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This paper is a reflective contribution on the issues and processes that have influenced and informed the development and institutionalization of disaster management practice and policy in the Caribbean over the last two and a half decades. It takes the viewpoint of a ‘participant observer’ and seeks to not only describe the events and triggers but also to raise some key questions necessary to chart the way forward.  相似文献   

赵萍 《防灾博览》2011,(2):36-41
日本位于环太平洋地震带和火山活动带上,虽然只占地球陆地面积的0.25%,但其地震的发生次数和活火山的数量却非常高。另外,从地理、地形、气象等方面来看,还极易发生台风、暴雨、暴雪等灾害,因此日本是个多灾的国家。  相似文献   

曲华  况明生  姜世龙  孙秀峰 《灾害学》2005,20(2):106-109
洪涝灾害是重庆市主要自然灾害之一,每年带来巨大的经济损失和人员伤亡,严重制约着重庆市社会、经济的可持续发展.本文在大量研究的基础上,分析了重庆市洪涝灾害的特点,总结了历年来的洪涝灾害及造成的损失,最后针对洪涝灾害的特点提出建立重庆市洪涝灾害管理系统,并对该系统作了详细分析.  相似文献   

Post‐catastrophe recovery and financial liquidity have long challenged small Caribbean islands. These states are vulnerable to multifarious natural hazards that often cause considerable socioeconomic dislocation. Such events inflict heavy losses on businesses and households, and significantly disrupt all aspects of government operations. After Hurricane Ivan devastated the economies of some islands in September 2004—with estimated losses of as much as 200 per cent of gross domestic product in some cases—regional governments, aided by the World Bank and international donors, approved the creation of a regional catastrophe insurance scheme. This parametric‐based mechanism is underpinned by derivatives‐based catastrophe modelling whose outputs determine policy triggers and pay outs. Hazard models, particularly catastrophe models, are not widely accepted as yet. Despite recent advancements, major concerns have rendered them peripheral tools for many establishments. This paper reviews the region's vulnerabilities and examines constraints on the application of these models and suggests a means of improving their efficacy and acceptability.  相似文献   

我国灾害现代管理模式的构想   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9  
杨马陵  续新民 《灾害学》2004,19(4):83-88
分析了世界多个国家的灾害应急管理模式、特点,讨论了我国灾害管理模式的现状及存在的问题,从立法、机构设置、应急机制和体系建设等方面提出了建设我国灾害现代应急管理模式的构想.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis and evaluation of emergency preparedness and regionalized training on nine Caribbean islands during the period of 1980 to 1985. Preparedness on the islands is measured in numerous ways, including the existence and comprehensiveness of the disaster plan; existence and adequacy of district organizations; existence of an emergency operations centre; frequency of drills; adequacy of communications; and various other indicators. The regionalized training, which was provided out of a small, internationally-funded unit in Antigua, is evaluated in terms of the contribution it made to Caribbean preparedness during the period. Various management difficulties are analyzed and recommendations made for future, similar programs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between community preparedness and response to natural disaster and their level and pattern of community development. This is done by investigating preparation and response to the 1997 Red River Flood by three rural communities in Manitoba, Canada. The communities were selected because of their different ethnic mix and associated level and pattern of community development. The hypothesis was supported that the level and pattern of community development affect community capacity to respond to flooding. Communities characterised by higher levels of physical, human and social capital were better prepared and more effective responders to the flood. However, where the pattern of community development was characterised by high levels of social capital, decision-making processes were complicated.  相似文献   

杨小时  沈荣芳 《灾害学》2002,17(4):72-75
首先分析了社区中比较重要和常见的几种自然灾害和部分人为事故及其成因,并对社区灾害特点作了说明,然后对上海市社区灾害管理中存在的问题进行了阐述,并指出了当前迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

赵要军  陈安 《灾害学》2007,22(4):124-127,142
通过对我国地震应急组织体系及财政应对地震类灾害的流程分析,结合国外应对地震类突发事件的成功经验,分析了我国公共财政应对过程中存在的不足,最后建立了5个应对地震类突发事件的财政应急机制,分别是公共财政日常运行机制、震前预警防范机制、震时响应机制、震后恢复重建机制和财政监督检查机制。  相似文献   

