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Fertilizer phosphorus (P) and grazing-related factors can influence runoff P concentrations from grazed pastures. To investigate these effects, we monitored the concentrations of P in surface runoff from grazed dairy pasture plots (50 x 25 m) treated with four fertilizer P rates (0, 20, 40, and 80 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)) for 3.5 yr at Camden, New South Wales. Total P concentrations in runoff were high (0.86-11.13 mg L(-1)) even from the control plot (average 1.94 mg L(-1)). Phosphorus fertilizer significantly (P < 0.001) increased runoff P concentrations (average runoff P concentrations from the P(20), P(40), and P(80) treatments were 2.78, 3.32, and 5.57 mg L(-1), respectively). However, the magnitude of the effect of P fertilizer varied between runoff events (P < 0.01). Further analysis revealed the combined effects on runoff P concentration of P rate, P rate x number of applications (P < 0.001), P rate x time since fertilizer (P < 0.001), dung P (P < 0.001), time since grazing (P < 0.05), and pasture biomass (P < 0.001). A conceptual model of the sources of P in runoff comprising three components is proposed to explain the mobilization of P in runoff and to identify strategies to reduce runoff P concentrations. Our data suggest that the principal strategy for minimizing runoff P concentrations from grazed dairy pastures should be the maintenance of soil P at or near the agronomic optimum by the use of appropriate rates of P fertilizer.  相似文献   

Sediments can be both a source and a sink of dissolved phosphorus (P) in surface water and shallow groundwater. Using laboratory mesocosms, we studied the influence of flooding with deionized water and simulated river water on P release to solution using sediment columns taken from a riparian wetland. The mesocosm incubation results showed that rather than retaining nutrients, sediments in the riparian zone may be a significant source of P. Concentrations of dissolved P in porewater reached more than 3 mg L(-1) and in surface water over 0.8 mg L(-1) within a month of sediment inundation. The reductive dissolution of P-bearing iron (Fe) oxides was the likely mechanism responsible for P release. Dissolved P to Fe molar ratios in anaerobic samples were approximately 0.45 when columns were flooded with water that simulated the chemistry of the adjacent river. This suggests there was insufficient Fe in the anaerobic samples to precipitate all P if the solutions were oxygenated or transported to an aerobic environment. If the anaerobic wetland solutions were delivered to oxygenated rivers and streams adjacent to the riparian zone, the equilibrium concentration of P in these systems could rise. The timing of P release was inversely related to the nitrate (NO3-) concentration in floodwater. This indicates that in riparian zones receiving low nitrate loads, or where NO3- loads are being progressively reduced, the risk of dissolved P release may increase. These findings present particular challenges for restoration and management in riparian areas.  相似文献   

A phosphorus (P) index for pastures was developed to write nutrient management plans that determine how much P can be applied to a given field. The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate and compare the P index for pastures, particularly the P source component, and an environmental threshold soil test P level by conducting rainfall simulations on contrasting soils under various management scenarios; and (ii) evaluate the P index for pastures on field-scale watersheds. Poultry litter was applied to 12 small plots on each of six farms based on either an environmental threshold soil test P level or on the P index for pastures, and P runoff was evaluated using rainfall simulators. The P index was also evaluated from two small (0.405 ha) watersheds that had been fertilized annually with poultry litter since 1995. Results from the small plot study showed that soil test P alone was a poor predictor of P concentrations in runoff water following poultry litter applications. The relationship between P in runoff and the amount of soluble P applied was highly significant. Furthermore, P concentrations in runoff from plots with and without litter applications were significantly correlated to P index values. Studies on pastures receiving natural rainfall and annual poultry litter applications indicated that the P index for pastures predicted P loss accurately without calibration (y = 1.16x - 0.23, r(2) = 0.83). These data indicate that the P index for pastures can accurately assess the risk of P loss from fields receiving poultry litter applications in Arkansas and provide a more realistic risk assessment than threshold soil test P levels.  相似文献   

