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王绪年 《环境教育》2012,(11):86-86
潮汐虽然不断变化,但总是按规律运动。人们只用几句话就将这规律通俗化,好记易懂,这已经远远超出了一般文字的表达含义。这说明,大海再大,也大不过人们的大脑。月亮的引力决定着潮涨潮落,也使人们可以望月断潮。在伸手不见五指的黑夜,在黑云密布的阴雨天,月亮就失去断潮的作用。但长期的海边生活,人们总结出了带有规律性的潮汐歌,根据它,人们知道什么时间是什么潮,去赶海,去捕鱼。我记忆了一部分,不很全却也可以看出潮汐歌的内容:初一十五潮,天亮渤遥遥;初三潮十八水,二十两边鬼一鬼;初四十八潮,头更海长潮;初  相似文献   

针对曙光采油厂绕阳河潮汐对油田生产及人身安全影响逐年加剧的情况,为减少潮汐对生产、安全等方面的影响,曙光采油厂对潮汐的变化规律及防范措施进行研究。通过科学摸索潮汐规律,动态调整区域油井生产,采取防潮、排涝,"打时间差"组织运行,安全防护,防汛预案演练等手段,有效指导了潮水期间油井生产运行,达到良好的防潮汐、防污染、保安全的目的,同时对今后潮水期间的生产运行具有实际的指导、借鉴作用。  相似文献   

潮汐是一种自然现象。在沿海、沿江地区,有一类环境污染案件的发生与潮汐有牵连。我们曾处理过此类案件,现将处理意见及如何确定其中的法律责任问题,提出一些看法,供大家参考。一、案情概述案例1.江苏省某县于1985年三四月间,天气久晴干旱无潮,内河水位急剧降低,工业污染物和生活污染物不断蓄积,数量增多,水溶物质包括污染物的浓度骤增。五月初遇潮,江堤涵闸和内河节制闸相继提起阐门进水,导致某镇区河流中浓缩了的  相似文献   

简要回顾了潮汐河口环流、湍流、混合与层化的基本物理概念、内涵、研究方法、研究成果,指出了主要的研究进展,最后,展望了今后的研究方向。本文不考虑悬沙和风浪的影响。经典的河口环流也因潮汐应变的出现而受到挑战,河口环流由重力环流和潮汐应变环流构成。“涡黏度-剪切协方差(ESCO)”概念的提出,又区分出重力ESCO环流与潮汐ESCO环流。横向环流,尤其具有曲率的弯道中的横向环流,也得到进一步的理解。涡度方法的应用,揭示横向环流不仅由各种不同物理机制造成,而且对纵向河口重力环流有重要的影响。分层流中剪切湍流的理论加深了人们对潮汐河口湍流、混合的物理学的认识,势能差异方程更是使得定量理解潮汐河口混合与层化的三维时间、空间变化成为可能。  相似文献   

周薇 《环境教育》2007,(4):19-21
一般公众对于“转基因食品”这个新鲜事物常常受各种信息的误导,从盲目乐观到一味排斥,在两个极端之间非此即彼的跳跃。民意调查显示,多数人对转基因食品知之甚少,但有潜在的不信任态度。所以需要给予非专业人士以必要的信息和咨询,以科学的态度对待转基因,而不是带有感情色彩。  相似文献   

国务院新闻办举行“六·五”世界环境日专题新闻发布会6月5日上午,国务院新闻办举行世界环境日专题新闻发布会,国家环保总局副局长张力军向中外记者发布2006年中国环境状况及主要污染物减排最新进展等方面情况并回答记者提问。  相似文献   

近几年,秀山锰矿业的快速发展对秀山经济发展做出了巨大贡献,但在发展过程显现出来的产业链条短、科技水平低、企业规模小、布局分散、管理混乱、污染严重等问题同样不可忽视;文章从调整产业结构,延长产业链条、走节约发展道路,发展与环保并重、加强资源管理,规范锰业发展等三个方面进行分析,为政府决策提供有益参考.  相似文献   

