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Some territorial animals exhibit a form of social recognition, commonly termed the "dear enemy effect", in which territory residents display lower levels of aggression toward familiar neighbors compared to unfamiliar individuals who are non-territorial "floaters". Despite the widespread occurrence of territorial social systems and use of acoustic signals for communication in anuran amphibians, only two previous studies have demonstrated vocally mediated dear enemy behavior in a territorial frog. In this study, I conducted neighbor-stranger discrimination playback experiments in a third species of territorial frog, the strawberry dart-poison frog, Dendrobates pumilio (Anura, Dendrobatidae). In the first experiment (n=24), I broadcast the calls of a subject's nearest neighbor and the calls of an unfamiliar individual from the approximate midpoint between the subject's and the neighbor's territories. Although males responded to the stimuli, they did not exhibit differential responses to the calls of neighbors and strangers. In a second experiment (n=22), I broadcast the calls of a neighbor and a stranger to subjects through a speaker located in the approximate center of the neighbor's territory. Males also responded to the playback, although less intensely than in the first experiment, but no discrimination between the calls of neighbors and strangers was found. Thus, territorial males of the strawberry dart-poison frog appear not to discriminate behaviorally between the advertisement calls of neighbors and strangers. Several proximate and ultimate-level hypotheses for this lack of vocally mediated neighbor-stranger discrimination are discussed.Communicated by T. Czeschlik  相似文献   

The ability of territorial males to discriminate between songs of their neighbors and songs of strangers has been demonstrated in 27 species of songbirds. Such experiments test only the ability of a subject to discriminate between two classes of stimuli, familiar (neighbors) and unfamiliar (strangers) songs. Individual recognition of neighbors is a finer, more complex type of discrimination. The ability of territorial males to recognize individual neighbors by song has been documented in 12 species of oscine passerines (Passeriformes, Passeri), but has never been demonstrated in suboscine passerines (Tyranni). We investigated recognition of songs of individual neighbors in a suboscine, the alder flycatcher (Empidonax alnorum). We performed a series of song playback experiments and recorded responses of territorial males to songs of neighbors and songs of strangers broadcast from two locations, the neighbor boundary and an opposite boundary. Subjects responded more aggressively to songs of a neighbor when played from the opposite boundary than when played from the neighbor boundary. They responded with equal aggression to songs of strangers regardless of location of playback. The difference in response to neighbor songs between speaker locations and the lack of a difference in response to stranger songs indicate that territorial males associate a particular song with a particular location (territory), and thus recognize individual neighbors.Communicated by I. Hartley  相似文献   

Vocal signaling can be an important component of vertebrate communication during social interactions. If vocalizations vary among individuals but are consistent within a given individual, they may be used to discriminate among individuals. In many species, territorial males use vocalizations to discriminate between neighbors and strangers and either respond more aggressively toward strangers relative to neighbors (“dear enemy” effect) or they respond more aggressively toward neighbors relative to strangers (“nasty neighbor” effect). In the greater prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido), male vocalizations are an integral part of the display males produce on leks. We investigated whether male greater prairie-chickens discriminate among familiar individuals on their own territory, familiar individuals outside their normal territory and strangers from a nearby lek. Vocal characteristics varied among males, suggesting that vocalizations may potentially be used by prairie-chickens to identify individuals. Males responded to playback of prairie-chicken calls by vocalizing at a faster rate and approaching the playback speaker, but did not vary in their response to the vocalizations based on the identity of the caller. Our results suggest that variation is present among the vocalizations of individual male greater prairie-chickens, but males do not appear to discriminate among familiar individuals and strangers based solely on their “boom” vocalizations. Greater prairie-chicken vocalization likely functions as a way of announcing that a territory is occupied and defended, but it may also serve as a way of advertising to conspecifics or as a signal that is secondary to other forms of communication.  相似文献   

