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We investigated how morphological traits of territorial males in the polygynous bat Saccopteryx bilineata were related to their reproductive success. Because of the frequency of aerial courtship displays and defence manoeuvres, and the high energetic costs of flight, we expected small and symmetric males to be better able to court females on the wing and to monopolize copulations with females in their harems. We predicted that small and symmetric males would sire more offspring within the colony and a larger portion of the young born within their harem than large or asymmetric males. We measured size and fluctuating asymmetry of 21 territorial males and analysed their reproductive success in 6 offspring cohorts (n=209 juveniles) using 11 microsatellite loci. As predicted, small and symmetric males had, on average, a higher reproductive success in the colony than large and asymmetric males. The percentage of young sired by males within their harem increased as males decreased in size, but was not influenced by fluctuating asymmetry. As fluctuating asymmetry of males correlated with their reproductive success within the colony but not within their harems, we infer that fluctuating asymmetry is probably related to female choice, whereas male size is probably important for harem defence on the wing.Communicated by G. Wilkinson  相似文献   

Males of the sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata, actively fill their propatagial sacs with secretions from the genital region, the gular gland, urine and saliva. From our observations and those of Starck we deduce that propatagial sacs in S. bilineata do not have a glandular function, but are instead organs for the storage and display of odours. In addition to the already known “salting” and hovering behaviour of male S. bilineata, we describe in detail how odour is fanned to roosting individuals during the complex, stereotypic hovering displays. S. bilineata males also coat the fur of their backs with saliva using the wing tip and might scent-mark territory boundaries. “Yawning” may represent a visual as well as an olfactory cue. Odour seems to play an important role in the social communication of S. bilineata and in other emballonurids, as revealed by the broad distribution of wing sacs in this family. S. bilineata males display odour during energetically costly hovering flights in front of females. We demonstrate that the number of hovering displays increases with harem size. The mating effort of S. bilineata males comprises a multimodal signalling behaviour. Although males defend harem territories in which females gather, females seem to be able to choose the father of their progeny freely among the males of a colony. This may have led to the evolution of the complex mating displays by male S. bilineata. Received: 9 December 1998 / Received in revised form: 6 May 1999 / Accepted: 13 June 1999  相似文献   

The shape of the sonar beam plays a crucial role in how echolocating bats perceive their surroundings. Signal design may thus be adapted to optimize beam shape to a given context. Studies suggest that this is indeed true for vespertilionid bats, but little is known from the remaining 16 families of echolocating bats. We investigated the echolocation beam shape of two species of emballonurid bats, Cormura brevirostris and Saccopteryx bilineata, while they navigated a large outdoor flight cage on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. C. brevirostris emitted more directional signals than did S. bilineata. The difference in directionality was due to a markedly different energy distribution in the calls. C. brevirostris emitted two call types, a multiharmonic shallowly frequency-modulated call and a multiharmonic sweep, both with most energy in the fifth harmonic around 68?kHz. S. bilineata emitted only one call type, multiharmonic shallowly frequency-modulated calls with most energy in the second harmonic (~46?kHz). When comparing same harmonic number, the directionality of the calls of the two bat species was nearly identical. However, the difference in energy distribution in the calls made the signals emitted by C. brevirostris more directional overall than those emitted by S. bilineata. We hypothesize that the upward shift in frequency exhibited by C. brevirostris serves to increase directionality, in order to generate a less cluttered auditory scene. The study indicates that emballonurid bats are forced to adjust their relative harmonic energy instead of adjusting the fundamental frequency, as the vespertilionids do, presumably due to a less flexible sound production.  相似文献   

