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城市群生态风险评价揭示了其城镇化发展对生态环境产生的损害性影响,对开展区域生态文明建设和保障生态系统稳定性具有重要意义。城市群生态风险受到多源因素的综合作用影响,为把握新型城镇化的生态安全理念,以西部干旱区呼包鄂榆城市群为研究区,从自然景观格局、碳排放状况和经济社会发展态势3个维度构建生态风险评价体系,分析了多维视角的呼包鄂榆城市群生态风险大小及空间分布特征。结果表明:呼包鄂榆城市群景观生态风险主要以中低风险区为主;研究区碳排放生态风险整体呈现东部高、西部低的趋势,且碳排放生态风险严峻区域与研究区建设用地的空间分布高度吻合;呼包鄂榆城市群经济、社会生态风险强度值分别为0.489 3和0.519 1,各城市经济生态风险强度值依次为:呼和浩特>鄂尔多斯>包头>榆林,社会生态风险强度值依次为:鄂尔多斯>呼和浩特>包头>榆林。  相似文献   

石漠化是我国西南地区比较突出的生态问题,严重制约着社会与经济的发展.以贵州省岩溶生态现状为背景,选取影响石漠化主要的地形、植被、坡度和土壤4个自然因子,运用GIS的空间分析将研究区石漠化敏感性划分为不敏感、轻度敏感、中度敏感、高度敏感和极敏感.从结果看,研究区的石漠化敏感性以高度敏感和中度敏感为主;从空间上看,呈现连续不规则的条带状分布,主要分布于东北部、北部、西部、西南部和中部等区域.  相似文献   

以成渝经济区主要水系水体沉积物为研究对象,利用Eri(单一金属潜在生态风险因子)和RI(多金属潜在风险指数)等定量诊断工具分析沉积物中的重金属的潜在生态风险,为成渝经济区战略环评提供数据支撑。根据风险指标评价结果和重金属空间分布规律,将区域水系分为3种生态风险功能区。结合沉积物中重金属赋存形态,得出区域Cd的生态风险较...  相似文献   

河南省综合自然景观旅游资源的区际比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前河南省综合自然景观旅游资源区域整体优劣定量评价不足的情况,选取了国家重点风景名胜区、国家水利风景区、国家自然保护区、国家森林公园和国家地质公园5类综合自然景观类旅游资源,采用绝对数量、地均数量、人均数量3种评价指标和定量分析方法,对河南省18个省辖市的综合自然景观旅游资源进行了比较,阐述了河南省综合自然景观旅游资源空间分布的基本状况和旅游资源的区域发展重点。  相似文献   

红色文化景观是红色文化的有机组成部分,是开展红色文化旅游的重要载体。通过对《甘肃省志》数据的分析和革命史的梳理,整理得出甘肃省现存红色文化景观资源相关资料,并依托空间分布模型和ArcGIS10.6平台对样本数据的空间分布类型特征、集中性特征、均衡性特征和密度特征进行分析,梳理其空间分布的影响因素。结果表明:①甘肃省红色文化景观属于凝聚型分布,区域空间分布均衡性较低,市州差异大。②高密度分布区域为陇中城市群凝聚区和陇东凝聚区。③影响其空间分布的因素主要是历史背景和地形地势。  相似文献   

以四川省为例,采用栅格成本加权距离算法对四川区域可达性和旅游景点的空间分布情况进行定量研究.研究表明,成都平原与川西高原之间的生态过渡带由于相对高差大、可达性低、受人类活动影响较小等,生物多样性和景观多样性较丰富,景点富集程度和景点面积均较其他区域要高,且多以自然保护区、山水地文景观等为主的自然景点.根据景点空间分布特征,从加强交通可达性、景区规划等方面提出建议,以期为四川省旅游业的可持续发展提供理论支持.  相似文献   