虽然我国不同种类突发自然灾害的单项、专门性应急管理已初具规模,有些甚至已比较成熟,但突发性灾害并不是单一的,常常衍生出其它灾害,以多种类、跨地域的特征发生.为了对突发自然灾害进行跨地域的综合性应急管理,进行相应的区划研究应是其首先要解决的问题.在分析我国突发自然灾害特征及其应急管理区划必要性的基础上,提出了在我国实施突发自然灾害应急管理区划的基本框架——宏观区划、中观区划和微观区划,并论述了各区划的基本思路.  相似文献   

灾害风险理论与风险管理方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
灾害风险与风险管理理论是当前学术研究的热点问题,但是对灾害风险内涵的认识还没有统一.在综述国内外灾害风险理论成果的基础上,通过对当前研究现状的综合分析,提出了灾害风险的定义和理论模型.依据对灾害风险理论的界定和认识,从风险辨识、风险分析、风险评估和风险减缓4个方面构建了灾害风险管理理论框架.最后,针对当前灾害风险管理的研究现状明确了未来研究的方向和建议.  相似文献   

YourExcellency,Mr.Duojicairang,MinisterofCivilAffairs,Respectedguests,Colleagues,LadiesandGentlemen.OnbehalfofUnder-Secretary-GeneralSergioVieiradeMello,IhavethehonourofopeningtheInternationalWorkshoponNaturalDisasterManagement,hereinBeijing,alongwit…  相似文献   

An assessment of Disaster Risk and its Management in Thailand   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Gary Shook 《Disasters》1997,21(1):77-88
Historically, Thailand has been a disaster-free country, suffering only minor losses from natural hazards through the years. Emerging as a newly industrialised nation, the kingdom now faces an increased risk of economic and public damage from man-made disasters associated with rapid development. A risk assessment was carried out on the level of disaster management. That assessment was preceded by an analysis of the traditional definitions of disaster risk, resulting in a redefinition to fit the needs of this study. This holds that the risk of disaster is the product of hazards, vulnerability and the level of management exercised over both the hazard and the vulnerable elements.
The results of the risk assessment, conducted through analysis of those three components, are discussed along with impediments which may hinder good disaster or accident management. Floods, in both natural and man-made manifestations, were identified as the highest risk factor, followed by major accidents and explosions, both man-made hazards. Major recommendations arising from the study included the consolidation of disaster management responsibilities currently held by several agencies into a central co-ordinating committee, the review and restructure of related law and regulations, the conduct of provincial and country-wide hazard assessments and the creation of a 'culture of safety' in Thailand  相似文献   

<正>防御和减轻自然灾害,保障广大人民生命财产安全,是保证人民安居乐业,维护社会长期稳定的重要前提。河南地处中原,由于地理、气候环境特殊,自然灾害频繁发生,尤其以水、旱、矿难灾害最为严重。近年来,河南政府高度重视灾害应急体系建  相似文献   

据资料显示,我国城市化率目前已达到30.4%,其中70%以上的大城市、半数以上人口分布在洪涝灾害和地震灾害严重的地带,而我国城市灾害应急防灾能力却十分脆弱。因此,加强城市灾害预防与应急管理,是构建和谐社会的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

社区灾害风险管理现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈容  崔鹏 《灾害学》2013,(1):133-138
加强社区灾害风险管理是当前国际减灾的主要趋势之一。经验表明,社区灾害风险管理是治理和减少风险并确保可持续发展的有效手段。在分析国内外社区灾害风险管理成效基础上,指出我国社区灾害风险管理还存在总体发展不平衡、社会化参与程度不高、综合减灾协调机制不完善、防灾规划和应急预案针对性不强、防灾减灾宣传教育力度和减灾资源整合力度不够等问题。在全球化背景下,与日俱增的各种灾害风险对社区减灾提出了更高的要求,建议从以下几方面加强我国社区灾害管理工作:促进社区灾害管理立法,建立社会参与的长效激励机制,健全参与式社区减灾机制,加强社区防灾减灾综合能力建设,加强灾害资源化利用,并注重多方共同参与的社区灾害风险管理模式的研究。  相似文献   

<正>汶川地震发生后,各级财政立即向地震灾区投入、拨付了数额巨大的资金和物资,全国各族人民、港澳同胞、台湾同胞、海外华侨华人以及外国政府、国际组织和国际友人慷慨捐助,为抗震救灾提供了大量资金和物资。如此数量众多的资金和物资短时间内汇集到地震灾区,如果不规范抗震救灾款物的安排使用程序,及时向社会公开安排使用情况,加强监督检查,就  相似文献   

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