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Ample evidence exists that many planktonic species are limited in their distribution to a given water mass. It has been suggested that the temperature-salinity values which define a given water mass are in themselves limiting these species' distribution. Other workers have suggested that other unique properties of a water mass may be involved. Euphausia pacifica is distributed throughout the Pacific subarctic water mass; its distribution also extends into British Columbia coastal waters. Experiments have shown that E. pacifica can withstand temperature changes of up to 15 C°; it can also withstand salinity changes of up to 10. Coastal E. pacifica appear to be able to better withstand stress from changes in temperature and salinity in water from some sources than in water from others. These differences are thought to result from differences in the past history of the water in question.Contribution No. 75008 from the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences.  相似文献   

为阐明不同水平、不同形态的氮添加对土壤总呼吸、土壤微生物呼吸、根系呼吸的影响及微生物机制,本研究以温带森林土壤为研究对象,开展多形态(硝态氮(NaNO_3)、铵态氮((NH_4)_2SO_4)和混合态氮(NH_4NO_3))多水平(50 kg N·ha~(-1)·a~(-1)和150 kg N·ha~(-1)·a~(-1))的增氮控制实验.在施氮后的第7—9年,利用静态箱-气相色谱法研究土壤呼吸组分和磷脂脂肪酸方法研究微生物群落丰度和群落结构的改变.结果表明,氮添加显著提高了土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量,而土壤pH平均降低0.85个单位.在施氮后的第7—9年,氮添加将会减弱土壤呼吸活动,高水平的氮添加效应强于低水平氮添加;就形态来说,(NH_4)_2SO_4起到促进效应,而NH_4NO_3则逐渐由促进效应转变成抑制效应,例如在2019年(施肥后第9年),高水平的(NH_4)_2SO_4施加分别提高土壤总呼吸和微生物呼吸的34.06%和37.95%,而高水平NH_4NO_3添加则分别抑制了土壤总呼吸和微生物呼吸的27.62%和31.70%.而高水平的(NH_4)_2SO_4添加对根系呼吸有促进作用,而高水平的NH_4NO_3则有抑制效应.微生物呼吸和细菌、真菌显著正相关,和真菌/细菌比值也呈正相关.总之,土壤呼吸各组分对氮添加的响应受氮素形态和水平的控制,特定森林土壤碳排放量对土壤氮基质响应具有多阶段性,微生物呼吸的降低反映了土壤有机质分解速度的降低,这有可能会进而促进土壤碳的积累,达到氮促碳汇的效果.  相似文献   

Vanadium-48 (as vanadate) was used to study the uptake, tissue distribution, depuration and food-chain transfer of vanadium through 3 species of echinoderms: the seastar Marthasterias glacialis L., the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus Lmk. and the holothurian Holothuria forskali D.Ch.; all were collected from the littoral zone near Monaco. Uptake by all species was relativelyslow; after 3 wk exposure, isotopic equilibrium had not been reached and whole-body concentration factors ranged from 5 and 7 in the holothurian and sea urchin, respectively, to 18 in the seastar. Sixty-three to 77% of the incorporated radiotracer was associated with the body wall or test, suggesting surface sorption as the principal mechanism governing uptake from water. Stable vanadium measurements confirmed the preponderance of this element in the external hard parts of the echinoderms; however, concentration factors based on stable vanadium levels were significantly higher than those measured experimentally. Subsequent vanadium depuration rates were also species-dependent, with biological half-times for loss ranging from approximately 50 d in the sea urchin and holothurian to 123 d in the seastar. Food-chain transfer experiments indicated that seastars can assimilate and retain a large fraction of the vanadium ingested with food whereas sea urchins appear to lack this capability. The relative importance of the water and food input pathway in achieving vanadium levels in echinoderms is discussed in light of results of 48V distribution in experimental individuals and stable vanadium distribution in samples from the natural environment.  相似文献   

Using an oxygen polarographic electrode, the shapes of photosynthetic curves and the effects of light on dark respiration in 6 species of marine phytoplankton wer examined. The species used were Skeletonema costatum, Ditylum brightwellii, Cyclotella nana (Thalassiosira pseudonana) (all Bacillariophyceae), Dunaliella tertiolecta (Chlorophyceae), Isochrysis galbana (Haptophyceae), and Gonyaulax tamarensis (Dinophyceae). A hysteresis was observed in all species examined with respect to increasing and decreasing light. Compensation light intensities varied by over 4 orders of magnitude, suggesting that the 1% light depth is an ambiguous measure of the euphotic zone. The data suggest that dark respiration accounts for ca. 25% of gross photosynthesis, but is species-dependent. In addition, respiration versus cell size does not describe an inverse exponential function over the size scales examined.This research was performed under the auspices of the United States Energy Research and Development Administration under Contract No. EY-76-C-02-0016.  相似文献   