生态旅游是一种回归自然、保护自然的高层次旅游活动,近年来在国内外获得广泛关注。四川省是我国生态旅游大省,具有得天独厚的地势条件和自然景观资源。其中,川西山地地广人稀、地势起伏大,较之四川省东部地区更有利于开展生态旅游活动。因此,本文利用统计资料和前人研究成果,对川西山地地区生态旅游景观资源的整体情况加以阐述,主要内容涵盖地质地貌景观资源、水文景观资源、生物景观资源和气象气候景观资源。并重点对资料统计过程中发现空缺的灌丛景观资源部分,以野外调查的方法予以补充分析,以期为进一步研究该区域生态旅游资源的开发与利用提供支撑。  相似文献   

和田河流域景观空间格局演变的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1990年、1999年TM和2002年中巴假彩色合成卫星遥感影像数据作主要信息源,经图像增强处理和解译,获得了和田河流域的区域土地利用景观类型图.采用景观生态学的方法,对研究区域进行土地利用景观空间格局演变进行了初步分析,并根据生态系统学基本理论,提出了综合利用水资源进行和田河流域生态环境整治的基本方案.  相似文献   

盆地包括以山地、高原为主的盆边区域和以平原或少量缓坡、丘峰分布为主的盆底区域。云南是个多山的省份,人口主要分布在地势低平的盆地区域尤其是盆底区域,盆地人口密集,是云南省主要的经济文化发展要地和农业生产基地。选取生态意义较明显的景观格局特征指数,对滇东南峰林峰丛区主要盆地土地利用结构及生态环境效应进行分析。结果表明:依据盆地的地理环境特征不同,盆地景观系统可分为平坝区、盆地边缘山麓带和盆地边缘山坡带三种景观亚系统类型,每一种景观系统都有多种景观要素构成,且因所处地貌不同而差异显著。盆地土地利用结构中,耕地景观所占的比例最大,平均值最高,其次是森林、草地和人造地表。八宝、广南、丘北、曰者和珠琳盆地景观优势度指数大,景观破碎度指数小,盆地生态环境质量高。景观格局指数与生态环境之间相关性较大,其中景观类型多样性与生态环境指数呈正相关,景观破碎度与生态环境指数呈负相关,景观格局的空间特征对当地的生态环境影响较大。  相似文献   

采用GIS和数理统计方法,以及景观生态学中的空间格局指数对天全县1992~2002年土地利用/覆被变化特征进行研究.结果表明:林地在各种土地利用类型中占的比例最大,且呈逐年递增趋势,2002年达79.14%,但年变化率则很小,只有0.29%;耕地占的比例很小,仅有5.50%,而且10年间面积减少了4813.3hm2,但年变化率比林地大,高达2.68%.受人类活动的影响,10年间多样性指数和均匀度指数呈上升趋势,而优势度指数不断下降.由此得出产生土地利用/覆被变化的机制是受地形条件和自然灾害等自然因素的影响,同时更受人口增长、城市化进程以及政府政策等社会经济因素的驱动.从而有针对性地提出生态发展模式的建议,以期为土地资源的可持续利用提供借鉴.  相似文献   

青藏地区是新兴的国际旅游热点地区,把握旅游市场动态演化规律,对青藏地区旅游业发展具有重要意义。以1997—2011年的《中国旅游统计年鉴》数据为基础,应用亲景度和市场竞争态模型,对青藏地区入境旅游市场格局进行分析,在此基础上提出相关建议,以期为青藏地区入境旅游市场的持续开发提供依据。  相似文献   

根据1999年和2010年两期影像数据,在遥感软件EDARS IMAGINE9.1的支持下对图像进行技术处理,通过计算机自动分类方法提取土地利用信息,将石羊河流域土地利用类型分为耕地、草地、林地、建筑用地、水域及未利用地,同时利用数学模型和景观生态学理论,分析了石羊河流域土地利用变化的时空特征和格局变化。研究结果表明,1999-2010年间耕地和未利用地的面积变化最大,变化量占到总流域面积的比例分别为3.94%和2.42%;水域、林地、耕地的土地利用动态度明显,依次为3.06%,1.82%和1.12%;11年间草地、耕地和水域的流转较为剧烈,变化速率较快;11年间石羊河流域的土地利用偏离度为持续缓慢下降的趋势,下降幅度达到0.04,土地利用活动对自然景观的干预趋于缓和;景观优势度增大,景观多样性和景观均匀度有所减少,人类活动对景观格局影响明显;人口、经济因素和政策因素在短时间尺度上对土地利用变化的影响较为显著。  相似文献   