Summary Previous theory and research have suggested that bird species with song repertoires in general, and song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) in particular, cannot readily discriminate between the songs of neighbors and strangers. In a recent study (Stoddard et al. 1991) we showed that song sparrows can in fact discriminate neighbors from strangers on the basis of song. In this study we sought to demonstrate that song sparrows can make the finer discrimination between individual neighbors and that they can do so on the basis of a single song type. We compared the response of territorial males to song playback of neighbors and strangers at three locations: the neighbor's regular boundary, the opposite boundary, and the center of the territory. The birds showed strong neighbor-stranger discrimination at the regular boundary but not at the opposite boundary, nor in the center of the territory. The differences in song discrimination between different boundary locations indicate that song sparrows associate particular songs with particular territories, effectively discriminating between individual neighbors on the basis of song. Song repertoires themselves do not interfere with neighbor recognition to the extent originally postulated. As speakers are moved inside the territory from the border, however, the degree of discrimination diminishes. We believe that differences in speaker placement may have contributed to the variability in neighbor-stranger discrimination observed in previous studies of the song sparrow and perhaps other repertoire species as well. This interpretation is consistent with data from another song sparrow population showing that half the territory takeovers are by immediate neighbors.  相似文献   

Neighbor–stranger discrimination (NSD) occurs when animals respond with more aggression to strangers than to territorial neighbors. NSD has been reported in many species that defend multi-purpose territories for breeding and foraging, but it is rare among species that defend other types of territories. For birds that defend only their nest sites, there is no experimental evidence for NSD, and observational studies have provided mixed results. In a colony of Audubon's shearwaters (Puffinus l. lherminieri), I played back the calls of a neighbor and a stranger to males defending nest sites. Subjects responded with longer calls to playbacks of strangers than to those of neighbors. In shearwater colonies, strangers are often birds looking for future breeding sites. In contrast, there is no evidence that established breeders compete with their neighbors for any resources. Shearwaters should benefit from NSD because strangers represent a “real enemy” and established neighbors do not.  相似文献   

Tit for tat among neighboring hooded warblers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The dear-enemy relationship of territorial songbirds could be mutually beneficial to neighbors, as males who recognize neighbors and reduce their responses to these neighbors would require less time and energy for territorial defense. In order for this relationship to be evolutionarily stable, this reduction in response to a neighbor must be conditional on reciprocal restraint by that neighbor. This study examined the possibility of such conditional responses in hooded warblers (Wilsonia citrina). Responses of territorial hooded warblers to playbacks of neighbors' songs from shared boundaries were measured before and after playbacks that simulated intrusions of those same neighbors (NNNN treatment) or strange birds (NSSN treatment) into the subjects' territories. Each male received both treatments separated by at least 8 days. Males increased their responses to playbacks of a neighbor's songs at the boundary after simulated intrusions of that same neighbor (NNNN) but did not increase their responses to such playbacks after simulated intrusions of strangers (NSSN). This increased response to a defecting neighbor suggests that the relationship between neighboring territorial hooded warblers is based on a conditional strategy like tit-for-tat.  相似文献   

Residents of mating territories interact with different categories of conspecifics: females, nonneighbor males, and neighbor males. Interaction with these different types of conspecifics is likely to have different costs and benefits; for example, interactions with females will be beneficial, while interactions with neighbors are more likely to be costly. In this study, we investigated patterns of intrusions and space use in territorial male amberwing dragonflies (Perithemis tenera) to test the idea that residents will adjust their use of space to maximize their beneficial interactions with conspecifics while minimizing their costly interactions with conspecifics. Because territories were arranged linearly around the edge of a pond, each resident had two neighbors, one of which was often closer to the focal resident than the other. Residents experienced more intrusions by neighbors and fewer intrusions by females on the side of their closer neighbor. Residents generally perched on the side of their territory that experienced the fewest intrusions by neighbors and the most intrusions by females, but the pattern was more strongly related to neighbor intrusions than female intrusions. Subsequent to pursuits of neighbors and females, residents tended to shift their perches away from where they pursued neighbors but toward where they pursued females. Nonneighbor intrusions were not affected by neighbor proximity, nor did residents adjust their space use in response to nonneighbor intrusions. Our results suggest that residents do adjust their space use in response to intrusions by conspecifics, that their adjustment depends on the type of conspecific that intruded, and that residents may be using a simple decision rule such as "move away from male intrusions, move closer to female intrusions" to adjust their within-territory space use.Communicated by D. Gwynne  相似文献   