The uptake of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) by Rhizophora apiculata and Avicennia alba under various salinity levels was examined using hydroponic cultivations. After 3 months of exposure at four levels of Pb (0, 0.03, 0.3 and 3 mg·L?1) and four levels of Cd (0, 0.005; 0.05 and 0.5 mg·L?1) at different salinities (0, 15 and 30), uptake of the metals was shown to be differently affected by salinity. For uptake of Pb by R. apiculata, the salinity effect was not significant for the leaves and was most significant in the stem, whereas for A. alba, the effect of salinity was significant only in the stem. Uptake of Pb in the roots and stems of both species was similar, but a higher concentration was recorded in the leaves of A. alba. Salinity was shown to affect the uptake of Cd by all tissues of R. apiculata, but most significantly roots. For A. alba, salinity significantly affects the total uptake of Cd, but this is most significant in the roots. The two mangrove species demonstrated different mechanisms of metal distribution into their organs which may be related to different adaptation mechanisms to saline conditions.  相似文献   

为揭示森林土壤呼吸异质性的影响因素,以武夷山自然保护区常绿阔叶林优势种甜槠(Castanopsis eyrei)、细叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis tenuifolia)、米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)为研究对象,采用LI-8100碳通量系统测定土壤呼吸速率及其影响因子土壤温度、土壤含水量值,...  相似文献   

Colonies of the temperate coral Astrangia danae occur naturally with and without zooxanthellae. Basal nitrogen excretion rates of nonsymbiotic colonies increased with increasing feeding frequency [average excretion rate was 635 ng-at N (mg-at tissue-N)-1 h-1]. Reduced excretion rates of symbiotic colonies were attributed to N uptake by the zooxanthellae. Nitrogen uptake rates of the zooxanthellae averaged 8 ng-at N (106 cells)-1 h-1 in the dark and 21 ng-at N (106 cells)-1 h-1 at 200 Ein m-2 s-1. At these rates the zooxanthellae could provide 54% of the daily basal N requirement of the coral if all of the recycled N was translocated. Basal respiration rates were 172 nmol O2 cm-2 h-1 for starved colonies and 447 nmol O2 cm-2 h-1 for colonies fed three times per week. There were no significant differences between respiration rates of symbiotic and nonsymbiotic colonies. N excretion and respiration rates of fed (symbiotic and nonsymbiotic) colonies increased greatly soon after feeding. N absorption efficiencies decreased with increasing feeding frequency. A N mass balance, constructed for hypothetical situations of nonsymbiotic and symbiotic (3×106 zooxanthellae cm-2) colonies, starved and fed 15 g-at N cm-2wk-1, showed that the presence of symbionts could double the N growth rate of feeding colonies, and reduce the turnover-time of starved ones, but could not provide all of the N requirements of starved colonies. Rates of secondary production, estimated from rates of photosynthesis and respiration were similar to those estimated for reef corals.  相似文献   

Respiration rates of Thais haemastoma and Callinectes sapidus were determined as a function of salinity with a flow-through respirometer at 20°C. Respiration rates were measured at 10, 20 and 30 S for acclimated animals. The effects of 10-5-10, 20-10-20, 30-10-30 and 10-30-10 S semidiurnal cycles (12 h) of fluctuating salinity on the rate of respiration of the oyster drill were studied. During each cycle, salinity was changed from the acclimation salinity over a 4 h interval, held at that salinity for 2 h, returned to the acclimation salinity over 4 h and held at that salinity for 2 h. The effects of diurnal (24.8 h) salinity cycles on respiration in the oyster drill and blue crab were also studied. Salinity was changed from the acclimation salinity over a 10.4 h interval, held at that salinity for 2 h, then returned to the acclimation salinity over 10.4 h and held at that salinity for 2 h. The respiration rate of 30 S acclimated oyster drills (679 l O2 g dry weight–1 h–1) was significantly higher than for individuals acclimated to 10 S (534 l O2 g dry weight–1 h–1). Blue crab respiration was 170 l O2 g dry weight–1 h–1 at 30 S, and was significantly higher at 10 and 20 S than at 30 S. With the exception of the 20-10-20 S semidiurnal cycle, the respiration rate of oyster drills declined as salinity fluctuated in either direction from the acclimation salinity and increased as ambient salinity returned to the acclimation salinity. Semidiurnal cycles (12 h) of fluctuating salinity produced greater changes in the respiration rate of snails than analogous diurnal cycles (24.8 h). A 10-30-10 S pattern of fluctuation caused a greater percentage reduction in the steady state respiration rate of oyster drills than the 30-10-30 S pattern. The respiration rate of blue crabs varied inversely with fluctuating salinity. Relatively minor changes occurred in blue crab respiration rate with fluctuating salinity. Blue crab respiration rate characteristically dropped during the initial phase of declining salinity at a rate directly proportional to the rate of salinity decrease, perhaps representing a metabolic adjustment period by the blue crabs. The respiratory response of T. haemastoma to salinity is consistent with its incomplete volume regulation, while the response of C. sapidus is compatible with its ability to regulate extracellular fluid osmotic and ionic composition.  相似文献   