旅游区环境监测是获取环境质量信息,进行有效环境管理的基础性工作.由于游客对自然景观区环境要求的特殊性和景区污染排放方式的独特性,自然景观旅游区的环境监测方案设计也应区别于其他区域.以世界自然遗产武陵源风景区为例,运用资料收集、实地调查、访谈等方法对其环境监测方案进行调查,按照旅游环境管理要求对其分析评价,发现存在的问题.在此基础上,提出自然景观区环境监测方案的改进思路,使其更符合自然景观区的环境特点与管理要求.  相似文献   

It is usually inappropriate to define rectangular land areas or administrative units as the extent for quantifying landscapes that possess hierarchical structure. As a functional unit established by geophysical relationships, the watershed is one of many natural scales in the hierarchical landscape. We examined the dynamics of the Yashiro watershed of Japan at the landscape level using pattern metrics based on Landsat thematic mapper (TM) imagery from 1985 to 1998. This watershed provides important habitats for the hooded crane (Grus monachus), a vulnerable species. While its world population has remained stable, the number wintering at Yashiro has declined in recent years. Changes in landscape metrics reveal that the spatial pattern within the watershed underwent homogenization due to depopulation of local people and shifts in local energy requirements and forest management policy at Yashiro. Specific changes include: a decrease in bare land area from 6.2% to 1.0% of the landscape, increased forest cover from 69.2% to 76.1%, reduction in patch number from 1194 to 616 and enlarged mean patch size, and a decrease in total edge from 223,740 m to 158,040 m. The rate of change in landscape metrics indicates a rapid change towards homogeneity in the landscape since 1990. The temporal changes in hooded crane populations corresponded to the changes in landscape. An alternative explanation has been proposed that decline of the species is influenced by landscape dynamics affecting both habitat selection and food resources. Conservation at the watershed scale is suggested to be complementary to the current conservation measures of the species.  相似文献   

香格里拉是我国西部旅游的一支“生力军”,其发展是基于高品位的旅游资源和优越的政策环境,并顺应了市场需求。香格里拉旅游地的生成经历了较长的探索期,并没有明显的参与期,几乎直接进入了发展期。市场需求导向是香格里拉旅游地生成机制的内在逻辑,环境因素是背景,政策因素则起到了直接推动作用。香格里拉的旅游发展形成了以生态旅游为主导、以民族生态旅游接待村为发展载体、以开展藏民家访为具体形式的模式。分析认为,生态与旅游的和谐、基础设施建设、规范化管理、提高居民的参与能力是优化这种模式的路径选择。  相似文献   

This research proposes a methodology for defining greenways via sustainable planning. This approach includes the analysis and discussion of culture and natural processes that occur in the landscape. The proposed methodology is structured in three phases: eco-cultural analysis; synthesis and diagnosis; and proposal.An interdisciplinary approach provides an assessment of the relationships between landscape structure and landscape dynamics, which are essential to any landscape management or land use. The landscape eco-cultural analysis provides a biophysical, dynamic (geomorphologic rate), vegetation (habitats from directive 92/43/EEC) and cultural characterisation. The knowledge obtained by this analysis then supports the definition of priority actions to stabilise the landscape and the management measures for the habitats. After the analysis and diagnosis phases, a proposal for the development of sustainable greenways can be achieved.This methodology was applied to a study area of the Azambuja Municipality in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Portugal). The application of the proposed methodology to the study area shows that landscape stability is crucial for greenway users in order to appreciate the landscape and its natural and cultural elements in a sustainable and healthy way, both by cycling or by foot. A balanced landscape will increase the value of greenways and in return, they can develop socio-economic activities with benefits for rural communities.  相似文献   