Combining chemical analysis and odour preference tests, we asked whether two closely related sympatric species of sac-winged bats use odour for species recognition. Males of the two sister species Saccopteryx bilineata and Saccopteryx leptura have pouches containing an odoriferous liquid in their antebrachial wing membrane, which is used in S. bilineata during courtship displays. Although both species occasionally share the same daytime roosts and are morphologically similar, there is no evidence for interbreeding. We compared the production and composition of the wing sac odorant in male S. leptura and S. bilineata and performed odour preference tests with female S. bilineata. Similar to male S. bilineata, male S. leptura cleansed and refilled their wing sacs with secretions, but they spent more time each day in doing so than male S. bilineata. Chemical analysis by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry revealed that male Saccopteryx carried species-specific scents in their wing sacs. Binary choice tests confirmed that female S. bilineata preferred the wing sac scents of male S. bilineata to those of the sister species, suggesting that the species specificity of male wing sac scents maintain the pre-mating isolation barrier between these closely related species.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that tropical bats may frequently depart from the predominant mammalian male-biased dispersal pattern. So far, two emballonurid bat species that are closely related to our study species (Grey sac-winged bat, Balantiopteryx plicata) have been found to exhibit exceptional female-biased dispersal that is in accordance with father–daughter inbreeding avoidance. In contrast, using a combination of long-term behavioral observations of banded bats and DNA sequencing of the mitochondrial d-loop, our results suggest that B. plicata is the first Neotropical emballonurid with female philopatry and frequent male dispersal. However, just like in the other emballonurids, the age of females at first conception fell below the tenure of males. Thus, philopatric B. plicata females might face a father–daughter inbreeding risk if mating with males from their roosts. Such risk could be circumvented if mating occurs outside the nursing roost, e.g., in male mating aggregations. In contrast to other Neotropical emballonurid bats, the Grey sac-winged bat forms colonies with a greatly male-biased sex ratio (only 5 and 21 % females). Males of such colonies showed high roost fidelity and the sex ratio did not change throughout the year and for up to many years, suggesting an important role in mating. We conclude that studying the diverse mating and dispersal patterns of Neotropical emballonurids shows great potential to enlarge our understanding on how the proposed ultimate causes (i.e., avoidance of inbreeding and local competition between kin) affect the evolution of sex-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

In many animal species, individuals compete for resources but avoid escalated conflicts by threat displays, i.e. a mutual signalling behaviour that enables the opponents to predict the outcome of the conflict without the necessity of actual fighting. For example, territory holders may use acoustic signals to communicate not only their own identity and the borders of their territory but also their competitive quality, fighting ability and motivation. Here, we show that male sac-winged bats, Saccopteryx bilineata, adjust their vocal territorial displays according to the fundamental frequency of territorial songs of their opponents. In playback experiments with territorial males, low-frequency stimuli elicited a higher territorial song rate and length than high-frequency stimuli. Male S. bilineata that sing more often and with lower fundamental frequencies have been shown to sire more offspring than their competitors. Fundamental frequency of territorial songs, hence, may reveal male quality and, consequently, the resulting threat posed to competing males. We argue that this is reflected in the increased response of competitors to low-frequency territorial songs shown here. Such competitive signalling behaviour has been shown in a few mammal species like red deer and baboons but, thus far, not in bats. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The vast majority of bats strongly depend on, but do not make, shelters or roosts. We investigated Lophostoma silvicolum, which roosts in active termite nests excavated by the bats themselves, to study the relationship between roost choice and mating systems. Due to the hardness of the termite nests, roost-making is probably costly in terms of time and energy for these bats. Video-observations and capture data showed that single males excavate nests. Only males in good physical condition attracted females to the resulting roosts. Almost all groups captured from excavated nests were single male-multifemale associations, suggesting a harem structure. Paternity assignments based on ten polymorphic microsatellites, revealed a high reproductive success of 46% by nest-holding males. We suggest that the mating system of L. silvicolum is based on a resource-defense polygyny. The temperatures in the excavated nests are warm and stable, and might provide a suitable shelter for reproductive females. Reproductive success achieved by harem males appears to justify the time and effort required to excavate the nests. Reproductive success may thus have selected on an external male phenotype, the excavated nests, and have contributed to the evolution of an otherwise rare behavior in bats.Communicated by G. Wilkinson  相似文献   

A total of 129 specimens ofLepidopsetta bilineata (Ayres) were collected in the eastern Bering Sea (57°02–58°11N; 161°58–164°38W) between 28 August and 7 September 1984. Examination of its stomach and intestine contents revealed that polychaetes, gammarid amphipods and echiuroids constitute the bulk of its diet. Prey type is related to fish size. Juveniles consume more mobile prey, such as small crustaceans (gammarid amphipods, cumaceans, carideans), while adults, although still continuing to feed on gammarid amphipods, preferentially feed on infaunal organisms such as polychaetes, echiuroids and mollusks. Some prey, such as echinoderms, fishes and urochordates, were encountered only in stomachs, which resulted in a higher index of feeding diversity for this organ. Rock sole feeds primarily during daylight hours, peaking at dusk. Its daily ration was estimated as 0.49, 1.12, and 1.61% of fish body weight from contents of stomach, intestine, and stomach plus intestine, respectively.  相似文献   