A. Oikari 《Marine Biology》1978,44(4):345-355
Hydromineral regulation was studied by examining the response to different environmental salinities in two Baltic brackish-water (BW) teleosts—a species of marine ancestry, Myoxocephalus scorpius (L.), and a glacial relict, M. quadricornis (L.). M. scorpius tolerated fresh water (FW) and M. quadricornis sea water (SW) for only about 24 h, but the survival time of M. scorpius in SW and M. quadricornis in FW was one to several weeks. M. scorpius seems able to balance plasma ionic concentrations in salinities down to about 2 to 3. Death of M. scorpius in FW was associated with partial haemolysis, increased volume of red blood cells (RBC), increased plasma K+ concentration, and decreased concentrations of Na+, Cl- and Mg2+ in plasma and, to a lesser extent, in urine. Death of M. quadricornis in SW was associated with increased plasma osmolality, and Na+, Cl- and Mg2+ concentrations, but the renal excretion of ions approached that generally found in marine teleosts. In most cases, RBC volume followed the changes in plasma osmolality or Na+ and Cl- concentrations. Both species showed an ability to increase tubular Mg2+ secretion much over that needed in BW, and increased secretion was associated with high urine Cl- concentration. M. quadricornis, but not M. scorpius, reabsorbed Na+ effectively in SW also. Differences between Oceanic and Baltic specimens of M. scorpius are discussed.  相似文献   

The developmental stages from megalopa to third crab of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun were tested in 12 combinations of cadmium (0, 50, and 150 ppb) and salinity (10, 20, 30, and 40) at 25°C. A reduction in survival and a significant delay in development from megalopa to third crab occurred within each salinity regime in 50 ppb compared with the control. Comparison of the delay in development within each salinity regime revealed that the sublethal effect of cadmium was most pronounced in the salinities normally preferred by C. sapidus. A similar comparison within each cadmium concentration, however, showed that the developmental time from megalopa to third crab was approximately the same irrespective of salinity. The developmental stages from hatch to first crab of the mud-crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) were examined in 63 combinations of cadmium (0, 50, and 150 ppb), salinity (10, 20, and 30), constant temperature (20°, 25°, 30°, and 35°C) and cycling temperature (20° to 25°C, 25° to 30°C, and 30° to 35°C). The results indicated that cycling temperatures may have a stimulating effect on survival of the larvae compared to constant temperatures, both in the presence and in the absence of cadmium. Effects of cadmium and salinity and their interaction on the survival of the larvae from zoeae to megalopa were documented at most of the temperatures by analyses of variance. The zoeal larvae were more susceptible to cadmium than the megalopa. Effects of different combinations of cadmium and salinity on the duration of larval development were assessed by a t-test.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in Puget Sound, USA, and investigated the effect of graveling intertidal mud and sandflats to enhance clam production on the benthic assemblage structure, primary productivity, respiration, and nutrient flux. The study was conducted between spring and autumn (1991), the period of greatest productivity and plant standing stock in Puget Sound. Graveled and control plots were established in the low intertidal zone on a mud flat in a protected embayment (Chapman Cove) and an exposed sandflat (Semiahmoo Bay). Gravel altered benthic assemblage structure, respiration, and nutrient flux rates. Graveled plots contained more surface coverage of sessile animals and seaweeds. Net productivity (NP), which differed relatively little between graveled and control plots, was negative for all but one sampling at the protected embayment plots. In contrast, NP was always positive at the exposed sandflat plots. The respiration rate was 13 to 57% greater in the graveled plot at Chapman Cove than in the adjacent control plot, and 7 to 54% greater in the gravel plot than the control plots at Semiahmoo Bay. Heterotrophy was greater in the graveled plots, as reflected by a lower net productivity to respiration ratio. Effects of graveling on water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen and inorganic nitrogen concentrations were not detected. Graveling sandy and mud beaches increases secondary productivity, which is associated with increased rates of remineralization and release of dissolved nutrients to the water column.  相似文献   

