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A hydrolysis procedure along with a high-pressure liquid chromatographic procedure is given enabling simple and reliable thymine determinations in the nanogram range in different fractions of sea-water samples taken from three different locations in the Northern Adriatic Sea. The levels corresponded to 1–3 g DNA per liter. From total polyanionic thymine, which had been precipitated as the cetyltrimethylammonium salt, the highest percentage was linked to the particulate fraction, with a definite subsurface minimum at 10 to 15 m. There was a corresponding maximum of a high molecular non-particulate thymine-containing fraction at the corresponding depth. From the bottom at 30 m upwards to about 20 m, a low molecular thymine-containing material has been found. Remarkably these basic features were common to all three locations, one of which was supposed to be in clean water, one near a thickly settled, touristic area, and the other in front of a large river delta coming from industrial hinterland.  相似文献   

Three genetically distinct clones of Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve were grown at 20°C under high (274 E m-2 s-1) and low (27 E m-2 s-1) light conditions and their photoadaptive photosynthetic responses compared. When all three clones were grown under low light, pigment analyses and fluorescence excitation spectra demonstrated that the accessory pigments, chlorophyll c and fucoxanthin, became more important in light-harvesting compared to chlorophyll a. Photosynthetic unit sizes increased for Photosystems I and II in low light, but photosynthesis vs irradiance characteristics were not reliable predictors of photosynthetic unit features. Fluorescence excitation spectra and photosynthesis vs irradiance (P-I) relationships indicated that changes in energy transfer occurred independent of changes in pigment content. Large increases in accessory pigment content were not accompanied by large increases in excitation from these pigments. Changes in energy transfer properties were as important as changes in PSU size in governing the photoadaptive responses of S. costatum. When the three clones were grown under identical conditions, each had a separate and distinct pattern of photoadaptation. Significant differences among clones were found for pigment ratios, photosynthetic unit sizes for Photosystems I and II and efficiency of energy transfer between pigments. These strikingly different photoadaptive strategies among clones may partially account for the great ecological success of the diatom species. This is the first quantitative investigation of the importance of both chlorophyll c and fucoxanthin to the adaptive responses of diatoms to light intensity, and represents the most complete characterization of the photoadaptive responses of a single species of marine phytoplankter to differences in light environment.  相似文献   

G. Schneider 《Marine Biology》1990,106(2):219-225
About 560 literature data on weight-specific ammonia excretion rates of gelatinous zooplankton (cnidarians, ctenophores and salps) and non-gelatinous zooplankton (mainly crustacea) were converted to carbon based units to enabel a better comparison between both groups. If carbon is used as body-mass unit ammonia excretion rates of gelatinous zooplankton are in the same range as values obtained for other zooplankton taxa, indicating a similar nitrogen output per unit of organic matter in both groups. These results suggest nutrient regeneration potential to be the same in gelatinous and non-gelatinous zooplankton, and that nutrient regeneration within the pelagic system depends more upon the carbon biomass ratio between gelatinous and other zooplankton than on physiological differences.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton production, standing crop, and loss processes (respiration, sedimentation, grazing by zooplankton, and excretion) were measured on a daily basis during the growth, dormancy and decline of a winter-spring diatom bloom in a large-scale (13 m3) marine mesocosm in 1987. Carbonspecific rates of production and biomass change were highly correlated whereas production and loss rates were unrelated over the experimental period when the significant changes in algal biomass characteristic of phytoplankton blooms were occurring. The observed decline in diatom growth rates was caused by nutrient limitation. Daily phytoplankton production rates calculated from the phytoplankton continuity equation were in excellent agreement with rates independently determined using standard 14C techniques. A carbon budget for the winter bloom indicated that 82.4% of the net daytime primary production was accounted for by measured loss processes, 1.3% was present as standing crop at the end of the experiment, and 16.3% was unexplained. Losses via sedimentation (44.8%) and nighttime phytoplankton respiration (24.1%) predominated, while losses due to zooplankton grazing (10.7%) and nighttime phytoplankton excretion (2.8%) were of lesser importance. A model simulating daily phytoplankton biomass was developed to demonstrate the relative importance of the individual loss processes.  相似文献   