The accumulation of P in agricultural soils due to fertilization has increased the risk of P losses from agricultural fields to surface waters. In risk assessment systems for P losses, both P release from soil to solution and transport mechanisms need to be considered. In this study, the overall objective was to identify soil variables for prediction of potential P release from soil to solution. Soils from nine sites of the Swedish long-term fertility experiment were used, each with four soil P levels. Phosphorus extractable with CaCl2 was used as an estimate of potential P release from soil to solution. Ammonium lactate-extractable phosphorus (P-AL) or NaHCO3-extractable phosphorus (Olsen P) could not be used alone for prediction of potential P release since soils with high phosphorus sorption capacity (PSC) released less P than soils with low PSC at the same soil test phosphorus (STP) level. Degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS) was calculated as Olsen P or P-AL as a percentage of PSC derived from P sorption isotherms or from Fe and Al extractable in ammonium oxalate. The CaCl2-extractable total phosphorus (CaCl2-TP) was exponentially related to these DPS values (r2 > or = 0.79). The CaCl2-TP was also linearly related to ratios between Olsen P or P-AL and a single-point phosphorus sorption index (PSI; r2 > or = 0.86). These ratios, which are easily determined and gave good correlations with CaCl2-TP, seemed to be the most useful estimates of potential P release for risk assessment systems.  相似文献   

Phosphorus leaching in relation to soil type and soil phosphorus content   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Phosphorus losses from arable soils contribute to eutrophication of freshwater systems. In addition to losses through surface runoff, leaching has lately gained increased attention as an important P transport pathway. Increased P levels in arable soils have highlighted the necessity of establishing a relationship between actual P leaching and soil P levels. In this study, we measured leaching of total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) during three years in undisturbed soil columns of five soils. The soils were collected at sites, established between 1957 and 1966, included in a long-term Swedish fertility experiment with four P fertilization levels at each site. Total P losses varied between 0.03 and 1.09 kg ha(-1) yr(-1), but no general correlation could be found between P concentrations and soil test P (Olsen P and phosphorus content in ammonium lactate extract [P-AL]) or P sorption indices (single-point phosphorus sorption index [PSI] and P sorption saturation) of the topsoil. Instead, water transport mechanism through the soil and subsoil properties seemed to be more important for P leaching than soil test P value in the topsoil. In one soil, where preferential flow was the dominant water transport pathway, water and P bypassed the high sorption capacity of the subsoil, resulting in high losses. On the other hand, P leaching from some soils was low in spite of high P applications due to high P sorption capacity in the subsoil. Therefore, site-specific factors may serve as indicators for P leaching losses, but a single, general indicator for all soil types was not found in this study.  相似文献   

The growing concerns about water eutrophication have made it urgent to restrict losses of phosphorus (P) from agricultural soils and to develop methods for predicting such losses. In this work, we used the paradigm of P sorption-desorption curves to confirm the hypothesis that the amount of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) released to a dilute electrolyte tends to be proportional to the concentration of DRP in the soil solution raised to a power that decreases with increasing solution to soil ratio (W). The hypothesis was tested for a group of 12 widely ranging European agricultural soils fertilized with P in excess of crop needs. Phosphorus desorption was studied under near-static and turbulent conditions in laboratory experiments. The concentration of DRP in the 1:1 soil to water extract (P1:1) was used as a proxy for the DRP concentration in the soil solution. The amount of desorbed P was found to be correlated with P1:1 raised to a power that decreased from 0.7 to 0.9 at W=100 to 0.2 to 0.4 at W=10 000. Correlation was not improved by introducing additional variables related to P sorption-desorption properties. Olsen P was found to be of lower predictive value than P1:1. Also, the index of degree of soil saturation with phosphorus (DSSP) based on oxalate extraction failed to predict P desorption. The fact that P1:1 seemingly predicts P desorption accurately for a wide range of soils makes it potentially useful in areas of high soil diversity.  相似文献   