The effects of salinity on survival, fecundity and sex ratio were studied in Dinophilus gyrociliatus; a small polychaete with a short lifespan, semicontinuous reproduction and progamic sex determination. The experiment was performed on two groups, originally collected as one sample, from the port of Genoa in November 1995. The specimens were separated into two groups, differing only in their diet: the first was fed with frozen spinach and the other with Tetramin Mikromin. The experiment was performed in 1998 after numerous generations had been maintained under laboratory conditions. The maximum expectation of life at birth varied with salinity level, and both groups showed a better tolerance towards a salinity below 35 psu than above 35 psu. The influence of both salinity and diet on fecundity had statistical significance even though the greatest differences were due to diet; animals fed with Tetramin had a two- or even threefold higher fecundity than those fed with spinach. Diet and salinity also had a statistically significant influence on the sex ratio. These results, as well as all the experimental observations carried out up to date, indicate that in D. gyrociliatus the determination of the sex ratio has a strong phenotypic component. Received: 9 September 1999 / Accepted: 9 May 2000  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and respiration rates of the reef corals Pocillopora damicornis (Linn.), Montipora verrucosa (Lamarck), Porites compressa Dana and Fungia scutaria Lamarck were measured under controlled temperatures. Results indicate that coral metabolism is closely adapted to ambient temperature conditions. Tropical corals measured at Enewetak, Marshall Islands, showed greater primary production compared to maintenance requirements at elevated temperatures than did subtropical varieties of the same species in Hawaii. Photosynthesis: respiration (P:R) ratios were significantly and negatively related with temperature between 18° and 31°C for all Hawaiian corals, whereas at Enewetak this ratio generally showed a curvilinear relationship for this temperature range. Extrapolations of P:R regressions on temperatures to a value of 2.0 (estimated as a minimum required for long-term functional autotrophy) coincide for Hawaiian specimens with published upper lethal temperatures. Extrapolation of P:R regressions for Enewetak specimens at temperatures above 25°C suggests lethal temperatures for these corals to be 2 to 5 C° higher than for Hawaiian corals, in good agreement with recent experimental findings. Interspecific differences in P:R temperature regressions for Hawaiian corals correlating with upper lethal temperature tolerances are described.Contribution No. 505 of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology.  相似文献   

Changes in the respiration, ammonia excretion and biochemical composition were studied for three species of starving zooplankton (Calanus finmarchicus, Sagitta elegans, and Acartia clausi). Over the period of starvation, the respiration rate of all three species followed the same pattern of an initial decrease followed by a more or less constant level. A similar pattern was observed for the ammonia excretion rate of S. elegans and A. clausi, whereas C. finmarchicus excretion appeared to oscillate between high and low levels of protein catabolism. Study of the biochemical changes showed that C. finmarchicus consumed primarily lipids, and at times proteins, to meet its energy requirement whereas S. elegans and A. clausi primarily used protein. Variations in the elemental composition as well as the O:N ratio confirmed that C. finmarchicus alternated between periods of protein-dominant catabolism and lipid-dominant catabolism during starvation. No similar change in catabolism was observed in the two other species. The results are discussed in terms of physiological mechanisms of resistance to starvation and were used to calculate the energy budget of S. elegans and C. finmarchicus during the period of total starvation. The significance of such budgets is discussed and some of the sources of error examined.Bedford Institute of Oceanography Contribution.  相似文献   

Green crabs (Carcinus maenas) and rock crabs (Cancer irroratus) were exposed to various concentrations of copper as cupric chloride (CuCl2 · 2 H2O), and cadmium as cadmium chloride (CdCl2 · 21/2 H2O) for 48 h. The exposures were conducted at 5 different salinities. At the end of each exposure period, tests of blood-serum osmolality and gill-tissue oxygen consumption were performed. Copper-exposed crabs exhibited loss of osmoregulatory function with increasing copper concentration until normally hyperosmotic serum became isosmotic with the surrounding medium. Cadmium elevated greencrab serum above its normal hyperosmotic state. Copper had no effect on gill-tissue oxygen consumption; however, cadmium reduced the rate of oxygen consumption in both species tested.  相似文献   