The megalopal larval stage of many estuarine brachyuran crabs appears to return to adult habitats by undergoing rhythmic vertical migrations which result in saltatory up-estuary transport on flood tides. Larval ascent into the water column during rising tides may be cued by changing hydrologic variables. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the responses of field-caught megalopae of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus and the fiddler crab Uca spp. to constant rates of pressure and salinity change under laboratory conditions. For both genera, pressure changes resulted in increased movement (barokinesis) and upward migration in the test chamber, with C. sapidus megalopae having a lower response threshold (2.8×10-2 mbar s-1) than Uca spp. larvae (5×10-2 mbar s-1). Similarly, larvae ascended in response to increasing salinity, with C. sapidus larvae being more sensitive. Larvae were negatively phototactic and failed to respond to pressure increases at light levels above 1.0×1015 and 1.0×1013 photons m-2 s-1 for C. sapidus and Uca spp. megalopae, respectively. Such responses are thought to explain the low abundances of larvae in the water column during daytime flood tides. Nevertheless, threshold sensitivities to increasing pressure for both genera were above levels experienced during floodtide conditions in the field. Similarly, it is unlikely that increasing salinity is sufficient to induce ascent in Uca spp. postlarvae. However, rates of salinity increase during midflood tide typically reach levels necessary to induce an ascent in C. sapidus megalopae. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that fiddler crab megalopae utilize an endogenous activity rhythm for flood-tide transport, while blue crab megalopae rely upon external cues, especially salinity changes, to time their sojourns in the water column.  相似文献   

Orthophosphate uptake by a natural estuarine phytoplankton population was estimated using two methods: (1) 32P uptake experiments in which filters of different pore sizes were used to separate plankton size-fractions; (2) 33P autoradiography of phytoplankton cells. Results of the first method showed that plankton cells larger than 5 m were responsible for 2% of the total orthophosphate uptake rate. 98% of the total uptake rate occurred in plankton composed mostly of bacteria, which passed the 5 m screen and were retained by the 0.45 m pore-size filter. There was no orthophosphate absorption by particulates in a biologically inhibited control containing iodoacetic acid. Orthophosphate uptake rates of individual phytoplankton species were obtained using 33P autoradiography. The sum of these individual rates was very close to the estimated rate of uptake by particulates larger than 5 m in the 32P labelling experiment. Generally, smaller cells were found to have a faster uptake rate per m3 biomass than larger cells. Although the nannoplankton constituted only about 21% of the total algal biomass, the rate of phosphate uptake by the nannoplankton was 75% of the total phytoplankton uptake rate. Results of the plankton autoradiography showed that the phosphate uptake rate per unit biomass is a power function of the surface: volume ratio of a cell; the relationship is expressed by the equation Y=2x10-11 X 1.7, where Y is gP m-3 h-1 and X is the surface: volume ratio. These results lend support to the hypothesis that smaller cells have a competitive advantage by having faster nutrient uptake rates.  相似文献   

The effect of light intensity on rate of photosynthesis was measured at irregular intervals over a 12-month period for 22 benthic marine algae in the western Baltic Sea. In most species photosynthesis (mg O2·g dry weight-1·h-1) was highest in spring and summer, corresponding to the seasonal growth pattern of the algae. In winter all the species showed adaptation of the light compensation point. Highest productivity was shown by algae which are: short-lived annual species rather than perennials, eulittoral rather than sublittoral, and which possess sheet-like or filamentous thalli rather than coarsely branched forms. These factors are clearly inter-related.This research was carried out while one of us (R.J.K.) was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the University of Kiel, and is part of the programme Sonderforschungsbereich 95, Wechselwirkung Meer-Meeresboden, Universität Kiel.  相似文献   