Mating strategies of a nocturnal,desert rodent (Dipodomys spectabilis)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The mating system of a nocturnal, desert rodent, the banner-tailed kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spectabilis) was studied through direct observation, live-trapping, and radiotelemetry over a 13-month period from August 1986 to August 1987. Mating behavior varied from exclusive matings between male and female neighbors to competitive mate searching and direct male competition. In summer matings and early in a November to May breeding season, males located receptive females and mated exclusively with them without disturbance from other males. As the operational sex ratio changed in favor of males, multiple males converged on an estrous female's territory and competed for access to her. However, an older, experienced male usually monopolized the matings of the same one to two close female neighbors for the entire breeding period, and females mated with the same male neighbor over several estrous cycles. Monopolization of females by neighbor males was facilitated by female relaxation of individual territorial defense. Dominant males spent considerable time in the territories of the females they monopolized before and during mating. This relaxation in territorial defense was seen in dyadic encounters in which females tolerated all males but allowed significantly more contact by neighbor than stranger males. Neighbor recognition, therefore, seems important in coordinating the mating interactions of this solitary rodent.  相似文献   

Males of the parapatically distributed myobatrachid frogs Geocrinia laevis and G. victoriana have highly divergent advertisement calls. Furthermore, the two species differ strongly in the complexity of their vocal repertoires, with males of G. victoriana possessing, and those of G. laevis lacking, a distinct territorial vocalization (encounter call). We investigated the territorial vocal behavior of males in a persistent natural hybrid population. Most hybrid males possessed encounter calls functionally equivalent to those of G. victoriana, that were produced following exposure to playback of recorded advertisement calls presented at >110 dB peak sound pressure level. The territorial acoustic responses were not associated with an index of hybridity derived from the structure of the advertisement call, suggesting genetic and functional decoupling of the two components of the vocal repertoire; i.e., advertisement calls and encounter calls. This decoupling may be the result of sexual selection favouring those hybrids with pronounced territorial behavior and the associated vocalization, regardless of the structure of their advertisement calls.Communicated by A. Mathis  相似文献   

Male Xenopus laevis frogs produce underwater advertisement calls that attract gravid females and suppress calling by male competitors. Here we explore whether groups of males establish vocal ranks and whether auditory cues alone suffice for vocal suppression. Tests of male–male pairs within assigned groups reveal linear vocal dominance relations, in which each male has a defined rank. Both the duration over which males interact, as well as the number of competitive opportunities, affect linearity. Linear dominance across the group is stable for about 2 weeks; rank is dynamic. Males engage in physical interactions (clasping) while paired but clasping and vocal rank are not correlated. Playbacks of advertisement calls suppress calling and calls from high- and low-ranking males are equally effective. Thus, auditory cues alone suffice to suppress vocal behavior. Playback intensities equivalent to a nearby male advertising effectively suppress calling while low-intensity playbacks are either ineffective or stimulate vocal behavior. X. laevis advertisement calls are biphasic, composed of alternating fast and slow click trills. Approximately half the males tested are more vocally suppressed by all slow than by all fast trills; thus, these males can distinguish between the two phases. The fully aquatic family Pipidae diverged from terrestrial ancestors approximately 170 mya. Vocal suppression in the X. laevis mating system may represent the translation of an ancient anuran social strategy to underwater life.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in seasonal mating success among male natterjack toads (Bufo calamita) was influenced by the number of nights that males spent at the pond and by male body size. Large males produced louder and lower frequency calls than small males, and maintained larger acoustic territories. After arriving at the pond, one half of all observed females mated with the first male they encountered. The remainder visited several males before initiating amplexus, but no criteria could be identified that females might have used when deciding whether to accept or reject a male. Movements between several males seem to be best explained by low female responsiveness to male advertisement calls on cold nights which were nonoptimal for oviposition. Females attempted to reject non-calling males both before and after amplexus, but this may be a mechanism to avoid mismating with males of the common toad (Bufo bufo), an explosive breeder that utilised the same pond. In two-choice playback experiments using synthetic advertisement calls, females showed no preference for calls based on their frequency. Females preferred calls of intermediate pulse repetition rate equivalent to those produced by a male at the same body temperature. Pulse rate is thus potentially subject to stabilishing selection and may be an important character for species-recognition. Females preferred fast rather than slow call rates, but only when the alternative rates were extreme. They also preferred calls which they perceived at the highest sound pressure level, but did not discriminate between absolute sound pressure levels of alternative stimuli at different distances. Since females that delay mating and oviposition may suffer predation, it is suggested that female preference for loud, rapidly repeated calls may be adaptive in the sense of minimizing the costs of locating conspecific males, rather than maximizing the probability of obtaining a high quality mate. Competition between males to maintain large acoustic territories and produce calls that can be easily detected by females would seem to be a sufficient mechanism to explain the evolution of the striking calls produced by male natterjacks.  相似文献   