Metabolism of two abundant echinoderm species constituting 99.6% of the epibenthic megafauna in the Santa Catalina Basin, off southern California, USA was measured at 1 300 m during the 1979 “Bathyal Expedition”. Specimens of the ophiuroid Ophiophthalmus normani and the holothurian Scotoplanes globosa, collected by the submersible “Alvin”, were individually placed in respirometers, and measured in situ for O2 consumption and ammonium excretion rates. For O. normani, weight-specific O2 consumption rates decreased with increasing weight and were of comparable magnitude to rates of deep-sea and shallow-water ophiuroids; excretion rates were highly variable. Population O2 consumption and excretion rates for O. normani (estimated from size-frequency distribution, abundance, and rate regression equations) were 1 129.28 μl O2 m-2 h-1 and 27.30 nmol NH 4 + m-2 h-1. Weight-specific O2 consumption and ammonium excretion rates of S. globosa decreased with increasing weight and were of comparable magnitude to rases of shallow-water holothurians. Population O2 constimption and excretion rates of S. globosa were 1.38 μl O2 m-2 h-1 and 4.86 nmol NH 4 + m-2 h-1. Combined population O2 consumption rates for O. normani and S. globosa are of comparable magnitude to that of the sediment community and plankton in the benthic boundary layer (sediment and overlying 50 m water column) of the Santa Catalina Basin.  相似文献   

Predation and hunger are threats for most organisms, and appropriate behavioural responses to both factors should be shaped by natural selection. In combination, however, the behavioural demands of predation avoidance and effective foraging often cannot be satisfied at the same time and lead to a conflict within organisms. We examined the behavioural responses of two closely-related species of tadpoles, Rana lessonae and R. esculenta, to simulated predation by fish and hunger. Tadpoles, hatched and reared in the laboratory, were tested in a three-way factorial (predation risk × hunger × species) experiment with four predation levels and four hunger levels. Both species decreased their swimming activity with increasing predation risk. Predation risk did not influence the amount of activity time invested in feeding but caused the tadpoles to spend less time in patches with food. Refuges were not used to avoid predation. R. esculenta was more sensitive to predation risk than R. lessonae. Hunger increased both the activity of tadpoles and the amount of activity time invested in feeding, thus indicating an increased energy intake. No interactions were observed between predation risk and hunger. These results show that tadpoles possess genetically-based behavioural mechanisms that allow them to respond in a graded manner to predation and hunger. However, they did not balance the two conflicting demands of predation avoidance and effective foraging; the two mechanisms appeared to act independently. Correspondence to: R.D. Semlitsch  相似文献   

Changes in salinity affect the metabolic rate of the sympagic amphipodOnisimus glacialis collected from the Barents Sea in 1986 and 1988. When transferred from 35 to 5 ppt S, oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion both increase three-fold during the first 5 h of exposure, and they remain high throughout the rest of the experimental period (26 h). During 24-h acclimation to various salinities (5 to 45 ppt), the amphipods exhibit a respiratory and excretory response to hyper- and hypoosmotic stress; however, a rather constant O:N atomic ratio (around 15) was obtained at the experimental salinities, indicating protein/lipids as metabolic substrate. Both rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion increased with an increasing osmotic difference (0 to 650 mOsm) between the haemolymph and the environmental medium, indicating higher energy requirements for osmotic and ionic regulation at low salinities. In amphipods abruptly transferred from 35 to 5 ppt, a minor decrease of the haemolymph sodium concentrations together with an increased ammonia excretion output indicate a counter-ion regulation of NH 4 + and Na+ during hyposmotic stress.  相似文献   

The amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas) of the Bay of Fundy is a major food resource for migrating shorebirds. A relatively low total lipid content (ca 1.7%) was found in summer and fall samples of 1986. Analysis of triacylglycerides which would normally reflect an animal diet through fatty acid input, revealed high proportions of fatty acids characteristic of algae. C. volutator contains hydrocarbons (0.2% of total lipids) with a unimodal distribution in the range C18 to C35 with maximum at C25, and a weak odd-carbon preference (carbon preference index, C.P.I. =1.22). This hydrocarbon pattern shown by C. volutator seems to be biogenic, but due to both a weak odd-carbon preference and a significant content of the isoprenoid phytane, the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons cannot be ruled out. Comparison of the hydrocarbon composition be ruled out. Comparison of the hydrocarbon composition found in C. volutator with hydrocarbons described in the literature for its most likely sources of food suggests that highly degraded material and aged detritus are components of the diet of this deposit feeder, and as important as the local diatom population. No organohalogen pesticides (DDT, dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane, or derivatives) or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were detected in the lipid extracts of C. volutator. Absence of these materials and low hydrocarbon levels explain the continued successful exploitation of this food resource by migrating shorebirds.  相似文献   

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