Above and below-ground biomass and nitrogen and carbon composition ofSpartina maritima, Halimione portulacoides andArthrocnemum perenne, dominating species in plant communities of the lower, middle and higher salt marsh, respectively, were compared in an estuarine salt marsh in Portugal. Plant and soil nitrogen and carbon pools were estimated. For all three species root biomass was significantly higher (70–92% of total biomass) than above-ground biomass. The percentage of root biomass was related to the location of the plants in the marsh: higher values were found in plants growing in the lower salt marsh where the sediment was more unstable and subject to tidal action, which stresses the role of the roots as an anchor. For all three species nitrogen concentrations were highest in leaves, reflecting the photosynthetic role of the tissue. For carbon higher concentrations were found in the stems, with the exception ofS. maritima. In general, lower nitrogen concentrations were found in summer, which can be explained by dilution processes due to plant growth. For both nitrogen and carbon, higher concentrations were found in the soil surface layers. Higher soil nitrogen and carbon levels were associated with higher organic matter contents. Most of the nitrogen in the salt marsh occurred in the sediments (0–40 cm) and only ca. 5.7–13.3% of the total was found in the plants. The greater portion (76.5%–86%) of carbon was found in the sediment.  相似文献   

C. McClain  M. Rex 《Marine Biology》2001,139(4):681-685
Bathymetric gradients in body size are the most well-known patterns of geographic variation in deep-sea organisms. The causes of size-depth relationships remain uncertain, but most have been attributed to rates of nutrient input. Chapelle and Peck (1999, Nature 399:114-115) recently hypothesized that body size in marine invertebrates is a function of dissolved oxygen concentration. We tested this hypothesis by using quantile regression techniques to assess the relationship of dissolved oxygen levels to maximum size in deep-sea turrid gastropods collected from the North Atlantic. Relationships were examined for a group of nine turrid species and within the abundant lower bathyal species Benthomangelia antonia (Dall, 1881). We controlled the analysis for depth because size in deep-sea gastropods varies bathymetrically. When the effects of depth are accounted for statistically, maximum size in B. antonia increases with increasing levels of dissolved oxygen. In turrids as a group, both depth and oxygen appear to explain significant proportions of the variance in maximum size. These findings suggest that a suite of factors, including dissolved oxygen concentration, may influence maximum size in deep-sea organisms.  相似文献   

Field studies of whole natural phytoplankton communities from Knight Inlet, B. C., Canada and laboratory cultures of the diatom Skeletonema costatum indicate inorganic carbon fixation may be temporarily suppressed following 10 to 15% enrichment with NO 3 - or NH 4 + . (This effect is suggested to be due to competition between inorganic carbon and nitrogen for adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and is reduced when chlorophyll a is increased intracellularly after 6 to 8 h.) Results imply that the source of ATP for nitrate uptake is primarily from Photosystem I (cyclic photophosphorylation) in the presence of light. It would appear that a transient nutrient-adaptive response occurs upon addition of extracellular nitrogen.  相似文献   

The biology of a population of the cardinalfish Apogon rueppellii has been studied over several years (1977–1983) in the Swan Estuary in south-western Australia, using ramples collected monthly from the shallows by beach seine and from various depths by otter trawl. While the life cycle of this species typically lasts for one year, at the end of which time the mean length is 50 to 60 mm, some individuals survive for a further year and attain lengths up to 104 mm. A. rueppellii shows a marked tendency to move offshore into deeper water during the winter months. This tendency is more pronounced in the 1+ than in the 0+ year class and in larger than smaller 0+ individuals. An inshore movement of A. rueppellii in the spring is followed by spawning and by oral brooding by the males, which leads to the recruitment of large numbers of a new 0+ year class on to the banks during the summer. The offshore movement is correlated with changes in salinity and temperature. The larger catches taken by otter trawl during the day than at night indicate that A. rueppellii exhibits a diel pattern of activity. Mean fecundity ranged from 70 in the 45 to 49 mm size class to 345 in the 90 to 94 mm size class. Measurements of fecundity and the number of oral-brooded eggs demonstrated that the majority of the eggs released by the female are collected and incubated by the males. Copepods are ingested in relatively greater amounts by small than by large A. rueppellii, whereas the reverse situation occurs with larger crustaceans, polychaetes and small fish. The presence of greater amounts of copepods in the diet during the day and of amphipods at night probably reflects the diel activity patterns of the prey.  相似文献   