The theory of parental investment and brood sex ratio manipulation predicts that parents should invest in the more costly sex during conditions when resources are abundant. In the polygynous great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, females of primary harem status have more resources for nestling provisioning than secondary females, because polygynous males predominantly assist the primary female whereas the secondary female has to feed her young alone. Sons weigh significantly more than daughters, and are hence likely to be the more costly sex. In the present study, we measured the brood sex ratio when the chicks were 9 days old, i.e. the fledging sex ratio. As expected from theory, we found that female great reed warblers of primary status had a higher proportion of sons in their broods than females of lower (secondary) harem status. This pattern is in accordance with the results from two other species of marsh-nesting polygynous birds, the oriental reed warbler, Acrocephalus orientalis, and the yellow-headed blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. As in the oriental reed warbler, we found that great reed warbler males increased their share of parental care as the proportion of sons in the brood increased. We did not find any difference in fitness of sons and daughters raised in primary and secondary nests. The occurrence of adaptive sex ratio manipulations in birds has been questioned, and it is therefore important that three studies of polygynous bird species, including our own, have demonstrated the same pattern of a male-biased offspring sex ratio in primary compared with secondary nests. Received: 1 June 1999 / Received in revised form: 10 January 2000 / Accepted: 12 February 2000  相似文献   

Summary Field observations in a maternity colony of Myotis emarginatus (Vespertilionidae) were made during the summers of 1986 and 1987 in southern Germany. The nursery colony consisted of about 90 adult and 30 juvenile bats which roosted in a dimly lit and relatively cool church attic. Telemetry data from six adult M. emarginatus disclosed that some individuals also use secondary day roosts in trees or small buildings located close to their foraging areas. During the night, radiotagged individuals spent most of the time on the wing in forested areas (Fig. 2). Stationary bouts lasted no longer than 63 min. Individual bats returned to the same foraging areas on consecutive nights. All major foraging areas were situated in or at the fringes of forests, at distances as far as 10 km from the nursery roost. During commuting flights to the forests, M. emarginatus avoided open fields and preferred flight paths which offered cover such as orchards, hedges, overhanging foliage along creeks, etc. On the way to the forests, the bats started to forage within buildings, in open spaces where aggregations of insects were present, and around or within the foliage of various types of trees at the level of tree tops or the upper third of the foliage. At these transient foraging areas close to the maternity roost, M. emarginatus displayed flexible foraging strategies: (1) They gleaned prey (mainly flies and spiders) from the substrate, (2) seized insects in aerial pursuit, and (3) occasionally hovered in front of foliage and walls.Our observations confirm the conclusion from morphometric data on the wings that M. emarginatus is a predominantly gleaning bat and contradict the suggestion that it makes only brief flights of short distances. On the contrary, our field data suggest that M. emarginatus spends most of the night on the wing and commutes over distances of at least 10 km. Offprint requests to: D. Krull  相似文献   

Summary. Adult tiger moths exhibit a wide range of palatabilities to the insectivorous big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus. Much of this variation is due to plant allelochemics ingested and sequestered from their larval food. By using a comparative approach involving 15 species from six tribes and two subfamilies of the Arctiidae we have shown that tiger moths feeding on cardiac glycoside-containing plants often contain highly effective natural feeding deterrents. Feeding on pyrrolizidine alkaloid-containing plants is also an effective deterrent to predation by bats but less so than feeding on plants rich in cardiac glycosides. Moths feeding on plants containing iridoid glycosides and/or moths likely to contain biogenic amines were the least deterrent. By manipulating the diet of several tiger moth species we were able to adjust their degree of palatability and link it to the levels of cardiac glycosides or pyrrolizidine alkaloids in their food. We argue that intense selective pressure provided by vertebrate predators including bats has driven the tiger moths to sequester more and more potent deterrents against them and to acquire a suite of morphology characteristics and behaviors that advertise their noxious taste.  相似文献   