基于GIS技术的可达性分析在城市总体规划中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
我国可达性研究相对薄弱,尤其在城市尺度内的研究比较缺乏。探讨了可达性在城市规划中的应用,提出了可达性与城市规划结合的新理念;选择势能模型构建可达性分析模型,结合GIS技术中的网络分析、空间插值,评价了城市总体规划对居民可达性的影响。通过规划,居民出行时耗显著减少,居民出行便捷程度全面改善;将可达性理论与GIS技术结合应用于城市总体规划,提出了规划自检的新方法,有助于决策者做出最优决策。  相似文献   

虫子 《环境教育》2007,(9):37-40
国家环保总局副局长潘岳9月3日表示,持续近两个月的"流域限批"行动取得初步成效。各地清理的1162个违法企业和项目中,目前已关停400个、停产整顿249个、限期治理102个;追缴排污费7.25亿元,罚款787万元。同时也表示"流域限批"已是环保总局所动用的最大限度的行政手段。此最"狠"一招是否能彻底改变"先污染后治理"老路还有待观察,但值得欣慰的是这最"狠"一招的收益明显。但真正要以科学发展观促进环境保护实现历史性转变还需要将之转换成长效的制度而不是短期的风暴。  相似文献   

基于二维水动力模型,在仅考虑潮流作用条件下,通过计算欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流并结合粒子追踪方法研究了辽宁大连—朝鲜龙渊郡连线北侧的北黄海北部海域的潮余流结构和粒子运移的趋势。结果表明:欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流流速整体较小,呈现由南向北的流向,但在獐子岛及长山群岛的附近岛屿和朝鲜半岛沿岸的海域欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流流速较大。对比粒子追踪计算的结果与欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流的结果表明,流向与粒子运移路径基本一致。该海湾的余流及粒子运动规律特点对辽东半岛东岸及朝鲜半岛西侧海域的排污及污染控制有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为研究连云港埒子口海域潮流动力特征及其对周边海岸工程的响应,以及为治理埒子口闸下淤积问题提供参考,建立了基于有限体积法离散二维浅水方程的数值模型。采用实测水文资料对模型率定和验证,应用模型分析埒子口潮流动力特征和建设徐圩港防波堤和灌河口导堤后埒子口海域潮流动力的变化。模拟结果表明,建设工程后潮流动力变化较大,埒子口海域涨急流和落急流方向改变,涨、落潮平均流速均减小,距离工程区域越近,流速变化越大。埒子口海域潮流动力减弱将会加重上游挡潮闸的闸下淤积问题,致使埒子口排水不畅,进而增加沂北地区的洪涝风险,所以,相关部门应及时采取措施,保证埒子口排涝畅通。  相似文献   

The coastal waters at many beaches in California and the United States are afflicted with fecal pollution, which poses a health risk for people exposed to the water through recreational activities such as swimming, surfing, and diving. Identifying sources of pollution is complicated by oceanographic transport/mixing processes and the nonconservative behavior of microorganisms exposed to sunlight and hostile marine conditions. This article investigates the variation of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) concentrations in the surf zone and the adjacent coastal marsh by applying autocorrelation and cross-correlation analyses that illustrate solar and tidal modulations. A steady state bioreactor model was developed to explain solar inactivation in the surf zone, whereas a dynamic model was applied to explain tidally influenced disturbances in the coastal marsh. These models applied to intensive monitoring datasets on FIB and environmental variables have provided insights into the biologic and physical processes controlling coastal water quality, specifically the influence of sunlight and tides on bacterial levels.  相似文献   

