years (95% CI = 12.9-13.1), bathe alone was 7.5 years (95% CI = 7.4-7.6), or bike alone was 10.1 years (95% CI = 10.0-10.3). There were significant differences by income, education, and race.DiscussionAssessing adult's understanding of the appropriate age for independent action helps set a context for providing guidance on parental supervision. Guidelines for parents should acknowledge social norms and child development stages.Impact on IndustryKnowledge of social norms can help guide injury prevention messages for parents.  相似文献   

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