Female greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) exhibit strong natal philopatry to their maternity roost over many years, leading to the aggregation of matrilineal kin. Maternity colonies may, therefore, be expected to comprise highly related individuals, and, as such, provide conditions suitable for the evolution of kin-selected behaviours. To test these predictions, we examined relatedness and behaviour among matrilineal kin within a colony in south-west Britain. Genetic analysis of 15 matrilines, identified from microsatellite genotyping and long-term ringing surveys, revealed average relatedness levels of 0.17 to 0.64. In contrast, background relatedness among colony females approximated to zero (0.03). These results suggest that inclusive fitness benefits may only be accrued through discriminate cooperation within matrilines, and not at the wider colony level. To examine whether the potential for such benefits is realised through kin- biased cooperation during foraging, females from two matrilines were radio-tracked simultaneously over 3 years. Pairwise home-range overlap correlated significantly with Hamilton's relatedness coefficient. The greatest spatial associations were observed between females and their adult daughters, which shared both foraging grounds and night roosts, sometimes over several years. Tagged females, however, generally foraged and roosted alone, suggesting that kin-biased spatial association probably does not result from either information-transfer or cooperative territorial defence. Such patterns may instead result from a mechanism of maternal inheritance of preferred foraging and roosting sites.  相似文献   

Summary In Myotis emarginatus, the patterns of echolocation sounds vary with different foraging habitats: In commuting flights the echolocation sounds are linearly frequency modulated sweeps that start at about 100 kHz, terminate at 40 kHz, and have a duration of 1–3 ms. They consist of a loud first harmonic. The second and third harmonics are at least 15 dB fainter than the first one and often undetectable. A distinctly different type of sound is emitted when the bats search for flying insects in open spaces. The sounds are reduced in bandwidth and elongated by a constant frequency component that follows the initial frequency modulated part. Typically, sounds start at about 94 kHz and terminate in a constant frequency component at about 40–45 kHz. The average duration of the constant frequency tail is 2.8 ms; this approximately doubles the length of the pulse, with the longest recorded sound lasting 7.2 ms. When bats are foraging near and within foliage, and gleaning prey from foliage, echolocation sounds are brief (average 1 ms) frequency modulated pulses with a broad bandwidth. The pulses start at about 105 kHz and sweep down to 25 kHz. During gleaning within a building, the frequency range of the sounds is shifted to higher frequencies and extends from 124 to 52 kHz. When the bats forage for aireal insects in a confined area that creates echo-clutter, they emit sounds similar to those used during gleaning within buildings except that sound durations are extended to about 1.8 ms. In each foraging area, the echolocation sounds emitted during the search for and approach to prey are similar in structure. Sound and pause durations are reduced in the approach phase. Irrespective of foraging style and habitat, immediately before capture the bat emits a rapid and stereotyped sequence of 2-10 echolocation pulses (final buzz). These pulses are brief (0.2–0.5 ms), frequency modulated sounds with a reduced bandwidth. The sounds start at 45 kHz and sweep down to 35–20 kHz. The repetition rate is increased up to 200 pulses/s. Offprint requests to: G. Neuweiler  相似文献   

Summary Macrotus californicus, an insectivorous bat, captures prey on the ground, and shows great sensory flexibility in hunting for prey: it uses high frequency, low intensity, frequency modulated echolocation to locate prey in total darkness, however data from this study suggest that it uses vision preferentially, and switches off its echolocation when adequate illumination is available. When souncs of prey are available it exploits these also. It uses echolocation only 50% of the time at 4.2x10-2 mL, comparable to ground luminance on a brightly moonlit night, and employs vision even at 10-3 mL.  相似文献   