Long-term depositions of animal manures affect P dynamics in soils and can pose environmental risks associated with P losses. Laboratory studies were done on P solubility characteristics in a manure-impacted Immokalee soil (sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Arenic Alaquod) and the effectiveness of water treatment residual (WTR) in controlling P leaching. Soil samples with contrasting initial total P concentrations were prepared by mixing samples of a manure-impacted surface A horizon and a minimally P-impacted E horizon. Effects of mixing various ratios of A and E horizons, WTR rates (0, 25, 50, and 100 g kg(-1)), and depths of WTR incorporation (mixed throughout the soil column or partially incorporated) on P leaching were determined. Between 62 and 77% of total P was released from the soil mixes by successive water extractions, suggesting a considerable buffering capacity of this manure-impacted soil to resupply P into solution. Between 224 and 408 mg kg(-1) P were leached during the 36-wk leaching period in the absence of WTR. Mixing WTRs with soil reduced soluble P concentration in leachates by as much as 99.8% compared with samples without WTR. Thoroughly mixing WTR with the entire soil column (15 cm) was much more efficient than mixing WTR with only the top 7.5 cm of soil. Calcium- and Mg-P forms appear to control P release in soils without WTR, whereas sorption-desorption reactions probably determine P leaching in WTR-treated samples. Soil P distribution in various chemical forms was affected by WTR additions. Data suggest that WTR-immobilized P is stable in the long term.  相似文献   

A 4-yr (2005-2008) study was conducted to evaluate the potential of pasture water management for controlling nutrient losses in surface runoff in the Northern Everglades. Two pasture water management treatments were investigated on Bahia grass ( Flüggé) pastures: reduced flow and unobstructed flow. The reduced flow treatment was applied to four of eight 20.23-ha pastures by installing water control structures in pasture drainage ditches with flashboards set at a predetermined height. Four other pastures received the unobstructed-flow treatment, in which surface runoff exited pastures unimpeded. Automated instruments measured runoff volume and collected surface water samples for nutrient analysis. In analyzing data for before-after treatment analysis, the 2005 results were removed because of structural failure in water control structures and the 2007 results were removed because of drought conditions. Pasture water retention significantly reduced annual total nitrogen (TN) loads, which were 11.28 kg ha and 6.28 kg ha, respectively, in pastures with unobstructed and reduced flow. Total phosphorus (TP) loads were 27% lower in pastures with reduced flow than in pastures with unobstructed flow, but this difference was not statistically significant. Concentrations of available soil P were significantly greater in pastures with reduced flow. Pasture water retention appears to be an effective approach for reducing runoff volume and TN loads from cattle pastures in the Northern Everglades, but the potential to reduce TP loads may be diminished if higher water table conditions cause increased P release from soils, which could result in higher P concentration in surface runoff.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) budgets for large watersheds are often used to predict trends in riverine P export. To test such predictions, we calculated annual P budgets for 1975-1995 for soils of the Maumee and Sandusky watersheds of northwestern Ohio and compared them with riverine P export from these watersheds. Phosphorus inputs to the soils include fertilizers, manure, rainfall, and sludge while outputs include crop removal and nonpoint-source export via rivers. Annual P inputs decreased due to reductions in fertilizer and manure inputs. Annual outputs increased due to increasing crop yields. Net P accumulation decreased from peak values of 13.4 and 9.5 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1) to 3.7 and 2.6 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1) for the Maumee and Sandusky watersheds, respectively. Thus, P budget analysis suggests that riverine P export should have increased throughout the study period, with smaller increases during more recent years. However, detailed water quality studies show that riverine export of total phosphorus (TP) has decreased by 25 to 40% and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) by 60 to 89%, both due primarily to decreases from nonpoint sources. We suggest that these decreases are associated with farmers' adoption of practices that minimize transport of recently applied P fertilizer and of sediments via surface runoff, coupled with changes in winter weather conditions. In comparison with most Midwestern watersheds, rivers draining these watersheds have high unit area yields of TP, low unit area yields of SRP, and high ratios of nonpoint source- to point source-derived P.  相似文献   