We examined the ability of male green frogs to assess the size of an opponent based on the dominant frequency of their advertisement call, which is negatively correlated with size, using synthetic stimuli to simulate intruders of different sizes. In one field playback experiment, we broadcast a pair of stimuli representing a small and a large male; in a second experiment, we broadcast calls of a medium and a large male. In both experiments, males produced calls with significantly lower dominant frequencies in response to each stimulus. Contrast analyses revealed that males lowered the dominant frequency of their calls more in response to the large-male stimulus than in responses to the small- and medium-male stimuli. In the second experiment, males also responded to the large-male stimulus by calling at higher rates. There were no differences in mean note duration or the number of moves made toward or around the playback speaker in response to any stimulus. Thus, the frequency of an opponent's calls elicits a differential modification of calling behavior, primarily in the form of differential dominant frequency alteration, suggesting that males use dominant frequency to assess the size of opponents during aggressive encounters. Received: 17 April 1998 / Accepted after revision: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

Summary Anuran choruses are acoustically complex assemblages of calling males. Little is known about the behavior of males or females in such natural sound environments. I studied calling behavior of males of Hyla microcephala in nature by using an interactive computer-based system that allowed me to simulate call interruptions by a number of males. I also monitored the calling behavior of groups of four to six males. When a male is interrupted by the call of another frog, he increases the spacing between the notes of his call. Responses of this kind are strongest to the loudest neighbor, and some males may ignore interruptions by all but a single close male. Interruptions using synthetic calls with silent gaps indicated that males respond vocally to reductions in sound intensity as brief as 20 ms. This ability helps to explain how males can rapidly alternate notes during pairwise interactions. Amounts of acoustic overlap between pairs of males in the choruses were usually below 10% of an individual's total calling time during bouts. The time a male spent calling that was free of acoustic interference by any other male ranged from 34–92% of his total calling time. When group size was decreased, this unobstructed calling time increased. Previous research showed that females of H. microcephala discriminate against calls that overlap so that the call pulse-train structure is degraded. Here I show that a 6 dB difference in intensity between the overlapped calls is sufficient to reduce the degradative effect of call interference. Females were also given a choice between interfering calls broadcast from two adjacent and two widely separated speakers. An angular separation between speakers of 120° was insufficient to elicit a preference for the separated sources. Together, data on behavior of males and females indicated that males actively reduce acoustic interference with those loud individuals most likely to degrade seriously the temporal structure of their calls.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments were conducted to deterine whether territorial male Red-winged Blackbirds discriminate among neighbor, stranger, and self songs. In the first experiment, recordings of the three classes of songs were played to territorial males. Responses to playback of stranger song, as measured by song rate, intensity of Song Spread display, and closest approach, were significantly stronger than to playback of neighbor song. In addition, stranger song elicited significantly more intense Song Spread displays than did self song.In the second experiment, territorial males were removed from their territories and each was replaced with speakers broadcasting recorded songs of a stranger, and of the removed male. Broadcasts of the removed male's own songs were more effective in discouraging trespassing by neighboring male redwings than were broadcasts of songs of a stranger. However, the two broadcasts did not differ in their ability to deter nonneighboring male redwings from flying through or trespassing within the speaker territory.We suggest that neighbor-stranger discrimination in the Red-winged Blackbird develops as a consequence of associative learing.  相似文献   

Summary The calls of male treefrogs (Eleutherodactylus coqui) were studied along an altitudinal gradient in the Luquillo Mountains in eastern Puerto Rico. The fundamental frequency of each note in the advertisement call was highly negatively correlated with altitude. Although males responded vigorously to playbacks of calls of other males recorded at their own altitude, males at high altitudes responded less frequently to recorded calls of males from low altitudes, and males at low altitudes responded less frequently to recorded calls of males from high altitudes. These results are discussed in relation to potential isolation in contiguous populations of E. coqui.  相似文献   