Summary In October 1984 foraging areas and foraging behaviour of the rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, were studied around a nursery colony on the hill slopes of Sri Lanka. The bats only foraged in dense forest and were not found in open woodlands (Fig. 1). This strongly supports the hypothesis that detection of fluttering prey is by pure tone echolocation within or close to echo-cluttering foliage. During a first activity period after sunset for about 30–60 min, the bats mainly caught insects on the wing. This was followed by a period of inactivity for another 60–120 min. Thereafter the bats resumed foraging throughout the night. They mainly alighted on specific twigs and foraged in flycatcher style. Individual bats maintained individual foraging areas of about 20x20 m. They stayed in this area throughout the night and returned to the same area on subsequent nights. Within this area the bats generally alighted on twigs at the same spots. Foraging areas were not defended against intruders. The bats echolocated throughout the night at an average repetition rate of 9.6±1.4 sounds/s. While hanging on twigs they scanned the surrounding area for flying prey by turning their bodies continuously around their legs. On average they performed one brief catching flight every 2 min and immediately returned to one of their favourite vantage points. Echolocation sounds may consist of up to three parts, a brief initial frequency-modulated (FM) component, a long constant frequency (CF) part lasting for about 40–50 ms, and a final FM part again (Fig. 4b, c). Adult males and females emitted pure tone frequencies in separate bands, the males from 73.5–77 kHz and the females from 76.5–79 kHz (Fig. 5). During scanning for prey from vantage points, the bats mostly emitted pure tones without any FM component (Fig. 4a). The last few pure tones emitted before take-off were prolonged to about 60 ms duration. The final FM part was therefore not an obligatory component of the echolocation signals in horseshoe bats. During flight and especially during emergence from the cave, most sounds consisted of a pure tone and loud initial and final FM sweeps. We therefore suggest that the initial FM part might also be relevant for echolocation. From our observations we conclude that the FM components are especially important during obstacle avoidance. In most sounds emitted in the field a fainter first harmonic was present. It was usually up to 30 dB fainter than the second harmonic, but in some instances it was as loud or even distinctly louder than the second one (Fig. 6a). Even within one sound the intensity relationship between the two harmonics may be reversed. We therefore suggest that the first harmonic is an integral part of the signal and relevant for information analysis in echolocation.  相似文献   

Echolocating bats adjust the time–frequency structure such as sweep rate and pulse interval of their sonar calls when they move from open space to vegetation-dense environments. Emitted call intensity is equally important for echolocation, but adjustment of signal intensity to different habitats has never been systematically studied in any bat species. To address this question, we recorded sonar calls of the Neotropical trawling insectivorous bat Macrophyllum macrophyllum (Phyllostomidae) at three sites with different obstacle densities (clutter). We found a clear correlation between emitted intensity and degree of clutter, with intensity proportional to decreasing clutter. In highly cluttered, semicluttered, and open spaces, M. macrophyllum emitted calls with mean source levels (sound pressure level (SPL) 10 cm from the bat’s mouth) of 100, 105, and 111 dB SPL root mean square (rms), respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first documentation of dynamic intensity adjustments in bats. Phyllostomid bats were previously considered silent, but the 111-dB SPL rms emitted by free-ranging M. macrophyllum in open space is comparable to output in aerial insectivorous bats from other families. Our results suggest that the acoustic constraints of habitats are better predictors of call intensity than phylogeny and therefore likely to be major drivers shaping the sonar system of bats in the course of evolution.  相似文献   

Communal nursing in the evening bat,Nycticeius humeralis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Nursing observations over two summers involving 76 lactating female evening bats, Nycticeius humeralis, and 128 pups in an attic in northern Missouri indicate that communal nursing occurs rarely until 2 weeks before weaning during which time over 18% of nursing bouts involve nondescendant offspring. The average relatedness among female pairs nursing non-descendant offspring, based on identity-by-descent estimates using allozyme data, was 0.04 (SE=0.12). Mitochondrial DNA d-loop sequence comparisons confirm that at most only 2 of 20 female pairs nursing non-descendant offspring came from the same matriline. Thus, females do not nurse matrilineal kin preferentially despite female natal philopatry. In addition, the average degree of relatedness within a colony (r=0.01, SE =0.03) is too low to provide any indirect benefits from communal nursing. Female error alone is insufficient to explain these observations because females tended to allow female nondescendant young to nurse but excluded nondescendant males, particularly when they had all-male litters. Furthermore, communal nursing bouts did not differ in duration from parental nursing bouts and involved 31 % of all banded females and 24% of all banded pups observed nursing. Communal nursing occurred most frequently when pups began hunting on their own and when lactating females attained their lowest average pre-fed body weight. Mortality during this period was higher for male than female pups, and relative weights implicate starvation as the cause. Time-lapse video records of four families of bats in captivity showed that the number of nursing bouts was proportional to daily weight change. I propose that these results are consistent with both immediate and delayed benefits accruing to females which experience variable hunting success. If a female with extra milk reduced her weight by dumping milk prior to her next foraging trip, she could obtain an immediate energetic benefit and maintain maximum milk production. By restricting such milk donations to nondescendant females she may also increase colony size and thereby enhance her future acquisition of information about foraging and roosting sites.  相似文献   