Phosphorus application in excess of crop needs has increased the concentration of P in surface soil and runoff and led many states to develop P-based nutrient management strategies. However, insufficient data are available relating P in surface soil, surface runoff, and subsurface drainage to develop sound guidelines. Thus, we investigated P release from the surface (0-5 cm depth) of a Denbigh silt loam from Devon, U.K. (30-160 mg kg-1 Olsen P) and Alvin, Berks, Calvin, and Watson soils from Pennsylvania (10-763 mg kg-1 Mehlich-3 P) in relation to the concentration of P in surface runoff and subsurface drainage. A change point, where the slopes of two linear relationships between water- or CaCl2-extractable soil P and soil test phosphorus (STP) (Olsen or Mehlich-3) meet, was evident for the Denbigh at 33 to 36 mg kg-1 Olsen P, and the Alvin and Berks soils at 185 to 190 mg Mehlich-3 P kg-1. Similar change points were also observed when STP was related to the P concentration of surface runoff (185 mg kg-1) and subsurface drainage (193 mg kg-1). The use of water and CaCl2 extraction of surface soil is suggested to estimate surface runoff P (r2 of 0.92 for UK and 0.86 for PA soils) and subsurface drainage P (r2 of 0.82 for UK and 0.88 for PA soils), and to determine a change point in STP, which may be used in support of agricultural and environmental P management.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) in runoff from landscapes can promote eutrophication of natural waters. Soluble P released from plant material can contribute significant amounts of P to runoff particularly after plant freezing or drying. This study was conducted to evaluate P losses from alfalfa or grass after freezing or drying as potential contributors to runoff P. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and grass (principally, Agropyron repens L.) plant samples were subjected to freezing and drying treatments to determine P release. Simulated rainfall runoff and natural runoff from established alfalfa fields and a grass waterway were collected to study P contributions from plant tissue to runoff. The effects of freezing and drying on P released from plant tissue were simulated by a herbicide treatment in selected experiments. Soluble reactive P (SP) extracted from alfalfa and grass samples was markedly increased by freezing or drying. In general, SP extracted from plant samples increased in the order fresh < frozen < frozen/thawed < dried, and averaged 1, 8, 14, and 26% of total P in alfalfa, respectively. Soluble reactive P extracted from alfalfa after freezing or drying increased with increasing soil test P (r(2) = 0.64 to 0.68), suggesting that excessive soil P levels increased the risk of plant P contributions to runoff losses. In simulated rainfall studies, paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4, 4'-bipyridinium ion) treatment of alfalfa increased P losses in runoff, and results suggested that this treatment simulated the effects of drying on plant P loss. In contrast to the simulated rainfall results, natural runoff studies over 2 yr did not show higher runoff P losses that could be attributed to P from alfalfa. Actual P losses likely depend on the timing and extent of plant freezing and drying and of precipitation events after freezing.  相似文献   

The P risk index system has been developed to identify agricultural fields vulnerable to P loss as a step toward protecting surface water. Because of their high Langmuir phosphorus adsorption maxima (P(max)), use of drinking water treatment residuals (WTRs) should be considered as a best management practice (BMP) to lower P risk index scores. This work discusses three WTR application methods that can be used to reduce P risk scores: (i) enhanced buffer strip, (ii) incorporation into a high soil test phosphorus (STP) soil, and (iii) co-blending with manure or biosolids. The relationship between WTR P(max) and reduction in P extractability and runoff P was investigated. In a simulated rainfall experiment, using a buffer strip enhanced with 20 Mg WTR ha(-1), runoff P was reduced by from 66.8 to 86.2% and reductions were related to the WTR P(max). When 25 g kg(-1) WTR was incorporated into a high STP soil of 315 mg kg(-1) determined using Mehlich-3 extraction, 0.01 M calcium chloride-extractable phosphorus (CaCl(2)-P) reductions ranged from 60.9 to 96.0% and were strongly (P < 0.01) related to WTR P(max). At a 100 g kg(-1) WTR addition, Mehlich 3-extractable P reductions ranged from 41.1 to 86.7% and were strongly (P < 0.01) related to WTR P(max). Co-blending WTR at 250 g kg(-1) to manure or biosolids reduced CaCl(2)-P by >75%. The WTR P(max) normalized across WTR application rates (P(max) x WTR application) was significantly related to reductions in CaCl(2)-P or STP. Using WTR as a P risk index modifying factor will promote effective use of WTR as a BMP to reduce P loss from agricultural land.  相似文献   