以重庆市北碚区为代表,论述了川东平行岭谷区自然景观的垂直分异特征,并在此基础上对该区域进行了综合分区,再结合各分区内土地的自然特征采取不同的措施,从而做到因地制宜地发展各项生产.  相似文献   

This paper tests the use of a spatial analysis technique, based on the calculation of local spatial autocorrelation, as a possible approach for modelling and quantifying structure in northern Australian savanna landscapes. Unlike many landscapes in the world, northern Australian savanna landscapes appear on the surface to be intact. They have not experienced the same large-scale land clearance and intensive land management as other landscapes across Australia. Despite this, natural resource managers are beginning to notice that processes are breaking down and declines in species are becoming more evident. With future declines of species looking more imminent it is particularly important that models are available that can help to assess landscape health, and quantify any structural change that takes place. GIS and landscape ecology provide a useful way of describing landscapes both spatially and temporally and have proved to be particularly useful for understanding vegetation structure or pattern in landscapes across the world. There are many measures that examine spatial structure in the landscape and most of these are now available in a GIS environment (e.g. FRAGSTATS* ARC, r.le, and Patch Analyst). All these methods depend on a landscape described in terms of patches, corridors and matrix. However, since landscapes in northern Australia appear to be relatively intact they tend to exist as surfaces of continuous variation rather than in clearly defined homogeneous units. As a result they cannot be easily described using entity-based models requiring patches and other essentially cartographic approaches. This means that more appropriate methods need to be developed and explored. The approach examined in this paper enables clustering and local pattern in the data to be identified and forms a generic method for conceptualising the landscape structure where patches are not obvious and where boundaries between landscape features are difficult to determine. Two sites are examined using this approach. They have been exposed to different degrees of disturbance by fire and grazing. The results show that savanna landscapes are very complex and that even where there is a high degree of disturbance the landscape is still relatively heterogeneous. This means that treating savanna landscapes as being made up of homogeneous units can limit analysis of pattern, as it can over simplify the structure present, and that methods such as the autocorrelation approach are useful tools for quantifying the variable nature of these landscapes.  相似文献   

International retirement migration has become an increasing phenomenon in the Mediterranean region of Alicante, Spain. Through an interdisciplinary approach, relationships between the migration process, landscape change and environmental impacts are examined. Lifestyle-related perceptions and demands of UK retirees are studied as a major driving force of urbanisation. The extent and quality of the process is assessed by statistical and land use data analysis. Results reveal a distinctive spatial pattern of in-migration and the emergence of an archetypical landscape, consisting of a mosaic of remaining natural and urbanised landscape along the Mediterranean coast. The paper discusses the necessity of retirees' integration into sustainable planning and decision making.  相似文献   

In many developing countries, political documentation acknowledges the crucial elements of participation and spatiality for effective land use planning. However, operative approaches to spatial data inclusion and representation in participatory land management are often lacking. In this paper, we apply and develop an integrated landscape characterization approach to enhance spatial knowledge generation about the complex human–nature interactions in landscapes in the context of Zanzibar, Tanzania. We apply an integrated landscape conceptualization as a theoretical framework where the expert and local knowledge can meet in spatial context. The characterization is based on combining multiple data sources in GIS, and involves local communities and their local spatial knowledge since the beginning into the process. Focusing on the expected information needs for community forest management, our characterization integrates physical landscape features and retrospective landscape change data with place-specific community knowledge collected through participatory GIS techniques. The characterization is established in a map form consisting of four themes and their synthesis. The characterization maps are designed to support intuitive interpretation, express the inherently uncertain nature of the data, and accompanied by photographs to enhance communication. Visual interpretation of the characterization mediates information about the character of areas and places in the studied local landscape, depicting the role of forest resources as part of the landscape entity. We conclude that landscape characterization applied in GIS is a highly potential tool for participatory land and resource management, where spatial argumentation, stakeholder communication, and empowerment are critical issues.  相似文献   

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