Summary At a site in Costa Rica, three groups of 8–12 adult female vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus, utilize group-specific sets of hollow trees as day roosts. Long-term nonrandom associations between pairs of females, as measured by the proportion of time one bat spends roosting in the same tree with another bat over a 3 year period, occur even when preferences for particular trees are removed. Significant associations exist between both related and unrelated adult females. Adult male bats, however, show few associations with females or other males. By observing bats within trees and while foraging, and by monitoring feeding flights with radiotelemetry, the following potential benefits of association could be tested. Females roost together to (1) share a suitable microclimate, (2) avoid predators, (3) avoid ectoparasite infestations, (4) minimize travel to mobile prey animals, (5) respond to coercive males, (6) feed simultaneously from a bite, (7) remove ectoparasites by allogrooming, and (8) share food by regurgitating blood to other bats within roosts. The data do not indicate that any of the first five hypotheses provide significant benefits for long-term associations although predators and ectoparasite levels may cause occasional changes in roost sites. Simultaneous feeding was uncommon and apparently confined to females and their recent offspring. Allogrooming, although common, occurred independently of the presence of ectoparasites. Food sharing, however, occurred between both related and unrelated adult females with high levels of association and provides at least one selective advantage for maintaining cohesive female groups.  相似文献   

The echolocation and hunting behavior of Daubenton's bat,Myotis daubentoni   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The echolocation and hunting behavior of Daubenton's bat (Myotis daubentoni) were studied in the field under completely natural conditions using a multiflash photographic system synchronized with high-speed tape recordings. The hunting behavior of M. daubentoni is separated into four stages. In the search flight stage Daubenton's bat flies with an average speed of 3.4±0.6 m/s SD usually within 30 cm over water surfaces searching for insects. After the detection of potential prey, the approach flight stage occurs, during which the bat approaches the target in a goal-directed flight. The stage tail down indicates that M. daubentoni is close to the potential prey (approximately 10–22 cm) and is preparing for the catch. The insects are caught with the interfemoral membrane, the feet, and sometimes with the additional aid of a wing. In the stage head down, the bat seizes the prey during flight. Immediately afterwards, Daubenton's bat returns to search flight. M. daubentoni shows the typical echolocation behavior of a vespertilionid bat, emitting frequency-modulated (FM) echolocation signals. The three behavioral stages search, approach, and terminal phase (Griffin et al. 1960) are used to describe the pulse pattern of foraging M. daubentoni in the field. The terminal phase (or buzz) of Daubenton's bat is separated into two parts: buzz I and buzz II. Buzz II is distinguished from buzz I by the following characteristics: a sharp drop in terminal frequency, a distinct reduction in the bandwidth of the first harmonic, a continuous high repetition rate throughout the phase in the range 155–210 Hz, very short pulses (0,25–0.3 ms) and interpulse intervals (4.5–5.0 ms) at the end of the phase, and a distinct decrease in duty cycle. A pause in echolocation separates the end of the terminal phase from the ongoing search phase. The reduction in sound duration after the detection of a target and during pursuits with successfull or attempted catches is discussed in relation to the actual distance of the bat to the target at each stage. It is likely that Daubenton's bat reduces sound duration during approach and terminal phase in order to prevent an overlap of an outgoing pulse with the returning echo from the target. It is argued that the minimum detection distance can be estimated from the sound duration during search flight. Estimates of detection and reaction distances of M. daubentoni based upon synchronized photos and echolocation sequences are given to corroborate this hypothesis. An average detection distance of 128 cm and an average reaction distance of 112 cm were determined. Each behavioral stage of foraging M. daubentoni is characterized by a distinct pattern of echolocation signals and a distinct stage in hunting behavior. The approach flight in hunting behavior coincides with the approach phase and with buzz I in echolocation behavior. The stage tail down corresponds to buzz II. The stage head down is correlated with a pause in echolocation. Immediately afterwards, the bat returns into search flight and into the search phase, emitting search signals.  相似文献   

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