In confined animal feeding operations, liquid manure systems present special handling and storage challenges because of the large volume of diluted wastes. Water treatment polymers and mineral phosphorus (P) immobilizing chemicals [AI2(SO4)3 x 18H2O, FeCl3-6H2O, and Class C fly ash] were used to determine particulate and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) reduction mechanisms in high total suspended solid (TSS) dairy manure and the P release from treated manure and amended soils. Co-application exceeded the aggregation level achieved with individual manure amendments and resulted in 80 and 90% reduction in metal salt and polymer rates, respectively. At marginally effective polymer rates between 0.01 and 0.25 g L(-1), maximal aggregation was attained in combination with 1 and 10 g L(-1) of aluminum sulfate (3 and 30 mmol Al3+ L(-1)) and iron chloride (3.7 and 37 mmol Fe3+ L(-1)) in 30 g L(-1) (TSS30) and 100 g L(-1) TSS (TSS100) suspensions, respectively. Fly ash induced particulate destabilization at rates > or = 50 g L(-1) and reduced solution-phase DRP at all rates > or = 1 g L(-1) by 52 and 71% in TSS30 and TSS100 suspensions, respectively. Aluminum and Fe salts also lowered DRP at rates < or = 10 g L(-1) and higher concentrations redispersed particulates and increased DRP due to increased suspension acidity and electrical conductivity. The DRP release from treated manure solids and a Typic Paleudult amended with treated manure was reduced, although the amendments increased Mehlich 3-extractable P. Therefore, the synergism of flocculant types allowed input reduction in aggregation aid chemicals, enhancing particulate and dissolved P separation and immobilization in high TSS liquid manure.  相似文献   

Erosion and runoff from pastures may lead to degradation of surface water. A 2-yr grazing study was conducted to quantify the effects of grazing management on sediment, phosphorus (P), and pathogen loading of streams in cool-season grass pastures. Six adjoining 12.1-ha pastures bisected by a stream in central Iowa were divided into three treatments: continuous stocking with unrestricted stream access (CSU), continuous stocking with restricted stream access (CSR), and rotational stocking (RS). Rainfall simulations on stream banks resulted in greater ( < 0.10) proportions of applied precipitation and amounts of sediment and P transported in runoff from bare sites than from vegetated sites across grazing treatments. Similar differences were observed comparing vegetated sites in CSU and RS pastures with vegetated sites in CSR pastures. Bovine enterovirus was shed by an average of 24.3% of cows during the study period and was collected in the runoff of 8.3 and 16.7% of runoff simulations on bare sites in CSU pastures in June and October of 2008, respectively, and from 8.3% of runoff simulations on vegetated sites in CSU pastures in April 2009. Fecal pathogens (bovine coronavirus [BCV], bovine rotavirus group A, and O157:H7) shed or detected in runoff were almost nonexistent; only BCV was detected in feces of one cow in August of 2008. Erosion of cut-banks was the greatest contributor of sediment and P loading to the stream; contributions from surface runoff and grazing animals were considerably less and were minimized by grazing management practices that reduced congregation of cattle by pasture streams.  相似文献   