In 1987 effects of salinity fluctuations on growth of Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grunow, isolated from the Eastern Scheldt estuary (SW Netherlands) in 1981, were studied. D. brightwellii was grown in a 12 h light: dark cycle at constant salinity in brackish media. Ammonium-limited cultures were subjected to a salinity fluctuation. By decreasing the salinity to 4.8 photosynthesis and cell division were inhibited; cells were deformed. Protein and carbohydrate contents increased slightly, dark respiration was stimulated and cellular levels of glucose decreased at low salinity; this indicated a possible role of sugars in osmoregulation. Ammonium was accumulated in cultures, amino acids may have been stored; the role of the vacuole as a storage compartment was discussed. Both the ammonium uptake capacity and the affinity for ammonium decreased. Nitrogen limitation was relieved in the transient state. [With the activity of the nitrogen assimilation enzymes glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) being uninhibited by lower salinity.] Recovery from hypo-osmotic stress during a salinity increase was initiated by stimulated photosynthesis; chlorophyll a increased, but persistant contractions of cytoplasm (with chloroplasts) may have delayed cell growth. The glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity decreased further whereas the cellular level of alanine increased in the presence of large ammonium pools; this may indicate a temporary activity of ADH (alanine dehydrogenase). Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve, recovered faster from hypoosmotic stress than did D. brightwellii. Due to an osmotic shock from 13.6 to 7.1 S both species excreted amino acids and glucose; S. costatum accumulated more glucose, D. brightwellii accumulated more amino acids. S. costatum may with the competition for nitrogen in waters with an unstable salinity; it will replace D. brightwellii.Contribution no. 427 Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Yerseke, The Netherlands  相似文献   

The historical background on adaptation of algae to various light intensities is analysed. It is argued that there is little evidence to suggest that previous growth at low light intensities enhances the ability of an alga to utilize these low light levels. Rather, the published evidence suggests that the most general response to growth at sub-optimal light intensities is a reduced ability to utilize saturating levels. The present experiments with Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin have tested this concept of light intensity adaptation. Changing photosynthetic abilities during batch growth depended on the light intensity used for growth and these changes affected interpretations of the data. When measurements were made intensities appeared to photosynthesize (at all intensities) better than did those grown at higher light levels. When the changes during batch growth were taken into account, or when the alga was grown in turbidostat cultures, a different picture was obtained. Growth at reduced light intensities was accompanied by (a) increased chlorophyll content, (b) decreased rate of light-saturated photosynthesis expressed on a chlorophyll, cell number or cell protein basis, and (c) decreased activity of RuDP carboxylase. One result suggested that growth at a suboptimal light intensity did enhance the ability to utilize lower light levels. The light-saturation curve of cells grown in batch culture at 0.7 klux showed higher slopes at the low light intensities than did those grown at 12 klux. This was most marked when photosynthesis was expressed per cell, but was also apparent when it was put on a per chlorophyll basis.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variations in nitrogen fixation and denitrification rates were examined between July 1991 and September 1992 in the intertidal regions of Tomales Bay (California, USA). Microbial mat communities inhabited exposed mudflat and vegetated marsh surface sediments. Mudflat and marsh sediments exhibited comparable rates of nitrogen fixation. Denitrification rates were higher in marsh sediments. Nitrogen fixation rates were lowest during January at both sites, whereas highest rates occurred during summer and fall. Denitrification rates were highest during fall and winter months in marsh sediments, while rates in mudflat sediments were highest during summer and fall. In mudflat sediments, nitrogen fixation and denitrification rates, integrated over 24 h, ranged from 6 to 79 mg N m-1 d-1 and 1 to 10 mg N m-2 d-1, respectively. Rates of denitrification represented between 6 and 20% of nitrogen fixation rates during the day, but exceeded or were equivalent to nitrogen fixation rates at night. The highest integrated rates of both nitrogen fixation and denitrification occurred during July, whereas, the highest percent loss occurred during spring when denitrification rates amounted to 20% of nitrogen fixation rates during the day. Over an annual cycle, inputs of fixed N to mudflat communities occurred exclusively during daylight. These results underscore the importance of determining integrated diel rates of both nitrogen fixation and denitrification when constructing N budgets. Using this approach, it was shown that microbial denitrification can represent a significant loss of combined nitrogen from mats on daily as well as monthly time scales.  相似文献   