A modeling study was undertaken under a decision support system (DSS) for drinking water security in the Foshan section of the Beijiang River, a typical tidal river in the North Pearl River Delta. The DSS included a database layer, application support layer, and an application layer. As an integral part of the DSS application support layer, an integrated modeling system was developed to simulate hydrodynamics. The balance of dissolved oxygen and toxicants was based on an environmental fluid dynamics code and a water quality analysis simulation program (WASP) modeling framework. Model calibration and validation was undertaken using monitoring data in normal hydrological conditions. Four scenarios for the environmental management of water, including current water temp‐spatial feature analysis, control of pollution sources, and emergency response, were designed and analyzed in the DSS. The results indicated that the tide downstream has a distinct influence on hydrodynamics and pollutant diffusion, and the DSS could be used to design effective schemes to reduce pollutant discharges and provide emergency responses for ensuring drinking water security.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents research conducted on tidal power generation utilizig atmospheric pressure or air recirculation. The proposed methods in this paper differ from conventional methods. That is, they require simple and relatively inexpensive power generating facilities that would convert the potential energy of the tides into kine tic energy of air for driving the air turbines in a power plant. The characteristics of the new methods are as follows: (1) in tidal power generation utilizing the atmospheric pressure, the air pressure exerted on an air turbine can be maintained at 1 atm regardless of the water head; (2) in tidal power generation utilizing the air recirculation, the air pressure exerted on an air turbine can be made twice as high as the available water head; (3) higher tidal energy conversion efficiency can be obtained by flowing larger quantities of water in a shorter time period; (4) the generating turbines can be located at a convenient place remote from the reservoir; and (5) equipment corrosion due to salt is minimized.  相似文献   

Mosquito control ditches designed to increase tidal circulation are widely used as a physical control alternative to insecticidal applications The impact of such ditching on Pacific Coast marshlands was largely unknown before this five-year study of impact in two types of San Francisco Bay salt marshes, aSalicornia virginica (pickleweed) monoculure and a mixed vegetation marsh Results of our studies suggest that ditches cause less environmental disturbance than insecticidal applications The article describes the following environmental consequences of ditching for mosquito control: increased tidal flushing of soils occurs adjacent to ditches compared with that in the open marsh, thereby reducing ground water and soil surface salinities and water table height; primary productivity ofS. virginica, as determined by both the harvest method and infrared photographic analysis, is higher directly adjacent to ditches than in the open marsh, distribution of selected arthropod populations is similar at ditches and natural channels, although arthropod community response differs seasonally; aquatic invertebrate biomass is similar within ditched and natural ponds, but diversity is lower in ditched habitats, ditching increases fish diversity and density by improving fish access from tidal channels; ditches provide additional salt marsh song sparrow habitat, although ditches are less preferred than natural channels or sloughs. Management criteria can be used to design ditches that provide effective mosquito control and reduced environmental impact  相似文献   

Application of integrated Chesapeake Bay models of the airshed, watershed, and estuary support air and water nitrogen controls in the Chesapeake. The models include an airshed model of the Mid‐Atlantic region which tracks the estimated atmospheric deposition loads of nitrogen to the watershed, tidal Bay, and adjacent coastal ocean. The three integrated models allow tracking of the transport and fate of nitrogen air emissions, including deposition in the Chesapeake watershed, the subsequent uptake, transformation, and transport to Bay tidal waters, and their ultimate influence on Chesapeake water quality. This article describes the development of the airshed model, its application to scenarios supporting the Chesapeake Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), and key findings from the scenarios. Key findings are that the atmospheric deposition loads are among the largest input loads of nitrogen in the watershed, and that the indirect nitrogen deposition loads to the watershed, which are subsequently delivered to the Bay are larger than the direct loads of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to Chesapeake tidal waters. Atmospheric deposition loads of nitrogen deposited in coastal waters, which are exchanged with the Chesapeake, are also estimated. About half the atmospheric deposition loads of nitrogen originate from outside the Chesapeake watershed. For the first time in a TMDL, the loads of atmospheric nitrogen deposition are an explicit part of the TMDL load reductions.  相似文献   

Recent rapid advances of tidal current energy extraction (TCEE) technologies and resource analyses suggest in excess of 20,000 GWh/annum of electricity may be realistically exploitable in the near term off Canada's West Coast. Moreover, because tidal currents have a semi-diurnal (or, in some locations, diurnal) periodicity, and can be predicted and quantified on a spatial and temporal basis, this resource confers a distinct advantage over most other renewables, and, therefore, may achieve supply security.

In this study, TCEE technologies are assessed on the basis of energy delivered, environmental intrusion and economic viability. As such, relevant issues including resource characteristics, site selection, conversion efficiencies, capacity factors, power densities, hydrodynamic feedbacks, and grid integration are addressed.  相似文献   

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