Phosphorus runoff: effect of tillage and soil phosphorus levels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Continued inputs of fertilizer and manure in excess of crop requirements have led to a build-up of soil phosphorus (P) levels and increased P runoff from agricultural soils. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of two tillage practices (no-till and chisel plow) and a range of soil P levels on the concentration and loads of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), algal-available phosphorus (AAP), and total phosphorus (TP) losses in runoff, and to evaluate the P loss immediately following tillage in the fall, and after six months, in the spring. Rain simulations were conducted on a Typic Argiudoll under a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation. Elapsed time after tillage (fall vs. spring) was not related to any form of P in runoff. No-till runoff averaged 0.40 mg L(-1) and 0.05 kg ha(-1) DRP and chisel-plow plots averaged 0.24 mg L(-1) and 0.02 kg ha(-1) DRP concentration and loads, respectively. The relationship between DRP and Bray P1 extraction values was approximated by a logistic function (S-shaped curve) for no-till plots and by a linear function for tilled plots. No significant differences were observed between tillage systems for TP and AAP in runoff. Bray P1 soil extraction values and sediment concentration in runoff were significantly related to the concentrations and amounts of AAP and TP in runoff. These results suggest that soil Bray P1 extraction values and runoff sediment concentration are two easily measured variables for adequate prediction of P runoff from agricultural fields.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) inputs to sewage treatment works (STW) come from a variety of sources and filtration of treated wastewater prior to discharge into receiving waters is a common practice. This means P in treated wastewaters may be present in forms that are potentially more bioavailable and mobile. We conducted a 2-year study to determine P species up and downstream of two STW outfalls into two tributaries of the River Thames. Downstream of the outfalls, P concentrations in both rivers were frequently greater by an order of magnitude for all species of P. A high proportion of total P (TP) in the downstream waters was determined as dissolved, which was largely comprised of soluble reactive P (SRP) - considered as the most bioavailable P species. Furthermore no significant difference in SRP was found in receiving waters passed through 0.45 and 0.10 μm filters. This means that P from STWs occurs in <0.1 μm fraction size, which will not readily settle to the channel bed and is more easily assimilated by biota. This distinguishes STW inputs from agricultural runoff where a high proportion of P occurs as particulate P which is both less bioavailable and more likely to settle to the channel bed. This implies that STWs derived P is likely to have a greater adverse impact on the receiving river than agricultural runoff.  相似文献   

Phosphorus transport from agricultural soils contributes to eutrophication of fresh waters. Computer modeling can help identify agricultural areas with high potential P transport. Most models use a constant extraction coefficient (i.e., the slope of the linear regression between filterable reactive phosphorus [FRP] in runoff and soil P) to predict dissolved P release from soil to runoff, yet it is unclear how variations in soil properties, management practices, or hydrology affect extraction coefficients. We investigated published data from 17 studies that determined extraction coefficients using Mehlich-3 or Bray-1 soil P (mg kg(-1)), water-extractable soil P (mg kg(-1)), or soil P sorption saturation (%) as determined by ammonium oxalate extraction. Studies represented 31 soils with a variety of management conditions. Extraction coefficients from Mehlich-3 or Bray-1 soil P were not significantly different for 26 of 31 soils, with values ranging from 1.2 to 3.0. Extraction coefficients from water-extractable soil P were not significantly different for 17 of 20 soils, with values ranging from 6.0 to 18.3. The relationship between soil P sorption saturation and runoff FRP (microg L(-1)) was the same for all 10 soils investigated, exhibiting a split-line relationship where runoff FRP rapidly increased at P sorption saturation values greater than 12.5%. Overall, a single extraction coefficient (2.0 for Mehlich-3 P data, 11.2 for water-extractable P data, and a split-line relationship for P sorption saturation data) could be used in water quality models to approximate dissolved P release from soil to runoff for the majority of soil, hydrologic, or management conditions. A test for soil P sorption saturation may provide the most universal approximation, but only for noncalcareous soils.  相似文献   