Four species of estuarine benthic diatoms: Amphiprora c. f. paludosa W. Smith, Nitzschia c. f. dissipata (Kützing) Grunow, Navicula arenaria Donkin, and Nitzschia sigma (Kützing) W. Smith were grown in unialgal cultures. The growth rates of the diatoms were determined as the rate of increase of the chlorophyll a content of the cultures. The diatoms were cultured at different combinations of temperture, daylength, and quantum irradiance. The highest growth rates of Navicula arenaria occurred at 16° to 20°C; the other 3 species had their optimum at 25°C or higher. The small-celled species had higher growth rates at their optimum temperature, but at lower temperatures the growth rates of all 4 species became very similar. The minimum daily quantum irradiance that could effect light-saturated growth at 12° and 20°C ranged from 2.5 to 5.0 E.m-2.day-1. At 12°C, two species had their highest growth rates under an 8 h daily photoperiod. At 20°C, the three species tested all had highest growth rates under 16 h daily photoperiod. The growth response of the benthic diatoms is comparable to that of several cultures of planktonic diatoms, as described in the literature. The influence of temperature and quantum irradiance on the diatoms in the present investigation was comparable to the influence of temperature and light intensity on the 14C-fixation of marine benthic diatoms (Colijn and van Buurt, 1975).  相似文献   

A nitrogen-deficient batch culture of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum, when resupplied with a mixture of nitrate and ammonium, showed an initial enhanced nitrate uptake rate leading to a large internal concentration (pool) of nitrate. Following this initial nitrate uptake event, nitrate uptake ceased, and nitrate assimilation was inhibited until the ammonium present was used. At this point, nitrate uptake resumed and nitrate assimilation began. No internal ammonium pool was observed during nitrate utilization, but a large nitrate pool remained throughout the utilization of external nitrate. The internal nitrate pool decreased rapidly after exhaustion of nitrate from the culture medium, but growth of cellular particulate nitrogen continued for about 24 h. A mathematical simulation model was developed from these data. The model cell consisted of a nitrate pool, ammonium pool, dissolved organic nitrogen pool, and particulate nitrogen. It was found that simple Michaelis-Menten functions for uptake and assimilation gave inadequate fit to the data. Michaelis-Menten functions were modified by inclusion of inhibitory and stimulatory feedback from the internal pools to more accurately represent the observed nutrient utilization.  相似文献   