Keeping track of social interactions among conspecifics is a driving force for the evolution of social cognition. How social cognition, such as social knowledge, ties in with a species' social organization is, however, largely unexplored. We investigated the social knowledge of wild Guinea baboons (Papio papio) ranging in Senegal, a species that lives in a fluid multilevel society with overlapping habitat use. Using playback experiments, we tested how adult males differentiate between subjects from their own vs. a neighboring or a stranger social unit (“gang”) and assessed ranging patterns with Global Positioning System (GPS) data. While territorial species usually differentiate between group and nongroup members and often respond more strongly to strangers than neighbors (the “dear enemy” effect), subjects in this highly tolerant species should largely ignore other unit members and mainly attend to subjects from their own unit. Males responded strongly after playback of calls recorded from members of their own gang, while they attended only briefly to neighbor or stranger calls. Apparently, males benefit from monitoring the social maneuvers in their own social unit, while it remains to be resolved whether they are unmotivated or unable to keep track of the identities and actions of individuals outside their own gang. The study highlights how the allocation of social attention is tuned to the specifics of a species' social organization, while a complex social organization does not necessarily translate into the need for more elaborate social knowledge.  相似文献   

Sound pressure levels and the spectral structure of the advertisement calls of five species of frogs from the South American temperate austral forest were analyzed. Males of Eupsophus emiliopugini, Batrachyla antartandica and B. leptopus call from the ground in bogs, while males of Hylorina sylvatica and Pleurodema thaul call from the water surface in marshes. Calling males of the species from bogs and marshes spaced at average distances that were shorter and longer than 2 m, respectively. The properties of these habitats for sound propagation were evaluated by broadcasting pure tones, broadband noise and tape-recorded advertisement calls of the three species from bogs and of H. sylvatica. Excess attenuation and spectral degradation were higher for calls broadcast in bogs than in the marsh. The calls of B.␣antartandica and B. leptopus, with dominant frequencies of about 2 kHz, were more affected than those of E.␣emiliopugini and H. sylvatica, with dominant frequencies below 1.5 kHz. These results show the lack of an optimal relationship between properties of habitats for sound transmission and the spectral structure of these anuran calls. Body size imposes an important constraint on call spectra and propagation, which frogs counteract by distribution patterns and auditory capabilities. Received: 18 April 1997 / Accepted after revision: 15 February 1998  相似文献   

Summary Hyla ebraccata, H. microcephala and H. phlebodes commonly occur together in Panama. The three species have calls exhibiting broad frequency overlap and call during the same season and time of day from similar microhabitats, frequently in close proximity. The vocal repertoires of the three species are structurally and functionally similar. All employ multi-part advertisement and aggressive calls which consist of a primary note followed by a variable number of clicks. H. ebraccata males often responded to heterospecific calls with multi-note synchronized responses, and calls with primary notes greater than 150–200 ms were most effective in eliciting synchrony. Playback experiments with synthetic 1-note advertisement calls of different durations and both synthetic 1-note advertisement calls and 200 ms tones of different frequencies demonstrated that H. ebraccata males will synchronize with stimuli which are similar in frequency and duration to conspecific calls. Data from a two-choice experiment with female H. ebraccata demonstrate that calls of individual H. microcephala can reduce the attractiveness of a H. ebraccata male's calls if primary notes overlap. By synchronizing response calls to those of H. microcephala, a H. ebraccata may reduce the chances that his calls are rendered less attractive to potential mates.Aggressive calls of these species are graded and are characterized by higher pulse repetition rates and often longer durations than advertisement calls. H. ebraccata males respond to aggressive calls of H. microcephala and H. phlebodes as they do to their own calls. Heterospecific aggressive interactions probably occur because the species interfere acoustically. Our results demonstrate that H. ebraccata males behave in ways which enhance their ability to communicate in a noisy assemblage of conspecific and heterospecific males.  相似文献   

Habituation and its role in the dear enemy effect was investigated in a population of green frogs, Rana clamitans. Green frogs have a prolonged breeding season, and males defend territories centered around suitable oviposition sites. We tested the prediction that male green frogs will habituate to broadcasts of synthetic conspecific stimuli. Our results indicate that male green frogs can discriminate familiar from unfamiliar stimuli. We suggest that habituation helps to mediate the territorial interactions between male green frogs. Strangers present a greater threat than familiar neighbors. By habituating to the advertisement vocalizations of their near neighbors, males avoid costly interactions with individuals that are not a major threat to their territories. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted after revision: 6 September 1998  相似文献   

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