Excessive fertilization with organic and/or inorganic P amendments to cropland increases the potential risk of P loss to surface waters. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil test P level, source, and application method of P amendments on P in runoff following soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. The treatments consisted of two rates of swine (Sus scrofa domestica) liquid manure surface-applied and injected, 54 kg P ha(-1) triple superphosphate (TSP) surface-applied and incorporated, and a control with and without chisel-plowing. Rainfall simulations were conducted one month (1MO) and six months (6MO) after P amendment application for 2 yr. Soil injection of swine manure compared with surface application resulted in runoff P concentration decreases of 93, 82, and 94%, and P load decreases of 99, 94, and 99% for dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total phosphorus (TP), and algal-available phosphorus (AAP), respectively. Incorporation of TSP also reduced P concentration in runoff significantly. Runoff P concentration and load from incorporated amendments did not differ from the control. Factors most strongly related to P in runoff from the incorporated treatments included Bray P1 soil extraction value for DRP concentration, and Bray P1 and sediment content in runoff for AAP and TP concentration and load. Injecting manure and chisel-plowing inorganic fertilizer reduced runoff P losses, decreased runoff volumes, and increased the time to runoff, thus minimizing the potential risk of surface water contamination. After incorporating the P amendments, controlling erosion is the main target to minimize TP losses from agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Golf courses are vulnerable to phosphate (PO) and pesticide loss by infiltration of the sandy, porous grass rooting media used and through subsurface tile drainage. In this study, an effort was made to remove PO, chlorothalonil, mefenoxam, and propiconazole in a golf green's drainage water with a filter blend comprised of industrial byproducts, including granulated blast furnace slag, cement kiln dust, silica sand, coconut shell-activated carbon, and zeolite. To test this filter media, two 6-h storm events were simulated by repeat irrigation of the golf green after PO and pesticide application. Drainage flows ranged from 0.0034 to 0.6433 L s throughout the course of the simulations. A significant decrease in the chlorothalonil load for the experimental run (with filter media) was observed compared with the control (without filter media) ( < 0.05). In general, percent reductions in chlorothalonil were very high (>80%) near peak flows. In contrast, filter media was not effective in removing PO, mefenoxam, or propiconazole ( > 0.05). Instead, it appears that the filter blend added PO to the effluent above flow rates of 0.037 L s. Overall, flow rate, the amount of filter media used, and contaminant properties may have influenced the filter media's ability to remove contaminants. More research is needed to determine the optimal blend and configuration for the filter media to remove significant amounts of all contaminants investigated.  相似文献   

Uptake and release of phosphorus from overland flow in a stream environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phosphorus runoff from agricultural fields has been linked to fresh-water eutrophication. However, edge-of-field P losses can be modified by benthic sediments during stream flow by physiochemical processes associated with Al, Fe, and Ca, and by biological assimilation. We investigated fluvial P when exposed to stream-bed sediments (top 3 cm) collected from seven sites representing forested and agricultural areas (pasture and cultivated), in a mixed-land-use watershed. Sediment was placed in a 10-m-long, 0.2-m-wide fluvarium to a 3-cm depth and water was recirculated over the sediment at 2 L s(-1) and 5% slope. When overland flow (4 mg dissolved reactive phosphorus [DRP] and 9 mg total phosphorus [TP] L(-1)) from manured soils was first recirculated, P uptake was associated with Al and Fe hydrous oxides for sediments from forested areas (pH 5.2-5.4) and by Ca for sediments from agricultural areas (pH 6.5-7.2). A large increase (up to 200%) in readily available P NH4Cl fraction was noted. After 24 h, DRP concentration in channel flow was related to sediment solution P concentration at which no net sorption or desorption of P occurs (EPC0) (r2 = 0.77), indicating quasi-equilibrium. When fresh water (approximately 0.005 mg P L(-1) mean base flow DRP at seven sites) was recirculated over the sediments for 24 h, P release kinetics followed an exponential function. Microbial biomass P accounted for 34 to 43% of sediment P uptake from manure-rich overland flow. Although abiotic sediment processes played a dominant role in determining P uptake, biotic process are clearly important and both should be considered along with the location and management of landscape inputs for remedial strategies to be effective.  相似文献   

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