Cell growth of a coastal marine diatom, Chaetoceros sociale, in the presence of different premixed organic-Fe(III) complexes [EDTA-Fe(III) (100:1 and 2:1), citric-Fe(III) (100:1) and fulvic-Fe(III) (0.1, 0.2 and 1 ppm C)] and solid amorphous hydrous ferric oxide [am-Fe(III) or Fe(III) hydroxide] were experimentally measured in culture experiments at 10 °C under 3000 lux fluorescent light. Fulvic-Fe(III) (0.1 and 0.2 ppm C) and citric-Fe(III) (100:1) induced maximal cell yields of C. sociale. The order of cell yields was: fulvic-Fe(III) (0.1 and 0.2 ppm C) ≥ citric-Fe(III) (100:1) > EDTA-Fe(III) (2:1) ≫ solid am-Fe(III) > EDTA-Fe(III) (100:1) ≫ fulvic-Fe(III) (1 ppm C). The short-term iron uptake rates by C. sociale in fulvic-Fe(III) (0.1 and 0.2 ppm C) and citric-Fe(III) (100:1) media were about five to six times faster than those in EDTA-Fe(III) (100:1) and solid am-Fe(III) media. The dissociative precipitation rates of premixed organic-Fe(III) complexes in seawater at 10 °C were determined by simple filtration (0.025 μm) involving γ-activity measurements of 59Fe. The order of estimated initial Fe(III) dissociative precipitation rates of these organic-Fe(III) complexes in seawater were nearly consistent with those of cell yields in the culture experiments and short-term iron uptake rates by C. sociale [except for fulvic-Fe(III) (1 ppm C) medium]. In fulvic-Fe(III) (0.1 and 0.2 ppm C), citric-Fe(III) (100:1) and EDTA-Fe(III) (2:1) media, the concentrations of dissolved organic-Fe(III) complexes in initial culture experiments are prone to supersaturate under the culture conditions. The supersaturated dissolved organic-Fe(III) complex in seawater supplies biologically available inorganic Fe(III) species in culture media through its dissociation at high pH and high levels of seawater cations. Therefore, the natural dissolved organic-Fe(III) complexes supplied by riverine input may play an important role in supplying bioavailable iron in estuarine mixing system and coastal waters. Received: 6 September 1998 / Accepted: 8 April 1999  相似文献   

Small or negligible differences in growth rates, average cell size, yields in cell numbers and total cell volumes were found in cultures of Thalassiosira fluviatilis inriched with nitrate, ammonium, or urea. Intracellular pools of unassimilated nitrate, nitrate, and ammonium were found in nutrient-rich conditions, but urea was not accumlated internally. Nitrogen assimilation into organic combination rather than nitrogen nutrient uptake was a critical rate-limiting step in nitrogen utilization. The free amino acid pool, protein, lipid-associated nitrogen, pigments, and total cell nitrogen were all highest in young or mature phase cells and decreased with age in senescent cells, whereas chitan, lipid, carbohydrate, and total cellular carbon all continued to increase during senescence. Dissolved organic nitrogen compounds accumulated in the medium only during senescence. C:N and lipid:protein were sensitive indicators of nitrogen depletion and age in T. fluviatilis.  相似文献   

Between July 21 and August 8, 1984, phytoplankton were collected from the surface (2 m) and/or chlorophyll maximum of a neritic front, warm-core eddy 84-E and Wilkinson's Basin in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and incubated up to 38 h in 200-liter vats. Effects of light intensity and nutrient availability on diel patterns of cell metabolism were analyzed in a 0.6- to 1-m fraction, where Synechococcus spp. represented 80 to 100% of the total photoautotrophs. Populations held under in situ conditions exhibited daytime peaks in photosynthetic potential (Pmax) that were an order of magnitude higher than nighttime Pmax values. Daytime phasing of Pmax peaks had no relationship to asynchronous fluctuations in cellular activities of ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase (RUBPCase) or phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase), or to variations in chlorophyll content. Daytime Pmax peaks were about 12 h out of phase with nighttime maxima in the frequency of dividing cells (FDC). The phase relationship between Pmax and FDC could be altered by manipulating environmental conditions. High light exposure of depp populations did not affect timing of the Pmax peak, but its magnitude increased and coincided with increased RUBPCase activity and chlorophyll photobleaching. In the eddy population, a major shift in the timing of peak Pmax was induced when increased light intensity was accompanied by nutrient enrichment. This change coincided with major increases in cellular chlorophyll and carboxylating enzyme activity. Lowering irradiance and/or increasing nutrient availability elicited different diel pattern in cellular metabolism in surface populations from the eddy and from Wilkinson's Basin that appeared linked to differences in the nutrient status of the cells. Rates of cell division estimated from the percentage of dividing cells in preserved samples were 0.83 divisions d-1 in surface warm-core eddy populations, supporting the view that carbon and nitrogen turnover rates in oligotrophic waters can be sufficient to promote near optimal growth of Synechococcus spp.  相似文献   

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